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Answers to The FDA Consumer Quiz

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1. For an average brand-name drug that costs $72, how much does the generic version cost? (a.) $17

2. What is the average cost to develop a new drug, according to the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development? (d.) $897 million

3. How many generic drugs did FDA approve in 2002? (c.) 321

4. What percentage of the U.S. population comes down with the flu each year? (c.) 10 to 20 percent

5. MedWatch is FDA's system for reporting adverse effects from drugs and other FDA-regulated products. How many reports does MedWatch receive each year? (d.) 22,000

6. FDA has recently ruled that food manufacturers must, by Jan. 1, 2006, list the amount of a certain kind of fat found in their products. What fat is it? (b.) trans fats

7. West Nile virus is a: (b.) mosquito-borne virus

8. In clinical trials, the process known as "randomization" is comparable to: (c.) tossing a coin

9. In clinical trials, a placebo is another name for: (a.) an inactive pill, liquid or powder that has no treatment value

10. How old is aspirin? (d.) 100 years

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9 to 10 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
6 to 8 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
Below 6 points: Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

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