Lightning and Atmospheric Elelectricity Research at GHCC

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The GHCC Lightning Team

Within the Global Hydrology and Climate Center (GHCC), there is a group of researchers, mostly scientists and engineers, who collectively form the GHCC Lightning Team. As part of their research activities, the members of this team have been investigating the causes and effects of lightning as well as analyzing a wide variety of atmospheric measurements related to thunderstorms.

One of the primary objectives of this group is to determine the relationship between the electrical characteristics of storms and precipitation, convection, and severe weather. In order to achieve this objective, the GHCC Lightning Team has designed, constructed and deployed numerous types of ground based, airborne, and space based sensors used to detect lightning and characterize the electrical behavior of thunderstorms. The data collected by the GHCC Lightning Team is routinely shared with scientists around the globe, resulting in numerous advancements in the field of Atmospheric Science.

GHCC Lightning Team Contact List
Name Organization
Richard Blakeslee NASA
William Koshak NASA
Walt Petersen NASA
Hugh Christian UAH
Jeff Bailey UAH
Monte Bateman USRA
Bob Boldi UAH
Dennis Buechler UAH
Larry Carey UAH
Dan Cecil UAH
David Corredor UAH
John Hall UAH
Kevin Knupp UAH
Doug Mach UAH
Bill McCaul USRA
Scott Podgorny UAH
Mike Stewart UAH

NASA Contact: Jim Smoot
Site Curator: LIS Webteam