Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Lightning Fires Update

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, July 28, 2006

The Somes Fire, 1½ miles northeast of Orleans, in the Orleans Complex increased in size overnight to 275 acres, according to District Ranger Bill Rice. "The fire made several runs during the early morning. We have requested 10 engines to specifically provide structure protection in the small communities around Orleans. We will have a public meeting at 7:00 pm Saturday night at the Karuk Community Center to provide information about the fire situation."

"A critical communications site east of Orleans is threatened, as well as the Pearch Creek drainage, which is the domestic water source for the entire Orleans community," continued Rice. "We have ordered a backup system for phone service."

The Crawford Fire is 90% contained at 25 acres, the Buck Fire in the Siskiyou Wilderness is at 100 acres, and the Hancock Fire in the Marble Mountain Wilderness is 300 acres. The Klamath National Forest will be taking over the management of the Hancock Fire as there are other fires in the Marble Mountain Wilderness. The other smaller fires that are contained will continue to be patrolled.

Resources on the fires include, seven (7) 20-person crews, eight (8) engines and two (2) helicopters. Additional resources, including crews and air tankers are on order.

The Panther Fire on the Lower Trinity Ranger District grew to 45 acres. Resources include four (4) 20-person crews, two (2) engines, four (4) dozers, one (1) water tender and a National Guard helicopter. It is burning in heavy timber.

An emergency closure order prohibiting public access into the Siskiyou Wilderness area within the boundaries of the Six Rivers NF was issued on Wednesday. This will remain in effect until the Buck Fire is fully contained. The Wooley Creek Trail (#5832) in the Marble Mountains Wilderness is also closed from the trailhead to North Fork Camp until the Hancock Fire is contained.

In addition to the steep terrain and lack of road access, extreme high temperatures and low relative humidities are limiting progress in the suppression of these fires.

The Rocky Mountain Fire Management Team, led by Pete Blume has taken over the management of the Orleans complex. The Fire Information Officers, Steve Segin and Karl Brauneis, can be reached at (530) 627-3145. Future updates will be posted on


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