Six Rivers National Forest

Home > Newsroom > 2005 News Releases > June Releases > Prescribed Burning near Orleans reduces fuels and much more

News Release:
Prescribed Burning near Orleans reduces fuels and much more

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, June 27, 2005

The Orleans Ranger District of the Six Rivers National Forest is implementing an understory burning project near Orleans that will reduce the fire hazard to residents on Red Cap Road and help local basket weavers of the Karuk Tribe.

Nearly 30 of the 150 acres in two units have been treated this spring. The remaining acres will be completed when burning conditions are safe and favorable. Within these units, there are hazel plants that provide forage for wildlife and are used in making traditional baskets. Fire is an important tool to provide for the quality plant materials needed in basket making. Fire kills the older plant, but because hazel sprouts prolifically, the young shoots that appear in two years are straight and narrow. This makes them perfect for use by the Karuk to make hazel baskets.

Local tribes and Forest Service personnel have a long-term partnership working together to develop more opportunities for burns and to promote traditional uses of forest resources in Orleans. As Karuk weaver Millie Black-Graber points out, "Fire doesn't just enhance the basketry materials; it's healthy for all the forest. It also increases understanding between cultures by building strong relationships and opening the lines of communication.”

This sprouting activity also provides import forage for deer populations that frequent this part of the District.

The burning is being conducted by the Ukonom Type I firefighter crew from Orleans Ranger District under precise environmental factors to meet specific resource objectives mentioned above. These factors include weather conditions such as humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction, and fuel moisture. FS firefighters patrol and monitor the areas during and after the burns.

For more information, contact Orleans District Ranger Bill Rice at (530) 627-3291.

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