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The Question

(Submitted November 18, 1996)

I am a girl in the tenth grade at Westlake High School in Maryland. I am writing to you for information on careers in the field of astrophysics. I have recently been assigned a research paper on the subject of my choice, and I chose to research information on my future career goals. Ever since I was young, I have been intrigued with two things: space and physics. This led me to astrophysics, and I have enjoyed learning facts about the subject ever since.

I would appreciate it if you could send any information you have on the subject, such as: Career listings, pictures, brochures, anything would be of value. I understand fully if you can not reply due to a busy schedule.

Thank you for your time.

The Answer

If you are interested in astronomy or astrophysics as a career then much of what you might want to know is contained in a brochure put out by the American Astronomical Society. This is available on-line at

or you can write and get a paper copy from

The American Astronomical Society Education Office,
University of Texas,
Astronomy Department, RLM 15.308,
Austin Texas 78712-1083.

Astronomy is a tremendously exciting field, and speaking from my personal experience it is also a lot of fun. I would encourage you to pursue it if you are seriously interested. At the present time the job market is very tight, but it is risky to predict the situation by the time you finish school.

Tim Kallman

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