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Projects 2006

Sponsoring Laboratory/Section:

Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry, Optical Spectroscopy Section
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Lab Chief:

Nico Tjandra, Ph.D.


Jay R. Knutson, Ph.D., Chief, OSS; Alex Smirnov, Ph.D.,
Jianhua Xu, Ph.D., Kristi Wojtuszewski Poulin, Ph.D.

Contact Information:

e-mail: jaysan@helix.nih.gov
phone: (301) 496-2557
fax: (301) 480-6964

Laboratory Description and Project area:

We develop and exploit the techniques of laser-driven, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, especially in protein-DNA and multiphoton microscopy. We develop state-of-the art ultrafast laser instruments that help us determine the local flexibility, size and structure of complexes in solution. Recently, we have been developing both 2-photon lifetime and FCS microscopy methods to extend the spectroscopic approach to the cellular level. We have, for example, examined the free/bound ratio of NADH in cardiac mitochondria (2p lifetime) and quantified the binding of androgen receptor to Tif2 in nuclei by monitoring its slower translation (FCS). We also develop the technique itself- building new upconversion fluorometers based on femtosecond lasers, new CARS and lifetime instruments and new optimization (eg., genetic) algorithms for data analysis. The summer interns will, depending on their interests,

  1. be introduced to fluorescence instruments and image/data acquisition;
  2. help develop robotic/image control of novel microscopes or fluorometers;
  3. help develop femtosecond/picosecond laser instrumentation;
  4. learn site-specific mutant protein (HIV integrase, the protein that "stitches" viral DNA into our own) preparation and analysis;
  5. help develop computer software to "globally" analyze features and flexibility of proteins and DNA and/or nanoscopic images.

Feel free to call for more information.


Last reviewed on: 01/04/2007

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