52.232-1 Payments.

As prescribed in 32.111(a)(1), insert the following clause, appropriately modified with respect to payment due date in accordance with agency regulations, in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price supply contract, a fixed-price service contract, or a contract for nonregulated communication services is contemplated:

Payments (Apr1984)

The Government shall pay the Contractor, upon the submission of proper invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated in this contract for supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered and accepted, less any deductions provided in this contract. Unless otherwise specified in this contract, payment shall be made on partial deliveries accepted by the Government if--

(a) The amount due on the deliveries warrants it; or

(b) The Contractor requests it and the amount due on the deliveries is at least $1,000 or 50 percent of the total contract price.

(End of clause)

52.232-2 Payments under Fixed-Price Research and Development Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.111(a)(2), insert the following clause, as appropriately modified with respect to payment due dates in accordance with agency regulations, in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price research and development contract is contemplated:

Payments under Fixed-Price Research and Development Contracts (Apr 1984)

The Government shall pay the Contractor, upon submission of proper invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated in this contract for work delivered or rendered and accepted, less any deductions provided in this contract. Unless otherwise specified, payment shall be made upon acceptance of any portion of the work delivered or rendered for which a price is separately stated in the contract.

(End of clause)

52.232-3 Payments under Personal Services Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.111(a)(3), insert the following clause, appropriately modified with respect to payment due dates in accordance with agency regulations, in solicitations and contracts for personal services:

Payments under Personal Services Contracts (Apr 1984)

The Government shall pay the Contractor for the services performed by the Contractor, as set forth in the Schedule of this contract, at the rates prescribed, upon the submission by the Contractor of proper invoices or time statements to the office or officer designated and at the time provided for in this contract. The Government shall also pay the Contractor--

(a) A per diem rate in lieu of subsistence for each day the Contractor is in a travel status away from home or regular place of employment in accordance with Federal Travel Regulations (41 CFR 101-7) as authorized in appropriate Travel Orders; and

(b) Any other transportation expenses if provided for in the Schedule.

(End of clause)

52.232-4 Payments under Transportation Contracts and Transportation-Related Services Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.111(a)(4), insert the following clause, appropriately modified with respect to payment due dates in accordance with agency regulations, in solicitations and contracts for transportation or transportation-related services:

Payments under Transportation Contracts and Transportation-Related Services Contracts (Apr 1984)

The Government shall pay the Contractor upon the submission of properly certified invoices or vouchers, the amount due for services rendered and accepted, less deductions, if any, as herein provided.

(End of clause)

52.232-5 Payments under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.111(a)(5), insert the following clause:

Payments under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts (May 1997)

(a) Payment of price. The Government shall pay the Contractor the contract price as provided in this contract.

(b) Progress payments. The Government shall make progress payments monthly as the work proceeds, or at more frequent intervals as determined by the Contracting Officer, on estimates of work accomplished which meets the standards of quality established under the contract, as approved by the Contracting Officer.

(1) The Contractor's request for progress payments shall include the following substantiation:

(i) An itemization of the amounts requested, related to the various elements of work required by the contract covered by the payment requested.

(ii) A listing of the amount included for work performed by each subcontractor under the contract.

(iii) A listing of the total amount of each subcontract under the contract.

(iv) A listing of the amounts previously paid to each such subcontractor under the contract.

(v) Additional supporting data in a form and detail required by the Contracting Officer.

(2) In the preparation of estimates, the Contracting Officer may authorize material delivered on the site and preparatory work done to be taken into consideration. Material delivered to the Contractor at locations other than the site also may be taken into consideration if--

(i) Consideration is specifically authorized by this contract; and

(ii) The Contractor furnishes satisfactory evidence that it has acquired title to such material and that the material will be used to perform this contract.

(c) Contractor certification. Along with each request for progress payments, the Contractor shall furnish the following certification, or payment shall not be made: (However, if the Contractor elects to delete paragraph (c)(4) from the certification, the certification is still acceptable.)

I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that--

(1) The amounts requested are only for performance in accordance with the specifications, terms, and conditions of the contract;

(2) Payments to subcontractors and suppliers have been made from previous payments received under the contract, and timely payments will be made from the proceeds of the payment covered by this certification, in accordance with subcontract agreements and the requirements of chapter 39 of Title 31, United States Code;

(3) This request for progress payments does not include any amounts which the prime contractor intends to withhold or retain from a subcontractor or supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions of the subcontract; and

(4) This certification is not to be construed as final acceptance of a subcontractor's performance.







(d) Refund of unearned amounts. If the Contractor, after making a certified request for progress payments, discovers that a portion or all of such request constitutes a payment for performance by the Contractor that fails to conform to the specifications, terms, and conditions of this contract (hereinafter referred to as the "unearned amount"), the Contractor shall--

(1) Notify the Contracting Officer of such performance deficiency; and

(2) Be obligated to pay the Government an amount (computed by the Contracting Officer in the manner provided in paragraph (j) of this clause) equal to interest on the unearned amount from the 8th day after the date of receipt of the unearned amount until--

(i) The date the Contractor notifies the Contracting Officer that the performance deficiency has been corrected; or

(ii) The date the Contractor reduces the amount of any subsequent certified request for progress payments by an amount equal to the unearned amount.

(e) Retainage. If the Contracting Officer finds that satisfactory progress was achieved during any period for which a progress payment is to be made, the Contracting Officer shall authorize payment to be made in full. However, if satisfactory progress has not been made, the Contracting Officer may retain a maximum of 10 percent of the amount of the payment until satisfactory progress is achieved. When the work is substantially complete, the Contracting Officer may retain from previously withheld funds and future progress payments that amount the Contracting Officer considers adequate for protection of the Government and shall release to the Contractor all the remaining withheld funds. Also, on completion and acceptance of each separate building, public work, or other division of the contract, for which the price is stated separately in the contract, payment shall be made for the completed work without retention of a percentage.

(f) Title, liability, and reservation of rights. All material and work covered by progress payments made shall, at the time of payment, become the sole property of the Government, but this shall not be construed as--

(1) Relieving the Contractor from the sole responsibility for all material and work upon which payments have been made or the restoration of any damaged work; or

(2) Waiving the right of the Government to require the fulfillment of all of the terms of the contract.

(g) Reimbursement for bond premiums. In making these progress payments, the Government shall, upon request, reimburse the Contractor for the amount of premiums paid for performance and payment bonds (including coinsurance and reinsurance agreements, when applicable) after the Contractor has furnished evidence of full payment to the surety. The retainage provisions in paragraph (e) of this clause shall not apply to that portion of progress payments attributable to bond premiums.

(h) Final payment. The Government shall pay the amount due the Contractor under this contract after--

(1) Completion and acceptance of all work;

(2) Presentation of a properly executed voucher; and

(3) Presentation of release of all claims against the Government arising by virtue of this contract, other than claims, in stated amounts, that the Contractor has specifically excepted from the operation of the release. A release may also be required of the assignee if the Contractor's claim to amounts payable under this contract has been assigned under the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940 (31 U.S.C. 3727 and 41 U.S.C. 15).

(i) Limitation because of undefinitized work. Notwithstanding any provision of this contract, progress payments shall not exceed 80 percent on work accomplished on undefinitized contract actions. A "contract action" is any action resulting in a contract, as defined in FAR Subpart 2.1, including contract modifications for additional supplies or services, but not including contract modifications that are within the scope and under the terms of the contract, such as contract modifications issued pursuant to the Changes clause, or funding and other administrative changes.

(j) Interest computation on unearned amounts. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3903(c)(1), the amount payable under subparagraph (d)(2) of this clause shall be--

(1) Computed at the rate of average bond equivalent rates of 91-day Treasury bills auctioned at the most recent auction of such bills prior to the date the Contractor receives the unearned amount; and

(2) Deducted from the next available payment to the Contractor.

(End of clause)

52.232-6 Payment under Communication Service Contracts with Common Carriers.

As prescribed in 32.111(a)(6), insert the following clause, appropriately modified with respect to payment due dates in accordance with agency regulations, in solicitations and contracts for regulated communication services by common carriers:

Payment under Communication Service Contracts with Common Carriers (Apr 1984)

The Government shall pay the Contractor, in arrears, upon submission of invoices for services and facilities furnished in accordance with the terms of CSAs issued under this contract, the rates and charges for the services and facilities as set forth in the clause entitled "Rates, Charges and Services."

(End of clause)

52.232-7 Payments under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.111(b), insert the following clause:

Payments under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts (Mar 2000)

The Government will pay the Contractor as follows upon the submission of invoices or vouchers approved by the Contracting Officer:

(a) Hourly rate. (1) The amounts shall be computed by multiplying the appropriate hourly rates prescribed in the Schedule by the number of direct labor hours performed. The rates shall include wages, indirect costs, general and administrative expense, and profit. Fractional parts of an hour shall be payable on a prorated basis. Vouchers may be submitted once each month (or at more frequent intervals, if approved by the Contracting Officer), to the Contracting Officer or designee. The Contractor shall substantiate vouchers by evidence of actual payment and by individual daily job timecards, or other substantiation approved by the Contracting Officer. Promptly after receipt of each substantiated voucher, the Government shall, except as otherwise provided in this contract, and subject to the terms of (e) of this section, pay the voucher as approved by the Contracting Officer.

(2) Unless otherwise prescribed in the Schedule, the Contracting Officer shall withhold 5 percent of the amounts due under this paragraph (a), but the total amount withheld shall not exceed $50,000. The amounts withheld shall be retained until the execution and delivery of a release by the Contractor as provided in paragraph (f) of this section.

(3) Unless the Schedule prescribes otherwise, the hourly rates in the Schedule shall not be varied by virtue of the Contractor having performed work on an overtime basis. If no overtime rates are provided in the Schedule and overtime work is approved in advance by the Contracting Officer, overtime rates shall be negotiated. Failure to agree upon these overtime rates shall be treated as a dispute under the Disputes clause of this contract. If the Schedule provides rates for overtime, the premium portion of those rates will be reimbursable only to the extent the overtime is approved by the Contracting Officer.

(b) Materials and subcontracts. (1) The Contracting Officer will determine allowable costs of direct materials in accordance with Subpart 31.2 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in effect on the date of this contract. Direct materials, as used in this clause, are those materials that enter directly into the end product, or that are used or consumed directly in connection with the furnishing of the end product.

(2) The Contractor may include reasonable and allocable material handling costs in the charge for material to the extent they are clearly excluded from the hourly rate. Material handling costs are comprised of indirect costs, including, when appropriate, general and administrative expense allocated to direct materials in accordance with the Contractor's usual accounting practices consistent with Subpart 31.2 of the FAR.

(3) The Government will reimburse the Contractor for items and services purchased directly for the contract only when payments of cash, checks, or other forms of payment have been made for such purchased items or services.

(4)(i) The Government will reimburse the Contractor for costs of subcontracts that are authorized under the subcontracts clause of this contract, provided that the costs are consistent with paragraph (b)(5) of this clause.

(ii) The Government will limit reimbursable costs in connection with subcontracts to the amounts paid for items and services purchased directly for the contract only when the Contractor has made or will make payments of cash, checks, or other forms of payment to the subcontractor--

(A) In accordance with the terms and conditions of a subcontract or invoice; and

(B) Ordinarily prior to the submission of the Contractor's next payment request to the Government.

(iii) The Government will not reimburse the Contractor for any costs arising from the letting, administration, or supervision of performance of the subcontract, if the costs are included in the hourly rates payable under paragraph (a)(1) of this clause.

(5) To the extent able, the Contractor shall--

(i) Obtain materials at the most advantageous prices available with due regard to securing prompt delivery of satisfactory materials; and

(ii) Take all cash and trade discounts, rebates, allowances, credits, salvage, commissions, and other benefits. When unable to take advantage of the benefits, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer and give the reasons. The Contractor shall give credit to the Government for cash and trade discounts, rebates, scrap, commissions, and other amounts that have accrued to the benefit of the Contractor, or would have accrued except for the fault or neglect of the Contractor. The Contractor shall not deduct from gross costs the benefits lost without fault or neglect on the part of the Contractor, or lost through fault of the Government.

(c) Total cost. It is estimated that the total cost to the Government for the performance of this contract shall not exceed the ceiling price set forth in the Schedule and the Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to perform the work specified in the Schedule and all obligations under this contract within such ceiling price. If at any time the Contractor has reason to believe that the hourly rate payments and material costs that will accrue in performing this contract in the next succeeding 30 days, if added to all other payments and costs previously accrued, will exceed 85 percent of the ceiling price in the Schedule, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer giving a revised estimate of the total price to the Government for performing this contract with supporting reasons and documentation. If at any time during performing this contract, the Contractor has reason to believe that the total price to the Government for performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the then stated ceiling price, the Contractor shall so notify the Contracting Officer, giving a revised estimate of the total price for performing this contract, with supporting reasons and documentation. If at any time during performing this contract, the Government has reason to believe that the work to be required in performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the stated ceiling price, the Contracting Officer will so advise the Contractor, giving the then revised estimate of the total amount of effort to be required under the contract.

(d) Ceiling price. The Government shall not be obligated to pay the Contractor any amount in excess of the ceiling price in the Schedule, and the Contractor shall not be obligated to continue performance if to do so would exceed the ceiling price set forth in the Schedule, unless and until the Contracting Officer shall have notified the Contractor in writing that the ceiling price has been increased and shall have specified in the notice a revised ceiling that shall constitute the ceiling price for performance under this contract. When and to the extent that the ceiling price set forth in the Schedule has been increased, any hours expended and material costs incurred by the Contractor in excess of the ceiling price before the increase shall be allowable to the same extent as if the hours expended and material costs had been incurred after the increase in the ceiling price.

(e) Audit. At any time before final payment under this contract the Contracting Officer may request audit of the invoices or vouchers and substantiating material. Each payment previously made shall be subject to reduction to the extent of amounts, on preceding invoices or vouchers, that are found by the Contracting Officer not to have been properly payable and shall also be subject to reduction for overpayments or to increase for underpayments. Upon receipt and approval of the voucher or invoice designated by the Contractor as the "completion voucher" or "completion invoice" and substantiating material, and upon compliance by the Contractor with all terms of this contract (including, without limitation, terms relating to patents and the terms of (f) and (g) of this section), the Government shall promptly pay any balance due the Contractor. The completion invoice or voucher, and substantiating material, shall be submitted by the Contractor as promptly as practicable following completion of the work under this contract, but in no event later than 1 year (or such longer period as the Contracting Officer may approve in writing) from the date of completion.

(f) Assignment. The Contractor, and each assignee under an assignment entered into under this contract and in effect at the time of final payment under this contract, shall execute and deliver, at the time of and as a condition precedent to final payment under this contract, a release discharging the Government, its officers, agents, and employees of and from all liabilities, obligations, and claims arising out of or under this contract, subject only to the following exceptions:

(1) Specified claims in stated amounts, or in estimated amounts if the amounts are not susceptible of exact statement by the Contractor.

(2) Claims, together with reasonable incidental expenses, based upon the liabilities of the Contractor to third parties arising out of performing this contract, that are not known to the Contractor on the date of the execution of the release, and of which the Contractor gives notice in writing to the Contracting Officer not more than 6 years after the date of the release or the date of any notice to the Contractor that the Government is prepared to make final payment, whichever is earlier.

(3) Claims for reimbursement of costs (other than expenses of the Contractor by reason of its indemnification of the Government against patent liability), including reasonable incidental expenses, incurred by the Contractor under the terms of this contract relating to patents.

(g) Refunds. The Contractor agrees that any refunds, rebates, or credits (including any related interest) accruing to or received by the Contractor or any assignee, that arise under the materials portion of this contract and for which the Contractor has received reimbursement, shall be paid by the Contractor to the Government. The Contractor and each assignee, under an assignment entered into under this contract and in effect at the time of final payment under this contract, shall execute and deliver, at the time of and as a condition precedent to final payment under this contract, an assignment to the Government of such refunds, rebates, or credits (including any interest) in form and substance satisfactory to the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Mar 2000). If the nature of the work to be performed requires the Contractor to furnish material that the Contractor regularly sells to the general public in the normal course of business, and the price is under the limitations prescribed in 16.601(b)(3), add the following paragraph (6) to paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

(b)(6) If the nature of the work to be performed requires the Contractor to furnish material that the Contractor regularly sells to the general public in the normal course of business, the price to be paid for such material, notwithstanding the other requirements of this paragraph (b), shall be on the basis of an established catalog or list price, in effect when the material is furnished, less all applicable discounts to the Government, provided that in no event shall such price be in excess of the Contractor's sales price to its most favored customer for the same item in like quantity, or the current market price, whichever is lower.

Alternate II (Jan 1986). If a labor-hour contract is contemplated, and if no specific reimbursement for materials furnished is intended, the Contracting Officer may add the following paragraph (h) to the basic clause:

(h) The terms of this clause that govern reimbursement for materials furnished are considered to have been deleted.

52.232-8 Discounts for Prompt Payment.

As prescribed in 32.111(c)(1), insert the following clause:

Discounts for Prompt Payment (May 1997)

(a) Discounts for prompt payment will not be considered in the evaluation of offers. However, any offered discount will form a part of the award, and will be taken if payment is made within the discount period indicated in the offer by the offeror. As an alternative to offering a prompt payment discount in conjunction with the offer, offerors awarded contracts may include prompt payment discounts on individual invoices.

(b) In connection with any discount offered for prompt payment, time shall be computed from the date of the invoice. If the Contractor has not placed a date on the invoice, the due date shall be calculated from the date the designated billing office receives a proper invoice, provided the agency annotates such invoice with the date of receipt at the time of receipt. For the purpose of computing the discount earned, payment shall be considered to have been made on the date that appears on the payment check or, for an electronic funds transfer, the specified payment date. When the discount date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday when Federal Government offices are closed and Government business is not expected to be conducted, payment may be made on the following business day.

(End of clause)

52.232-9 Limitation on Withholding of Payments.

As prescribed in 32.111(c)(2), insert a clause substantially as follows, appropriately modified with respect to payment due dates in accordance with agency regulations, in solicitations and contracts when a supply contract, service contract, time-and-materials contract, labor-hour contract, or research and development contract is contemplated that includes two or more terms authorizing the temporary withholding of amounts otherwise payable to the contractor for supplies delivered or services performed:

Limitation on Withholding of Payments (Apr 1984)

If more than one clause or Schedule term of this contract authorizes the temporary withholding of amounts otherwise payable to the Contractor for supplies delivered or services performed, the total of the amounts withheld at any one time shall not exceed the greatest amount that may be withheld under any one clause or Schedule term at that time; provided, that this limitation shall not apply to--

(a) Withholdings pursuant to any clause relating to wages or hours of employees;

(b) Withholdings not specifically provided for by this contract;

(c) The recovery of overpayments; and

(d) Any other withholding for which the Contracting Officer determines that this limitation is inappropriate.

(End of clause)

52.232-10 Payments under Fixed-Price Architect-Engineer Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.111(d)(1), insert the following clause:

Payments under Fixed-Price Architect-Engineer Contracts (Aug 1987)

(a) Estimates shall be made monthly of the amount and value of the work and services performed by the Contractor under this contract which meet the standards of quality established under this contract. The estimates shall be prepared by the Contractor and accompanied by any supporting data required by the Contracting Officer.

(b) Upon approval of the estimate by the Contracting Officer, payment upon properly executed vouchers shall be made to the Contractor, as soon as practicable, of 90 percent of the approved amount, less all previous payments; provided, that payment may be made in full during any months in which the Contracting Officer determines that performance has been satisfactory. Also, whenever the Contracting Officer determines that the work is substantially complete and that the amount retained is in excess of the amount adequate for the protection of the Government, the Contracting Officer may release the excess amount to the Contractor.

(c) Upon satisfactory completion by the Contractor and acceptance by the Contracting Officer of the work done by the Contractor under the "Statement of Architect-Engineer Services", the Contractor will be paid the unpaid balance of any money due for work under the statement, including retained percentages relating to this portion of the work. Upon satisfactory completion and final acceptance of the construction work, the Contractor shall be paid any unpaid balance of money due under this contract.

(d) Before final payment under the contract, or before settlement upon termination of the contract, and as a condition precedent thereto, the Contractor shall execute and deliver to the Contracting Officer a release of all claims against the Government arising under or by virtue of this contract, other than any claims that are specifically excepted by the Contractor from the operation of the release in amounts stated in the release.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision in this contract, and specifically paragraph (b) of this clause, progress payments shall not exceed 80 percent on work accomplished on undefinitized contract actions. A "contract action" is any action resulting in a contract, as defined in FAR Subpart 2.1, including contract modifications for additional supplies or services, but not including contract modifications that are within the scope and under the terms of the contract, such as contract modifications issued pursuant to the Changes clause, or funding and other administrative changes.

(End of clause)

52.232-11 Extras.

As prescribed in 32.111(d)(2), insert the following clause, appropriately modified with respect to payment due dates in accordance with agency regulations, in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price supply contract, fixed-price service contract, or transportation contract is contemplated:

Extras (Apr 1984)

Except as otherwise provided in this contract, no payment for extras shall be made unless such extras and the price therefor have been authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

52.232-12 Advance Payments.

As prescribed in 32.412(a), insert the following clause:

Advance Payments (May 1999)

(a) Requirements for payment. Advance payments will be made under this contract (1) upon submission of properly certified invoices or vouchers by the Contractor, and approval by the administering office, ________ [insert the name of the office designated under agency procedures], or (2) under a letter of credit. The amount of the invoice or voucher submitted plus all advance payments previously approved shall not exceed $ _______. If a letter of credit is used, the Contractor shall withdraw cash only when needed for disbursements acceptable under this contract and report cash disbursements and balances as required by the administering office. The Contractor shall apply terms similar to this clause to any advance payments to subcontractors.

(b) Special bank account. Until (1) the Contractor has liquidated all advance payments made under the contract and related interest charges and (2) the administering office has approved in writing the release of any funds due and payable to the Contractor, all advance payments and other payments under this contract shall be made by check payable to the Contractor marked for deposit only in the Contractor's special bank account with the ______ [insert the name of the bank]. None of the funds in the special bank account shall be mingled with other funds of the Contractor. Withdrawals from the special bank account may be made only by check of the Contractor countersigned by the Contracting Officer or a Government countersigning agent designated in writing by the Contracting Officer.

(c) Use of funds. The Contractor may withdraw funds from the special bank account only to pay for properly allocable, allowable, and reasonable costs for direct materials, direct labor, and indirect costs. Other withdrawals require approval in writing by the administering office. Determinations of whether costs are properly allocable, allowable, and reasonable shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, subject to any applicable subparts of Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

(d) Repayment to the Government. At any time, the Contractor may repay all or any part of the funds advanced by the Government. Whenever requested in writing to do so by the administering office, the Contractor shall repay to the Government any part of unliquidated advance payments considered by the administering office to exceed the Contractor's current requirements or the amount specified in paragraph (a) above. If the Contractor fails to repay the amount requested by the administering office, all or any part of the unliquidated advance payments may be withdrawn from the special bank account by check signed by only the countersigning agent and applied to reduction of the unliquidated advance payments under this contract.

(e) Maximum payment. When the sum of all unliquidated advance payments, unpaid interest charges, and other payments exceed _____ percent of the contract price, the Government shall withhold further payments to the Contractor. On completion or termination of the contract, the Government shall deduct from the amount due to the Contractor all unliquidated advance payments and all interest charges payable. If previous payments to the Contractor exceed the amount due, the excess amount shall be paid to the Government on demand. For purposes of this paragraph, the contract price shall be considered to be the stated contract price of $ _____, less any subsequent price reductions under the contract, plus (1) any price increases resulting from any terms of this contract for price redetermination or escalation, and (2) any other price increases that do not, in the aggregate, exceed $ _____ [insert an amount not higher than 10 percent of the stated contract amount inserted in this paragraph]. Any payments withheld under this paragraph shall be applied to reduce the unliquidated advance payments. If full liquidation has been made, payments under the contract shall resume.

(f) Interest. (1) The Contractor shall pay interest to the Government on the daily unliquidated advance payments at the daily rate specified in subparagraph (f)(3) below. Interest shall be computed at the end of each calendar month for the actual number of days involved. For the purpose of computing the interest charge--

(i) Advance payments shall be considered as increasing the unliquidated balance as of the date of the advance payment check;

(ii) Repayments by Contractor check shall be considered as decreasing the unliquidated balance as of the date on which the check is received by the Government authority designated by the Contracting Officer; and

(iii) Liquidations by deductions from Government payments to the Contractor shall be considered as decreasing the unliquidated balance as of the date of the check for the reduced payment.

(2) Interest charges resulting from the monthly computation shall be deducted from payments, other than advance payments, due the Contractor. If the accrued interest exceeds the payment due, any excess interest shall be carried forward and deducted from subsequent payments. Interest carried forward shall not be compounded. Interest on advance payments shall cease to accrue upon satisfactory completion or termination of the contract for the convenience of the Government. The Contractor shall charge interest on advance payments to subcontractors in the manner described above and credit the interest to the Government. Interest need not be charged on advance payments to nonprofit educational or research subcontractors for experimental, developmental, or research work.

(3) If interest is required under the contract, the Contracting Officer shall determine a daily interest rate based on the higher of (i) the published prime rate of the banking institution (depository) in which the special bank account is established or (ii) the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under Pub. L. 92-41 (50 U.S.C. App. 1215(b)(2)). The Contracting Officer shall revise the daily interest rate during the contract period in keeping with any changes in the cited interest rates.

(4) If the full amount of interest charged under this paragraph has not been paid by deduction or otherwise upon completion or termination of this contract, the Contractor shall pay the remaining interest to the Government on demand.

(g) Bank agreement. Before an advance payment is made under this contract, the Contractor shall transmit to the administering office, in the form prescribed by the administering office, an agreement in triplicate from the bank in which the special bank account is established, clearly setting forth the special character of the account and the responsibilities of the bank under the account. If possible, the Contractor shall select a bank that is a member bank of the Federal Reserve System or is an "insured" bank within the meaning the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act (12 U.S.C. 1811).

(h) Lien on special bank account. The Government shall have a lien upon any balance in the special bank account paramount to all other liens. The Government lien shall secure the repayment of any advance payments made under this contract and any related interest charges.

(i) Lien on property under contract. (1) All advance payments under this contract, together with interest charges, shall be secured, when made, by a lien in favor of the Government, paramount to all other liens, on the supplies or other things covered by this contract and on material and other property acquired for or allocated to the performance of this contract, except to the extent that the Government by virtue of any other terms of this contract, or otherwise, shall have valid title to the supplies, materials, or other property as against other creditors of the Contractor.

(2) The Contractor shall identify, by marking or segregation, all property that is subject to a lien in favor of the Government by virtue of any terms of this contract in such a way as to indicate that it is subject to a lien and that it has been acquired for or allocated to performing this contract. If, for any reason, the supplies, materials, or other property are not identified by marking or segregation, the Government shall be considered to have a lien to the extent of the Government's interest under this contract on any mass of property with which the supplies, materials, or other property are commingled. The Contractor shall maintain adequate accounting control over the property on its books and records.

(3) If, at any time during the progress of the work on the contract, it becomes necessary to deliver to a third person any items or materials on which the Government has a lien, the Contractor shall notify the third person of the lien and shall obtain from the third person a receipt in duplicate acknowledging the existence of the lien. The Contractor shall provide a copy of each receipt to the Contracting Officer.

(4) If, under the termination clause, the Contracting Officer authorizes the Contractor to sell or retain termination inventory, the approval shall constitute a release of the Government's lien to the extent that--

(i) The termination inventory is sold or retained; and

(ii) The sale proceeds or retention credits are applied to reduce any outstanding advance payments.

(j) Insurance. (1) The Contractor shall maintain with responsible insurance carriers--

(i) Insurance on plant and equipment against fire and other hazards, to the extent that similar properties are usually insured by others operating plants and properties of similar character in the same general locality;

(ii) Adequate insurance against liability on account of damage to persons or property; and

(iii) Adequate insurance under all applicable workers' compensation laws.

(2) Until work under this contract has been completed and all advance payments made under the contract have been liquidated, the Contractor shall--

(i) Maintain this insurance;

(ii) Maintain adequate insurance on any materials, parts, assemblies, subassemblies, supplies, equipment, and other property acquired for or allocable to this contract and subject to the Government lien under paragraph (i) of this clause; and

(iii) Furnish any evidence with respect to its insurance that the administering office may require.

(k) Default. (1) If any of the following events occurs, the Government may, by written notice to the Contractor, withhold further withdrawals from the special bank account and further payments on this contract:

(i) Termination of this contract for a fault of the Contractor.

(ii) A finding by the administering office that the Contractor has failed to--

(A) Observe any of the conditions of the advance payment terms;

(B) Comply with any material term of this contract;

(C) Make progress or maintain a financial condition adequate for performance of this contract;

(D) Limit inventory allocated to this contract to reasonable requirements; or

(E) Avoid delinquency in payment of taxes or of the costs of performing this contract in the ordinary course of business.

(iii) The appointment of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator for all or a substantial part of the Contractor's property, or the institution of proceedings by or against the Contractor for bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, or liquidation.

(iv) The service of any writ of attachment, levy of execution, or commencement of garnishment proceedings concerning the special bank account.

(v) The commission of an act of bankruptcy.

(2) If any of the events described in subparagraph (1) above continue for 30 days after the written notice to the Contractor, the Government may take any of the following additional actions:

(i) Withdraw by checks payable to the Treasurer of the United States, signed only by the countersigning agency, all or any part of the balance in the special bank account and apply the amounts to reduce outstanding advance payments and any other claims of the Government against the Contractor.

(ii) Charge interest, in the manner prescribed in paragraph (f) above, on outstanding advance payments during the period of any event described in subparagraph (k)(1) above.

(iii) Demand immediate repayment by the Contractor of the unliquidated balance of advance payments.

(iv) Take possession of and, with or without advertisement, sell at public or private sale all or any part of the property on which the Government has a lien under this contract and, after deducting any expenses incident to the sale, apply the net proceeds of the sale to reduce the unliquidated balance of advance payments or other Government claims against the Contractor.

(3) The Government may take any of the actions described in subparagraphs (k)(1) and (2) of this clause it considers appropriate at its discretion and without limiting any other rights of the Government.

(l) Prohibition against assignment. Notwithstanding any other terms of this contract, the Contractor shall not assign this contract, any interest therein, or any claim under the contract to any party.

(m) Information and access to records. The Contractor shall furnish to the administering office (1) monthly or at other intervals as required, signed or certified balance sheets and profit and loss statements together with a report on the operation of the special bank account in the form prescribed by the administering office; and (2) if requested, other information concerning the operation of the Contractor's business. The Contractor shall provide the authorized Government representatives proper facilities for inspection of the Contractor's books, records, and accounts.

(n) Other security. The terms of this contract are considered to provide adequate security to the Government for advance payments; however, if the administering office considers the security inadequate, the Contractor shall furnish additional security satisfactory to the administering office, to the extent that the security is available.

(o) Representations. The Contractor represents the following:

(1) The balance sheet, the profit and loss statement, and any other supporting financial statements furnished to the administering office fairly reflect the financial condition of the Contractor at the date shown or the period covered, and there has been no subsequent materially adverse change in the financial condition of the Contractor.

(2) No litigation or proceedings are presently pending or threatened against the Contractor, except as shown in the financial statements.

(3) The Contractor has disclosed all contingent liabilities, except for liability resulting from the renegotiation of defense production contracts, in the financial statements furnished to the administering office.

(4) None of the terms in this clause conflict with the authority under which the Contractor is doing business or with the provision of any existing indenture or agreement of the Contractor.

(5) The Contractor has the power to enter into this contract and accept advance payments, and has taken all necessary action to authorize the acceptance under the terms of this contract.

(6) The assets of the Contractor are not subject to any lien or encumbrance of any character except for current taxes not delinquent, and except as shown in the financial statements furnished by the Contractor. There is no current assignment of claims under any contract affected by these advance payment provisions.

(7) All information furnished by the Contractor to the administering office in connection with each request for advance payments is true and correct.

(8) These representations shall be continuing and shall be considered to have been repeated by the submission of each invoice for advance payments.

(p) Covenants. To the extent the Government considers it necessary while any advance payments made under this contract remain outstanding, the Contractor, without the prior written consent of the administering office, shall not--

(1) Mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber or allow to be encumbered, any of the assets of the Contractor now owned or subsequently acquired, or permit any preexisting mortgages, liens, or other encumbrances to remain on or attach to any assets of the Contractor which are allocated to performing this contract and with respect to which the Government has a lien under this contract;

(2) Sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of accounts receivable, notes, or claims for money due or to become due;

(3) Declare or pay any dividends, except dividends payable in stock of the corporation, or make any other distribution on account of any shares of its capital stock, or purchase, redeem, or otherwise acquire for value any of its stock, except as required by sinking fund or redemption arrangements reported to the administering office incident to the establishment of these advance payment provisions;

(4) Sell, convey, or lease all or a substantial part of its assets;

(5) Acquire for value the stock or other securities of any corporation, municipality, or governmental authority, except direct obligations of the United States;

(6) Make any advance or loan or incur any liability as guarantor, surety, or accommodation endorser for any party;

(7) Permit a writ of attachment or any similar process to be issued against its property without getting a release or bonding the property within 30 days after the entry of the writ of attachment or other process;

(8) Pay any remuneration in any form to its directors, officers, or key employees higher than rates provided in existing agreements of which notice has been given to the administering office; accrue excess remuneration without first obtaining an agreement subordinating it to all claims of the Government; or employ any person at a rate of compensation over $ _____ a year;

(9) Change substantially the management, ownership, or control of the corporation;

(10) Merge or consolidate with any other firm or corporation, change the type of business, or engage in any transaction outside the ordinary course of the Contractor's business as presently conducted;

(11) Deposit any of its funds except in a bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;

(12) Create or incur indebtedness for advances, other than advances to be made under the terms of this contract, or for borrowings;

(13) Make or covenant for capital expenditures exceeding $ _____ in total;

(14) Permit its net current assets, computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, to become less than $ _____; or

(15) Make any payments on account of the obligations listed below, except in the manner and to the extent provided in this contract:

[List the pertinent obligations]

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If the agency desires to waive the countersignature requirement because of the Contractor's financial strength, good performance record, and favorable experience concerning cost disallowances, add the following sentence, if appropriate, to paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

However, for this contract, countersignature on behalf of the Government will not be required unless it is determined necessary by the administering office.

Alternate II (Apr 1984). If used in a cost-reimbursement contract, substitute the following paragraphs (c) and (e), and subparagraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) for paragraphs (c) and (e) and subparagraphs (f)(1) and (2) of the basic clause:

(c) Use of funds. The Contractor shall withdraw funds from the special bank account only to pay for allowable costs as prescribed by the _____ clause of this contract. Payment for any other types of expenses shall be approved in writing by the administering office.

* * * * *

(e) Maximum payment. When the sum of all unliquidated advance payments, unpaid interest charges, and other payments equal the total estimated cost of $ _____ (not including fixed-fee, if any) for the work under this contract, the Government shall withhold further payments to the Contractor. Upon completion or termination of the contract, the Government shall deduct from the amount due to the Contractor all unliquidated advance payments and interest charges payable. The Contractor shall pay any deficiency to the Government upon demand. For purposes of this paragraph, the estimated cost shall be considered to be the stated estimated cost, less any subsequent reductions of the estimated cost, plus any increases in the estimated costs that do not, in the aggregate, exceed $ _____ [Insert an amount not higher than 10 percent of the stated estimated cost inserted in this paragraph]. The estimated cost shall include, without limitation, any reimbursable cost (as estimated by the Contracting Officer) incident to a termination for the convenience of the Government. Any payments withheld under this paragraph shall be applied to reduce the unliquidated advance payments. If full liquidation has been made, payments under the contract shall resume.

(f) Interest. (1) The Contractor shall pay interest to the Government on the daily unliquidated advance payments at the daily rate specified in subparagraph (f)(3) below. Interest shall be computed at the end of each calendar month for the actual number of days involved. For the purpose of computing the interest charge, the following shall be observed:

(i) Advance payments shall be considered as increasing the unliquidated balance as of the date of the advance payment check.

(ii) Repayments by Contractor check shall be considered as decreasing the unliquidated balance as of the date on which the check is received by the Government authority designated by the Contracting Officer.

(iii) Liquidations by deductions from payments to the Contractor shall be considered as decreasing the unliquidated balance as of the dates on which the Contractor presents to the Contracting Officer full and accurate data for the preparation of each voucher. Credits resulting from these deductions shall be made upon the approval of the reimbursement vouchers by the Disbursing Officer, based upon the Contracting Officer's certification of the applicable dates.

(2) Interest charges resulting from the monthly computation shall be deducted from any payments on account of the fixed-fee due to the Contractor. If the accrued interest exceeds the payment due, any excess interest shall be carried forward and deducted from subsequent payments of the contract price or fixed-fee. Interest carried forward shall not be compounded. Interest on advance payments shall cease to accrue upon (i) satisfactory completion or (ii) termination of the contract for the convenience of the Government. The Contractor shall charge interest on advance payments to subcontractors in the manner described above and credit the interest to the Government. Interest need not be charged on advance payments to nonprofit educational or research subcontractors for experimental, developmental, or research work.

Alternate III (Apr 1984). If the agency considers a more rapid liquidation appropriate, add the following sentence as the first sentence of paragraph (e) of the basic clause with the appropriate percentage specified:

To liquidate the principal amount of any advance payment made to the Contractor, there shall be deductions of _____ percent from all payments made by the Government under the contracts involved.

Alternate IV (Apr 1984). If the agency provides advance payments under the contract at no interest to the prime contractor, add the following sentences as the beginning sentences of paragraph (f) of the clause:

No interest shall be charged to the prime Contractor for advance payments except for interest charged during a period of default. The terms of this paragraph concerning interest charges for advance payments shall not apply to the prime Contractor.

Alternate V (May 1999). If the requirement for a special bank account is eliminated in accordance with 32.409-3(e) or (g), insert the clause set forth below instead of the basic clause.

If this Alternate is used in combination with Alternate II, disregard the instructions concerning paragraph (c), Use of funds, in Alternate II; substitute paragraph (e), Maximum payment, in Alternate II for paragraph (d) below; and substitute paragraph (f), Interest, in Alternate II for paragraph (e) below and change the reference to paragraph (f)(3) in the first sentence of paragraph (f) of Alternate II to (e)(3).

If this Alternate is used in combination with Alternate III, insert the additional sentence set forth in Alternate III as the first sentence of paragraph (d) of this Alternate.

If this Alternate is used in combination with Alternate IV, insert the additional sentences set forth in Alternate IV as the beginning sentences of paragraph (e) of this Alternate.

Advance Payments Without Special Bank Account (May 1999)

(a) Requirements for payment. Advance payments will be made under this contract (1) upon submission of properly certified invoices or vouchers by the contractor, and approval by the administering office, _______ [insert the name of the office designated under agency procedures], or (2) under a letter of credit. The amount of the invoice or voucher submitted plus all advance payments previously approved shall not exceed $ _____. If a letter of credit is used, the Contractor shall withdraw cash only when needed for disbursements acceptable under this contract and report cash disbursements and balances as required by the administering office. The Contractor shall apply terms similar to this clause to any advance payments to subcontractors.

(b) Use of funds. The Contractor may use advance payment funds only to pay for properly allocable, allowable, and reasonable costs for direct materials, direct labor, and indirect costs. Determinations of whether costs are properly allocable, allowable, and reasonable shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, subject to any applicable subparts of Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

(c) Repayment to the Government. At any time, the Contractor may repay all or any part of the funds advanced by the Government. Whenever requested in writing to do so by the administering office, the Contractor shall repay to the Government any part of unliquidated advance payments considered by the administering office to exceed the Contractor's current requirements or the amount specified in paragraph (a) of this clause.

(d) Maximum payment. When the sum of all unliquidated advance payments, unpaid interest charges, and other payments exceed ___ percent of the contract price, the Government shall withhold further payments to the Contractor. On completion or termination of the contract, the Government shall deduct from the amount due to the Contractor all unliquidated advance payments and all interest charges payable. If previous payments to the Contractor exceed the amount due, the excess amount shall be paid to the Government on demand. For purposes of this paragraph, the contract price shall be considered to be the stated contract price of $ ___, less any subsequent price reductions under the contract, plus (1) any price increases resulting from any terms of this contract for price redetermination or escalation, and (2) any other price increases that do not, in the aggregate, exceed $ ____ [insert an amount not higher than 10 percent of the stated contract amount inserted in this paragraph]. Any payments withheld under this paragraph shall be applied to reduce the unliquidated advance payments. If full liquidation has been made, payments under the contract shall resume.

(e) Interest. (1) The Contractor shall pay interest to the Government on the daily unliquidated advance payments at the daily rate in subparagraph (e)(3) of this clause. Interest shall be computed at the end of each calendar month for the actual number of days involved. For the purpose of computing the interest charge--

(i) Advance payments shall be considered as increasing the unliquidated balance as of the date of the advance payment check;

(ii) Repayments by Contractor check shall be considered as decreasing the unliquidated balance as of the date on which the check is received by the Government authority designated by the Contracting Officer; and

(iii) Liquidations by deductions from Government payments to the Contractor shall be considered as decreasing the unliquidated balance as of the date of the check for the reduced payment.

(2) Interest charges resulting from the monthly computation shall be deducted from payments, other than advance payments, due the Contractor. If the accrued interest exceeds the payment due, any excess interest shall be carried forward and deducted from subsequent payments. Interest carried forward shall not be compounded. Interest on advance payments shall cease to accrue upon satisfactory completion or termination of the contract for the convenience of the Government. The Contractor shall charge interest on advance payments to subcontractors in the manner described above and credit the interest to the Government. Interest need not be charged on advance payments to nonprofit educational or research subcontractors, for experimental, developmental, or research work.

(3) If interest is required under the contract, the Contracting Officer shall determine a daily interest rate based on the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under Pub. L. 92-41 (50 U.S.C. App., 1215(b)(2)). The Contracting Officer shall revise the daily interest rate during the contract period in keeping with any changes in the cited interest rate.

(4) If the full amount of interest charged under this paragraph has not been paid by deduction or otherwise upon completion or termination of this contract, the Contractor shall pay the remaining interest to the Government on demand.

(f) Lien on property under contract. (1) All advance payments under this contract, together with interest charges, shall be secured, when made, by a lien in favor of the Government, paramount to all other liens, on the supplies or other things covered by this contract and on all material and other property acquired for or allocated to the performance of this contract, except to the extent that the Government by virtue of any other terms of this contract, or otherwise, shall have valid title to the supplies, materials, or other property as against other creditors of the Contractor.

(2) The Contractor shall identify, by marking or segregation, all property that is subject to a lien in favor of the Government by virtue of any terms of this contract in such a way as to indicate that it is subject to a lien and that it has been acquired for or allocated to performing this contract. If, for any reason, the supplies, materials, or other property are not identified by marking or segregation, the Government shall be considered to have a lien to the extent of the Government's interest under this contract on any mass of property with which the supplies, materials, or other property are commingled. The Contractor shall maintain adequate accounting control over the property on its books and records.

(3) If, at any time during the progress of the work on the contract, it becomes necessary to deliver to a third person any items or materials on which the Government has a lien, the Contractor shall notify the third person of the lien and shall obtain from the third person a receipt in duplicate acknowledging the existence of the lien. The Contractor shall provide a copy of each receipt to the Contracting Officer.

(4) If, under the termination clause, the Contracting Officer authorizes the contractor to sell or retain termination inventory, the approval shall constitute a release of the Government's lien to the extent that--

(i) The termination inventory is sold or retained; and

(ii) The sale proceeds or retention credits are applied to reduce any outstanding advance payments.

(g) Insurance. (1) The Contractor shall maintain with responsible insurance carriers--

(i) Insurance on plant and equipment against fire and other hazards, to the extent that similar properties are usually insured by others operating plants and properties of similar character in the same general locality;

(ii) Adequate insurance against liability on account of damage to persons or property; and

(iii) Adequate insurance under all applicable workers' compensation laws.

(2) Until work under this contract has been completed and all advance payments made under the contract have been liquidated, the Contractor shall--

(i) Maintain this insurance;

(ii) Maintain adequate insurance on any materials, parts, assemblies, subassemblies, supplies, equipment, and other property acquired for or allocable to this contract and subject to the Government lien under paragraph (f) of this clause; and

(iii) Furnish any evidence with respect to its insurance that the administering office may require.

(h) Default. (1) If any of the following events occur, the Government may, by written notice to the Contractor, withhold further payments on this contract:

(i) Termination of this contract for a fault of the Contractor.

(ii) A finding by the administering office that the Contractor has failed to--

(A) Observe any of the conditions of the advance payment terms;

(B) Comply with any material term of this contract;

(C) Make progress or maintain a financial condition adequate for performance of this contract;

(D) Limit inventory allocated to this contract to reasonable requirements; or

(E) Avoid delinquency in payment of taxes or of the costs of performing this contract in the ordinary course of business.

(iii) The appointment of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator for all or a substantial part of the Contractor's property, or the institution of proceedings by or against the Contractor for bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, or liquidation.

(iv) The commission of an act of bankruptcy.

(2) If any of the events described in subparagraph (h)(1) of this clause continue for 30 days after the written notice to the Contractor, the Government may take any of the following additional actions:

(i) Charge interest, in the manner prescribed in paragraph (e) of this clause, on outstanding advance payments during the period of any event described in subparagraph (h)(1) of this clause.

(ii) Demand immediate repayment by the Contractor of the unliquidated balance of advance payments.

(iii) Take possession of and, with or without advertisement, sell at public or private sale all or any part of the property on which the Government has a lien under this contract and, after deducting any expenses incident to the sale, apply the net proceeds of the sale to reduce the unliquidated balance of advance payments or other Government claims against the Contractor.

(3) The Government may take any of the actions described in subparagraphs (h)(1) and (h)(2) of this clause it considers appropriate at its discretion and without limiting any other rights of the Government.

(i) Prohibition against assignment. Notwithstanding any other terms of this contract, the Contractor shall not assign this contract, any interest therein, or any claim under the contract to any party.

(j) Information and access to records. The Contractor shall furnish to the administering office (1) monthly or at other intervals as required, signed or certified balance sheets and profit and loss statements, and, (2) if requested, other information concerning the operation of the contractor's business. The Contractor shall provide the authorized Government representatives proper facilities for inspection of the Contractor's books, records, and accounts.

(k) Other security. The terms of this contract are considered to provide adequate security to the Government for advance payments; however, if the administering office considers the security inadequate, the Contractor shall furnish additional security satisfactory to the administering office, to the extent that the security is available.

(l) Representations. The Contractor represents the following:

(1) The balance sheet, the profit and loss statement, and any other supporting financial statements furnished to the administering office fairly reflect the financial condition of the Contractor at the date shown or the period covered, and there has been no subsequent materially adverse change in the financial condition of the Contractor.

(2) No litigation or proceedings are presently pending or threatened against the Contractor, except as shown in the financial statements.

(3) The Contractor has disclosed all contingent liabilities, except for liability resulting from the renegotiation of defense production contracts, in the financial statements furnished to the administering office.

(4) None of the terms in this clause conflict with the authority under which the Contractor is doing business or with the provision of any existing indenture or agreement of the Contractor.

(5) The Contractor has the power to enter into this contract and accept advance payments, and has taken all necessary action to authorize the acceptance under the terms of this contract.

(6) The assets of the Contractor are not subject to any lien or encumbrance of any character except for current taxes not delinquent, and except as shown in the financial statements furnished by the Contractor. There is no current assignment of claims under any contract affected by these advance payment provisions.

(7) All information furnished by the Contractor to the administering office in connection with each request for advance payments is true and correct.

(8) These representations shall be continuing and shall be considered to have been repeated by the submission of each invoice for advance payments.

(m) Covenants. To the extent the Government considers it necessary while any advance payments made under this contract remain outstanding, the Contractor, without the prior written consent of the administering office, shall not--

(1) Mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber or allow to be encumbered, any of the assets of the Contractor now owned or subsequently acquired, or permit any preexisting mortgages, liens, or other encumbrances to remain on or attach to any assets of the Contractor which are allocated to performing this contract and with respect to which the Government has a lien under this contract;

(2) Sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of accounts receivable, notes, or claims for money due or to become due;

(3) Declare or pay any dividends, except dividends payable in stock of the corporation, or make any other distribution on account of any shares of its capital stock, or purchase, redeem, or otherwise acquire for value any of its stock, except as required by sinking fund or redemption arrangements reported to the administering office incident to the establishment of these advance payment provisions;

(4) Sell, convey, or lease all or a substantial part of its assets;

(5) Acquire for value the stock or other securities of any corporation, municipality, or Governmental authority, except direct obligations of the United States;

(6) Make any advance or loan or incur any liability as guarantor, surety, or accommodation endorser for any party;

(7) Permit a writ of attachment or any similar process to be issued against its property without getting a release or bonding the property within 30 days after the entry of the writ of attachment or other process;

(8) Pay any remuneration in any form to its directors, officers, or key employees higher than rates provided in existing agreements of which notice has been given to the administering office, accrue excess remuneration without first obtaining an agreement subordinating it to all claims of the Government, or employ any person at a rate of compensation over $______ a year;

(9) Change substantially the management, ownership, or control of the corporation;

(10) Merge or consolidate with any other firm or corporation, change the type of business, or engage in any transaction outside the ordinary course of the Contractor's business as presently conducted;

(11) Deposit any of its funds except in a bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;

(12) Create or incur indebtedness for advances, other than advances to be made under the terms of this contract, or for borrowings;

(13) Make or covenant for capital expenditures exceeding $______ in total;

(14) Permit its net current assets, computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, to become less than $______ ; or

(15) Make any payments on account of the obligations listed below, except in the manner and to the extent provided in this contract:

[List the pertinent obligations]

52.232-13 Notice of Progress Payments.

As prescribed in 32.502-3(a), insert the following provision in invitations for bids and requests for proposals that include a Progress Payments clause:

Notice of Progress Payments (Apr 1984)

The need for customary progress payments conforming to the regulations in Subpart 32.5 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) will not be considered as a handicap or adverse factor in the award of the contract. The Progress Payments clause included in this solicitation will be included in any resulting contract, modified or altered if necessary in accordance with subsection 52.232-16 and its Alternate I of the FAR. Even though the clause is included in the contract, the clause shall be inoperative during any time the contractor's accounting system and controls are determined by the Government to be inadequate for segregation and accumulation of contract costs.

(End of provision)

52.232-14 Notice of Availability of Progress Payments Exclusively for Small Business Concerns.

As prescribed in 32.502-3(b)(2), insert the following provision in invitations for bids if it is anticipated that (a) both small business concerns and others may submit bids in response to the same invitation and (b) only the small business bidders would need progress payments:

Notice of Availability of Progress Payments Exclusively for Small Business Concerns (Apr 1984)

The Progress Payments clause will be available only to small business concerns. Any bid conditioned upon inclusion of a progress payment clause in the resulting contract will be rejected as nonresponsive if the bidder is not a small business concern.

(End of provision)

52.232-15 Progress Payments Not Included.

As prescribed in 32.502-3(c), insert the following provision in invitations for bids if the solicitation will not contain one of the provisions prescribed in 32.502-3(a) and (b):

Progress Payments Not Included (Apr 1984)

A progress payments clause is not included in this solicitation, and will not be added to the resulting contract at the time of award. Bids conditioned upon inclusion of a progress payment clause in the resulting contract will be rejected as nonresponsive.

(End of provision)

52.232-16 Progress Payments.

As prescribed in 32.502-4(a), insert the following clause:

Progress Payments (Mar 2000)

The Government will make progress payments to the Contractor when requested as work progresses, but not more frequently than monthly, in amounts of $2,500 or more approved by the Contracting Officer, under the following conditions:

(a) Computation of amounts. (1) Unless the Contractor requests a smaller amount, the Government will compute each progress payment as 80 percent of the Contractor's total costs incurred under this contract whether or not actually paid, plus financing payments to subcontractors (see paragraph (j) of this clause), less the sum of all previous progress payments made by the Government under this contract. The Contracting Officer will consider cost of money that would be allowable under FAR 31.205-10 as an incurred cost for progress payment purposes.

(2) The amount of financing and other payments for supplies and services purchased directly for the contract are limited to the amounts that have been paid by cash, check, or other forms of payment, or that will be paid to subcontractors--

(i) In accordance with the terms and conditions of a subcontract or invoice; and

(ii) Ordinarily prior to the submission of the Contractor's next payment request to the Government.

(3) The Government will exclude accrued costs of Contractor contributions under employee pension plans until actually paid unless--

(i) The Contractor's practice is to make contributions to the retirement fund quarterly or more frequently; and

(ii) The contribution does not remain unpaid 30 days after the end of the applicable quarter or shorter payment period (any contribution remaining unpaid shall be excluded from the Contractor's total costs for progress payments until paid).

(4) The Contractor shall not include the following in total costs for progress payment purposes in paragraph (a)(1) of this clause:

(i) Costs that are not reasonable, allocable to this contract, and consistent with sound and generally accepted accounting principles and practices.

(ii) Costs incurred by subscontractors or suppliers.

(iii) Costs ordinarily capitalized and subject to depreciation or amortization except for the properly depreciated or amortized portion of such costs.

(iv) Payments made or amounts payable to subcontractors or suppliers, except for--

(A) Completed work, including partial deliveries, to which the Contractor has acquired title; and

(B) Work under cost-reimbursement or time-and-material subcontracts to which the Contractor has acquired title.

(5) The amount of unliquidated progress payments may exceed neither (i) the progress payments made against incomplete work (including allowable unliquidated progress payments to subcontractors) nor (ii) the value, for progress payment purposes, of the incomplete work. Incomplete work shall be considered to be the supplies and services required by this contract, for which delivery and invoicing by the Contractor and acceptance by the Government are incomplete.

(6) The total amount of progress payments shall not exceed 80 percent of the total contract price.

(7) If a progress payment or the unliquidated progress payments exceed the amounts permitted by subparagraphs (a)(4) or (a)(5) above, the Contractor shall repay the amount of such excess to the Government on demand.

(8) Notwithstanding any other terms of the contract, the Contractor agrees not to request progress payments in dollar amounts of less than $2,500. The Contracting Officer may make exceptions.

(b) Liquidation. Except as provided in the Termination for Convenience of the Government clause, all progress payments shall be liquidated by deducting from any payment under this contract, other than advance or progress payments, the unliquidated progress payments, or 80 percent of the amount invoiced, whichever is less. The Contractor shall repay to the Government any amounts required by a retroactive price reduction, after computing liquidations and payments on past invoices at the reduced prices and adjusting the unliquidated progress payments accordingly. The Government reserves the right to unilaterally change from the ordinary liquidation rate to an alternate rate when deemed appropriate for proper contract financing.

(c) Reduction or suspension. The Contracting Officer may reduce or suspend progress payments, increase the rate of liquidation, or take a combination of these actions, after finding on substantial evidence any of the following conditions:

(1) The Contractor failed to comply with any material requirement of this contract (which includes paragraphs (f) and (g) below).

(2) Performance of this contract is endangered by the Contractor's--

(i) Failure to make progress; or

(ii) Unsatisfactory financial condition.

(3) Inventory allocated to this contract substantially exceeds reasonable requirements.

(4) The Contractor is delinquent in payment of the costs of performing this contract in the ordinary course of business.

(5) The unliquidated progress payments exceed the fair value of the work accomplished on the undelivered portion of this contract.

(6) The Contractor is realizing less profit than that reflected in the establishment of any alternate liquidation rate in paragraph (b) above, and that rate is less than the progress payment rate stated in subparagraph (a)(1) above.

(d) Title. (1) Title to the property described in this paragraph (d) shall vest in the Government. Vestiture shall be immediately upon the date of this contract, for property acquired or produced before that date. Otherwise, vestiture shall occur when the property is or should have been allocable or properly chargeable to this contract.

(2) "Property," as used in this clause, includes all of the below-described items acquired or produced by the Contractor that are or should be allocable or properly chargeable to this contract under sound and generally accepted accounting principles and practices.

(i) Parts, materials, inventories, and work in process;

(ii) Special tooling and special test equipment to which the Government is to acquire title under any other clause of this contract;

(iii) Nondurable (i.e., noncapital) tools, jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, taps, gauges, test equipment, and other similar manufacturing aids, title to which would not be obtained as special tooling under subparagraph (ii) above; and

(iv) Drawings and technical data, to the extent the Contractor or subcontractors are required to deliver them to the Government by other clauses of this contract.

(3) Although title to property is in the Government under this clause, other applicable clauses of this contract; e.g., the termination or special tooling clauses, shall determine the handling and disposition of the property.

(4) The Contractor may sell any scrap resulting from production under this contract without requesting the Contracting Officer's approval, but the proceeds shall be credited against the costs of performance.

(5) To acquire for its own use or dispose of property to which title is vested in the Government under this clause, the Contractor must obtain the Contracting Officer's advance approval of the action and the terms. The Contractor shall (i) exclude the allocable costs of the property from the costs of contract performance, and (ii) repay to the Government any amount of unliquidated progress payments allocable to the property. Repayment may be by cash or credit memorandum.

(6) When the Contractor completes all of the obligations under this contract, including liquidation of all progress payments, title shall vest in the Contractor for all property (or the proceeds thereof) not--

(i) Delivered to, and accepted by, the Government under this contract; or

(ii) Incorporated in supplies delivered to, and accepted by, the Government under this contract and to which title is vested in the Government under this clause.

(7) The terms of this contract concerning liability for Government-furnished property shall not apply to property to which the Government acquired title solely under this clause.

(e) Risk of loss. Before delivery to and acceptance by the Government, the Contractor shall bear the risk of loss for property, the title to which vests in the Government under this clause, except to the extent the Government expressly assumes the risk. The Contractor shall repay the Government an amount equal to the unliquidated progress payments that are based on costs allocable to property that is damaged, lost, stolen, or destroyed.

(f) Control of costs and property. The Contractor shall maintain an accounting system and controls adequate for the proper administration of this clause.

(g) Reports and access to records. The Contractor shall promptly furnish reports, certificates, financial statements, and other pertinent information reasonably requested by the Contracting Officer for the administration of this clause. Also, the Contractor shall give the Government reasonable opportunity to examine and verify the Contractor's books, records, and accounts.

(h) Special terms regarding default. If this contract is terminated under the Default clause, (i) the Contractor shall, on demand, repay to the Government the amount of unliquidated progress payments and (ii) title shall vest in the Contractor, on full liquidation of progress payments, for all property for which the Government elects not to require delivery under the Default clause. The Government shall be liable for no payment except as provided by the Default clause.

(i) Reservations of rights. (1) No payment or vesting of title under this clause shall--

(i) Excuse the Contractor from performance of obligations under this contract; or

(ii) Constitute a waiver of any of the rights or remedies of the parties under the contract.

(2) The Government's rights and remedies under this clause--

(i) Shall not be exclusive but rather shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or this contract; and

(ii) Shall not be affected by delayed, partial, or omitted exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege, nor shall such exercise or any single exercise preclude or impair any further exercise under this clause or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege of the Government.

(j) Financing payments to subcontractors. The financing payments to subcontractors mentioned in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this clause shall be all financing payments to subcontractors or divisions, if the following conditions are met:

(1) The amounts included are limited to--

(i) The unliquidated remainder of financing payments made; plus

(ii) Any unpaid subcontractor requests for financing payments.

(2) The subcontract or interdivisional order is expected to involve a minimum of approximately 6 months between the beginning of work and the first delivery; or, if the subcontractor is a small business concern, 4 months.

(3) If the financing payments are in the form of progress payments, the terms of the subcontract or interdivisional order concerning progress payments--

(i) Are substantially similar to the terms of this clause for any subcontractor that is a large business concern, or this clause with its Alternate I for any subcontractor that is a small business concern;

(ii) Are at least as favorable to the Government as the terms of this clause;

(iii) Are not more favorable to the subcontractor or division than the terms of this clause are to the Contractor;

(iv) Are in conformance with the requirements of FAR 32.504(e); and

(v) Subordinate all subcontractor rights concerning property to which the Government has title under the subcontract to the Government's right to require delivery of the property to the Government if--

(A) The Contractor defaults; or

(B) The subcontractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent.

(4) If the financing payments are in the form of performance-based payments, the terms of the subcontract or interdivisional order concerning payments--

(i) Are substantially similar to the Performance-Based Payments clause at FAR 52.232-32 and meet the criteria for, and definition of, performance-based payments in FAR Part 32;

(ii) Are in conformance with the requirements of FAR 32.504(f); and

(iii) Subordinate all subcontractor rights concerning property to which the Government has title under the subcontract to the Government's right to require delivery of the property to the Government if--

(A) The Contractor defaults; or

(B) The subcontractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent.

(5) If the financing payments are in the form of commercial item financing payments, the terms of the subcontract or interdivisional order concerning payments--

(i) Are constructed in accordance with FAR 32.206(c) and included in a subcontract for a commercial item purchase that meets the definition and standards for acquisition of commercial items in FAR Parts 2 and 12;

(ii) Are in conformance with the requirements of FAR 32.504(g); and

(iii) Subordinate all subcontractor rights concerning property to which the Government has title under the subcontract to the Government's right to require delivery of the property to the Government if--

(A) The Contractor defaults; or

(B) The subcontractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent.

(6) If financing is in the form of progress payments, the progress payment rate in the subcontract is the customary rate used by the contracting agency, depending on whether the subcontractor is or is not a small business concern.

(7) Concerning any proceeds received by the Government for property to which title has vested in the Government under the subcontract terms, the parties agree that the proceeds shall be applied to reducing any unliquidated financing payments by the Government to the Contractor under this contract.

(8) If no unliquidated financing payments to the Contractor remain, but there are unliquidated financing payments that the Contractor has made to any subcontractor, the Contractor shall be subrogated to all the rights the Government obtained through the terms required by this clause to be in any subcontract, as if all such rights had been assigned and transferred to the Contractor.

(9) To facilitate small business participation in subcontracting under this contract, the Contractor shall provide financing payments to small business concerns, in conformity with the standards for customary contract financing payments stated in FAR 32.113. The Contractor shall not consider the need for such financing payments as a handicap or adverse factor in the award of subcontracts.

(k) Limitations on undefinitized contract actions. Notwithstanding any other progress payment provisions in this contract, progress payments may not exceed 80 percent of costs incurred on work accomplished under undefinitized contract actions. A "contract action" is any action resulting in a contract, as defined in Subpart 2.1, including contract modifications for additional supplies or services, but not including contract modifications that are within the scope and under the terms of the contract, such as contract modifications issued pursuant to the Changes clause, or funding and other administrative changes. This limitation shall apply to the costs incurred, as computed in accordance with paragraph (a) of this clause, and shall remain in effect until the contract action is definitized. Costs incurred which are subject to this limitation shall be segregated on Contractor progress payment requests and invoices from those costs eligible for higher progress payment rates. For purposes of progress payment liquidation, as described in paragraph (b) of this clause, progress payments for undefinitized contract actions shall be liquidated at 80 percent of the amount invoiced for work performed under the undefinitized contract action as long as the contract action remains undefinitized. The amount of unliquidated progress payments for undefinitized contract actions shall not exceed 80 percent of the maximum liability of the Government under the undefinitized contract action or such lower limit specified elsewhere in the contract. Separate limits may be specified for separate actions.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Mar 2000). If the contract is with a small business concern, change each mention of the progress payment and liquidation rates excepting paragraph (k) to the customary rate of 85 percent for small business concerns (see FAR 32.501-1).

Alternate II (Aug 1987). If the contract is a letter contract, add paragraphs (l) and (m). The amount specified in paragraph (m) shall not exceed 80 percent applied to the maximum liability of the Government under the letter contract. Separate limits may be specified for separate parts of the work.

(l) Progress payments made under this letter contract shall, unless previously liquidated under paragraph (b) of this clause, be liquidated under the following procedures:

(1) If this letter contract is superseded by a definitive contract, unliquidated progress payments made under this letter contract shall be liquidated by deducting the amount from the first progress or other payments made under the definitive contract.

(2) If this letter contract is not superseded by a definitive contract calling for the furnishing of all or part of the articles or services covered under the letter contract, unliquidated progress payments made under the letter contract shall be liquidated by deduction from the amount payable under the Termination clause.

(3) If this letter contract is partly terminated and partly superseded by a contract, the Government shall allocate the unliquidated progress payments to the terminated and unterminated portions as the Government deems equitable, and shall liquidate each portion under the relevant procedure in subparagraphs (l)(1) and (l)(2) of this clause.

(4) If the method of liquidating progress payments provided in this clause does not result in full liquidation, the Contractor shall immediately pay the unliquidated balance to the Government on demand.

(m) The amount of unliquidated progress payments shall not exceed _______________ (specify dollar amount).

Alternate III (Mar 2000). As prescribed in 32.502-4(d), add the following paragraph (l) to the basic clause. If Alternate II is also being used, redesignate the following paragraph as paragraph (n):

(l) The provisions of this clause will not be applicable to individual orders at or below the simplified acquisition threshold.

52.232-17 Interest.

As prescribed in 32.617(a) and (b), insert the following clause:

Interest (Jun 1996)

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this contract under a Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data clause or a Cost Accounting Standards clause, all amounts that become payable by the Contractor to the Government under this contract (net of any applicable tax credit under the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 1481)) shall bear simple interest from the date due until paid unless paid within 30 days of becoming due. The interest rate shall be the interest rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury as provided in Section 12 of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-563), which is applicable to the period in which the amount becomes due, as provided in paragraph (b) of this clause, and then at the rate applicable for each six-month period as fixed by the Secretary until the amount is paid.

(b) Amounts shall be due at the earliest of the following dates:

(1) The date fixed under this contract.

(2) The date of the first written demand for payment consistent with this contract, including any demand resulting from a default termination.

(3) The date the Government transmits to the Contractor a proposed supplemental agreement to confirm completed negotiations establishing the amount of debt.

(4) If this contract provides for revision of prices, the date of written notice to the Contractor stating the amount of refund payable in connection with a pricing proposal or a negotiated pricing agreement not confirmed by contract modification.

(c) The interest charge made under this clause may be reduced under the procedures prescribed in 32.614-2 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation in effect on the date of this contract.

(End of clause)

52.232-18 Availability of Funds.

As prescribed in 32.705-1(a), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts if the contract will be chargeable to funds of the new fiscal year and the contracting action is to be initiated before the funds are available:

Availability of Funds (Apr 1984)

Funds are not presently available for this contract. The Government's obligation under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for this contract and until the Contractor receives notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

52.232-19 Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year.

As prescribed in 32.705-1(b), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts if a one-year indefinite-quantity or requirements contract for services is contemplated and the contract (a) is funded by annual appropriations and (b) is to extend beyond the initial fiscal year (see 32.703-2(b)):

Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year (Apr 1984)

Funds are not presently available for performance under this contract beyond ________. The Government's obligation for performance of this contract beyond that date is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise for performance under this contract beyond _____, until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for performance and until the Contractor receives notice of availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

52.232-20 Limitation of Cost.

As prescribed in 32.705-2(a), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts if a fully funded cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated, except those for consolidated facilities, facilities acquisition, or facilities use, whether or not the contract provides for payment of a fee. The 60-day period may be varied from 30 to 90 days and the 75 percent from 75 to 85 percent. "Task Order" or other appropriate designation may be substituted for "Schedule" wherever that word appears in the clause.

Limitation of Cost (Apr 1984)

(a) The parties estimate that performance of this contract, exclusive of any fee, will not cost the Government more than (1) the estimated cost specified in the Schedule or, (2) if this is a cost-sharing contract, the Government's share of the estimated cost specified in the Schedule. The Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to perform the work specified in the Schedule and all obligations under this contract within the estimated cost, which, if this is a cost-sharing contract, includes both the Government's and the Contractor's share of the cost.

(b) The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing whenever it has reason to believe that--

(1) The costs the Contractor expects to incur under this contract in the next 60 days, when added to all costs previously incurred, will exceed 75 percent of the estimated cost specified in the Schedule; or

(2) The total cost for the performance of this contract, exclusive of any fee, will be either greater or substantially less than had been previously estimated.

(c) As part of the notification, the Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer a revised estimate of the total cost of performing this contract.

(d) Except as required by other provisions of this contract, specifically citing and stated to be an exception to this clause--

(1) The Government is not obligated to reimburse the Contractor for costs incurred in excess of (i) the estimated cost specified in the Schedule or, (ii) if this is a cost-sharing contract, the estimated cost to the Government specified in the Schedule; and

(2) The Contractor is not obligated to continue performance under this contract (including actions under the Termination clause of this contract) or otherwise incur costs in excess of the estimated cost specified in the Schedule, until the Contracting Officer (i) notifies the Contractor in writing that the estimated cost has been increased and (ii) provides a revised estimated total cost of performing this contract. If this is a cost-sharing contract, the increase shall be allocated in accordance with the formula specified in the Schedule.

(e) No notice, communication, or representation in any form other than that specified in subparagraph (d)(2) above, or from any person other than the Contracting Officer, shall affect this contract's estimated cost to the Government. In the absence of the specified notice, the Government is not obligated to reimburse the Contractor for any costs in excess of the estimated cost or, if this is a cost-sharing contract, for any costs in excess of the estimated cost to the Government specified in the Schedule, whether those excess costs were incurred during the course of the contract or as a result of termination.

(f) If the estimated cost specified in the Schedule is increased, any costs the Contractor incurs before the increase that are in excess of the previously estimated cost shall be allowable to the same extent as if incurred afterward, unless the Contracting Officer issues a termination or other notice directing that the increase is solely to cover termination or other specified expenses.

(g) Change orders shall not be considered an authorization to exceed the estimated cost to the Government specified in the Schedule, unless they contain a statement increasing the estimated cost.

(h) If this contract is terminated or the estimated cost is not increased, the Government and the Contractor shall negotiate an equitable distribution of all property produced or purchased under the contract, based upon the share of costs incurred by each.

(End of clause)

52.232-21 Limitation of Cost (Facilities).

As prescribed in 32.705-2(b), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for consolidated facilities, facilities acquisition, or facilities use (see 45.301):

Limitation of Cost (Facilities) (Apr 1984)

(a) The parties estimate that performance of this contract will not cost Government more than the estimated cost specified in the Schedule. The Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to perform the work specified in the Schedule within the estimated cost.

(b) The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing whenever it has reason to believe that--

(1) The costs that the Contractor expects to incur under this contract in the next 30 days, when added to all costs previously incurred, will exceed 85 percent of the estimated cost specified in the Schedule; or

(2) The total cost to the Government for the performance of this contract will be either greater or substantially less than had previously been estimated.

(c) As part of the notification, the Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer a revised estimate of the total cost of performing this contract.

(d) Except as required by other provisions of this contract, specifically citing and stated to be an exception to this clause--

(1) The Government is not obligated to reimburse the contractor for costs incurred in excess of the estimated cost specified in the Schedule; and

(2) The Contractor is not obligated to continue performance under this contract (including actions under the Termination clause of this contract) or otherwise incur costs in excess of the estimated cost specified in the Schedule, until the Contracting Officer--

(i) Notifies the Contractor in writing that the estimated cost has been increased; and

(ii) Provides a revised estimated total cost of performing this contract.

(e) No notice, communication, or representation in any form other than specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this clause, or from any person other than the Contracting Officer, shall affect this contract's estimated cost to the Government. In the absence of the specified notice, the Government is not obligated to reimburse the Contractor for any costs in excess of the estimated cost, whether those excess costs were incurred during the course of the contract or as a result of termination.

(f) If the estimated cost specified in the Schedule is increased, any costs the Contractor incurs before the increase that are in excess of the previously estimated cost shall be allowable to the same extent as if incurred afterward, unless the Contracting Officer issues a termination or other notice directing that the increase is solely to cover termination or other specified expenses.

(g) Change orders shall not be considered an authorization to exceed the estimated cost to the Government specified in the Schedule, unless they contain a statement increasing the estimated cost.

(End of clause)

52.232-22 Limitation of Funds.

As prescribed in 32.705-2(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts if an incrementally funded cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated. The 60-day period may be varied from 30 to 90 days and the 75 percent from 75 to 85 percent. "Task Order" or other appropriate designation may be substituted for "Schedule" wherever that word appears in the clause.

Limitation of Funds (Apr 1984)

(a) The parties estimate that performance of this contract will not cost the Government more than (1) the estimated cost specified in the Schedule or, (2) if this is a cost-sharing contract, the Government's share of the estimated cost specified in the Schedule. The Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to perform the work specified in the Schedule and all obligations under this contract within the estimated cost, which, if this is a cost-sharing contract, includes both the Government's and the Contractor's share of the cost.

(b) The Schedule specifies the amount presently available for payment by the Government and allotted to this contract, the items covered, the Government's share of the cost if this is a cost-sharing contract, and the period of performance it is estimated the allotted amount will cover. The parties contemplate that the Government will allot additional funds incrementally to the contract up to the full estimated cost to the Government specified in the Schedule, exclusive of any fee. The Contractor agrees to perform, or have performed, work on the contract up to the point at which the total amount paid and payable by the Government under the contract approximates but does not exceed the total amount actually allotted by the Government to the contract.

(c) The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing whenever it has reason to believe that the costs it expects to incur under this contract in the next 60 days, when added to all costs previously incurred, will exceed 75 percent of (1) the total amount so far allotted to the contract by the Government or, (2) if this is a cost-sharing contract, the amount then allotted to the contract by the Government plus the Contractor's corresponding share. The notice shall state the estimated amount of additional funds required to continue performance for the period specified in the Schedule.

(d) Sixty days before the end of the period specified in the Schedule, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing of the estimated amount of additional funds, if any, required to continue timely performance under the contract or for any further period specified in the Schedule or otherwise agreed upon, and when the funds will be required.

(e) If, after notification, additional funds are not allotted by the end of the period specified in the Schedule or another agreed-upon date, upon the Contractor's written request the Contracting Officer will terminate this contract on that date in accordance with the provisions of the Termination clause of this contract. If the Contractor estimates that the funds available will allow it to continue to discharge its obligations beyond that date, it may specify a later date in its request, and the Contracting Officer may terminate this contract on that later date.

(f) Except as required by other provisions of this contract, specifically citing and stated to be an exception to this clause--

(1) The Government is not obligated to reimburse the Contractor for costs incurred in excess of the total amount allotted by the Government to this contract; and

(2) The Contractor is not obligated to continue performance under this contract (including actions under the Termination clause of this contract) or otherwise incur costs in excess of--

(i) The amount then allotted to the contract by the Government or;

(ii) If this is a cost-sharing contract, the amount then allotted by the Government to the contract plus the Contractor's corresponding share, until the Contracting Officer notifies the Contractor in writing that the amount allotted by the Government has been increased and specifies an increased amount, which shall then constitute the total amount allotted by the Government to this contract.

(g) The estimated cost shall be increased to the extent that (1) the amount allotted by the Government or, (2) if this is a cost-sharing contract, the amount then allotted by the Government to the contract plus the Contractor's corresponding share, exceeds the estimated cost specified in the Schedule. If this is a cost-sharing contract, the increase shall be allocated in accordance with the formula specified in the Schedule.

(h) No notice, communication, or representation in any form other than that specified in subparagraph (f)(2) above, or from any person other than the Contracting Officer, shall affect the amount allotted by the Government to this contract. In the absence of the specified notice, the Government is not obligated to reimburse the Contractor for any costs in excess of the total amount allotted by the Government to this contract, whether incurred during the course of the contract or as a result of termination.

(i) When and to the extent that the amount allotted by the Government to the contract is increased, any costs the Contractor incurs before the increase that are in excess of--

(1) The amount previously allotted by the Government or;

(2) If this is a cost-sharing contract, the amount previously allotted by the Government to the contract plus the Contractor's corresponding share, shall be allowable to the same extent as if incurred afterward, unless the Contracting Officer issues a termination or other notice and directs that the increase is solely to cover termination or other specified expenses.

(j) Change orders shall not be considered an authorization to exceed the amount allotted by the Government specified in the Schedule, unless they contain a statement increasing the amount allotted.

(k) Nothing in this clause shall affect the right of the Government to terminate this contract. If this contract is terminated, the Government and the Contractor shall negotiate an equitable distribution of all property produced or purchased under the contract, based upon the share of costs incurred by each.

(l) If the Government does not allot sufficient funds to allow completion of the work, the Contractor is entitled to a percentage of the fee specified in the Schedule equalling the percentage of completion of the work contemplated by this contract.

(End of clause)

52.232-23 Assignment of Claims.

As prescribed in 32.806(a)(1), insert the following clause:

Assignment of Claims (Jan 1986)

(a) The Contractor, under the Assignment of Claims Act, as amended, 31 U.S.C. 3727, 41 U.S.C. 15 (hereafter referred to as "the Act"), may assign its rights to be paid amounts due or to become due as a result of the performance of this contract to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, including any Federal lending agency. The assignee under such an assignment may thereafter further assign or reassign its right under the original assignment to any type of financing institution described in the preceding sentence.

(b) Any assignment or reassignment authorized under the Act and this clause shall cover all unpaid amounts payable under this contract, and shall not be made to more than one party, except that an assignment or reassignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee for two or more parties participating in the financing of this contract.

(c) The Contractor shall not furnish or disclose to any assignee under this contract any classified document (including this contract) or information related to work under this contract until the Contracting Officer authorizes such action in writing.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If a no-setoff commitment is to be included in the contract (see 32.801 and 32.803(d)), add the following sentence at the end of paragraph (a) of the basic clause:

Unless otherwise stated in this contract, payments to an assignee of any amounts due or to become due under this contract shall not, to the extent specified in the Act, be subject to reduction or setoff.

52.232-24 Prohibition of Assignment of Claims.

As prescribed in 32.806(b), insert the following clause:

Prohibition of Assignment of Claims (Jan 1986)

The assignment of claims under the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as amended, 31 U.S.C. 3727, 41 U.S.C. 15, is prohibited for this contract.

(End of clause)

52.232-25 Prompt Payment.

As prescribed in 32.908(c), insert the following clause:

Prompt Payment (Jun 1997)

Notwithstanding any other payment clause in this contract, the Government will make invoice payments and contract financing payments under the terms and conditions specified in this clause. Payment shall be considered as being made on the day a check is dated or the date of an electronic funds transfer. Definitions of pertinent terms are set forth in section 32.902 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. All days referred to in this clause are calendar days, unless otherwise specified. (However, see subparagraph (a)(4) of this clause concerning payments due on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.)

(a) Invoice payments--(1) Due date. (i) Except as indicated in subparagraph (a)(2) and paragraph (c) of this clause, the due date for making invoice payments by the designated payment office shall be the later of the following two events:

(A) The 30th day after the designated billing office has received a proper invoice from the Contractor (except as provided in subdivision (a)(1)(ii) of this clause).

(B) The 30th day after Government acceptance of supplies delivered or services performed by the Contractor. On a final invoice where the payment amount is subject to contract settlement actions, acceptance shall be deemed to have occurred on the effective date of the contract settlement.

(ii) If the designated billing office fails to annotate the invoice with the actual date of receipt at the time of receipt, the invoice payment due date shall be the 30th day after the date of the Contractor's invoice; provided a proper invoice is received and there is no disagreement over quantity, quality, or Contractor compliance with contract requirements.

(2) Certain food products and other payments. (i) Due dates on Contractor invoices for meat, meat food products, or fish; perishable agricultural commodities; and dairy products, edible fats or oils, and food products prepared from edible fats or oils are--

(A) For meat or meat food products, as defined in section 2(a)(3) of the Packers and Stockyard Act of 1921 (7 U.S.C. 182(3)), and as further defined in Pub. L. 98-181, including any edible fresh or frozen poultry meat, any perishable poultry meat food product, fresh eggs, and any perishable egg product, as close as possible to, but not later than, the 7th day after product delivery.

(B) For fresh or frozen fish, as defined in section 204(3) of the Fish and Seafood Promotion Act of 1986 (16 U.S.C. 4003(3)), as close as possible to, but not later than, the 7th day after product delivery.

(C) For perishable agricultural commodities, as defined in section 1(4) of the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930 (7 U.S.C. 499a(4)), as close as possible to, but not later than, the 10th day after product delivery, unless another date is specified in the contract.

(D) For dairy products, as defined in section 111(e) of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4502(e)), edible fats or oils, and food products prepared from edible fats or oils, as close as possible to, but not later than, the 10th day after the date on which a proper invoice has been received. Liquid milk, cheese, certain processed cheese products, butter, yogurt, ice cream, mayonnaise, salad dressings, and other similar products, fall within this classification. Nothing in the Act limits this classification to refrigerated products. When questions arise regarding the proper classification of a specific product, prevailing industry practices will be followed in specifying a contract payment due date. The burden of proof that a classification of a specific product is, in fact, prevailing industry practice is upon the Contractor making the representation.

(ii) If the contract does not require submission of an invoice for payment (e.g., periodic lease payments), the due date will be as specified in the contract.

(3) Contractor's invoice. The Contractor shall prepare and submit invoices to the designated billing office specified in the contract. A proper invoice must include the items listed in subdivisions (a)(3)(i) through (a)(3)(viii) of this clause. If the invoice does not comply with these requirements, it shall be returned within 7 days after the date the designated billing office received the invoice (3 days for meat, meat food products, or fish; 5 days for perishable agricultural commodities, edible fats or oils, and food products prepared from edible fats or oils), with a statement of the reasons why it is not a proper invoice. Untimely notification will be taken into account in computing any interest penalty owed the Contractor in the manner described in subparagraph (a)(5) of this clause.

(i) Name and address of the Contractor.

(ii) Invoice date. (The Contractor is encouraged to date invoices as close as possible to the date of the mailing or transmission.)

(iii) Contract number or other authorization for supplies delivered or services performed (including order number and contract line item number).

(iv) Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit price, and extended price of supplies delivered or services performed.

(v) Shipping and payment terms (e.g., shipment number and date of shipment, prompt payment discount terms). Bill of lading number and weight of shipment will be shown for shipments on Government bills of lading.

(vi) Name and address of Contractor official to whom payment is to be sent (must be the same as that in the contract or in a proper notice of assignment).

(vii) Name (where practicable), title, phone number, and mailing address of person to be notified in the event of a defective invoice.

(viii) Any other information or documentation required by the contract (such as evidence of shipment).

(ix) While not required, the Contractor is strongly encouraged to assign an identification number to each invoice.

(4) Interest penalty. An interest penalty shall be paid automatically by the designated payment office, without request from the Contractor, if payment is not made by the due date and the conditions listed in subdivisions (a)(4)(i) through (a)(4)(iii) of this clause are met, if applicable. However, when the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday when Federal Government offices are closed and Government business is not expected to be conducted, payment may be made on the following business day without incurring a late payment interest penalty.

(i) A proper invoice was received by the designated billing office.

(ii) A receiving report or other Government documentation authorizing payment was processed, and there was no disagreement over quantity, quality, or Contractor compliance with any contract term or condition.

(iii) In the case of a final invoice for any balance of funds due the Contractor for supplies delivered or services performed, the amount was not subject to further contract settlement actions between the Government and the Contractor.

(5) Computing penalty amount. The interest penalty shall be at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under section 12 of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) that is in effect on the day after the due date, except where the interest penalty is prescribed by other governmental authority (e.g., tariffs). This rate is referred to as the "Renegotiation Board Interest Rate," and it is published in the Federal Register semiannually on or about January 1 and July 1. The interest penalty shall accrue daily on the invoice principal payment amount approved by the Government until the payment date of such approved principal amount; and will be compounded in 30-day increments inclusive from the first day after the due date through the payment date. That is, interest accrued at the end of any 30-day period will be added to the approved invoice principal payment amount and will be subject to interest penalties if not paid in the succeeding 30-day period. If the designated billing office failed to notify the Contractor of a defective invoice within the periods prescribed in subparagraph (a)(3) of this clause, the due date on the corrected invoice will be adjusted by subtracting from such date the number of days taken beyond the prescribed notification of defects period. Any interest penalty owed the Contractor will be based on this adjusted due date. Adjustments will be made by the designated payment office for errors in calculating interest penalties.

(i) For the sole purpose of computing an interest penalty that might be due the Contractor, Government acceptance shall be deemed to have occurred constructively on the 7th day (unless otherwise specified in this contract) after the Contractor delivered the supplies or performed the services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, unless there is a disagreement over quantity, quality, or Contractor compliance with a contract provision. In the event that actual acceptance occurs within the constructive acceptance period, the determination of an interest penalty shall be based on the actual date of acceptance. The constructive acceptance requirement does not, however, compel Government officials to accept supplies or services, perform contract administration functions, or make payment prior to fulfilling their responsibilities.

(ii) The following periods of time will not be included in the determination of an interest penalty:

(A) The period taken to notify the Contractor of defects in invoices submitted to the Government, but this may not exceed 7 days (3 days for meat, meat food products, or fish; 5 days for perishable agricultural commodities, dairy products, edible fats or oils, and food products prepared from edible fats or oils).

(B) The period between the defects notice and resubmission of the corrected invoice by the Contractor.

(C) For incorrect electronic funds transfer (EFT) information, in accordance with the EFT clause of this contract.

(iii) Interest penalties will not continue to accrue after the filing of a claim for such penalties under the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes, or for more than 1 year. Interest penalties of less than $1 need not be paid.

(iv) Interest penalties are not required on payment delays due to disagreement between the Government and the Contractor over the payment amount or other issues involving contract compliance or on amounts temporarily withheld or retained in accordance with the terms of the contract. Claims involving disputes, and any interest that may be payable, will be resolved in accordance with the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes.

(6) Prompt payment discounts. An interest penalty also shall be paid automatically by the designated payment office, without request from the Contractor, if a discount for prompt payment is taken improperly. The interest penalty will be calculated as described in subparagraph (a)(5) of this clause on the amount of discount taken for the period beginning with the first day after the end of the discount period through the date when the Contractor is paid.

(7) Additional interest penalty. (i) A penalty amount, calculated in accordance with subdivision (a)(7)(iii) of this clause, shall be paid in addition to the interest penalty amount if the Contractor--

(A) Is owed an interest penalty of $1 or more;

(B) Is not paid the interest penalty within 10 days after the date the invoice amount is paid; and

(C) Makes a written demand to the designated payment office for additional penalty payment, in accordance with subdivision (a)(7)(ii) of this clause, postmarked not later than 40 days after the invoice amount is paid.

(ii)(A) Contractors shall support written demands for additional penalty payments with the following data. No additional data shall be required. Contractors shall--

(1) Specifically assert that late payment interest is due under a specific invoice, and request payment of all overdue late payment interest penalty and such additional penalty as may be required;

(2) Attach a copy of the invoice on which the unpaid late payment interest was due; and

(3) State that payment of the principal has been received, including the date of receipt.

(B) Demands must be postmarked on or before the 40th day after payment was made, except that--

(1) If the postmark is illegible or nonexistent, the demand must have been received and annotated with the date of receipt by the designated payment office on or before the 40th day after payment was made; or

(2) If the postmark is illegible or nonexistent and the designated payment office fails to make the required annotation, the demand's validity will be determined by the date the Contractor has placed on the demand; provided such date is no later than the 40th day after payment was made.

(iii)(A) The additional penalty shall be equal to 100 percent of any original late payment interest penalty except--

(1) The additional penalty shall not exceed $5,000;

(2) The additional penalty shall never be less than $25; and

(3) No additional penalty is owed if the amount of the underlying interest penalty is less than $1.

(B) If the interest penalty ceases to accrue in accordance with the limits stated in subdivision (a)(5)(iii) of this clause, the amount of the additional penalty shall be calculated on the amount of interest penalty that would have accrued in the absence of these limits, subject to the overall limits on the additional penalty specified in subdivision (a)(7)(iii)(A) of this clause.

(C) For determining the maximum and minimum additional penalties, the test shall be the interest penalty due on each separate payment made for each separate contract. The maximum and minimum additional penalty shall not be based upon individual invoices unless the invoices are paid separately. Where payments are consolidated for disbursing purposes, the maximum and minimum additional penalty determination shall be made separately for each contract therein.

(D) The additional penalty does not apply to payments regulated by other Government regulations (e.g., payments under utility contracts subject to tariffs and regulation).

(b) Contract financing payments--(1) Due dates for recurring financing payments. If this contract provides for contract financing, requests for payment shall be submitted to the designated billing office as specified in this contract or as directed by the Contracting Officer. Contract financing payments shall be made on the [insert day as prescribed by Agency head; if not prescribed, insert 30th day] day after receipt of a proper contract financing request by the designated billing office. In the event that an audit or other review of a specific financing request is required to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the designated payment office is not compelled to make payment by the due date specified.

(2) Due dates for other contract financing. For advance payments, loans, or other arrangements that do not involve recurring submissions of contract financing requests, payment shall be made in accordance with the corresponding contract terms or as directed by the Contracting Officer.

(3) Interest penalty not applicable. Contract financing payments shall not be assessed an interest penalty for payment delays.

(c) Fast payment procedure due dates. If this contract contains the clause at 52.213-1, Fast Payment Procedure, payments will be made within 15 days after the date of receipt of the invoice.

(End of clause)

52.232-26 Prompt Payment for Fixed-Price Architect-Engineer Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.908(a), insert the following clause:

Prompt Payment for Fixed-Price Architect-Engineer Contracts (Jun 1997)

Notwithstanding any other payment terms in this contract, the Government will make invoice payments and contract financing payments under the terms and conditions specified in this clause. Payment shall be considered as being made on the day a check is dated or the date of an electronic funds transfer. Definitions of pertinent terms are set forth in section 32.902 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. All days referred to in this clause are calendar days, unless otherwise specified. (However, see subparagraph (a)(3) of this clause concerning payments due on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.)

(a) Invoice payments--(1) Due date. The due date for making invoice payments shall be--

(i) For work or services completed by the Contractor, the later of the following two events:

(A) The 30th day after the designated billing office has received a proper invoice from the Contractor (except as provided in subdivision (a)(1)(iii) of this clause).

(B) The 30th day after Government acceptance of the work or services completed by the Contractor. On a final invoice where the payment amount is subject to contract settlement actions (e.g., release of claims), acceptance shall be deemed to have occurred on the effective date of the contract settlement.

(ii) The due date for progress payments shall be the 30th day after Government approval of Contractor estimates of work or services accomplished.

(iii) If the designated billing office fails to annotate the invoice or payment request with the actual date of receipt at the time of receipt, the payment due date shall be the 30th day after the date of the Contractor's invoice or payment request, provided a proper invoice or payment request is received and there is no disagreement over quantity, quality, or Contractor compliance with contract requirements.

(2) Contractor's invoice. The Contractor shall prepare and submit invoices to the designated billing office specified in the contract. A proper invoice must include the items listed in subdivisions (a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(viii) of this clause. If the invoice does not comply with these requirements, it shall be returned within 7 days after the date the designated billing office received the invoice, with a statement of the reasons why it is not a proper invoice. Untimely notification will be taken into account in computing any interest penalty owed the Contractor in the manner described in subparagraph (a)(4) of this clause:

(i) Name and address of the Contractor.

(ii) Invoice date. (The Contractor is encouraged to date invoices as close as possible to the date of mailing or transmission.)

(iii) Contract number or other authorization for work or services performed (including order number and contract line item number).

(iv) Description of work or services performed.

(v) Delivery and payment terms (e.g., prompt payment discount terms).

(vi) Name and address of Contractor official to whom payment is to be sent (must be the same as that in the contract or in a proper notice of assignment).

(vii) Name (where practicable), title, phone number, and mailing address of person to be notified in the event of a defective invoice.

(viii) Any other information or documentation required by the contract.

(ix) While not required, the Contractor is strongly encouraged to assign an identification number to each invoice.

(3) Interest penalty. An interest penalty shall be paid automatically by the designated payment office, without request from the Contractor, if payment is not made by the due date and the conditions listed in subdivisions (a)(3)(i) through (a)(3)(iii) of this clause are met, if applicable. However, when the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday when Federal Government offices are closed and Government business is not expected to be conducted, payment may be made on the following business day without incurring a late payment interest penalty.

(i) A proper invoice was received by the designated billing office.

(ii) A receiving report or other Government documentation authorizing payment was processed and there was no disagreement over quantity, quality, Contractor compliance with any contract term or condition, or requested progress payment amount.

(iii) In the case of a final invoice for any balance of funds due the Contractor for work or services performed, the amount was not subject to further contract settlement actions between the Government and the Contractor.

(4) Computing penalty amount. The interest penalty shall be at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under section 12 of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) that is in effect on the day after the due date, except where the interest penalty is prescribed by other governmental authority (e.g., tariffs). This rate is referred to as the "Renegotiation Board Interest Rate," and it is published in the Federal Register semiannually on or about January 1 and July 1. The interest penalty shall accrue daily on the invoice principal payment amount approved by the Government until the payment date of such approved principal amount; and will be compounded in 30-day increments inclusive from the first day after the due date through the payment date. That is, interest accrued at the end of any 30-day period will be added to the approved invoice principal payment amount and will be subject to interest penalties if not paid in the succeeding 30-day period. If the designated billing office failed to notify the Contractor of a defective invoice within the periods prescribed in subparagraph (a)(2) of this clause, the due date on the corrected invoice will be adjusted by subtracting from such date the number of days taken beyond the prescribed notification of defects period. Any interest penalty owed the Contractor will be based on this adjusted due date. Adjustments will be made by the designated payment office for errors in calculating interest penalties.

(i) For the sole purpose of computing an interest penalty that might be due the Contractor, Government acceptance or approval shall be deemed to have occurred constructively as shown in subdivisions (a)(4)(i)(A) and (B) of this clause. In the event that actual acceptance or approval occurs within the constructive acceptance or approval period, the determination of an interest penalty shall be based on the actual date of acceptance or approval. Constructive acceptance or constructive approval requirements do not apply if there is a disagreement over quantity, quality, Contractor compliance with a contract provision, or requested progress payment amounts. These requirements also do not compel Government officials to accept work or services, approve Contractor estimates, perform contract administration functions, or make payment prior to fulfilling their responsibilities.

(A) For work or services completed by the Contractor, Government acceptance shall be deemed to have occurred constructively on the 7th day after the Contractor has completed the work or services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

(B) For progress payments, Government approval shall be deemed to have occurred on the 7th day after Contractor estimates have been received by the designated billing office.

(ii) The following periods of time will not be included in the determination of an interest penalty:

(A) The period taken to notify the Contractor of defects in invoices submitted to the Government, but this may not exceed 7 days.

(B) The period between the defects notice and resubmission of the corrected invoice by the Contractor.

(C) For incorrect electronic funds transfer (EFT) information, in accordance with the EFT clause of this contract.

(iii) Interest penalties will not continue to accrue after the filing of a claim for such penalties under the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes, or for more than 1 year. Interest penalties of less than $1 need not be paid.

(iv) Interest penalties are not required on payment delays due to disagreement between the Government and the Contractor over the payment amount or other issues involving contract compliance, or on amounts temporarily withheld or retained in accordance with the terms of the contract. Claims involving disputes, and any interest that may be payable will be resolved in accordance with the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes.

(5) Prompt payment discounts. An interest penalty also shall also be paid automatically by the designated payment office, without request from the Contractor, if a discount for prompt payment is taken improperly. The interest penalty will be calculated on the amount of discount taken for the period beginning with the first day after the end of the discount period through the date when the Contractor is paid.

(6) Additional interest penalty. (i) A penalty amount, calculated in accordance with subdivision (a)(6)(iii) of this clause, shall be paid in addition to the interest penalty amount if the Contractor--

(A) Is owed an interest penalty of $1 or more;

(B) Is not paid the interest penalty within 10 days after the date the invoice amount is paid; and

(C) Makes a written demand to the designated payment office for additional penalty payment, in accordance with subdivision (a)(6)(ii) of this clause, postmarked not later than 40 days after the date the invoice amount is paid.

(ii)(A) Contractors shall support written demands for additional penalty payments with the following data. No additional data shall be required. Contractors shall--

(1) Specifically assert that late payment interest is due under a specific invoice, and request payment of all overdue late payment interest penalty and such additional penalty as may be required;

(2) Attach a copy of the invoice on which the unpaid late payment interest was due; and

(3) State that payment of the principal has been received, including the date of receipt.

(B) Demands must be postmarked on or before the 40th day after payment was made, except that--

(1) If the postmark is illegible or nonexistent, the demand must have been received and annotated with the date of receipt by the designated payment office on or before the 40th day after payment was made; or

(2) If the postmark is illegible or nonexistent and the designated payment office fails to make the required annotation, the demand's validity will be determined by the date the Contractor has placed on the demand; provided such date is no later than the 40th day after payment was made.

(iii)(A) The additional penalty shall be equal to 100 percent of any original late payment interest penalty except--

(1) The additional penalty shall not exceed $5,000;

(2) The additional penalty shall never be less than $25; and

(3) No additional penalty is owed if the amount of the underlying interest penalty is less than $1.

(B) If the interest penalty ceases to accrue in accordance with the limits stated in subdivision (a)(4)(iii) of this clause, the amount of the additional penalty shall be calculated on the amount of interest penalty that would have accrued in the absence of these limits, subject to the overall limits on the additional penalty specified in subdivision (a)(6)(iii)(A) of this clause.

(C) For determining the maximum and minimum additional penalties, the test shall be the interest penalty due on each separate payment made for each separate contract. The maximum and minimum additional penalty shall not be based upon individual invoices unless the invoices are paid separately. Where payments are consolidated for disbursing purposes, the maximum and minimum additional penalty determination shall be made separately for each contract therein.

(D) The additional penalty does not apply to payments regulated by other Government regulations (e.g., payments under utility contracts subject to tariffs and regulation).

(b) Contract financing payments--(1) Due dates for recurring financing payments. If this contract provides for contract financing, requests for payment shall be submitted to the designated billing office as specified in this contract or as directed by the Contracting Officer. Contract financing payments shall be made on the [insert day as prescribed by Agency head; if not prescribed, insert 30th day] day after receipt of a proper contract financing request by the designated billing office. In the event that an audit or other review of a specific financing request is required to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the designated payment office is not compelled to make payment by the due date specified.

(2) Due dates for other contract financing. For advance payments, loans, or other arrangements that do not involve recurring submissions of contract financing requests, payment shall be made in accordance with the corresponding contract terms or as directed by the Contracting Officer.

(3) Interest penalty not applicable. Contract financing payments shall not be assessed an interest penalty for payment delays.

(End of clause)

52.232-27 Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts.

As prescribed in 32.908(b), insert the following clause:

Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts (Jun 1997)

Notwithstanding any other payment terms in this contract, the Government will make invoice payments and contract financing payments under the terms and conditions specified in this clause. Payment shall be considered as being made on the day a check is dated or the date of an electronic funds transfer. Definitions of pertinent terms are set forth in section 32.902 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. All days referred to in this clause are calendar days, unless otherwise specified. (However, see subparagraph (a)(3) concerning payments due on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.)

(a) Invoice payments--(1) Types of invoice payments. For purposes of this clause, there are several types of invoice payments that may occur under this contract, as follows:

(i) Progress payments, if provided for elsewhere in this contract, based on Contracting Officer approval of the estimated amount and value of work or services performed, including payments for reaching milestones in any project:

(A) The due date for making such payments shall be 14 days after receipt of the payment request by the designated billing office. If the designated billing office fails to annotate the payment request with the actual date of receipt at the time of receipt, the payment due date shall be the 14th day after the date of the Contractor's payment request, provided a proper payment request is received and there is no disagreement over quantity, quality, or Contractor compliance with contract requirements.

(B) The due date for payment of any amounts retained by the Contracting Officer in accordance with the clause at 52.232-5, Payments Under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts, shall be as specified in the contract or, if not specified, 30 days after approval for release to the Contractor by the Contracting Officer.

(ii) Final payments based on completion and acceptance of all work and presentation of release of all claims against the Government arising by virtue of the contract, and payments for partial deliveries that have been accepted by the Government (e.g., each separate building, public work, or other division of the contract for which the price is stated separately in the contract):

(A) The due date for making such payments shall be either the 30th day after receipt by the designated billing office of a proper invoice from the Contractor, or the 30th day after Government acceptance of the work or services completed by the Contractor, whichever is later. If the designated billing office fails to annotate the invoice with the date of actual receipt at the time of receipt, the invoice payment due date shall be the 30th day after the date of the Contractor's invoice, provided a proper invoice is received and there is no disagreement over quantity, quality, or Contractor compliance with contract requirements.

(B) On a final invoice where the payment amount is subject to contract settlement actions (e.g., release of claims), acceptance shall be deemed to have occurred on the effective date of the contract settlement.

(2) Contractor's invoice. The Contractor shall prepare and submit invoices to the designated billing office specified in the contract. A proper invoice must include the items listed in subdivisions (a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(ix) of this clause. If the invoice does not comply with these requirements, it shall be returned within 7 days after the date the designated billing office received the invoice, with a statement of the reasons why it is not a proper invoice. Untimely notification will be taken into account in computing any interest penalty owed the Contractor in the manner described in subparagraph (a)(4) of this clause.

(i) Name and address of the Contractor.

(ii) Invoice date. (The Contractor is encouraged to date invoices as close as possible to the date of mailing or transmission.)

(iii) Contract number or other authorization for work or services performed (including order number and contract line item number).

(iv) Description of work or services performed.

(v) Delivery and payment terms (e.g., prompt payment discount terms).

(vi) Name and address of Contractor official to whom payment is to be sent (must be the same as that in the contract or in a proper notice of assignment).

(vii) Name (where practicable), title, phone number, and mailing address of person to be notified in the event of a defective invoice.

(viii) For payments described in subdivision (a)(1)(i) of this clause, substantiation of the amounts requested and certification in accordance with the requirements of the clause at 52.232-5, Payments Under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts.

(ix) Any other information or documentation required by the contract.

(x) While not required, the Contractor is strongly encouraged to assign an identification number to each invoice.

(3) Interest penalty. An interest penalty shall be paid automatically by the designated payment office, without request from the Contractor, if payment is not made by the due date and the conditions listed in subdivisions (a)(3)(i) through (a)(3)(iii) of this clause are met, if applicable. However, when the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday when Federal Government offices are closed and Government business is not expected to be conducted, payment may be made on the following business day without incurring a late payment interest penalty.

(i) A proper invoice was received by the designated billing office.

(ii) A receiving report or other Government documentation authorizing payment was processed and there was no disagreement over quantity, quality, Contractor compliance with any contract term or condition, or requested progress payment amount.

(iii) In the case of a final invoice for any balance of funds due the Contractor for work or services performed, the amount was not subject to further contract settlement actions between the Government and the Contractor.

(4) Computing penalty amount. The interest penalty shall be at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under section 12 of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) that is in effect on the day after the due date, except where the interest penalty is prescribed by other governmental authority (e.g., tariffs). This rate is referred to as the "Renegotiation Board Interest Rate," and it is published in the Federal Register semiannually on or about January 1 and July 1. The interest penalty shall accrue daily on the invoice principal payment amount approved by the Government until the payment date of such approved principal amount; and will be compounded in 30-day increments inclusive from the first day after the due date through the payment date. That is, interest accrued at the end of any 30-day period will be added to the approved invoice principal payment amount and will be subject to interest penalties if not paid in the succeeding 30-day period. If the designated billing office failed to notify the Contractor of a defective invoice within the periods prescribed in subparagraph (a)(2) of this clause, the due date on the corrected invoice will be adjusted by subtracting from such date the number of days taken beyond the prescribed notification of defects period. Any interest penalty owed the Contractor will be based on this adjusted due date. Adjustments will be made by the designated payment office for errors in calculating interest penalties.

(i) For the sole purpose of computing an interest penalty that might be due the Contractor for payments described in subdivision (a)(1)(ii) of this clause, Government acceptance or approval shall be deemed to have occurred constructively on the 7th day after the Contractor has completed the work or services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event that actual acceptance or approval occurs within the constructive acceptance or approval period, the determination of an interest penalty shall be based on the actual date of acceptance or approval. Constructive acceptance or constructive approval requirements do not apply if there is a disagreement over quantity, quality, or Contractor compliance with a contract provision. These requirements also do not compel Government officials to accept work or services, approve Contractor estimates, perform contract administration functions, or make payment prior to fulfilling their responsibilities.

(ii) The following periods of time will not be included in the determination of an interest penalty:

(A) The period taken to notify the Contractor of defects in invoices submitted to the Government, but this may not exceed 7 days.

(B) The period between the defects notice and resubmission of the corrected invoice by the Contractor.

(C) For incorrect electronic funds transfer (EFT) information, in accordance with the EFT clause of this contract.

(iii) Interest penalties will not continue to accrue after the filing of a claim for such penalties under the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes, or for more than 1 year. Interest penalties of less than $1 need not be paid.

(iv) Interest penalties are not required on payment delays due to disagreement between the Government and the Contractor over the payment amount or other issues involving contract compliance, or on amounts temporarily withheld or retained in accordance with the terms of the contract. Claims involving disputes, and any interest that may be payable, will be resolved in accordance with the clause at 52.233-1, Disputes.

(5) Prompt payment discounts. An interest penalty also shall be paid automatically by the designated payment office, without request from the Contractor, if a discount for prompt payment is taken improperly. The interest penalty will be calculated on the amount of discount taken for the period beginning with the first day after the end of the discount period through the date when the Contractor is paid.

(6) Additional interest penalty. (i) A penalty amount, calculated in accordance with subdivision (a)(6)(iii) of this clause, shall be paid in addition to the interest penalty amount if the Contractor--

(A) Is owed an interest penalty of $1 or more;

(B) Is not paid the interest penalty within 10 days after the date the invoice amount is paid; and

(C) Makes a written demand to the designated payment office for additional penalty payment, in accordance with subdivision (a)(6)(ii) of this clause, postmarked not later than 40 days after the date the invoice amount is paid.

(ii)(A) Contractors shall support written demands for additional penalty payments with the following data. No additional data shall be required. Contractors shall--

(1) Specifically assert that late payment interest is due under a specific invoice, and request payment of all overdue late payment interest penalty and such additional penalty as may be required;

(2) Attach a copy of the invoice on which the unpaid late payment interest was due; and

(3) State that payment of the principal has been received, including the date of receipt.

(B) Demands must be postmarked on or before the 40th day after payment was made, except that--

(1) If the postmark is illegible or nonexistent, the demand must have been received and annotated with the date of receipt by the designated payment office on or before the 40th day after payment was made; or

(2) If the postmark is illegible or nonexistent and the designated payment office fails to make the required annotation, the demand's validity will be determined by the date the Contractor has placed on the demand; provided such date is no later than the 40th day after payment was made.

(iii)(A) The additional penalty shall be equal to 100 percent of any original late payment interest penalty except--

(1) The additional penalty shall not exceed $5,000;

(2) The additional penalty shall never be less than $25; and

(3) No additional penalty is owed if the amount of the underlying interest penalty is less than $1.

(B) If the interest penalty ceases to accrue in accordance with the limits stated in subdivision (a)(4)(iii) of this clause, the amount of the additional penalty shall be calculated on the amount of interest penalty that would have accrued in the absence of these limits, subject to the overall limits on the additional penalty specified in subdivision (a)(6)(iii)(A) of this clause.

(C) For determining the maximum and minimum additional penalties, the test shall be the interest penalty due on each separate payment made for each separate contract. The maximum and minimum additional penalty shall not be based upon individual invoices unless the invoices are paid separately. Where payments are consolidated for disbursing purposes, the maximum and minimum additional penalty determination shall be made separately for each contract therein.

(D) The additional penalty does not apply to payments regulated by other Government regulations (e.g., payments under utility contracts subject to tariffs and regulation).

(b) Contract financing payments--(1) Due dates for recurring financing payments. If this contract provides for contract financing, requests for payment shall be submitted to the designated billing office as specified in this contract or as directed by the Contracting Officer. Contract financing payments shall be made on the [insert day as prescribed by Agency head; if not prescribed, insert 30th day] day after receipt of a proper contract financing request by the designated billing office. In the event that an audit or other review of a specific financing request is required to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the designated payment office is not compelled to make payment by the due date specified.

(2) Due dates for other contract financing. For advance payments, loans, or other arrangements that do not involve recurring submissions of contract financing requests, payment shall be made in accordance with the corresponding contract terms or as directed by the Contracting Officer.

(3) Interest penalty not applicable. Contract financing payments shall not be assessed an interest penalty for payment delays.

(c) Subcontract clause requirements. The Contractor shall include in each subcontract for property or services (including a material supplier) for the purpose of performing this contract the following:

(1) Prompt payment for subcontractors. A payment clause that obligates the Contractor to pay the subcontractor for satisfactory performance under its subcontract not later than 7 days from receipt of payment out of such amounts as are paid to the Contractor under this contract.

(2) Interest for subcontractors. An interest penalty clause that obligates the Contractor to pay to the subcontractor an interest penalty for each payment not made in accordance with the payment clause--

(i) For the period beginning on the day after the required payment date and ending on the date on which payment of the amount due is made; and

(ii) Computed at the rate of interest established by the Secretary of the Treasury, and published in the Federal Register, for interest payments under section 12 of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) in effect at the time the Contractor accrues the obligation to pay an interest penalty.

(3) Subcontractor clause flowdown. A clause requiring each subcontractor to include a payment clause and an interest penalty clause conforming to the standards set forth in subparagraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this clause in each of its subcontracts, and to require each of its subcontractors to include such clauses in their subcontracts with each lower-tier subcontractor or supplier.

(d) Subcontract clause interpretation. The clauses required by paragraph (c) of this clause shall not be construed to impair the right of the Contractor or a subcontractor at any tier to negotiate, and to include in their subcontract, provisions that--

(1) Retainage permitted. Permit the Contractor or a subcontractor to retain (without cause) a specified percentage of each progress payment otherwise due to a subcontractor for satisfactory performance under the subcontract without incurring any obligation to pay a late payment interest penalty, in accordance with terms and conditions agreed to by the parties to the subcontract, giving such recognition as the parties deem appropriate to the ability of a subcontractor to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond;

(2) Withholding permitted. Permit the Contractor or subcontractor to make a determination that part or all of the subcontractor's request for payment may be withheld in accordance with the subcontract agreement; and

(3) Withholding requirements. Permit such withholding without incurring any obligation to pay a late payment penalty if--

(i) A notice conforming to the standards of paragraph (g) of this clause previously has been furnished to the subcontractor; and

(ii) A copy of any notice issued by a Contractor pursuant to subdivision (d)(3)(i) of this clause has been furnished to the Contracting Officer.

(e) Subcontractor withholding procedures. If a Contractor, after making a request for payment to the Government but before making a payment to a subcontractor for the subcontractor's performance covered by the payment request, discovers that all or a portion of the payment otherwise due such subcontractor is subject to withholding from the subcontractor in accordance with the subcontract agreement, then the Contractor shall--

(1) Subcontractor notice. Furnish to the subcontractor a notice conforming to the standards of paragraph (g) of this clause as soon as practicable upon ascertaining the cause giving rise to a withholding, but prior to the due date for subcontractor payment;

(2) Contracting Officer notice. Furnish to the Contracting Officer, as soon as practicable, a copy of the notice furnished to the subcontractor pursuant to subparagraph (e)(1) of this clause;

(3) Subcontractor progress payment reduction. Reduce the subcontractor's progress payment by an amount not to exceed the amount specified in the notice of withholding furnished under subparagraph (e)(1) of this clause;

(4) Subsequent subcontractor payment. Pay the subcontractor as soon as practicable after the correction of the identified subcontract performance deficiency, and--

(i) Make such payment within--

(A) Seven days after correction of the identified subcontract performance deficiency (unless the funds therefor must be recovered from the Government because of a reduction under subdivision (e)(5)(i)) of this clause; or

(B) Seven days after the Contractor recovers such funds from the Government; or

(ii) Incur an obligation to pay a late payment interest penalty computed at the rate of interest established by the Secretary of the Treasury, and published in the Federal Register, for interest payments under section 12 of the Contracts Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) in effect at the time the Contractor accrues the obligation to pay an interest penalty;

(5) Notice to Contracting Officer. Notify the Contracting Officer upon--

(i) Reduction of the amount of any subsequent certified application for payment; or

(ii) Payment to the subcontractor of any withheld amounts of a progress payment, specifying--

(A) The amounts withheld under subparagraph (e)(1) of this clause; and

(B) The dates that such withholding began and ended; and

(6) Interest to Government. Be obligated to pay to the Government an amount equal to interest on the withheld payments (computed in the manner provided in 31 U.S.C. 3903(c)(1)), from the 8th day after receipt of the withheld amounts from the Government until--

(i) The day the identified subcontractor performance deficiency is corrected; or

(ii) The date that any subsequent payment is reduced under subdivision (e)(5)(i) of this clause.

(f) Third-party deficiency reports--(1) Withholding from subcontractor. If a Contractor, after making payment to a first-tier subcontractor, receives from a supplier or subcontractor of the first-tier subcontractor (hereafter referred to as a "second-tier subcontractor") a written notice in accordance with section 2 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (40 U.S.C. 270b, Miller Act), asserting a deficiency in such first-tier subcontractor's performance under the contract for which the Contractor may be ultimately liable, and the Contractor determines that all or a portion of future payments otherwise due such first-tier subcontractor is subject to withholding in accordance with the subcontract agreement, the Contractor may, without incurring an obligation to pay an interest penalty under subparagraph (e)(6) of this clause--

(i) Furnish to the first-tier subcontractor a notice conforming to the standards of paragraph (g) of this clause as soon as practicable upon making such determination; and

(ii) Withhold from the first-tier subcontractor's next available progress payment or payments an amount not to exceed the amount specified in the notice of withholding furnished under subdivision (f)(1)(i) of this clause.

(2) Subsequent payment or interest charge. As soon as practicable, but not later than 7 days after receipt of satisfactory written notification that the identified subcontract performance deficiency has been corrected, the Contractor shall--

(i) Pay the amount withheld under subdivision (f)(1)(ii) of this clause to such first-tier subcontractor; or

(ii) Incur an obligation to pay a late payment interest penalty to such first-tier subcontractor computed at the rate of interest established by the Secretary of the Treasury, and published in the Federal Register, for interest payments under section 12 of the Contracts Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) in effect at the time the Contractor accrues the obligation to pay an interest penalty.

(g) Written notice of subcontractor withholding. A written notice of any withholding shall be issued to a subcontractor (with a copy to the Contracting Officer of any such notice issued by the Contractor), specifying--

(1) The amount to be withheld;

(2) The specific causes for the withholding under the terms of the subcontract; and

(3) The remedial actions to be taken by the subcontractor in order to receive payment of the amounts withheld.

(h) Subcontractor payment entitlement. The Contractor may not request payment from the Government of any amount withheld or retained in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause until such time as the Contractor has determined and certified to the Contracting Officer that the subcontractor is entitled to the payment of such amount.

(i) Prime-subcontractor disputes. A dispute between the Contractor and subcontractor relating to the amount or entitlement of a subcontractor to a payment or a late payment interest penalty under a clause included in the subcontract pursuant to paragraph (c) of this clause does not constitute a dispute to which the United States is a party. The United States may not be interpleaded in any judicial or administrative proceeding involving such a dispute.

(j) Preservation of prime-subcontractor rights. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this clause, this clause shall not limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies otherwise available to the Contractor or a subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the Contractor or deficient subcontract performance or nonperformance by a subcontractor.

(k) Non-recourse for prime contractor interest penalty. The Contractor's obligation to pay an interest penalty to a subcontractor pursuant to the clauses included in a subcontract under paragraph (c) of this clause shall not be construed to be an obligation of the United States for such interest penalty. A cost-reimbursement claim may not include any amount for reimbursement of such interest penalty.

(End of clause)

52.232-28 Invitation to Propose Performance-Based Payments.

As prescribed in 32.1005(b)(1), insert the following provision:

Invitation to Propose Performance-Based Payments (Mar 2000)

(a) The Government invites the offeror to propose terms under which the Government will make performance-based contract financing payments during contract performance. The Government will consider performance-based payment financing terms proposed by the offeror in the evaluation of the offeror's proposal. The Contracting Officer will incorporate the financing terms of the successful offeror and the FAR clause, Performance-Based Payments, at FAR 52.232-32, in any resulting contract.

(b) In the event of any conflict between the terms proposed by the offeror and the terms in the clause at FAR 52.232-32, Performance-Based Payments, the terms of the clause at FAR 52.232-32 shall govern.

(c) The Contracting Officer will not accept the offeror's proposed performance-based payment financing if the financing does not conform to the following limitations:

(1) The Government will make delivery payments only for supplies delivered and accepted, or services rendered and accepted in accordance with the payment terms of this contract.

(2) The terms and conditions of the performance-based payments must--

(i) Comply with FAR 32.1004;

(ii) Be reasonable and consistent with all other technical and cost information included in the offeror's proposal; and

(iii) Their total shall not exceed 90 percent of the contract price if on a whole contract basis, or 90 percent of the delivery item price if on a delivery item basis.

(3) The terms and conditions of the performance-based financing must be in the best interests of the Government.

(d) The offeror's proposal of performance-based payment financing shall include the following:

(1) The proposed contractual language describing the performance-based payments (see FAR 32.1004 for appropriate criteria for establishing performance bases and performance-based finance payment amounts).

(2) A listing of--

(i) The projected performance-based payment dates and the projected payment amounts; and

(ii) The projected delivery date and the projected payment amount.

(3) Information addressing the Contractor's investment in the contract.

(e) Evaluation of the offeror's proposed prices and financing terms will include whether the offeror's proposed performance-based payment events and payment amounts are reasonable and consistent with all other terms and conditions of the offeror's proposal.

(End of provision)

Alternate I (Mar 2000). As prescribed in FAR 32.1005(b)(2), add the following paragraph (f) to the basic provision:

(f) The Government will adjust each proposed price to reflect the cost of providing the proposed performance-based payments to determine the total cost to the Government of that particular combination of price and performance-based financing. The Government will make the adjustment using the procedure described in FAR 32.205(c).

52.232-29 Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial Items.

As prescribed in 32.206(b)(2), insert the following clause:

Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial Items (Oct 1995)

(a) Contractor entitlement to financing payments. The Contractor may request, and the Government shall pay, a contract financing payment as specified elsewhere in this contract when: the payment requested is properly due in accordance with this contract; the supplies deliverable or



services due under the contract will be delivered or performed in accordance with the contract; and there has been no impairment or diminution of the Government's security under this contract.

(b) Special terms regarding termination for cause. If this contract is terminated for cause, the Contractor shall, on demand, repay to the Government the amount of unliquidated contract financing payments. The Government shall be liable for no payment except as provided by the Termination for Cause paragraph of the clause at 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items.

(c) Security for Government financing. In the event the Contractor fails to provide adequate security, as required in this contract, no financing payment shall be made under this contract. Upon receipt of adequate security, financing payments shall be made, including all previous payments to which the Contractor is entitled, in accordance with the terms of the provisions for contract financing. If at any time the Contracting Officer determines that the security provided by the Contractor is insufficient, the Contractor shall promptly provide such additional security as the Contracting Officer determines necessary. In the event the Contractor fails to provide such additional security, the Contracting Officer may collect or liquidate such security that has been provided and suspend further payments to the Contractor; and the Contractor shall repay to the Government the amount of unliquidated financing payments as the Contracting Officer at his sole discretion deems repayable.

(d) Reservation of rights. (1) No payment or other action by the Government under this clause shall--

(i) Excuse the Contractor from performance of obligations under this contract; or

(ii) Constitute a waiver of any of the rights or remedies of the parties under the contract.

(2) The Government's rights and remedies under this clause--

(i) Shall not be exclusive, but rather shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or this contract; and

(ii) Shall not be affected by delayed, partial, or omitted exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege, nor shall such exercise or any single exercise preclude or impair any further exercise under this clause or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege of the Government.

(e) Content of Contractor's request for financing payment. The Contractor's request for financing payment shall contain the following:

(1) The name and address of the Contractor;

(2) The date of the request for financing payment;

(3) The contract number and/or other identifier of the contract or order under which the request is made; and

(4) An appropriately itemized and totaled statement of the financing payments requested and such other information as is necessary for computation of the payment, prepared in accordance with the direction of the Contracting Officer.

(f) Limitation on frequency of financing payments. Contractor financing payments shall be provided no more frequently than monthly.

(g) In the event of any conflict between the terms proposed by the offeror in response to an invitation to propose financing terms (52.232-31) and the terms in this clause, the terms of this clause shall govern.

(End of clause)

52.232-30 Installment Payments for Commercial Items.

As prescribed in 32.206(g), insert the following clause:

Installment Payments for Commercial Items (Oct 1995)

(a) Contractor entitlement to financing payments. The Contractor may request, and the Government shall pay, a contract financing installment payment as specified in this contract when: the payment requested is properly due in accordance with this contract; the supplies deliverable or services due under the contract will be delivered or performed in accordance with the contract; and there has been no impairment or diminution of the Government's security under this contract.

(b) Computation of amounts. Installment payment financing shall be paid to the Contractor when requested for each separately priced unit of supply (but not for services) of each contract line item in amounts approved by the Contracting Officer pursuant to this clause.

(1) Number of installment payments for each contract line item. Each separately priced unit of each contract line item is authorized a fixed number of monthly installment payments. The number of installment payments authorized for each unit of a contract line item is equal to the number of months from the date of contract award to the date one month before the first delivery of the first separately priced unit of the contract line item. For example, if the first scheduled delivery of any separately priced unit of a contract line item is 9 months after award of the contract, all separately priced units of that contract line item are authorized 8 installment payments.

(2) Amount of each installment payment. The amount of each installment payment for each separately priced unit of each contract line item is equal to 70 percent of the unit price divided by the number of installment payments authorized for that unit.

(3) Date of each installment payment. Installment payments for any particular separately priced unit of a contract line item begin the number of months prior to the delivery of that unit that are equal to the number of installment payments authorized for that unit. For example, if 8 installment payments are authorized for each separately priced unit of a contract line item, the first installment payment for any particular unit of that contract line item would be 8 months before the scheduled delivery date for that unit. The last installment payment would be 1 month before scheduled delivery of a unit.

(4) Limitation on payment. Prior to the delivery payment for a separately priced unit of a contract line item, the sum of all installment payments for that unit shall not exceed 70 percent of the price of that unit.

(c) Contractor request for installment payment. The Contractor may submit requests for payment of installment payments not more frequently than monthly, in a form and manner acceptable to the Contracting Officer. Unless otherwise authorized by the Contracting Officer, all installment payments in any month for which payment is being requested shall be included in a single request, appropriately itemized and totaled.

(d) Dates for payment. An installment payment under this clause is a contract financing payment under the Prompt Payment clause of this contract, and except as provided in paragraph (e) of this clause, approved requests shall be paid within 30 days of submittal of a proper request for payment.

(e) Liquidation of installment payments. Installment payments shall be liquidated by deducting from the delivery payment of each item the total unliquidated amount of installment payments made for that separately priced unit of that contract line item. The liquidation amounts for each unit of each line item shall be clearly delineated in each request for delivery payment submitted by the Contractor.

(f) Security for installment payment financing. In the event the Contractor fails to provide adequate security as required in this contract, no financing payment shall be made under this contract. Upon receipt of adequate security, financing payments shall be made, including all previous payments to which the Contractor is entitled, in accordance with the terms of the contract. If at any time the Contracting Officer determines that the security provided by the Contractor is insufficient, the Contractor shall promptly provide such additional security as the Contracting Officer determines necessary. In the event the Contractor fails to provide such additional security, the Contracting Officer may collect or liquidate such security that has been provided, and suspend further payments to the Contractor; the Contractor shall repay to the Government the amount of unliquidated financing payments as the Contracting Officer at his sole discretion deems repayable.

(g) Special terms regarding termination for cause. If this contract is terminated for cause, the Contractor shall, on demand, repay to the Government the amount of unliquidated installment payments. The Government shall be liable for no payment except as provided by the Termination for Cause paragraph of the clause at 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items.

(h) Reservation of rights. (1) No payment, vesting of title under this clause, or other action taken by the Government under this clause shall--

(i) Excuse the Contractor from performance of obligations under this contract; or

(ii) Constitute a waiver of any of the rights or remedies of the parties under the contract.

(2) The Government's rights and remedies under this clause--

(i) Shall not be exclusive, but rather shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or this contract; and

(ii) Shall not be affected by delayed, partial, or omitted exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege, nor shall such exercise or any single exercise preclude or impair any further exercise under this clause or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege of the Government.

(i) Content of Contractor's request for installment payment. The Contractor's request for installment payment shall contain the following:

(1) The name and address of the Contractor;

(2) The date of the request for installment payment;

(3) The contract number and/or other identifier of the contract or order under which the request is made; and

(4) An itemized and totaled statement of the items, installment payment amount, and month for which payment is being requested, for each separately priced unit of each contract line item.

(End of clause)

52.232-31 Invitation to Propose Financing Terms.

As prescribed in 32.205(b) and 32.206, insert the following provision:

Invitation to Propose Financing Terms (Oct 1995)

(a) The offeror is invited to propose terms under which the Government shall make contract financing payments during contract performance. The financing terms proposed by the offeror shall be a factor in the evaluation of the offeror's proposal. The financing terms of the successful offeror and the clause, Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial Items, at 52.232-29, shall be incorporated in any resulting contract.

(b) The offeror agrees that in the event of any conflict between the terms proposed by the offeror and the terms in the clause at 52.232-29, Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial Items, the terms of the clause at 52.232-29 shall govern.

(c) Because of statutory limitations (10 U.S.C. 2307(f) and 41 U.S.C. 255(f)), the offeror's proposed financing shall not be acceptable if it does not conform to the following limitations:

(1) Delivery payments shall be made only for supplies delivered and accepted, or services rendered and accepted in accordance with the payment terms of this contract;

(2) Contract financing payments shall not exceed 15 percent of the contract price in advance of any performance of work under the contract;

(3) The terms and conditions of the contract financing must be appropriate or customary in the commercial marketplace; and

(4) The terms and conditions of the contract financing must be in the best interests of the United States.

(d) The offeror's proposal of financing terms shall include the following:

(1) The proposed contractual language describing the contract financing (see FAR 32.202-2 for appropriate definitions of types of payments); and

(2) A listing of the earliest date and greatest amount at which each contract financing payment may be payable and the amount of each delivery payment. Any resulting contract shall provide that no contract financing payment shall be made at any earlier date or in a greater amount than shown in the offeror's listing.

(e) The offeror's proposed prices and financing terms shall be evaluated to determine the cost to the United States of the proposal using the interest rate and delivery schedule specified elsewhere in this solicitation.

(End of provision)

52.232-32 Performance-Based Payments.

As prescribed in 32.1005, insert the following clause:

Performance-Based Payments (May 1997)

(a) Amount of payments and limitations on payments. Subject to such other limitations and conditions as are specified in this contract and this clause, the amount of payments and limitations on payments shall be specified in the contract's description of the basis for payment.

(b) Contractor request for performance-based payment. The Contractor may submit requests for payment of performance-based payments not more frequently than monthly, in a form and manner acceptable to the Contracting Officer. Unless otherwise authorized by the Contracting Officer, all performance-based payments in any period for which payment is being requested shall be included in a single request, appropriately itemized and totaled. The Contractor's request shall contain the information and certification detailed in paragraphs (l) and (m) of this clause.

(c) Approval and payment of requests. (1) The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment of a request for performance-based payment prior to successful accomplishment of the event or performance criterion for which payment is requested. The Contracting Officer shall determine whether the event or performance criterion for which payment is requested has been successfully accomplished in accordance with the terms of the contract. The Contracting Officer may, at any time, require the Contractor to substantiate the successful performance of any event or performance criterion which has been or is represented as being payable.

(2) A payment under this performance-based payment clause is a contract financing payment under the Prompt Payment clause of this contract, and approved requests shall be paid in accordance with the prompt payment period and provisions specified for contract financing payments by that clause. However, if the Contracting Officer requires substantiation as provided in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause, or inquires into the status of an event or performance criterion, or into any of the conditions listed in paragraph (e) of this clause, or into the Contractor certification, payment is not required, and the prompt payment period shall not begin until the Contracting Officer approves the request.

(3) The approval by the Contracting Officer of a request for performance-based payment does not constitute an acceptance by the Government and does not excuse the Contractor from performance of obligations under this contract.

(d) Liquidation of performance-based payments. (1) Performance-based finance amounts paid prior to payment for delivery of an item shall be liquidated by deducting a percentage or a designated dollar amount from the delivery payment. If the performance-based finance payments are on a delivery item basis, the liquidation amount for each such line item shall be the percent of that delivery item price that was previously paid under performance-based finance payments or the designated dollar amount. If the performance-based finance payments are on a whole contract basis, liquidation shall be by either predesignated liquidation amounts or a liquidation percentage.

(2) If at any time the amount of payments under this contract exceeds any limitation in this contract, the Contractor shall repay to the Government the excess. Unless otherwise determined by the Contracting Officer, such excess shall be credited as a reduction in the unliquidated performance-based payment balance(s), after adjustment of invoice payments and balances for any retroactive price adjustments.

(e) Reduction or suspension of performance-based payments. The Contracting Officer may reduce or suspend performance-based payments, liquidate performance-based payments by deduction from any payment under the contract, or take a combination of these actions after finding upon substantial evidence any of the following conditions:

(1) The Contractor failed to comply with any material requirement of this contract (which includes paragraphs (h) and (i) of this clause).

(2) Performance of this contract is endangered by the Contractor's--

(i) Failure to make progress; or

(ii) Unsatisfactory financial condition.

(3) The Contractor is delinquent in payment of any subcontractor or supplier under this contract in the ordinary course of business.

(f) Title. (1) Title to the property described in this paragraph (f) shall vest in the Government. Vestiture shall be immediately upon the date of the first performance-based payment under this contract, for property acquired or produced before that date. Otherwise, vestiture shall occur when the property is or should have been allocable or properly chargeable to this contract

(2) "Property," as used in this clause, includes all of the following described items acquired or produced by the Contractor that are or should be allocable or properly chargeable to this contract under sound and generally accepted accounting principles and practices:

(i) Parts, materials, inventories, and work in process;

(ii) Special tooling and special test equipment to which the Government is to acquire title under any other clause of this contract;

(iii) Nondurable (i.e., noncapital) tools, jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, taps, gauges, test equipment and other similar manufacturing aids, title to which would not be obtained as special tooling under subparagraph (f)(2)(ii) of this clause; and

(iv) Drawings and technical data, to the extent the Contractor or subcontractors are required to deliver them to the Government by other clauses of this contract.

(3) Although title to property is in the Government under this clause, other applicable clauses of this contract (e.g., the termination or special tooling clauses) shall determine the handling and disposition of the property.

(4) The Contractor may sell any scrap resulting from production under this contract, without requesting the Contracting Officer's approval, provided that any significant reduction in the value of the property to which the Government has title under this clause is reported in writing to the Contracting Officer.

(5) In order to acquire for its own use or dispose of property to which title is vested in the Government under this clause, the Contractor must obtain the Contracting Officer's advance approval of the action and the terms. If approved, the basis for payment (the events or performance criteria) to which the property is related shall be deemed to be not in compliance with the terms of the contract and not payable (if the property is part of or needed for performance), and the Contractor shall refund the related performance-based payments in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(6) When the Contractor completes all of the obligations under this contract, including liquidation of all performance-based payments, title shall vest in the Contractor for all property (or the proceeds thereof) not--

(i) Delivered to, and accepted by, the Government under this contract; or

(ii) Incorporated in supplies delivered to, and accepted by, the Government under this contract and to which title is vested in the Government under this clause.

(7) The terms of this contract concerning liability for Government-furnished property shall not apply to property to which the Government acquired title solely under this clause.

(g) Risk of loss. Before delivery to and acceptance by the Government, the Contractor shall bear the risk of loss for property, the title to which vests in the Government under this clause, except to the extent the Government expressly assumes the risk. If any property is damaged, lost, stolen, or destroyed, the basis of payment (the events or performance criteria) to which the property is related shall be deemed to be not in compliance with the terms of the contract and not payable (if the property is part of or needed for performance), and the Contractor shall refund the related performance-based payments in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(h) Records and controls. The Contractor shall maintain records and controls adequate for administration of this clause. The Contractor shall have no entitlement to performance-based payments during any time the Contractor's records or controls are determined by the Contracting Officer to be inadequate for administration of this clause.

(i) Reports and Government access. The Contractor shall promptly furnish reports, certificates, financial statements, and other pertinent information requested by the Contracting Officer for the administration of this clause and to determine that an event or other criterion prompting a financing payment has been successfully accomplished. The Contractor shall give the Government reasonable opportunity to examine and verify the Contractor's records and to examine and verify the Contractor's performance of this contract for administration of this clause.

(j) Special terms regarding default. If this contract is terminated under the Default clause, (1) the Contractor shall, on demand, repay to the Government the amount of unliquidated performance-based payments, and (2) title shall vest in the Contractor, on full liquidation of all performance-based payments, for all property for which the Government elects not to require delivery under the Default clause of this contract. The Government shall be liable for no payment except as provided by the Default clause.

(k) Reservation of rights. (1) No payment or vesting of title under this clause shall--

(i) Excuse the Contractor from performance of obligations under this contract; or

(ii) Constitute a waiver of any of the rights or remedies of the parties under the contract.

(2) The Government's rights and remedies under this clause--

(i) Shall not be exclusive, but rather shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or this contract; and

(ii) Shall not be affected by delayed, partial, or omitted exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege, nor shall such exercise or any single exercise preclude or impair any further exercise under this clause or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege of the Government.

(l) Content of Contractor's request for performance-based payment. The Contractor's request for performance-based payment shall contain the following:

(1) The name and address of the Contractor;

(2) The date of the request for performance-based payment;

(3) The contract number and/or other identifier of the contract or order under which the request is made;

(4) Such information and documentation as is required by the contract's description of the basis for payment; and

(5) A certification by a Contractor official authorized to bind the Contractor, as specified in paragraph (m) of this clause.

(m) Content of Contractor's certification. As required in paragraph (l)(5) of this clause, the Contractor shall make the following certification in each request for performance-based payment:

I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that--

(1) This request for performance-based payment is true and correct; this request (and attachments) has been prepared from the books and records of the Contractor, in accordance with the contract and the instructions of the Contracting Officer;

(2) (Except as reported in writing on __________), all payments to subcontractors and suppliers under this contract have been paid, or will be paid, currently, when due in the ordinary course of business;

(3) There are no encumbrances (except as reported in writing on _________) against the property acquired or produced for, and allocated or properly chargeable to, the contract which would affect or impair the Government's title;

(4) There has been no materially adverse change in the financial condition of the Contractor since the submission by the Contractor to the Government of the most recent written information dated _____________; and

(5) After the making of this requested performance-based payment, the amount of all payments for each deliverable item for which performance-based payments have been requested will not exceed any limitation in the contract, and the amount of all payments under the contract will not exceed any limitation in the contract.

(End of clause)

52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Central Contractor Registration.

As prescribed in 32.1110(a)(1), insert the following clause:

Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Central Contractor Registration (May 1999)

(a) Method of payment. (1) All payments by the Government under this contract shall be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT), except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this clause. As used in this clause, the term "EFT" refers to the funds transfer and may also include the payment information transfer.

(2) In the event the Government is unable to release one or more payments by EFT, the Contractor agrees to either--

(i) Accept payment by check or some other mutually agreeable method of payment; or

(ii) Request the Government to extend the payment due date until such time as the Government can make payment by EFT (but see paragraph (d) of this clause).

(b) Contractor's EFT information. The Government shall make payment to the Contractor using the EFT information contained in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. In the event that the EFT information changes, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing the updated information to the CCR database.

(c) Mechanisms for EFT payment. The Government may make payment by EFT through either the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network, subject to the rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association, or the Fedwire Transfer System. The rules governing Federal payments through the ACH are contained in 31 CFR part 210.

(d) Suspension of payment. If the Contractor's EFT information in the CCR database is incorrect, then the Government need not make payment to the Contractor under this contract until correct EFT information is entered into the CCR database; and any invoice or contract financing request shall be deemed not to be a proper invoice for the purpose of prompt payment under this contract. The prompt payment terms of the contract regarding notice of an improper invoice and delays in accrual of interest penalties apply.

(e) Contractor EFT arrangements. If the Contractor has identified multiple payment receiving points (i.e., more than one remittance address and/or EFT information set) in the CCR database, and the Contractor has not notified the Government of the payment receiving point applicable to this contract, the Government shall make payment to the first payment receiving point (EFT information set or remittance address as applicable) listed in the CCR database.

(f) Liability for uncompleted or erroneous transfers. (1) If an uncompleted or erroneous transfer occurs because the Government used the Contractor's EFT information incorrectly, the Government remains responsible for--

(i) Making a correct payment;

(ii) Paying any prompt payment penalty due; and

(iii) Recovering any erroneously directed funds.

(2) If an uncompleted or erroneous transfer occurs because the Contractor's EFT information was incorrect, or was revised within 30 days of Government release of the EFT payment transaction instruction to the Federal Reserve System, and--

(i) If the funds are no longer under the control of the payment office, the Government is deemed to have made payment and the Contractor is responsible for recovery of any erroneously directed funds; or

(ii) If the funds remain under the control of the payment office, the Government shall not make payment, and the provisions of paragraph (d) of this clause shall apply.

(g) EFT and prompt payment. A payment shall be deemed to have been made in a timely manner in accordance with the prompt payment terms of this contract if, in the EFT payment transaction instruction released to the Federal Reserve System, the date specified for settlement of the payment is on or before the prompt payment due date, provided the specified payment date is a valid date under the rules of the Federal Reserve System.

(h) EFT and assignment of claims. If the Contractor assigns the proceeds of this contract as provided for in the assignment of claims terms of this contract, the Contractor shall require as a condition of any such assignment, that the assignee shall register in the CCR database and shall be paid by EFT in accordance with the terms of this clause. In all respects, the requirements of this clause shall apply to the assignee as if it were the Contractor. EFT information that shows the ultimate recipient of the transfer to be other than the Contractor, in the absence of a proper assignment of claims acceptable to the Government, is incorrect EFT information within the meaning of paragraph (d) of this clause.

(i) Liability for change of EFT information by financial agent. The Government is not liable for errors resulting from changes to EFT information made by the Contractor's financial agent.

(j) Payment information. The payment or disbursing office shall forward to the Contractor available payment information that is suitable for transmission as of the date of release of the EFT instruction to the Federal Reserve System. The Government may request the Contractor to designate a desired format and method(s) for delivery of payment information from a list of formats and methods the payment office is capable of executing. However, the Government does not guarantee that any particular format or method of delivery is available at any particular payment office and retains the latitude to use the format and delivery method most convenient to the Government. If the Government makes payment by check in accordance with paragraph (a) of this clause, the Government shall mail the payment information to the remittance address contained in the CCR database.

(End of clause)

52.232-34 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Other than Central Contractor Registration.

As prescribed in 32.1110(a)(2), insert the following clause:

Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Other than Central Contractor Registration (May 1999)

(a) Method of payment. (1) All payments by the Government under this contract shall be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this clause. As used in this clause, the term "EFT" refers to the funds transfer and may also include the payment information transfer.

(2) In the event the Government is unable to release one or more payments by EFT, the Contractor agrees to either--

(i) Accept payment by check or some other mutually agreeable method of payment; or

(ii) Request the Government to extend payment due dates until such time as the Government makes payment by EFT (but see paragraph (d) of this clause).

(b) Mandatory submission of Contractor's EFT information. (1) The Contractor is required to provide the Government with the information required to make payment by EFT (see paragraph (j) of this clause). The Contractor shall provide this information directly to the office designated in this contract to receive that information (hereafter: "designated office") by _______________ [the Contracting Officer shall insert date, days after award, days before first request, the date specified for receipt of offers if the provision at 52.232-38 is utilized, or "concurrent with first request" as prescribed by the head of the agency; if not prescribed, insert "no later than 15 days prior to submission of the first request for payment"]. If not otherwise specified in this contract, the payment office is the designated office for receipt of the Contractor's EFT information. If more than one designated office is named for the contract, the Contractor shall provide a separate notice to each office. In the event that the EFT information changes, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing the updated information to the designated office(s).

(2) If the Contractor provides EFT information applicable to multiple contracts, the Contractor shall specifically state the applicability of this EFT information in terms acceptable to the designated office. However, EFT information supplied to a designated office shall be applicable only to contracts that identify that designated office as the office to receive EFT information for that contract.

(c) Mechanisms for EFT payment. The Government may make payment by EFT through either the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network, subject to the rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association, or the Fedwire Transfer System. The rules governing Federal payments through the ACH are contained in 31 CFR part 210.

(d) Suspension of payment. (1) The Government is not required to make any payment under this contract until after receipt, by the designated office, of the correct EFT payment information from the Contractor. Until receipt of the correct EFT information, any invoice or contract financing request shall be deemed not to be a proper invoice for the purpose of prompt payment under this contract. The prompt payment terms of the contract regarding notice of an improper invoice and delays in accrual of interest penalties apply.

(2) If the EFT information changes after submission of correct EFT information, the Government shall begin using the changed EFT information no later than 30 days after its receipt by the designated office to the extent payment is made by EFT. However, the Contractor may request that no further payments be made until the updated EFT information is implemented by the payment office. If such suspension would result in a late payment under the prompt payment terms of this contract, the Contractor's request for suspension shall extend the due date for payment by the number of days of the suspension.

(e) Liability for uncompleted or erroneous transfers. (1) If an uncompleted or erroneous transfer occurs because the Government used the Contractor's EFT information incorrectly, the Government remains responsible for--

(i) Making a correct payment;

(ii) Paying any prompt payment penalty due; and

(iii) Recovering any erroneously directed funds.

(2) If an uncompleted or erroneous transfer occurs because the Contractor's EFT information was incorrect, or was revised within 30 days of Government release of the EFT payment transaction instruction to the Federal Reserve System, and--

(i) If the funds are no longer under the control of the payment office, the Government is deemed to have made payment and the Contractor is responsible for recovery of any erroneously directed funds; or

(ii) If the funds remain under the control of the payment office, the Government shall not make payment and the provisions of paragraph (d) shall apply.

(f) EFT and prompt payment. A payment shall be deemed to have been made in a timely manner in accordance with the prompt payment terms of this contract if, in the EFT payment transaction instruction released to the Federal Reserve System, the date specified for settlement of the payment is on or before the prompt payment due date, provided the specified payment date is a valid date under the rules of the Federal Reserve System.

(g) EFT and assignment of claims. If the Contractor assigns the proceeds of this contract as provided for in the assignment of claims terms of this contract, the Contractor shall require as a condition of any such assignment, that the assignee shall provide the EFT information required by paragraph (j) of this clause to the designated office, and shall be paid by EFT in accordance with the terms of this clause. In all respects, the requirements of this clause shall apply to the assignee as if it were the Contractor. EFT information that shows the ultimate recipient of the transfer to be other than the Contractor, in the absence of a proper assignment of claims acceptable to the Government, is incorrect EFT information within the meaning of paragraph (d) of this clause.

(h) Liability for change of EFT information by financial agent. The Government is not liable for errors resulting from changes to EFT information provided by the Contractor's financial agent.

(i) Payment information. The payment or disbursing office shall forward to the Contractor available payment information that is suitable for transmission as of the date of release of the EFT instruction to the Federal Reserve System. The Government may request the Contractor to designate a desired format and method(s) for delivery of payment information from a list of formats and methods the payment office is capable of executing. However, the Government does not guarantee that any particular format or method of delivery is available at any particular payment office and retains the latitude to use the format and delivery method most convenient to the Government. If the Government makes payment by check in accordance with paragraph (a) of this clause, the Government shall mail the payment information to the remittance address in the contract.

(j) EFT information. The Contractor shall provide the following information to the designated office. The Contractor may supply this data for this or multiple contracts (see paragraph (b) of this clause). The Contractor shall designate a single financial agent per contract capable of receiving and processing the EFT information using the EFT methods described in paragraph (c) of this clause.

(1) The contract number (or other procurement identification number).

(2) The Contractor's name and remittance address, as stated in the contract(s).

(3) The signature (manual or electronic, as appropriate), title, and telephone number of the Contractor official authorized to provide this information.

(4) The name, address, and 9-digit Routing Transit Number of the Contractor's financial agent.

(5) The Contractor's account number and the type of account (checking, saving, or lockbox).

(6) If applicable, the Fedwire Transfer System telegraphic abbreviation of the Contractor's financial agent.

(7) If applicable, the Contractor shall also provide the name, address, telegraphic abbreviation, and 9-digit Routing Transit Number of the correspondent financial institution receiving the wire transfer payment if the Contractor's financial agent is not directly on-line to the Fedwire Transfer System; and, therefore, not the receiver of the wire transfer payment.

(End of clause)

52.232-35 Designation of Office for Government Receipt of Electronic Funds Transfer Information.

As prescribed in 32.1110(c), insert the following clause:

Designation of Office for Government Receipt of Electronic Funds Transfer Information (May 1999)

(a) As provided in paragraph (b) of the clause at 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Other than Central Contractor Registration, the Government has designated the office cited in paragraph (c) of this clause as the office to receive the Contractor's electronic funds transfer (EFT) information, in lieu of the payment office of this contract.

(b) The Contractor shall send all EFT information, and any changes to EFT information to the office designated in paragraph (c) of this clause. The Contractor shall not send EFT information to the payment office, or any other office than that designated in paragraph (c). The Government need not use any EFT information sent to any office other than that designated in paragraph (c).

(c) Designated Office:




Mailing Address:




Telephone Number:


Person to Contact:


Electronic Address:


(End of clause)

52.232-36 Payment by Third Party.

As prescribed in 32.1110(d), insert the following clause:

Payment by Third Party (May 1999)

(a) General. The Contractor agrees to accept payments due under this contract, through payment by a third party in lieu of payment directly from the Government, in accordance with the terms of this clause. The third party and, if applicable, the particular Governmentwide commercial purchase card to be used are identified elsewhere in this contract.

(b) Contractor payment request. In accordance with those clauses of this contract that authorize the Contractor to submit invoices, contract financing requests, other payment requests, or as provided in other clauses providing for payment to the Contractor, the Contractor shall make such payment requests through a charge to the Government account with the third party, at the time and for the amount due in accordance with the terms of this contract.

(c) Payment. The Contractor and the third party shall agree that payments due under this contract shall be made upon submittal of payment requests to the third party in accordance with the terms and conditions of an agreement between the Contractor, the Contractor's financial agent (if any), and the third party and its agents (if any). No payment shall be due the Contractor until such agreement is made. Payments made or due by the third party under this clause are not payments made by the Government and are not subject to the Prompt Payment Act or any implementation thereof in this contract.

(d) Documentation. Documentation of each charge against the Government's account shall be provided to the Contracting Officer upon request.

(e) Assignment of claims. Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, if any payment is made under this clause, then no payment under this contract shall be assigned under the provisions of the assignment of claims terms of this contract or the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as amended, 31 U.S.C. 3727, 41 U.S.C. 15.

(f) Other payment terms. The other payment terms of this contract shall govern the content and submission of payment requests. If any clause requires information or documents in or with the payment request, that is not provided in the third party agreement referenced in paragraph (c) of this clause, the Contractor shall obtain instructions from the Contracting Officer before submitting such a payment request.

(End of clause)

52.232-37 Multiple Payment Arrangements.

As prescribed in 32.1110(e), insert the following clause:

Multiple Payment Arrangements (May 1999)

This contract or agreement provides for payments to the Contractor through several alternative methods. The applicability of specific methods of payment and the designation of the payment office(s) are either stated--

(a) Elsewhere in this contract or agreement; or

(b) In individual orders placed under this contract or agreement.

(End of clause)

52.232-38 Submission of Electronic Funds Transfer Information with Offer.

As prescribed in 32.1110(g), insert the following provision:

Submission of Electronic Funds Transfer Information with Offer (May 1999)

The offeror shall provide, with its offer, the following information that is required to make payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT) under any contract that results from this solicitation. This submission satisfies the requirement to provide EFT information under paragraphs (b)(1) and (j) of the clause at 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Other than Central Contractor Registration.

(1) The solicitation number (or other procurement identification number).

(2) The offeror's name and remittance address, as stated in the offer.

(3) The signature (manual or electronic, as appropriate), title, and telephone number of the offeror's official authorized to provide this information.

(4) The name, address, and 9-digit Routing Transit Number of the offeror's financial agent.

(5) The offeror's account number and the type of account (checking, savings, or lockbox).

(6) If applicable, the Fedwire Transfer System telegraphic abbreviation of the offeror's financial agent.

(7) If applicable, the offeror shall also provide the name, address, telegraphic abbreviation, and 9-digit Routing Transit Number of the correspondent financial institution receiving the wire transfer payment if the offeror's financial agent is not directly on-line to the Fedwire and, therefore, not the receiver of the wire transfer payment.

(End of provision)

52.233-1 Disputes.

As prescribed in 33.215, insert the following clause:

Disputes (Dec 1998)

(a) This contract is subject to the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, as amended (41 U.S.C. 601-613).

(b) Except as provided in the Act, all disputes arising under or relating to this contract shall be resolved under this clause.

(c) "Claim," as used in this clause, means a written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or interpretation of contract terms, or other relief arising under or relating to this contract. A claim arising under a contract, unlike a claim relating to that contract, is a claim that can be resolved under a contract clause that provides for the relief sought by the claimant. However, a written demand or written assertion by the Contractor seeking the payment of money exceeding $100,000 is not a claim under the Act until certified as required by subparagraph (d)(2) of this clause. A voucher, invoice, or other routine request for payment that is not in dispute when submitted is not a claim under the Act. The submission may be converted to a claim under the Act, by complying with the submission and certification requirements of this clause, if it is disputed either as to liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time.

(d)(1) A claim by the Contractor shall be made in writing and, unless otherwise stated in this contract, submitted within 6 years after accrual of the claim to the Contracting Officer for a written decision. A claim by the Government against the Contractor shall be subject to a written decision by the Contracting Officer.

(2)(i) The Contractor shall provide the certification specified in paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this clause when submitting any claim exceeding $100,000.

(ii) The certification requirement does not apply to issues in controversy that have not been submitted as all or part of a claim.

(iii) The certification shall state as follows: "I certify that the claim is made in good faith; that the supporting data are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; that the amount requested accurately reflects the contract adjustment for which the Contractor believes the Government is liable; and that I am duly authorized to certify the claim on behalf of the Contractor."

(3) The certification may be executed by any person duly authorized to bind the Contractor with respect to the claim.

(e) For Contractor claims of $100,000 or less, the Contracting Officer must, if requested in writing by the Contractor, render a decision within 60 days of the request. For Contractor-certified claims over $100,000, the Contracting Officer must, within 60 days, decide the claim or notify the Contractor of the date by which the decision will be made.

(f) The Contracting Officer's decision shall be final unless the Contractor appeals or files a suit as provided in the Act.

(g) If the claim by the Contractor is submitted to the Contracting Officer or a claim by the Government is presented to the Contractor, the parties, by mutual consent, may agree to use alternative dispute resolution (ADR). If the Contractor refuses an offer for ADR, the Contractor shall inform the Contracting Officer, in writing, of the Contractor's specific reasons for rejecting the offer.

(h) The Government shall pay interest on the amount found due and unpaid from (1) the date that the Contracting Officer receives the claim (certified, if required); or (2) the date that payment otherwise would be due, if that date is later, until the date of payment. With regard to claims having defective certifications, as defined in FAR 33.201, interest shall be paid from the date that the Contracting Officer initially receives the claim. Simple interest on claims shall be paid at the rate, fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury as provided in the Act, which is applicable to the period during which the Contracting Officer receives the claim and then at the rate applicable for each 6-month period as fixed by the Treasury Secretary during the pendency of the claim.

(i) The Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of this contract, pending final resolution of any request for relief, claim, appeal, or action arising under the contract, and comply with any decision of the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Dec 1991). If it is determined under agency procedures, that continued performance is necessary pending resolution of any claim arising under or relating to the contract, substitute the following paragraph (i) for the paragraph (i) of the basic clause:

(i) The Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of this contract, pending final resolution of any request for relief, claim, appeal, or action arising under or relating to the contract, and comply with any decision of the Contracting Officer.

52.233-2 Service of Protest.

As prescribed in 33.106, insert the following provision:

Service of Protest (Aug 1996)

(a) Protests, as defined in section 33.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, that are filed directly with an agency, and copies of any protests that are filed with the General Accounting Office (GAO), shall be served on the Contracting Officer (addressed as follows) by obtaining written and dated acknowledgment of receipt from ______________________. [Contracting Officer designate the official or location where a protest may be served on the Contracting Officer.]

(b) The copy of any protest shall be received in the office designated above within one day of filing a protest with the GAO.

(End of provision)

52.233-3 Protest after Award.

As prescribed in 33.106(b), insert the following clause:

Protest after Award (Aug 1996)

(a) Upon receipt of a notice of protest (as defined in FAR 33.101) or a determination that a protest is likely (see FAR 33.102(d)), the Contracting Officer may, by written order to the Contractor, direct the Contractor to stop performance of the work called for by this contract. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order issued under this clause. Upon receipt of the order, the Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stop-

page. Upon receipt of the final decision in the protest, the Contracting Officer shall either--

(1) Cancel the stop-work order; or

(2) Terminate the work covered by the order as provided in the Default, or the Termination for Convenience of the Government, clause of this contract.

(b) If a stop-work order issued under this clause is canceled either before or after a final decision in the protest, the Contractor shall resume work. The Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or contract price, or both, and the contract shall be modified, in writing, accordingly, if--

(1) The stop-work order results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Contractor's cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this contract; and

(2) The Contractor asserts its right to an adjustment within 30 days after the end of the period of work stoppage; provided, that if the Contracting Officer decides the facts justify the action, the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon a proposal at any time before final payment under this contract.

(c) If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for the convenience of the Government, the Contracting Officer shall allow reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order in arriving at the termination settlement.

(d) If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for default, the Contracting Officer shall allow, by equitable adjustment or otherwise, reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order.

(e) The Government's rights to terminate this contract at any time are not affected by action taken under this clause.

(f) If, as the result of the Contractor's intentional or negligent misstatement, misrepresentation, or miscertification, a protest related to this contract is sustained, and the Government pays costs, as provided in FAR 33.102(b)(2) or 33.104(h)(1), the Government may require the Contractor to reimburse the Government the amount of such costs. In addition to any other remedy available, and pursuant to the requirements of Subpart 32.6, the Government may collect this debt by offsetting the amount against any payment due the Contractor under any contract between the Contractor and the Government.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Jun 1985). As prescribed in 33.106(b), substitute in paragraph (a)(2) the words "the Termination clause of this contract" for the words "the Default, or the Termination for Convenience of the Government clause of this contract." In paragraph (b) substitute the words "an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule, the estimated cost, the fee, or a combination thereof, and in any other terms of the contract that may be affected" for the words "an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or contract price, or both".



52.234-1 Industrial Resources Developed Under Defense Production Act Title III.

As prescribed at 34.104, insert the following clause:

Industrial Resources Developed Under Defense Production Act Title III (Dec 1994)

(a) Definitions. "Title III industrial resource" means materials, services, processes, or manufacturing equipment (including the processes, technologies, and ancillary services for the use of such equipment) established or maintained under the authority of Title III, Defense Production Act (50 U.S.C. App. 2091-2093)..

"Title III project contractor" means a contractor that has received assistance for the development or manufacture of an industrial resource under 50 U.S.C. App. 2091-2093, Defense Production Act.

(b) The Contractor shall refer any request from a Title III project contractor for testing and qualification of a Title III industrial resource to the Contracting Officer.

(c) Upon the direction of the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall test Title III industrial resources for qualification. The Contractor shall provide the test results to the Defense Production Act Office, Title III Program, located at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433-7739.

(d) When the Contracting Officer modifies the contract to direct testing pursuant to this clause, the Government will provide the Title III industrial resource to be tested and will make an equitable adjustment in the contract for the costs of testing and qualification of the Title III industrial resource.

(e) The Contractor agrees to insert the substance of this clause, including paragraph (e), in every subcontract issued in performance of this contract.

(End of clause)

52.235 [Reserved]

52.236-1 Performance of Work by the Contractor.

As prescribed in 36.501(b), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract is contemplated and the contract amount is expected to exceed $1,000,000. The Contracting Officer may insert the clause in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract is contemplated and the contract amount is expected to be $1,000,000 or less. Complete the clause by inserting the appropriate percentage consistent with the complexity and magnitude of the work and customary or necessary specialty subcontracting (see 36.501(a)).

Performance of Work by the Contractor (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall perform on the site, and with its own organization, work equivalent to at least _______ [insert the appropriate number in words followed by numerals in parentheses] percent of the total amount of work to be performed under the contract. This percentage may be reduced by a supplemental agreement to this contract if, during performing the work, the Contractor requests a reduction and the Contracting Officer determines that the reduction would be to the advantage of the Government.

(End of clause)

52.236-2 Differing Site Conditions.

As prescribed in 36.502, insert the following clause:

Differing Site Conditions (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall promptly, and before the conditions are disturbed, give a written notice to the Contracting Officer of--

(1) Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site which differ materially from those indicated in this contract; or

(2) Unknown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, which differ materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inhering in work of the character provided for in the contract.

(b) The Contracting Officer shall investigate the site conditions promptly after receiving the notice. If the conditions do materially so differ and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performing any part of the work under this contract, whether or not changed as a result of the conditions, an equitable adjustment shall be made under this clause and the contract modified in writing accordingly.

(c) No request by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment to the contract under this clause shall be allowed, unless the Contractor has given the written notice required; provided, that the time prescribed in paragraph (a) of this clause for giving written notice may be extended by the Contracting Officer.

(d) No request by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment to the contract for differing site conditions shall be allowed if made after final payment under this contract.

(End of clause)

52.236-3 Site Investigation and Conditions Affecting the Work.

As prescribed in 36.503, insert the following clause:

Site Investigation and Conditions Affecting the Work (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor acknowledges that it has taken steps reasonably necessary to ascertain the nature and location of the work, and that it has investigated and satisfied itself as to the general and local conditions which can affect the work or its cost, including but not limited to (1) conditions bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling, and storage of materials; (2) the availability of labor, water, electric power, and roads; (3) uncertainties of weather, river stages, tides, or similar physical conditions at the site; (4) the conformation and conditions of the ground; and (5) the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during work performance. The Contractor also acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to the character, quality, and quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encountered insofar as this information is reasonably ascertainable from an inspection of the site, including all exploratory work done by the Government, as well as from the drawings and specifications made a part of this contract. Any failure of the Contractor to take the actions described and acknowledged in this paragraph will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty and cost of successfully performing the work, or for proceeding to successfully perform the work without additional expense to the Government.

(b) The Government assumes no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the Contractor based on the information made available by the Government. Nor does the Government assume responsibility for any understanding reached or representation made concerning conditions which can affect the work by any of its officers or agents before the execution of this contract, unless that understanding or representation is expressly stated in this contract.

(End of clause)

52.236-4 Physical Data.

As prescribed in 36.504, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract is contemplated and physical data (e.g., test borings, hydrographic, weather conditions data) will be furnished or made available to offerors. All information to be furnished or made available to offerors before award that pertains to the performance of the work should be identi- fied in the clause. When subparagraphs are not applicable they may be deleted.

Physical Data (Apr 1984)

Data and information furnished or referred to below is for the Contractor's information. The Government shall not be responsible for any interpretation of or conclusion drawn from the data or information by the Contractor. (a) The indications of physical conditions on the drawings and in the specifications are the result of site investigations by __________ [insert a description of investigational methods used, such as surveys, auger borings, core borings, test pits, probings, test tunnels].

(b) Weather conditions __________ [insert a summary of weather records and warnings].

(c) Transportation facilities _________ [insert a summary of transportation facilities providing access from the site, including information about their availability and limitations].

(d) ___________ [insert other pertinent information].

(End of clause)

52.236-5 Material and Workmanship.

As prescribed in 36.505, insert the following clause:

Material and Workmanship (Apr 1984)

(a) All equipment, material, and articles incorporated into the work covered by this contract shall be new and of the most suitable grade for the purpose intended, unless otherwise specifically provided in this contract. References in the specifications to equipment, material, articles, or patented processes by trade name, make, or catalog number, shall be regarded as establishing a standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition. The Contractor may, at its option, use any equipment, material, article, or process that, in the judgment of the Contracting Officer, is equal to that named in the specifications, unless otherwise specifically provided in this contract.

(b) The Contractor shall obtain the Contracting Officer's approval of the machinery and mechanical and other equipment to be incorporated into the work. When requesting approval, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer the name of the manufacturer, the model number, and other information concerning the performance, capacity, nature, and rating of the machinery and mechanical and other equipment. When required by this contract or by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall also obtain the Contracting Officer's approval of the material or articles which the Contractor contemplates incorporating into the work. When requesting approval, the Contractor shall provide full information concerning the material or articles. When directed to do so, the Contractor shall submit samples for approval at the Contractor's expense, with all shipping charges prepaid. Machinery, equipment, material, and articles that do not have the required approval shall be installed or used at the risk of subsequent rejection.

(c) All work under this contract shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner. The Contracting Officer may require, in writing, that the Contractor remove from the work any employee the Contracting Officer deems incompetent, careless, or otherwise objectionable.

(End of clause)

52.236-6 Superintendence by the Contractor.

As prescribed in 36.506, insert the following clause:

Superintendence by the Contractor (Apr 1984)

At all times during performance of this contract and until the work is completed and accepted, the Contractor shall directly superintend the work or assign and have on the worksite a competent superintendent who is satisfactory to the Contracting Officer and has authority to act for the Contractor.

(End of clause)

52.236-7 Permits and Responsibilities.

As prescribed in 36.507, insert the following clause:

Permits and Responsibilities (Nov 1991)

The Contractor shall, without additional expense to the Government, be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, and for complying with any Federal, State, and municipal laws, codes, and regulations applicable to the performance of the work. The Contractor shall also be responsible for all damages to persons or property that occur as a result of the Contractor's fault or negligence. The Contractor shall also be responsible for all materials delivered and work performed until completion and acceptance of the entire work, except for any completed unit of work which may have been accepted under the contract.

(End of clause)

52.236-8 Other Contracts.

As prescribed in 36.508, insert the following clause:

Other Contracts (Apr 1984)

The Government may undertake or award other contracts for additional work at or near the site of the work under this contract. The Contractor shall fully cooperate with the other contractors and with Government employees and shall carefully adapt scheduling and performing the work under this contract to accommodate the additional work, heeding any direction that may be provided by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall not commit or permit any act that will interfere with the performance of work by any other contractor or by Government employees.

(End of clause)

52.236-9 Protection of Existing Vegetation, Structures, Equipment, Utilities, and Improvements.

As prescribed in 36.509, insert the following clause:

Protection of Existing Vegetation, Structures, Equipment, Utilities, and Improvements (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall preserve and protect all structures, equipment, and vegetation (such as trees, shrubs, and grass) on or adjacent to the work site, which are not to be removed and which do not unreasonably interfere with the work required under this contract. The Contractor shall only remove trees when specifically authorized to do so, and shall avoid damaging vegetation that will remain in place. If any limbs or branches of trees are broken during contract performance, or by the careless operation of equipment, or by workmen, the Contractor shall trim those limbs or branches with a clean cut and paint the cut with a tree-pruning compound as directed by the Contracting Officer.

(b) The Contractor shall protect from damage all existing improvements and utilities (1) at or near the work site, and (2) on adjacent property of a third party, the locations of which are made known to or should be known by the Contractor. The Contractor shall repair any damage to those facilities, including those that are the property of a third party, resulting from failure to comply with the requirements of this contract or failure to exercise reasonable care in performing the work. If the Contractor fails or refuses to repair the damage promptly, the Contracting Officer may have the necessary work performed and charge the cost to the Contractor.

(End of clause)

52.236-10 Operations and Storage Areas.

As prescribed in 36.510, insert the following clause:

Operations and Storage Areas (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall confine all operations (including storage of materials) on Government premises to areas authorized or approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall hold and save the Government, its officers and agents, free and harmless from liability of any nature occasioned by the Contractor's performance.

(b) Temporary buildings (e.g., storage sheds, shops, offices) and utilities may be erected by the Contractor only with the approval of the Contracting Officer and shall be built with labor and materials furnished by the Contractor without expense to the Government. The temporary buildings and utilities shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed by the Contractor at its expense upon completion of the work. With the written consent of the Contracting Officer, the buildings and utilities may be abandoned and need not be removed.

(c) The Contractor shall, under regulations prescribed by the Contracting Officer, use only established roadways, or use temporary roadways constructed by the Contractor when and as authorized by the Contracting Officer. When materials are transported in prosecuting the work, vehicles shall not be loaded beyond the loading capacity recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle or prescribed by any Federal, State, or local law or regulation. When it is necessary to cross curbs or sidewalks, the Contractor shall protect them from damage. The Contractor shall repair or pay for the repair of any damaged curbs, sidewalks, or roads.

(End of clause)

52.236-11 Use and Possession Prior to Completion.

As prescribed in 36.511, insert the following clause:

Use and Possession Prior to Completion (Apr 1984)

(a) The Government shall have the right to take possession of or use any completed or partially completed part of the work. Before taking possession of or using any work, the Contracting Officer shall furnish the Contractor a list of items of work remaining to be performed or corrected on those portions of the work that the Government intends to take possession of or use. However, failure of the Contracting Officer to list any item of work shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for complying with the terms of the contract. The Government's possession or use shall not be deemed an acceptance of any work under the contract.

(b) While the Government has such possession or use, the Contractor shall be relieved of the responsibility for the loss of or damage to the work resulting from the Government's possession or use, notwithstanding the terms of the clause in this contract entitled "Permits and Responsibilities." If prior possession or use by the Government delays the progress of the work or causes additional expense to the Contractor, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price or the time of completion, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly.

(End of clause)

52.236-12 Cleaning Up.

As prescribed in 36.512, insert the following clause:

Cleaning Up (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall at all times keep the work area, including storage areas, free from accumulations of waste materials. Before completing the work, the Contractor shall remove from the work and premises any rubbish, tools, scaffolding, equipment, and materials that are not the property of the Government. Upon completing the work, the Contractor shall leave the work area in a clean, neat, and orderly condition satisfactory to the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

52.236-13 Accident Prevention.

As prescribed in 36.513, insert the following clause:

Accident Prevention (Nov 1991)

(a) The Contractor shall provide and maintain work environments and procedures which will--

(1) Safeguard the public and Government personnel, property, materials, supplies, and equipment exposed to Contractor operations and activities;

(2) Avoid interruptions of Government operations and delays in project completion dates; and

(3) Control costs in the performance of this contract.

(b) For these purposes on contracts for construction or dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements, the Contractor shall--

(1) Provide appropriate safety barricades, signs, and signal lights;

(2) Comply with the standards issued by the Secretary of Labor at 29 CFR Part 1926 and 29 CFR Part 1910; and

(3) Ensure that any additional measures the Contracting Officer determines to be reasonably necessary for the purposes are taken.

(c) If this contract is for construction or dismantling, demolition or removal of improvements with any Department of Defense agency or component, the Contractor shall comply with all pertinent provisions of the latest version of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1, in effect on the date of the solicitation.

(d) Whenever the Contracting Officer becomes aware of any noncompliance with these requirements or any condition which poses a serious or imminent danger to the health or safety of the public or Government personnel, the Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor orally, with written confirmation, and request immediate initiation of corrective action. This notice, when delivered to the Contractor or the Contractor's representative at the work site, shall be deemed sufficient notice of the noncompliance and that corrective action is required. After receiving the notice, the Contractor shall immediately take corrective action. If the Contractor fails or refuses to promptly take corrective action, the Contracting Officer may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any equitable adjustment of the contract price or extension of the performance schedule on any stop work order issued under this clause.

(e) The Contractor shall insert this clause, including this paragraph (e), with appropriate changes in the designation of the parties, in subcontracts.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Nov 1991). If the contract will involve (a) work of a long duration or hazardous nature, or (b) performance on a Government facility that on the advice of technical representatives involves hazardous materials or operations that might endanger the safety of the public and/or Government personnel or property, add the following paragraph (f) to the basic clause:

(f) Before commencing the work, the Contractor shall--

(1) Submit a written proposed plan for implementing this clause. The plan shall include an analysis of the significant hazards to life, limb, and property inherent in contract work performance and a plan for controlling these hazards; and

(2) Meet with representatives of the Contracting Officer to discuss and develop a mutual understanding relative to administration of the overall safety program.

52.236-14 Availability and Use of Utility Services.

As prescribed in 36.514, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract or a fixed-price dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements contract is contemplated, the contract is to be performed on Government sites when the contracting officer decides (a) that the existing utility system is adequate for the needs of both the Government and the contractor, and (b) furnishing it is in the Government's interest. When this clause is used, the contracting officer shall list the available utilities in the contract.

Availability and Use of Utility Services (Apr 1984)

(a) The Government shall make all reasonably required amounts of utilities available to the Contractor from existing outlets and supplies, as specified in the contract. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the amount of each utility service consumed shall be charged to or paid for by the Contractor at prevailing rates charged to the Government or, where the utility is produced by the Government, at reasonable rates determined by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall carefully conserve any utilities furnished without charge.

(b) The Contractor, at its expense and in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the Contracting Officer, shall install and maintain all necessary temporary connections and distribution lines, and all meters required to measure the amount of each utility used for the purpose of determining charges. Before final acceptance of the work by the Government, the Contractor shall remove all the temporary connections, distribution lines, meters, and associated paraphernalia.

(End of clause)

52.236-15 Schedules for Construction Contracts.

As prescribed in 36.515, insert the following clause:

Schedules for Construction Contracts (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall, within five days after the work commences on the contract or another period of time determined by the Contracting Officer, prepare and submit to the Contracting Officer for approval three copies of a practicable schedule showing the order in which the Contractor proposes to perform the work, and the dates on which the Contractor contemplates starting and completing the several salient features of the work (including acquiring materials, plant, and equipment). The schedule shall be in the form of a progress chart of suitable scale to indicate appropriately the percentage of work scheduled for completion by any given date during the period. If the Contractor fails to submit a schedule within the time prescribed, the Contracting Officer may withhold approval of progress payments until the Contractor submits the required schedule.

(b) The Contractor shall enter the actual progress on the chart as directed by the Contracting Officer, and upon doing so shall immediately deliver three copies of the annotated schedule to the Contracting Officer. If, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, the Contractor falls behind the approved schedule, the Contractor shall take steps necessary to improve its progress, including those that may be required by the Contracting Officer, without additional cost to the Government. In this circumstance, the Contracting Officer may require the Contractor to increase the number of shifts, overtime operations, days of work, and/or the amount of construction plant, and to submit for approval any supplementary schedule or schedules in chart form as the Contracting Officer deems necessary to demonstrate how the approved rate of progress will be regained.

(c) Failure of the Contractor to comply with the requirements of the Contracting Officer under this clause shall be grounds for a determination by the Contracting Officer that the Contractor is not prosecuting the work with sufficient diligence to ensure completion within the time specified in the contract. Upon making this determination, the Contracting Officer may terminate the Contractor's right to proceed with the work, or any separable part of it, in accordance with the default terms of this contract.

(End of clause)

52.236-16 Quantity Surveys.

As prescribed in 36.516, the contracting officer may insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract providing for unit pricing of items and for payment based on quantity surveys is contemplated:

Quantity Surveys (Apr 1984)

(a) Quantity surveys shall be conducted, and the data derived from these surveys shall be used in computing the quantities of work performed and the actual construction completed and in place.

(b) The Government shall conduct the original and final surveys and make the computations based on them. The Contractor shall conduct the surveys for any periods for which progress payments are requested and shall make the computations based on these surveys. All surveys conducted by the Contractor shall be conducted under the direction of a representative of the Contracting Officer, unless the Contracting Officer waives this requirement in a specific instance.

(c) Promptly upon completing a survey, the Contractor shall furnish the originals of all field notes and all other records relating to the survey or to the layout of the work to the Contracting Officer, who shall use them as necessary to determine the amount of progress payments. The Contractor shall retain copies of all such material furnished to the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If it is determined at a level above that of the Contracting Officer that it is impracticable for Government personnel to perform the original and final surveys, and the Government wishes the Contractor to perform these surveys, substitute the following paragraph (b) for paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

(b) The Contractor shall conduct the original and final surveys and surveys for any periods for which progress payments are requested. All these surveys shall be conducted under the direction of a representative of the Contracting Officer, unless the Contracting Officer waives this requirement in a specific instance. The Government shall make such computations as are necessary to determine the quantities of work performed or finally in place. The Contractor shall make the computations based on the surveys for any periods for which progress payments are requested.

52.236-17 Layout of Work.

As prescribed in 36.517, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract is contemplated and use of this clause is appropriate due to a need for accurate work layout and for siting verification during work performance:

Layout of Work (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall lay out its work from Government established base lines and bench marks indicated on the drawings, and shall be responsible for all measurements in connection with the layout. The Contractor shall furnish, at its own expense, all stakes, templates, platforms, equipment, tools, materials, and labor required to lay out any part of the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for executing the work to the lines and grades that may be established or indicated by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall also be responsible for maintaining and preserving all stakes and other marks established by the Contracting Officer until authorized to remove them. If such marks are destroyed by the Contractor or through its negligence before their removal is authorized, the Contracting Officer may replace them and deduct the expense of the replacement from any amounts due or to become due to the Contractor.

(End of clause)

52.236-18 Work Oversight in Cost-Reimbursement Construction Contracts.

As prescribed in 36.518, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when cost-reimbursement construction contracts are contemplated:

Work Oversight in Cost-Reimbursement Construction Contracts (Apr 1984)

The extent and character of the work to be done by the Contractor shall be subject to the general supervision, direction, control, and approval of the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

52.236-19 Organization and Direction of the Work.

As prescribed in 36.519, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a cost-reimbursement construction contract is contemplated:

Organization and Direction of the Work (Apr 1984)

(a) When this contract is executed, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a chart showing the general executive and administrative organization, the personnel to be employed in connection with the work under this contract, and their respective duties. The Contractor shall keep the data furnished current by supplementing it as additional information becomes available.

(b) Work performance under this contract shall be under the full-time resident direction of (1) the Contractor, if the Contractor is an individual; (2) one or more principal partners, if the Contractor is a partnership; or (3) one or more senior officers, if Contractor is a corporation, association, or similar legal entity. However, if the Contracting Officer approves, the Contractor may be represented in the direction of the work by a specific person or persons holding positions other than those identified in this paragraph.

(End of clause)

52.236-20 [Reserved]

52.236-21 Specifications and Drawings for Construction.

As prescribed in 36.521, insert the following clause:

Specifications and Drawings for Construction (Feb 1997)

(a) The Contractor shall keep on the work site a copy of the drawings and specifications and shall at all times give the Contracting Officer access thereto. Anything mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings, or shown on the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications, shall be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in both. In case of difference between drawings and specifications, the specifications shall govern. In case of discrepancy in the figures, in the drawings, or in the specifications, the matter shall be promptly submitted to the Contracting Officer, who shall promptly make a determination in writing. Any adjustment by the Contractor without such a determination shall be at its own risk and expense. The Contracting Officer shall furnish from time to time such detailed drawings and other information as considered necessary, unless otherwise provided.

(b) Wherever in the specifications or upon the drawings the words "directed", "required", "ordered", "designated", "prescribed", or words of like import are used, it shall be understood that the "direction", "requirement", "order", "designation", or "prescription", of the Contracting Officer is intended and similarly the words "approved", "acceptable", "satisfactory", or words of like import shall mean "approved by," or "acceptable to", or "satisfactory to" the Contracting Officer, unless otherwise expressly stated.

(c) Where "as shown," as indicated", "as detailed", or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the reference is made to the drawings accompanying this contract unless stated otherwise. The word "provided" as used herein shall be understood to mean "provide complete in place," that is "furnished and installed".

(d) Shop drawings means drawings, submitted to the Government by the Contractor, subcontractor, or any lower tier subcontractor pursuant to a construction contract, showing in detail (1) the proposed fabrication and assembly of structural elements, and (2) the installation (i.e., fit, and attachment details) of materials or equipment. It includes drawings, diagrams, layouts, schematics, descriptive literature, illustrations, schedules, performance and test data, and similar materials furnished by the contractor to explain in detail specific portions of the work required by the contract. The Government may duplicate, use, and disclose in any manner and for any purpose shop drawings delivered under this contract.

(e) If this contract requires shop drawings, the Contractor shall coordinate all such drawings, and review them for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with contract requirements and shall indicate its approval thereon as evidence of such coordination and review. Shop drawings submitted to the Contracting Officer without evidence of the Contractor's approval may be returned for resubmission. The Contracting Officer will indicate an approval or disapproval of the shop drawings and if not approved as submitted shall indicate the Government's reasons therefor. Any work done before such approval shall be at the Contractor's risk. Approval by the Contracting Officer shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for any errors or omissions in such drawings, nor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of this contract, except with respect to variations described and approved in accordance with (f) below.

(f) If shop drawings show variations from the contract requirements, the Contractor shall describe such variations in writing, separate from the drawings, at the time of submission. If the Contracting Officer approves any such variation, the Contracting Officer shall issue an appropriate contract modification, except that, if the variation is minor or does not involve a change in price or in time of performance, a modification need not be issued.

(g) The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer for approval four copies (unless otherwise indicated) of all shop drawings as called for under the various headings of these specifications. Three sets (unless otherwise indicated) of all shop drawings, will be retained by the Contracting Officer and one set will be returned to the Contractor.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). When record shop drawings are required and reproducible shop drawings are needed, add the following sentences to paragraph (g) of the basic clause:

Upon completing the work under this contract, the Contractor shall furnish a complete set of all shop drawings as finally approved. These drawings shall show all changes and revisions made up to the time the equipment is completed and accepted.

Alternate II (Apr 1984). When record shop drawings are required and reproducible shop drawings are not needed, the following sentences shall be added to paragraph (g) of the basic clause:

Upon completing the work under this contract, the Contractor shall furnish _____ [Contracting Officer complete by inserting desired amount] sets of prints of all shop drawings as finally approved. These drawings shall show changes and revisions made up to the time the equipment is completed and accepted.

52.236-22 Design Within Funding Limitations.

As prescribed in 36.609-1(c), insert the following clause:

Design Within Funding Limitations (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall accomplish the design services required under this contract so as to permit the award of a contract, using standard Federal Acquisition Regulation procedures for the construction of the facilities designed at a price that does not exceed the estimated construction contract price as set forth in paragraph (c) below. When bids or proposals for the construction contract are received that exceed the estimated price, the contractor shall perform such redesign and other services as are necessary to permit contract award within the funding limitation. These additional services shall be performed at no increase in the price of this contract. However, the Contractor shall not be required to perform such additional services at no cost to the Government if the unfavorable bids or proposals are the result of conditions beyond its reasonable control.

(b) The Contractor will promptly advise the Contracting Officer if it finds that the project being designed will exceed or is likely to exceed the funding limitations and it is unable to design a usable facility within these limitations. Upon receipt of such information, the Contracting Officer will review the Contractor's revised estimate of construction cost. The Government may, if it determines that the estimated construction contract price set forth in this contract is so low that award of a construction contract not in excess of such estimate is improbable, authorize a change in scope or materials as required to reduce the estimated construction cost to an amount within the estimated construction contract price set forth in paragraph (c) below, or the Government may adjust such estimated construction contract price. When bids or proposals are not solicited or are unreasonably delayed, the Government shall prepare an estimate of constructing the design submitted and such estimate shall be used in lieu of bids or proposals to determine compliance with the funding limitation.

(c) The estimated construction contract price for the project described in this contract is $ ______.

(End of clause)

52.236-23 Responsibility of the Architect-Engineer Contractor.

As prescribed in 36.609-2(b), insert the following clause:

Responsibility of the Architect-Engineer Contractor (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and the coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, and other services furnished by the Contractor under this contract. The Contractor shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in its designs, drawings, specifications, and other services.

(b) Neither the Government's review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, the services required under this contract shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this contract or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this contract, and the Contractor shall be and remain liable to the Government in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the Government caused by the Contractor's negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this contract.

(c) The rights and remedies of the Government provided for under this contract are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

(d) If the Contractor is comprised of more than one legal entity, each such entity shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder.

(End of clause)

52.236-24 Work Oversight in Architect-Engineer Contracts.

As prescribed in 36.609-3, insert the following clause:

Work Oversight in Architect-Engineer Contracts (Apr 1984)

The extent and character of the work to be done by the Contractor shall be subject to the general oversight, supervision, direction, control, and approval of the Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

52.236-25 Requirements for Registration of Designers.

As prescribed in 36.609-4, insert the following clause:

Requirements for Registration of Designers (Apr 1984)

The design of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, or other engineering features of the work shall be accomplished or reviewed and approved by architects or engineers registered to practice in the particular professional field involved in a State or possession of the United States, in Puerto Rico, or in the District of Columbia.

(End of clause)

52.236-26 Preconstruction Conference.

As prescribed in 36.522, insert the following clause:

Preconstruction Conference (Feb 1995)

If the Contracting Officer decides to conduct a preconstruction conference, the successful offeror will be notified and will be required to attend. The Contracting Officer's notification will include specific details regarding the date, time, and location of the conference, any need for attendance by subcontractors, and information regarding the items to be discussed.

(End of clause)

52.236-27 Site Visit (Construction).

As prescribed in 36.523, insert a provision substantially the same as the following:

Site Visit (Construction) (Feb 1995)

(a) The clauses at 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions, and 52.236-3, Site Investigations and Conditions Affecting the Work, will be included in any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation. Accordingly, offerors or quoters are urged and expected to inspect the site where the work will be performed.

(b) Site visits may be arranged during normal duty hours by contacting:

Name: ________________________________________




(End of provision)

Alternate I (Feb 1995). If an organized site visit will be conducted, substitute a paragraph substantially the same as the following for paragraph (b) of the basic provision:

(b) An organized site visit has been scheduled for--


[Insert date and time]

(c) Participants will meet at--


[Insert location]

(End of provision)

52.236-28 Preparation of Proposals--Construction.

As prescribed in 36.520, insert the following provision:

Preparation of Proposals--Construction (Oct 1997)

(a) Proposals must be (1) submitted on the forms furnished by the Government or on copies of those forms; and (2) manually signed. The person signing a proposal must initial each erasure or change appearing on any proposal form.

(b) The proposal form may require offerors to submit proposed prices for one or more items on various bases, including--

(1) Lump sum price;

(2) Alternate prices;

(3) Units of construction; or

(4) Any combination of paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this provision.

(c) If the solicitation requires submission of a proposal on all items, failure to do so may result in the proposal being rejected without further consideration. If a proposal on all items is not required, offerors should insert the words "no proposal" in the space provided for any item on which no price is submitted.

(d) Alternate proposals will not be considered unless this solicitation authorizes their submission.

(End of provision)