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The external tank contains the liquid hydrogen fuel and liquid oxygen oxidizer and supplies them under pressure to the three space shuttle main engines in the orbiter during lift-off and ascent. When the SSMEs are shut down, the ET is jettisoned, enters the Earth's atmosphere, breaks up, and impacts in a remote ocean area. It is not recovered.

The largest and heaviest (when loaded) element of the space shuttle, the ET has three major components: the forward liquid oxygen tank, an unpressurized intertank that contains most of the electrical components, and the aft liquid hydrogen tank. The ET is 153.8 feet long and has a diameter of 27.6 feet.

Beginning with the STS-6 mission, a lightweight ET was introduced. Although future tanks may vary slightly, each will weigh approximately 66,000 pounds inert. The last heavyweight tank, flown on STS-7, weighed approximately 77,000 pounds inert. For each pound of weight reduced from the ET, the cargo-carrying capability of the space shuttle spacecraft is increased almost one pound. The weight reduction was accomplished by eliminating portions of stringers (structural stiffeners running the length of the hydrogen tank), using fewer stiffener rings and by modifying major frames in the hydrogen tank. Also, significant portions of the tank are milled differently to reduce thickness, and the weight of the ET's aft solid rocket booster attachments were reduced by using a stronger, yet lighter and less expensive titanium alloy. Earlier several hundred pounds were eliminated by deleting the anti-geyser line. The line paralleled the oxygen feed line and provided a circulation path for liquid oxygen to reduce accumulation of gaseous oxygen in the feed line while the oxygen tank was being filled before launch. After propellant loading data from ground tests and the first few space shuttle missions was assessed, the anti-geyser line was removed for STS-5 and subsequent missions. The total length and diameter of the ET remain unchanged.

The ET is attached to the orbiter at one forward attachment point and two aft points. In the aft attachment area, there are also umbilicals that carry fluids, gases, electrical signals and electrical power between the tank and the orbiter. Electrical signals and controls between the orbiter and the two solid rocket boosters also are routed through those umbilicals.

Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 04/07/2002
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