Federal Acquisition Regulation Header
a line underlining the words Federal Acquisition Regulation



53.000 Scope of part.Skip to the next subpart

53.001 Definitions.

Subpart 53.1--GeneralSkip to the next subpart

53.100 Scope of subpart.Skip to the next subpart

53.101 Requirements for use of forms.Skip to the next subpart

53.102 Current editions.Skip to the next subpart

53.103 Exceptions.Skip to the next subpart

53.104 Overprinting.Skip to the next subpart

53.105 Computer generation.Skip to the next subpart

53.106 Special construction and printing.Skip to the next subpart

53.107 Obtaining forms.Skip to the next subpart

53.108 Recommendations concerning forms.Skip to the next subpart

53.109 Forms prescribed by other regulations.Skip to the next subpart

53.110 Continuation sheets.Skip to the next subpart

53.111 Contract clause.

Subpart 53.2--Prescription of FormsSkip to the next subpart

53.200 Scope of subpart.Skip to the next subpart

53.201 Federal acquisition system.Skip to the next subpart

53.201-1 Contracting authority and responsibilities (SF 1402).Skip to the next subpart

53.202--53.203 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.204 Administrative matters.Skip to the next subpart

53.204-1 Safeguarding classified information within industry (DD Form 254, DD Form 441).Skip to the next subpart

53.204-2 Contract reporting.Skip to the next subpart

53.205 Publicizing contract actions.Skip to the next subpart

53.205-1 Paid advertisements.Skip to the next subpart

53.206--53.208 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.209 Contractor qualifications.Skip to the next subpart

53.209-1 Responsible prospective contractors.Skip to the next subpart

53.210--53.211 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.212 Acquisition of commercial items.Skip to the next subpart

53.213 Simplified acquisition procedures (SF's 18, 30, 44, 1165, 1449, and OF's 336, 347, and 348).Skip to the next subpart

53.214 Sealed bidding.Skip to the next subpart

53.215 Contracting by negotiation.Skip to the next subpart

53.215-1 Solicitation and receipt of proposals.Skip to the next subpart

53.216 Types of contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.216-1 Delivery orders and orders under basic ordering agreements (OF 347).Skip to the next subpart

53.217--53.218 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.219 Small business programs.Skip to the next subpart

53.220--53.221 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.222 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions (SF's 99, 308, 1093, 1413, 1444, 1445, 1446, WH-347).Skip to the next subpart

53.223--53.227 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.228 Bonds and insurance.Skip to the next subpart

53.229 Taxes (SF's 1094, 1094-A).Skip to the next subpart

53.230--53.231 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.232 Contract financing (SF 1443).Skip to the next subpart

53.233--53.234 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.235 Research and development contracting (SF 298).Skip to the next subpart

53.236 Construction and architect-engineer contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.236-1 Construction.Skip to the next subpart

53.236-2 Architect-engineer services (SF's 252, 254, 255, 1421).Skip to the next subpart

53.237--53.241 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.242 Contract administration.Skip to the next subpart

53.242-1 Novation and change-of-name agreements (SF 30).Skip to the next subpart

53.243 Contract Modifications (SF 30).Skip to the next subpart

53.244 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.245 Government property.Skip to the next subpart

53.246 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.247 Transportation (U.S. Government Bill of Lading).Skip to the next subpart

53.248 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.249 Termination of contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.250 [Reserved]Skip to the next subpart

53.251 Contractor use of Government supply sources (OF 347).

Subpart 53.3--Illustrations of FormsSkip to the next subpart

53.300 Scope of subpart.Skip to the next subpart

53.301 Standard forms.Skip to the next subpart

53.302 Optional forms.Skip to the next subpart

53.303 Agency forms.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-18 SF 18, Request for Quotation.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-24 SF 24, Bid Bond.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-25 SF 25, Performance Bond.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-25-A SF 25-A, Payment Bond.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-25-B SF 25-B, Continuation Sheet (For SF's 24, 25, and 25-A).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-26 SF 26, Award/Contract.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-28 SF 28, Affidavit of Individual Surety.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-30 SF 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-33 SF 33, Solicitation, Offer and Award.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-34 SF 34, Annual Bid Bond.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-35 SF 35, Annual Performance Bond.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-44 SF 44, Purchase Order--Invoice--Voucher.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-98 SF 98, Notice of Intention to Make a Service Contract and Response to Notice.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-98a SF 98a, Notice of Intention to Make a Service Contract and Response to Notice (Attachment A).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-99 SF 99, Notice of Award of Contract.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-120 SF 120, Report of Excess Personal Property.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-120-A SF 120-A, Continuation Sheet (Report of Excess Personal Property).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-126 SF 126, Report of Personal Property for Sale.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-126-A SF 126-A, Report of Personal Property for Sale (Continuation Sheet).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-129 SF 129, Solicitation Mailing List Application.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-252 SF 252, Architect-Engineer Contract.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-254 SF 254, Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-255 SF 255, Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-273 SF 273, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-274 SF 274, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-275 SF 275, Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-279 SF 279, Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)--Individual Contract Action Report.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-281 SF 281, Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)--Summary Contract Action Report ($25,000 or Less).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-294 SF 294, Subcontracting Report for Individual Contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-295 SF 295, Summary Subcontract Report.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-298 SF 298, Report Documentation Page.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-308 SF 308, Request for Determination and Response to Request.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1034 SF 1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1034A SF 1034A, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal--Memorandum Copy.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1035 SF 1035, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal, Continuation Sheet.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1035A SF 1035A, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal-- Memorandum, Continuation Sheet.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1093 SF 1093, Schedule of Withholdings Under the Davis-Bacon Act and/or the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1094 SF 1094, U.S. Tax Exemption Form.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1094A SF 1094A, Tax Exemption Forms Accountability Record.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1165 SF 1165, Receipt for Cash--Subvoucher.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1402 SF 1402, Certificate of Appointment.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1403 SF 1403, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (General).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1404 SF 1404, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Technical.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1405 SF 1405, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Production.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1406 SF 1406, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Quality Assurance.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1407 SF 1407, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Financial Capability.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1408 SF 1408, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Accounting System.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1409 SF 1409, Abstract of Offers.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1410 SF 1410, Abstract of Offers--Continuation.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1413 SF 1413, Statement and Acknowledgment.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1414 SF 1414, Consent of Surety.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1415 SF 1415, Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1416 SF 1416, Payment Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1417 SF 1417, Pre-solicitation Notice (Construction Contract).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1418 SF 1418, Performance Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1420 SF 1420, Performance Evaluation--Construction Contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1421 SF 1421, Performance Evaluation (Architect-Engineer).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1423 SF 1423, Inventory Verification Survey.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1424 SF 1424, Inventory Disposal Report.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1426 SF 1426, Inventory Schedule A (Metals in Mill Product Form).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1427 SF 1427, Inventory Schedule A--Continuation Sheet (Metals in Mill Product Form).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1428 SF 1428, Inventory Schedule B.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1429 SF 1429, Inventory Schedule B--Continuation Sheet.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1430 SF 1430, Inventory Schedule C (Work-in-Process).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1431 SF 1431, Inventory Schedule C--Continuation Sheet (Work-in-Process).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1432 SF 1432, Inventory Schedule D (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1433 SF 1433, Inventory Schedule D--Continuation Sheet (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1434 SF 1434, Termination Inventory Schedule E (Short Form For Use With SF 1438 Only).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1435 SF 1435, Settlement Proposal (Inventory Basis).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1436 SF 1436, Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1437 SF 1437, Settlement Proposal for Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1438 SF 1438, Settlement Proposal (Short Form).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1439 SF 1439, Schedule of Accounting Information.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1440 SF 1440, Application for Partial Payment.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1442 SF 1442, Solicitation, Offer, and Award (Construction, Alteration, or Repair).Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1443 SF 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1444 SF 1444, Request for Authorization of Additional Classification and Rate.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1445 SF 1445, Labor Standards Interview.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1446 SF 1446, Labor Standards Investigation Summary Sheet.53.301-1447 SF 1447, Solicitation/Contract.Skip to the next subpart

53.301-1449 SF 1449, Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-17 Optional Form 17, Offer Label.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-90 Optional Form 90, Release of Lien on Real Property.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-91 Optional Form 91, Release of Personal Property from Escrow.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-307 Contract Award.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-308 Solicitation and Offer--Negotiated Acquisition.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-309 Amendment of Solicitation.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-336 Optional Form 336, Continuation Sheet.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-347 Optional Form 347, Order for Supplies or Services.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-348 Optional Form 348, Order for Supplies or Services Schedule--Continuation.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-1419 Optional Form 1419, Abstract of Offers--Construction.Skip to the next subpart

53.302-1419A Optional Form 1419A, Abstract of Offers--Construction, Continuation Sheet.Skip to the next subpart

53.303-DD-254 Department of Defense DD Form 254, Contract Security Classification Specification.Skip to the next subpart

53.303-DD-441 Department of Defense DD Form 441, Security Agreement.Skip to the next subpart

53.303-WH-347 Department of Labor Form WH-347, Payroll (For Contractor's Optional Use).

Forms Authorized for Local Reproduction

SF LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities

SF LLL-A Disclosure of Lobbying Activities--Continuation Sheet

SF 18 Request for Quotation

SF 33 Solicitation, Offer and Award

SF 34 Annual Bid Bond

SF 35 Annual Performance Bond

SF 119 Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

SF 129 Solicitation Mailing List Application

SF 273 Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond

SF 274 Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond

SF 275 Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States

SF 279 Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)--Individual Contract Action Report

SF 281 Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)--Summary Contract Action Report ($25,000 or Less)

SF 294 Subcontracting Report for Individual Contracts

SF 295 Summary Subcontract Report

SF 1403 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (General)

SF 1404 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Technical

SF 1405 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Production

SF 1406 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Quality Assurance

SF 1407 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Financial Capability

SF 1408 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Accounting System

SF 1414 Consent of Surety

SF 1415 Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty

SF 1416 Payment Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts

SF 1418 Performance Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts

SF 1423 Inventory Verification Survey

SF 1424 Inventory Disposal Report

SF 1426 Inventory Schedule A (Metals in Mill Product Form)

SF 1427 Inventory Schedule A--Continuation Sheet (Metals in Mill Product Form)

SF 1428 Inventory Schedule B

SF 1429 Inventory Schedule B--Continuation Sheet

SF 1430 Inventory Schedule C (Work-in-Process)

SF 1431 Inventory Schedule C--Continuation Sheet (Work-in-Process)

SF 1432 Inventory Schedule D (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment)

SF 1433 Inventory Schedule D--Continuation Sheet (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment)

SF 1434 Termination Inventory Schedule E (Short Form For Use With SF 1438 Only)

SF 1435 Settlement Proposal (Inventory Basis)

SF 1436 Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis)

SF 1437 Settlement Proposal for Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts

SF 1438 Settlement Proposal (Short Form)

SF 1439 Schedule of Accounting Information

SF 1440 Application for Partial Payment

SF 1445 Labor Standards Interview

SF 1449 Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items

OF 90 Release of Lien on Real Property

OF 91 Release of Personal Property from Escrow

OF 307 Contract Award

OF 308 Solicitation and Offer--Negotiated Acquisition

OF 309 Amendment of Solicitation

OF 347 Order for Supplies or Services

53.000 Scope of part.

This part--

(a) Prescribes standard forms (SF's) and references optional forms (OF's) and agency-prescribed forms for use in acquisition;

(b) Contains requirements and information generally applicable to the forms; and

(c) Illustrates the forms.

53.001 Definitions.

"Exception," as used in this part, means an approved departure from the established design, content, printing specifications, or conditions for use of any standard form.

Subpart 53.1--General

53.100 Scope of subpart.

This subpart contains requirements and information generally applicable to the forms prescribed in this regulation.

53.101 Requirements for use of forms.

The requirements for use of the forms prescribed or referenced in this part are contained in Parts 1 through 52, where the subject matter applicable to each form is addressed. The specific location of each requirement is identified in Subpart 53.2 and under "Forms" in the FAR Index.

53.102 Current editions.

The form prescriptions in Subpart 53.2 and the illustrations in Subpart 53.3 contain current edition dates. Contracting officers shall use the current editions unless otherwise authorized under this regulation.

53.103 Exceptions.

Agencies shall not--

(a) Alter a standard form prescribed by this regulation; or

(b) Use for the same purpose any form other than the standard form prescribed by this regulation without receiving in advance an exception to the form.

53.104 Overprinting.

Standard and optional forms (obtained as required by 53.107) may be overprinted with names, addresses, and other uniform entries that are consistent with the purpose of the form and that do not alter the form in any way. Exception approval for overprinting is not needed.

53.105 Computer generation.

(a) Agencies may computer-generate the Standard and Optional Forms prescribed in the FAR without exception approval (see 53.103), provided--

(1) The form is in an electronic format that complies with Federal Information Processing Standard Number 161; or

(2) There is no change to the name, content, or sequence of the data elements, and the form carries the Standard or Optional Form number and edition date.

(b) The forms prescribed by this Part may be computer generated by the public. Unless prohibited by agency regulations, forms prescribed by agency FAR supplements may also be computer generated by the public. Computer generated forms shall either comply with Federal Information Processing Standard Number 161 or shall retain the name, content, or sequence of the data elements, and shall carry the Standard or Optional Form or agency number and edition date (see 53.111).

53.106 Special construction and printing.

Contracting offices may request exceptions (see 53.103) to standard forms for special construction and printing. Examples of common exceptions are as follows:
Standard Forms Special Construction
and Printing

(a) SF 18-- (1) With vertical lines omitted (for listing of supplies and services, unit, etc.);

(2) As reproducible masters; and/or

(3) In carbon interleaved pads or sets.

(b) SF's 26, 30, 33, 1447-- As die-cut stencils or reproducible masters.

(c) SF 44-- (1) With serial numbers and contracting office name and address; and/or

(2) On special weight of paper and with the type of construction, number of sets per book, 2and number of parts per set as specified by the contracting officer. (Executive agencies may supplement the administrative instructions on the inside front cover of the book.)

(d) SF 1442-- (1) As die-cut stencils or reproducible masters; and/or

(2) With additional wording as required by the executive agency. (However, the sequence and wording of the items appearing on the prescribed form should not be altered.

53.107 Obtaining forms

(a) Executive agencies shall obtain standard and optional forms from the General Services Administration (GSA) by using GSA Supply Catalog--Office Products (see 41 CFR 101-26.302). Standard forms adapted for computer preparation (see 53.105) or with special construction and printing (see 53.106) that are not available from GSA may be ordered directly from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

(b) Contractors and other parties may obtain standard and optional forms from the Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402. Standard and optional formsnot available from the Superintendent of Documents may be obtained from the prescribing agency.

(c) Agency forms may be obtained from the prescribing agency.

53.108 Recommendations concerning forms.

Users of this regulation may recommend new forms or the revision, elimination, or consolidation of the forms prescribed or referenced in this regulation. Recommendations from within an executive agency shall be submitted to the cognizant council in accordance with agency procedures. Recommendations from other than executive agencies should be submitted directly to the FAR Secretariat.

53.109 Forms prescribed by other regulations.

Certain forms referred to in Subpart 53.2 are prescribed in other regulations and are specified by the FAR for use in acquisition. For each of these forms, the prescribing agency is identified by means of a parenthetical notation after the form number. For example, SF 1165, which is prescribed by the General Accounting Office (GAO), is identified as SF 1165 (GAO).

53.110 Continuation sheets.

Except as may be otherwise indicated in the FAR, all standard forms prescribed by the FAR may be continued on (a) plain paper of similar specification, or (b) specially constructed continuation sheets (e.g., OF 336). Continuation sheets shall be annotated in the upper right-hand corner with the reference number of the document being continued and the serial page number.

53.111 Contract clause.

Contracting officers shall insert the clause at 52.253-1, Computer Generated Forms, in solicitations and contracts that require the contractor to submit data on Standard or Optional Forms prescribed by this regulation; and, unless prohibited by agency regulations, forms prescribed by agency supplements.

Subpart 53.2--Prescription of Forms

53.200 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes standard forms and references optional forms and agency-prescribed forms for use in acquisition. Consistent with the approach used in Subpart 52.2, this subpart is arranged by subject matter, in the same order as, and keyed to, the parts of the FAR in which the form usage requirements are addressed. For example, forms addressed in FAR Part 14, Sealed Bidding, are treated in this subpart in section 53.214, Sealed Bidding; forms addressed in FAR Part 43, Contract Modifications, are treated in this subpart in section 53.243, Contract modifications. The following example illustrates how the subjects are keyed to the parts in which they are addressed:

53.201 Federal acquisition system.

53.201-1 Contracting authority and responsibilities (SF. 1402)

SF 1402 (10/83), Certificate of Appointment. SF 1402 is prescribed for use in appointing contracting officers, as specified in 1.603-3.

53.202 --53.203 [Reserved]

53.204 Administrative matters.

53.204-1 Safeguarding classified information within industry (DD Form 254, DD Form 441).

The following forms, which are prescribed by the Department of Defense, shall be used by agencies covered by the Defense Industrial Security Program if contractor access to classified information is required, as specified in Subpart 4.4 and the clause at 52.204-2:

(a) DD Form 254 (Department of Defense (DOD)), Contract Security Classification Specification. (See 4.403(c)(1).)

(b) DD Form 441 (DOD), Security Agreement. (See paragraph (b) of the clause at 52.204-2.)

53.204-2 Contract reporting.

The following forms are prescribed for use by executive agencies in reporting contract actions, as specified in 4.602(c):

(a) SF 279 (Rev. 10/97), Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)--Individual Contract Action Report. (See 4.602(c).)

(b) SF 281 (Rev. 5/96), Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)--Summary Contract Action Report ($25,000 or Less). (See 4.602(c).)

53.205 Publicizing contract actions.

53.205-1 Paid advertisements.

SF 1449, prescribed in 53.212, shall be used to place orders for paid advertisements as specified in 5.503.

53.206 -- 53.208 [Reserved]

53.209 Contractor qualifications.

53.209-1 Responsible prospective contractors.

The following forms are prescribed for use in conducting preaward surveys of prospective contractors, as specified in 9.106-1, 9.106-2, and 9.106-4:

(a) SF 1403 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (General). SF 1403 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(b) SF 1404 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Technical. SF 1404 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(c) SF 1405 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Production. SF 1405 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(d) SF 1406 (Rev. 11/97), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Quality Assurance. SF 1406 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(e) SF 1407 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Financial Capability. SF 1407 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(f) SF 1408 (Rev. 9/88), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Accounting System. SF 1408 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

53.210--53.211 [Reserved]

53.212 Acquisition of commercial items.

SF 1449 (10/95 Ed.), Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items. SF 1449 is prescribed for use in solicitations and contracts for commercial items. Agencies may prescribe additional detailed instructions for use of the form.

53.213 Simplified acquisition procedures (SF's 18, 30, 44, 1165, 1449, and OF's 336, 347, and 348).

The following forms are prescribed as stated in this section for use in simplified acquisition procedures, orders under existing contracts or agreements, and orders from required sources of supplies and services:

(a) SF 18 (Rev. 6/95), Request for Quotations, or SF 1449 (10/95 Ed.), Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items. SF 18 is prescribed for use in obtaining price, cost, delivery, and related information from suppliers as specified in 13.307(b). SF 1449, as prescribed in 53.212, or other agency forms/automated formats, may also be used to obtain price, cost, delivery, and related information from suppliers as specified in 13.307(b).

(b) SF 30 (Rev. 10/83), Amendment of Solicitation/ Modification of Contract. SF 30, prescribed in 53.243, may be used for modifying purchase orders, as specified in 13.307(c)(3).

(c) SF 44 (Rev. 10/83), Purchase Order Invoice Voucher. SF 44 is prescribed for use in simplified acquisition procedures, as specified in 13.306.

(d) SF 1165 (6/83 Ed.), Receipt for Cash-Subvoucher. SF 1165 (GAO) may be used for imprest fund purchases, as specified in 13.307(e).

(e) OF 336 (4/86 Ed.), Continuation Sheet. OF 336, prescribed in 53.214(h), may be used as a continuation sheet in solicitations, as specified in 13.307(c)(1).

(f) SF 1449, (10/95 Ed.) Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items prescribed in 53.212, OF 347 (Rev. 6/95), Order for Supplies or Services, and OF 348 (10/83 Ed.), Order for Supplies or Services--Schedule Continuation. SF 1449, OF's 347 and 348 (or approved agency forms/automated formats) may be used as follows:

(1) To accomplish acquisitions under simplified acquisition procedures, as specified in 13.307.

(2) To establish blanket purchase agreements (BPA's), as specified in 13.303-2, and to make purchases under BPA's, as specified in 13.303-5.

(3) To issue orders under basic ordering agreements, as specified in 16.703(d)(2)(i).

(4) As otherwise specified in this chapter (e.g., see 5.503(a)(2), 8.405-2, 36.701(c), and 51.102(e)(3)(ii)).

53.214 Sealed bidding.

The following forms are prescribed for use in contracting by sealed bidding (except for construction and architect-engineer services):

(a) SF 26 (4/85), Award/Contract. SF 26 is prescribed for use in awarding sealed bid contracts for supplies or services in which bids were obtained on SF 33, Solicitation, Offer and Award, as specified in 14.408-1(d)(1). Pending issuance of a new edition of the form, the reference in "block 1" should be amended to read "15 CFR 700".

(b) SF 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. SF 30, prescribed in 53.243, shall be used in amending invitations for bids, as specified in 14.208(a).

(c) SF 33 (Rev. 9/97), Solicitation, Offer and Award. SF 33 is prescribed for use in soliciting bids for supplies or services and for awarding the contracts that result from the bids, as specified in 14.201-2(a)(1), unless award is accomplished by SF 26. Pending issuance of a new edition of the form, the reference in "block 1" should be amended to read "15 CFR 700" and in the Caution statement of "block 0" revise 52.215-10 to read 52.215-1.

(d) SF 1447 (5/88 Ed.), Solicitation/Contract. SF 1447 is prescribed for use in soliciting supplies or services and for awarding contracts that result from the bids. It shall be used when the simplified contract format is used (see 14.201-9) and may be used in place of the SF 26 or SF 33 with other solicitations and awards. Agencies may prescribe additional detailed instructions for use of the form.

(e) SF 129 (Rev. 12/96), Solicitation Mailing List Application. SF 129 is prescribed for use in establishing and maintaining lists of potential sources, as specified in 14.205-1(d).

(f) SF 1409 (Rev. 9/88), Abstract of Offers, and SF 1410 (9/88), Abstract of Offers--Continuation. SF 1409 and SF 1410 are prescribed for use in recording bids, as specified in 14.403(a).

(g) OF 17 (Rev. 12/93), Offer Label. OF 17 may be furnished with each invitation for bids to facilitate identification and handling of bids, as specified in 14.202-3(b).

(h) OF 336 (Rev. 3/86), Continuation Sheet. OF 336
may be used as a continuation sheet in solicitations, as specified in 14.201-2(b).

53.215 Contracting by negotiation.

53.215-1 Solicitation and receipt of proposals.

The following forms are prescribed, as stated in the following paragraphs, for use in contracting by negotiation (except for construction, architect-engineer services, or acquisitions made using simplified acquisition procedures):

(a) SF 26 (Rev. 4/85), Award/Contract. SF 26, prescribed in 53.214(a), may be used in entering into negotiated contracts in which the signature of both parties on a single document is appropriate, as specified in 15.509(b).

(b) SF 30 (Rev. 10/83), Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. SF 30, prescribed in 53.243, may be used for amending requests for proposals and for amending requests for information, as specified in 15.210(b).

(c) SF 33 (Rev. 9/97), Solicitation, Offer and Award. SF 33, prescribed in 53.214(c), may be used in connection with the solicitation and award of negotiated contracts. Award of such contracts may be made by either OF 307, SF 33, or SF 26, as specified in 53.214(c) and 15.509. Pending issuance of a new edition of the form, the reference in "block 1" should be amended to read "15 CFR 700" and in the Caution statement of "block 9" revise 52.215-10 to read 52.215-1.

(d) OF 17 (Rev. 12/93), Offer Label. OF 17 may be furnished with each request for proposals to facilitate identification and handling of proposals, as specified in 15.210(c).

(e) OF 307 (Rev. 9/97), Contract Award. OF 307 may be used to award negotiated contracts as specified in 15.509(a).

(f) OF 308 (Rev. 9/97), Solicitation and Offer-Negotiated Acquisition. OF 308 may be used to support solicitation of negotiated contracts as specified in 15.210(a). Award of such contracts may be made by OF 307, as specified in 15.509(a).

(g) OF 309 (Rev. 9/97), Amendment of Solicitation. OF 309 may be used to amend solicitations of negotiated contracts, as specified in 15.210(b).

53.216 Types of contracts.

53.216-1 Delivery orders and orders under basic ordering agreements (OF 347).

OF 347, Order for Supplies or Services. OF 347, prescribed in 53.213(f) (or an approved agency form), may be used to place orders under indefinite delivery contracts and basic ordering agreements, as specified in 16.703(d)(2)(i).

53.217--53.218 [Reserved]

53.219 Small business programs.

The following standard forms are prescribed for use in reporting small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business subcontracting data, as specified in Part 19:

(a) SF 294 (Rev. 10/96), Subcontracting Report for Individual Contracts. (See 19.704(a)(5).)

(b) SF 295 (Rev. 10/96), Summary Subcontract Report. (See 19.704(a)(5).) SF 295 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the loose-leaf edition of the FAR.

53.220--53.221 [Reserved]

53.222 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions (SF's 99, 308, 1093, 1413, 1444, 1445, 1446, WH-347).

The following forms are prescribed as stated below, for use in connection with the application of labor laws:

(a) [Reserved]

(b) SF 99 (DOL), Notice of Award of Contract.

(c) SF 308 (DOL) (5/85 Ed.), Request for Determination
and Response to Request. (See 22.404-3(a) and (b).)

(d) SF 1093 (GAO) (10/71 Ed.), Schedule of Withholdings under the Davis-Bacon Act and/or the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. (See 22.406-9(c)(1).)

(e) SF 1413 (Rev. 6/89), Statement and Acknowledgment. SF 1413 is prescribed for use in obtaining contractor acknowledgment of inclusion of required clauses in subcontracts, as specified in 22.406-5. Pending issuance of a new edition of the form, the "prescribed by" reference at the bottom right of the form is revised to read "53.222(e)".

(f) SF 1444 (10/87 Ed.), Request for Authorization of Additional Classification and Rate. (See 22.406-3(a) and 22.1019.)

(g) SF 1445 (Rev. 12/96), Labor Standards Interview. (See 22.406-7(b).)

(h) SF 1446 (10/87 Ed.), Labor Standards Investigation Summary Sheet. (See 22.406-8(d).)

(i) Form WH-347 (DOL), Payroll (For Contractor's Optional Use). (See 22.406-6(a).)

53.223--53.227 [Reserved]

53.228 Bonds and insurance.

The following standard forms are prescribed for use for bond and insurance requirements, as specified in Part 28:

(a) SF 24 (Rev. 1/90), Bid Bond. (See 28.106-1.)

(b) SF 25 (Rev. 1/90), Performance Bond. (See 28.106-1(b).)

(c) SF 25-A (Rev. 1/90), Payment Bond. (See 28.106-1(c).)

(d) SF 25-B (Rev. 10/83), Continuation Sheet (For Standard Forms 24, 25, and 25-A). (See 28.106-1(c).)

(e) SF 28 (Rev. 1/90), Affidavit of Individual Surety. (See 28.106-1(e) and 28.203(b).)

(f) SF 34 (Rev. 1/90), Annual Bid Bond. (See 28.106-1(f).) SF 34 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(g) SF 35 (Rev. 1/90), Annual Performance Bond. (See 28.106-1.) SF 35 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(h) SF 273 (Rev. 8/90) Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond. (See 28.106-1(h) and 28.202-1(a)(4).)

(i) SF 274 (Rev. 8/90), Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond. (See 28.106-1(i) and 28.202-1(a)(4).)

(j) SF 275 (Rev. 8/90), Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States. (See 28.106-1(j) and 28.202-1(a)(4).)

(k) SF 1414 (Rev. 10/93), Consent of Surety. SF 1414 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(l) SF 1415 (Rev. 7/93), Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty. (See 28.106-1(l).) SF 1415 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(m) SF 1416 (Rev. 1/90), Payment Bond for Other than Construction Contracts. (See 28.106-1(m).) SF 1416 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(n) SF 1418 (8/96), Performance Bond for Other Than Construction Contracts. (See 28.106-1(n).)

(o) OF 90 (Rev. 1/90), Release of Lien on Real Property. (See 28.106-1(o) and 28.203-5(a).) OF 90 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(p) OF 91 (1/90 Ed.), Release of Personal Property from Escrow. (See 28.106-1(p) and 28.203-5(a).) OF 91 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

53.229 Taxes (SF's 1094, 1094-A).

SF 1094 (Rev. 12/96), U.S. Tax Exemption Form, and SF 1094-A (Rev. 12/96), Tax Exemption Forms Accountability Record. SF's 1094 and 1094-A are prescribed for use in establishing exemption from State or local taxes, as specified in 29.302(b).

53.230--53.231 [Reserved]

53.232 Contract financing (SF 1443).

SF 1443 (10/82), Contractor's Request for Progress Payment. SF 1443 is prescribed for use in obtaining contractors' requests for progress payments, as specified in 32.503-1.

53.233--52.234 [Reserved]

53.235 Research and development contracting (SF 298).

SF 298 (2/89), Report Documentation Page. SF 298 is prescribed for use in submitting scientific and technical reports to contracting officers and to technical information libraries, as specified in 35.010.

53.236 Construction and architect-engineer contracts.

53.236-1 Construction.

The following forms are prescribed, as stated below, for use in contracting for construction, alteration, or repair, or dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements.

(a) SF 1417 (Rev. 8/90), Presolicitation Notice (Construction Contract). SF 1417 is prescribed for use in notifying prospective offerors of solicitations estimated to be $100,000 or more and may be used if the proposed contract is estimated to be less than $100,000, as specified in 36.701(a).

(b) SF 1420 (10/83 Ed.), Performance Evaluation--Construction Contracts. SF 1420 is prescribed for use in evaluating and reporting on the performance of construction contractors within approved dollar thresholds and as otherwise specified in 36.701(e).

(c)--(d) [Reserved]

(e) SF 1442 (4/85 Ed.), Solicitation, Offer and Award (Construction, Alteration, or Repair). SF 1442 is prescribed for use in soliciting offers and awarding contracts expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold for--

(1) Construction, alteration, or repair; or

(2) Dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements (and may be used for contracts within the simplified acquisition threshold), as specified in 36.701(b).

(f) OF 347 (Rev. 6/95), Order for Supplies or Services. OF 347, prescribed in 53.213(f) (or an approved agency form), may be used for contracts under the simplified acquisition threshold for--

(1) Construction, alteration, or repair; or

(2) Dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements, as specified in 36.701(c).

(g) OF 1419 (11/88 Ed.), Abstract of Offers--Construction, and OF 1419A (11/88 Ed.), Abstract of Offers--Construction, Continuation Sheet. OF's 1419 and 1419A are prescribed for use in recording bids (and may be used for recording proposal information), as specified in 36.701(d).

53.236-2 Architect-engineer services (SF's 252, 254, 255, 1421).

The following forms are prescribed for use in contracting for architect-engineer and related services:

(a) SF 252 (Rev. 10/83), Architect-Engineer Contract. SF 252 is prescribed for use in awarding fixed-price contracts for architect-engineer services, as specified in 36.702(a). Pending issuance of a new edition of the form, Block 8, Negotiation Authority, is deleted.

(b) SF 254 (Rev. 11/92), Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire. SF 254 is prescribed for use to obtain information from architect-engineer firms regarding their professional qualifications, as specified in 36.702(b)(1).

(c) SF 255 (Rev. 11/92), Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project. SF 255 is prescribed for use within approved dollar thresholds and as otherwise specified in 36.702(b)(2), whenever an agency requires information to supplement the SF 254 regarding the prospective firm's qualifications for a particular architect-engineer project.

(d) SF 1421 (10/83 Ed.), Performance Evaluation (Architect-Engineer). SF 1421 is prescribed for use in evaluating and reporting on the performance of architect- engineer contractors within approved dollar thresholds and as otherwise specified in 36.702(c).

53.237--53.241 [Reserved]

53.242 Contract administration.

53.242-1 Novation and change-of-name agreements (SF 30).

SF 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. SF 30, prescribed in 53.243, shall be used in connection with novation and change of name agreements, as specified in 42.1203(h).

53.243 Contract modifications (SF 30).

SF 30 (Rev. 10/83), Amendment of Solicitation/ Modification of Contract. SF 30 is prescribed for use in amending invitation for bids, as specified in 14.208; modifying purchase and delivery orders, as specified in 13.302-3; and modifying contracts, as specified in 42.1203(h), 43.301, 49.602-5, and elsewhere in this regulation. The form may also be used to amend solicitations for negotiated contracts, as specified in 15.210(b). Pending the publication of a new edition of the form, Instruction (b), Item 3 (effective date), is revised in paragraphs (3) and (5) as follows:

(b) Item 3 (effective date).

* * * * *

(3) For a modification issued as a confirming notice of termination for the convenience of the Government, the effective date of the confirming notice shall be the same as the effective date of the initial notice.

* * * * *

(5) For a modification confirming the termination contracting officer's previous letter determination of the amount due in settlement of a contract termination for convenience, the effective date shall be the same as the effective date of the previous letter determination.

53.244 [Reserved]

53.245 Government property

The following forms are prescribed, as specified below, for use in reporting, redistribution, and disposal of contractor inventory (defined in 45.601) and in accounting for this property:

(a) SF 120 (GSA), Report of Excess Personal Property, and SF 120-A (GSA), Continuation Sheet (Report of Excess Personal Property). (See 45.608-2(b)(2) and 45.608-8.)

(b) SF 126 (GSA), Report of Personal Property for Sale, and SF 126-A (GSA), Report of Personal Property
for Sale (Continuation Sheet). (See 45.610-1(c).)

(c) SF 1423 (Rev. 12/96), Inventory Verification Survey. (See 45.606-3(b).)

(d) SF 1424 (Rev. 7/89), Inventory Disposal Report. (See 45.615.) SF 1424 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(e) [Reserved]

(f) SF 1426 (Rev. 12/96), Inventory Schedule A (Metals in Mill Product Form), and SF 1427 (Rev. 7/89), Inventory Schedule A-Continuation Sheet (Metals in Mill Product Form). (See 45.606 and 49.602-2(e).) Standard Form 1426 and Standard Form 1427 are authorized for local reproduction and copies are furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(g) SF 1428 (Rev. 12/96), Inventory Schedule B, and SF 1429 (Rev. 7/89), Inventory Schedule B-Continuation
Sheet. (See 45.606 and 49.602-2(b).) Standard Form 1428 and Standard Form 1429 are authorized for local reproduction and copies are furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(h) SF 1430 (Rev. 12/96), Inventory Schedule C (Work-in-Process) and SF 1431 (Rev. 7/89), Inventory Schedule C-Continuation Sheet (Work-in-Process). (See 45.606 and 49.602-2(c).) Standard Form 1430 and Standard Form 1431 are authorized for local reproduction and copies are furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(i) SF 1432 (Rev. 12/96), Inventory Schedule D (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment), and SF 1433 (Rev. 7/89), Inventory Schedule D-Continuation Sheet (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment). (See 45.606 and 49.602-2(d).) Standard Form 1432 and Standard Form 1433 are authorized for local reproduction and copies are furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(j) SF 1434 (Rev. 12/96), Termination Inventory Schedule E (Short Form For Use With SF 1438 Only). (See 45.606 and 49.602-2(e).) Standard Form 1434 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

53.246 [Reserved]

53.247 Transportation (U.S. Government Bill of Lading).

The U.S. Government Bill of Lading, prescribed in 41 CFR 101-41.304, shall be used for transportation of property, as specified in 47.103.

53.248 [Reserved]

53.249 Termination of contracts.

(a) The following forms are prescribed for use in connection with the termination of contracts, as specified in Subpart 49.6:

(1) SF 1034 (GAO), Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other than Personal. (See 49.302(a).)

(2) SF 1435 (Rev. 9/97), Settlement Proposal
(Inventory Basis). (See 49.602-1(a).) Standard Form 1435 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(3) SF 1436 (Rev. 9/97), Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis). (See 49.602-1(b).) Standard Form 1436 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(4) SF 1437 (Rev. 9/97), Settlement Proposal for Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts. (See 49.602-1(c) and 49.302.) Standard Form 1437 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(5) SF 1438 (Rev. 7/89), Settlement Proposal (Short Form). (See 49.602-1(d).) Standard Form 1438 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(6) SF 1439 (Rev. 7/89), Schedule of Accounting Information. (See 49.602-3.) Standard Form 1439 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(7) SF 1440 (Rev. 7/89), Application for Partial Payment. (See 49.602-4.) Standard Form 1440 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the looseleaf edition of the FAR.

(b) The inventory schedule forms prescribed in 53.245(f) through (j) shall be used to support termination settlement proposals listed in paragraph (a), above, as specified in 49.602-2.

53.250 [Reserved]

53.251 Contractor use of Government supply sources (OF 347).

OF 347, Order for Supplies or Services. OF 347, pre-
scribed in 53.213(f), may be used by contractors when requisitioning from the VA, as specified in 51.102(e)(3)(ii).

Subpart 53.3--Illustration of Forms

53.300 Scope of subpart.

This subpart contains illustrations of forms used in acquisitions.

53.301 Standard forms.

This section illustrates the standard forms that are specified by the FAR for use in acquisitions. The forms are illustrated in numerical order. The subsection numbers correspond with the standard form numbers (e.g., Standard Form 18 appears as 53.301-18).

53.302 Optional forms.

This section illustrates the optional forms that are specified by the FAR for use in acquisitions. The numbering system is as indicated in 53.301.

53.303 Agency forms.

This section illustrates agency forms that are specified by the FAR for use in acquisitions. The forms are arranged numerically by agency. The numbering system is as indicated in 53.301.

PART 53--FORMS53.00153.10053.205-153.243 Contract Modifications (SF 30).






