Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Six Rivers National Forest Initiates Fire Use Restrictions

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, August 29, 2005

Forest Supervisor Jeff Walter announced today that special fire restrictions will be initiated on the Six Rivers National Forest effective Thursday, September 1, 2005. According to Walter, “extreme fire danger due to lack of seasonal precipitation and the associated low fuel moistures in forest vegetation has caused me to initiate these restrictions.”

Effective September 1, fire “Restrictions” will:

  • Limit open campfires to Developed Recreation Sites (listed below) and Designated Fire Safe Sites (listed below). Campfire permits ARE required for fires in the Designated Fire Safe Sites. They are NOT required in the Developed Recreation Sites.
  • Limit smoking to enclosed vehicles, buildings, Developed Recreation Sites and within Designated Fire Safe Sites.
  • Prohibit the use of internal combustion engines except on Forest system roads or trails.
  • Prohibit welding or operating an acetylene or other torch with an open flame.
  • Prohibit the use of explosives.

Exemptions to the restrictions include:

  • With a valid California campfire permit, the use of lanterns or portable stoves using gas, jellied petroleum or pressurized liquid is allowed. Barbeque grills using briquettes are not allowed and follow the same restrictions as the campfire restrictions listed above.
  • These restrictions exclude the Trinity Alps Wilderness and the Siskiyou Wilderness. Further restrictions may be enforced at a later date. Contact any of the following National Forest Offices, Eureka (707) 442-1721, Willow Creek (530) 629-2118, Weaverville (530) 623-2121 and Big Bar (530) 623-6106, for more specific information before entering the wilderness.

California campfire permits are free and are available at all Forest Service, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) offices. The campfire permit must be obtained in person in order to receive information about the terms of the permit and current conditions. The permittee agrees to clear all flammable material away from the campfire for a minimum of five feet in all directions to prevent escape of the fire; have a responsible person in attendance at all times; and extinguish the campfire with water, using the drown, stir and feel method.
While lightning is the number one cause of wildland fire on the Six Rivers National Forest, human caused fires are a major concern. Human caused fires, which range from escaped campfires, careless smokers, equipment use, vehicle exhaust, catalytic converters, or children playing with matches, are preventable.

“We urge everyone to be careful with fire while visiting and enjoying the National Forest,” Walter said. “We want everyone to have an enjoyable, relaxing, safe experience. Everyone should learn about and comply with fire regulations and what to do and not to do. By allowing open campfires only in developed recreation sites or designated fire safe areas, we hope to minimize any potential wildland fire starts.”

The Klamath National Forest and Mendocino National Forest are imposing similar restrictions effective September 1. For information about restrictions on any National Forest, go to the specific website.
Given the current fire situation, some areas may be closed or access limited. Persons should check with the office of the Forest or District they will be visiting to ensure they will have access to a particular area.

Developed Recreation Sites where permits are not needed:

Smith River NRA/Gasquet Ranger District - (707) 457-3131
Patrick Creek Campground
Grassy Flat Campground
Panther Flat Campground
Big Flat Campground
North Fork Campground

Orleans Ranger District – (530) 627-3291
E-Ne-Nuk Campground
Fish Lake Campground
Perch Creek Campground

Lower Trinity Ranger District – (530) 629-2118
Boise Creek Campground
East Fork Campground

Mad River Ranger District – (707) 574-6233
Mad River Campground
Bailey Canyon Campground
Fir Cove Campground
Browns Canyon

Designated Fire Safe Sites where campfires are permitted only with a valid campfire permit:

Smith River NRA/Gasquet Ranger District - (707) 457-3131
Shelly Creek Campsite
Three Ponds Campsite
Madrone Campsite
Bear Basin Lookout Campsite

Orleans Ranger District – (530) 627-3291
Aikens West Campsite
Elk Valley
Louse Camp

Lower Trinity Ranger District – (530) 629-2118
Clear Lake Campsite
Cold Springs Campsite
Happy Camp Campsite
Groves Prairie Campsite

Mad River Ranger District – (707) 574-6233)
Watts Lake Campsite

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