Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Six Rivers National Forest Seeks Recreation Visitor Information

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, September 19, 2007

Soon you may see more Forest Service employees working in developed and dispersed recreation sites and along forest roads in the Six Rivers National Forest. These are well trained interviewers waiting to ask forest visitors about their visits to the national forest. They will be wearing bright orange vests and be near a sign that says "Survey Ahead". Just like the postman, these folks will be out in all areas of the national forest and in all kinds of weather conditions for the next year. All information is confidential and the survey is voluntary. The survey will take place beginning October 1 and continue through the end of September next year.

This on-going national forest survey has already been conducted once on every National Forest in the nation. The last survey on the Six Rivers National Forest was completed in 2002. "We are now returning five years later to update the information previously gathered as well as to look at recreation trends over time," said Jean Hawthorne, Forest Recreation Officer.

The information is useful for forest planning, as well as local community tourism planning. It provides national forest managers with an estimate of how many site visits occurred on federal lands and what activities were engaged in while there. Other important information forest and tourism planners need includes how satisfied people were with their visit and the economic impact of their recreation visits on the local economy. The survey takes about 8 minutes to complete.

The questions visitors will be asked include: where they recreated within the Forest, how many people they traveled with, how long they were on the Forest, what other recreation sites they visited in the Forest, and how satisfied they were with the facilities and services provided. About a third of the visitors will be asked to complete a survey on recreation and tourism spending during their trip.

Information collected in this national study will be used in local forest planning, at the state planning level, and even by Congress. The more known about visitors, especially their satisfaction and desires, the better managers can provide for their needs.

"Although the survey is entirely voluntary, we would appreciate it if visitors would pull over and answer the survey," Hawthorne said. "It's important for the interviewers to talk with local people as well as out-of-area visitors so all types of forest users and travelers are represented in the study."

For additional information about this program please visit our web site at or call Jean Hawthorne at (707) 441-3543.

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