Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
National Public Lands Day - Saturday, September 18

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, September 14, 2004

The Six Rivers National Forest will join in observing National Public Lands Day Saturday, September 18, by waiving fees for overnight camping that day at open Forest Service operated campgrounds on the Six Rivers N.F.

National Public Lands Day (NPLD), a program of the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEET), is a partnership of nine federal agencies, many state and local governments and not-for-profit organizations to encourage visitation to our nation’s public lands. This is the 11th year that the third Saturday in September has been dedicated as National Public Lands Day. In addition to the free fees at many recreation sites, more than 500 volunteer work events will take place in every state nationally on September 18. “It is the largest volunteer hands-on effort of its kind in the country,” Patti Pride, director of National Public Lands Day, said. “NPLD gives Americans the opportunity to lend a hand to the very lands they use to hike, bike, climb, swim, explore, picnic, or just plain relax,” she said.

Volunteers build bridges and trails and transform many sites into universally accessible areas. They renew buildings, improve wildlife habitat, plant stream banks, restore shorelines, remove invasive plants that would threaten fragile native plants and complete other projects that would not be undertaken without the infusion of volunteers that NPLD provides.

“This day of caring for public lands also educates Americans about critical environmental and natural resources issues and the need for shared stewardship of these valued, irreplaceable lands,” Pride said.

It is important to note that each national forest and grassland, national park and other public lands will be participating in NPLD in different ways and interested persons should check with the location of their choice before September 18 to learn about its sheduled events or possible fee waivers.

For more information and a complete updated list of Public Lands Day projects and sites near you, go to For more information about Six Rivers National Forest campgrounds currently open go to

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