Alvin Dive 4383

Jill enters Alvin.The minute I stepped back on deck, everyone asked me, “So, how was it?”I have found answering this question to be a bit challenging as I am still somewhat overwhelmed by the adventure that began when I boarded Alvin. How does one describe something so beautiful? How can I possibly articulate what a mind-blowing experience it was? Perhaps the biggest impressions I am left with are the beauty of the environment and the joy of working with wonderful people. (Read more…)

8 Responses to “Alvin Dive 4383”

  1. bryans Says:

    mrs. grace,

    Was reading all of your adventures and it seems to have been quite the experience for you. So glad you had the opportunity to do this.
    thanks for sharing!

    All the best,

    mrs. S. ( bryan’s mom)

  2. bryans Says:

    mrs. Grace,

    I enjoyed reading about your dive adventure. I bet is was cool to see the rocks and urchins under the water. I bet the water was so clear. That is interesting that the rocks were all smooth and glossy. I am glad you had good music and food,too. The sub looks like fun . I am sure you will never forget this trip and thanks for sharing with the class.

    your student,

    bryan s.

  3. ryans Says:

    dear mrs. grace

    What a great time it must have been down there! Lots of different types sea creatures. I think you probobly had senn over fifty different types of rocks and creatures. It must have been really interesting for you to see some new things. I’m sure you won’t forget that experiance!

    ryan s.

  4. cm Says:

    Dear Mrs. Grace,

    It must have been really cool to be in Alvin. It would be so fun to see all of the things on the ocean floor close up. You must have seen a lot of interesting animals, rocks, and plants while you were down there. You even got to listen to good music. I bet you had a lot of fun and will never forget it.

    cole m,

  5. Leah A. Says:

    Dear Mrs. Grace,

    I couldn’t even imagine how awesome it would be to be in the Alvin. I bet it was a trip that you will never forget. I wish I could take a trip on the Alvin and see all of the cool creatures living down there. I would like to know about what other creatures you saw down there other than crabs. I am glad that you had a good time. Thank you for going on that trip and even sending the class blogs and pictures of your adventure.

    Your Student,

    Leah A.

  6. moses555 Says:

    Dear Mrs. Grace,

    I think this is an experience you will never forget for the rest of your life. I was fascinated that u actually went under water and saw real sea creatures, but for a moment when I read this article I was kind of scared you might have drowned in the water when it was 363ºC! I thought it was really cool when you saw the “lava” rocks and hilarious when you got dumped by a freezing cold bucket of water. I am really glad that you went threw this experience and hope you might as well go again!


    Moses L.

  7. matthew Says:

    Dear Mrs.Grace,

    From what I heard about going down to the bottom of the ocean, sounds pretty cool. It must have been so cool to see something that not many people get to see. And to see the amazing plant and animal life down their must have been something else. From the pictures on this site it looks like you had a blast.I hope you had a great time on the ship and in the water.

    your student,

    Matt O.

  8. MyNameIsRyland Says:

    Mrs. Grace,

    You do not know how jealous I am. After reading your description of the breathtaking dive to the bottom of the ocean, I felt like just jumping into the ocean and swimming to one of those magnificent places (well, not that much, really). I just think its so amazing that with our current technology that we can travel such places as you did while still staying warm, and enjoying the ride. You even listened to some tunes! It’s also awesome that such an experience also has a scientific touch. Scientists can collect information about the environment, while still enjoying a peaceful serenity. I’d imagine that the lava instantly forming rock would be an exhilarating sight! I have a few questions as well. Do you feel cut off from the rest of the world while so far down in the ocean? Also, what do you think the best thing you got out of the dive was? Was it the awe-inspiring view? Or was it the unthinkable scientific results? You could reply in the forum if you’d like. :)

    (: Ryland :)

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