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About HPV Chemical Risk-Based Prioritizations


On September 24, 2008, EPA outlined enhancements to ChAMP, including a reset of the TSCA Inventory and collecting health and safety information on inorganic high-production volume chemicals. Read the speech  (5 pp., 2.4MB, about PDF) and press release.

As of October 2008, EPA has developed and posted risk-based prioritizations for 150 HPV chemicals.

EPA has also posted an initial set of hazard-based prioritizations for fifteen moderate production volume chemicals.

ChAMP Resources
  • Overview
  • Schedule for Risk Characterization and Prioritization Documents
  • Development of Risk-based Prioritizations of HPV Chemicals
  • EPA's Use of Risk Characterizations to Document Risk-based Prioritizations of HPV Chemicals
  • EPA's Initial Prioritization Concern Groupings
  • Follow-up for Medium Priority Chemicals of Potential Concern
  • Follow-up for High Priority Chemicals and Chemicals of Special Concern
  • Overview

    EPA's Risk-based Prioritizations of High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals are screening-level documents that:

    The documents are primarily based on hazard, use, and exposure data available to the Agency through the HPV Challenge Program and on EPA's examination of chemical use and exposure information collected from the 2006 Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) as well as data from readily available sources of hazard and exposure information.

    These screening-level documents will be used by EPA to evaluate chemicals and assign initial priority for future potential action based on the risk concerns presented by these chemicals in comparison with other HPV chemicals and in light of any uncertainties presented by gaps in the available data. The Agency intends to follow-up with voluntary or regulatory actions for HPV chemicals of concern focusing initially on cases presenting special concern. These characterizations and prioritizations do not constitute definitive determinations regarding either risk or the sufficiency of available information for any regulatory purpose, but are rather initial evaluations based upon HPV Challenge Program and IUR data received by EPA.

    For a given chemical or chemical category, each Risk-based Prioritization presents an initial recommended level of concern and contains supporting documents, including:

    Schedule for Risk Characterization and Prioritization Documents

    Under the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), the Agency has committed to assess and initiate needed action on approximately 6,750 high and moderate production volume chemicals (based on preliminary statistics from the 2006 IUR data) by 2012. To fulfill commitments made under the SPP, EPA created the Chemical Assessment and Management Program (ChAMP).

    In 2008 EPA will complete the first groups of Risk Characterization and Prioritization Documents for HPV chemicals, and efforts will ramp up extensively from 2009 until 2012 to complete commitments for approximately 2,750 HPV chemicals. The Agency is committed to initiate any needed action on the highest priority HPV chemicals during this period. Given the demands of the SPP assessment effort, however, EPA expects that action on other chemicals, if warranted, would be pursued later during this period or after 2012.

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    Development of Risk-based Prioritizations of HPV Chemicals

    Previously, OPPT developed screening-level Hazard Characterizations that consisted of objective evaluations, conducted according to established EPA guidance, of the quality and completeness of the hazard data sets provided by HPV Challenge chemical sponsors. The hazard characterization documents include a critique of available information and documentation regarding data gaps for those chemicals for which further information may be needed, but draw no conclusions regarding whether additional relevant data beyond the submitted information may be of value to the Agency.

    In 2006 and 2007, EPA received data on uses of, and reasonably likely exposures to, chemicals on the TSCA inventory, submitted in accordance with the requirements of the IUR. EPA has prepared screening-level Exposure Characterizations based largely on the information submitted under the IUR reporting, although other exposure information submitted to the Agency (for example, in HPV submissions) or readily available through a limited set of publicly accessible databases was also considered, as appropriate.

    Information is collected every five years under IUR. The most recent reports pertain to chemicals manufactured in the United States during calendar year 2005 in quantities of 25,000 pounds or more at a site. Information was reported on the identity of the chemical manufactured or imported, the quantity produced, the physical form, and the number of persons reasonably likely to be exposed during manufacture of the chemical.

    For chemicals manufactured or imported in quantities of 300,000 pounds or more at a site during calendar year 2005, additional information was reported on the industrial processing and uses of the chemical, including:

    Note about Confidential Business Information (CBI) - While some of the exposure and use data for chemicals may be claimed as confidential and is therefore not presented in public documents, EPA does consider all data submitted to the IUR in its risk characterization process.

    The screening-level EPA Exposure Characterization was combined with the screening-level Hazard Characterization to develop a qualitative screening-level Risk Characterization. To ensure that the most current hazard-related information was used in the Risk Characterization, EPA augmented the Hazard Characterization by searching publicly accessible databases for information entered from one year prior to the HPV Challenge submission up through the current year.

    EPA’s Use of Risk Characterizations to Document Risk-based Prioritizations of HPV Chemicals

    EPA screening-level Risk Characterization documents summarize EPA’s current thinking regarding the potential risks of HPV chemicals or categories by evaluating and integrating hazard and exposure information available to EPA. The purpose of the qualitative screening-level risk characterizations is to:

    EPA risk characterizations consider three main aspects of chemicals or categories:

    Evaluation of these three dimensions occurs during the risk-based prioritization process.

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    EPA's Initial Prioritization Concern Groupings

    EPA’s evaluation of the available screening-level data results in one of three possible concern and priority groupings, which is indicated for each chemical or category in its Initial Prioritization document:

    Follow-up for Medium Priority Chemicals of Potential Concern

    EPA generally expects to encourage voluntary actions to better understand or mitigate potential risks. In other cases, EPA may identify the need to act directly via regulatory means. Voluntary actions could include provision of data by companies in response to informal Agency requests or a more structured voluntary program for obtaining hazard, exposure, or exposure mitigation data from industry to further evaluate chemicals of concern. Additionally, voluntary use restrictions, emission reductions, product reformulations, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) modifications, or re-labeling of products could be suggested by EPA to mitigate potential chemical risks. Following review of any voluntary actions on the part of industry, EPA intends in the future to consider whether more concerted voluntary or regulatory actions may be appropriate.

    Follow-up for High Priority Chemicals and Chemicals of Special Concern

    EPA intends in most cases to encourage prompt voluntary submissions or development of information that would help to clarify hazard, exposure, or risk issues initially identified in the Risk- Based Prioritizations. Following review of provided information or if adequate relevant information has not been made available, EPA intends to consider whether more concerted voluntary or regulatory actions to require more data or to mitigate the risks for these chemicals may be necessary. As warranted, EPA may nominate some of these chemicals for inclusion in appropriate Federal research or assessment programs, such as the National Toxicology Program (NTP), the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), or the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). EPA also intends to factor in non-domestic data development efforts that are likely to provide needed information (eg., Canadian or European efforts). EPA regulatory actions to address chemicals of special concern might include, where appropriate, the initiation of proceedings for TSCA section 4 test rules or Section 8 rules to collect additional data for chemical assessment; section 6 rules to mandate new labeling requirements or other risk controls; section 5 (a) (2) significant new use rules (SNURS) to ensure notice and limit future risks; or other actions.

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