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30.000 Scope of part.

Subpart 30.1--General Skip to the next subpart

30.101 Cost Accounting Standards.
30.102 Cost Accounting Standards Board Publication.

Subpart 30.2--CAS Program Requirements Skip to the next subpart

30.201 Contract requirements.
30.201-1 CAS applicability.
30.201-2 Types of CAS coverage.
30.201-3 Solicitation provisions.
30.201-4 Contract clauses.
30.201-5 Waiver.
30.201-6 Findings.
30.201-7 Cognizant Federal agency responsibilities.
30.202 Disclosure requirements.
30.202-1 General requirements.
30.202-2 Impracticality of submission.
30.202-3 Amendments and revisions.
30.202-4 Privileged and confidential information.
30.202-5 Filing Disclosure Statements.
30.202-6 Responsibilities.
30.202-7 Determinations.
30.202-8 Subcontractor Disclosure Statements.

Subpart 30.3--CAS Rules and Regulations [Reserved]

Subpart 30.4--Cost Accounting Standards [Reserved]

Subpart 30.5--Cost Accounting Standards for Educational Institutions [Reserved]

Subpart 30.6--CAS Administration Skip to the main document

30.601 Responsibility.
30.602 Changes to disclosed or established cost accounting practices.
30.602-1 Equitable adjustments for new or modified standards.
30.602-2 Noncompliance with CAS requirements.
30.602-3 Voluntary changes.
30.603 Subcontract administration.

30.000 Scope of part.

This part describes policies and procedures for applying the Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB) rules and regulations (48 CFR Chapter 99 (FAR Appendix)) to negotiated contracts and subcontracts. This part does not apply to sealed bid contracts or to any contract with a small business concern (see 48 CFR 9903.201-1(b) (FAR Appendix) for these and other exemptions).

Subpart 30.1--General

30.101 Cost Accounting Standards.

(a) Public Law 100-679 (41 U.S.C. 422) requires certain contractors and subcontractors to comply with Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) and to disclose in writing and follow consistently their cost accounting practices.

(b) Contracts that refer to this Part 30 for the purpose of applying the policies, procedures, standards and regulations promulgated by the CASB pursuant to Public Law 100-679, shall be deemed to refer to the CAS, and any other regulations promulgated by the CASB (see 48 CFR Chapter 99), all of which are hereby incorporated in this Part 30.

(c) The Appendix to the FAR loose-leaf edition contains--

(1) Cost Accounting Standards and Cost Accounting Standards Board Rules and Regulations Recodified by the Cost Accounting Standards Board at 48 CFR Chapter 99; and

(2) The following preambles:

(i) Part I--Preambles to the Cost Accounting Standards Published by the Cost Accounting Standards Board.

(ii) Part II--Preambles to the Related Rules and Regulations Published by the Cost Accounting Standards Board.

(iii) Part III--Preambles Published under the FAR System.

(d) The preambles are not regulatory but are intended to explain why the Standards and related Rules and Regulations were written, and to provide rationale for positions taken relative to issues raised in the public comments. The preambles are printed in chronological order to provide an administrative history.

30.102 Cost Accounting Standards Board Publication.

Copies of the CASB Standards and Regulations are printed in title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 99, and may be obtained by writing the--

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Subpart 30.2--CAS Program Requirements

30.201 Contract requirements.

Title 48 CFR 9903.201-1 (FAR Appendix) describes the rules for determining whether a proposed contract or subcontract is exempt from CAS. Negotiated contracts not exempt in accordance with 48 CFR 9903.201-1(b) shall be subject to CAS. A CAS-covered contract may be subject to either full or modified coverage. The rules for determining whether full or modified coverage applies are in 48 CFR 9903.201-2 (FAR Appendix).

30.201-1 CAS applicability.

See 48 CFR 9903.201-1 (FAR Appendix).

30.201-2 Types of CAS coverage.

See 48 CFR 9903.201-2 (FAR Appendix).

30.201-3 Solicitation provisions.

(a) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 52.230-1, Cost Accounting Standards Notices and Certification, in solicitations for proposed contracts subject to CAS as specified in 48 CFR 9903.201 (FAR Appendix).

(b) If an award to an educational institution is contemplated prior to July 1, 1997, the contracting officer shall insert the basic provision set forth at 52.230-1 with its Alternate I, unless the contract is to be performed by a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) (see 48 CFR 9903.201-2(c)(5) (FAR Appendix)), or the provision at 48 CFR 9903.201-2(c)(6) (FAR Appendix) applies.

30.201-4 Contract clauses.

(a) Cost accounting standards. (1) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, in negotiated contracts, unless the contract is exempted (see 48 CFR 9903.201-1 (FAR Appendix)), the contract is subject to modified coverage (see 48 CFR 9903.201-2 (FAR Appendix)), or the clause prescribed in paragraph (c) of this subsection is used.

(2) The clause at FAR 52.230-2 requires the contractor to comply with all CAS specified in 48 CFR 9904 (FAR Appendix), to disclose actual cost accounting practices (applicable to CAS-covered contracts only), and to follow disclosed and established cost accounting practices consistently.

(b) Disclosure and consistency of cost accounting practices. (1) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices, in negotiated contracts when the contract amount is over $500,000, but less than $25 million, and the offeror certifies it is eligible for and elects to use modified CAS coverage (see 48 CFR 9903.201-2 (FAR Appendix)), unless the clause prescribed in paragraph (c) of this subsection is used.

(2) The clause at FAR 52.230-3 requires the contractor to comply with 48 CFR 9904.401, 9904.402, 9904.405, and 9904.406 (FAR Appendix) to disclose (if it meets certain requirements) actual cost accounting practices, and to follow consistently its established cost accounting practices.

(c) Consistency in cost accounting practices. The contracting officer shall insert the clause at FAR 52.230-4, Consistency in Cost Accounting Practices, in negotiated contracts that are exempt from CAS requirements solely on the basis of the fact that the contract is to be awarded to a United Kingdom contractor and is to be performed substantially in the United Kingdom (see 48 CFR 9903.201-1(b)(12) (FAR Appendix)).

(d) Administration of cost accounting standards. (1) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at FAR 52.230-6, Administration of Cost Accounting Standards, in contracts containing any of the clauses prescribed in paragraphs (a), (b), or (e) of this subsection.

(2) The clause at FAR 52.230-6 specifies rules for administering CAS requirements and procedures to be followed in cases of failure to comply.

(e) Cost accounting standards--educational institutions. (1) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution, in negotiated contracts awarded to educational institutions, unless the contract is exempted (see 48 CFR 9903.201-1 (FAR Appendix)), the contract is to be performed by an FFRDC (see 48 CFR 9903.201-2(c)(5) (FAR Appendix)), or the provision at 48 CFR 9903.201-2(c)(6) (FAR Appendix) applies.

(2) The clause at FAR 52.230-5 requires the educational institution to comply with all CAS specified in 48 CFR 9905 (FAR Appendix), to disclose actual cost accounting practices as required by 48 CFR 9903.202-1(f) (FAR Appendix), and to follow disclosed and established cost accounting practices consistently.

30.201-5 Waiver.

In some instances, contractors or subcontractors may refuse to accept all or part of the requirements of the CAS clauses (FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices, and FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution). If the contracting officer determines that it is impractical to obtain the materials, supplies, or services from any other source, the contracting officer shall prepare a request for waiver in accordance with 48 CFR 9903.201-5 (FAR Appendix).

30.201-6 Findings.

See 48 CFR 9903.201-6 (FAR Appendix).

30.201-7 Cognizant Federal agency responsibilities.

See 48 CFR 9903.201-7 (FAR Appendix).

30.202 Disclosure requirements.

30.202-1 General requirements.

See 48 CFR 9903.202-1 (FAR Appendix).

30.202-2 Impracticality of submission.

See 48 CFR 9903.202-2 (FAR Appendix).

30.202-3 Amendments and revisions.

See 48 CFR 9903.202-3 (FAR Appendix).

30.202-4 Privileged and confidential information.

See 48 CFR 9903.202-4 (FAR Appendix).

30.202-5 Filing Disclosure Statements.

See 48 CFR 9903.202-5 (FAR Appendix).

30.202-6 Responsibilities.

(a) The contracting officer is responsible for determining when a proposed contract may require CAS coverage and for including the appropriate notice in the solicitation. The contracting officer must then ensure that the offeror has made the required solicitation certifications and that required Disclosure Statements are submitted. (Also see 48 CFR 9903.201-3 and 9903.202 (FAR Appendix).)

(b) The contracting officer shall not award a CAS-covered contract until the ACO has made a written determination that a required Disclosure Statement is adequate unless, in order to protect the Government's interest, the contracting officer waives the requirement for an adequacy determination before award. In this event, a determination of adequacy shall be required as soon as possible after the award.

(c) The cognizant auditor is responsible for conducting reviews of Disclosure Statements for adequacy and compliance.

(d) The cognizant ACO is responsible for determinations of adequacy and compliance of the Disclosure Statement.

30.202-7 Determinations.

(a) Adequacy determination. As prescribed by 48 CFR 9903.202-6 (FAR Appendix), the cognizant auditor shall conduct a review of the Disclosure Statement to ascertain whether it is current, accurate, and complete and shall report the results to the cognizant ACO, who shall determine whether or not it adequately describes the offeror's cost accounting practices. If the ACO identifies any areas of inadequacy, the ACO shall request a revised Disclosure Statement. If the Disclosure Statement is adequate, the ACO shall notify the offeror in writing, with copies to the cognizant auditor and contracting officer. The notice of adequacy shall state that a disclosed practice shall not, by virtue of such disclosure, be considered an approved practice for pricing proposals or accumulating and reporting contract performance cost data. Generally, the ACO shall furnish the contractor notification of adequacy or inadequacy within 30 days after the Disclosure Statement has been received by the ACO.

(b) Compliance determination. After the notification of adequacy, the cognizant auditor shall conduct a detailed compliance review to ascertain whether or not the disclosed practices comply with Part 31 and the CAS and shall advise the ACO of the results. The ACO shall take action regarding noncompliance with CAS under FAR 30.602-2. The ACO may require a revised Disclosure Statement and adjustment of the prime contract price or cost allowance. Noncompliance with Part 31 shall be processed separately, in accordance with normal administrative practices.

30.202-8 Subcontractor Disclosure Statements.

(a) When the Government requires determinations of adequacy or inadequacy, the ACO cognizant of the subcontractor shall provide such determination to the ACO cognizant of the prime contractor or next higher tier subcontractor. The ACO cognizant of higher tier subcontractors or prime contractors shall not reverse the determination of the ACO cognizant of the subcontractor.

(b) Any determination that it is impractical to secure a subcontractor's Disclosure Statement must be made in accordance with 48 CFR 9903.202-2 (FAR Appendix).

Subpart 30.3--CAS Rules and Regulations [Reserved]

Note: See 48 CFR 9903.3 (FAR Appendix B).

Subpart 30.4--Cost Accounting Standards [Reserved]

Note: See 48 CFR Part 9904 (FAR Appendix B).

Subpart 30.5--Cost Accounting Standards for Educational Institutions [Reserved]

Note: See 48 CFR Part 9905 (FAR Appendix B).

Subpart 30.6--CAS Administration

30.601 Responsibility.

(a) The cognizant ACO shall perform CAS administration for all contracts in a business unit notwithstanding retention of other administration functions by the contracting officer.

(b) Within 30 days after the award of any new contract or subcontract subject to CAS, the contracting officer, contractor, or subcontractor making the award shall request the cognizant ACO to perform administration for CAS matters (see Subpart 42.2).

30.602 Changes to disclosed or established cost accounting practices.

Adjustments to contracts and withholding amounts payable for CAS noncompliance, new standards, or voluntary changes are required only if the amounts involved are material. In determining materiality, the ACO shall use the criteria in 48 CFR 9903.305 (FAR Appendix). The ACO may forego action to require that a cost impact proposal be submitted or to adjust contracts, if the ACO determines the amount involved is immaterial. However, in the case of noncompliance issues, the ACO shall inform the contractor that--

(a) The Government reserves the right to make appropriate contract adjustments if, in the future, the ACO determines that the cost impact has become material; and

(b) The contractor is not excused from the obligation to comply with the applicable Standard or rules and regulations involved.

30.602-1 Equitable adjustments for new or modified standards.

(a) New or modified standards. (1) The provision at 52.230-1, Cost Accounting Standards Notices and Certification, requires offerors to state whether or not the award of the contemplated contract would require a change to established cost accounting practices affecting existing contracts and subcontracts. The contracting officer shall ensure that the contractor's response to the notice is made known to the ACO.

(2) Contracts and subcontracts containing the clause at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, or FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution, may require equitable adjustments to comply with new or modified CAS. Such adjustments are limited to contracts and subcontracts awarded before the effective date of each new or modified standard. A new or modified standard becomes applicable prospectively to these contracts and subcontracts when a new contract or subcontract containing the clause at 52.230-2 or 52.230-5 is awarded on or after the effective date of the new or modified standard.

(3) Contracting officers shall encourage contractors to submit to the ACO any change in accounting practice in anticipation of complying with a new or modified standard as soon as practical after the new or modified Standard has been promulgated by the CASB.

(b) Accounting changes. (1) The clause at FAR 52.230-6, Administration of Cost Accounting Standards, requires the contractor to submit a description of any change in cost accounting practices required to comply with a new or modified CAS within 60 days (or other mutually agreed to date) after award of a contract requiring the change.

(2) The ACO, with the assistance of the auditor, shall review the proposed change concurrently for adequacy and compliance (see 30.202-7). If the description of the change meets both tests, the ACO shall notify the contractor and request submission of a cost impact proposal in accordance with FAR 30.602.

(c) Contract price adjustments. (1) The ACO shall promptly analyze the cost impact proposal with the assistance of the auditor, determine the impact, and negotiate the contract price adjustment on behalf of all Government agencies. The ACO shall invite contracting officers to participate in negotiations of adjustments when the price of any of their contracts may be increased or decreased by $10,000 or more. At the conclusion of negotiations, the ACO shall--

(i) Execute supplemental agreements to contracts of the ACO's own agency (and, if additional funds are required, request them from the appropriate contracting officer);

(ii) Prepare a negotiation memorandum and send copies to cognizant auditors and contracting officers of other agencies having prime contracts affected by the negotiation (those agencies shall execute supplemental agreements in the amounts negotiated); and

(iii) Furnish copies of the memorandum indicating the effect on costs to the ACO of the next higher tier subcontractor or prime contractor, as appropriate, if a subcontract is to be adjusted. This memorandum shall be the basis for negotiation between the subcontractor and the next higher tier subcontractor or prime contractor and for execution of a supplemental agreement to the subcontract.

(2) If the parties fail to agree on the cost or price adjustment, the ACO may make a unilateral adjustment, subject to contractor appeal as provided in the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes.

(d) Remedies for contractor failure to make required submissions. (1) If the contractor does not submit the accounting change description or the general dollar magnitude of the change or cost impact proposal (in the form and manner specified), the ACO, with the assistance of the auditor, shall estimate the general dollar magnitude of the cost impact on CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts. The ACO may then withhold an amount not to exceed 10 percent of each subsequent amount determined payable related to the contractor's CAS-covered prime contracts, up to the estimated general dollar magnitude of the cost impact, until the required submission is furnished by the contractor.

(2) If the contractor has not submitted the cost impact proposal before the total withheld amount reaches the estimated general dollar magnitude and the ACO determines that an adjustment is required (see 30.602), the ACO shall request the contractor to agree to the cost or price adjustment. The contractor shall also be advised that in the event no agreement on the cost or price adjustment is reached within 20 days, the ACO may make a unilateral adjustment, subject to contractor appeal as provided in the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes.

30.602-2 Noncompliance with CAS requirements.

(a) Determination of noncompliance. (1) Within 15 days of the receipt of a report of alleged noncompliance from the cognizant auditor, the ACO shall make an initial finding of compliance or noncompliance and advise the auditor.

(2) If an initial finding of noncompliance is made, the ACO shall immediately notify the contractor in writing of the exact nature of the noncompliance and allow the contractor 60 days within which to agree or to submit reasons why the existing practices are considered to be in compliance.

(3) If the contractor agrees with the initial finding of noncompliance, the ACO shall review the contractor submissions required by paragraph (a) of the clause at FAR 52.230-6, Administration of Cost Accounting Standards.

(4) If the contractor disagrees with the initial noncompliance finding, the ACO shall review the reasons why the contractor considers the existing practices to be in compliance and make a determination of compliance or noncompliance. If the ACO determines that the contractor's practices are in noncompliance, a written explanation shall be provided as to why the ACO disagrees with the contractor's rationale. The ACO shall notify the contractor and the auditor in writing of the determination. If the ACO makes a determination of noncompliance, the procedures in (b) through (d), as appropriate, shall be followed.

(b) Accounting changes. (1) The clause at FAR 52.230-6, Administration of Cost Accounting Standards, requires the contractor to submit a description of any cost accounting practice change needed to correct a noncompliance.

(2) The ACO shall review the proposed change concurrently for adequacy and compliance (see 30.202-7). If the description of the change meets both tests, the ACO shall notify the contractor and request submission of a cost impact proposal in accordance with FAR 30.602.

(c) Contract price adjustments. (1) The ACO shall request that the contractor submit a cost impact proposal within the time specified in the clause at FAR 52.230-6, Administration of Cost Accounting Standards.

(2) Upon receipt of the cost impact proposal, the ACO shall then follow the procedures in 30.602-1(c)(1). In accordance with the clause at 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, or 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution, the ACO shall include and separately identify, as part of the computation of the contract price adjustment(s), applicable interest on any increased costs paid to the contractor as a result of the noncompliance. Interest shall be computed from the date of overpayment to the time the adjustment is effected. If the costs were incurred and paid evenly over the fiscal years during which the noncompliance occurred, then the midpoint of the period in which the noncompliance began may be considered the baseline for the computation of interest. An alternate equitable method should be used if the costs were not incurred and paid evenly over the fiscal years during which the noncompliance occurred. Interest under 52.230-2 should be computed pursuant to Public Law 100-679.

(d) Remedies for contractor failure to make required submissions. (1) If the contractor does not submit the accounting change description or the general dollar magnitude of the change or cost impact proposal (in the form and manner specified), the ACO, with the assistance of the cognizant auditor, shall estimate the general dollar magnitude of the cost impact on CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts. The ACO may then withhold an amount not to exceed 10 percent of each subsequent amount determined payable related to the contractor's CAS-covered prime contracts, up to the estimated general dollar magnitude of the cost impact until the required submission is furnished by the contractor.

(2) If the contractor has not submitted the cost impact proposal before the total withheld amount reaches the estimated general dollar magnitude and the ACO determines that an adjustment is required (see 30.602), the ACO shall notify the contractor and request agreement as to the cost or price adjustment together with any applicable interest as computed in accordance with 30.602-2(c)(2). The contractor shall also be advised that in the event no agreement on the cost or price adjustment is reached within 20 days, the ACO may make a unilateral adjustment, subject to contractor appeal, as provided in the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes.

(3) If the ACO determines that there is no material increase in costs as a result of the noncompliance, the ACO shall notify the contractor in writing that the contractor is in noncompliance, that corrective action should be taken, and that if such noncompliance subsequently results in materially increased costs to the Government, the provisions of the clause at 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution, and/or the clause at 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices, will be enforced.

30.602-3 Voluntary changes.

(a) General. (1) The contractor may voluntarily change its disclosed or established cost accounting practices.

(2) The contract price may be adjusted for voluntary changes. However, increased costs resulting from a voluntary change may be allowed only if the ACO determines that the change is desirable and not detrimental to the interest of the Government.

(b) Accounting changes. (1) The clause at FAR 52.230-6, Administration of Cost Accounting Standards, requires the contractor to notify the ACO and submit a description of any voluntary cost accounting practice change not less than 60 days (or such other date as may be mutually agreed to) before implementation of the voluntary change.

(2) The ACO, with the assistance of the cognizant auditor, shall review the proposed change concurrently for adequacy and compliance (see 30.202-7). If the description of the change meets both tests, the ACO shall notify the contractor and request submission of a cost impact proposal in accordance with FAR 30.602.

(c) Contract price adjustments. (1) With the assistance of the auditor, the ACO shall promptly analyze the cost impact proposal to determine whether or not the proposed change will result in increased costs being paid by the Government. The ACO shall consider all of the contractor's affected CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts, but any cost changes to higher-tier subcontracts or contracts of other contractors over and above the cost of the subcontract adjustment shall not be considered.

(2) The ACO shall then follow the procedures in 30.602-1(c)(1).

(d) Remedies for contractor failure to make required submissions. (1) If the contractor does not submit the accounting change description or the general dollar magnitude of the change or cost impact proposal (in the form and manner specified), the ACO, with the assistance of the cognizant auditor, shall estimate the general dollar magnitude of the cost impact on CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts. The ACO may then withhold an amount not to exceed 10 percent of each subsequent amount determined payable related to the contractor's CAS-covered prime contracts up to the estimated general dollar magnitude of the cost impact, until the required submission is furnished by the contractor.

(2) If the contractor has not submitted the cost impact proposal before the total withheld amount reaches the estimated general dollar magnitude and the ACO determines that an adjustment is appropriate (see 30.602), the ACO shall request the contractor to agree to the cost or price adjustment. The contractor shall also be advised that, in the event no agreement on the cost or price adjustment is reached within 20 days, the ACO may make a unilateral adjustment subject to contractor appeal, as provided in the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes.

30.603 Subcontract administration.

When a negotiated CAS price adjustment or a determination of noncompliance is required at the subcontract level, the ACO cognizant of the subcontractor shall make the determination and advise the ACO cognizant of the prime contractor or next higher tier subcontractor of the decision. The ACOs cognizant of higher tier subcontractors or prime contractors shall not reverse the determination of the ACO cognizant of the subcontractor.