Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Lightning Fires Update

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, August 2, 2006

The Panther Fire on the Lower Trinity Ranger District is at 410 acres according to District Ranger Ann Garland. "The fire crews continue to improve the containment lines on the northwest and southwest areas of the fire down to the South Fork of the Trinity River," said Garland. "We are igniting low intensity fires to burn out 30-50 feet in from the containment lines to secure the fire. The lines are strategically placed so fire fighters and equipment can work safely."

Helicopters will be used to provide water drops in support of the work on the ground, as well as to assist with the burnout operations.

During a burnout, firefighters ignite low-intensity fires adjacent to the fireline to consume surface fuels, "blacken" the fireline, and thereby strengthen and secure it. Burnouts are typically used in rugged, steep terrain with limited road access. The slopes in the Panther Fire are steep - 90%-100%.

"Forest Supervisor Tyrone Kelley and I had a very good meeting with the Trinity County Board of Supervisors and members of the public on Tuesday," continued Garland. "We explained the current fire situation and discussed our strategies for containing and controlling the fire."

Local residents can expect to see and smell smoke for the next week or so as firefighters continue to suppress the current fires and as an inversion over the area continues to keep the smoke at the lower elevations. Residents of communities affected by this smoke are encouraged to:

  • Close windows, doors and outside vents to prevent accumulation of smoke indoors.
  • Run air conditioner, if available.
  • Keep the fresh air intake closed and keep the filter clean.
  • Ventilate the home and workplace during periods of little smoke.
  • Avoid physical activities while smoke is dense.

Resources include twelve (12) 20-person crews, nine (9) engines, six (6) dozers, six (6) water tenders and two (2) helicopters.

Fire updates are posted on


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