Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Caution Urged in Fuel Treatment Areas Near Gasquet

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, August 16, 2005

Work will begin within the next week on three fuelbreak contracts within the Smith River National Recreation Area, Six Rivers National Forest, according to Forest Supervisor Jeff Walter. These contracts involve the cutting and piling of brush and vegetative debris for burning during winter months.

“This work emphasizes the high priority we place on fuels reduction for firefighter safety and community protection,” said Walter. “The work will occur on 385 acres for a total of 585 acres of fuels reduction accomplishments on the Smith River NRA this year.”

“About 15-20 people will be working in each contract area, so we want the public to be aware that these activities are going on and to approach with caution,” said District Ranger Mary Kay Vandiver. “There may be some short delays as debris is removed from the road or trail,” she continued, “but the road or trail will remain open for public use.”

Two contracts are located near Gasquet; both involve fuels cut and piled within 300 feet of a trail or road. One contract, the French Hill Trail #2 Fuelbreak project, begins about ½ mile up the French Hill Trail from Highway 199, and continues on to the 2 mile marker along the trail. The other contract, Gasquet Mountain Road and Wagon Wheel (French Hill Road) project, will occur along the Gasquet Mountain Road for the first 2 miles from Highway 199. Work for the Wagon Wheel project will occur along the French Hill Road (County Road 411) from approximately 0.4 miles to 1.2 miles from Highway 199.

The third contract will be in the Bear Basin area and will treat roadside fuels along 11.52 miles of forest system roads. Work will occur along 16N02 (5.65 miles), 16N03 (1.33 miles) and 16N18 (4.54 miles). Generally, work will occur within 50 feet of the road edge.

Warning signs will be placed near work areas, however, be aware of the potential for falling trees and other debris in these areas. For further information, contact Dave Webb at the Gasquet Ranger Station at (707) 457-3131.

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