Federal Acquisition Regulation


52.246-1 Contractor Inspection Requirements.

As prescribed in 46.301, insert the following clause:

Contractor Inspection Requirements (Apr 1984)

The Contractor is responsible for performing or having performed all inspections and tests necessary to substantiate that the supplies or services furnished under this contract conform to contract requirements, including any applicable technical requirements for specified manufacturers' parts. This clause takes precedence over any Government inspection and testing required in the contract's specifications, except for specialized inspections or tests specified to be performed solely by the Government.

(End of clause)

52.246-2 Inspection of Supplies--Fixed-Price.

As prescribed in 46.302, insert the following clause:

Inspection of Supplies--Fixed-Price (Aug 1996)

(a) Definition. "Supplies," as used in this clause, includes but is not limited to raw materials, components, intermediate assemblies, end products, and lots of supplies.

(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering supplies under this contract and shall tender to the Government for acceptance only supplies that have been inspected in accordance with the inspection system and have been found by the Contractor to be in conformity with contract requirements. As part of the system, the Contractor shall prepare records evidencing all inspections made under the system and the outcome. These records shall be kept complete and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires. The Government may perform reviews and evaluations as reasonably necessary to ascertain compliance with this paragraph. These reviews and evaluations shall be conducted in a manner that will not unduly delay the contract work. The right of review, whether exercised or not, does not relieve the Contractor of the obligations under the contract.

(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test all supplies called for by the contract, to the extent practicable, at all places and times, including the period of manufacture, and in any event before acceptance. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work. The Government assumes no contractual obligation to perform any inspection and test for the benefit of the Contractor unless specifically set forth elsewhere in this contract.

(d) If the Government performs inspection or test on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish, and shall require subcontractors to furnish, at no increase in contract price, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties. Except as otherwise provided in the contract, the Government shall bear the expense of Government inspections or tests made at other than the Contractor's or subcontractor's premises; provided, that in case of rejection, the Government shall not be liable for any reduction in the value of inspection or test samples.

(e)(1) When supplies are not ready at the time specified by the Contractor for inspection or test, the Contracting Officer may charge to the Contractor the additional cost of inspection or test.

(2) The Contracting Officer may also charge the Contractor for any additional cost of inspection or test when prior rejection makes reinspection or retest necessary.

(f) The Government has the right either to reject or to require correction of nonconforming supplies. Supplies are nonconforming when they are defective in material or workmanship or are otherwise not in conformity with contract requirements. The Government may reject nonconforming supplies with or without disposition instructions.

(g) The Contractor shall remove supplies rejected or required to be corrected. However, the Contracting Officer may require or permit correction in place, promptly after notice, by and at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall not tender for acceptance corrected or rejected supplies without disclosing the former rejection or requirement for correction, and, when required, shall disclose the corrective action taken.

(h) If the Contractor fails to promptly remove, replace, or correct rejected supplies that are required to be removed or to be replaced or corrected, the Government may either (1) by contract or otherwise, remove, replace, or correct the supplies and charge the cost to the Contractor or (2) terminate the contract for default. Unless the Contractor corrects or replaces the supplies within the delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer may require their delivery and make an equitable price reduction. Failure to agree to a price reduction shall be a dispute.

(i)(1) If this contract provides for the performance of Government quality assurance at source, and if requested by the Government, the Contractor shall furnish advance notification of the time--

(i) When Contractor inspection or tests will be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract; and

(ii) When the supplies will be ready for Government inspection.

(2) The Government's request shall specify the period and method of the advance notification and the Government representative to whom it shall be furnished. Requests shall not require more than 2 workdays of advance notification if the Government representative is in residence in the Contractor's plant, nor more than 7 workdays in other instances.

(j) The Government shall accept or reject supplies as promptly as practicable after delivery, unless otherwise provided in the contract. Government failure to inspect and accept or reject the supplies shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility, nor impose liability on the Government, for nonconforming supplies.

(k) Inspections and tests by the Government do not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for defects or other failures to meet contract requirements discovered before acceptance. Acceptance shall be conclusive, except for latent defects, fraud, gross mistakes amounting to fraud, or as otherwise provided in the contract.

(l) If acceptance is not conclusive for any of the reasons in paragraph (k) hereof, the Government, in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, or under other provisions of this contract, shall have the right to require the Contractor (1) at no increase in contract price, to correct or replace the defective or nonconforming supplies at the original point of delivery or at the Contractor's plant at the Contracting Officer's election, and in accordance with a reasonable delivery schedule as may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the Contracting Officer; provided, that the Contracting Officer may require a reduction in contract price if the Contractor fails to meet such delivery schedule, or (2) within a reasonable time after receipt by the Contractor of notice of defects or nonconformance, to repay such portion of the contract as is equitable under the circumstances if the Contracting Officer elects not to require correction or replacement. When supplies are returned to the Contractor, the Contractor shall bear the transportation cost from the original point of delivery to the Contractor's plant and return to the original point when that point is not the Contractor's plant. If the Contractor fails to perform or act as required in (1) or (2) above and does not cure such failure within a period of 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Officer may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer specifying such failure, the Government shall have the right by contract or otherwise to replace or correct such supplies and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned the Government thereby.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Jul 1985). If a fixed-price incentive contract is contemplated, substitute paragraphs (g), (h), and (l) below for paragraphs (g), (h), and (l) of the basic clause.

(g) The Contractor shall remove supplies rejected or required to be corrected. However, the Contracting Officer may require or permit correction in place, promptly after notice. The Contractor shall not tender for acceptance corrected or rejected supplies without disclosing the former rejection or requirement for correction, and when required shall disclose the corrective action taken. Cost of removal, replacement, or correction shall be considered a cost incurred, or to be incurred, in the total final negotiated cost fixed under the incentive price revision clause. However, replacements or corrections by the Contractor after the establishment of the total final price shall be at no increase in the total final price.

(h) If the Contractor fails to promptly remove, replace, or correct rejected supplies that are required to be removed or to be replaced or corrected, the Government may either (1) by contract or otherwise, remove, replace, or correct the supplies and equitably reduce the target price or, if established, the total final price or (2) may terminate the contract for default. Unless the Contractor corrects or replaces the nonconforming supplies within the delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer may require their delivery and equitably reduce any target price or, if it is established, the total final contract price. Failure to agree upon an equitable price reduction shall be a dispute.

* * * * *

(l) If acceptance is not conclusive for any of the reasons in paragraph (k) hereof, the Government, in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, or under other provisions of this contract, shall have the right to require the Contractor (1) at no increase in any target price or, if it is established, the total final price of this contract, to correct or replace the defective or nonconforming supplies at the original point of delivery or at the Contractor's plant at the Contracting Officer's election, and in accordance with a reasonable delivery schedule as may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the Contracting Officer; provided, that the Contracting Officer may require a reduction in any target price, or, if it is established, the total final price of this contract, if the Contractor fails to meet such delivery schedule; or (2) within a reasonable time after receipt by the Contractor of notice of defects or nonconformance, to repay such portion of the total final price as is equitable under the circumstances if the Contracting Officer elects not to require correction or replacement. When supplies are returned to the Contractor, the Contractor shall bear the transportation costs from the original point of delivery to the Contractor's plant and return to the original point when that point is not the Contractor's plant. If the Contractor fails to perform or act as required in (1) or (2) above and does not cure such failure within a period of 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Officer may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer specifying such failure, the Government shall have the right by contract or otherwise to replace or correct such supplies and equitably reduce any target price or, if it is established, the total final price of this contract.

Alternate II (Jul 1985). If a fixed-ceiling-price contract with retroactive price redetermination is contemplated, substitute paragraphs (g), (h), and (l) below for paragraphs (g), (h), and (l) of the basic clause:

(g) The Contractor shall remove supplies rejected or required to be corrected. However, the Contracting Officer may require or permit correction in place, promptly after notice. The Contractor shall not tender for acceptance corrected or rejected supplies without disclosing the former rejection or requirement for correction, and when required shall disclose the corrective action taken. Cost of removal, replacement, or correction shall be considered a cost incurred, or to be incurred, when redetermining the prices under the price redetermination clause. However, replacements or corrections by the Contractor after the establishment of the redetermined prices shall be at no increase in the redetermined price.

(h) If the Contractor fails to promptly remove, replace, or correct rejected supplies that are required to be removed or to be replaced or corrected, the Government may either (1) by contract or otherwise, remove, replace, or correct the supplies and equitably reduce the initial contract prices or, if established, the redetermined contract prices or (2) terminate the contract for default. Unless the Contractor corrects or replaces the nonconforming supplies within the delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer may require their delivery and equitably reduce the initial contract price or, if it is established, the redetermined contract prices. Failure to agree upon an equitable price reduction shall be a dispute.

* * * * *

(l) If acceptance is not conclusive for any of the reasons in paragraph (k) hereof, the Government, in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, or under other provisions of this contract, shall have the right to require the Contractor (1) at no increase in the initial contract prices, or, if it is established, the redetermined prices of this contract, to correct or replace the defective or nonconforming supplies at the original point of delivery or at the Contractor's plant at the Contracting Officer's election, and in accordance with a reasonable delivery schedule as may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the Contracting Officer; provided, that the Contracting Officer may require a reduction in the initial contract prices, or, if it is established, the redetermined prices of this contract, if the Contractor fails to meet such delivery schedule; or (2) within a reasonable time after receipt by the Contractor of notice of defects or nonconformance, to repay such portion of the initial contract prices, or, if it is established, the redetermined prices of this contract, as is equitable under the circumstances if the Contracting Officer elects not to require correction or replacement. When supplies are returned to the Contractor, the Contractor shall bear the transportation costs from the original point of delivery to the Contractor's plant and return to the original point when that point is not the Contractor's plant. If the Contractor fails to perform or act as required in (1) or (2) above and does not cure such failure within a period of 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Officer may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer specifying such failure, the Government shall have the right by contract or otherwise to replace or correct such supplies and equitably reduce the initial contract prices, or, if it is established, the redetermined prices of this contract.

52.246-3 Inspection of Supplies--Cost-Reimbursement.

As prescribed in 46.303, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for supplies, or services that involve the furnishing of supplies, when a cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated:

Inspection of Supplies--Cost-Reimbursement (Apr 1984)

(a) Definitions.

"Contractor's managerial personnel," as used in this clause, means any of the Contractor's directors, officers, managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of--

(1) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(2) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operation at a plant or separate location at which the contract is being performed; or

(3) A separate and complete major industrial operation connected with performing this contract.

"Supplies," as used in this clause, includes but is not limited to raw materials, components, intermediate assemblies, end products, lots of supplies, and, when the contract does not include the Warranty of Data clause, data.

(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the supplies, fabricating methods, and special tooling under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires.

(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test the contract supplies, to the extent practicable at all places and times, including the period of manufacture, and in any event before acceptance. The Government may also inspect the plant or plants of the Contractor or any subcontractor engaged in the contract performance. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.

(d) If the Government performs inspection or test on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish and shall require subcontractors to furnish all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties.

(e) Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the Government shall accept supplies as promptly as practicable after delivery, and supplies shall be deemed accepted 60 days after delivery, unless accepted earlier.

(f) At any time during contract performance, but no later than 6 months (or such other time as may be specified in the contract) after acceptance of the supplies to be delivered under the contract, the Government may require the Contractor to replace or correct any supplies that are nonconforming at time of delivery. Supplies are nonconforming when they are defective in material or workmanship or are otherwise not in conformity with contract requirements. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (h) below, the cost of replacement or correction shall be included in allowable cost, determined as provided in the Allowable Cost and Payment clause, but no additional fee shall be paid. The Contractor shall not tender for acceptance supplies required to be replaced or corrected without disclosing the former requirement for replacement or correction, and, when required, shall disclose the corrective action taken.

(g)(1) If the Contractor fails to proceed with reasonable promptness to perform required replacement or correction, the Government may--

(i) By contract or otherwise, perform the replacement or correction and charge to the Contractor any increased cost or make an equitable reduction in any fixed fee paid or payable under the contract;

(ii) Require delivery of undelivered supplies at an equitable reduction in any fixed fee paid or payable under the contract; or

(iii) Terminate the contract for default.

(2) Failure to agree on the amount of increased cost to be charged to the Contractor or to the reduction in the fixed fee shall be a dispute.

(h) Notwithstanding paragraphs (f) and (g) above, the Government may at any time require the Contractor to correct or replace, without cost to the Government, nonconforming supplies, if the nonconformances are due to--

(1) Fraud, lack of good faith, or willful misconduct on the part of the Contractor's managerial personnel; or

(2) The conduct of one or more of the Contractor's employees selected or retained by the Contractor after any of the Contractor's managerial personnel has reasonable grounds to believe that the employee is habitually careless or unqualified.

(i) This clause applies in the same manner to corrected or replacement supplies as to supplies originally delivered.

(j) The Contractor shall have no obligation or liability under this contract to replace supplies that were nonconforming at the time of delivery, except as provided in this clause or as may be otherwise provided in the contract.

(k) Except as otherwise specified in the contract, the Contractor's obligation to correct or replace Government-furnished property shall be governed by the clause pertaining to Government property.

(End of clause)

52.246-4 Inspection of Services--Fixed-Price.

As prescribed in 46.304, insert the following clause:

Inspection of Services--Fixed-Price (Aug 1996)

(a) Definition: "Services," as used in this clause, includes services performed, workmanship, and material furnished or utilized in the performance of services.

(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the services under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires.

(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test all services called for by the contract, to the extent practicable at all times and places during the term of the contract. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.

(d) If the Government performs inspections or tests on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish, and shall require subcontractors to furnish, at no increase in contract price, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties.

(e) If any of the services do not conform with contract requirements, the Government may require the Contractor to perform the services again in conformity with contract requirements, at no increase in contract amount. When the defects in services cannot be corrected by reperformance, the Government may--

(1) Require the Contractor to take necessary action to ensure that future performance conforms to contract requirements; and

(2) Reduce the contract price to reflect the reduced value of the services performed.

(f) If the Contractor fails to promptly perform the services again or to take the necessary action to ensure future performance in conformity with contract requirements, the Government may--

(1) By contract or otherwise, perform the services and charge to the Contractor any cost incurred by the Government that is directly related to the performance of such service; or

(2) Terminate the contract for default.

(End of clause)

52.246-5 Inspection of Services--Cost-Reimbursement.

As prescribed in 46.305, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for services, or supplies that involve the furnishing of services, when a cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated:

Inspection of Services--Cost-Reimbursement (Apr 1984)

(a) Definition. "Services," as used in this clause, includes services performed, workmanship, and material furnished or used in performing services.

(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the services under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires.

(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test all services called for by the contract, to the extent practicable at all places and times during the term of the contract. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.

(d) If any of the services performed do not conform with contract requirements, the Government may require the Contractor to perform the services again in conformity with contract requirements, for no additional fee. When the defects in services cannot be corrected by reperformance, the Government may--

(1) Require the Contractor to take necessary action to ensure that future performance conforms to contract requirements; and

(2) Reduce any fee payable under the contract to reflect the reduced value of the services performed.

(e) If the Contractor fails to promptly perform the services again or take the action necessary to ensure future performance in conformity with contract requirements, the Government may--

(1) By contract or otherwise, perform the services and reduce any fee payable by an amount that is equitable under the circumstances; or

(2) Terminate the contract for default.

(End of clause)

52.246-6 Inspection--Time-and-Material and Labor-Hour.

As prescribed in 46.306, insert the following clause:

Inspection--Time-and-Material and Labor-Hour (Jan 1986)

(a) Definitions.

"Contractor's managerial personnel," as used in this clause, means any of the Contractor's directors, officers, managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of--

(1) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(2) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operation at any one plant or separate location at which the contract is being performed; or

(3) A separate and complete major industrial operation connected with the performance of this contract.

"Materials," as used in this clause, includes data when the contract does not include the Warranty of Data clause.

(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the material, fabricating methods, work, and services under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires.

(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test all materials furnished and services performed under this contract, to the extent practicable at all places and times, including the period of performance, and in any event before acceptance. The Government may also inspect the plant or plants of the Contractor or any subcontractor engaged in contract performance. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.

(d) If the Government performs inspection or test on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish and shall require subcontractors to furnish all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties.

(e) Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the Government shall accept or reject services and materials at the place of delivery as promptly as practicable after delivery, and they shall be presumed accepted 60 days after the date of delivery, unless accepted earlier.

(f) At any time during contract performance, but not later than 6 months (or such other time as may be specified in the contract) after acceptance of the services or materials last delivered under this contract, the Government may require the Contractor to replace or correct services or materials that at time of delivery failed to meet contract requirements. Except as otherwise specified in paragraph (h) of this clause, the cost of replacement or correction shall be determined under the Payments Under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts clause, but the "hourly rate" for labor hours incurred in the replacement or correction shall be reduced to exclude that portion of the rate attributable to profit. The Contractor shall not tender for acceptance materials and services required to be replaced or corrected without disclosing the former requirement for replacement or correction, and, when required, shall disclose the corrective action taken.

(g)(1) If the Contractor fails to proceed with reasonable promptness to perform required replacement or correction, and if the replacement or correction can be performed within the ceiling price (or the ceiling price as increased by the Government), the Government may--

(i) By contract or otherwise, perform the replacement or correction, charge to the Contractor any increased cost, or deduct such increased cost from any amounts paid or due under this contract; or

(ii) Terminate this contract for default.

(2) Failure to agree to the amount of increased cost to be charged to the Contractor shall be a dispute.

(h) Notwithstanding paragraphs (f) and (g) above, the Government may at any time require the Contractor to remedy by correction or replacement, without cost to the Government, any failure by the Contractor to comply with the requirements of this contract, if the failure is due to--

(1) Fraud, lack of good faith, or willful misconduct on the part of the Contractor's managerial personnel; or

(2) The conduct of one or more of the Contractor's employees selected or retained by the Contractor after any of the Contractor's managerial personnel has reasonable grounds to believe that the employee is habitually careless or unqualified.

(i) This clause applies in the same manner and to the same extent to corrected or replacement materials or services as to materials and services originally delivered under this contract.

(j) The Contractor has no obligation or liability under this contract to correct or replace materials and services that at time of delivery do not meet contract requirements, except as provided in this clause or as may be otherwise specified in the contract.

(k) Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the Contractor's obligation to correct or replace Government-furnished property shall be governed by the clause pertaining to Government property.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If Government inspection and acceptance are to be performed at the contractor's plant, paragraph (e) below may be substituted for paragraph (e) of the basic clause:

(e) The Government shall inspect for acceptance all items (other than aircraft to be flown away, if any) to be furnished under this contract at the Contractor's plant or plants specified in the contract, or at any other plant or plants approved for such purpose in writing by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall inform the contract administration office or Contracting Officer when the work is ready for inspection. The Government reserves the right to charge to the Contractor any additional cost of Government inspection and test when items are not ready at the time for which inspection and test is requested by the Contractor.

52.246-7 Inspection of Research and Development-- Fixed-Price.

As prescribed in 46.307(a), insert the following clause:

Inspection of Research and Development--Fixed-Price (Aug 1996)

(a) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the work under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires.

(b) The Government has the right to inspect and test all work called for by the contract, to the extent practicable at all places and times, including the period of performance, and in any event before acceptance. The Government may also inspect the premises of the Contractor or any subcontractor engaged in contract performance. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.

(c) If the Government performs any inspection or test on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish and shall require subcontractors to furnish, at no increase in contract price, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties. Except as otherwise provided in the contract, the Government shall bear the expense of Government inspections or tests made at other than the Contractor's or subcontractor's premises.

(d) The Government shall accept or reject the work as promptly as practicable after delivery, unless otherwise specified in the contract. Government failure to inspect and accept or reject the work shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility, nor impose liability on the Government, for nonconforming work. Work is nonconforming when it is defective in material or workmanship or is otherwise not in conformity with contract requirements.

(e) The Government has the right to reject nonconforming work. If the Contractor fails or is unable to correct or to replace nonconforming work within the delivery schedule (or such later time as the Contracting Officer may authorize), the Contracting Officer may accept the work and make an equitable price reduction. Failure to agree on a price reduction shall be a dispute.

(f) Inspection and test by the Government does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for defects or other failures to meet the contract requirements that may be discovered before acceptance. Acceptance shall be conclusive, except for latent defects, fraud, gross mistakes amounting to fraud, or as otherwise specified in the contract. If acceptance is not conclusive for any of these causes, the Government, in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, or under other provisions of this contract, shall have the right to require the Contractor--

(1) At no increase in contract price, to correct or replace the defective or nonconforming supplies (work) at the original point of delivery or at the Contractor's plant at the Contracting Officer's election, and in accordance with a reasonable delivery schedule as may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the Contracting Officer; provided, the Contracting Officer may require a reduction in contract price if the Contractor fails to meet such delivery schedule; or

(2) Within a reasonable time after the Contractor's receipt of notice of defects or nonconformance, to repayment of such portion of the contract price as is equitable under the circumstances if the Government elects not to require correction or replacement. When supplies (work) are (is) returned to the Contractor, the Contractor shall bear transportation costs from the original point of delivery to the Contractor's plant and return to the original point of delivery when that point is not the Contractor's plant.

(End of clause)

52.246-8 Inspection of Research and Development-- Cost-Reimbursement.

As prescribed in 46.308, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for research and development when--

(a) The primary objective is the delivery of end items other than designs, drawings, or reports; and

(b) Cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated; unless use of the clause is impractical and the clause prescribed in 46.309 is considered to be more appropriate:

Inspection of Research and Development--Cost-Reimbursement (Apr 1984)

(a) Definitions.

"Contractor's managerial personnel," as used in this clause, means the Contractor's directors, officers, managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of--

(1) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(2) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operation at any one plant or separate location at which the contract is being performed; or

(3) A separate and complete major industrial operation connected with performing this contract.

"Work," as used in this clause, includes data when the contract does not include the Warranty of Data clause.

(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the work under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires.

(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test all work called for by the contract, to the extent practicable at all places and times, including the period of performance, and in any event before acceptance. The Government may also inspect the plant or plants of the Contractor or its subcontractors engaged in the contract performance. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.

(d) If the Government performs any inspection or test on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish and shall require subcontractors to furnish all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties.

(e) Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the Government shall accept work as promptly as practicable after delivery, and work shall be deemed accepted 90 days after delivery, unless accepted earlier.

(f) At any time during contract performance, but no later than 6 months (or such other time as may be specified in the contract) after acceptance of all of the end items (other than designs, drawings, or reports) to be delivered under the contract, the Government may require the Contractor to replace or correct work not meeting contract requirements. Time devoted to the replacement or correction of such work shall not be included in the computation of the above time period. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (h) below, the cost of replacement or correction shall be determined as specified in the Allowable Cost and Payment clause, but no additional fee shall be paid. The Contractor shall not tender for acceptance work required to be replaced or corrected without disclosing the former requirement for replacement or correction, and, when required, shall disclose the corrective action taken.

(g)(1) If the Contractor fails to proceed with reasonable promptness to perform required replacement or correction, the Government may--

(i) By contract or otherwise, perform the replacement or correction, charge to the Contractor any increased cost, or make an equitable reduction in any fixed fee paid or payable under the contract;

(ii) Require delivery of any undelivered articles and shall have the right to make an equitable reduction in any fixed fee paid or payable under the contract; or

(iii) Terminate the contract for default.

(2) Failure to agree on the amount of increased cost to be charged the Contractor or to the reduction in fixed fee shall be a dispute.

(h) Notwithstanding paragraphs (f) and (g) above, the Government may at any time require the Contractor to remedy by correction or replacement, without cost to the Government, any failure by the Contractor to comply with the requirements of this contract, if the failure is due to--

(1) Fraud, lack of good faith, or willful misconduct on the part of the Contractor's managerial personnel; or

(2) The conduct of one or more of the Contractor's employees selected or retained by the Contractor after any of the Contractor's managerial personnel has reasonable grounds to believe that the employee is habitually careless or unqualified.

(i) This clause shall apply in the same manner to a corrected or replacement end item or components as to work originally delivered.

(j) The Contractor has no obligation or liability under the contract to correct or replace articles not meeting contract requirements at time of delivery, except as provided in this clause or as may otherwise be specified in the contract.

(k) Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the Contractor's obligations to correct or replace Government-furnished property shall be governed by the clause pertaining to Government property.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If it is contemplated that the contract will be on a no-fee basis, substitute paragraphs (f) and (g) below for paragraphs (f) and (g) of the basic clause.

(f) At any time during contract performance, but not later than 6 months (or such other time as may be specified in the contract) after acceptance of all of the end items (other than designs, drawings, or reports) to be delivered under the contract, the Government may require the Contractor to correct or replace work not meeting contract requirements. Time devoted to the correction or replacement of such work shall not be included in the computation of the above time period. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (g) below, the allowability of the cost of any such replacement or correction shall be determined as specified in the Allowable Cost and Payment clause. The Contractor shall not tender for acceptance corrected work without disclosing the former requirement for correction, and, when required, shall disclose the corrective action taken.

(g) If the Contractor fails to proceed with reasonable promptness to perform required replacement or correction, the Government may--

(1) By contract or otherwise, perform the replacement or correction and charge to the Contractor any increased cost;

(2) Require delivery of any undelivered articles; or

(3) Terminate the contract for default. Failure to agree on the amount of increased cost to be charged to the Contractor shall be a dispute.

52.246-9 Inspection of Research and Development (Short Form).

As prescribed in 46.309, insert the following clause:

Inspection of Research and Development (Short Form) (Apr 1984)

The Government has the right to inspect and evaluate the work performed or being performed under the contract, and the premises where the work is being performed, at all reasonable times and in a manner that will not unduly delay the work. If the Government performs inspection or evaluation on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish and shall require subcontractors to furnish all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties.

(End of clause)

52.246-10 Inspection of Facilities.

As prescribed in 46.310, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a facilities contract is contemplated:

Inspection of Facilities (Apr 1984)

(a) Definition. "Contractor's managerial personnel," as used in this clause, is defined in the Liability for the Facilities clause of this contract.

(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the facilities and work called for by this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires.

(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test the facilities and work called for by the contract, to the extent practicable at all places and times, including the period of manufacture. The Government may also inspect the facilities and work at the plant or plants of the Contractor or its subcontractors engaged in the performance of the contract. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work to be performed by the Contractor under this contract or any related contract.

(d) If the Government performs inspection or test on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish and shall require subcontractors to furnish all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties.

(e) The Contracting Officer may, at any time, require the Contractor to correct or replace facilities or work that is defective or does not conform to contract requirements. Except as provided in paragraph (f) below, corrections and replacements shall be at Government expense if, under the terms of this contract, the facilities or work corrected or replaced were initially furnished, or required to be performed at Government expense.

(f) The Contracting Officer may, at any time, require the Contractor to correct or replace facilities or work that is defective or does not conform to contract requirements, without cost to the Government under this contract or any related contract or subcontract, if the defects or failures are due to fraud, lack of good faith, or willful misconduct on the part of the Contractor's managerial personnel; or to the conduct of one or more of the Contractor's employees selected or retained by the Contractor after any of the Contractor's managerial personnel has reasonable grounds to believe that the employee is habitually careless or unqualified.

(g) Corrected or replacement facilities or work shall be subject to this clause in the same manner as facilities or work originally completed under the contract.

(End of clause)

52.246-11 Higher-Level Contract Quality Requirement.

As prescribed in 46.311, insert the following clause:

Higher-Level Contract Quality Requirement (Feb 1999)

The Contractor shall comply with the higher-level quality standard selected below. [If more than one standard is listed, the offeror shall indicate its selection by checking the appropriate block.]


Title Number Date Tailoring

* _______ _______ _______ _______

* _______ _______ _______ _______

* _______ _______ _______ _______

* _______ _______ _______ _______

[Contracting Officer insert the title, number (if any), date, and tailoring (if any) of the higher-level quality standards.]

(End of clause)

52.246-12 Inspection of Construction.

As prescribed in 46.312, insert the following clause:

Inspection of Construction (Aug 1996)

(a) Definition. "Work" includes, but is not limited to, materials, workmanship, and manufacture and fabrication of components.

(b) The Contractor shall maintain an adequate inspection system and perform such inspections as will ensure that the work performed under the contract conforms to contract requirements. The Contractor shall maintain complete inspection records and make them available to the Government. All work shall be conducted under the general direction of the Contracting Officer and is subject to Government inspection and test at all places and at all reasonable times before acceptance to ensure strict compliance with the terms of the contract.

(c) Government inspections and tests are for the sole benefit of the Government and do not--

(1) Relieve the Contractor of responsibility for providing adequate quality control measures;

(2) Relieve the Contractor of responsibility for damage to or loss of the material before acceptance;

(3) Constitute or imply acceptance; or

(4) Affect the continuing rights of the Government after acceptance of the completed work under paragraph (i) of this section.

(d) The presence or absence of a Government inspector does not relieve the Contractor from any contract requirement, nor is the inspector authorized to change any term or condition of the specification without the Contracting Officer's written authorization.

(e) The Contractor shall promptly furnish, at no increase in contract price, all facilities, labor, and material reasonably needed for performing such safe and convenient inspections and tests as may be required by the Contracting Officer. The Government may charge to the Contractor any additional cost of inspection or test when work is not ready at the time specified by the Contractor for inspection or test, or when prior rejection makes reinspection or retest necessary. The Government shall perform all inspections and tests in a manner that will not unnecessarily delay the work. Special, full size, and performance tests shall be performed as described in the contract.

(f) The Contractor shall, without charge, replace or correct work found by the Government not to conform to contract requirements, unless in the public interest the Government consents to accept the work with an appropriate adjustment in contract price. The Contractor shall promptly segregate and remove rejected material from the premises.

(g) If the Contractor does not promptly replace or correct rejected work, the Government may--

(1) By contract or otherwise, replace or correct the work and charge the cost to the Contractor; or

(2) Terminate for default the Contractor's right to proceed.

(h) If, before acceptance of the entire work, the Government decides to examine already completed work by removing it or tearing it out, the Contractor, on request, shall promptly furnish all necessary facilities, labor, and material. If the work is found to be defective or nonconforming in any material respect due to the fault of the Contractor or its subcontractors, the Contractor shall defray the expenses of the examination and of satisfactory reconstruction. However, if the work is found to meet contract requirements, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment for the additional services involved in the examination and reconstruction, including, if completion of the work was thereby delayed, an extension of time.

(i) Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the Government shall accept, as promptly as practicable after completion and inspection, all work required by the contract or that portion of the work the Contracting Officer determines can be accepted separately. Acceptance shall be final and conclusive except for latent defects, fraud, gross mistakes amounting to fraud, or the Government's rights under any warranty or guarantee.

(End of clause)

52.246-13 Inspection--Dismantling, Demolition, or Removal of Improvements.

As prescribed in 46.313, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements:

Inspection--Dismantling, Demolition, or Removal of Improvements (Aug 1996)

(a) Unless otherwise designated by the specifications, all workmanship performed under the contract is subject to Government inspection at all times and places where dismantling or demolition work is being performed. The Contractor shall furnish promptly, and at no increase in contract price, all reasonable facilities, labor, and materials necessary for safe and convenient inspection by the Government. The Government shall perform inspections in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.

(b) The Contractor is responsible for damage to property caused by defective workmanship. The Contractor shall promptly segregate and remove from the premises any unsatisfactory facilities, materials, and equipment used in contract performance, and promptly replace them with satisfactory items. If the Contractor fails to proceed at once in a workmanlike manner with performance of the work or with the correction of defective workmanship, the Government may--

(1) By contract or otherwise, replace the facilities, materials, and equipment or correct the workmanship and charge the cost to the Contractor; and

(2) Terminate for default the Contractor's right to proceed. The Contractor and any surety shall be liable, to the extent specified in the contract for any damage or cost of repair or replacement.

(End of clause)

52.246-14 Inspection of Transportation.

As prescribed in 46.314, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for freight transportation services (including local drayage) by rail, motor (including bus), domestic freight forwarder, and domestic water carriers (including inland, coastwise, and intercoastal). The contracting officer shall not use the clause for the acquisition of transportation services by domestic or international air carriers or by international ocean carriers, or to freight services provided under bills of lading or to those negotiated for reduced rates under 49 U.S.C. 1072(b)(1). (See Part 47, Transportation.)

Inspection of Transportation (Apr 1984)

The Government has the right to inspect and test the Contractor's services, facilities, and equipment at all reasonable times. The Contractor shall furnish Government representatives with the free access and reasonable facilities and assistance required to accomplish their inspections and tests.

(End of clause)

52.246-15 Certificate of Conformance.

As prescribed in 46.315, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for supplies or services when the conditions in 46.504 apply:

Certificate of Conformance (Apr 1984)

(a) When authorized in writing by the cognizant Contract Administration Office (CAO), the Contractor shall ship with a Certificate of Conformance any supplies for which the contract would otherwise require inspection at source. In no case shall the Government's right to inspect supplies under the inspection provisions of this contract be prejudiced. Shipments of such supplies will not be made under this contract until use of the Certificate of Conformance has been authorized in writing by the CAO, or inspection and acceptance have occurred.

(b) The Contractor's signed certificate shall be attached to or included on the top copy of the inspection or receiving report distributed to the payment office or attached to the CAO copy when contract administration (Block 10 of the DD Form 250) is performed by the Defense Contract Administration Services. In addition, a copy of the signed certificate shall also be attached to or entered on copies of the inspection or receiving report accompanying the shipment.

(c) The Government has the right to reject defective supplies or services within a reasonable time after delivery by written notification to the Contractor. The Contractor shall in such event promptly replace, correct, or repair the rejected supplies or services at the Contractor's expense.

(d) The certificate shall read as follows:

I certify that on ______ [insert date], the ____ [insert Contractor's name] furnished the supplies or services called for by Contract No._____ via ____ [Carrier] on ________ [identify the bill of lading or shipping document] in accordance with all applicable requirements. I further certify that the supplies or services are of the quality specified and conform in all respects with the contract requirements, including specifications, drawings, preservation, packaging, packing, marking requirements, and physical item identification (part number), and are in the quantity shown on this or on the attached acceptance document.

Date of Execution: _____________________________

Signature: _____________________________________

Title: _________________________________________

52.246-16 Responsibility for Supplies.

As prescribed in 46.316, insert the following clause:

Responsibility for Supplies (Apr 1984)

(a) Title to supplies furnished under this contract shall pass to the Government upon formal acceptance, regardless of when or where the Government takes physical possession, unless the contract specifically provides for earlier passage of title.

(b) Unless the contract specifically provides otherwise, risk of loss of or damage to supplies shall remain with the Contractor until, and shall pass to the Government upon--

(1) Delivery of the supplies to a carrier, if transportation is f.o.b. origin; or

(2) Acceptance by the Government or delivery of the supplies to the Government at the destination specified in the contract, whichever is later, if transportation is f.o.b. destination.

(c) Paragraph (b) of this section shall not apply to supplies that so fail to conform to contract requirements as to give a right of rejection. The risk of loss of or damage to such nonconforming supplies remains with the Contractor until cure or acceptance. After cure or acceptance, paragraph (b) of this section shall apply.

(d) Under paragraph (b) of this section, the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or damage to supplies caused by the negligence of officers, agents, or employees of the Government acting within the scope of their employment.

(End of clause)

52.246-17 Warranty of Supplies of a Noncomplex Nature.

As prescribed in 46.710(a)(1), the contracting officer may insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts for noncomplex items when a fixed-price supply contract is contemplated and the use of a warranty clause has been approved under agency procedures. If the contractor's design rather than the Government's design is to be used, insert the word "design" before "material" in paragraph (b)(1)(i).

Warranty of Supplies of a Noncomplex Nature (Apr 1984)

(a) Definitions.

"Acceptance," as used in this clause, means the act of an authorized representative of the Government by which the Government assumes for itself, or as an agent of another, ownership of existing supplies, or approves specific services as partial or complete performance of the contract.

"Correction," as used in this clause, means the elimination of a defect.

"Supplies," as used in this clause, means the end item furnished by the Contractor and related services required under the contract. The word does not include "data."

(b) Contractor's obligations. (1) Notwithstanding inspection and acceptance by the Government of supplies furnished under this contract, or any condition of this contract concerning the conclusiveness thereof, the Contractor warrants that for ________ [Contracting Officer shall state specific period of time after delivery, or the specified event whose occurrence will terminate the warranty period; e.g., the number of miles or hours of use, or combinations of any applicable events or periods of time]--

(i) All supplies furnished under this contract will be free from defects in material or workmanship and will conform with all requirements of this contract; and

(ii) The preservation, packaging, packing, and marking, and the preparation for, and method of, shipment of such supplies will conform with the requirements of this contract.

(2) When return, correction, or replacement is required, transportation charges and responsibility for the supplies while in transit shall be borne by the Contractor. However, the Contractor's liability for the transportation charges shall not exceed an amount equal to the cost of transportation by the usual commercial method of shipment between the place of delivery specified in this contract and the Contractor's plant, and return.

(3) Any supplies or parts thereof, corrected or furnished in replacement under this clause, shall also be subject to the terms of this clause to the same extent as supplies initially delivered. The warranty, with respect to supplies or parts thereof, shall be equal in duration to that in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause and shall run from the date of delivery of the corrected or replaced supplies.

(4) All implied warranties of merchantability and "fitness for a particular purpose" are excluded from any obligation contained in this contract.

(c) Remedies available to the Government. (1) The Contracting Officer shall give written notice to the Contractor of any breach of warranties in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause within ________ [Contracting Officer shall insert specific period of time; e.g., "45 days of the last delivery under this contract," or "45 days after discovery of the defect"].

(2) Within a reasonable time after the notice, the Contracting Officer may either--

(i) Require, by written notice, the prompt correction or replacement of any supplies or parts thereof (including preservation, packaging, packing, and marking) that do not conform with the requirements of this contract within the meaning of paragraph (b)(1) of this clause; or

(ii) Retain such supplies and reduce the contract price by an amount equitable under the circumstances.

(3)(i) If the contract provides for inspection of supplies by sampling procedures, conformance of supplies or components subject to warranty action shall be determined by the applicable sampling procedures in the contract. The Contracting Officer--

(A) May, for sampling purposes, group any supplies delivered under this contract;

(B) Shall require the size of the sample to be that required by sampling procedures specified in the contract for the quantity of supplies on which warranty action is proposed;

(C) May project warranty sampling results over supplies in the same shipment or other supplies contained in other shipments even though all of such supplies are not present at the point of reinspection; provided, that the supplies remaining are reasonably representative of the quantity on which warranty action is proposed; and

(D) Need not use the same lot size as on original inspection or reconstitute the original inspection lots.

(ii) Within a reasonable time after notice of any breach of the warranties specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, the Contracting Officer may exercise one or more of the following options:

(A) Require an equitable adjustment in the contract price for any group of supplies.

(B) Screen the supplies grouped for warranty action under this clause at the Contractor's expense and return all nonconforming supplies to the Contractor for correction or replacement.

(C) Require the Contractor to screen the supplies at locations designated by the Government within the continental United States and to correct or replace all nonconforming supplies.

(D) Return the supplies grouped for warranty action under this clause to the Contractor (irrespective of the f.o.b. point or the point of acceptance) for screening and correction or replacement.

(4)(i) The Contracting Officer may, by contract or otherwise, correct or replace the nonconforming supplies with similar supplies from another source and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned to the Government thereby if the Contractor--

(A) Fails to make redelivery of the corrected or replaced supplies within the time established for their return; or

(B) Fails either to accept return of the nonconforming supplies or fails to make progress after their return to correct or replace them so as to endanger performance of the delivery schedule, and in either of these circumstances does not cure such failure within a period of 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Officer may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer specifying such failure.

(ii) Instead of correction or replacement by the Government, the Contracting Officer may require an equitable adjustment of the contract price. In addition, if the Contractor fails to furnish timely disposition instructions, the Contracting Officer may dispose of the nonconforming supplies for the Contractor's account in a reasonable manner. The Government is entitled to reimbursement from the Contractor, or from the proceeds of such disposal, for the reasonable expenses of the care and disposition of the nonconforming supplies, as well as for excess costs incurred or to be incurred.

(5) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to the Government by any other clause of this contract.

(End of clause)

Alternate I [Reserved]

Alternate II (Apr 1984). If it is desirable to specify that necessary transportation incident to correction or replacement will be at the Government's expense (as might be the case if, for example, the cost of a warranty would otherwise be prohibitive), substitute a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (b)(2) for paragraph (b)(2) of the basic clause:

(2) If correction or replacement is required and transportation of supplies in connection with correction or replacement is necessary, transportation charges and responsibility for the supplies while in transit shall be borne by the Government.

Alternate III (Apr 1984). If the supplies cannot be obtained from another source, substitute a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (c)(4) for paragraph (c)(4) of the basic clause:

(4) If the Contractor does not agree as to responsibility to correct or replace the supplies delivered, the Contractor shall nevertheless proceed in accordance with the written request issued by the Contracting Officer under paragraph (c)(2) of this clause to correct or replace the defective or nonconforming supplies. In the event it is later determined that the supplies were not defective or nonconforming within the terms and conditions of this clause, the contract price will be equitably adjusted.

Alternate IV (Apr 1984). If a fixed-price incentive contract is contemplated, add a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph(c)(6) to the basic clause:

(6) All costs incurred or estimated to be incurred by the Contractor in complying with this clause shall be considered when negotiating the total final price under the Incentive Price Revision clause of this contract. After establishment of the total final price, Contractor compliance with this clause shall be at no increase in the total final price. Any equitable adjustment made under paragraph (c)(2) of this clause shall be governed by the paragraph entitled "Equitable Adjustments Under Other Clauses" in the Incentive Price Revision clause of this contract.

Alternate V (Apr 1984). If it is anticipated that recovery of the warranted item will involve considerable Government expense for disassembly and/or reassembly of larger items, add a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (c)(6) to the basic clause. Redesignate the additional paragraph as "(c)(7)" if Alternate IV is also being used.

(6) The Contractor shall be liable for the reasonable costs of disassembly and/or reassembly of larger items when it is necessary to remove the supplies to be inspected and/or returned for correction or replacement.

52.246-18 Warranty of Supplies of a Complex Nature.

As prescribed in 46.710(b)(1), the contracting officer may insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts for deliverable complex items when a fixed-price supply or research and development contract is contemplated and the use of a warranty clause has been approved under agency procedures. If the contractor's design rather than the Government's design is to be used, insert the word "design" before "material" in paragraph (b)(1).

Warranty of Supplies of a Complex Nature (Apr 1984)

(a) Definitions.

"Acceptance," as used in this clause, means the act of an authorized representative of the Government by which the Government assumes for itself, or as an agent of another, ownership of existing and identified supplies, or approves specific services rendered, as partial or complete performance of the contract.

"Correction," as used in this clause, means the elimination of a defect.

"Supplies," as used in this clause, means the end items furnished by the Contractor and related services required under this contract. The word does not include "data."

(b) Contractor's obligations. (1) The Contractor warrants that for ________ [Contracting Officer shall state the specific warranty period after delivery, or the specified event whose occurrence will terminate the warranty period; e.g., the number of miles or hours of use, or combinations of any applicable events or periods of time] all supplies furnished under this contract will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform with all requirements of this contract; provided, however, that with respect to Government-furnished property, the Contractor's warranty shall extend only to its proper installation, unless the Contractor performs some modification or other work on the property, in which case the Contractor's warranty shall extend to the modification or other work.

(2) Any supplies or parts thereof corrected or furnished in replacement shall be subject to the conditions of this clause to the same extent as supplies initially delivered. This warranty shall be equal in duration to that set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause and shall run from the date of delivery of the corrected or replaced supplies.

(3) The Contractor shall not be obligated to correct or replace supplies if the facilities, tooling, drawings, or other equipment or supplies necessary to accomplish the correction or replacement have been made unavailable to the Contractor by action of the Government. In the event that correction or replacement has been directed, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer, in writing, of the nonavailability.

(4) The Contractor shall also prepare and furnish to the Government data and reports applicable to any correction required (including revision and updating of all affected data called for under this contract) at no increase in the contract price.

(5) When supplies are returned to the Contractor, the Contractor shall bear the transportation costs from the place of delivery specified in the contract (irrespective of the f.o.b. point or the point of acceptance) to the Contractor's plant and return.

(6) All implied warranties of merchantability and "fitness for a particular purpose" are excluded from any obligation contained in this contract.

(c) Remedies available to the Government. (1) In the event of a breach of the Contractor's warranty in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, the Government may, at no increase in contract price--

(i) Require the Contractor, at the place of delivery specified in the contract (irrespective of the f.o.b. point or the point of acceptance) or at the Contractor's plant, to repair or replace, at the Contractor's election, defective or nonconforming supplies; or

(ii) Require the Contractor to furnish at the Contractor's plant the materials or parts and installation instructions required to successfully accomplish the correction.

(2) If the Contracting Officer does not require correction or replacement of defective or nonconforming supplies or the Contractor is not obligated to correct or replace under paragraph (b)(3) of this clause, the Government shall be entitled to an equitable reduction in the contract price.

(3) The Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor in writing of any breach of the warranty in paragraph (b) of this clause within _____. [Contracting Officer shall insert specific period of time in which notice shall be given to the Contractor; e.g., "45 days after delivery of the nonconforming supplies."; "45 days of the last delivery under this contract."; or "45 days after discovery of the defect."] The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a written recommendation within _______ [Contracting Officer shall insert period of time] as to the corrective action required to remedy the breach. After the notice of breach, but not later than _________ [Contracting Officer shall insert period within which the warranty remedies should be exercised] after receipt of the Contractor's recommendation for corrective action, the Contracting Officer may, in writing, direct correction or replacement as in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause, and the Contractor shall, notwithstanding any disagreement regarding the existence of a breach of warranty, comply with this direction. If it is later determined that the Contractor did not breach the warranty in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, the contract price will be equitably adjusted.

(4) If supplies are corrected or replaced, the period for notification of a breach of the Contractor's warranty in paragraph (c)(3) of this clause shall be _________ [Contracting Officer shall insert period within which the Contractor must be notified of a breach as to corrected or replaced supplies] from the furnishing or return by the Contractor to the Government of the corrected or replaced supplies or parts thereof, or, if correction or replacement is effected by the Contractor at a Government or other activity, for ______ [Contracting Officer shall insert period within which the Contractor must be notified of a breach of warranty as to corrected or replaced supplies] thereafter.

(5) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to the Government by any other clause of the contract.

(End of clause)

Alternate I [Reserved]

Alternate II (Apr 1984). If it is desirable to specify that necessary transportation incident to correction or replace- ment will be at the Government's expense (as might be the case if, for example, the cost of a warranty would otherwise be prohibitive), substitute a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (b)(5) for paragraph (b)(5) of the basic clause:

(5) If correction or replacement is required and transportation of supplies in connection with correction or replacement is necessary, transportation charges and responsibility for the supplies while in transit shall be borne by the Government.

Alternate III (Apr 1984). If a fixed-price incentive contract is contemplated, add a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (c)(6) to the basic clause:

(6) All costs incurred or estimated to be incurred by the Contractor in complying with this clause shall be considered when negotiating the total final price under the Incentive Price Revision clause of this contract. After establishment of the total final price, Contractor compliance with this clause shall be at no increase in the total final price. Any equitable adjustments made under paragraph (c)(2) of this clause shall be governed by the paragraph entitled "Equitable Adjustments Under Other Clauses" in the Incentive Price Revision clause of this contract.

Alternate IV (Apr 1984). If it is anticipated that recovery of the warranted item will involve considerable Government expense for disassembly and/or reassembly of larger items, add a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (c)(6) to the basic clause. Redesignate the additional paragraph as "(c)(7)" if Alternate III is also used:

(6) The Contractor shall be liable for the reasonable costs of disassembly and/or reassembly of larger items when it is necessary to remove the supplies to be inspected and/or returned for correction or replacement.

52.246-19 Warranty of Systems and Equipment under Performance Specifications or Design Criteria.

As prescribed in 46.710(c)(1), the contracting officer may insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts when performance specifications or design are of major importance; a fixed-price supply, service, or research and development contract for systems and equipment is contemplated, and the use of a warranty clause has been approved under agency procedures.

Warranty of Systems and Equipment under Performance Specifications or Design Criteria (Dec 1989)

(a) Definitions.

"Acceptance," as used in this clause, means the act of an authorized representative of the Government by which the Government assumes for itself, or as an agent of another, ownership of existing and identified supplies, or approves specific services rendered, as partial or complete performance of the contract.

"Correction," as used in this clause, means the elimination of a defect.

"Defect," as used in this clause, means any condition or characteristic in any supplies or services furnished by the Contractor under the contract that is not in compliance with the requirements of the contract.

"Supplies," as used in this clause, means the end items furnished by the Contractor and related services required under this contract. Except when this contract includes the clause entitled Warranty of Data, supplies also means "data."

(b) Contractor's obligations. (1) The Contractor's warranties under this clause shall apply only to those defects discovered by either the Government or the Contractor __________ [Contracting Officer shall state the warranty period; e.g., "at the time of delivery;" "within 45 days after delivery," or the specified event whose occurrence will terminate the warranty period; e.g., the number of miles or hours of use, or combination of any applicable events or periods of time.].

(2) If the Contractor becomes aware at any time before acceptance by the Government (whether before or after tender to the Government) that a defect exists in any supplies or services, the Contractor shall--

(i) Promptly correct the defect; or

(ii) Promptly notify the Contracting Officer, in writing, of the defect, using the same procedures prescribed in paragraph (b)(3) of this clause.

(3) If the Contracting Officer determines that a defect exists in any of the supplies or services accepted by the Government under this contract, the Contracting Officer shall promptly notify the Contractor of the defect, in writing, within _____ [Contracting Officer shall insert the specific period of time in which notice shall be given to the Contractor; e.g., "30 days after delivery of the nonconforming supplies;" "90 days of the last delivery under this contract;" or "90 days after discovery of the defect."]. Upon timely notification of the existence of a defect, or if the Contractor independently discovers a defect in accepted supplies or services, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer, in writing, within _____ [Contracting Officer shall insert period of time] a recommendation for corrective actions, together with supporting information in sufficient detail for the Contracting Officer to determine what corrective action, if any, shall be undertaken.

(4) The Contractor shall promptly comply with any timely written direction from the Contracting Officer to correct or partially correct a defect, at no increase in the contract price.

(5) The Contractor shall also prepare and furnish to the Contracting Officer data and reports applicable to any correction required under this clause (including revision and updating of all other affected data called for under this contract) at no increase in the contract price.

(6) In the event of timely notice of a decision not to correct or only to partially correct, the Contractor shall submit a technical and cost proposal within _______. [Contracting Officer shall insert period of time] to amend the contract to permit acceptance of the affected supplies or services in accordance with the revised requirement, and an equitable reduction in the contract price shall promptly be negotiated by the parties and be reflected in a supplemental agreement to this contract.

(7) Any supplies or parts thereof corrected or furnished in replacement and any services reperformed shall also be subject to the conditions of this clause to the same extent as supplies or services initially accepted. The warranty, with respect to these supplies, parts, or services, shall be equal in duration to that set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, and shall run from the date of delivery of the corrected or replaced supplies.

(8) The Contractor shall not be responsible under this clause for the correction of defects in Government-furnished property, except for defects in installation, unless the Contractor performs, or is obligated to perform, any modifications or other work on such property. In that event, the Contractor shall be responsible for correction of defects that result from the modifications or other work.

(9) If the Government returns supplies to the Contractor for correction or replacement under this clause, the Contractor shall be liable for transportation charges up to an amount equal to the cost of transportation by the usual commercial method of shipment from the place of delivery specified in this contract (irrespective of the f.o.b. point or the point of acceptance) to the Contractor's plant and return to the place of delivery specified in this contract. The Contractor shall also bear the responsibility for the supplies while in transit.

(10) All implied warranties of merchantability and "fitness for a particular purpose" are excluded from any obligation under this contract.

(c) Remedies available to the Government. (1) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause--

(i) Shall not be affected in any way by any terms or conditions of this contract concerning the conclusiveness of inspection and acceptance; and

(ii) Are in addition to, and do not limit, any rights afforded to the Government by any other clause of this contract.

(2) Within ____________ [Contracting Officer shall insert period of time] after receipt of the Contractor's recommendations for corrective action and adequate supporting information, the Contracting Officer, using sole discretion, shall give the Contractor written notice not to correct any defect, or to correct or partially correct any defect within a reasonable time at ________ [Contracting Officer shall insert locations where corrections may be performed].

(3) In no event shall the Government be responsible for any extension or delays in the scheduled deliveries or periods of performance under this contract as a result of the Contractor's obligations to correct defects, nor shall there be any adjustment of the delivery schedule or period of performance as a result of the correction of defects unless provided by a supplemental agreement with adequate consideration.

(4) This clause shall not be construed as obligating the Government to increase the contract price.

(5)(i) The Contracting Officer shall give the Contractor a written notice specifying any failure or refusal of the Contractor to--

(A) Present a detailed recommendation for corrective action as required by paragraph (b)(3) of this clause;

(B) Correct defects as directed under paragraph (b)(4) of this clause; or

(C) Prepare and furnish data and reports as required by paragraph (b)(5) of this clause.

(ii) The notice shall specify a period of time following receipt of the notice by the Contractor in which the Contractor must remedy the failure or refusal specified in the notice.

(6) If the Contractor does not comply with the Contracting Officer's written notice in paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this clause, the Contracting Officer may by contract or otherwise--

(i) Obtain detailed recommendations for corrective action and either--

(A) Correct the supplies or services; or

(B) Replace the supplies or services, and if the Contractor fails to furnish timely disposition instructions, the Contracting Officer may dispose of the nonconforming supplies for the Contractor's account in a reasonable manner, in which case the Government is entitled to reimbursement from the Contractor, or from the proceeds, for the reasonable expenses of care and disposition, as well as for excess costs incurred or to be incurred;

(ii) Obtain applicable data and reports; and

(iii) Charge the Contractor for the costs incurred by the Government.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If it is desirable to specify that necessary transportation incident to correction or replacement will be at the Government's expense (as might be the case if, for example, the cost of a warranty would otherwise be prohibitive), substitute a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (b)(9) for paragraph (b)(9) of the basic clause:

(9) If correction or replacement is required, and transportation of supplies in connection with correction or replacement is necessary, transportation charges and responsibility for the supplies while in transit shall be borne by the Government.

Alternate II (Apr 1984). If a fixed-price incentive contract is contemplated, add a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (c)(7) to the basic clause:

(7) All costs incurred or estimated to be incurred by the Contractor in complying with this clause shall be considered when negotiating the total final price under the Incentive Price Revision clause of this contract. After establishment of the total final price, Contractor compliance with this clause shall be at no increase in the total final price. Any equitable adjustments made under paragraph (b)(6) of this clause shall be governed by the paragraph entitled "Equitable Adjustments Under Other Clauses" in the Incentive Price Revision clause of this contract.

Alternate III (Apr 1984). If it is anticipated that recovery of the warranted item will involve considerable Government expense for disassembly and/or reassembly of larger items, add a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (c)(7) to the basic clause. Redesignate the additional paragraph as "(c)(8)" if Alternate II is also being used:

(7) The Contractor shall be liable for the reasonable costs of disassembly and/or reassembly of larger items when it is necessary to remove the supplies to be inspected and/or returned for correction or replacement.

52.246-20 Warranty of Services.

As prescribed in 46.710(d), the contracting officer may insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price contract for services is contemplated and the use of a warranty clause has been approved under agency procedures, unless a clause substantially the same as the clause at 52.246-19, Warranty of Systems and Equipment under Performance Specifications or Design Criteria, has been used:

Warranty of Services (Apr 1984)

(a) Definitions.

"Acceptance," as used in this clause, means the act of an authorized representative of the Government by which the Government assumes for itself, or as an agent of another, ownership of existing and identified supplies, or approves specific services, as partial or complete performance of the contract.

"Correction," as used in this clause, means the elimination of a defect.

(b) Notwithstanding inspection and acceptance by the Government or any provision concerning the conclusiveness thereof, the Contractor warrants that all services performed under this contract will, at the time of acceptance, be free from defects in workmanship and conform to the requirements of this contract. The Contracting Officer shall give written notice of any defect or nonconformance to the Contractor ____________ [Contracting Officer shall insert the specific period of time in which notice shall be given to the Contractor; e.g., "within 30 days from the date of acceptance by the Government,"; within 1000 hours of use by the Government;" or other specified event whose occurrence will terminate the period of notice, or combination of any applicable events or period of time]. This notice shall state either--

(1) That the Contractor shall correct or reperform any defective or nonconforming services; or

(2) That the Government does not require correction or reperformance.

(c) If the Contractor is required to correct or reperform, it shall be at no cost to the Government, and any services corrected or reperformed by the Contractor shall be subject to this clause to the same extent as work initially performed. If the Contractor fails or refuses to correct or reperform, the Contracting Officer may, by contract or otherwise, correct or replace with similar services and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned to the Government thereby, or make an equitable adjustment in the contract price.

(d) If the Government does not require correction or reperformance, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract price.

(End of clause)

52.246-21 Warranty of Construction.

As prescribed in 46.710(e)(1), the contracting officer may insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract (see 46.705(c)) is contemplated, and the use of a warranty clause has been approved under agency procedures:

Warranty of Construction (Mar 1994)

(a) In addition to any other warranties in this contract, the Contractor warrants, except as provided in paragraph (i) of this clause, that work performed under this contract conforms to the contract requirements and is free of any defect in equipment, material, or design furnished, or workmanship performed by the Contractor or any subcontractor or supplier at any tier.

(b) This warranty shall continue for a period of 1 year from the date of final acceptance of the work. If the Government takes possession of any part of the work before final acceptance, this warranty shall continue for a period of 1 year from the date the Government takes possession.

(c) The Contractor shall remedy at the Contractor's expense any failure to conform, or any defect. In addition, the Contractor shall remedy at the Contractor's expense any damage to Government-owned or controlled real or personal property, when that damage is the result of--

(1) The Contractor's failure to conform to contract requirements; or

(2) Any defect of equipment, material, workmanship, or design furnished.

(d) The Contractor shall restore any work damaged in fulfilling the terms and conditions of this clause. The Contractor's warranty with respect to work repaired or replaced will run for 1 year from the date of repair or replacement.

(e) The Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor, in writing, within a reasonable time after the discovery of any failure, defect, or damage.

(f) If the Contractor fails to remedy any failure, defect, or damage within a reasonable time after receipt of notice, the Government shall have the right to replace, repair, or otherwise remedy the failure, defect, or damage at the Contractor's expense.

(g) With respect to all warranties, express or implied, from subcontractors, manufacturers, or suppliers for work performed and materials furnished under this contract, the Contractor shall--

(1) Obtain all warranties that would be given in normal commercial practice;

(2) Require all warranties to be executed, in writing, for the benefit of the Government, if directed by the Contracting Officer; and

(3) Enforce all warranties for the benefit of the Government, if directed by the Contracting Officer.

(h) In the event the Contractor's warranty under paragraph (b) of this clause has expired, the Government may bring suit at its expense to enforce a subcontractor's, manufacturer's, or supplier's warranty.

(i) Unless a defect is caused by the negligence of the Contractor or subcontractor or supplier at any tier, the Contractor shall not be liable for the repair of any defects of material or design furnished by the Government nor for the repair of any damage that results from any defect in Government-furnished material or design.

(j) This warranty shall not limit the Government's rights under the Inspection and Acceptance clause of this contract with respect to latent defects, gross mistakes, or fraud.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If the Government specifies in the contract the use of any equipment by "brand name and model," the contracting officer may add a paragraph substantially the same as the following paragraph (k) to the basic clause:

(k) Defects in design or manufacture of equipment specified by the Government on a "brand name and model" basis, shall not be included in this warranty. In this event, the Contractor shall require any subcontractors, manufacturers, or suppliers thereof to execute their warranties, in writing, directly to the Government.

52.246-22 [Reserved]

52.246-23 Limitation of Liability.

As prescribed in 46.805, insert the following clause:

Limitation of Liability (Feb 1997)

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) below, and except for remedies expressly provided elsewhere in this contract, the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or damage to property of the Government (excluding the supplies delivered under this contract) that--

(1) Occurs after Government acceptance of the supplies delivered under this contract; and

(2) Results from any defects or deficiencies in the supplies.

(b) The limitation of liability under paragraph (a) of this clause shall not apply when a defect or deficiency in, or the Government's acceptance of, the supplies results from willful misconduct or lack of good faith on the part of any of the Contractor's managerial personnel. The term "Contractor's managerial personnel," as used in this clause, means the Contractor's directors, officers, and any of the Contractor's managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of--

(1) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(2) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operations at any one plant, laboratory, or separate location at which the contract is being performed; or

(3) A separate and complete major industrial operation connected with the performance of this contract.

(c) If the Contractor carries insurance, or has established a reserve for self-insurance, covering liability for loss or damage suffered by the Government through purchase or use of the supplies required to be delivered under this contract, the Contractor shall be liable to the Government, to the extent of such insurance or reserve, for loss of or damage to property of the Government occurring after Government acceptance of, and resulting from any defects or deficiencies in, the supplies delivered under this contract.

(End of clause)

52.246-24 Limitation of Liability--High-Value Items.

As prescribed in 46.805, insert the following clause:

Limitation of Liability--High-Value Items (Feb 1997)

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (e) below, and notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or damage to property of the Government (including the supplies delivered under this contract) that--

(1) Occurs after Government acceptance of the supplies delivered under this contract; and

(2) Results from any defects or deficiencies in the supplies.

(b) The limitation of liability under paragraph (a) above shall not apply when a defect or deficiency in, or the Government's acceptance of, the supplies results from willful misconduct or lack of good faith on the part of any of the Contractor's managerial personnel. The term "Contractor's managerial personnel," as used in this clause, means the Contractor's directors, officers, and any of the Contractor's managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of--

(1) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(2) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operations at any one plant, laboratory, or separate location at which the contract is being performed; or

(3) A separate and complete major industrial operation connected with the performance of this contract.

(c) If the Contractor carries insurance, or has established a reserve for self-insurance, covering liability for loss or damage suffered by the Government through purchase or use of the supplies required to be delivered under this contract, the Contractor shall be liable to the Government, to the extent of such insurance or reserve, for loss of or damage to property of the Government occurring after Government acceptance of, and resulting from any defects or deficiencies in, the supplies delivered under this contract.

(d)(1) This clause does not diminish the Contractor's obligations, to the extent that they arise otherwise under this contract, relating to correction, repair, replacement, or other relief for any defect or deficiency in supplies delivered under this contract.

(2) Unless this is a cost-reimbursement contract, if loss or damage occurs and correction, repair, or replacement is not feasible or desired by the Government, the Contractor shall, as determined by the Contracting Officer--

(i) Pay the Government the amount it would have cost the Contractor to make correction, repair, or replacement before the loss or damage occurred;

(ii) Provide other equitable relief.

(e) This clause shall not limit or otherwise affect the Government's rights under clauses, if included in this contract, that cover--

(1) Warranty of technical data;

(2) Ground and flight risks or aircraft flight risks; or

(3) Government property.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If the contract is for both high-value items and other end items, the contracting officer shall identify the high-value items by line item and insert the following preamble before paragraph (a):

(This clause shall apply only to those items identified in this contract as being subject to this clause.)

52.246-25 Limitation of Liability--Services.

As prescribed in 46.805, insert the following clause:

Limitation of Liability--Services (Feb 1997)

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) below, and except to the extent that the Contractor is expressly responsible under this contract for deficiencies in the services required to be performed under it (including any materials furnished in conjunction with those services), the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or damage to property of the Government that--

(1) Occurs after Government acceptance of services performed under this contract; and

(2) Results from any defects or deficiencies in the services performed or materials furnished.

(b) The limitation of liability under paragraph (a) above shall not apply when a defect or deficiency in, or the Government's acceptance of, services performed or materials furnished results from willful misconduct or lack of good faith on the part of any of the Contractor's managerial personnel. The term "Contractor's managerial personnel," as used in this clause, means the Contractor's directors, officers, and any of the Contractor's managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of--

(1) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(2) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operations at any one plant, laboratory, or separate location at which the contract is being performed; or

(3) A separate and complete major industrial operation connected with the performance of this contract.

(c) If the Contractor carries insurance, or has established a reserve for self-insurance, covering liability for loss or damage suffered by the Government through the Contractor's performance of services or furnishing of materials under this contract, the Contractor shall be liable to the Government, to the extent of such insurance or reserve, for loss of or damage to property of the Government occurring after Government acceptance of, and resulting from any defects and deficiencies in, services performed or materials furnished under this contract.

(End of clause)

52.247-1 Commercial Bill of Lading Notations.

As prescribed in 47.104-4, insert the following clause:

Commercial Bill of Lading Notations (Apr 1984)

If the Contracting Officer authorizes supplies to be shipped on a commercial bill of lading and the Contractor will be reimbursed these transportation costs as direct allowable costs, the Contractor shall ensure before shipment is made that the commercial shipping documents are annotated with either of the following notations, as appropriate:

(a) If the Government is shown as the consignor or the consignee, the annotation shall be:

Transportation is for the ______ [name the specific agency] and the actual total transportation charges paid to the carrier(s) by the consignor or consignee are assignable to, and shall be reimbursed by, the Government.

(b) If the Government is not shown as the consignor or the consignee, the annotation shall be:

Transportation is for the ______ [name the specific agency] and the actual total transportation charges paid to the carrier(s) by the consignor or consignee shall be reimbursed by the Government, pursuant to cost-reimbursement contract No. ________________. This may be confirmed by contacting __________________ [Name and address of the contract administration office listed in the contract].

(End of clause)

52.247-2 Permits, Authorities, or Franchises.

As prescribed in 47.207-1(a), insert the following clause:

Permits, Authorities, or Franchises (Jan 1997)

(a) The offeror does *, does not *, hold authorization from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or other cognizant regulatory body. If authorization is held, it is as follows:


(Name of regulatory body)


(Authorization No.)

(b) The offeror shall furnish to the Government, if requested, copies of the authorization before moving the material under any contract awarded. In addition, the offeror shall, at the offeror's expense, obtain and maintain any permits, franchises, licenses, and other authorities issued by State and local governments.

(End of clause)

52.247-3 Capability to Perform a Contract for the Relocation of a Federal Office.

As prescribed in 47.207-1(b), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when a Federal office is relocated, to ensure that offerors are capable to perform interstate or intrastate moving contracts involving the relocation of Federal offices:

Capability to Perform a Contract for the Relocation of a Federal Office (Apr 1984)

(a) If the move specified in this contract is to be performed by the Contractor as a carrier within the borders of more than one State, including the District of Columbia, (i.e., an interstate move), the Contractor shall have obtained and hold appropriate and current operating authority from the Interstate Commerce Commission.

(b)(1) If the move specified in this contract is to be performed by the Contractor as a carrier wholly within the borders of one State or the District of Columbia (i.e., an intrastate move), the Contractor shall, when required by the State, or the District of Columbia, in which the move is to take place, have obtained and hold appropriate and current operating authority from that jurisdiction in the form of a certificate, permit, or equivalent license to operate.

(2) If no authority to operate is required by the State or the District of Columbia, the Contractor as carrier shall maintain facilities, equipment, and a business address within the jurisdiction in which the move is to take place. However, if the move is to originate and/or terminate within an area of one State, or the District of Columbia, that comprises a part of a recognized Commercial Zone (see 49 CFR 1048) the boundaries of which encompass portions of more than one State or the District of Columbia, it shall be sufficient if the Contractor as carrier maintains facilities, equipment, and a business address within the Commercial Zone and holds appropriate operating authority, if required, from the jurisdiction within which the Contractor maintains the facilities, equipment, and business address.

(c) If the move specified in this contract will not be performed by the Contractor as carrier, it must be performed for the Contractor by a carrier operating under a subcontract with the Contractor. In this case, the Contractor shall not be subject to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, but shall be responsible for requiring and ensuring that the subcontractor carrier complies with those requirements in every respect.

(d) The Contractor shall be in compliance with the applicable requirements of this clause at least 14 days before the date on which performance of the contract shall commence under the terms specified; except that, if the period from the date of award of the contract to the date that performance shall commence is less than 28 days, the Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of this clause midway between the time of award and the time of commencement of performance.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If a Federal office move is intrastate and the contracting officer determines that it is in the Government's interest not to apply the requirements for holding or obtaining State authority to operate within the State, and to maintain a facility within the State or Commercial zone, delete paragraph (b) of the basic clause and redesignate the remaining paragraphs "(b) and (c)." In the 6th line of the new paragraph (b), delete the words "paragraphs (a) and (b) above" and replace them with "paragraph (a) above."

52.247-4 Inspection of Shipping and Receiving Facilities.

As prescribed in 47.207-1(c), insert the following provision in solicitations for transportation or for transportation-related services when it is desired for offerors to inspect the shipping, receiving, or other sites to ensure realistic bids:

Inspection of Shipping and Receiving Facilities (Apr 1984)

(a) Offerors are urged to inspect the shipping and receiving facilities where services are to be performed and to satisfy themselves regarding all general and local conditions that may affect the cost of contract performance.

(b) Site visits have been scheduled as follows:







(c) For further information offerors may contact:





(End of provision)

52.247-5 Familiarization with Conditions.

As prescribed in 47.207-1(d), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services to ensure that offerors become familiar with conditions under which and where the services will be performed:

Familiarization with Conditions (Apr 1984)

The offeror shall become familiar with all available information regarding difficulties that may be encountered and the conditions, including safety precautions, under which the work must be accomplished under the contract. The offeror shall not be relieved from assuming all responsibility for properly estimating the difficulties and the cost of performing the services required in this contract because the offeror failed to investigate the conditions or to become acquainted with all information concerning the services to be performed.

(End of clause)

52.247-6 Financial Statement.

As prescribed in 47.207-1(e), insert the following provision in solicitations for transportation or for transportation-related services to ensure that offerors are prepared to furnish financial statements:

Financial Statement (Apr 1984)

The offeror shall, upon request, promptly furnish the Government with a current certified statement of the offeror's financial condition and such data as the Government may request with respect to the offeror's operations. The Government will use this information to determine the offeror's financial responsibility and ability to perform under the contract. Failure of an offeror to comply with a request for information will subject the offer to possible rejection on responsibility grounds.

(End of provision)

52.247-7 Freight Excluded.

As prescribed in 47.207-3(d)(2), insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when any commodities or types of shipments have been identified for exclusion:

Freight Excluded (Apr 1984)

Excluded from the scope of this contract are shipments that can be more advantageously or economically moved via parcel post or small package carrier; shipments of unusual value, explosives and other dangerous articles, household goods, commodities in bulk, commodities injurious or contaminating to other freight; and shipments that the Government may elect to move in Government vehicles.

(End of clause)

52.247-8 Estimated Weights or Quantities Not Guaranteed.

As prescribed in 47.207-3(e)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when weights or quantities are estimates:

Estimated Weights or Quantities Not Guaranteed (Apr 1984)

The estimated weights or quantities are not a guarantee of actual weights or quantities, as the Government does not guarantee any particular volume of traffic described in this contract. However, to the extent services are required as described in this contract and in accordance with the terms of this contract, orders for these services will be placed with the Contractor.

(End of clause)

52.247-9 Agreed Weight--General Freight.

As prescribed in 47.207-4(a)(1), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the shipping activity determines the weight of shipments of freight other than household goods or office furniture:

Agreed Weight--General Freight (Apr 1984)

The shipping activity shall determine the weight of each shipment. The weight shall be shown on the covering shipping document and shall be accepted by the Contractor as the agreed weight.

(End of clause)

52.247-10 Net Weight--General Freight.

As prescribed in 47.207-4(a)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the weight of shipments of freight other than household goods or office furniture is not known at the time of shipment and the contractor is responsible for determining the net weight of the shipments:

Net Weight--General Freight (Apr 1984)

(a) The net weight of the shipment shall be determined by deducting the tare weight of the vehicle (determined by having the empty vehicle with a full tank of fuel weighed by a certified weighmaster on a certified scale) from the gross weight of the vehicle (determined by having the loaded vehicle with a full tank of fuel weighed by a certified weighmaster on a certified scale).

(b) The Contractor shall attach the original copies of the empty and loaded weight certificates to the invoice for services.

(End of clause)

52.247-11 Net Weight--Household Goods or Office Furniture.

As prescribed in 47.207-4(b), insert the following clause in contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when movements of Government employees' household goods or relocations of Government offices are involved:

Net Weight--Household Goods or Office Furniture (Apr 1984)

(a) Net weight--full loads. The net weight of the shipment shall be determined by deducting the tare weight of the vehicle (determined by having a certified weighmaster weigh on a certified scale the empty vehicle with all blankets, pads, chains, dollies, hand trucks, and all other necessary equipment inside the vehicle) from the gross weight of the vehicle (determined by having a certified weighmaster weigh on a certified scale the fully loaded vehicle before arrival at destination).

(b) Net weight--part loads. The net weight of the first part load shall be determined in the same manner as specified for a full load. The net weight of the second part load shall be determined by using as the tare weight of the vehicle the gross weight of the vehicle containing the first part load and deducting this weight from the new gross weight (determined by having the loaded vehicle weighed again, in the same manner as specified for the full load). The same procedure shall apply for each succeeding part load.

(c) Weight certificates. The contractor shall attach the original copy of each weight certificate to the invoice for services.

(End of clause)

52.247-12 Supervision, Labor, or Materials.

As prescribed in 47.207-5(b), insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the contractor is required to furnish supervision, labor, or materials:

Supervision, Labor, or Materials (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall furnish adequate supervision, labor, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to perform all the services contemplated under this contract in an orderly, timely, and efficient manner.

(End of clause)

52.247-13 Accessorial Services--Moving Contracts.

As prescribed in 47.207-5(c), insert a clause substantially as follows in solicitations and contracts for the transportation of household goods or office furniture:

Accessorial Services--Moving Contracts (Apr 1984)

(a) Packing and/or crating and padding. The Contractor shall--

(1) Perform all of the packing and/or crating and padding necessary for the protection of the goods to be transported;

(2) Furnish packing containers, including, but not limited to, barrels, boxes, wardrobes, and cartons; all crating materials; and all padding materials and equipment;

(3) Furnish or cause to be furnished, when necessary, padding or other protective material for the interior of the buildings, including elevators, from and to which the property will be moved under this contract; and

(4) Ensure that all containers and materials are clean and of quality sufficient for protection of the goods.

(b) Disassembling and reassembling of property and servicing appliances. The disassembling of property; e.g., beds and sectional bookcases, and the preparing of appliances; e.g., washers, driers, and record players, for shipment shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall reassemble the property and service the appliances upon delivery at the new location.

(c) Unpacking and/or uncrating and placement of property. The Contractor shall unpack and/or uncrate all property that was packed and/or crated for movement under this contract. The Contractor shall also place the property in the new location as instructed by the owner of the property or authorized representative, and shall remove all packing and similar or related material from the premises as requested by the owner.

(End of clause)

52.247-14 Contractor Responsibility for Receipt of Shipment.

As prescribed in 47.207-5(d), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services:

Contractor Responsibility for Receipt of Shipment (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall diligently count and examine all goods tendered for shipment, receipt for them, and make appropriate written exception for any goods not in apparent good order.

(End of clause)

52.247-15 Contractor Responsibility for Loading and Unloading.

As prescribed in 47.207-5(e), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the contractor is responsible for loading and unloading shipments:

Contractor Responsibility for Loading and Unloading (Apr 1984)

(a)(1) Unless otherwise specified in this contract to cover store-door or inside delivery, the Contractor shall load and unload shipments at no additional expense to the Government.

(2) The Government or its agent will place or receive freight at the tailgate of the Contractor's vehicle. Tailgate delivery, for purposes of this contract, is defined as that which enables a forklift truck or similar equipment, with operator only, to place or remove cargo from the tailgate of the Contractor's vehicle.

(b) If loading is the responsibility of the Contractor, the Contractor shall perform all shoring, blocking, and bracing. The Contractor shall provide dunnage at the Contractor's expense.

(End of clause)

52.247-16 Contractor Responsibility for Returning Undelivered Freight.

As prescribed in 47.207-5(f), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the contractor is responsible for returning undelivered freight:

Contractor Responsibility for Returning Undelivered Freight (Apr 1984)

(a) When, through no fault of the Contractor, a shipment cannot be delivered, the Contractor shall contact the shipper for disposition instructions. If the shipment is ordered returned to the origin point, the charges assessed for the return trip shall be the same as the charges assessed for the outbound trip. The shipper shall maintain a record of the goods that, through no fault of the Contractor, could not be delivered and are returned to the shipper. If, at a future date, the returned goods are determined to be related to a claim against the Contractor, the claim will be adjusted accordingly.

(b) When, through the fault of the Contractor, a shipment cannot be delivered, the Contractor shall return the shipment to the origin point at no charge to the Government. Any charges incurred for redelivery, which are in excess of the charges that would have been incurred under this contract, shall be for the Contractor's account in accordance with the Default clause of the contract.

(End of clause)

52.247-17 Charges.

As prescribed in 47.207-6(a)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services:

Charges (Apr 1984)

In no event shall charges under this contract be in excess of charges based on the Contractor's lowest rate available to the general public, or be in excess of charges based on rates otherwise tendered to the Government by the Contractor for the same type of service.

(End of clause)

52.247-18 Multiple Shipments.

As prescribed in 47.207-6(c)(5)(i), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when multiple shipments are tendered at one time to the contractor for transportation from one origin to two or more consignees at the same destination:

Multiple Shipments (Apr 1984)

When multiple shipments are tendered at one time to the Contractor for movement from one origin to multiple consignees at the same destination, the rate charged for each shipment shall be the rate applicable to the aggregate weight.

(End of clause)

52.247-19 Stopping in Transit for Partial Unloading.

As prescribed in 47.207-6(c)(5)(ii), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when multiple shipments are tendered at one time to the contractor for transportation from one origin to two or more consignees along the route between origin and last destination:

Stopping in Transit for Partial Unloading (Apr 1984)

When multiple shipments are tendered at one time to the Contractor for movement from one origin to two or more consignees along the route between the origin and the last destination, the rate charged shall be the rate applicable to the aggregate weight, plus a charge of $ ______ for each shipment unloaded at an intermediate point en route to the last destination.

(End of clause)

52.247-20 Estimated Quantities or Weights for Evaluation of Offers.

As prescribed in 47.207-6(c)(6), insert the following provision in solicitations for transportation or for transportation-related services when quantities or weights of shipments between each origin and destination are not known, stating estimated quantity or weight for each origin/destination pair:

Estimated Quantities or Weights for Evaluation of Offers (Apr 1984)

For the purpose of evaluating offers, and for no other purpose, the following estimated quantities or weights will be considered as the quantities or weights to be shipped between each origin and destination listed:


(End of provision)

52.247-21 Contractor Liability for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage.

As prescribed in 47.207-7(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services:

Contractor Liability for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor assumes responsibility for all damage or injury to persons or property occasioned through the use, maintenance, and operation of the Contractor's vehicles or other equipment by, or the action of, the Contractor or the Contractor's employees and agents.

(b) The Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, shall maintain adequate public liability and property damage insurance during the continuance of this contract, insuring the Contractor against all claims for injury or damage.

(c) The Contractor shall maintain Workers' Compensation and other legally required insurance with respect to the Contractor's own employees and agents.

(d) The Government shall in no event be liable or responsible for damage or injury to any person or property occasioned through the use, maintenance, or operation of any vehicle or other equipment by, or the action of, the Contractor or the Contractor's employees and agents in performing under this contract, and the Government shall be indemnified and saved harmless against claims for damage or injury in such cases.

(End of clause)

52.247-22 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Freight other than Household Goods.

As prescribed in 47.207-7(d), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for the transportation of freight other than household goods:

Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Freight other than Household Goods (Apr 1984)

Except when loss and/or damage arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, the Contractor shall assume full liability for any and all goods lost and/or damaged in the movement covered by this contract.

(End of clause)

52.247-23 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Household Goods.

As prescribed in 47.207-7(e), insert the following clause:

Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Household Goods (Jan 1991)

(a) Except when loss and/or damage arise out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be liable to the owner for the loss of and/or damage to any article while being--

(1) Packed, picked up, loaded, transported, delivered, unloaded, or unpacked;

(2) Stored in transit; or

(3) Serviced (appliances, etc.) by a third person hired by the Contractor to perform the servicing.

(b) The Contractor shall be liable for loss and/or damage discovered by the owner if written notice of such loss and/or damage is dispatched to the Contractor not later than 75 days following the date of delivery.

(c) The Contractor shall indemnify the owner of the goods at a rate of ___ cents per pound per article.

(End of clause)

52.247-24 Advance Notification by the Government.

As prescribed in 47.207-8(a)(1), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the Government is responsible for notifying the contractor of specific service times or unusual shipments:

Advance Notification by the Government (Apr 1984)

The Government will notify the Contractor ___ hours in advance of the number of pieces and weight of all normal shipments and the time the shipment will be available for pickup. On other-than-normal shipments, the Government will furnish additional information; e.g., dimension of oversized pieces, as necessary to determine the amount of equipment and/or manpower needed to perform the required services.

(End of clause)

52.247-25 Government-Furnished Equipment With or Without Operators.

As prescribed in 47.207-8(a)(2)(i), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the Government furnishes equipment with or without operators:

Government-Furnished Equipment With or Without Operators (Apr 1984)

The Government will provide ____ [insert equipment; e.g., forklifts] with or without operators at ____ [strike out "with" or "without," as applicable, and insert origin, destination, or both] to assist in ____ [insert loading, unloading, or both], when required.

(End of clause)

52.247-26 Government Direction and Marking.

As prescribed in 47.207-8(a)(3), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when office relocations are involved:

Government Direction and Marking (Apr 1984)

The agency being relocated shall tag or mark property, showing floor, room number, and location where property is to be placed in the new building. The agency shall provide sufficient personnel to direct the Contractor's personnel in the placement of the property at destination.

(End of clause)

52.247-27 Contract Not Affected by Oral Agreement.

As prescribed in 47.207-8(b), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services:

Contract Not Affected by Oral Agreement (Apr 1984)

No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise affect the terms, conditions, or specifications stated in this contract. All modifications to the contract must be made in writing by the Contracting Officer or an authorized representative.

(End of clause)

52.247-28 Contractor's Invoices.

As prescribed in 47.207-9(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for drayage or other term con- tracts for transportation or for transportation-related services:

Contractor's Invoices (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall submit itemized invoices as instructed by the agency ordering services under this contract. The Contractor shall annotate each invoice with the contract number and other ordering office document identification.

(End of clause)

52.247-29 F.o.b. Origin.

As prescribed in 47.303-1(c), insert the following clause:

F.o.b. Origin (Jun 1988)

(a) The term "f.o.b. origin," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered--

(1) On board the indicated type of conveyance of the carrier (or of the Government, if specified) at a designated point in the city, county, and State from which the shipment will be made and from which line-haul transportation service (as distinguished from switching, local drayage, or other terminal service) will begin;

(2) To, and placed on, the carrier's wharf (at shipside, within reach of the ship's loading tackle, when the shipping point is within a port area having water transportation service) or the carrier's freight station;

(3) To a U.S. Postal Service facility; or

(4) If stated in the solicitation, to any Government designated point located within the same city or commercial zone as the f.o.b. origin point specified in the contract (commercial zones are prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission at 49 CFR 1048).

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Order specified carrier equipment when requested by the Government; or

(ii) If not specified, order appropriate carrier equipment not in excess of capacity to accommodate shipment;

(3) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the carrier, and load, stow, trim, block, and/or brace carload or truckload shipment (when loaded by the Contractor) on or in the carrier's conveyance as required by carrier rules and regulations;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods--

(i) Occurring before delivery to the carrier;

(ii) Resulting from improper packing and marking; or

(iii) Resulting from improper loading, stowing, trimming, blocking, and/or bracing of the shipment, if loaded by the Contractor on or in the carrier's conveyance;

(5) Complete the Government bill of lading supplied by the ordering agency or, when a Government bill of lading is not supplied, prepare a commercial bill of lading or other transportation receipt. The bill of lading shall show--

(i) A description of the shipment in terms of the governing freight classification or tariff (or Government rate tender) under which lowest freight rates are applicable;

(ii) The seals affixed to the conveyance with their serial numbers or other identification;

(iii) Lengths and capacities of cars or trucks ordered and furnished;

(iv) Other pertinent information required to effect prompt delivery to the consignee, including name, delivery address, postal address and ZIP code of consignee, routing, etc.;

(v) Special instructions or annotations requested by the ordering agency for commercial bills of lading; e.g.,

(A) "To be converted to a Government bill of lading," or

(B) "This shipment is the property of, and the freight charges paid to the carrier(s) will be reimbursed by, the Government"; and

(vi) The signature of the carrier's agent and the date the shipment is received by the carrier; and

(6) Distribute the copies of the bill of lading, or other transportation receipts, as directed by the ordering agency.

(c) These Contractor responsibilities are specified for performance at the plant or plants at which the supplies are to be finally inspected and accepted, unless the facilities for shipment by carrier's equipment are not available at the Contractor's plant, in which case the responsibilities shall be performed f.o.b. the point or points in the same or nearest city where the specified carrier's facilities are available; subject, however, to the following qualifications:

(1) If the Contractor's shipping plant is located in the State of Alaska or Hawaii, the Contractor shall deliver the supplies listed for shipment outside Alaska or Hawaii to the port of loading in Alaska or Hawaii, respectively, as specified in the contract, at Contractor's expense, and to that extent the contract shall be "f.o.b. destination."

(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause, if the Contractor's shipping plant is located in the State of Hawaii, and the contract requires delivery to be made by container service, the Contractor shall deliver the supplies, at the Contractor's expense, to the container yard in the same or nearest city where seavan container service is available.

(End of clause)

52.247-30 F.o.b. Origin, Contractor's Facility.

As prescribed in 47.303-2(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.o.b. origin, contractor's facility:

F.o.b. Origin, Contractor's Facility (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.o.b. origin, contractor's facility," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered on board the indicated type of conveyance of the carrier (or of the Government, if specified) at the designated facility, on the named street or highway, in the city, county, and State from which the shipment will be made.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Order specified carrier equipment when requested by the Government; or

(ii) If not specified, order appropriate carrier equipment not in excess of capacity to accommodate shipment;

(3) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the carrier, and load, stow, trim, block, and/or brace carload or truckload shipment (when loaded by the Contractor) on or in the carrier's conveyance as required by carrier rules and regulations;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods--

(i) Occurring before delivery to the carrier;

(ii) Resulting from improper packing and marking; or

(iii) Resulting from improper loading, stowing, trimming, blocking, and/or bracing of the shipment, if loaded by the Contractor on or in the carrier's conveyance;

(5) Complete the Government bill of lading supplied by the ordering agency or, when a Government bill of lading is not supplied, prepare a commercial bill of lading or other transportation receipt. The bill of lading shall show--

(i) A description of the shipment in terms of the governing freight classification or tariff (or Government rate tender) under which lowest freight rates are applicable;

(ii) The seals affixed to the conveyance with their serial numbers or other identification;

(iii) Lengths and capacities of cars or trucks ordered and furnished;

(iv) Other pertinent information required to effect prompt delivery to the consignee, including name, delivery address, postal address and ZIP code of consignee, routing, etc.;

(v) Special instructions or annotations requested by the ordering agency for commercial bills of lading; e.g.,--

(A) "To be converted to a Government bill of lading," or

(B) "This shipment is the property of, and the freight charges paid to the carrier(s) will be reimbursed by, the Government"; and

(vi) The signature of the carrier's agent and the date the shipment is received by the carrier; and

(6) Distribute the copies of the bill of lading, or other transportation receipts, as directed by the ordering agency.

(End of clause)

52.247-31 F.o.b. Origin, Freight Allowed.

As prescribed in 47.303-3(c), insert the following clause:

F.o.b. Origin, Freight Allowed (Jun 1988)

(a) The term "f.o.b. origin, freight allowed," as used in this clause, means--

(1) Free of expense to the Government delivered--

(i) On board the indicated type of conveyance of the carrier (or of the Government, if specified) at a designated point in the city, county, and State from which the shipments will be made and from which line-haul transportation service (as distinguished from switching, local drayage, or other terminal service) will begin;

(ii) To, and placed on, the carrier's wharf (at shipside within reach of the ship's loading tackle when the shipping point is within a port area having water transportation service) or the carrier's freight station;

(iii) To a U.S. Postal Service facility; or

(iv) If stated in the solicitation, to any Government-designated point located within the same city or commercial zone as the f.o.b. origin point specified in the contract (commercial zones are prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission at 49 CFR 1048); and

(2) An allowance for freight, based on applicable published tariff rates (or Government rate tenders) between the points specified in the contract, is deducted from the contract price.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Order specified carrier equipment when requested by the Government; or

(ii) If not specified, order appropriate carrier equipment not in excess of capacity to accommodate shipment;

(3) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the carrier, and load, stow, trim, block, and/or brace carload or truckload shipment (when loaded by the Contractor) on or in the carrier's conveyance as required by carrier rules and regulations;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods--

(i) Occurring before delivery to the carrier;

(ii) Resulting from improper packing and marking; or

(iii) Resulting from improper loading, stowing, trimming, blocking, and/or bracing of the shipment, if loaded by the Contractor on or in the carrier's conveyance;

(5) Complete the Government bill of lading supplied by the ordering agency, or when a Government bill of lading is not supplied, prepare a commercial bill of lading or other transportation receipt. The bill of lading shall show--

(i) A description of the shipment in terms of the governing freight classification or tariff (or Government rate tender) under which lowest freight rates are applicable;

(ii) The seals affixed to the conveyance with their serial numbers or other identification;

(iii) Lengths and capacities of cars or trucks ordered and furnished;

(iv) Other pertinent information required to effect prompt delivery to the consignee, including name, delivery address, postal address and ZIP code of consignee, routing, etc.;

(v) Special instructions or annotations requested by the ordering agency for commercial bills of lading; e.g.,

(A) "To be converted to a Government bill of lading," or

(B) "This shipment is the property of, and the freight charges paid to the carrier(s) will be reimbursed by, the Government"; and

(vi) The signature of the carrier's agent and the date the shipment is received by the carrier; and

(6) Distribute the copies of the bill of lading, or other transportation receipts, as directed by the ordering agency.

(c) These Contractor responsibilities are specified for performance at the plant or plants at which the supplies are to be finally inspected and accepted, unless the facilities for shipment by carrier's equipment are not available at the Contractor's plant, in which case the responsibilities shall be performed f.o.b. the point or points in the same or nearest city where the specified carrier's facilities are available; subject, however, to the following qualifications:

(1) If the Contractor's shipping plant is located in the State of Alaska or Hawaii, the Contractor shall deliver the supplies listed for shipment outside Alaska or Hawaii to the port of loading in Alaska or Hawaii, respectively, as specified in the contract, at Contractor's expense, and to that extent the contract shall be "f.o.b. destination."

(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause, if the Contractor's shipping plant is located in the State of Hawaii, and the contract requires delivery to be made by container service, the Contractor shall deliver the supplies, at the Contractor's expense, to the container yard in the same or nearest city where seavan container service is available.

(End of clause)

52.247-32 F.o.b. Origin, Freight Prepaid.

As prescribed in 47.303-4(c), insert the following clause:

F.o.b. Origin, Freight Prepaid (Jun 1988)

(a) The term "f.o.b. origin, freight prepaid," as used in this clause, means--

(1) Free of expense to the Government delivered--

(i) On board the indicated type of conveyance of the carrier (or of the Government, if specified) at a designated point in the city, county, and State from which the shipments will be made and from which line-haul transportation service (as distinguished from switching, local drayage, or other terminal service) will begin;

(ii) To, and placed on, the carrier's wharf (at shipside, within reach of the ship's loading tackle, when the shipping point is within a port area having water transportation service) or the carrier's freight station;

(iii) To a U.S. Postal Service facility; or

(iv) If stated in the solicitation, to any Government-designated point located within the same city or commercial zone as the f.o.b. origin point specified in the contract (commercial zones are prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission at 49 CFR 1048); and

(2) The cost of transportation, ultimately the Government's obligation, is prepaid by the contractor to the point specified in the contract.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Order specified carrier equipment when requested by the Government; or

(ii) If not specified, order appropriate carrier equipment not in excess of capacity to accommodate shipment;

(3) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the carrier, and load, stow, trim, block, and/or brace carload or truckload shipment (when loaded by the Contractor) on or in the carrier's conveyance as required by carrier rules and regulations;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods--

(i) Occurring before delivery to the carrier;

(ii) Resulting from improper packing or marking; or

(iii) Resulting from improper loading, stowing, trimming, blocking, and/or bracing of the shipment, if loaded by the Contractor on or in the carrier's conveyance;

(5) Prepare a commercial bill of lading or other transportation receipt. The bill of lading shall show--

(i) A description of the shipment in terms of the governing freight classification or tariff (or Government rate tender) under which lowest freight rates are applicable;

(ii) The seals affixed to the conveyance with their serial numbers or other identification;

(iii) Lengths and capacities of cars or trucks ordered and furnished;

(iv) Other pertinent information required to effect prompt delivery to the consignee, including name, delivery address, postal address and ZIP code of consignee, routing, etc.;

(v) Special instructions or annotations requested by the ordering agency for commercial bills of lading; e.g.,--

(A) "to be converted to a Government bill of lading," or

(B) "this shipment is the property of, and the freight charges paid to the carrier(s) will be reimbursed by, the Government"; and

(vi) The signature of the carrier's agent and the date the shipment is received by the carrier;

(6) Distribute the copies of the bill of lading, or other transportation receipts, as directed by the ordering agency; and

(7) Prepay all freight charges to the extent specified in the contract.

(c) These Contractor responsibilities are specified for performance at the plant or plants at which these supplies are to be finally inspected and accepted, unless the facilities for shipment by carrier's equipment are not available at the Contractor's plant, in which case the responsibilities shall be performed f.o.b. the point or points in the same or nearest city where the specified carrier's facilities are available; subject, however, to the following qualifications:

(1) If the Contractor's shipping plant is located in the State of Alaska or Hawaii, the Contractor shall deliver the supplies listed for shipment outside Alaska or Hawaii to the port of loading in Alaska or Hawaii, respectively, as specified in the contract, at Contractor's expense, and to that extent the contract shall be "f.o.b. destination."

(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause, if the Contractor's shipping plant is located in the State of Hawaii, and the contract requires delivery to be made by container service, the Contractor shall deliver the supplies, at the Contractor's expense, to the container yard in the same or nearest city where seavan container service is available.

(End of clause)

52.247-33 F.o.b. Origin, with Differentials.

As prescribed in 47.303-5(c), insert the following clause:

F.o.b. Origin, with Differentials (Jun 1988)

(a) The term "f.o.b. origin, with differentials," as used in this clause, means--

(1) Free of expense to the Government delivered--

(i) On board the indicated type of conveyance of the carrier (or of the Government, if specified) at a designated point in the city, county, and State from which the shipments will be made and from which line-haul transportation service (as distinguished from switching, local drayage, or other terminal service) will begin;

(ii) To, and placed on, the carrier's wharf (at shipside, within reach of the ship's loading tackle, when the shipping point is within a port area having water transportation service) or the carrier's freight station;

(iii) To a U.S. Postal Service facility; or

(iv) If stated in the solicitation, to any Government-designated point located within the same city or commercial zone as the f.o.b. origin point specified in the contract (commercial zones are prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission at 49 CFR 1048); and

(2) Differentials for mode of transportation, type of vehicle, or place of delivery as indicated in Contractor's offer may be added to the contract price.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specification; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Order specified carrier equipment when requested by the Government; or

(ii) If not specified, order appropriate carrier equipment not in excess of capacity to accommodate shipment;

(3) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the carrier, and load, stow, trim, block, and/or brace carload or truckload shipment (when loaded by the Contractor) on or in the carrier's conveyance as required by carrier rules and regulations;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods--

(i) Occurring before delivery to the carrier;

(ii) Resulting from improper packing and marking; or

(iii) Resulting from improper loading, stowing, trimming, blocking, and/or bracing of the shipment, if loaded by the Contractor on or in the carrier's conveyance;

(5) Complete the Government bill of lading supplied by the ordering agency or, when a Government bill of lading is not supplied, prepare a commercial bill of lading or other transportation receipt. The bill of lading shall show--

(i) A description of the shipment in terms of the governing freight classification or tariff (or Government rate tender) under which lowest freight rates are applicable;

(ii) The seals affixed to the conveyance with their serial numbers or other identification;

(iii) Lengths and capacities of cars or trucks ordered and furnished;

(iv) Other pertinent information required to effect prompt delivery to the consignee, including name, delivery address, postal address and ZIP code of consignee, routing, etc.;

(v) Special instructions or annotations requested by the ordering agency for commercial bills of lading; e.g., --

(A) "To be converted to a Government bill of lading," or

(B) "This shipment is the property of, and the freight charges paid to the carrier(s) will be reimbursed by, the Government"; and

(vi) The signature of the carrier's agent and the date the shipment is received by the carrier; and

(6) Distribute the copies of the bill of lading, or other transportation receipts, as directed by the ordering agency.

(c)(1) It may be advantageous to the offeror to submit f.o.b. origin prices that include only the lowest cost to the Contractor for loading of shipment at the Contractor's plant or most favorable shipping point. The cost beyond that plant or point of bringing the supplies to the place of delivery and the cost of loading, blocking, and bracing on the type vehicle specified by the Government at the time of shipment may exceed the offeror's lowest cost when the offeror ships for the offeror's account. Accordingly, the offeror may indicate differentials that may be added to the offered price. These differentials shall be expressed as a rate in cents for each 100 pounds (CWT) of the supplies for one or more of the options under this clause that the Government may specify at the time of shipment.

(2) These differential(s) will be considered in the evaluation of offers to determine the lowest overall cost to the Government. If, at the time of shipment, the Government specifies (normally on a Government bill of lading) a mode of transportation, type of vehicle, or place of delivery for which the offeror has set forth a differential, the Contractor shall include the total of such differential costs (the applicable differential multiplied by the actual weight on the Government bill of lading) as a separate reimbursable item on the Contractor's invoice for the supplies.

(3) The Government shall have the option of performing or arranging at its own expense any transportation from Contractor's shipping plant or point to carrier's facility at the time of shipment and, whenever this option is exercised, the Government shall make no reimbursement based on a quoted differential.

(4) Offeror's differentials in cents for each 100 pounds for optional mode of transportation, types of vehicle, transportation within a mode, or place of delivery, specified by the Government at the time of shipment and not included in the f.o.b. origin price indicated in the Schedule by the offeror, are as follows:

_______ (carload, truckload, less-load,

_______ wharf, flatcar, driveaway, etc.)

(End of clause)

52.247-34 F.o.b. Destination.

As prescribed in 47.303-6(c), insert the following clause:

F.o.b. Destination (Nov 1991)

(a) The term "f.o.b. destination," as used in this clause, means--

(1) Free of expense to the Government, on board the carrier's conveyance, at a specified delivery point where the consignee's facility (plant, warehouse, store, lot, or other location to which shipment can be made) is located; and

(2) Supplies shall be delivered to the destination consignee's wharf (if destination is a port city and supplies are for export), warehouse unloading platform, or receiving dock, at the expense of the Contractor. The Government shall not be liable for any delivery, storage, demurrage, accessorial, or other charges involved before the actual delivery (or "constructive placement" as defined in carrier tariffs) of the supplies to the destination, unless such charges are caused by an act or order of the Government acting in its contractual capacity. If rail carrier is used, supplies shall be delivered to the specified unloading platform of the consignee. If motor carrier (including "piggyback") is used, supplies shall be delivered to truck tailgate at the unloading platform of the consignee, except when the supplies delivered meet the requirements of Item 568 of the National Motor Freight Classification for "heavy or bulky freight." When supplies meeting the requirements of the referenced Item 568 are delivered, unloading (including movement to the tailgate) shall be performed by the consignee, with assistance from the truck driver, if requested. If the contractor uses rail carrier or freight forwarded for less than carload shipments, the contractor shall ensure that the carrier will furnish tailgate delivery, when required, if transfer to truck is required to complete delivery to consignee.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment in conformance with carrier requirements;

(2) Prepare and distribute commercial bills of lading;

(3) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the point of delivery specified in the contract;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before receipt of the shipment by the consignee at the delivery point specified in the contract;

(5) Furnish a delivery schedule and designate the mode of delivering carrier; and

(6) Pay and bear all charges to the specified point of delivery.

(End of clause)

52.247-35 F.o.b. Destination, Within Consignee's Premises.

As prescribed in 47.303-7(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.o.b. destination, within consignee's premises:

F.o.b. Destination, Within Consignee's Premises (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.o.b. destination, within consignee's premises," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered and laid down within the doors of the consignee's premises, including delivery to specific rooms within a building if so specified.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment in conformance with carrier requirements;

(2) Prepare and distribute commercial bills of lading;

(3) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the point of delivery specified in the contract;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before receipt of the shipment by the consignee at the delivery point specified in the contract;

(5) Furnish a delivery schedule and designate the mode of delivering carrier; and

(6) Pay and bear all charges to the specified point of delivery.

(End of clause)

52.247-36 F.a.s. Vessel, Port of Shipment.

As prescribed in 47.303-8(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.a.s. vessel, port of shipment:

F.a.s. Vessel, Port of Shipment (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.a.s. vessel, port of shipment," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered alongside the ocean vessel and within reach of its loading tackle at the specified port of shipment.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for ocean transportation in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition alongside the ocean vessel and within reach of its loading tackle, at the point of delivery and on the date or within the period specified in the contract; and

(ii) Pay and bear all applicable charges, including transportation costs, wharfage, handling, and heavy lift charges, if necessary, up to this point;

(3) Provide a clean dock or ship's receipt;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before delivery of the shipment to the point specified in the contract; and

(5) At the Government's request and expense, assist obtaining the documents required for--

(i) Exportation; or

(ii) Importation at destination.

(End of clause)

52.247-37 F.o.b. Vessel, Port of Shipment.

As prescribed in 47.303-9(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.o.b. vessel, port of shipment:

F.o.b. Vessel, Port of Shipment (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.o.b. vessel, port of shipment," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government loaded, stowed, and trimmed on board the ocean vessel at the specified port of shipment.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for ocean transportation in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Deliver the shipment on board the ocean vessel in good order and condition on the date or within the period fixed; and

(ii) Pay and bear all charges incurred in placing the shipment actually on board;

(3) Provide a clean ship's receipt or on-board ocean bill of lading;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before delivery of the shipment on board the ocean vessel; and

(5) At the Government's request and expense, assist in obtaining the documents required for--

(i) Exportation; or

(ii) Importation at destination.

(End of clause)

52.247-38 F.o.b. Inland Carrier, Point of Exportation.

As prescribed in 47.303-10(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.o.b. inland carrier, point of exportation:

F.o.b. Inland Carrier, Point of Exportation (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.o.b. inland carrier, point of exportation," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government, on board the conveyance of the inland carrier, delivered to the specified point of exportation.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for ocean transportation in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2) Prepare and distribute commercial bills of lading;

(3)(i) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition in or on the conveyance of the carrier on the date or within the period specified; and

(ii) Pay and bear all applicable charges, including transportation costs, to the point of delivery specified in the contract;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before delivery of the shipment to the point of delivery in the contract; and

(5) At the Government's request and expense, assist in obtaining the documents required for--

(i) Exportation; or

(ii) Importation at destination.

(End of clause)

52.247-39 F.o.b. Inland Point, Country of Importation.

As prescribed in 47.303-11(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.o.b. inland point, country of importation:

F.o.b. Inland Point, Country of Importation (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.o.b. inland point, country of importation," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government, on board the indicated type of conveyance of the carrier, delivered to the specified inland point where the consignee's facility is located.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for ocean transportation in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods;

(2)(i) Deliver, in or on the inland carrier's conveyance, the shipment in good order and condition to the specified inland point where the consignee's facility is located; and

(ii) Pay and bear all applicable charges incurred up to the point of delivery, including transportation costs; export, import, or other fees or taxes; costs of landing; wharfage costs; customs duties and costs of certificates of origin; consular invoices; and other documents that may be required for importation; and

(3) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods until their arrival on or in the carrier's conveyance at the specified inland point.

(End of clause)

52.247-40 Ex Dock, Pier, or Warehouse, Port of Importation.

As prescribed in 47.303-12(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is ex dock, pier, or warehouse, port of importation:

Ex Dock, Pier, or Warehouse, Port of Importation (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "ex dock, pier, or warehouse, port of importation," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered on the designated dock or pier or in the warehouse at the specified port of importation.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for ocean transportation in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods;

(2)(i) Deliver shipment in good order and condition; and

(ii) Pay and bear all charges up to the point of delivery specified in the contract, including transportation costs; export, import, or other fees or taxes; costs of wharfage and landing, if any; customs duties; and costs of certificates of origin, consular invoices, or other documents that may be required for exportation or importation; and

(3) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before delivery of the shipment to the point of delivery specified in the contract.

(End of clause)

52.247-41 C.& f. Destination.

As prescribed in 47.303-13(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is c.& f. destination:

C.&F. Destination (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "c.& f. destination," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered on board the ocean vessel to the specified point of destination, with the cost of transportation paid by the Contractor.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for ocean transportation in conformance with carrier requirements;

(2)(i) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition; and

(ii) Pay and bear all applicable charges to the point of destination specified in the contract, including transportation costs and export taxes or other fees or charges levied because of exportation;

(3) Obtain and dispatch promptly to the Government clean on-board ocean bills of lading to the specified point of destination;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before delivery; and

(5) At the Government's request and expense, provide certificates of origin, consular invoices, or any other documents issued in the country of origin or of shipment, or both, that may be required for importation into the country of destination.

(End of clause)

52.247-42 C.i.f. Destination.

As prescribed in 47.303-14(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is c.i.f. destination:

C.i.f. Destination (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "c.i.f. destination," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered on board the ocean vessel to the specified point of destination, with the cost of transportation and marine insurance paid by the Contractor.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for ocean transportation in conformance with carrier requirements;

(2)(i) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition; and

(ii) Pay and bear all applicable charges to the point of destination specified in the contract, including transportation costs and export taxes or other fees or charges levied because of exportation;

(3) Obtain and dispatch promptly to the Government clean on-board ocean bills of lading to the specified point of destination;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before delivery;

(5) At the Government's request and expense, provide certificates of origin, consular invoices, or any other documents issued in the country of origin or of shipment, or both, that may be required for importation into the country of destination; and

(6) Obtain and dispatch to the Government an insurance policy or certificate providing the amount and extent of marine insurance coverage specified in the contract or agreed upon by the Government Contracting Officer.

(End of clause)

52.247-43 F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier's Terminal, Point of Exportation.

As prescribed in 47.303-15(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.o.b. designated air carrier's terminal, point of exportation:

F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier's Terminal, Point of Exportation (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.o.b. designated air carrier's terminal, point of exportation," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government loaded aboard the aircraft, or delivered to the custody of the air carrier (if only the air carrier performs the loading), at the air carrier's terminal specified in the contract.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for air transportation in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods and to ensure assessment of the lowest applicable transportation charge;

(2)(i) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition into the conveyance of the carrier, or to the custody of the carrier (if only the carrier performs the loading), at the point of delivery and on the date or within the period specified in the contract; and

(ii) Pay and bear all applicable charges up to this point;

(3) Provide a clean Government bill of lading and/or air waybill;

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods occurring before delivery of the goods to the point specified in the contract; and

(5) At the Government's request and expense, assist in obtaining the documents required for the purpose of exportation.

(End of clause)

52.247-44 F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier's Terminal, Point of Importation.

As prescribed in 47.303-16(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the delivery term is f.o.b. designated air carrier's terminal, point of importation:

F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier's Terminal, Point of Importation (Apr 1984)

(a) The term "f.o.b. designated air carrier's terminal, point of importation," as used in this clause, means free of expense to the Government delivered to the air carrier's terminal at the point of importation specified in the contract.

(b) The Contractor shall--

(1)(i) Pack and mark the shipment to comply with contract specifications; or

(ii) In the absence of specifications, prepare the shipment for air transportation in conformance with carrier requirements to protect the goods;

(2) Prepare and distribute bills of lading or air waybills;

(3)(i) Deliver the shipment in good order and condition to the point of delivery specified in the contract; and

(ii) Pay and bear all charges incurred up to the point of delivery specified in the contract, including transportation costs; export, import, or other fees or taxes; cost of landing, if any; customs duties; and costs of certificates of origin, consular invoices, or other documents that may be required for exportation or importation; and

(4) Be responsible for any loss of and/or damage to the goods until delivery of the goods to the Government at the designated air carrier's terminal.

(End of clause)

52.247-45 F.o.b. Origin and/or F.o.b. Destination Evaluation.

As prescribed in 47.305-2(b), insert the following provision in solicitations when offers are solicited on the basis of both f.o.b. origin and f.o.b. destination:

F.o.b. Origin and/or F.o.b. Destination Evaluation (Apr 1984)

Offers are invited on the basis of both f.o.b. origin and f.o.b. destination, and the Government will award on the basis the Contracting Officer determines to be most advantageous to the Government. An offer on the basis of f.o.b. origin only or f.o.b. destination only is acceptable, but will be evaluated only on the basis submitted.

(End of provision)

52.247-46 Shipping Point(s) Used in Evaluation of F.o.b. Origin Offers.

As prescribed in 47.305-3(b)(4)(ii), insert the following provision in f.o.b. origin solicitations when price evaluation for shipments from various shipping points is contemplated:

Shipping Point(s) Used in Evaluation of F.o.b. Origin Offers (Apr 1984)

(a) If more than one shipping point or plant is designated by the offeror and the offeror fails to indicate the quantity per shipping point or plant before bid opening, the Government will evaluate the offer on the basis of delivery of the entire quantity from the point or plant where cost of transportation is most favorable to the Government.

(b) If the offeror, before bid opening (or the closing date specified for receipt of offers) fails to indicate any shipping point or plant, the Government will evaluate the offer on the basis of delivery from the plant at which the contract will be performed, as indicated in the offer. If no plant is indicated in the offer, the offer will be evaluated on the basis of delivery from the Contractor's business address indicated in the offer.

(c) If the offeror uses a shipping point other than that which has been used by the Government as a basis for the evaluation of offers, any increase of transportation costs shall be borne by the Contractor and any savings shall revert to the Government.

(End of provision)

52.247-47 Evaluation--F.o.b. Origin.

As prescribed in 47.305-3(f)(2), insert the following provision. When it is appropriate to use methods other than land transportation in evaluating offers; e.g., air, pipeline, barge, or ocean tanker, the provision shall be modified accordingly.

Evaluation--F.o.b. Origin (Apr 1984)

Land methods of transportation by regulated common carrier are the normal means of transportation used by the Government for shipment within the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii). Accordingly, for the purpose of evaluating offers, only these methods will be considered in establishing the cost of transportation between offeror's shipping point and destination (tentative or firm, whichever is applicable) in the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii). This transportation cost will be added to the offer price in determining the overall cost of the supplies to the Government. When tentative destinations are indicated, they will be used only for evaluation purposes, the Government having the right to use any other means of transportation or any other destination at the time of shipment.

(End of provision)

52.247-48 F.o.b. Destination--Evidence of Shipment.

As prescribed in 47.305-4(c), insert the following clause:

F.o.b. Destination--Evidence of Shipment (Feb 1999)

(a) If this contract is awarded on a free on board (f.o.b.) destination basis, the Contractor--

(1) Shall not submit an invoice for payment until the supplies covered by the invoice have been shipped to the destination; and

(2) Shall retain, and make available to the Government for review as necessary, the following evidence of shipment documentation for a period of 3 years after final payment under the contract:

(i) If transportation is accomplished by common carrier, a signed copy of the commercial bill of lading for the supplies covered by the Contractor's invoice, indicating the carrier's intent to ship the supplies to the destination specified in the contract.

(ii) If transportation is accomplished by parcel post, a copy of the certificate of mailing.

(iii) If transportation is accomplished by other than common carrier or parcel post, a copy of the delivery document showing receipt at the destination specified in the contract.

(b) The Contractor is not required to submit evidence of shipment documentation with its invoice.

(End of clause)

52.247-49 Destination Unknown.

As prescribed in 47.305-5(b)(2), insert the following provision in solicitations when destinations are tentative and only for the purpose of evaluating offers:

Destination Unknown (Apr 1984)

For the purpose of evaluating offers and for no other purpose, the final destination(s) for the supplies will be considered to be as follows: ________________________ _______________________________________________

(End of provision)

52.247-50 No Evaluation of Transportation Costs.

As prescribed in 47.305-5(c)(1), insert the following provision in solicitations when exact destinations are not known and it is impractical to establish tentative or general delivery places for the purpose of evaluating transportation costs:

No Evaluation of Transportation Costs (Apr 1984)

Costs of transporting supplies to be delivered under this contract will not be an evaluation factor for award.

(End of provision)

52.247-51 Evaluation of Export Offers.

As prescribed in 47.305-6(e), insert the following provision:

Evaluation of Export Offers (Feb 1995)

(a) Port handling and ocean charges--other than DOD water terminals. Port handling and ocean charges in tariffs on file with the Bureau of Domestic Regulation, Federal Maritime Commission, or other appropriate regulatory authorities as of the date of bid opening (or the closing date specified for receipt of offers) and which will be effective for the date of the expected initial shipment will be used in the evaluation of offers.

(b) F.o.b. origin, transportation under Government bill of lading. (1) Offers shall be evaluated and awards made on the basis of the lowest laid down cost to the Government at the overseas port of discharge, via methods and ports compatible with required delivery dates and conditions affecting transportation known at the time of evaluation. Included in this evaluation, in addition to the f.o.b. origin price of the item, shall be the inland transportation costs from the point of origin in the United States to the port of loading, port handling charges at the port of loading, and ocean shipping costs from the United States port of loading (see paragraph (d) of this clause) to the overseas port of discharge. The Government may designate the mode of routing of shipment and may load from other than those ports specified for evaluation purposes.

(2) Offers shall be evaluated on the basis of shipment through one of the ports set forth in paragraph (d) of this clause to the overseas port of discharge. Evaluation shall be made on the basis of shipment through the port that will result in the lowest cost to the Government.

(3) Ports of loading shall be considered as destinations within the meaning of the term "f.o.b. destination" as that term is used in the F.o.b. Origin clause of this contract.

(c) F.o.b. port of loading with inspection and acceptance at origin--(1) F.o.b. port of loading with inspection and acceptance at origin. Offers shall be evaluated on the basis of the lowest laid down cost to the Government at the overseas port of discharge via methods compatible with required delivery dates and conditions affecting transportation known at the time of evaluation. Included in this evaluation, in addition to the price to the United States port of loading (see paragraph (c)(2) of this clause), shall be the port handling charges at the port of loading and the ocean shipping cost from the port of loading (see paragraph (d) of this clause) to the overseas port of discharge.

(2) Unless offers are applicable only to f.o.b. origin delivery under Government bills of lading (see paragraph (b) above), offerors shall designate below at least one of the ports of loading listed in paragraph (d) of this clause as their place of delivery. Failure to designate at least one of the ports as the point to which delivery will be made by the Contractor may render the offer nonresponsive.

Place of Delivery: ____________________________ [Offerors insert at least one of the ports listed in paragraph (d) of this clause.]

(d) Ports of loading for evaluation of offers. Terminals to be used by the Government in evaluating offers are as follows: (For the information of the offerors, ocean and port handling charges are set forth if the terminal named is a DOD water terminal.)

(e) Ports of loading nominated by offeror. The ports of loading named in paragraph (d) of this clause are considered by the Government to be appropriate for this solicitation due to their compatibility with methods and facilities required to handle the cargo and types of vessels and to meet the required overseas delivery dates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, offerors may nominate additional ports of loading that the offeror considers to be more favorable to the Government. The Government may disregard such nominated ports if, after considering the quantity and nature of the supplies concerned, the requisite cargo handling capability, the available sailings on U.S.-flag vessels, and other pertinent transportation factors, it determines that use of the nominated ports is not compatible with the required overseas delivery date. United States Great Lakes ports of loading may be considered in the evaluation of offer only for those items scheduled in this provision for delivery during the ice-free or navigable period as proclaimed by the authorities of the St. Lawrence Seaway (normal period is between April 15 and November 30 annually). All ports named, including those nominated by offerors and determined to be eligible as provided in this provision, shall be considered in evaluating all offers received in order to establish the lowest laid down cost to the Government at the overseas port of discharge. All determinations shall be based on availability of ocean services by U.S.-flag vessels only. Additional U.S. port(s) of loading nominated by offeror, if any: ____________

(f) Price basis. Offeror shall indicate whether prices are based on--

* Paragraph (b), f.o.b. origin, transportation by GBL to port listed in paragraph (d);

* Paragraph (c), f.o.b. destination (i.e., a port listed in paragraph (d));

* Paragraph (e), f.o.b. origin, transportation by GBL to port nominated in paragraph (e); and/or

* Paragraph (e), f.o.b. destination (i.e., a port nominated in paragraph (e)).

(End of provision)

Alternate I (Feb 1995). When the CONUS ports of export are DOD water terminals, delete paragraph (a) from the basic provision and substitute for it the following paragraph (a):

(a) Port handling and ocean charges--DOD water terminals. The port handling and ocean charges are set forth in paragraph (d) of this provision for the information of offerors and are current as of the time of issuance of the solicitation. For evaluation of offers, the Government will use the port handling and ocean charges made available by the Directorate of International Traffic, Military Traffic Management Command rate information letters, on file as of the date of bid opening (or the closing date specified for receipt of offers) and which will be effective for the date of the expected initial shipment.

Alternate II (Apr 1984). When offers are solicited on an f.o.b. origin only basis, delete paragraphs (c) and (f) from the basic provision, but do not redesignate the ensuing paragraphs. Add the following basic paragraph (g) to the provision:

(g) Paragraphs (c) and (f) have been deleted but ensuing paragraphs have not been redesignated.

Alternate III (Apr 1984). When offers are solicited on an f.o.b. destination only basis, delete paragraph (b) from the basic provision but do not redesignate the ensuing paragraphs. Delete subparagraph (c)(2) and paragraph (f) from the provision and substitute the following subparagraph (c)(2) and paragraph (f). Add paragraph (g) below.

(c)(2) Offerors shall designate below at least one of the ports of loading listed in paragraph (d) below as their place of delivery. Failure to designate at least one of the ports as the point to which delivery will be made by the Contractor may render the offer nonresponsive.

Place of Delivery: ______________________________ [Offerors insert at least one of the ports listed in paragraph (d) below.]

* * * * *

(f) Price basis. Offerors shall indicate whether prices are based on--

* Paragraph (c), f.o.b. destination (i.e., a port listed in paragraph (d)); or

* Paragraph (e), f.o.b. destination (i.e., a port nominated in paragraph (e)).

(g) Paragraph (b) has been deleted, but ensuing paragraphs have not been redesignated.

52.247-52 Clearance and Documentation Requirements--Shipments to DOD Air or Water Terminal Transshipment Points.

As prescribed in 47.305-6(f)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when shipments will be consigned to DOD air or water terminal transshipment points:

Clearance and Documentation Requirements--Shipments to DOD Air or Water Terminal Transshipment Points (Apr 1984)

All shipments to water or air ports for transshipment to overseas destinations are subject to the following requirements unless clearance and documentation requirements have been expressly delegated to the Contractor:

(a) At least 10 days before shipping cargo to a water port, the Contractor shall obtain an Export Release from the Government transportation office for--

(1) Each shipment weighing 10,000 pounds or more; and

(2) Each shipment weighing less than 10,000 pounds; if the cargo either--

(i) Is classified Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential;

(ii) Will require exclusive use of a motor vehicle;

(iii) Will occupy full visible capacity of a railway car or motor vehicle;

(iv) Is less than a carload or truckload, but will be tendered as a carload or truckload; or

(v) Is to be shipped to an ammunition outloading port for water shipment; or

(3) Each shipment weighing less than 10,000 pounds if the cargo consists of--

(i) Narcotics;

(ii) Perishable biological material;

(iii) Vehicles to be offered for driveaway service;

(iv) Explosives, or other dangerous articles classified as A, B, or C explosives;

(v) Poisons, classes A, B, or C; or

(vi) Radioactive material, as defined in 49 CFR 170-179.

(b) The Contractor is cautioned not to order railway cars or motor vehicles for loading until an Export Release has been received.

(c) If the Contracting Officer directs delivery within a shorter period than 10 days, the Contractor shall advise the transportation office of the date on which the cargo will be ready for shipment.

(d) At least 5 days before shipping cargo to either a water port or an airport (regardless of the weight, security classification, or the commodity description), the Contractor shall provide the Government transportation office the information shown in paragraph (e) below to permit preparation of a Transportation Control and Movement Document (TCMD).

(e) When applying for the Export Release in paragraph (a) above or when providing information for preparation of the TCMD in accordance with paragraph (d) above, the Contractor shall furnish the--

(1) Proposed date or dates of shipment;

(2) Number and type of containers;

(3) Gross weight and cube of the shipment;

(4) Number of cars or trucks that will be involved;

(5) Transportation Control Number(s)(TCN) as required for marking under MIL-STD-129 or Federal Standard 123; and

(6) Proper shipping name as specified in 46 CFR 146.05 for all items classified as dangerous substances as required for marking under MIL-STD-129.

(f) All movement documents (Government or commercial bills of lading or other delivery documents) shall be annotated by the Contractor with the--

(1) Transportation Control Number, Consignor Code of activity directing the shipment; i.e., cognizant contract administration office, purchasing office when contract administration has been retained, or a Contractor specifically delegated MILSTAMP responsibilities in the contract, whichever is appropriate, Consignee Code, and Transportation Priority for each shipment unit;

(2) Export Release Number and valid shipping period, if stated (if expired, the Contractor shall request a renewal); and

(3) Cubic foot measurement of each shipment unit.

(g) All annotations on the movement documents shall be made in the "Description of Articles" space except, on Government bills of lading the Export Release number and shipping period shall be entered in the space entitled "Route Order/Release No."

(h) The Contractor shall--

(1) Mail a copy of the commercial bill of lading or other movement document to the transshipment point; and

(2) Give a copy of the commercial bill of lading or other movement document to the carrier for presentation to the transshipment point with delivery of the shipment.

(End of clause)

52.247-53 Freight Classification Description.

As prescribed in 47.305-9(b)(1), insert the following provision in solicitations when the supplies being acquired are new to the supply system, nonstandard, or modifications of previously shipped items, and different freight classifications may apply:

Freight Classification Description (Apr 1984)

Offerors are requested to indicate below the full Uniform Freight Classification (rail) description, or the National Motor Freight Classification description applicable to the supplies, the same as offeror uses for commercial shipment. This description should include the packing of the commodity (box, crate, bundle, loose, setup, knocked down, compressed, unwrapped, etc.), the container material (fiberboard, wooden, etc.), unusual shipping dimensions, and other conditions affecting traffic descriptions. The Government will use these descriptions as well as other information available to determine the classification description most appropriate and advantageous to the Government. Offeror understands that shipments on any f.o.b. origin contract awarded, as a result of this solicitation, will be made in conformity with the shipping classification description specified by the Government, which may be different from the classification description furnished below.

For Freight Classification Purposes, Offeror Describes This Commodity as ___________.

(End of provision)

52.247-54 [Reserved]

52.247-55 F.o.b. Point for Delivery of Government-Furnished Property.

As prescribed in 47.305-12(a)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when Government property is to be furnished under a contract and the Government will be responsible for transportation arrangements and costs:

F.o.b. Point for Delivery of Government-Furnished Property (Apr 1984)

(a) Unless otherwise specified in this solicitation, any Government property furnished to the Contractor for use within the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) or Canada will be delivered by the Government at a point to be specified by the Contractor in the offer. Should the Government elect to make delivery by railroad, the f.o.b. point shall be private siding, Contractor's plant. If the Contractor's plant is not served by rail, the f.o.b. point shall be railroad cars in the same or nearest city having rail service. All line-haul transportation costs to the specified destination shall be borne by the Government. The Government may choose the mode of transportation and the carriers.

(b) If the destination of such Government-furnished property is a Contractor's plant located outside the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia or Canada, the f.o.b. point for Government delivery of Government-furnished property shall be a location in the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) specified by the Contractor. If the Contractor fails to name a point, then the f.o.b. point shall be the port city in the United States nearest to the Government source of the Government-furnished property that has regular commercial water transportation services to the offshore port nearest Contractor's plant.

(c) Unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer or provided in the contract, the Contractor shall return all Government-furnished equipment, supplies, and property, including all property not returned in the form of acceptable end items, to the point at which the Government property was originally furnished to the Contractor under the contract. Notwithstanding the fact that the Government may have furnished the property at the Contractor's plant, the Contracting Officer may direct the Contractor to deliver the Government property being returned to, and load, block, and brace it in, railway cars in the city in which the Contractor's plant is located, or, if the Contractor's city is not served by rail service, in the nearest city having rail service. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all property shall be packed in containers conforming with the rules of common carrier published tariffs so as to be free of penalty charges by the carrier designated for shipment by the Government.

(End of clause)

52.247-56 Transit Arrangements.

As prescribed in 47.305-13(a)(3)(ii), insert the following provision in solicitations when benefits may accrue to the Government because transit arrangements may apply:

Transit Arrangements (Apr 1984)

The lowest appropriate common carrier transportation costs, including offeror's through transit rates and charges when applicable, from offeror's shipping points, via the transit point, to the ultimate destination will be used in evaluating offers.

(End of provision)

52.247-57 Transportation Transit Privilege Credits.

As prescribed in 47.305-13(b)(4), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when supplies are of such a nature, or when it is the custom of the trade, that offerors may have potential transit credits available and the Government may reduce transportation costs through the use of transit credits:

Transportation Transit Privilege Credits (Apr 1984)

(a) If the offeror has established with regulated common carriers transit privileges that can be applied to the supplies when shipped from the original source, the offeror is invited to propose to use these credits for shipping the supplies to the designated Government destinations. The offeror will ship these supplies under commercial bills of lading, paying all remaining transportation charges connected with the shipment, subject to reimbursement by the Government in an amount equal to the remaining charges but not exceeding the amount quoted by the offeror.

(b) After loading on the carrier's equipment and acceptance by the carrier, these shipments under paid commercial bills of lading will move for the account of and at the risk of the Government (unless, pursuant to the Changes clause, the office administering the contract directs use of Government bills of lading).

(c) The amount quoted below by the offeror represents the transportation costs in cents per 100 pounds (freight rate) for full carload/truckload shipments of the supplies from offeror's original source, via offeror's transit plant or point, to the Government destination(s) including the carrier's transit privilege charge, less the applicable transit credit (i.e., the amount (rate) initially paid to the carrier for shipment from original source to offeror's transit plant or point).

(d) The rate per CWT quoted will be used by the Government to evaluate the offered f.o.b. origin price unless a lower rate is applicable on the date of bid opening (or closing date specified for receipt of offers). To have the offer evaluated on this basis, the offeror must insert below the remaining transportation charges that the offeror agrees to pay, including any transit charges, subject to reimbursement by the Government, as explained in this clause, to destinations listed in the Schedule as follows:

Rate Per CWT in Cents: ________________

To Destination: _______________________

(End of clause)

52.247-58 Loading, Blocking, and Bracing of Freight Car Shipments.

As prescribed in 47.305-15(a)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when supplies may be shipped in carload lots by rail:

Loading, Blocking, and Bracing of Freight Car Shipments (Apr 1984)

(a) Upon receipt of shipping instructions, as provided in this contract, the supplies to be included in any carload shipment by rail shall be loaded, blocked, and braced by the Contractor in accordance with the standards published by the Association of American Railroads and effective at the time of shipment.

(b) Shipments, for which the Association of American Railroads has published no such standards, shall be loaded, blocked, and braced in accordance with standards established by the shipper as evidenced by written acceptance of an authorized representative of the carrier.

(c) The Contractor shall be liable for payment of any damage to any supplies caused by the failure to load, block, and brace in accordance with acceptable standards set forth herein.

(d) A copy of the appropriate pamphlet of the Association of American Railroads may be obtained from that Association.

(End of clause)

52.247-59 F.o.b. Origin--Carload and Truckload Shipments.

As prescribed in 47.305-16(a), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when it is contemplated that they may result in f.o.b. origin contracts with shipments in carloads or truckloads. This will facilitate realistic freight cost evaluations of offers and ensure that contractors produce economical shipments of agreed size.

F.o.b. Origin--Carload and Truckload Shipments (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor agrees that shipment shall be made in carload or truckload lots when the quantity to be delivered to any one destination in any delivery period pursuant to the contract schedule of deliveries is sufficient to constitute a carload or truckload shipment, except as may otherwise be permitted or directed, in writing, by the Contracting Officer.

(b) For evaluation purposes, the agreed weight of a carload or truckload shall be the highest applicable minimum weight that will result in the lowest freight rate (or per car charge) on file or published in common carrier tariffs or tenders as of the date of bid opening (or the closing date specified for receipt of proposals).

(c) For purposes of actual delivery, the agreed weight of a carload or truckload will be the highest applicable minimum weight that will result in the lowest possible freight rate (or per car charge) on file or published as of date of shipment.

(d) If the total weight of any scheduled quantity to a destination is less than the highest carload/truckload minimum weight used for evaluation of offers, the Contractor agrees to ship such scheduled quantity in one shipment.

(e) The Contractor shall be liable to the Government for any increased costs to the Government resulting from failure to comply with the above requirements.

(End of clause)

52.247-60 Guaranteed Shipping Characteristics.

As prescribed in 47.305-16(b)(1), insert the following clause:

Guaranteed Shipping Characteristics (Dec 1989)

(a) The offeror is requested to complete subparagraph (a)(1) of this clause, for each part or component which is packed or packaged separately. This information will be used to determine transportation costs for evaluation purposes. If the offeror does not furnish sufficient data in subparagraph (a)(1) of this clause, to permit determination by the Government of the item shipping costs, evaluation will be based on the shipping characteristics submitted by the offeror whose offer produces the highest transportation costs or in the absence thereof, by the Contracting Officer's best estimate of the actual transportation costs. If the item shipping costs, based on the actual shipping characteristics, exceed the item shipping costs used for evaluation purposes, the Contractor agrees that the contract price shall be reduced by an amount equal to the difference between the transportation costs actually incurred, and the costs which would have been incurred if the evaluated shipping characteristics had been accurate.

(1) To be completed by the offeror:

(i) Type of container: Wood Box *, Fiber Box *, Barrel *, Reel *, Drum *, Other (Specify) _________;

(ii) Shipping configuration: Knocked-down *, Set-up *, Nested *, Other (specify) _____________;

(iii) Size of container: ____" (Length), x ___" (Width), x ___" (Height) = ___ Cubic Ft;

(iv) Number of items per container ________ each;

(v) Gross weight of container and contents ____ Lbs;

(vi) Palletized/skidded *Yes * No;

(vii) Number of containers per pallet/skid ______;

(viii) Weight of empty pallet bottom/skid and sides _______ Lbs;

(ix) Size of pallet/skid and contents _______ Lbs Cube ________;

(x) Number of containers or pallets/skids per railcar __________ *

Size of railcar _____________

Type of railcar _____________

(xi) Number of containers or pallets/skids per trailer ________*

Size of trailer _________ Ft

Type of trailer _________

* Number of complete units (contract line item) to be shipped in carrier's equipment.

(2) To be completed by the Government after evaluation but before contract award:

(i) Rate used in evaluation __________;

(ii) Tender/Tariff __________;

(iii) Item _________.

(b) The guaranteed shipping characteristics requested in subparagraph (a)(1) of this clause do not establish actual transportation requirements, which are specified elsewhere in this solicitation. The guaranteed shipping characteristics will be used only for the purpose of evaluating offers and establishing any liability of the successful offeror for increased transportation costs resulting from actual shipping characteristics which differ from those used for evaluation in accordance with paragraph (a) of this clause.

(End of clause)

52.247-61 F.o.b. Origin--Minimum Size of Shipments.

As prescribed in 47.305-16(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when volume rates may apply:

F.o.b. Origin--Minimum Size of Shipments (Apr 1984)

The Contractor agrees that shipment will be made in carload and truckload lots when the quantity to be delivered to any one destination in any delivery period pursuant to the contract schedule of deliveries is sufficient to constitute a carload or truckload shipment, except as may otherwise be permitted or directed in writing by the Contracting Officer. The agreed weight of a carload or truckload will be the highest applicable minimum weight which will result in the lowest freight rate (or per car charge) on file or published in common carrier tariffs or tenders as of date of shipment. In the event the total weight of any scheduled quantity to a destination is less than the highest carload/truckload minimum weight, the Contractor agrees to ship such scheduled quantity in one shipment. The Contractor shall be liable to the Government for any increased costs to the Government resulting from failure to comply with the above requirements. This liability shall not attach if supplies are outsized or of such nature that they cannot be loaded at the highest minimum weight bracket.

(End of clause)

52.247-62 Specific Quantities Unknown.

As prescribed in 47.305-16(d)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when total requirements and destinations to which shipments will be made are known, but the specific quantity to be shipped to each destination cannot be predetermined. This clause protects the interests of both the Government and the contractor during the course of the performance of the contract.

Specific Quantities Unknown (Apr 1984)

(a) For the purpose of evaluating "f.o.b. destination" offers, the Government estimates that the quantity specified will be shipped to the destinations indicated:

(b) If the quantity shipped to each destination varies from the quantity estimated, and if the variation results in a change in the transportation costs, appropriate adjustment shall be made.

(End of clause)

52.247-63 Preference for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers.

As prescribed in 47.405, insert the following clause:

Preference for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers (Jan 1997)

(a) "International air transportation," as used in this clause, means transportation by air between a place in the United States and a place outside the United States or between two places both of which are outside the United States.

"United States," as used in this clause, means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and possessions of the United States.

"U.S.-flag air carrier," as used in this clause, means an air carrier holding a certificate under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 411.

(b) Section 5 of the International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974 (49 U.S.C. 40118) (Fly America Act) requires that all Federal agencies and Government contractors and subcontractors use U.S.-flag air carriers for U.S. Government-financed international air transportation of personnel (and their personal effects) or property, to the extent that service by those carriers is available. It requires the Comptroller General of the United States, in the absence of satisfactory proof of the necessity for foreign-flag air transportation, to disallow expenditures from funds, appropriated or otherwise established for the account of the United States, for international air transportation secured aboard a foreign-flag air carrier if a U.S.-flag air carrier is available to provide such services.

(c) The Contractor agrees, in performing work under this contract, to use U.S.-flag air carriers for international air transportation of personnel (and their personal effects) or property to the extent that service by those carriers is available.

(d) In the event that the Contractor selects a carrier other than a U.S.-flag air carrier for international air transportation, the Contractor shall include a statement on vouchers involving such transportation essentially as follows:

Statement of Unavailability of U.S.-Flag Air Carriers

International air transportation of persons (and their personal effects) or property by U.S.-flag air carrier was not available or it was necessary to use foreign-flag air carrier service for the following reasons (see section 47.403 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation): [State reasons]:


(End of statement)

(e) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (e), in each subcontract or purchase under this contract that may involve international air transportation.

(End of clause)

52.247-64 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels.

As prescribed in 47.507(a), insert the following clause:

Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (Jun 1997)

(a) The Cargo Preference Act of 1954 (46 U.S.C. 1241(b)) requires that Federal departments and agencies shall transport in privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels at least 50 percent of the gross tonnage of equipment, materials, or commodities that may be transported in ocean vessels (computed separately for dry bulk carriers, dry cargo liners, and tankers). Such transportation shall be accomplished when any equipment, materials, or commodities, located within or outside the United States, that may be transported by ocean vessel are--

(1) Acquired for a U.S. Government agency account;

(2) Furnished to, or for the account of, any foreign nation without provision for reimbursement;

(3) Furnished for the account of a foreign nation in connection with which the United States advances funds or credits, or guarantees the convertibility of foreign currencies; or

(4) Acquired with advance of funds, loans, or guaranties made by or on behalf of the United States.

(b) The Contractor shall use privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels to ship at least 50 percent of the gross tonnage involved under this contract (computed separately for dry bulk carriers, dry cargo liners, and tankers) whenever shipping any equipment, materials, or commodities under the conditions set forth in paragraph (a) above, to the extent that such vessels are available at rates that are fair and reasonable for privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels.

(c)(1) The Contractor shall submit one legible copy of a rated on-board ocean bill of lading for each shipment to both--

(i) The Contracting Officer, and

(ii) The:

Office of Cargo Preference

Maritime Administration (MAR-590)

400 Seventh Street, SW

Washington DC 20590

Subcontractor bills of lading shall be submitted through the Prime Contractor.

(2) The Contractor shall furnish these bill of lading copies (i) within 20 working days of the date of loading for shipments originating in the United States, or (ii) within 30 working days for shipments originating outside the United States. Each bill of lading copy shall contain the following information:

(A) Sponsoring U.S. Government agency.

(B) Name of vessel.

(C) Vessel flag of registry.

(D) Date of loading.

(E) Port of loading.

(F) Port of final discharge.

(G) Description of commodity.

(H) Gross weight in pounds and cubic feet if available.

(I) Total ocean freight revenue in U.S. dollars.

(d) Except for contracts at or below the simplified acquisition threshold, the Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in all subcontracts or purchase orders under this contract.

(e) The requirement in paragraph (a) does not apply to--

(1) Contracts at or below the simplified acquisition threshold;

(2) Cargoes carried in vessels of the Panama Canal Commission or as required or authorized by law or treaty;

(3) Ocean transportation between foreign countries of supplies purchased with foreign currencies made available, or derived from funds that are made available, under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2353); and

(4) Shipments of classified supplies when the classification prohibits the use of non-Government vessels.

(f) Guidance regarding fair and reasonable rates for privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels may be obtained from the:

Office of Costs and Rates

Maritime Administration

400 Seventh Street, SW

Washington DC 20590

Phone: 202-366-4610.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If an applicable statute requires, or if it has been determined under agency procedures, that supplies to be furnished under contracts shall be transported exclusively in privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels (see 47.507(b)), delete paragraphs (a) and (b) from the clause and substitute for them the following paragraphs (a) and (b):

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) below, the Contractor shall use privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels, and no others, in the ocean transportation of any supplies to be furnished under this contract.

(b) If such vessels are not available for timely shipment at rates that are fair and reasonable for privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer and request (1) authorization to ship in foreign-flag vessels or (2) designation of available U.S.-flag vessels. If the Contractor is authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer to ship the supplies in foreign-flag vessels, the contract price shall be equitably adjusted to reflect the difference in costs of shipping the supplies in privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels and in foreign-flag vessels.

Alternate II (Apr 1984). If an applicable statute requires, or if it has been determined under agency procedures, that supplies, materials, or equipment to be shipped under construction contracts shall be transported exclusively in privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels (see 47.507(c)), delete paragraphs (a) and (b) from the clause and substitute for them the following paragraphs (a) and (b):

(a) When ocean transportation is required to bring sup plies, materials, or equipment to the construction site from the United States either for use in performance of, or for incorporation in, the work called for by this contract, the Contractor shall use privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels to the extent that such vessels are available at rates that are fair and reasonable for privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels.

(b) The Contractor shall not make any shipment exceeding 10 measurement tons (400 cubic feet) by vessels other than privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels without (1) notifying the Contracting Officer that U.S.-flag commercial vessels are not available at rates that are fair and reasonable for such vessels and (2) obtaining permission to ship in other vessels. If permission is granted, the contract price shall be equitably adjusted to reflect the difference in cost.

52.247-65 F.o.b. Origin, Prepaid Freight--Small Package Shipments.

As prescribed in 47.303-17(f), insert the following clause:

F.o.b. Origin, Prepaid Freight--Small Package Shipments (Jan 1991)

(a) When authorized by the Contracting Officer, f.o.b. origin freight shipments which do not have a security classification shall move on prepaid commercial bills of lading or other shipping documents to domestic destinations, including air and water terminals. Weight of individual shipments shall be governed by carrier restrictions but shall not exceed 150 pounds by any form of commercial air or 1,000 pounds by other commercial carriers. The Government will reimburse the Contractor for reasonable freight charges.

(b) The Contractor shall annotate the commercial bill of lading as required by the clause of this contract entitled "Commercial Bill of Lading Notations."

(c) The Contractor shall consolidate prepaid shipments in accordance with procedures established by the cognizant transportation office. The Contractor is authorized to combine Government prepaid shipments with the Contractor's commercial shipments for delivery to one or more consignees and the Government will reimburse its pro rata share of the total freight costs. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the commercial bill of lading promptly to each consignee. Quantities shall not be divided into mailable lots for the purpose of avoiding movement by other modes of transportation.

(d) Transportation charges will be billed as a separate item on the invoice for each shipment made. A copy of the pertinent bill of lading, shipment receipt, or freight bill shall accompany the invoice unless otherwise specified in the contract.

(e) Loss and damage claims will be processed by the Government.

(End of clause)

52.247-66 Returnable Cylinders.

As prescribed in 47.305-17, insert the following clause:

Returnable Cylinders (May 1994)

(a) Cylinder, referred to in this clause, is a pressure vessel designed for pressures higher than 40 psia and having a circular cross section excluding a portable tank, multi-tank car tank, cargo tank or tank car.

(b) Returnable cylinders shall remain the Contractor's property but shall be loaned without charge to the Government for a period of ____ days [Contracting Officer shall insert number of days] (hereafter referred to as loan period) following the day of delivery to the f.o.b. point specified in the contract. Any cylinder not returned within the loan period shall be charged a daily rental beginning with the first day after the loan period expires, to and including the day the cylinders are delivered to the Contractor (if the original delivery was f.o.b. origin) or are delivered or made available for delivery to the Contractor's designated carrier (if the original delivery was f.o.b. destination). The Government shall pay the Contractor a rental of $____________ [Contracting Officer shall insert dollar amount for rental, after evaluation of offers] per cylinder, per day, computed separately for cylinders by type, size, and capacity and for each point of delivery named in the contract. No rental shall accrue to the Contractor in excess of replacement value per cylinder specified in paragraph (c) of this clause.

(c) For each cylinder lost or damaged beyond repair while in the Government's possession, the Government shall pay to the Contractor the replacement value, less the allocable rental paid for that cylinder as follows: ______



[Contracting Officer shall insert the cylinder types, sizes, capacities, and associated replacement values.] These cylinders shall become Government property.

(d) If any lost cylinder is located within ___________ [Contracting Officer shall insert number of days] calendar days after payment by the Government, it may be returned to the Contractor by the Government, and the Contractor shall pay to the Government an amount equal to the replacement value, less rental computed in accordance with paragraph (b) of this clause, beginning at the expiration of the loan period specified in paragraph (b) of this clause, and continuing to the date on which the cylinder was delivered to the Contractor.

(End of clause)

52.247-67 Submission of Commercial Transportation Bills to the General Services Administration for Audit.

As prescribed in 47.104-4(c), insert the following clause:

Submission of Commercial Transportation Bills to the General Services Administration for Audit (Jun 1997)

(a)(1) In accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this clause, the Contractor shall submit to the General Services Administration (GSA) for audit, legible copies of all paid freight bills/invoices, commercial bills of lading (CBL's), passenger coupons, and other supporting documents for transportation services on which the United States will assume freight charges that were paid--

(i) By the Contractor under a cost-reimbursement contract; and

(ii) By a first-tier subcontractor under a cost-reimbursement subcontract thereunder.

(2) Cost-reimbursement Contractors shall only submit for audit those CBL's with freight shipment charges exceeding $50.00. Bills under $50.00 shall be retained on-site by the Contractor and made available for GSA on-site audits. This exception only applies to freight shipment bills and is not intended to apply to bills and invoices for any other transportation services.

(b) The Contractor shall forward copies of paid freight bills/invoices, CBL's, passenger coupons, and supporting documents as soon as possible following the end of the month, in one package to the:

General Services Administration

Attn: FWA

1800 F Street, NW

Washington, DC 20405.

The Contractor shall include the paid freight bills/invoices, CBL's, passenger coupons, and supporting documents for first-tier subcontractors under a cost-reimbursement contract. If the inclusion of the paid freight bills/invoices, CBL's, passenger coupons, and supporting documents for any subcontractor in the shipment is not practicable, the documents may be forwarded to GSA in a separate package.

(c) Any original transportation bills or other documents requested by GSA shall be forwarded promptly by the Contractor to GSA. The Contractor shall ensure that the name of the contracting agency is stamped or written on the face of the bill before sending it to GSA.

(d) A statement prepared in duplicate by the Contractor shall accompany each shipment of transportation documents. GSA will acknowledge receipt of the shipment by signing and returning the copy of the statement. The statement shall show--

(1) The name and address of the Contractor;

(2) The contract number including any alpha-numeric prefix identifying the contracting office;

(3) The name and address of the contracting office;

(4) The total number of bills submitted with the statement; and

(5) A listing of the respective amounts paid or, in lieu of such listing, an adding machine tape of the amounts paid showing the Contractor's voucher or check numbers.

(End of clause)





Estimated quantity or weight

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________



Ports/Terminals of Loading

Combined Ocean and Port Hand-ling Charges to (Indicate Country)

Unit of Measure: i.e. Metric Ton, Measurement Ton, Cubic Foot, Etc.

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

Transit point(s)






Estimated quantity





Accessibility 10/02/2001 OGP-CIO