Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Del Norte County Resource Advisory Committee Requests Proposals

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, July 13, 2007

Clarke Moore, Chairperson for the Del Norte County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC), announces that the RAC is requesting proposals to fund $270,000 for watershed restoration, road/trail maintenance, forest health, habitat improvement, environmental education or other projects that benefit forest resources in Del Norte County. The projects must benefit National Forest System lands or resources, but may occur on other public, tribal or private lands.

Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Road, trail, infrastructure maintenance or obliteration
  • Soil productivity improvements
  • Improvements in forest ecosystem health
  • Watershed restoration and maintenance
  • Restoration, maintenance and improvement of wildlife and fish habitat
  • Control of noxious and exotic weeds
  • Re-establishment of native species
  • Education/Interpretation of the resources within the Smith River National Recreation Area (NRA)
  • Enhancement and promotion of recreational use and enjoyment of the Smith River NRA

The RAC is a committee of volunteers which advises the Six Rivers National Forest about the use of monies allocated by the Del Norte County Board of Supervisors through the Payments to States Act of 2000. The committee was formed to encourage cooperation between the Forest Service and local communities about projects that provide mutual benefits to forest resources and communities. It consists of 15 county residents who represent a broad cross-section of the community, including recreation, timber, environmental, educational, historical, mining, elected officials, Native American tribes, and other interests. Since 2001, the RAC has funded over 40 projects totaling more than $1,600,000 in Del Norte County.

Project proposals may be submitted to the RAC by an individual, community-based organization, tribe, or government agency. The RAC will evaluate and rate project proposals based on how well they meet the intent of the legislation. Projects selected by the RAC will be recommended to the Six Rivers National Forest Supervisor for approval. All proposals must be received by August 16, 2007, to be considered for funding.

The project proposal form can be obtained by calling/e-mailing Julie Ranieri, RAC Coordinator, at 707-441-3673 or

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