Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Firefighters Make Major Progress

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, July 14, 2007

According to Fire Information Officer Brian Morris, "The Seven Eleven Complex grew to seven fires when two new holdover lightning fires were spotted. The two fires were kept to less that a tenth of an acre each when successfully engaged and contained by our initial attack crews." Fire crews on the original five fires made excellent progress, successfully completing a rough fire line around the perimeter of all the fires, except for the 110 acre Jedediah Fire in the Siskiyou Wilderness.

District Ranger Mary Kay Vandiver observed that "fire crews were able to make excellent progress on all our fires and with the lift in the inversion, we were able to support their suppression efforts with helicopter water drops." There are three helicopters currently working on the Complex.

Most of the effort in today’s shift will be aimed at improving the existing firelines and putting out hot spots 100 feet inside the line. The smokejumpers on the Jedediah and Bear Fires will be brought out today and returned to their jumper base in Redding.

Fire Name Size Fire Resources Situation
Pioneer 48 acres 4 crews
6 engines
1 dozer
Initial fireline completed, improving line and mop up 100 feet inside the line
Jedediah 110 acres 5 crews
7 smokejumpers
Working to complete fireline around fire and begin mop up
Bear 10 acres 1 crew
8 smokejumpers
Complete fireline and mop up 100 feet inside the line
Twin 4 acres 3 crews Fire controlled, continue to mop up fire
Dean ¼ acre None Fire controlled, routine patrol
Steven's 1/10 acre None Fire controlled, routine patrol
Sanger 1/10 acre 1 crew
1 engine
Fire controlled, continue to mop up fire

Fire Information Officer: Brian Morris (707) 457-3131 or via cell phone at (707) 218-6436.
Updates to all fires are posted in InciWeb at

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