Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Six Rivers National Forest Proposes Changes at Area Recreation Sites

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, May 16, 2008

Six Rivers National Forest has completed the analysis for a proposed five year program of work for the 63 developed recreation sites on the Forest. This has been completed through a national process called "Recreation Facility Analysis". Recreation Facility Analysis is an analysis tool developed nationally to help forests align their developed recreation sites with the unique characteristics of the forest, projected recreation demand, visitor expectations, and revenue. Recreation Facility Analysis fits under the umbrella of the niche for the recreation program on the Forest: "Rivers to Ridges for Fun and Renewal". The proposed five year program of work and niche can be obtained on the web at

No changes are proposed at 27 of the 63 developed recreation sites and improvements are proposed at 24 sites. In addition, other actions proposed include a new double camp site at one campground, five recreation sites added to the fee system and one fishing site decommissioned.

Fees increases are also proposed over the next five years at 18 campgrounds, one group campground and one lookout. This would be the first increase in fees for campgrounds since 1999. The additional funds collected at each site would help pay for repair, maintenance, and enhancement of the recreation facilities and other activities such as interpretive programs, recreation site restoration, law enforcement, and facility improvements. Any proposed new fees or fee increases need to be approved by a state-wide citizen based Recreation Resource Advisory Committee. Further public involvement would occur before any recommendations for fee increases are forwarded to the Recreation Resource Advisory Committee.

Comments on the five year program of work that are received before June 15, 2008, will be most helpful. They may be mailed to: Six Rivers National Forest, Recreation Facility Analysis, 1330 Bayshore Way, Eureka, CA 95501. For further information please contact Jean Hawthorne, Recreation/Engineering Staff Officer, at (707) 441-3543.

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