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AQMD Forms

Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for:
Southern California Edison:
Center Peaker Project, Norwalk

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The following documents are MS-Word '.doc', MS-Excel '.xls' or Adobe Acrobat '.pdf' files. If you do not have MS-Word/MS-Excel, you can download the free viewers from Microsoft's web site.  In addition, PDF files require the use of a reader. 


Mitigation Monitoring Plan (225 KB, pdf file)

Final Mitigated Negative Declaration:

Cover, Table of Contents (19 KB, pdf file)

Chapter 1 - Project Description (1.7 MB, pdf file)

Chapter 2 - Environmental Checklist (615 KB, pdf file)

Appendix A - California Public Utilities Commission Assigned Commissioner's Ruling (1.2 MB, pdf file)

Appendix B - Visual Simulations - Viewpoint Locations (261 KB, pdf file)

Viewpoint 1 (397 KB, pdf file)

Viewpoint 2 (461 KB, pdf file)

Appendix C - Air Quality Impacts Analysis Methodology (1.8 MB, pdf file)

Construction Calculation Spreadsheets (651 KB, xls file)

Operational Calculation Spreadsheets (195 KB, xls file)

Appendix D - Biological Resources Assessment (1.7 MB, pdf file)

Appendix E - Archaeological Paleontological Assessment (2.7 MB, pdf file)

Appendix F - Acoustical Analysis Report (928 KB, pdf file)

Decibel Isopleth of Project Area (196 KB, pdf file)

Appendix G - Comments and Responses to Comments Received on the Draft MND (933 KB, pdf file)