Element 3(a-i), Column (A)
Total Number of Children, By Age Breakdown, Receiving Child Care Services

Definition: Breakdown by age of children receiving child care services.

Allowable Values:

  • Numbers 1 to 999999
  • 0 when none served
  • - (dash) when data applies but is not available

Numbers That Must Add Up:

Check 1: Add the total number of children in each age bracket for Elements 3a through 3g in Column (A). Compare your answer to the number in Element 3h, Column (A). If they are not the same, you have made an error.

Check 2: Add the total number of children 0 years old up to 13 years old in Element 3h, Column (A) and the number of children 13 years old and older in Element 3i, Column (A). Your answer should equal the number in Element 2b, Column (A). If not, then you have made an error.

Guidance: Count each child assisted once, regardless of the number of days care was provided, and even if the child has exited and re-entered the program.

Example 1: A child leaves the program in March 2001, but is reinstated in August 2001. The child is counted one time in Elements 3 a-i, Column (A).
The age of the child is reported as of the end of the report period (or the date of exit from the CCDF program).

Example 2: A 2-year-old child receives services starting in March. On September 15 she turns 3-years-old and continues to receive services through the reporting period. The child should be reported as a 3-year-old on line 3d.

When data are applicable but not available, provide a footnote in the comment section explaining when the missing data will be submitted.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]