User's Guide
October 2001

Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications
NIH Center for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health
7550 Wisconsin Ave. Suite 416
Bethesda, MD 20892-9110

Other General User Functions

A number of other functions, especially designed for general users of LISTSERV, are available via the LISTSERV Home Page. To access them, click For General Users from the LISTSERV Home Page. The following modified Home Page appears (Figure 16). Note that a drop-down list is now visible under For General Users. Each of the items on the drop- down list is a clickable link connecting you to a feature or utility especially designed for general users of LISTSERV. Each item is detailed in the following sections.

Figure 16. Functions for General Users

Instructions for General Users

To access instructions for LISTSERV general users, click Instructions for General Users on the drop-down list. The "Instructions for General Users" page appears (Figure 17).

Figure 17. Instructions for General Users

The first section, entitled "The Basics," contains links to the NIH LISTSERV User's Guide, which is written specifically for General Users of the NIH LISTSERV Facility. You can browse the Guide online, or download a copy for printing. (NOTE: If you want a printed copy, please print out one of the downloaded versions, so that your copy is properly formatted with page numbers, cross-references, etc. The online version will not print as well.)

The second section, entitled "The Works," provides links to the General Users Guide to LISTSERV written by L-Soft, the owners of the LISTSERV technology. It is very thorough and, of course, authoritative. Most NIH LISTSERV users will never need to access this information; however, it's there if you wish to consult it.

The last item on the page is the NIH LISTSERV General User FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions Document). Hopefully, this is fairly self- explanatory.

Create a LISTSERV Password

This option is detailed in the previous section. See "Login and Passwords."

What Lists Am I On?

This feature lets you ask LISTSERV what lists you are subscribed to at the address you supply. Login is required for this feature. If you do not have a LISTSERV password, you will need to create one. See "Login and Passwords."

To access the feature, click What Lists Am I On? on the drop-down list. The LISTSERV Login screen appears. When you log in, LISTSERV will return the names of all lists to which you are subscribed under the address with which you logged in, along with your subscriber options for each list.

NOTE: You may be subscribed to other lists under one or more alternate addresses, e.g., your NIH alias address. To find out if this is true for you, log in using any other addresses you know about. You will need to create a LISTSERV password, if you don't already have one, for each alternate address you wish to query.

Change My Subscriber Address

Use this feature to change your subscriber address on a single list, or on all lists simultaneously.

To access the feature, click Change My Subscriber Address on the drop-down list. The "Change My Subscriber Address" page appears (Figures 18a and 18b).

Figure 18a: Change My Subscriber Address

NOTE: Most people have more than one email address. You may wish to repeat this procedure for each email address you have. Fill out the online form as follows:

Your new address is working, and you are able to reply from that address.

Check "yes" if your new address is working. If it is not yet operational, you will be asked to try your address change request again later.

Your old address is working, and you are able to reply from that address.

Check "yes" if you are still able to receive mail at your old address. If mail sent to your old address is being forwarded to your new address, check "no" here.

You have a LISTSERV password for your old address (even if your old address no longer works).

Check "yes" if you know that you have a LISTSERV password for your old address. If you do not, or you don't know if you do, check "no."

Figure 18b: Change My Subscriber Address (cont'd)

List Name (to make a global change, type * in the listname field):

To change your address on a specific list, type the list name here. To apply this change across all lists at NIH, type a star (*).

Old Email Address:

Type your old email address here.

New Email Address:

Type your new email address here.

Submit Button

When you have filled out the form completely, click Submit. You will be notified immediately concerning the status of your request. Depending on the information you provide, you may be required to log in. If so, you will be given further instructions for how to proceed.

Unsubscribe From All Lists

Use this feature to unsubscribe (sign off) from all NIH LISTSERV lists.

To access the feature, click Unsubscribe From All Lists on the drop-down list. The "Unsubscribe From All Lists" page appears (Figures 19a and 19b).

Figure 19a: Unsubscribe From All Lists

Fill out the online form as follows:

Subscriber Name

Please fill in your full name.

Subscriber Phone Number

Please fill in your phone number (provide area code and full number if outside of NIH).

List all subscriber email addresses (e.g., Wylbur address, POP account, Helix account, NIH alias address). You may enter up to five addresses.

Most NIH employees have more than one email address. Try to include any other email addresses under which you might be subscribed.

First Email Address

You must supply at least one email address.

Second - Fifth Email Address

Supply any other email addresses under which you may be subscribed, e.g., NIH alias address, Helix address, POP or IMAP account, Wylbur Account, etc.

Figure 19b: Unsubscribe From All Lists

If you are NOT the subscriber, please explain why you are making this request (e.g., you are the email administrator and the user has left NIH)

If you are submitting this form on behalf of someone else, please state your reasons for doing so, so that we can ensure the request is appropriate.

The following questions should be filled out only if you are submitting the form for someone else.

Your Name (If different from above)

Please fill in your full name.

Your Phone Number (if different from above)

Please fill in your phone number (provide area code and full number if outside of NIH).

Your Email Address (if different from above)

Please fill in your email address.

Submit Button

When you have filled out the form completely, click Submit. You should see an onscreen acknowledgement that your request was submitted. Since the LISTSERV Administrators must approve and process your request, there may be a delay before the request is carried out. You will know that you have been unsubscribed from a list when you receive one or more acknowledgement messages from LISTSERV.

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