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News Release:
Del Norte Resource Advisory Committee Request for Proposals

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, May 7, 2004

Chris Howard, Chairperson for the Del Norte County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) announces the opportunity for the public to submit project proposals for funding. The RAC has $250,000 to allocate on Forest Service, other public, tribal or private lands within Del Norte County to implement watershed, road, trail, forest health, habitat improvement or other projects. Projects must benefit Forest Service lands or resources, but may occur on other lands. The projects will be funded under Title II of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (PL 106-393), also called the "Payments to States Act."

Examples of eligible projects may include but are not limited to:

  • Road, trail, infrastructure maintenance or obliteration
  • Soil productivity improvements
  • Improvements in forest ecosystem health
  • Watershed restoration and maintenance
  • Restoration, maintenance and improvement of wildlife and fish habitat
  • Control of noxious and exotic weeds
  • Reestablishment of native species
  • Education/Interpretation of the resources within the Smith River National Recreation Area (NRA)
  • Enhancement and promotion of recreational use and enjoyment of the Smith River NRA

Over the past three years, the RAC has funded 39 projects totaling over $850,000. Approved public proposals include a California Conservation Corps project to perform trail maintenance and weed removal on Forest Service lands, the purchase of a chipper and water tanks for fire protection by the Del Norte Fire Safe Council, an environmental education and interpretation program through the North Coast FOREST Association, and the development of an off-road vehicle educational brochure. Other projects are being implemented by the Forest Service, including road maintenance, the installation of toilets at popular river recreation sites, noxious weed removal, and the development of a master plan for interpretive services on the Smith River National Recreation Area.

Project proposals may be submitted to the RAC by an individual, community-based organization, tribe, or government agency. The RAC will evaluate and rate project proposals based on how well they meet the intent of the legislation. Projects selected by the RAC will be recommended to the Six Rivers National Forest Supervisor for approval. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, contact Laura Chapman at (707) 441-3549, for more information and a proposal form. Proposal forms can also be obtained by visiting the Payments to States website at and navigating to the Del Norte County RAC web page. Project proposal forms must be must be emailed to and received by June 11, 2003 to be considered for funding. A proposal development workshop will be held on Monday May 17 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at the Family Resource Center Community Room (207 Price Mall, Crescent City) to provide an overview of the Act, discuss project eligibility, and assist applicants in filling out the project proposal form. For more information, contact Laura Chapman at the phone/email above.

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