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CPP Pathway Study

DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project

DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project

This collection incorporates both prospective and retrospective data on three generations of families initially living in inner-city Baltimore, Maryland. The prospective data were selected from data collected as part of the Johns Hopkins Collaborative Perinatal Study (JHCPS), a survey of pregnant women seeking prenatal care and delivery at Johns Hopkins Hospital during 1960-1964. JHCPS studied these women (the first-generation mothers, abbreviated as G1) and the children born to them during 1960-1965 (the second-generation children, abbreviated as G2) until the children were eight years old. The retrospective data comes from a follow-up study, conducted in 1992-1994, of G1, G2, and the children born to G2 (the third-generation children, abbreviated as G3).

Bibliographic Citation

Hardy, Janet B., and Sam Shapiro. Pathways to Adulthood: A Three-Generation Urban Study, 1960-1994: [Baltimore, Maryland] [Computer file]. ICPSR version. Baltimore, Maryland: Janet B. Hardy, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Pediatrics/Baltimore, Maryland and Sam Shapiro, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Health Policy and Management [producers], 1998. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1999.

Codebooks, Appendices and Example Code

For each generation, a Codebook consisting of an overview, questionnaires and frequencies, and an Appendix with SPSS Display Dictionary Output are available.

First-Generation Mothers Data

  • Codebook (  Download Adobe Reader (1.7M)
  • Appendix (  Download Adobe Reader (246K)

Second-Generation Children Data

  • Codebook (  Download Adobe Reader (4.1M)
  • Appendix (  Download Adobe Reader (848K)

Third-Generation Children Data

  • Codebook (  Download Adobe Reader (569K)
  • Appendix (  Download Adobe Reader (108K)


SAS code (  Download Adobe Reader (22K)

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