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Projects 2005

Sponsoring Laboratory/Section:

Mathematical Research Branch
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Lab Chief:

Arthur Sherman, Ph.D.


Arthur Sherman, Ph.D.
Vipul Periwal, Ph.D.

Contact Information:

e-mail: asherman@nih.gov
phone: (301)496-4325

Laboratory Description and Project area:

Simpler organisms like C. elegans and D. melanogaster are being studied for their metabolic regulatory interactions, in order to understand better the complex nature of energy regulation in vertebrates. Where does yeast fit into the picture? The project involves taking a list of important proteins involved in metabolic regulation in higher eukaryotes and finding all their homologs in yeast, and possibly in bacteria. Then the intern would find the proteins that interact with these homologs in yeast/bacteria, and reverse the process, finding homologs in higher eukaryotes. How much of the yeast/bacterial knowledge is pertinent for higher eukaryotes? What are the structural characteristics of the proteins found in this way?


Last reviewed on: 01/09/2007

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