Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Forest Service to Begin Fall Burning

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, October 17, 2006

Fall prescribed burning projects will commence this fall on the Six Rivers National Forest, as weather and fuel conditions moderate from the hot and dry conditions of summer. The majority of these burn projects are designed to reduce hazardous fuel accumulations which could contribute to extreme fire behavior should a wildfire occur, increase fire suppression effectiveness, increase public and firefighter safety, and improve safety of evacuation routes. Other burns are for oak restoration and to provide high quality basketry material. Several prescribed fire techniques are planned, including understory burning, jackpot burning and handpile burning.

Prescribed burning is done under a firm set of environmental conditions to meet specific resource objectives. These environmental factors include weather conditions such as humidity, temperature and wind; fuel moisture and the ignition methods to be used in initiating the burn. The prescribed burn will produce visible smoke during the ignition phase and for a short period thereafter. The burn will be conducted under conditions which favor smoke dispersal and limit any impacts on local residents. The burn will be conducted in compliance with all North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District regulations.

Smith River National Recreation Area (NRA)
The Smith River NRA is planning to conduct prescribed burning on approximately 305 acres of National Forest System lands this fall, according to District Ranger Mary Kay Vandiver. An Oregon white oak restoration burn will occur at Pappas Flats located about one mile west of Gasquet, north of Highway 199. Handpile burning will continue on the Gasquet Community Protection Project along Gaquet Mountain Road, French Hill Trail and French Hill Road. The Siskiyou Project handpiles will also be burned along Jawbone Road between Bear Basin and Ship Mountain Lookouts. Further information about the Smith River NRA prescribed burn program can be obtained from the District Office on Highway 199 in Gasquet, or by contacting Synthia Zerr, District Fire Management Officer, at (707) 457-3131.

Lower Trinity Ranger District
The Lower Trinity Ranger District is planning to conduct prescribed burning on approximately 300 acres of National Forest System lands this fall, according to District Ranger Ann Garland. Most of the projects consist of burning in the general areas on north end of South Fork Mountain out Forest Service Route 1, Horse Mountain (beargrass sites), Salyer Heights, and above Trinity Village near Hawkins Bar. Further information about the Lower Trinity prescribed burn program can be obtained from the District Office on Highway 96 in Willow Creek, or by contacting Paul Johnson, Fuels Battalion at (530) 629-2118.

Orleans Ranger District
The Orleans Ranger District is planning to conduct prescribed burning of hand piles on approximately 450 acres of National Forest System lands throughout the District this fall, according to District Ranger Bill Rice. There are also plans for approximately 190 acres of understory burning, using several prescribed fire techniques. In addition, there will be burning of piles created during fire suppression and structure protection efforts of the Somes and Crawford fires. Maps and further information about the Orleans prescribed burn program are available at the District Office on Highway 96, or by contacting Tom Annand, District Fire Management Officer, or Stan Pfister, Fuels Specialist at 530 327-3219.

Mad River Ranger District
The Mad River Ranger District is planning on burning approximately 250 acres of hand piles predominately on the south end of Mad Ridge Fuelbreak, according to District Ranger Roberto Delgado. In addtion, approximately 80 acres of hand piles generated from the Journey Fire Salvage and other small timber sales are also scheduled to be burned. Approximately 70 acres of underburning is also planned in the Clover Gulch area as part of another hazardous fuels reduction project. Further information about the Mad River prescribed burn program can be obtained from the District Office on Highway 36 in Mad River, or by contacting Nancy Curran, Fuels Specialist, at (707) 574-6233.


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