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Administration on Developmental Disabilitiesskip to primary page content

Developmental Disabilities Program Independent Evaluation Project
Pilot Study
ABC Center (UCEDD)
March 20-21, 2008

Program Visit Agenda

Peter Martin, UCEDD Director 309-652-4335

March 20, 2008 at ABC Center

8:00- 8:30 Rm. 413 Introductions & Review of Agenda
8:30-10:45 Rm. 413 Executive Director Questionnaire
Peter Martin and Alice Manley, Deputy Director
10:45-11:00   Break
11:00-11:45 Rm. 413 Chair, Consumer Advisory Committee
John Stevens
11:45-12:30 Rm. 413 Consumer Advisory Committee member
Thomas Thomson
12:30-1:30   Lunch (Westat Team alone)
1:30-2:30 Rm. 234 Recipient of Community Services
Peter Brewstein
2:30-3:30 Rm. 413 Current trainee
Robin Donner
3:30-4:00   Break
4:00-5:00 Rm. 413 Recipient of Community Services
Billie Winters
5:00- 5:30 Rm. 413 Westat Team Debrief with Executive Director


March 21, 2008 at ABC Center

8:30-9:00 Rm. 413 Peter Martin – Review Agenda for the Day
9:00-10:30 Rm. 233 Completion of Executive Director Questionnaire
Peter Martin and Alice Manley
10:30-10:45   Break
10:45-11:45 Rm. 233 Consumer Advisory Committee member
Paula Shells
11:45-1:00   Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 Rm. 334 Recipient of Community Services
Charlene Pauls
2:00-2:15   Break
2:15-4:00 Rm. 213 Completion of Executive Director Questionnaire; De-briefing:
Comments on logistics/questionnaires

Contact Information for Telephone Interviews

Peer Researchers/Colleagues: (3)

  1. John Thomas
  2. Roberta Peters
  3. Florence Pettie

Former trainees: (2)

  1. Robert Downs
    xxx xxx-xxxx Home Evenings Only, Cell Any Time xxx xxx-xxxx
  2. Freddie Fontenac
    xxx xxx-xxxx (home, evenings)

Developmental Disabilities Program Independent Evaluation Project
Pilot Study
ABC Developmental Disabilities Council
March 20-21, 2008

Program Visit Agenda

ABC Developmental Disabilities Council
1234 W. 34th Street
City, State and zip code

Executive Director:
John Doe
Phone: (123) 456-7890

March 20, 2008 - at ABC Developmental Disabilities Council

8:30-9:00 Introductions, review of agenda
8:30-10:45 John Doe - Executive Director
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-11:45 Council Chair interview
(e.g., Lisa Foote and personal assistant)
11:45-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Council member 1 interview
(e.g., Steve McElroy - parent)
1:30-2:30 Council member 2 interview
(e.g., Matthew Fenton - service provider)
2:30-3:30 Break
3:30-4:00 Recipient 1 of advocacy and leadership education and training
(e.g., Marsha and personal assistant)
4:00-5:00 Recipient 2 of advocacy and leadership education and training
(e.g., parent)


March 21, 2008 - at ABC Developmental Disabilities Council

8:30-9:00 Executive Director – go over agenda for day
9:15-11:15 Policymakers, collaborators, and contractors group discussion (on systems design and improvement)

Issue: Lack of transportation to access needed health care in rural areas

Scott – Developmental Disabilities Coalition
Helen – Director of Department of Transportation
Sam – Director of Medicaid
Penny – a person with a developmental disability
Mary – parent of a child with a developmental disability
Roger –Director of State Department of Health and Human Services
Florence – Service provider Representative
Teresa Johnson – Legislator
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-12:15 Recipient 3 of advocacy and leadership education and training
(e.g., Robert White)
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:15 Completion of Executive Director questionnaire
Executive Director (and Council staff, if needed)
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-5:00 Comments on logistics/questionnaires; de-briefing
Executive Director

Telephone interviews (after the program visit)

Individuals attended Council-supported education and training to improve their skills and knowledge to better serve people with developmental disabilities and their families (e.g., employers, dentists, preschool teachers, landlords, developers, etc.)

Mary Shultz, Preschool teacher of a day care center (123) 444-4444
Freda Smith, Walmart, Human Resources (123) 555-5555
Steven White - Manager, Domino Pizza (123) 666-6666

Developmental Disabilities Program Independent Evaluation Project
Pilot Study
Name of State
March 20-21, 2008

P&A Program Visit Agenda

Name of State Protection and Advocacy Service
Address 1
Address 2

Executive Director

Additional Contact


March 20, 2008 – at State P&A Office

8:30-9:00 Introductions, review of agenda
9:00-11:00 Executive Director
Legal Director or other management staff (at Executive Director’s discretion)
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:00 P&A Staff Interview
Name, Title (on intake)
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:45 P&A staff interview
Name, Title (on individual advocacy)
2:00-2:45 P&A staff interview
Name, Title (on public education)
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-3:45 P&A client
Client’s Name
4:00-4:45 P&A client
Client’s Name (and parent)


March 21, 2008 – at State P&A Office

9:00-9:30 Executive Director – go over agenda for day 2
9:30-11:30 Policymakers/collaborators group discussion on systemic advocacy
Issue: Requirements of IEP (for example)

Name – ARC
Name – Special education teacher, Local School District
Name – High school student
Name – Parent of high school student
Name – State Department of Education, Special Education
Name – High school teacher, Local School District
Name – Chair, Mental Health Consumer Council
Name – Member, Other collaborative organization
11:30-12:00 Payment, distribution of reimbursement forms
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:45 P&A client (and personal assistant)
1:45-3:00 Completion of Executive Director questionnaire
Executive Director
Other staff (at Executive Director’s discretion)
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-4:30 Comments on logistics/questionnaires, de-briefing
Executive Director

Telephone interviews (after the pilot study visit to the program)

Board of Directors

Name, Position, Phone number
Name, Position, Phone number
Name, Position, Phone number

Recipients of Public Education

Name, Agency and Position (if appropriate), Phone number
Name, Agency and Position (if appropriate), Phone number
Name, Agency and Position (if appropriate), Phone number