Six Rivers National Forest

Home > Newsroom > 2006 News Releases > June Releases > Safety Concerns Temporarily Close Forest Road and Trail

News Release:
Safety Concerns Temporarily Close Forest Road and Trail

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, June 14, 2006

The PCE Helicopter Timber Sale in the Mad River Ranger District, Six Rivers National Forest, will be operating this field season. Helicopter flight paths and landings will be over and adjacent to Forest Service System roads 3N14 and 3N06, and associated spur roads, and trails 5E14 and 5E17. "It is my decision to temporarily close these Forest Service System roads and trails to provide for public safety during logging operations on the sale," said Acting Forest Supervisor Will Metz.

Helicopter logging operations are inherently dangerous. Logs tethered from a cable move back and forth between the woods and log landings. Branches and other debris often fall from these logs which can then be deposited on Forest roads below. Helicopter operations also require many service vehicles and associated equipment. Helicopter operations most likely will occur seven days a week including holidays, requiring complete road closures on these system roads and trails.

There will also be an active tractor logging operation utilizing these roads that are single lane roads with turnouts. It would be difficult to provide for public safety on these roads during logging operations with equipment and logging trucks moving back and forth during the course of the day.

The closure will be from June 15, 2006, through December 30, 2006, 24 hours a day. The Forest Order will be posted on all affected roads and trails and on the Six Rivers National Forest website at Contact the Mad River Ranger Station at (707) 574-6233 for more information.

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