Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Lightning Fire Update

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, June 24, 2008

There are 54 confirmed fires on all four Ranger Districts within the Six Rivers National Forest. Thirty one of these fires have been contained at this time. Due to the lack of fire fighting resources and rugged terrain, several of the fires are not staffed. Several fires in the Ukonom and Hell's Half complexes experienced some substantial growth on the last 24 hours.

  • Smith River National Recreation Area
    • Total fires: 2
    • Blue Fire at 100 acres is burning in the Crescent City Fork of Blue Creek near the Siskiyou Wilderness boundary and is currently inaccessible. Five Type 2 handcrews have been assigned to the fire, and are preparing contingency lines in safe areas. The fire is burning in mixed conifer with dense underbrush on steep sleeps. Travel on roads in the area of the Blue Fire is restricted to facilitate public safety and movement of fire suppression resources.
    • Goose Fire, located three miles east of the Red Mountain Lookout, has been contained at five acres. This fire is has been contained.
  • Orleans/Ukonom Ranger Districts
    • Total fires: 9
    • 3 fires have been contained.
    • Several of the active fires experienced substancial growth yesterday.
    • A Type 2 Incidant Management Team has been assigned to the Ukonom Complex and will take over the fires tomorrow morning.
  • Lower Trinity Ranger District
    • Total fires: 17
    • 7 fires have been contained
    • All fires staffed or patrolled except one
    • The Hells Half Complex is comprised of six fires. A Type II Incident Management Team has been ordered to manage this 637acre complex.
    • Packsaddle Fire is 20 acres and has been contained.
  • Mad River Ranger District
    • Total fires: 30
    • 21 of these fires are 100% contained.
    • Travis Fire - 600+ acres, 0% contained.
    • Nielson Fire - 100 acres, 50% contained.
    • Swim Fire - 100-150 acres, 0% contained.

Over 300 emergency personnel and equipment are working to suppress these fires.

During these wildfires, people all over the area suffer the effects of forest fire smoke. For more information on the health concerns from smoke and how to protect your health visit

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