Element 6b, Columns C through E
Total licensed capacity in centers and homes
No longer collected as of FFY 2003

Definition: The total number of licensed child care slots for all types of regulated care regardless of whether these providers are participating in subsidized child care in Column (A) as of the end of September.
Data Standards
Missing Standard
Out of Range Standard
0 - 999,999
Internal Consistency Standard
The sum of 6b(C) through 6b(E) should equal the number in 6b(A).
Field Size: 6
Format: Numeric (no comma)
Guidance: Note that this question refers to all licensed capacity within the state and is not limited to participation in the CCDF. In columns (C)-(E), report the total number of licensed child care slots by type of licensed providers. Licensed or regulated provider = Provider legally regulated or licensed by state or local public agency or through a state's designated licensing or regulatory agent. Family Home = Care provided in a family child care home. Group Home = Care provided in a group child care home (as differentiated from a family child care home by the grantee.) Center = Care provided in a center-based setting, including programs in schools.
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