Federal Acquisition Regulation Header
a line underlining the words Federal Acquisition Regulation

52.227-1 Authorization and Consent.

As prescribed at 27.201-2(a), insert the following clause:
Authorization and Consent (Jul 1995)

(a) The Government authorizes and consents to all use and manufacture, in performing this contract or any subcontract at any tier, of any invention described in and covered by a United States patent (1) embodied in the structure or composition of any article the delivery of which is accepted by the Government under this contract or (2) used in machinery, tools, or methods whose use necessarily results from compliance by the Contractor or a subcontractor with (i) specifications or written provisions forming a part of this contract or (ii) specific written instructions given by the Contracting Officer directing the manner of performance. The entire liability to the Government for infringement of a patent of the United States shall be determined solely by the provisions of the indemnity clause, if any, included in this contract or any subcontract hereunder (including any lower-tier subcontract), and the Government assumes liability for all other infringement to the extent of the authorization and consent hereinabove granted.

(b) The Contractor agrees to include, and require inclusion of, this clause, suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subcontracts at any tier for supplies or services (including construction, architect-engineer services, and materials, supplies, models, samples, and design or testing services expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold); however, omission of this clause from any subcontract, including those at or below the simplified acquisition threshold, does not affect this authorization and consent.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). The following is substituted for paragraph (a) of the clause:

(a) The Government authorizes and consents to all use and manufacture of any invention described in and covered by a United States patent in the performance of this contract or any subcontract at any tier.

Alternate II (Apr 1984). The following is substituted for paragraph (a) of the clause:

(a) The Government authorizes and consents to all use and manufacture in the performance of any order at any tier or subcontract at any tier placed under this contract for communication services and facilities for which rates, charges, and tariffs are not established by a government regulatory body, of any invention described in and covered by a United States patent--

(1) Embodied in the structure or composition of any article the delivery of which is accepted by the Government under this contract; or

(2) Used in machinery, tools, or methods whose use necessarily results from compliance by the Contractor or a subcontractor with specifications or written provisions forming a part of this contract or with specific written instructions given by the Contracting Officer directing the manner of performance.

52.227-2 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement.

As prescribed at 27.202-2, insert the following clause:
Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement (Aug 1996)

(a) The Contractor shall report to the Contracting Officer, promptly and in reasonable written detail, each notice or claim of patent or copyright infringement based on the performance of this contract of which the Contractor has knowledge.

(b) In the event of any claim or suit against the Government on account of any alleged patent or copyright infringement arising out of the performance of this contract or out of the use of any supplies furnished or work or services performed under this contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Government, when requested by the Contracting Officer, all evidence and information in possession of the Contractor pertaining to such suit or claim. Such evidence and information shall be furnished at the expense of the Government except where the Contractor has agreed to indemnify the Government.

(c) The Contractor agrees to include, and require inclusion of, this clause in all subcontracts at any tier for supplies or services (including construction and architect-engineer subcontracts and those for material, supplies, models, samples, or design or testing services) expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold at FAR 2.101.

(End of clause)

52.227-3 Patent Indemnity.

Insert the following clause as prescribed at 27.203-1(b), 27.203-2(a), or 27.203-4(a)(2) as applicable:
Patent Indemnity (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and employees against liability, including costs, for infringement of any United States patent (except a patent issued upon an application that is now or may hereafter be withheld from issue pursuant to a Secrecy Order under 35 U.S.C. 181) arising out of the manufacture or delivery of supplies, the performance of services, or the construction, alteration, modification, or repair of real property (hereinafter referred to as "construction work") under this contract, or out of the use or disposal by or for the account of the Government of such supplies or construction work.

(b) This indemnity shall not apply unless the Contractor shall have been informed as soon as practicable by the Government of the suit or action alleging such infringement and shall have been given such opportunity as is afforded by applicable laws, rules, or regulations to participate in its defense. Further, this indemnity shall not apply to--

(1) An infringement resulting from compliance with specific written instructions of the Contracting Officer directing a change in the supplies to be delivered or in the materials or equipment to be used, or directing a manner of performance of the contract not normally used by the Contractor;

(2) An infringement resulting from addition to or change in supplies or components furnished or construction work performed that was made subsequent to delivery or performance; or

(3) A claimed infringement that is unreasonably settled without the consent of the Contractor, unless required by final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). The following paragraph (c) is added to the clause:

(c) This patent indemnification shall not apply to the following items:


[Contracting Officer list and/or identify the items to be excluded from this indemnity.]

Alternate II (Apr 1984). The following paragraph (c) is added to the clause:

(c) This patent indemnification shall cover the following items:


[List and/or identify the items to be included under this indemnity.]

Alternate III (Jul 1995). The following paragraph is added to the clause:

( ) As to subcontracts at any tier for communication service, this clause shall apply only to individual communication service authorizations over the simplified acquisition threshold issued under this contract and covering those communications services and facilities--

(1) That are or have been sold or offered for sale by the Contractor to the public,

(2) That can be provided over commercially available equipment, or

(3) That involve relatively minor modifications.

52.227-4 Patent Indemnity--Construction Contracts.

As prescribed at 27.203-5, insert the following clause:
Patent Indemnity--Construction Contracts (Apr 1984)

Except as otherwise provided, the Contractor agrees to indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and employees against liability, including costs and expenses, for infringement upon any United States patent (except a patent issued upon an application that is now or may hereafter be withheld from issue pursuant to a Secrecy Order under 35 U.S.C. 181) arising out of performing this contract or out of the use or disposal by or for the account of the Government of supplies furnished or work performed under this contract.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). Designate the first paragraph as paragraph (a) and add the following to the basic clause as paragraph (b):

(b) This patent indemnification shall not apply to the following items:


[Contracting Officer specifically identify the item to be excluded.]

Note: Exclusion from indemnity of specified, identified patents, as distinguished from items, is the exclusive prerogative of the agency head or designee (see 27.203-6).

52.227-5 Waiver of Indemnity.

As prescribed at 27.203-6, insert the following clause:
Waiver of Indemnity (Apr 1984)

Any provision or clause of this contract to the contrary notwithstanding, the Government hereby authorizes and consents to the use and manufacture, solely in performing this contract, of any invention covered by the United States patents identified below and waives indemnification by the Contractor with respect to such patents:


[Contracting Officer identify the patents by number or by other means if more appropriate.]

(End of clause)

52.227-6 Royalty Information.

As prescribed at 27.204-2, insert the following provision:
Royalty Information (Apr 1984)

(a) Cost or charges for royalties. When the response to this solicitation contains costs or charges for royalties totaling more than $250, the following information shall be included in the response relating to each separate item of royalty or license fee:

(1) Name and address of licensor.

(2) Date of license agreement.

(3) Patent numbers, patent application serial numbers, or other basis on which the royalty is payable.

(4) Brief description, including any part or model numbers of each contract item or component on which the royalty is payable.

(5) Percentage or dollar rate of royalty per unit.

(6) Unit price of contract item.

(7) Number of units.

(8) Total dollar amount of royalties.

(b) Copies of current licenses. In addition, if specifically requested by the Contracting Officer before execution of the contract, the offeror shall furnish a copy of the current license agreement and an identification of applicable claims of specific patents.

(End of provision)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). Substitute the following for the introductory portion of paragraph (a) of the basic clause:

When the response to this solicitation covers charges for special construction or special assembly that contain costs or charges for royalties totaling more than $250, the following information shall be included in the response relating to each separate item of royalty or license fee:

52.227-7 Patents--Notice of Government Licensee.

As prescribed at 27.204-3(c), insert the following provision:
Patents--Notice of Government Licensee (Apr 1984)

The Government is obligated to pay a royalty applicable to the proposed acquisition because of a license agreement between the Government and the patent owner. The patent number is ____ [Contracting Officer fill in], and the royalty rate is ____ [Contracting Officer fill in]. If the offeror is the owner of, or a licensee under, the patent, indicate below:

* Owner * Licensee

If an offeror does not indicate that it is the owner or a licensee of the patent, its offer will be evaluated by adding thereto an amount equal to the royalty.

(End of provision)

52.227-8 [Reserved]

52.227-9 Refund of Royalties.

As prescribed at 27.206-2, insert the following clause. In solicitations and contracts with an incentive fee arrange-ment, change "price" to "target cost and target profit" wherever it appears:
Refund of Royalties (Apr 1984)

(a) The contract price includes certain amounts for royalties payable by the Contractor or subcontractors or both, which amounts have been reported to the Contracting Officer.

(b) The term "royalties" as used in this clause refers to any costs or charges in the nature of royalties, license fees, patent or license amortization costs, or the like, for the use of or for rights in patents and patent applications in connection with performing this contract or any subcontract hereunder.

(c) The Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer, before final payment under this contract, a statement of royalties paid or required to be paid in connection with performing this contract and subcontracts hereunder together with the reasons.

(d) The Contractor will be compensated for royalties reported under paragraph (c) of this clause, only to the extent that such royalties were included in the contract price and are determined by the Contracting Officer to be properly chargeable to the Government and allocable to the contract. To the extent that any royalties that are included in the contract price are not in fact paid by the Contractor or are determined by the Contracting Officer not to be properly chargeable to the Government and allocable to the contract, the contract price shall be reduced. Repayment or credit to the Government shall be made as the Contracting Officer directs.

(e) If, at any time within 3 years after final payment under this contract, the Contractor for any reason is relieved in whole or in part from the payment of the royalties included in the final contract price as adjusted pursuant to paragraph (d) of this clause, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of that fact and shall reimburse the Government in a corresponding amount.

(f) The substance of this clause, including this paragraph (f), shall be included in any subcontract in which the amount of royalties reported during negotiation of the subcontract exceeds $250.

(End of clause)

52.227-10 Filing of Patent Applications--Classified Subject Matter.

As prescribed at 27.207-2, insert the following clause:
Filing of Patent Applications--Classified Subject Matter (Apr 1984)

(a) Before filing or causing to be filed a patent application in the United States disclosing any subject matter of this contract classified "Secret" or higher, the Contractor shall, citing the 30-day provision below, transmit the proposed application to the Contracting Officer. The Government shall determine whether, for reasons of national security, the application should be placed under an order of secrecy, sealed in accordance with the provision of 35 U.S.C. 181-188, or the issuance of a patent otherwise delayed under pertinent United States statutes or regulations. The Contractor shall observe any instructions of the Contracting Officer regarding the manner of delivery of the patent application to the United States Patent Office, but the Contractor shall not be denied the right to file the application. If the Contracting Officer shall not have given any such instructions within 30 days from the date of mailing or other transmittal of the proposed application, the Contractor may file the application.

(b) Before filing a patent application in the United States disclosing any subject matter of this contract classified "Confidential,'' the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer a copy of the application for Government determination whether, for reasons of national security, the application should be placed under an order of secrecy or the issuance of a patent should be otherwise delayed under pertinent United States statutes or regulations.

(c) Where the subject matter of this contract is classified for reasons of security, the Contractor shall not file, or cause to be filed, in any country other than in the United States as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this clause, an application or registration for a patent containing any of the subject matter of this contract without first obtaining written approval of the Contracting Officer.

(d) When filing any patent application coming within the scope of this clause, the Contractor shall observe all applicable security regulations covering the transmission of classified subject matter and shall promptly furnish to the Contracting Officer the serial number, filing date, and name of the country of any such application. When transmitting the application to the United States Patent Office, the Contractor shall by separate letter identify by agency and number the contract or contracts that require security classification markings to be placed on the application.

(e) The Contractor agrees to include, and require the inclusion of, this clause in all subcontracts at any tier that cover or are likely to cover classified subject matter.

(End of clause)

52.227-11 Patent Rights--Retention by the Contractor (Short Form).

As prescribed in 27.303(a), insert the following clause:
Patent Rights--Retention by the Contractor (Short Form) (Jun 1997)

(a) Definitions. (1) "Invention" means any invention or discovery which is or may be patentable or otherwise protectable under title 35 of the United States Code, or any novel variety of plant which is or may be protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321, et seq.)

(2) "Made" when used in relation to any invention means the conception or first actual reduction to practice of such invention.

(3) "Nonprofit organization" means a university or other institution of higher education or an organization of the type described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 501(c)) and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(a)) or any nonprofit scientific or educational organization qualified under a state nonprofit organization statute.

(4) "Practical application" means to manufacture, in the case of a composition of product; to practice, in the case of a process or method, or to operate, in the case of a machine or system; and, in each case, under such conditions as to establish that the invention is being utilized and that is benefits are, to the extent permitted by law or Government regulations, available to the public on reasonable terms.

(5) "Small business firm" means a small business concern as defined at section 2 of Pub. L. 85-536 (15 U.S.C. 632) and implementing regulations of the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. For the purpose of this clause, the size standards for small business concerns involved in Government procurement and subcontracting at 13 CFR 121.3-8 and 13 CFR 121.3-12, respectively, will be used.

(6) "Subject invention" means any invention of the contractor conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of work under this contract, provided that in the case of a variety of plant, the date of determination (as defined in section 41(d) of the Plant Variety Protection Act, 7 U.S.C. 2401(d)) must also occur during the period of contract performance.

(b) Allocation of principal rights. The Contractor may retain the entire right, title, and interest throughout the world to each subject invention subject to the provisions of this clause and 35 U.S.C. 203. With respect to any subject invention in which the Contractor retains title, the Federal Government shall have a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced for or on behalf of the United States the subject invention throughout the world.

(c) Invention disclosure, election of title, and filing of patent application by Contractor. (1) The Contractor will disclose each subject invention to the Federal agency within 2 months after the inventor discloses it in writing to Contractor personnel responsible for patent matters. The disclosure to the agency shall be in the form of a written report and shall identify the contract under which the invention was made and the inventor(s). It shall be sufficiently complete in technical detail to convey a clear understanding to the extent known at the time of the disclosure, of the nature, purpose, operation, and the physical, chemical, biological or electrical characteristics of the invention. The disclosure shall also identify any publication, on sale or public use of the invention and whether a manuscript describing the invention has been submitted for publication and, if so, whether it has been accepted for publication at the time of disclosure. In addition, after disclosure to the agency, the Contractor will promptly notify the agency of the acceptance of any manuscript describing the invention for publication or of any on sale or public use planned by the Contractor.

(2) The Contractor will elect in writing whether or not to retain title to any such invention by notifying the Federal agency within 2 years of disclosure to the Federal agency. However, in any case where publication, on sale or public use has initiated the 1-year statutory period wherein valid patent protection can still be obtained in the United States, the period for election of title may be shortened by the agency to a date that is no more than 60 days prior to the end of the statutory period.

(3) The Contractor will file its initial patent application on a subject invention to which it elects to retain title within 1 year after election of title or, if earlier, prior to the end of any statutory period wherein valid patent protection can be obtained in the United States after a publication, on sale, or public use. The Contractor will file patent applications in additional countries or international patent offices within either 10 months of the corresponding initial patent application or 6 months from the date permission is granted by the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks to file foreign patent applications where such filing has been prohibited by a Secrecy Order.

(4) Requests for extension of the time for disclosure election, and filing under subparagraphs (c)(1), (2), and (3) of this clause may, at the discretion of the agency, be granted.

(d) Conditions when the Government may obtain title. The Contractor will convey to the Federal agency, upon written request, title to any subject invention--

(1) If the Contractor fails to disclose or elect title to the subject invention within the times specified in paragraph (c) of this clause, or elects not to retain title; provided, that the agency may only request title within 60 days after learning of the failure of the Contractor to disclose or elect within the specified times.

(2) In those countries in which the Contractor fails to file patent applications within the times specified in paragraph (c) of this clause; provided, however, that if the Contractor has filed a patent application in a country after the times specified in paragraph (c) of this clause,but prior to its receipt of the written request of the Federal agency, the Contractor shall continue to retain title in that country.

(3) In any country in which the Contractor decides not to continue the prosecution of any application for, to pay the maintenance fees on, or defend in reexamination or opposition proceeding on, a patent on a subject invention.

(e) Minimum rights to Contractor and protection of the Contractor right to file. (1) The Contractor will retain a nonexclusive royalty-free license throughout the world in each subject invention to which the Government obtains title, except if the Contractor fails to disclose the invention within the times specified in paragraph (c) of this clause. The Contractor's license extends to its domestic subsidiary and affiliates, if any, within the corporate structure of which the Contractor is a party and includes the right to grant sublicenses of the same scope to the extent the Contractor was legally obligated to do so at the time the contract was awarded. The license is transferable only with the approval of the Federal agency, except when transferred to the successor of that part of the Contractor's business to which the invention pertains.

(2) The Contractor's domestic license may be revoked or modified by the funding Federal agency to the extent necessary to achieve expeditious practical application of subject invention pursuant to an application for an exclusive license submitted in accordance with applicable provisions at 37 CFR Part 404 and agency licensing regulations (if any). This license will not be revoked in that field of use or the geographical areas in which the Contractor has achieved practical application and continues to make the benefits of the invention reasonably accessible to the public. The license in any foreign country may be revoked or modified at the discretion of the funding Federal agency to the extent the Contractor, its licensees, or the domestic subsidiaries or affiliates have failed to achieve practical application in that foreign country.

(3) Before revocation or modification of the license, the funding Federal agency will furnish the Contractor a written notice of its intention to revoke or modify the license, and the Contractor will be allowed 30 days (or such other time as may be authorized by the funding Federal agency for good cause shown by the Contractor) after the notice to show cause why the license should not be revoked or modified. The Contractor has the right to appeal, in accordance with applicable regulations in 37 CFR Part 404 and agency regulations, if any, concerning the licensing of Government-owned inventions, any decision concerning the revocation or modification of the license.

(f) Contractor action to protect the Government's interest. (1) The Contractor agrees to execute or to have executed and promptly deliver to the Federal agency all instruments necessary to--

(i) Establish or confirm the rights the Government has throughout the world in those subject inventions to which the Contractor elects to retain title; and

(ii) Convey title to the Federal agency when requested under paragraph (d) of this clause and to enable the Government to obtain patent protection throughout the world in that subject invention.

(2) The Contractor agrees to require, by written agreement, its employees, other than clerical and nontechnical employees, to disclose promptly in writing to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters and in a format suggested by the Contractor each subject invention made under contract in order that the Contractor can comply with the disclosure provisions of paragraph (c) of this clause, and to execute all papers necessary to file patent applications on subject inventions and to establish the Government's rights in the subject inventions. This disclosure format should require, as a minimum, the information required by subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause. The Contractor shall instruct such employees, through employee agreements or other suitable educational programs, on the importance of reporting inventions in sufficient time to permit the filing of patent applications prior to U.S. or foreign statutory bars.

(3) The Contractor will notify the Federal agency of any decisions not to continue the prosecution of a patent application, pay maintenance fees, or defend in a reexamination or opposition proceeding on a patent, in any country, not less than 30 days before the expiration of the response period required by the relevant patent office.

(4) The Contractor agrees to include, within the specification of any United States patent application and any patent issuing thereon covering a subject invention, the following statement, "This invention was made with Government support under (identify the contract) awarded by (identify the Federal agency). The Government has certain rights in the invention."

(g) Subcontracts. (1) The Contractor will include this clause, suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subcontracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, or research work to be performed by a small business firm or domestic nonprofit organization. The subcontractor will retain all rights provided for the Contractor in this clause, and the Contractor will not, as part of the consideration for awarding the subcontract, obtain rights in the subcontractor's subject inventions.

(2) The Contractor will include in all other subcontracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, or research work the patent rights clause required by Subpart 27.3.

(3) In the case of subcontracts, at any tier, the agency, subcontractor, and the Contractor agree that the mutual obligations of the parties created by this clause constitute a contract between the subcontractor and the Federal agency with respect to the matters covered by the clause; provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph is intended to confer any jurisdiction under the Contract Disputes Act in connection with proceedings under paragraph (j) of this clause.

(h) Reporting on utilization of subject inventions. The Contractor agrees to submit, on request, periodic reports no more frequently than annually on the utilization of a subject invention or on efforts at obtaining such utilization that are being made by the Contractor or its licensees or assignees. Such reports shall include information regarding the status of development, date of first commercial sale or use, gross royalties received by the Contractor, and such other data and information as the agency may reasonably specify. The Contractor also agrees to provide additional reports as may be requested by the agency in connection with any march-in proceeding undertaken by the agency in accordance with paragraph (j) of this clause. As required by 35 U.S.C. 202(c)(5), the agency agrees it will not disclose such information to persons outside the Government without permission of the Contractor.

(i) Preference for United States industry. Notwithstanding any other provision of this clause, the Contractor agrees that neither it nor any assignee will grant to any person the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States unless such person agrees that any product embodying the subject invention or produced through the use of the subject invention will be manufactured substantially in the United States. However, in individual cases, the requirement for such an agreement may be waived by the Federal agency upon a showing by the Contractor or its assignee that reasonable but unsuccessful efforts have been made to grant licenses on similar terms to potential licensees that would be likely to manufacture substantially in the United States or that under the circumstances domestic manufacture is not commercially feasible.

(j) March-in rights. The Contractor agrees that, with respect to any subject invention in which it has acquired title, the Federal agency has the right in accordance with the procedures in 37 CFR 401.6 and any supplemental regulations of the agency to require the Contractor, an assignee or exclusive licensee of a subject invention to grant a nonexclusive, partially exclusive, or exclusive license in any field of use to a responsible applicant or applicants, upon terms that are reasonable under the circumstances, and if the Contractor, assignee, or exclusive licensee refuses such a request the Federal agency has the right to grant such a license itself if the Federal agency determines that--

(1) Such action is necessary because the Contractor or assignee has not taken, or is not expected to take within a reasonable time, effective steps to achieve practical application of the subject invention in such field of use;

(2) Such action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs which are not reasonably satisfied by the Contractor, assignee, or their licensees;

(3) Such action is necessary to meet requirements for public use specified by Federal regulations and such requirements are not reasonably satisfied by the Contractor, assignee, or licensees; or

(4) Such action is necessary because the agreement required by paragraph (i) of this clause has not been obtained or waived or because a licensee of the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States is in breach of such agreement.

(k) Special provisions for contracts with nonprofit organizations. If the Contractor is a nonprofit organization, it agrees that--

(1) Rights to a subject invention in the United States may not be assigned without the approval of the Federal agency, except where such assignment is made to an organization which has as one of its primary functions the management of inventions; provided, that such assignee will be subject to the same provisions as the Contractor;

(2) The Contractor will share royalties collected on a subject invention with the inventor, including Federal employee co-inventors (when the agency deems it appropriate) when the subject invention is assigned in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 202(e) and 37 CFR 401.10;

(3) The balance of any royalties or income earned by the Contractor with respect to subject inventions, after payment of expenses (including payments to inventors) incidental to the administration of subject inventions will be utilized for the support of scientific research or education; and

(4) It will make efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to attract licensees of subject inventions that are small business firms, and that it will give a preference to a small business firm when licensing a subject invention if the Contractor determines that the small business firm has a plan or proposal for marketing the invention which, if executed, is equally as likely to bring the invention to practical application as any plans or proposals from applicants that are not small business firms; provided, that the Contractor is also satisfied that the small business firm has the capability and resources to carry out its plan or proposal. The decision whether to give a preference in any specific case will be at the discretion of the contractor. However, the Contractor agrees that the Secretary of Commerce may review the Contractor's licensing program and decisions regarding small business applicants, and the Contractor will negotiate changes to its licensing policies, procedures, or practices with the Secretary of Commerce when the Secretary's review discloses that the Contractor could take reasonable steps to more effectively implement the requirements of this subparagraph (k)(4).

(l) Communications. [Complete according to agency instructions.]

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(a)(3), add the following sentence at the end of paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

The license shall include the right of the Government to sublicense foreign governments, their nationals and international organizations pursuant to the following treaties or international agreements: ________*

[*Contracting Officer complete with the names of applicable existing treaties or international agreements. The above language is not intended to apply to treaties or agreements that are in effect on the date of the award but are not listed.]

Alternate II (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(a)(3), add the following sentence at the end of paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

The agency reserves the right to unilaterally amend this contract to identify specific treaties or international agreements entered into or to be entered into by the Government after the effective date of the contract and effectuate those license or other rights which are necessary for the Government to meet its obligations to foreign governments, their nationals and international organizations under such treaties or international agreements with respect to subject inventions made after the date of the amendment.

Alternate III (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(a)(4), substitute the following in place of subparagraph (k)(3) of the basic clause:

(3) After payment of patenting costs, licensing costs, payments to inventors, and other expenses incidental to the administration of subject inventions, the balance of any royalties or income earned and retained by the Contractor during any fiscal year on subject inventions under this or any successor contract containing the same requirement, up to any amount equal to 5 percent of the budget of the facility for that fiscal year, shall be used by the Contractor for the scientific research, development, and education consistent with the research and development mission and objectives of the facility, including activities that increase the licensing potential of other inventions of the facility. If the balance exceeds 5 percent, 75 percent of the excess above 5 percent shall be paid by the Contractor to the Treasury of the United States and the remaining 25 percent shall be used by the Contractor only for the same purposes as described above. To the extent it provides the most effective technology transfer, the licensing of subject inventions shall be administered by Contractor employees on location at the facility.

Alternate IV (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(a)(5), include the following subparagraph in paragraph (f) of the basic clause:

(5) The Contractor shall establish and maintain active and effective procedures to ensure that subject inventions are promptly identified and timely disclosed, and shall submit a description of the procedures to the Contracting Officer so that the Contracting Officer may evaluate and determine their effectiveness.

52.227-12 Patent Rights--Retention by the Contractor (Long Form).

As prescribed at 27.303(b), insert the following clause:
Patent Rights--Retention by the Contractor (Long Form) (Jan 1997)

(a) Definitions. "Invention" means any invention or discovery which is or may be patentable or otherwise protectable under title 35 of the United States Code or any novel variety of plant that is or may be protectable under the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321, et seq.).

"Made" when used in relation to any invention means the conception or first actual reduction to practice of such invention.

"Nonprofit organization" means a domestic university or other institution of higher education or an organization of the type described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 501(c)) and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(a)) or any nonprofit scientific or educational organization qualified under a state nonprofit organization statute.

"Practical application" means to manufacture in the case of a composition or product, to practice in the case of a process or method, or to operate in the case of a machine or system; and, in each case, under such conditions as to establish that the invention is being utilized and that its benefits are, to the extent permitted by law or Government regulations, available to the public on reasonable terms.

"Small business firm" means a small business concern as defined at section 2 of Pub. L. 85-536 (15 U.S.C. 632) and implementing regulations of the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. For the purpose of this clause, the size standards for small business concerns involved in Government procurement and subcontracting at 13 CFR 121.3-8 and 13 CFR 121.3-12, respectively, will be used.

"Subject invention" means any invention of the Contractor conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of work under this contract; provided, that in the case of a variety of plant, the date of determination (as defined in section 41(d) of the Plant Variety Protection Act, 7 U.S.C. 2401(d)) must also occur during the period of contract performance.

(b) Allocation of principal rights. The Contractor may elect to retain the entire right, title, and interest throughout the world to each subject invention subject to the provisions of this clause and 35 U.S.C. 203. With respect to any subject invention in which the Contractor elects to retain title, the Federal Government shall have a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced for or on behalf of the United States the subject invention throughout the world.

(c) Invention disclosure, election of title, and filing of patent applications by Contractor. (1) The Contractor shall disclose each subject invention to the Contracting Officer within 2 months after the inventor discloses it in writing to Contractor personnel responsible for patent matters or within 6 months after the Contractor becomes aware that a subject invention has been made, whichever is earlier. The disclosure to the Contracting Officer shall be in the form of a written report and shall identify the contract under which the invention was made and the inventor(s). It shall be sufficiently complete in technical detail to convey a clear understanding, to the extent known at the time of the disclosure, of the nature, purpose, operation, and physical, chemical, biological, or electrical characteristics of the invention. The disclosure shall also identify any publication, on sale, or public use of the invention and whether a manuscript describing the invention has been submitted for publication and, if so, whether it has been accepted for publication at the time of disclosure. In addition, after disclosure to the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of the acceptance of any manuscript describing the invention for publication or of any on sale or public use planned by the Contractor.

(2) The Contractor shall elect in writing whether or not to retain title to any such invention by notifying the Federal agency at the time of disclosure or within 8 months of disclosure, as to those countries (including the United States) in which the Contractor will retain title; provided, that in any case where publication, on sale, or public use has initiated the 1-year statutory period wherein valid patent protection can still be obtained in the United States, the period of election of title may be shortened by the agency to a date that is no more than 60 days prior to the end of the statutory period.

(3) The Contractor shall file its initial patent application on an elected invention within 1 year after election or, if earlier, prior to the end of any statutory period wherein valid patent protection can be obtained in the United States after a publication, on sale, or public use. The Contractor shall file patent applications in additional countries (including the European Patent Office and under the Patent Cooperation Treaty) within either 10 months of the corresponding initial patent application or 6 months from the date permission is granted by the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks to file foreign patent applications where such filing has been prohibited by a Secrecy Order.

(4) Requests for extension of the time for disclosure to the Contracting Officer, election, and filing may, at the discretion of the funding Federal agency, be granted, and will normally be granted unless the Contracting Officer has reason to believe that a particular extension would prejudice the Government's interest.

(d) Conditions when the Government may obtain title. The Contractor shall convey to the Federal agency, upon written request, title to any subject invention--

(1) If the Contractor elects not to retain title to a subject invention;

(2) If the Contractor fails to disclose or elect the subject invention within the times specified in paragraph (c) above (the agency may only request title within 60 days after learning of the Contractor's failure to report or elect within the specified times);

(3) In those countries in which the Contractor fails to file patent applications within the time specified in paragraph (c) above; provided, however, that if the Contractor has filed a patent application in a country after the times specified in paragraph (c) above, but prior to its receipt of the written request of the Federal agency, the Contractor shall continue to retain title in that country; or

(4) In any country in which the Contractor decides not to continue the prosecution of any application for, to pay the maintenance fees on, or defend in reexamination or opposition proceeding on, a patent on a subject invention.

(e) Minimum rights to Contractor. (1) The Contractor shall retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license throughout the world in each subject invention to which the Government obtains title except if the Contractor fails to disclose the subject invention within the times specified in paragraph (c) above. The Contractor's license extends to its domestic subsidiaries and affiliates, if any, within the corporate structure of which the Contractor is a part and includes the right to grant sublicenses of the same scope to the extent the Contractor was legally obligated to do so at the time the contract was awarded. The license is transferable only with the approval of the funding Federal agency except when transferred to the successor of that part of the Contractor's business to which the invention pertains.

(2) The Contractor's domestic license may be revoked or modified by the funding Federal agency to the extent necessary to achieve expeditious practical application of the subject invention pursuant to an application for an exclusive license submitted in accordance with applicable provisions in the Federal Property Management Regulations and agency licensing regulations (if any). This license shall not be revoked in that field of use or the geographical areas in which the Contractor has achieved practical application and continues to make the benefits of the invention reasonably accessible to the public. The license in any foreign country may be revoked or modified at the discretion of the funding Federal agency to the extent the Contractor, its licensees, or its domestic subsidiaries or affiliates have failed to achieve practical application in that foreign country.

(3) Before revocation or modification of the license, the funding Federal agency shall furnish the Contractor a written notice of its intention to revoke or modify the license, and the Contractor shall be allowed 30 days (or such other time as may be authorized by the funding Federal agency for good cause shown by the Contractor) after the notice to show cause why the license should not be revoked or modified. The Contractor has the right to appeal, in accordance with applicable agency licensing regulations and 37 CFR 404 concerning the licensing of Government-owned inventions, any decision concerning the revocation or modification of its license.

(f) Contractor action to protect the Government's interest. (1) The Contractor agrees to execute or to have executed and promptly deliver to the Federal agency all instruments necessary to--

(i) Establish or confirm the rights the Government has throughout the world in those subject inventions to which the Contractor elects to retain title; and

(ii) Convey title to the Federal agency when requested under paragraph (d) above and subparagraph (n)(2) below, and to enable the Government to obtain patent protection throughout the world in that subject invention.

(2) The Contractor agrees to require, by written agreement, its employees, other than clerical and nontechnical employees, to disclose promptly in writing to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters and in a format suggested by the Contractor each subject invention made under contract in order that the Contractor can comply with the disclosure provisions of paragraph (c) above, and to execute all papers necessary to file patent applications on subject inventions and to establish the Government's rights in the subject inventions. This disclosure format should require, as a minimum, the information required by subparagraph (c)(1) above. The Contractor shall instruct such employees through employee agreements or other suitable educational programs on the importance of reporting inventions in sufficient time to permit the filing of patent applications prior to U.S. or foreign statutory bars.

(3) The Contractor shall notify the Federal agency of any decision not to continue the prosecution of a patent application, pay maintenance fees, or defend in a reexamination or opposition proceeding on a patent, in any country, not less than 30 days before the expiration of the response period required by the relevant patent office.

(4) The Contractor agrees to include, within the specification of any United States patent application and any patent issuing thereon covering a subject invention, the following statement: "This invention was made with Government support under (identify the contract) awarded by (identify the Federal agency). The Government has certain rights in this invention."

(5) The Contractor shall establish and maintain active and effective procedures to assure that subject inventions are promptly identified and disclosed to Contractor personnel responsible for patent matters within 6 months of conception and/or first actual reduction to practice, whichever occurs first in performance of work under this contract. These procedures shall include the maintenance of laboratory notebooks or equivalent records and other records as are reasonably necessary to document the conception and/or the first actual reduction to practice of subject inventions, and records that show that the procedures for identifying and disclosing the inventions are followed. Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer a description of such procedures for evaluation and for determination as to their effectiveness.

(6) The Contractor agrees, when licensing a subject invention, to arrange to avoid royalty charges on acquisitions involving Government funds, including funds derived through Military Assistance Program of the Government or otherwise derived through the Government, to refund any amounts received as royalty charges on the subject invention in acquisitions for, or on behalf of, the Government, and to provide for such refund in any instrument transferring rights in the invention to any party.

(7) The Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer the following:

(i) Interim reports every 12 months (or such longer period as may be specified by the Contracting Officer) from the date of the contract, listing subject inventions during that period and stating that all subject inventions have been disclosed or that there are no such inventions.

(ii) A final report, within 3 months after completion of the contracted work, listing all subject inventions or stating that there were no such inventions, and listing all subcontracts at any tier containing a patent rights clause or stating that there were no such subcontracts.

(8) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer in writing upon the award of any subcontract at any tier containing a patent rights clause by identifying the subcontractor, the applicable patent rights clause, the work to be performed under the subcontract, and the dates of award and estimated completion. Upon request of the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall furnish a copy of such subcontract, and no more frequently than annually, a listing of the subcontracts that have been awarded.

(9) In the event of a refusal by a prospective subcontractor to accept one of the clauses in subparagraph (g)(1) or (2) below, the Contractor--

(i) Shall promptly submit a written notice to the Contracting Officer setting forth the subcontractor's reasons for such refusal and other pertinent information that may expedite disposition of the matter; and

(ii) Shall not proceed with such subcontracting without the written authorization of the Contracting Officer.

(10) The Contractor shall provide, upon request, the filing date, serial number and title, a copy of the patent application (including an English-language version if filed in a language other than English), and patent number and issue date for any subject invention for which the Contractor has retained title.

(11) Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish the Government an irrevocable power to inspect and make copies of the patent application file.

(g) Subcontracts. (1) The Contractor shall include the clause at 52.227-11 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subcontracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, or research work to be performed by a small business firm or nonprofit organization. The subcontractor shall retain all rights provided for the Contractor in this clause, and the Contractor shall not, as part of the consideration for awarding the subcontract, obtain rights in the subcontractor's subject inventions.

(2) The Contractor shall include this clause (FAR 52.227-12) in all other subcontracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, or research work.

(3) In the case of subcontracts, at any tier, when the prime award with the Federal agency was a contract (but not a grant or cooperative agreement), the agency, subcontractor, and the Contractor agree that the mutual obligations of the parties created by this clause constitute a contract between the subcontractor and the Federal agency with respect to those matters covered by this clause.

(h) Reporting utilization of subject inventions. The Contractor agrees to submit on request periodic reports no more frequently than annually on the utilization of a subject invention or on efforts at obtaining such utilization that are being made by the Contractor or its licensees or assignees. Such reports shall include information regarding the status of development, date of first commercial sale or use, gross royalties received by the Contractor, and such other data and information as the agency may reasonably specify. The Contractor also agrees to provide additional reports as may be requested by the agency in connection with any march-in proceedings undertaken by the agency in accordance with paragraph (j) of this clause. To the extent data or information supplied under this paragraph is considered by the Contractor, its licensee or assignee to be privileged and confidential and is so marked, the agency agrees that, to the extent permitted by law, it shall not disclose such information to persons outside the Government.

(i) Preference for United States industry. Notwithstanding any other provision of this clause, the Contractor agrees that neither it nor any assignee will grant to any person the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States unless such person agrees that any products embodying the subject invention will be manufactured substantially in the United States. However, in individual cases, the requirement for such an agreement may be waived by the Federal agency upon a showing by the Contractor or its assignee that reasonable but unsuccessful efforts have been made to grant licenses on similar terms to potential licensees that would be likely to manufacture substantially in the United States or that under the circumstances domestic manufacture is not commercially feasible.

(j) March-in rights. The Contractor agrees that with respect to any subject invention in which it has acquired title, the Federal agency has the right in accordance with the procedures in FAR 27.304-1(g) to require the Contractor, an assignee, or exclusive licensee of a subject invention to grant a nonexclusive, partially exclusive, or exclusive license in any field of use to a responsible applicant or applicants, upon terms that are reasonable under the circumstances, and if the Contractor, assignee, or exclusive licensee refuses such a request, the Federal agency has the right to grant such a license itself if the Federal agency determines that--

(1) Such action is necessary because the Contractor or assignee has not taken, or is not expected to take within a reasonable time, effective steps to achieve practical application of the subject invention in such field of use;

(2) Such action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs which are not reasonably satisfied by the Contractor, assignee, or their licensees;

(3) Such action is necessary to meet requirements for public use specified by Federal regulations and such requirements are not reasonably satisfied by the Contractor, assignee, or licensees; or

(4) Such action is necessary because the agreement required by paragraph (i) of this clause has not been obtained or waived or because a licensee of the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States is in breach of such agreement.

(k) Special provisions for contracts with nonprofit organizations. [Reserved]

(l) Communications. [Complete according to agency instructions.]

(m) Other inventions. Nothing contained in this clause shall be deemed to grant to the Government any rights with respect to any invention other than a subject invention.

(n) Examination of records relating to inventions. (1) The Contracting Officer or any authorized representative shall, until 3 years after final payment under this contract, have the right to examine any books (including laboratory notebooks), records, and documents of the Contractor relating to the conception or first reduction to practice of inventions in the same field of technology as the work under this contract to determine whether--

(i) Any such inventions are subject inventions;

(ii) The Contractor has established and maintains the procedures required by subparagraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this clause; and

(iii) The Contractor and its inventors have complied with the procedures.

(2) If the Contracting Officer determines that an inventor has not disclosed a subject invention to the Contractor in accordance with the procedures required by subparagraph (f)(5) of this clause, the Contracting Officer may, within 60 days after the determination, request title in accordance with subparagraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) of this clause. However, if the Contractor establishes that the failure to disclose did not result from the Contractor's fault or negligence, the Contracting Officer shall not request title.

(3) If the Contracting Officer learns of an unreported Contractor invention which the Contracting Officer believes may be a subject invention, the Contractor may be required to disclose the invention to the agency for a determination of ownership rights.

(4) Any examination of records under this paragraph shall be subject to appropriate conditions to protect the confidentiality of the information involved.

(o) Withholding of payment (this paragraph does not apply to subcontracts). (1) Any time before final payment under this contract, the Contracting Officer may, in the Government's interest, withhold payment until a reserve not exceeding $50,000 or 5 percent of the amount of the contract, whichever is less, shall have been set aside if, in the Contracting Officer's opinion, the Contractor fails to--

(i) Establish, maintain, and follow effective procedures for identifying and disclosing subject inventions pursuant to subparagraph (f)(5) above;

(ii) Disclose any subject invention pursuant to subparagraph (c)(1) above;

(iii) Deliver acceptable interim reports pursuant to subdivision (f)(7)(i) above; or

(iv) Provide the information regarding subcontracts pursuant to subparagraph (f)(8) of this clause.

(2) Such reserve or balance shall be withheld until the Contracting Officer has determined that the Contractor has rectified whatever deficiencies exist and has delivered all reports, disclosures, and other information required by this clause.

(3) Final payment under this contract shall not be made before the Contractor delivers to the Contracting Officer all disclosures of subject inventions required by subparagraph (c)(1) above, an acceptable final report pursuant to subdivision (f)(7)(ii) above, and all past due confirmatory instruments.

(4) The Contracting Officer may decrease or increase the sums withheld up to the maximum authorized above. No amount shall be withheld under this paragraph while the amount specified by this paragraph is being withheld under other provisions of the contract. The withholding of any amount or the subsequent payment thereof shall not be construed as a waiver of any Government right.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(b)(2), add the following sentence at the end of paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

The license shall include the right of the Government to sublicense foreign governments, their nationals, and international organizations pursuant to the following treaties or international agreements: _________*

[*Contracting Officer complete with the names of applicable existing treaties or international agreements. The above language is not intended to apply to treaties or agreements that are in effect on the date of the award but are not listed.]

Alternate II (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(b)(2), add the following sentence at the end of paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

The agency reserves the right to unilaterally amend this contract to identify specific treaties or international agreements entered into or to be entered into by the Government after the effective date of this contract and effectuate those license or other rights which are necessary for the Government to meet its obligations to foreign governments, their nationals, and international organizations under such treaties or international agreement with respect to subject inventions made after the date of the amendment.

52.227-13 Patent Rights--Acquisition by the Government.

As prescribed at 27.303(c), insert the following clause:
Patent Rights--Acquisition by the Government (Jan 1997)

(a) Definitions. "Invention," as used in this clause, means any invention or discovery which is or may be patentable or otherwise protectable under title 35 of the United States Code or any novel variety of plant that is or may be protectable under the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321, et seq.).

"Practical application," as used in this clause, means to manufacture, in the case of a composition or product; to practice, in the case of a process or method; or to operate, in the case of a machine or system; and, in each case, under such conditions as to establish that the invention is being utilized and that its benefits are, to the extent permitted by law or Government regulations, available to the public on reasonable terms.

"Subject invention," as used in this clause, means any invention of the Contractor conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of work under this contract; provided, that in the case of a variety of plant, the date of determination (as defined in section 41(d) of the Plant Variety Protection Act, 7 U.S.C. 2401(d)) must also occur during the period of contract performance.

(b) Allocations of principal rights--(1) Assignment to the Government. The Contractor agrees to assign to the Government the entire right, title, and interest throughout the world in and to each subject invention, except to the extent that rights are retained by the Contractor under subparagraph (b)(2) and paragraph (d) below.

(2) Greater rights determinations. (i) The Contractor, or an employee-inventor after consultation with the Contractor, may retain greater rights than the nonexclusive license provided in paragraph (d) below, in accordance with the procedures of paragraph 27.304-1(a) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). A request for a determination of whether the Contractor or the employee-inventor is entitled to retain such greater rights must be submitted to the Head of the Contracting Agency or designee at the time of the first disclosure of the invention pursuant to subparagraph (e)(2) below, or not later than 8 months thereafter, unless a longer period is authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown in writing by the Contractor. Each determination of greater rights under this contract normally shall be subject to paragraph (c) below, and to the reservations and conditions deemed to be appropriate by the Head of the Contracting Agency or designee.

(ii) Upon request, the Contractor shall provide the filing date, serial number and title, a copy of the patent application (including an English-language version if filed in a language other than English), and patent number and issue date for any subject invention in any country for which the Contractor has retained title.

(iii) Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish the Government an irrevocable power to inspect and make copies of the patent application file.

(c) Minimum rights acquired by the Government. (1) With respect to each subject invention to which the Contractor retains principal or exclusive rights, the Contractor agrees as follows:

(i) The Contractor hereby grants to the Government a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced each subject invention throughout the world by or on behalf of the Government of the United States (including any Government agency).

(ii) The Contractor agrees that with respect to any subject invention in which it has acquired title, the Federal agency has the right in accordance with the procedures in FAR 27.304-1(g) to require the Contractor, an assignee, or exclusive licensee of a subject invention to grant a nonexclusive, partially exclusive, or exclusive license in any field of use to a responsible applicant or applicants, upon terms that are reasonable under the circumstances, and if the Contractor, assignee, or exclusive licensee refuses such a request, the Federal agency has the right to grant such a license itself if the Federal agency determines that--

(A) Such action is necessary because the Contractor or assignee has not taken, or is not expected to take within a reasonable time, effective steps to achieve practical application of the subject invention in such field of use;

(B) Such action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs which are not reasonably satisfied by the Contractor, assignee, or their licensees;

(C) Such action is necessary to meet requirements for public use specified by Federal regulations and such requirements are not reasonably satisfied by the Contractor, assignee, or licensees; or

(D) Such action is necessary because the agreement required by paragraph (i) of this clause has neither been obtained nor waived or because a licensee of the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States is in breach of such agreement.

(iii) The Contractor agrees to submit on request periodic reports no more frequently than annually on the utilization of a subject invention or on efforts at obtaining such utilization of a subject invention or on efforts at obtaining such utilization that are being made by the Contractor or its licensees or assignees. Such reports shall include information regarding the status of development, date of first commercial sale or use, gross royalties received by the Contractor, and such other data and information as the agency may reasonably specify. The Contractor also agrees to provide additional reports as may be requested by the agency in connection with any march-in proceedings undertaken by the agency in accordance with subdivision (c)(1)(ii) above. To the extent data or information supplied under this section is considered by the Contractor, its licensee, or assignee to be privileged and confidential and is so marked, the agency agrees that, to the extent permitted by law, it will not disclose such information to persons outside the Government.

(iv) The Contractor agrees, when licensing a subject invention, to arrange to avoid royalty charges on acquisitions involving Government funds, including funds derived through a Military Assistance Program of the Government or otherwise derived through the Government, to refund any amounts received as royalty charges on a subject invention in acquisitions for, or on behalf of, the Government, and to provide for such refund in any instrument transferring rights in the invention to any party.

(v) The Contractor agrees to provide for the Government's paid-up license pursuant to subdivision (i) above in any instrument transferring rights in a subject invention and to provide for the granting of licenses as required by subdivision (ii) above, and for the reporting of utilization information as required by subdivision (iii) above, whenever the instrument transfers principal or exclusive rights in a subject invention.

(2) Nothing contained in this paragraph (c) shall be deemed to grant to the Government any rights with respect to any invention other than a subject invention.

(d) Minimum rights to the Contractor. (1) The Contractor is hereby granted a revocable nonexclusive, royalty-free license in each patent application filed in any country on a subject invention and any resulting patent in which the Government obtains title, unless the Contractor fails to disclose the subject invention within the times specified in subparagraph (e)(2) below. The Contractor's license extends to its domestic subsidiaries and affiliates, if any, within the corporate structure of which the Contractor is a part and includes the right to grant sublicenses of the same scope to the extent the Contractor was legally obligated to do so at the time the contract was awarded. The license is transferable only with the approval of the funding Federal agency except when transferred to the successor of that part of the Contractor's business to which the invention pertains.

(2) The Contractor's domestic license may be revoked or modified by the funding Federal agency to the extent necessary to achieve expeditious practical application of the subject invention pursuant to an application for an exclusive license submitted in accordance with applicable provisions in 37 CFR Part 404 and agency licensing regulations. This license will not be revoked in that field of use or the geographical areas in which the Contractor has achieved practical applications and continues to make the benefits of the invention reasonably accessible to the public. The license in any foreign country may be revoked or modified at the discretion of the funding Federal agency to the extent the Contractor, its licensees, or its domestic subsidiaries or affiliates have failed to achieve practical application in that foreign country.

(3) Before revocation or modification of the license, the funding Federal agency will furnish the Contractor a written notice of its intention to revoke or modify the license, and the Contractor will be allowed 30 days (or such other time as may be authorized by the funding Federal agency for good cause shown by the Contractor) after the notice to show cause why the license should not be revoked or modified. The Contractor has the right to appeal, in accordance with applicable agency licensing regulations and 37 CFR 404 concerning the licensing of Government-owned inventions, any decision concerning the revocation or modification of its license.

(4) When the Government has the right to receive title, and does not elect to secure a patent in a foreign country, the Contractor may elect to retain such rights in any foreign country in which the Government elects not to secure a patent, subject to the Government's rights in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(e) Invention identification, disclosures, and reports. (1) The Contractor shall establish and maintain active and effective procedures to assure that subject inventions are promptly identified and disclosed to Contractor personnel responsible for patent matters within 6 months of conception and/or first actual reduction to practice, whichever occurs first in the performance of work under this contract. These procedures shall include the maintenance of laboratory notebooks or equivalent records and other records as are reasonably necessary to document the conception and/or the first actual reduction to practice of subject inventions, and records that show that the procedures for identifying and disclosing the inventions are followed. Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer a description of such procedures for evaluation and for determination as to their effectiveness.

(2) The Contractor shall disclose each subject invention to the Contracting Officer within 2 months after the inventor discloses it in writing to Contractor personnel responsible for patent matters or, if earlier, within 6 months after the Contractor becomes aware that a subject invention has been made, but in any event before any on sale, public use, or publication of such invention known to the Contractor. The disclosure to the agency shall be in the form of a written report and shall identify the contract under which the invention was made and the inventor(s). It shall be sufficiently complete in technical detail to convey a clear understanding, to the extent known at the time of the disclosure, of the nature, purpose, operation, and physical, chemical, biological, or electrical characteristics of the invention. The disclosure shall also identify any publication, on sale, or public use of the invention and whether a manuscript describing the invention has been submitted for publication and, if so, whether it has been accepted for publication at the time of disclosure. In addition, after disclosure to the agency, the Contractor shall promptly notify the agency of the acceptance of any manuscript describing the invention for publication or of any on sale or public use planned by the Contractor.

(3) The Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer the following:

(i) Interim reports every 12 months (or such longer period as may be specified by the Contracting Officer) from the date of the contract, listing subject inventions during that period, and stating that all subject inventions have been disclosed (or that there are not such inventions) and that the procedures required by subparagraph (e)(1) of this section have been followed.

(ii) A final report, within 3 months after completion of the contracted work, listing all subject inventions or stating that there were no such inventions, and listing all subcontracts at any tier containing a patent rights clause or stating that there were no such subcontracts.

(4) The Contractor agrees to require, by written agreement, its employees, other than clerical and nontechnical employees, to disclose promptly in writing to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters and in a format suggested by the Contractor each subject invention made under contract in order that the Contractor can comply with the disclosure provisions of paragraph (c) above, and to execute all papers necessary to file patent applications on subject inventions and to establish the Government's rights in the subject inventions. This disclosure format should require, as a minimum, the information required by subparagraph (2) above.

(5) The Contractor agrees subject to FAR 27.302(i) that the Government may duplicate and disclose subject invention disclosures and all other reports and papers furnished or required to be furnished pursuant to this clause.

(f) Examination of records relating to inventions. (1) The Contracting Officer or any authorized representative shall, until 3 years after final payment under this contract, have the right to examine any books (including laboratory notebooks), records, and documents of the Contractor relating to the conception or first actual reduction to practice of inventions in the same field of technology as the work under this contract to determine whether--

(i) Any such inventions are subject inventions;

(ii) The Contractor has established and maintains the procedures required by subparagraphs (e)(1) and (4) of this clause; and

(iii) The Contractor and its inventors have complied with the procedures.

(2) If the Contracting Officer learns of an unreported Contractor invention which the Contracting Officer believes may be a subject invention, the Contractor may be required to disclose the invention to the agency for a determination of ownership rights.

(3) Any examination of records under this paragraph will be subject to appropriate conditions to protect the confidentiality of the information involved.

(g) Withholding of payment (this paragraph does not apply to subcontracts). (1) Any time before final payment under this contract, the Contracting Officer may, in the Government's interest, withhold payment until a reserve not exceeding $50,000 or 5 percent of the amount of this contract, whichever is less, shall have been set aside if, in the Contracting Officer's opinion, the Contractor fails to--

(i) Establish, maintain, and follow effective procedures for identifying and disclosing subject inventions pursuant to subparagraph (e)(1) above;

(ii) Disclose any subject invention pursuant to subparagraph (e)(2) above;

(iii) Deliver acceptable interim reports pursuant to subdivision (e)(3)(i) above; or

(iv) Provide the information regarding subcontracts pursuant to subparagraph (h)(4) below.

(2) Such reserve or balance shall be withheld until the Contracting Officer has determined that the Contractor has rectified whatever deficiencies exist and has delivered all reports, disclosures, and other information required by this clause.

(3) Final payment under this contract shall not be made before the Contractor delivers to the Contracting Officer all disclosures of subject inventions required by subparagraph (e)(2) above, and acceptable final report pursuant to subdivision (e)(3)(ii) above, and all past due confirmatory instruments.

(4) The Contracting Officer may decrease or increase the sums withheld up to the maximum authorized above. No amount shall be withheld under this paragraph while the amount specified by this paragraph is being withheld under other provisions of the contract. The withholding of any amount or the subsequent payment thereof shall not be construed as a waiver of any Government rights.

(h) Subcontracts. (1) The Contractor shall include this clause (suitably modified to identify the parties) in all subcontracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, or research work. The subcontractor shall retain all rights provided for the Contractor in this clause, and the Contractor shall not, as part of the consideration for awarding the subcontract, obtain rights in the subcontractor's subject inventions.

(2) In the event of a refusal by a prospective subcontractor to accept such a clause the Contractor--

(i) Shall promptly submit a written notice to the Contracting Officer setting forth the subcontractor's reasons for such refusal and other pertinent information that may expedite disposition of the matter; and

(ii) Shall not proceed with such subcontract without the written authorization of the Contracting Officer.

(3) In the case of subcontracts at any tier, the agency, subcontractor, and Contractor agree that the mutual obligations of the parties created by this clause constitute a contract between the subcontractor and the Federal agency with respect to those matters covered by this clause.

(4) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer in writing upon the award of any subcontract at any tier containing a patent rights clause by identifying the subcontractor, the applicable patent rights clause, the work to be performed under the subcontract, and the dates of award and estimated completion. Upon request of the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall furnish a copy of such subcontract, and, no more frequently than annually, a listing of the subcontracts that have been awarded.

(i) Preference for United States industry. Unless provided otherwise, no Contractor that receives title to any subject invention and no assignee of any such Contractor shall grant to any person the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States unless such person agrees that any products embodying the subject invention will be manufactured substantially in the United States. However, in individual cases, the requirement may be waived by the Government upon a showing by the Contractor or assignee that reasonable but unsuccessful efforts have been made to grant licenses on similar terms to potential licensees that would be likely to manufacture substantially in the United States or that under the circum- stances domestic manufacture is not commercially feasible.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(c)(3), add the following sentence at the end of subdivision (c)(1)(i) of the basic clause:

The license will include the right of the Government to sublicense foreign governments, their nationals, and international organizations pursuant to the following treaties or international agreements: _____________*

[*Contracting Officer complete with the names of applicable existing treaties or international agreements. The above language is not intended to apply to treaties or agreements that are in effect on the date of the award but are not listed.]

Alternate II (Jun 1989). As prescribed in 27.303(c)(3), add the following sentence at the end of subdivision (c)(1)(i) of the basic clause:

The agency reserves the right to unilaterally amend this contract to identify specific treaties or international agreements entered into or to be entered into by the Government after the effective date of this contract, and effectuate those license or other rights which are necessary for the Government to meet its obligations to foreign governments, their nationals, and international organizations under such treaties or international agreements with respect to subject inventions made after the date of the amendment.

52.227-14 Rights in Data--General.

As prescribed in 27.409(a), insert the following clause with any appropriate alternates:
Rights in Data--General (Jun 1987)

(a) Definitions. "Computer software," as used in this clause, means computer programs, computer data bases, and documentation thereof.

"Data," as used in this clause, means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. The term does not include information incidental to contract administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management information.

"Form, fit, and function data," as used in this clause, means data relating to items, components, or processes that are sufficient to enable physical and functional interchangeability, as well as data identifying source, size, configuration, mating, and attachment characteristics, functional characteristics, and performance requirements; except that for computer software it means data identifying source, functional characteristics, and performance requirements but specifically excludes the source code, algorithm, process, formulae, and flow charts of the software.

"Limited rights," as used in this clause, means the rights of the Government in limited rights data as set forth in the Limited Rights Notice of subparagraph (g)(2) if included in this clause.

"Limited rights data," as used in this clause, means data (other than computer software) that embody trade secrets or are commercial or financial and confidential or privileged, to the extent that such data pertain to items, components, or processes developed at private expense, including minor modifications thereof.

"Restricted computer software," as used in this clause, means computer software developed at private expense and that is a trade secret; is commercial or financial and is confidential or privileged; or is published copyrighted com- puter software, including minor modifications of such computer software.

"Restricted rights," as used in this clause, means the rights of the Government in restricted computer software, as set forth in a Restricted Rights Notice of subparagraph (g)(3) if included in this clause, or as otherwise may be provided in a collateral agreement incorporated in and made part of this contract, including minor modifications of such computer software.

"Technical data," as used in this clause, means data (other than computer software) which are of a scientific or technical nature.

"Unlimited rights," as used in this clause, means the right of the Government to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so.

(b) Allocation of rights. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause regarding copyright, the Government shall have unlimited rights in--

(i) Data first produced in the performance of this contract;

(ii) Form, fit, and function data delivered under this contract;

(iii) Data delivered under this contract (except for restricted computer software) that constitute manuals or instructional and training material for installation, operation, or routine maintenance and repair of items, components, or processes delivered or furnished for use under this contract; and

(iv) All other data delivered under this contract unless provided otherwise for limited rights data or restricted computer software in accordance with paragraph (g) of this clause.

(2) The Contractor shall have the right to--

(i) Use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Contractor in the performance of this contract, unless provided otherwise in paragraph (d) of this clause;

(ii) Protect from unauthorized disclosure and use those data which are limited rights data or restricted computer software to the extent provided in paragraph (g) of this clause;

(iii) Substantiate use of, add or correct limited rights, restricted rights, or copyright notices and to take other appropriate action, in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause; and

(iv) Establish claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this contract to the extent provided in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(c) Copyright--(1) Data first produced in the performance of this contract. Unless provided otherwise in paragraph (d) of this clause, the Contractor may establish, without prior approval of the Contracting Officer, claim to copyright subsisting in scientific and technical articles based on or containing data first produced in the performance of this contract and published in academic, technical or professional journals, symposia proceedings or similar works. The prior, express written permission of the Contracting Officer is required to establish claim to copyright subsisting in all other data first produced in the performance of this contract. When claim to copyright is made, the Contractor shall affix the applicable copyright notices of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (including contract number) to the data when such data are delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. For data other than computer software the Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in such copyrighted data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government. For computer software, the Contractor grants to the Government and others acting in its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in such copyrighted computer software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly by or on behalf of the Government.

(2) Data not first produced in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall not, without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer, incorporate in data delivered under this contract any data not first produced in the performance of this contract and which contains the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402, unless the Contractor identifies such data and grants to the Government, or acquires on its behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause; provided, however, that if such data are computer software the Government shall acquire a copyright license as set forth in subparagraph (g)(3) of this clause if included in this contract or as otherwise may be provided in a collateral agreement incorporated in or made part of this contract.

(3) Removal of copyright notices. The Government agrees not to remove any copyright notices placed on data pursuant to this paragraph (c), and to include such notices on all reproductions of the data.

(d) Release, publication and use of data. (1) The Contractor shall have the right to use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Contractor in the performance of this contract, except to the extent such data may be subject to the Federal export control or national security laws or regulations, or unless otherwise provided in this paragraph of this clause or expressly set forth in this contract.

(2) The Contractor agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of this contract which contain restrictive markings, the Contractor shall treat the data in accordance with such markings unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer.

(e) Unauthorized marking of data. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract concerning inspection or acceptance, if any data delivered under this contract are marked with the notices specified in subparagraph (g)(2) or (g)(3) of this clause and use of such is not authorized by this clause, or if such data bears any other restrictive or limiting markings not authorized by this contract, the Contracting Officer may at any time either return the data to the Contractor, or cancel or ignore the markings. However, the following procedures shall apply prior to canceling or ignoring the markings.

(i) The Contracting Officer shall make written inquiry to the Contractor affording the Contractor 30 days from receipt of the inquiry to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings;

(ii) If the Contractor fails to respond or fails to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the 30-day period (or a longer time not exceeding 90 days approved in writing by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown), the Government shall have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time after said period and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions.

(iii) If the Contractor provides written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the period set in subdivision (e)(1)(i) of this clause, the Contracting Officer shall consider such written justification and determine whether or not the markings are to be cancelled or ignored. If the Contracting Officer determines that the markings are authorized, the Contractor shall be so notified in writing. If the Contracting Officer determines, with concurrence of the head of the contracting activity, that the markings are not authorized, the Contracting Officer shall furnish the Contractor a written determination, which determination shall become the final agency decision regarding the appropriateness of the markings unless the Contractor files suit in a court of competent jurisdiction within 90 days of receipt of the Contracting Officer's decision. The Government shall continue to abide by the markings under this subdivision (e)(1)(iii) until final resolution of the matter either by the Contracting Officer's determination becoming final (in which instance the Government shall thereafter have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions), or by final disposition of the matter by court decision if suit is filed.

(2) The time limits in the procedures set forth in subparagraph (e)(1) of this clause may be modified in accordance with agency regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) if necessary to respond to a request thereunder.

(3) This paragraph (e) does not apply if this contract is for a major system or for support of a major system by a civilian agency other than NASA and the U.S. Coast Guard agency subject to the provisions of Title III of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949.

(4) Except to the extent the Government's action occurs as the result of final disposition of the matter by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Contractor is not precluded by this paragraph (e) from bringing a claim under the Contract Disputes Act, including pursuant to the Disputes clause of this contract, as applicable, that may arise as the result of the Government removing or ignoring authorized markings on data delivered under this contract.

(f) Omitted or incorrect markings. (1) Data delivered to the Government without either the limited rights or restricted rights notice as authorized by paragraph (g) of this clause, or the copyright notice required by paragraph (c) of this clause, shall be deemed to have been furnished with unlimited rights, and the Government assumes no liability for the disclosure, use, or reproduction of such data. However, to the extent the data has not been disclosed without restriction outside the Government, the Contractor may request, within 6 months (or a longer time approved by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown) after delivery of such data, permission to have notices placed on qualifying data at the Contractor's expense, and the Contracting Officer may agree to do so if the Contractor--

(i) Identifies the data to which the omitted notice is to be applied;

(ii) Demonstrates that the omission of the notice was inadvertent;

(iii) Establishes that the use of the proposed notice is authorized; and

(iv) Acknowledges that the Government has no liability with respect to the disclosure, use, or reproduction of any such data made prior to the addition of the notice or resulting from the omission of the notice.

(2) The Contracting Officer may also (i) permit correction at the Contractor's expense of incorrect notices if the Contractor identifies the data on which correction of the notice is to be made, and demonstrates that the correct notice is authorized, or (ii) correct any incorrect notices.

(g) Protection of limited rights data and restricted computer software. (1) When data other than that listed in subdivisions (b)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this clause are specified to be delivered under this contract and qualify as either limited rights data or restricted computer software, if the Contractor desires to continue protection of such data, the Contractor shall withhold such data and not furnish them to the Government under this contract. As a condition to this withholding, the Contractor shall identify the data being withheld and furnish form, fit, and function data in lieu thereof. Limited rights data that are formatted as a computer data base for delivery to the Government are to be treated as limited rights data and not restricted computer software.

(2)--(3) [Reserved]

(h) Subcontracting. The Contractor has the responsibility to obtain from its subcontractors all data and rights therein necessary to fulfill the Contractor's obligations to the Government under this contract. If a subcontractor refuses to accept terms affording the Government such rights, the Contractor shall promptly bring such refusal to the attention of the Contracting Officer and not proceed with subcontract award without further authorization.

(i) Relationship to patents. Nothing contained in this clause shall imply a license to the Government under any patent or be construed as affecting the scope of any license or other right otherwise granted to the Government.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Jun 1987). As prescribed in 27.409(b), substitute the following definition for "Limited Rights Data" in paragraph (a) of the clause:

"Limited rights data," as used in this clause, means data (other than computer software) developed at private expense that embody trade secrets or are commercial or financial and confidential or privileged.

Alternate II (Jun 1987). As prescribed in 27.409(c), insert the following subparagraph (g)(2) in the clause:

(g)(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (g)(1) of this clause, the contract may identify and specify the delivery of limited rights data, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of limited rights data that has been withheld or would otherwise be withholdable. If delivery of such data is so required, the Contractor may affix the following "Limited Rights Notice" to the data and the Government will thereafter treat the data, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause, in accordance with such Notice:

Limited Rights Notice (Jun 1987)

(a) These data are submitted with limited rights under Government Contract No. _____ (and subcontract ______, if appropriate). These data may be reproduced and used by the Government with the express limitation that they will not, without written permission of the Contractor, be used for purposes of manufacture nor disclosed outside the Government; except that the Government may disclose these data outside the Government for the following purposes, if any; provided that the Government makes such disclosure subject to prohibition against further use and disclosure: [Agencies may list additional purposes as set forth in 27.404(d)(1) or if none, so state.]

(b) This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part.

(End of notice)

Alternate III (Jun 1987). As prescribed in 27.409(d), insert the following subparagraph (g)(3)(i) in the clause:

(g)(3)(i) Notwithstanding subparagraph (g)(1) of this clause, the contract may identify and specify the delivery of restricted computer software, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of restricted computer software that has been withheld or would otherwise be withholdable. If delivery of such computer software is so required, the Contractor may affix the following "Restricted Rights Notice" to the computer software and the Government will thereafter treat the computer software, subject to paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause, in accordance with the Notice:

Restricted Rights Notice (Jun 1987)

(a) This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Contract No. _______ (and subcontract ________, if appropriate). It may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (b) of this Notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract.

(b) This computer software may be--

(1) Used or copied for use in or with the computer or computers for which it was acquired, including use at any Government installation to which such computer or computers may be transferred;

(2) Used or copied for use in a backup computer if any computer for which it was acquired is inoperative;

(3) Reproduced for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes;

(4) Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the modified, combined, or adapted portions of the derivative software incorporating restricted computer software are made subject to the same restricted rights;

(5) Disclosed to and reproduced for use by support service Contractors in accordance with subparagraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this clause, provided the Government makes such disclosure or reproduction subject to these restricted rights; and

(6) Used or copied for use in or transferred to a replacement computer.

(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this computer software is published copyrighted computer software, it is licensed to the Government, without disclosure prohibitions, with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph (b) of this clause.

(d) Any other rights or limitations regarding the use, duplication, or disclosure of this computer software are to be expressly stated in, or incorporated in, the contract.

(e) This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this computer software, in whole or in part.

(End of notice)

(ii) Where it is impractical to include the Restricted Rights Notice on restricted computer software, the following short-form Notice may be used in lieu thereof:

Restricted Rights Notice Short Form (Jun 1987)

Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in Contract No. _______ (and subcontract, if appropriate) with ________ (name of Contractor and subcontractor).

(End of notice)

(iii) If restricted computer software is delivered with the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401, it will be presumed to be published copyrighted computer software licensed to the Government without disclosure prohibitions, with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph (b) of this clause, unless the Contractor includes the following statement with such copyright notice: "Unpublished--rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States."

Alternate IV (Jun 1987). As prescribed in 27.409(e), substitute the following subparagraph (c)(1) in the clause:

(c) Copyright--(1) Data first produced in the performance of the contract. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this contract, the Contractor may establish claim to copyright subsisting in any data first produced in the performance of this contract. When claim to copyright is made, the Contractor shall affix the applicable copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (including contract number) to the data when such data are delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. For data other than computer software, the Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license for all such data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government. For computer software, the Contractor grants to the Government and others acting on its behalf, a paid up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license for all such computer software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.

Alternate V (Jun 1987). As prescribed in 27.409(f), add the following paragraph (j) to the clause:

(j) The Contractor agrees, except as may be otherwise specified in this contract for specific data items listed as not subject to this paragraph, that the Contracting Officer or an authorized representative may, up to three years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this contract, inspect at the Contractor's facility any data withheld pursuant to paragraph (g)(1) of this clause, for purposes of verifying the Contractor's assertion pertaining to the limited rights or restricted rights status of the data or for evaluating work performance. Where the Contractor whose data are to be inspected demonstrates to the Contracting Officer that there would be a possible conflict of interest if the inspection were made by a particular representative, the Contracting Officer shall designate an alternate inspector.

52.227-15 Representation of Limited Rights Data and Restricted Computer Software.

As prescribed in 27.409(g), insert the following provision in solicitations that include the clause at 52.227-14, Rights in Data--General:
Representation of Limited Rights Data and Restricted Computer Software (Jun 1987)

(a) This solicitation sets forth the work to be performed if a contract award results, and the Government's known delivery requirements for data (as defined in FAR 27.401). Any resulting contract may also provide the Government the option to order additional data under the Additional Data Requirements clause at 52.227-16 of the FAR, if included in the contract. Any data delivered under the resulting contract will be subject to the Rights in Data--General clause at 52.227-14 that is to be included in this contract. Under the latter clause, a Contractor may withhold from delivery data that qualify as limited rights data or restricted computer software, and deliver form, fit, and function data in lieu thereof. The latter clause also may be used with its Alternates II and/or III to obtain delivery of limited rights data or restricted computer software, marked with limited rights or restricted rights notices, as appropriate. In addition, use of Alternate V with this latter clause provides the Government the right to inspect such data at the Contractor's facility.

(b) As an aid in determining the Government's need to include any of the aforementioned Alternates in the clause at 52.227-14, Rights in Data--General, the offeror's response to this solicitation shall, to the extent feasible, complete the representation in paragraph (b) of this provision to either state that none of the data qualify as limited rights data or restricted computer software, or identify which of the data qualifies as limited rights data or restricted computer software. Any identification of limited rights data or restricted computer software in the offeror's response is not determinative of the status of such data should a contract be awarded to the offeror.

Representation Concerning Data Rights

Offeror has reviewed the requirements for the delivery of data or software and states (offeror check appropriate block)--

* None of the data proposed for fulfilling such requirements qualifies as limited rights data or restricted computer software.

* Data proposed for fulfilling such requirements qualify as limited rights data or restricted computer software and are identified as follows:




Note: "Limited rights data" and "Restricted computer software" are defined in the contract clause entitled "Rights In Data--General."

(End of provision)

52.227-16 Additional Data Requirements.

As prescribed in 27.409(h), insert the following clause:
Additional Data Requirements (Jun 1987)

(a) In addition to the data (as defined in the clause at 52.227-14, Rights in Data--General clause or other equivalent included in this contract) specified elsewhere in this contract to be delivered, the Contracting Officer may, at any time during contract performance or within a period of 3 years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this contract, order any data first produced or specifically used in the performance of this contract.

(b) The Rights in Data--General clause or other equivalent included in this contract is applicable to all data ordered under this Additional Data Requirements clause. Nothing contained in this clause shall require the Contractor to deliver any data the withholding of which is authorized by the Rights in Data--General or other equivalent clause of this contract, or data which are specifically identified in this contract as not subject to this clause.

(c) When data are to be delivered under this clause, the Contractor will be compensated for converting the data into the prescribed form, for reproduction, and for delivery.

(d) The Contracting Officer may release the Contractor from the requirements of this clause for specifically identified data items at any time during the 3-year period set forth in paragraph (a) of this clause.

(End of clause)

52.227-17 Rights in Data--Special Works.

As prescribed in 27.409(i), insert the following clause:
Rights in Data--Special Works (Jun 1987)

(a) Definitions.

"Data," as used in this clause, means recorded information regardless of form or the medium on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. The term does not include information incidental to contract administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing or management information.

"Unlimited rights," as used in this clause, means the right of the Government to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so.

(b) Allocation of Rights. (1) The Government shall have--

(i) Unlimited rights in all data delivered under this contract, and in all data first produced in the performance of this contract, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause for copyright.

(ii) The right to limit exercise of claim to copyright in data first produced in the performance of this contract, and to obtain assignment of copyright in such data, in accordance with subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(iii) The right to limit the release and use of certain data in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(2) The Contractor shall have, to the extent permission is granted in accordance with subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause, the right to establish claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this contract.

(c) Copyright--(1) Data first produced in the performance of this contract. (i) The Contractor agrees not to assert, establish, or authorize others to assert or establish, any claim to copyright subsisting in any data first produced in the performance of this contract without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer. When claim to copyright is made, the Contractor shall affix the appropriate copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (including contract number) to such data when delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. The Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license for all such data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.

(ii) If the Government desires to obtain copyright in data first produced in the performance of this contract and permission has not been granted as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(i) of this clause, the Contracting Officer may direct the Contractor to establish, or authorize the establishment of, claim to copyright in such data and to assign, or obtain the assignment of, such copyright to the Government or its designated assignee.

(2) Data not first produced in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall not, without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer, incorporate in data delivered under this contract any data not first produced in the performance of this contract and which contain the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402, unless the Contractor identifies such data and grants to the Government, or acquires on its behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(d) Release and use restrictions. Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this contract, the Contractor shall not use for purposes other than the performance of this contract, nor shall the Contractor release, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced in the performance of this contract, nor authorize others to do so, without written permission of the Contracting Officer.

(e) Indemnity. The Contractor shall indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and employees acting for the Government against any liability, including costs and expenses, incurred as the result of the violation of trade secrets, copyrights, or right of privacy or publicity, arising out of the creation, delivery, publication, or use of any data furnished under this contract; or any libelous or other unlawful matter contained in such data. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply unless the Government provides notice to the Contractor as soon as practicable of any claim or suit, affords the Contractor an opportunity under applicable laws, rules, or regulations to participate in the defense thereof, and obtains the Contractor's consent to the settlement of any suit or claim other than as required by final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction; nor do these provisions apply to material furnished to the Contractor by the Government and incorporated in data to which this clause applies.

(End of clause)

52.227-18 Rights in Data--Existing Works.

As prescribed in 27.409(j), insert the following clause:
Rights in Data--Existing Works (Jun 1987)

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government, for all the material or subject matter called for under this contract, or for which this clause is specifically made applicable.

(b) The Contractor shall indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and employees acting for the Government against any liability, including costs and expenses, incurred as the result of (1) the violation of trade secrets, copyrights, or right of privacy or publicity, arising out of the creation, delivery, publication or use of any data furnished under this contract; or (2) any libelous or other unlawful matter contained in such data. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply unless the Government provides notice to the Contractor as soon as practicable of any claim or suit, affords the Contractor an opportunity under applicable laws, rules, or regulations to participate in the defense thereof, and obtains the Contractor's consent to the settlement of any suit or claim other than as required by final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction; and do not apply to material furnished to the Contractor by the Government and incorporated in data to which this clause applies.

(End of clause)

52.227-19 Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights.

As prescribed in 27.409(k), insert the following clause:
Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (Jun 1987)

(a) As used in this clause, "restricted computer software" means any computer program, computer data base, or documentation thereof, that has been developed at private expense and either is a trade secret, is commercial or financial and confidential or privileged, or is published and copyrighted.

(b) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in any Contractor's standard commercial license or lease agreement pertaining to any restricted computer software delivered under this purchase order/contract, and irrespective of whether any such agreement has been proposed prior to or after issuance of this purchase order/contract or of the fact that such agreement may be affixed to or accompany the restricted computer software upon delivery, vendor agrees that the Government shall have the rights that are set forth in paragraph (c) of this clause to use, duplicate or disclose any restricted computer software delivered under this purchase order/contract. The terms and provisions of this contract, including any commercial lease or license agreement, shall be subject to paragraph (c) of this clause and shall comply with Federal laws and the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

(c)(1) The restricted computer software delivered under this contract may not be used, reproduced or disclosed by the Government except as provided in subparagraph (c)(2) of this clause or as expressly stated otherwise in this contract.

(2) The restricted computer software may be--

(i) Used or copied for use in or with the computer or computers for which it was acquired, including use at any Government installation to which such computer or computers may be transferred;

(ii) Used or copied for use in or with backup computer if any computer for which it was acquired is inoperative;

(iii) Reproduced for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes;

(iv) Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the modified, combined, or adapted portions of the derivative software incorporating any of the delivered, restricted computer software shall be subject to same restrictions set forth in this purchase order/contract;

(v) Disclosed to and reproduced for use by support service Contractors or their subcontractors, subject to the same restrictions set forth in this purchase order/contract; and

(vi) Used or copied for use in or transferred to a replacement computer.

(3) If the restricted computer software delivered under this purchase order/contract is published and copyrighted, it is licensed to the Government, without disclosure prohibitions, with the rights set forth in subparagraph (c)(2) of this clause unless expressly stated otherwise in this purchase order/contract.

(4) To the extent feasible the Contractor shall affix a Notice substantially as follows to any restricted computer software delivered under this purchase order/contract; or, if the vendor does not, the Government has the right to do so:

Notice--Notwithstanding any other lease or license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, the rights of the Government regarding its use, reproduction and disclosure are as set forth in Government Contract (or Purchase Order) No. _____.

(d) If any restricted computer software is delivered under this contract with the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401, it will be presumed to be published and copyrighted and licensed to the Government in accordance with subparagraph (c)(3) of this clause, unless a statement substantially as follows accompanies such copyright notice:

Unpublished--rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.

(End of clause)

52.227-20 Rights in Data--SBIR Program.

As prescribed in 27.409(l), insert the following clause:
Rights in Data--SBIR Program (Mar 1994)

(a) Definitions.

"Computer software," as used in this clause, means computer programs, computer data bases, and documentation thereof.

"Data," as used in this clause, means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. The term does not include information incidental to contract administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing or management information.

"Form, fit, and function data," as used in this clause, means data relating to items, components, or processes that are sufficient to enable physical and functional interchangeability as well as data identifying source, size, configuration, mating and attachment characteristics, functional characteristics, and performance requirements except that for computer software it means data identifying source, functional characteristics, and performance requirements but specifically excludes the source code, algorithm, process, formulae, and flow charts of the software.

"Limited rights data," as used in this clause, means data (other than computer software) developed at private expense that embody trade secrets or are commercial or financial and confidential or privileged.

"Restricted computer software," as used in this clause, means computer software developed at private expense and that is a trade secret; is commercial or financial and confidential or privileged; or is published copyrighted computer software; including modifications of such computer software.

"SBIR data," as used in this clause, means data first produced by a Contractor that is a small business firm in performance of a small business innovation research contract issued under the authority of 15 U.S.C. 638 (Pub. L. 97-219, Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982), which data are not generally known, and which data without obligation as to its confidentiality have not been made available to others by the Contractor or are not already available to the Government.

"SBIR rights," as used in this clause, mean the rights in SBIR data set forth in the SBIR Rights Notice of paragraph (d) of this clause.

"Technical data," as used in this clause, means that data which are of a scientific or technical nature.

"Unlimited rights," as used in this clause, means the right of the Government to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so.

(b) Allocation of rights. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause regarding copyright, the Government shall have unlimited rights in--

(i) Data specifically identified in this contract as data to be delivered without restriction;

(ii) Form, fit, and function data delivered under this contract;

(iii) Data delivered under this contract (except for restricted computer software) that constitute manuals or instructional and training material for installation, operation, or routine maintenance and repair of items, components, or processes delivered or furnished for use under this contract; and

(iv) All other data delivered under this contract unless provided otherwise for SBIR data in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause or for limited rights data or restricted computer software in accordance with paragraph (f) of this clause.

(2) The Contractor shall have the right to--

(i) Protect SBIR rights in SBIR data delivered under this contract in the manner and to the extent provided in paragraph (d) of this clause;

(ii) Withhold from delivery those data which are limited rights data or restricted computer software to the extent provided in paragraph (g) of this clause;

(iii) Substantiate use of, add, or correct SBIR rights or copyrights notices and to take other appropriate action, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this clause; and

(iv) Establish claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this contract to the extent provided in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(c) Copyright--(1) Data first produced in the performance of this contract. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this contract, the Contractor may establish claim to copyright subsisting in any data first produced in the performance of this contract. If claim to copyright is made, the Contractor shall affix the applicable copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (including contract number) to the data when such data are delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. For data other than computer software the Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government, for all such data. For computer software, the Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license for all such computer software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.

(2) Data not first produced in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall not, without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer, incorporate in data delivered under this contract any data that are not first produced in the performance of this contract and that contain the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402, unless the Contractor identifies such data and grants to the Government, or acquires on its behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(3) Removal of copyright notices. The Government agrees not to remove any copyright notices placed on data pursuant to this paragraph (c), and to include such notices on all reproductions of the data.

(d) Rights to SBIR data. (1) The Contractor is authorized to affix the following "SBIR Rights Notice" to SBIR data delivered under this contract and the Government will thereafter treat the data, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause, in accordance with such Notice:

SBIR Rights Notice (Mar 1994)

These SBIR data are furnished with SBIR rights under Contract No._____ (and subcontract _____, if appropriate). For a period of 4 years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this contract, the Government agrees to use these data for Government purposes only, and they shall not be disclosed outside the Government (including disclosure for procurement purposes) during such period without permission of the Contractor, except that, subject to the foregoing use and disclosure prohibitions, such data may be disclosed for use by support Contractors. After the aforesaid 4-year period the Government has a royalty-free license to use, and to authorize others to use on its behalf, these data for Government purposes, but is relieved of all disclosure prohibitions and assumes no liability for unauthorized use of these data by third parties. This Notice shall be affixed to any reproductions of these data, in whole or in part.

(End of notice)

(2) The Government's sole obligation with respect to any SBIR data shall be as set forth in this paragraph (d).

(e) Omitted or incorrect markings. (1) Data delivered to the Government without any notice authorized by paragraph (d) of this clause, and without a copyright notice, shall be deemed to have been furnished with unlimited rights, and the Government assumes no liability for the disclosure, use, or reproduction of such data. However, to the extent the data have not been disclosed without restriction outside the Government, the Contractor may request, within six months (or a longer time approved by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown) after delivery of such data, permission to have notices placed on qualifying data at the Contractor's expense, and the Contracting Officer may agree to do so if the Contractor--

(i) Identifies the data to which the omitted notice is to be applied;

(ii) Demonstrates that the omission of the notice was inadvertent;

(iii) Establishes that the use of the proposed notice is authorized; and

(iv) Acknowledges that the Government has no liability with respect to the disclosure or use of any such data made prior to the addition of the notice or resulting from the omission of the notice.

(2) The Contracting Officer may also--

(i) Permit correction, at the Contractor's expense, of incorrect notices if the Contractor identifies the data on which correction of the notice is to be made and demonstrates that the correct notice is authorized, or

(ii) Correct any incorrect notices.

(f) Protection of limited rights data. When data other than that listed in subdivisions (b)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this clause are specified to be delivered under this contract and such data qualify as either limited rights data or restricted computer software, the Contractor, if the Contractor desires to continue protection of such data, shall withhold such data and not furnish them to the Government under this contract. As a condition to this withholding the Contractor shall identify the data being withheld and furnish form, fit, and function data in lieu thereof.

(g) Subcontracting. The Contractor has the responsibility to obtain from its subcontractors all data and rights therein necessary to fulfill the Contractor's obligations to the Government under this contract. If a subcontractor refuses to accept terms affording the Government such rights, the Contractor shall promptly bring such refusal to the attention of the Contracting Officer and not proceed with subcontract award without further authorization.

(h) Relationship to patents. Nothing contained in this clause shall imply a license to the Government under any patent or be construed as affecting the scope of any license or other right otherwise granted to the Government.

(End of clause)

52.227-21 Technical Data Declaration, Revision, and Withholding of Payment--Major Systems.

As prescribed in 27.409(q), insert the following clause:
Technical Data Declaration, Revision, and Withholding of Payment--Major Systems (Jan 1997)

(a) Scope of clause. This clause shall apply to all technical data (as defined in the Rights in Data--General clause included in this contract) that have been specified in this contract as being subject to this clause. It shall apply to all such data delivered, or required to be delivered, at any time during contract performance or within 3 years after acceptance of all items (other than technical data) delivered under this contract unless a different period is set forth herein. The Contracting Officer may release the Contractor from all or part of the requirements of this clause for specifically identified technical data items at any time during the period covered by this clause.

(b) Technical data declaration. (1) All technical data that are subject to this clause shall be accompanied by the following declaration upon delivery:

Technical Data Declaration (Jan 1997)

The Contractor, _________________________, hereby declares that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the technical data delivered herewith under Government contract No. _______ (and subcontract _________________, if appropriate) are complete, accurate, and comply with the requirements of the contract concerning such technical data.

(End of declaration)

(2) The Government shall rely on the declarations set out in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause in accepting delivery of the technical data, and in consideration thereof may, at any time during the period covered by this clause, request correction of any deficiencies which are not in compliance with contract requirements. Such corrections shall be made at the expense of the Contractor. Unauthorized markings on data shall not be considered a deficiency for the purpose of this clause, but will be treated in accordance with paragraph (e) of the Rights in Data--General clause included in this contract.

(c) Technical data revision. The Contractor also agrees, at the request of the Contracting Officer, to revise technical data that are subject to this clause to reflect engineering design changes made during the performance of this contract and affecting the form, fit, and function of any item (other than technical data) delivered under this contract. The Contractor may submit a request for an equitable adjustment to the terms and conditions of this contract for any revisions to technical data made pursuant to this paragraph.

(d) Withholding of payment. (1) At any time before final payment under this contract the Contracting Officer may, in the Government's interest, withhold payment until a reserve not exceeding $100,000 or 5 percent of the amount of this contract, whichever is less, if in the Contracting Officer's opinion respecting any technical data that are subject to this clause, the Contractor fails to--

(i) Make timely delivery of such technical data as required by this contract;

(ii) Provide the declaration required by paragraph (b)(1) of this clause;

(iii) Make the corrections required by subparagraph (b)(2) of this clause; or

(iv) Make revisions requested under paragraph (c) of this clause.

(2) Such reserve or balance shall be withheld until the Contracting Officer has determined that the Contractor has delivered the data and/or has made the required corrections or revisions. Withholding shall not be made if the failure to make timely delivery, and/or the deficiencies relating to delivered data, arose out of causes beyond the control of the Contractor and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor.

(3) The Contracting Officer may decrease or increase the sums withheld up to the sums authorized in subparagraph (d)(1) of this clause. The withholding of any amount under this paragraph, or the subsequent payment thereof, shall not be construed as a waiver of any Government rights.

(End of clause)

52.227-22 Major System--Minimum Rights.

As prescribed in 27.409(r), insert the following clause:
Major System--Minimum Rights (June 1987)

Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the Government shall have unlimited rights in any technical data, other than computer software, developed in the performance of this contract and relating to a major system or supplies for a major system procured or to be procured by the Government, to the extent that delivery of such technical data is required as an element of performance under this contract. The rights of the Government under this clause are in addition to and not in lieu of its rights under the other provisions of this contract.

(End of clause)

52.227-23 Rights to Proposal Data (Technical).

As prescribed in 27.409(s), insert the following clause:
Rights to Proposal Data (Technical) (June 1987)

Except for data contained on pages _____, it is agreed that as a condition of award of this contract, and notwithstanding the conditions of any notice appearing thereon, the Government shall have unlimited rights (as defined in the "Rights in Data--General" clause contained in this contract) in and to the technical data contained in the proposal dated ____________, upon which this contract is based.

(End of clause)

52.228-1 Bid Guarantee.

As prescribed in 28.101-2, insert a provision or clause substantially as follows:
Bid Guarantee (Sept 1996)

(a) Failure to furnish a bid guarantee in the proper form and amount, by the time set for opening of bids, may be cause for rejection of the bid.

(b) The bidder shall furnish a bid guarantee in the form of a firm commitment, e.g., bid bond supported by good and sufficient surety or sureties acceptable to the Government, postal money order, certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit, or, under Treasury Department regulations, certain bonds or notes of the United States. The Contracting Officer will return bid guarantees, other than bid bonds--

(1) To unsuccessful bidders as soon as practicable after the opening of bids; and

(2) To the successful bidder upon execution of contractual documents and bonds (including any necessary coinsurance or reinsurance agreements), as required by the bid as accepted.

(c) The amount of the bid guarantee shall be ______ percent of the bid price or $________, whichever is less.

(d) If the successful bidder, upon acceptance of its bid by the Government within the period specified for acceptance, fails to execute all contractual documents or furnish executed bond(s) within 10 days after receipt of the forms by the bidder, the Contracting Officer may terminate the contract for default.

(e) In the event the contract is terminated for default, the bidder is liable for any cost of acquiring the work that exceeds the amount of its bid, and the bid guarantee is available to offset the difference.

(End of provision)

52.228-2 Additional Bond Security.

As prescribed in 28.106-4(a), insert the following clause:
Additional Bond Security (Oct 1997)

The Contractor shall promptly furnish additional security required to protect the Government and persons supplying labor or materials under this contract if--

(a) Any surety upon any bond, or issuing financial institution for other security, furnished with this contract becomes unacceptable to the Government;

(b) Any surety fails to furnish reports on its financial condition as required by the Government;

(c) The contract price is increased so that the penal sum of any bond becomes inadequate in the opinion of the Contracting Officer; or

(d) An irrevocable letter of credit (ILC) used as security will expire before the end of the period of required security. If the Contractor does not furnish an acceptable extension or replacement ILC, or other acceptable substitute, at least 30 days before an ILC's scheduled expiration, the Contracting officer has the right to immediately draw on the ILC.

(End of clause)

52.228-3 Workers' Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act).

As prescribed in 28.309(a), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the Defense Base Act applies (see 28.305) and (a) the contract will be a public work contract performed outside the United States; or (b) the contract will be approved or financed under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (Pub. L. 87-195) and is not excluded by 28.305(b)(2):
Workers' Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act) (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall (a) provide, before commencing performance under this contract, such workers' compensation insurance or security as the Defense Base Act (42 U.S.C. 1651, et seq.) requires and (b) continue to maintain it until performance is completed. The Contractor shall insert, in all subcontracts under this contract to which the Defense Base Act applies, a clause similar to this clause (including this sentence) imposing upon those subcontractors this requirement to comply with the Defense Base Act.

(End of clause)

52.228-4 Workers' Compensation and War-Hazard Insurance Overseas.

As prescribed in 28.309(b), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the contract will be a public-work contract performed outside the United States and the Secretary of Labor waives the applicability of the Defense Base Act (see 28.305(d)):
Workers' Compensation and War-Hazard Insurance Overseas (Apr 1984)

(a) This paragraph applies if the Contractor employs any person who, but for a waiver granted by the Secretary of Labor, would be subject to workers' compensation insurance under the Defense Base Act (42 U.S.C. 1651, et seq.). On behalf of employees for whom the applicability of the Defense Base Act has been waived, the Contractor shall (1) provide, before commencing performance under this contract, at least that workers' compensation insurance or the equivalent as the laws of the country of which these employees are nationals may require, and (2) continue to maintain it until performance is completed. The Contractor shall insert, in all subcontracts under this contract to which the Defense Base Act would apply but for the waiver, a clause similar to this paragraph (a) (including this sentence) imposing upon those subcontractors this requirement to provide such workers' compensation insurance coverage.

(b) This paragraph applies if the Contractor or any subcontractor under this contract employs any person who, but for a waiver granted by the Secretary of Labor, would be subject to the War Hazards Compensation Act (42 U.S.C. 1701, et seq.). On behalf of employees for whom the applicability of the Defense Base Act (and hence that of the War Hazards Compensation Act) has been waived, the Contractor shall, subject to reimbursement as provided elsewhere in this contract, afford the same protection as that provided in the War Hazards Compensation Act, except that the level of benefits shall conform to any law or international agreement controlling the benefits to which the employees may be entitled. In all other respects, the standards of the War Hazards Compensation Act shall apply; e.g., the definition of war-hazard risks (injury, death, capture, or detention as the result of a war hazard as defined in the Act), proof of loss, and exclusion of benefits otherwise covered by workers' compensation insurance or the equivalent. Unless the Contractor elects to assume directly the liability to subcontractor employees created by this clause, the Contractor shall insert, in all subcontracts under this contract to which the War Hazards Compensation Act would apply but for the waiver, a clause similar to this paragraph (b) (including this sentence) imposing upon those subcontractors this requirement to provide war-hazard benefits.

(End of clause)

52.228-5 Insurance--Work on a Government Installation.

As prescribed in 28.310, insert the following clause:
Insurance--Work on a Government Installation (Jan 1997)

(a) The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract, at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract.

(b) Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective--

(1) For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe; or

(2) Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer.

(c) The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and shall require subcontractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all subcontractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the Contracting Officer upon request.

(End of clause)

52.228-6 [Reserved]

52.228-7 Insurance--Liability to Third Persons.

As prescribed in 28.311-1, insert the following clause:
Insurance--Liability to Third Persons (Mar 1996)

(a)(1) Except as provided in subparagraph (a)(2) of this clause, the Contractor shall provide and maintain workers' compensation, employer's liability, comprehensive general liability (bodily injury), comprehensive automobile liability (bodily injury and property damage) insurance, and such other insurance as the Contracting Officer may require under this contract.

(2) The Contractor may, with the approval of the Contracting Officer, maintain a self-insurance program; provided that, with respect to workers' compensation, the Contractor is qualified pursuant to statutory authority.

(3) All insurance required by this paragraph shall be in a form and amount and for those periods as the Contracting Officer may require or approve and with insurers approved by the Contracting Officer.

(b) The Contractor agrees to submit for the Contracting Officer's approval, to the extent and in the manner required by the Contracting Officer, any other insurance that is maintained by the Contractor in connection with the performance of this contract and for which the Contractor seeks reimbursement.

(c) The Contractor shall be reimbursed--

(1) For that portion--

(i) Of the reasonable cost of insurance allocable to this contract; and

(ii) Required or approved under this clause; and

(2) For certain liabilities (and expenses incidental to such liabilities) to third persons not compensated by insurance or otherwise without regard to and as an exception to the limitation of cost or the limitation of funds clause of this contract. These liabilities must arise out of the performance of this contract, whether or not caused by the negligence of the Contractor or of the Contractor's agents, servants, or employees, and must be represented by final judgments or settlements approved in writing by the Government. These liabilities are for--

(i) Loss of or damage to property (other than property owned, occupied, or used by the Contractor, rented to the Contractor, or in the care, custody, or control of the Contractor); or

(ii) Death or bodily injury.

(d) The Government's liability under paragraph (c) of this clause is subject to the availability of appropriated funds at the time a contingency occurs. Nothing in this contract shall be construed as implying that the Congress will, at a later date, appropriate funds sufficient to meet deficiencies.

(e) The Contractor shall not be reimbursed for liabilities (and expenses incidental to such liabilities)--

(1) For which the Contractor is otherwise responsible under the express terms of any clause specified in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract;

(2) For which the Contractor has failed to insure or to maintain insurance as required by the Contracting Officer; or

(3) That result from willful misconduct or lack of good faith on the part of any of the Contractor's directors, officers, managers, superintendents, or other representatives who have supervision or direction of--

(i) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(ii) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operations at any one plant or separate location in which this contract is being performed; or

(iii) A separate and complete major industrial operation in connection with the performance of this contract.

(f) The provisions of paragraph (e) of this clause shall not restrict the right of the Contractor to be reimbursed for the cost of insurance maintained by the Contractor in connection with the performance of this contract, other than insurance required in accordance with this clause; provided, that such cost is allowable under the Allowable Cost and Payment clause of this contract.

(g) If any suit or action is filed or any claim is made against the Contractor, the cost and expense of which may be reimbursable to the Contractor under this contract, and the risk of which is then uninsured or is insured for less than the amount claimed, the Contractor shall--

(1) Immediately notify the Contracting Officer and promptly furnish copies of all pertinent papers received;

(2) Authorize Government representatives to collaborate with counsel for the insurance carrier in settling or defending the claim when the amount of the liability claimed exceeds the amount of coverage; and

(3) Authorize Government representatives to settle or defend the claim and to represent the Contractor in or to take charge of any litigation, if required by the Government, when the liability is not insured or covered by bond. The Contractor may, at its own expense, be associated with the Government representatives in any such claim or litigation.

(End of clause)

52.228-8 Liability and Insurance--Leased Motor Vehicles.

As prescribed in 28.312, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for the leasing of motor vehicles (see Subpart 8.11):
Liability and Insurance--Leased Motor Vehicles (Jan 1997)

(a) The Government shall be responsible for loss of or damage to--

(1) Leased vehicles, except for--

(i) Normal wear and tear; and

(ii) Loss or damage caused by the negligence of the Contractor, its agents, or employees; and

(2) Property of third persons, or the injury or death of third persons, if the Government is liable for such loss, damage, injury, or death under the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 2671-2680).

(b) The Contractor shall be liable for, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Government against, all actions or claims for loss of or damage to property or the injury or death of persons, resulting from the fault, negligence, or wrongful act or omission of the Contractor, its agents, or employees.

(c) The Contractor shall provide and maintain insurance covering its liabilities under paragraph (b) of this clause, in amounts of at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence for death or bodily injury and $20,000 per occurrence for property damage or loss.

(d) Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the interests of the Government shall not be effective (1) for such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe or (2) until 30 days after written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer. The policies shall exclude any claim by the insurer for subrogation against the Government by reason of any payment under the policies.

(e) The Contractor warrants that the contract price includes no cost for insurance or contingency to cover losses, damage, injury, or death for which the Government is responsible under paragraph (a) of this clause.

(End of clause)

52.228-9 Cargo Insurance.

As prescribed in 28.313(a), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services, except when freight is shipped under rates subject to released or declared value:
Cargo Insurance (Jan 1997)

(a) The Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, agrees to provide and maintain, during the continuance of this contract, cargo liability insurance of $ _____ per vehicle to cover the value of property on each vehicle and of $ _____ to cover the total value of the property in the shipment.

(b) All insurance shall be written on companies acceptable to ____________ [insert name of contracting agency], and policies shall include such terms and conditions as required by __________ [insert name of contracting agency]. As evidence of insurance maintained, an authenticated copy of the cargo liability insurance policy or policies shall be furnished to ____________ [insert name of contracting agency]. Evidence of acceptable cargo insurance shall be furnished before commencing operations under this contract.

(c) Each cargo insurance policy shall include the following statement:

It is a condition of this policy that the Company shall furnish--

(1) Written notice to __________ [insert name of contracting agency], at the address shown on the face sheet of this contract, 30 days in advance of the effective date of any reduction in, or cancellation of, this policy; and

(2) An authenticated copy of any renewal policy to ________ [insert name of contracting agency] not less than 15 days prior to the expiration of any current policy on file with _________________ [insert name of contracting agency].

(End of clause)

52.228-10 Vehicular and General Public Liability Insurance.

As prescribed in 28.313(b), insert a clause substantially the same as the following in solicitations and contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services when the contracting officer determines that vehicular liability or general public liability insurance required by law is not sufficient:
Vehicular and General Public Liability Insurance (Apr 1984)

(a) The Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, agrees to maintain, during the continuance of this contract, vehicular liability and general public liability insurance with limits of liability for--

(1) Bodily injury of not less than $ ______ for each person and $ ______ for each occurrence; and

(2) Property damage of not less than $ ______ for each accident and $ ______ in the aggregate.

(b) The Contractor also agrees to maintain workers' compensation and other legally required insurance with respect to the Contractor's own employees and agents.

(End of clause)

52.228-11 Pledges of Assets.

As prescribed in 28.203-6, insert the following clause:
Pledges of Assets (Feb 1992)

(a) Offerors shall obtain from each person acting as an individual surety on a bid guarantee, a performance bond, or a payment bond--

(1) Pledge of assets; and

(2 Standard Form 28, Affidavit of Individual Surety.

(b) Pledges of assets from each person acting as an individual surety shall be in the form of--

(1) Evidence of an escrow account containing cash, certificates of deposit, commercial or Government securities, or other assets described in FAR 28.203-2 (except see 28.203-2(b)(2) with respect to Government securities held in book entry form) and/or;

(2) A recorded lien on real estate. The offeror will be required to provide--

(i) Evidence of title in the form of a certificate of title prepared by a title insurance company approved by the United States Department of Justice. This title evidence must show fee simple title vested in the surety along with any concurrent owners; whether any real estate taxes are due and payable; and any recorded encumbrances against the property, including the lien filed in favor of the Government as required by FAR 28.203-3(d);

(ii) Evidence of the amount due under any encumbrance shown in the evidence of title;

(iii) A copy of the current real estate tax assessment of the property or a current appraisal dated no earlier than 6 months prior to the date of the bond, prepared by a professional appraiser who certifies that the appraisal has been conducted in accordance with the generally accepted appraisal standards as reflected in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, as promulgated by the Appraisal Foundation.

(End of clause)

52.228-12 Prospective Subcontractor Requests for Bonds.

As prescribed in 28.106-4(b), use the following clause:
Prospective Subcontractor Requests for Bonds (Oct 1995)

In accordance with Section 806(a)(3) of Pub. L. 102-190, as amended by Sections 2091 and 8105 of Pub. L. 103-355, upon the request of a prospective subcontractor or supplier offering to furnish labor or material for the performance of this contract for which a payment bond has been furnished to the Government pursuant to the Miller Act, the Contractor shall promptly provide a copy of such payment bond to the requester.

(End of clause)

52.228-13 Alternative Payment Protections.

As prescribed in 28.102-3(b), insert the following clause:
Alternative Payment Protections (Oct 1997)

(a) The Contractor shall submit one of the following payment protections:




(b) The amount of the payment protection shall be 50 percent of the contract price.

(c) The submission of the payment protection is required within _________ days of contract award.

(d) The payment protection shall provide protection for the full contract performance period plus a one-year period.

(e) Except for escrow agreements and payment bonds, which provide their own protection procedures, the Contracting Officer is authorized to access funds under the payment protection when it has been alleged in writing by a supplier of labor or material that a nonpayment has occurred, and to withhold such funds pending resolution by administrative or judicial proceedings or mutual agreement of the parties.

(f) When a tripartite escrow agreement is used, the Contractor shall utilize only suppliers of labor and material that signed the escrow agreement.

(End of clause)

52.228-14 Irrevocable Letter of Credit.

As prescribed in 28.204-4, insert the following clause:
Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Oct 1997)

(a) "Irrevocable letter of credit" (ILC), as used in this clause, means a written commitment by a federally insured financial institution to pay all or part of a stated amount of money, until the expiration date of the letter, upon presentation by the Government (the beneficiary) of a written demand therefor. Neither the financial institution nor the offeror/Contractor can revoke or condition the letter of credit.

(b) If the offeror intends to use an ILC in lieu of a bid bond, or to secure other types of bonds such as performance and payment bonds, the letter of credit and letter of confirmation formats in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause shall be used.

(c) The letter of credit shall be irrevocable, shall require presentation of no document other than a written demand and the ILC (including confirming letter, if any), shall be issued/confirmed by an acceptable federally insured financial institution as provided in paragraph (d) of this clause, and--

(1) If used as a bid guarantee, the ILC shall expire no earlier than 60 days after the close of the bid acceptance period;

(2) If used as an alternative to corporate or individual sureties as security for a performance or payment bond, the offeror/Contractor may submit an ILC with an initial expiration date estimated to cover the entire period for which financial security is required or may submit an ILC with an initial expiration date that is a minimum period of one year from the date of issuance. The ILC shall provide that, unless the issuer provides the beneficiary written notice of non-renewal at least 60 days in advance of the current expiration date, the ILC is automatically extended without amendment for one year from the expiration date, or any future expiration date, until the period of required coverage is completed and the Contracting Officer provides the financial institution with a written statement waiving the right to payment. The period of required coverage shall be:

(i) For contracts subject to the Miller Act, the later of--

(A) One year following the expected date of final payment;

(B) For performance bonds only, until completion of any warranty period; or

(C) For payment bonds only, until resolution of all claims filed against the payment bond during the one-year period following final payment.

(ii) For contracts not subject to the Miller Act, the later of--

(A) 90 days following final payment; or

(B) For performance bonds only, until completion of any warranty period.

(d) Only federally insured financial institutions rated investment grade or higher shall issue or confirm the ILC. The offeror/Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer a credit rating that indicates the financial institution has the required rating(s) as of the date of issuance of the ILC. Unless the financial institution issuing the ILC had letter of credit business of at least $25 million in the past year, ILCs over $5 million must be confirmed by another acceptable financial institution that had letter of credit business of at least $25 million in the past year.

(e) The following format shall be used by the issuing financial institution to create an ILC:

[Issuing Financial Institution's Letterhead or Name and Address]

Issue Date ______

Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. ________________

Account party's name ________________________

Account party's address ______________________

For Solicitation No. __________ (for reference only)

To: [U.S. Government agency]

[U.S. Government agency's address]

1. We hereby establish this irrevocable and transferable Letter of Credit in your favor for one or more drawings up to United States $______. This Letter of Credit is payable at [issuing financial institution's and, if any, confirming financial institution's] office at [issuing financial institution's address and, if any, confirming financial institution's address] and expires with our close of business on ___________, or any automatically extended expiration date.

2. We hereby undertake to honor your or the transferee's sight draft(s) drawn on the issuing or, if any, the confirming financial institution, for all or any part of this credit if presented with this Letter of Credit and confirmation, if any, at the office specified in paragraph 1 of this Letter of Credit on or before the expiration date or any automatically extended expiration date.

3. [This paragraph is omitted if used as a bid guarantee, and subsequent paragraphs are renumbered.] It is a condition of this Letter of Credit that it is deemed to be automatically extended without amendment for one year from the expiration date hereof, or any future expiration date, unless at least 60 days prior to any expiration date, we notify you or the transferee by registered mail, or other receipted means of delivery, that we elect not to consider this Letter of Credit renewed for any such additional period. At the time we notify you, we also agree to notify the account party (and confirming financial institution, if any) by the same means of delivery.

4. This Letter of Credit is transferable. Transfers and assignments of proceeds are to be effected without charge to either the beneficiary or the transferee/assignee of proceeds. Such transfer or assignment shall be only at the written direction of the Government (the beneficiary) in a form satisfactory to the issuing financial institution and the confirming financial institution, if any.

5. This Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP) for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500, and to the extent not inconsistent therewith, to the laws of _____________________ [state of confirming financial institution, if any, otherwise state of issuing financial institution].

6. If this credit expires during an interruption of business of this financial institution as described in Article 17 of the UCP, the financial institution specifically agrees to effect payment if this credit is drawn against within 30 days after the resumption of our business.



[Issuing financial institution]

(f) The following format shall be used by the financial institution to confirm an ILC:

[Confirming Financial Institution's Letterhead or Name and Address]

_________________, 19___

Our Letter of Credit Advice Number _____________

Beneficiary: ___________ [U.S. Government agency]

Issuing Financial Institution: __________________

Issuing Financial Institution's LC No.: ___________


1. We hereby confirm the above indicated Letter of Credit, the original of which is attached, issued by __________ [name of issuing financial institution] for drawings of up to United States dollars ___________/U.S. $_______ and expiring with our close of business on _____________ [the expiration date], or any automatically extended expiration date.

2. Draft(s) drawn under the Letter of Credit and this Confirmation are payable at our office located at ___________________.

3. We hereby undertake to honor sight draft(s) drawn under and presented with the Letter of Credit and this Confirmation at our offices as specified herein.

4. [This paragraph is omitted if used as a bid guarantee, and subsequent paragraphs are renumbered.] It is a condition of this confirmation that it be deemed automatically extended without amendment for one year from the expiration date hereof, or any automatically extended expiration date, unless:

(a) At least 60 days prior to any such expiration date, we shall notify the Contracting Officer, or the transferee and the issuing financial institution, by registered mail or other receipted means of delivery, that we elect not to consider this confirmation extended for any such additional period; or

(b) The issuing financial institution shall have exercised its right to notify you or the transferee, the account party, and ourselves, of its election not to extend the expiration date of the Letter of Credit.

5. This confirmation is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP) for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500, and to the extent not inconsistent therewith, to the laws of ________ [state of confirming financial institution].

6. If this confirmation expires during an interruption of business of this financial institution as described in Article 17 of the UCP, we specifically agree to effect payment if this credit is drawn against within 30 days after the resumption of our business. Sincerely,


[Confirming financial institution]

(g) The following format shall be used by the Contracting Officer for a sight draft to draw on the Letter of Credit:

sight draft


[City, State]

_______________, 19 ____

[Name and address of financial institution]

Pay to the order of ______________ [Beneficiary Agency] ___________ the sum of United States $____________. This draft is drawn under Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. ______________.


[Beneficiary Agency]



(End of clause)

52.228-15 Performance and Payment Bonds-- Construction.

As prescribed in 28.102-3(a), insert a clause substantially as follows:
Performance and Payment Bonds--Construction (Sept 1996)

(a) Definitions. As used in this clause--

"Contract price" means the award price of the contract or, for requirements contracts, the price payable for the estimated quantity; or for indefinite-delivery type contracts, the price payable for the specified minimum quantity.

(b) Unless the resulting contract price is $100,000 or less, the successful offeror shall be required to furnish performance and payment bonds to the Contracting Officer as follows:

(1) Performance Bonds (Standard Form 25): (i) The penal amount of performance bonds shall be 100 percent of the original contract price.

(ii) The Government may require additional performance bond protection when the contract price is increased. The increase in protection shall generally equal 100 percent of the increase in contract price.

(iii) The Government may secure additional protection by directing the Contractor to increase the penal amount of the existing bond or to obtain an additional bond.

(2) Payment Bonds (Standard Form 25-A): (i) The penal amount of payment bonds shall equal--

(A) 50 percent of the contract price if the contract price is not more than $1 million;

(B) 40 percent of the contract price if the contract price is more than $1 million but not more than $5 million; or

(C) $2.5 million if the contract price is more than $5 million.

(ii) If the original contract price is $5 million or less, the Government may require additional protection if the contract price is increased. The penal amount of the total protection shall meet the requirement of subparagraph (b)(2)(i) of this clause.

(iii) The Government may secure additional protection by directing the Contractor to increase the penal sum of the existing bond or to obtain an additional bond.

(c) The Contractor shall furnish all executed bonds, including any necessary reinsurance agreements, to the Contracting Officer, within the time period specified in the Bid Guarantee provision of the solicitation, or otherwise specified by the Contracting Officer, but in any event, before starting work.

(d) The bonds shall be in the form of firm commitment, supported by corporate sureties whose names appear on the list contained in Treasury Department Circular 570, individual sureties, or by other acceptable security such as postal money order, certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit, or, in accordance with Treasury Department regulations, certain bonds or notes of the United States. Treasury Circular 570 is published in the Federal Register, or may be obtained from the:

U.S. Department of Treasury

Financial Management Service

Surety Bond Branch

401 14th Street, NW, 2nd Floor, West Wing

Washington, DC 20227

(End of clause)

52.228-16 Performance and Payment Bonds--Other Than Construction.

As prescribed in 28.103-4, insert a clause substantially as follows:
Performance and Payment Bonds--Other Than Construction (Sep 1996)

(a) Definitions. As used in this clause--

"Contract price" means the total amount of the contract for the term of the contract (excluding options, if any) or, for requirements contracts, the price payable for the estimated quantity; or for indefinite-delivery type contracts, the price payable for the specified minimum quantity.

(b) The Contractor shall furnish a performance bond (Standard Form 1418) for the protection of the Government in an amount equal to ________ percent of the contract price and a payment bond (Standard Form 1416) in an amount equal to _______ percent of the contract price.

(c) The Contractor shall furnish all executed bonds, including any necessary reinsurance agreements, to the Contracting Officer, within ________ days, but in any event, before starting work.

(d) The Government may require additional performance bond protection when the contract price is increased. The Government may secure additional protection by directing the Contractor to increase the penal amount of the existing bond or to obtain an additional bond.

(e) The bonds shall be in the form of firm commitment, supported by corporate sureties whose names appear on the list contained in Treasury Department Circular 570, individual sureties, or by other acceptable security such as postal money order, certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit, or, in accordance with Treasury Department regulations, certain bonds or notes of the United States. Treasury Circular 570 is published in the Federal Register, or may be obtained from the:

U.S. Department of Treasury

Financial Management Service

Surety Bond Branch

401 14th Street, NW, 2nd Floor, West Wing

Washington, DC 20227

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Sep 1996). As prescribed in 28.103-4, substitute the following paragraph (b) for paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

(b) The Contractor shall furnish a performance bond (Standard Form 1418) for the protection of the Government in an amount equal to ______ percent of the contract price.

52.229-1 State and Local Taxes.

As prescribed in 29.401-1, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for leased equipment, when a fixed-price indefinite-delivery contract is contemplated, the contract will be performed wholly or partly within the United States, its possessions, or Puerto Rico, and the place or places of delivery are not known at the time of contracting:
State and Local Taxes (Apr 1984)

Notwithstanding the terms of the Federal, State, and Local Taxes clause, the contract price excludes all State and local taxes levied on or measured by the contract or sales price of the services or completed supplies furnished under this contract. The Contractor shall state separately on its invoices taxes excluded from the contract price, and the Government agrees either to pay the amount of the taxes to the Contractor or provide evidence necessary to sustain an exemption.

(End of clause)

52.229-2 North Carolina State and Local Sales and Use Tax.

As prescribed in 29.401-2, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for construction to be performed in North Carolina:
North Carolina State and Local Sales and Use Tax (Apr 1984)

(a) "Materials," as used in this clause, means building materials, supplies, fixtures, and equipment that become a part of or are annexed to any building or structure erected, altered, or repaired under this contract.

(b) If this is a fixed-price contract, the contract price includes North Carolina State and local sales and use taxes to be paid on materials, notwithstanding any other provision of this contract. If this is a cost-reimbursement contract, any North Carolina State and local sales and use taxes paid by the Contractor on materials shall constitute an allowable cost under this contract.

(c) At the time specified in paragraph (d) of this section, the Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer certified statements setting forth the cost of the materials purchased from each vendor and the amount of North Carolina State and local sales and use taxes paid. In the event the Contractor makes several purchases from the same vendor, the certified statement shall indicate the invoice numbers, the inclusive dates of the invoices, the total amount of the invoices, and the North Carolina State and local sales and use taxes paid. The statement shall also include the cost of any tangible personal property withdrawn from the Contractor's warehouse stock and the amount of North Carolina State and local sales or use tax paid on this property by the Contractor. Any local sales or use taxes included in the Contractor's statements must be shown separately from the State sales or use taxes. The Contractor shall furnish any additional information the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of North Carolina may require to substantiate a refund claim for sales or use taxes. The Contractor shall also obtain and furnish to the Contracting Officer similar certified statements by its subcontractors.

(d) If this contract is completed before the next October 1, the certified statements to be furnished pursuant to paragraph (c) above shall be submitted within 60 days after completion. If this contract is not completed before the next October 1, the certified statements shall be submitted on or before November 30 of each year and shall cover taxes paid during the 12-month period that ended the preceding September 30.

(e) The certified statements to be furnished pursuant to paragraph (c) above shall be in the following form:

I hereby certify that during the period ______ to _____ [insert dates], ____ [insert name of Contractor or subcontractor] paid North Carolina State and local sales and use taxes aggregating $ ______ (State) and $ ______ (local), with respect to building materials, supplies, fixtures, and equipment that have become a part of or annexed to a building or structure erected, altered, or repaired by _________ [insert name of Contractor or subcontractor] for the United States of America, and that the vendors from whom the property was purchased, the dates and numbers of the invoices covering the purchases, the total amount of the invoices of each vendor, the North Carolina State and local sales and use taxes paid on the property (shown separately), and the cost of property withdrawn from warehouse stock and North Carolina State and local sales or use taxes paid on this property are as set forth in the attachments.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If the requirement is for vessel repair to be performed in North Carolina, substitute the following paragraph (a) for paragraph (a) of the basic clause:

(a) "Materials," as used in this clause, means materials, supplies, fixtures, and equipment that become a part of or are annexed to any vessel altered or repaired under this contract.

52.229-3 Federal, State, and Local Taxes.

As prescribed in 29.401-3, insert the following clause:
Federal, State, and Local Taxes (Jan 1991)

(a) "Contract date," as used in this clause, means the date set for bid opening or, if this is a negotiated contract or a modification, the effective date of this contract or modification.

"All applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties," as used in this clause, means all taxes and duties, in effect on the contract date, that the taxing authority is imposing and collecting on the transactions or property covered by this contract.

"After-imposed Federal tax," as used in this clause, means any new or increased Federal excise tax or duty, or tax that was exempted or excluded on the contract date but whose exemption was later revoked or reduced during the contract period, on the transactions or property covered by this contract that the Contractor is required to pay or bear as the result of legislative, judicial, or administrative action taking effect after the contract date. It does not include social security tax or other employment taxes.

"After-relieved Federal tax," as used in this clause, means any amount of Federal excise tax or duty, except social security or other employment taxes, that would otherwise have been payable on the transactions or property covered by this contract, but which the Contractor is not required to pay or bear, or for which the Contractor obtains a refund or drawback, as the result of legislative, judicial, or administrative action taking effect after the contract date.

(b) The contract price includes all applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties.

(c) The contract price shall be increased by the amount of any after-imposed Federal tax, provided the Contractor warrants in writing that no amount for such newly imposed Federal excise tax or duty or rate increase was included in the contract price, as a contingency reserve or otherwise.

(d) The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any after-relieved Federal tax.

(e) The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any Federal excise tax or duty, except social security or other employment taxes, that the Contractor is required to pay or bear, or does not obtain a refund of, through the Contractor's fault, negligence, or failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer.

(f) No adjustment shall be made in the contract price under this clause unless the amount of the adjustment exceeds $250.

(g) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of all matters relating to any Federal excise tax or duty that reasonably may be expected to result in either an increase or decrease in the contract price and shall take appropriate action as the Contracting Officer directs.

(h) The Government shall, without liability, furnish evidence appropriate to establish exemption from any Federal, State, or local tax when the Contractor requests such evidence and a reasonable basis exists to sustain the exemption.

(End of clause)

52.229-4 Federal, State, and Local Taxes (Noncompetitive Contract).

As prescribed in 29.401-4, insert the following clause:
Federal, State, and Local Taxes (Noncompetitive Contract (Jan 1991)

(a) "Contract date," as used in this clause, means the effective date of this contract and, for any modification to this contract, the effective date of the modification.

"All applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties," as used in this clause, means all taxes and duties, in effect on the contract date, that the taxing authority is imposing and collecting on the transactions or property covered by this contract.

"After-imposed tax," as used in this clause, means any new or increased Federal, State, or local tax or duty, or tax that was excluded on the contract date but whose exclusion was later revoked or amount of exemption reduced during the contract period, other than an excepted tax, on the transactions or property covered by this contract that the Contractor is required to pay or bear as the result of legislative, judicial, or administrative action taking effect after the contract date.

"After-relieved tax," as used in this clause, means any amount of Federal, State, or local tax or duty, other than an excepted tax, that would otherwise have been payable on the transactions or property covered by this contract, but which the Contractor is not required to pay or bear, or for which the Contractor obtains a refund or drawback, as the result of legislative, judicial, or administrative action taking effect after the contract date.

"Excepted tax," as used in this clause, means social security or other employment taxes, net income and franchise taxes, excess profits taxes, capital stock taxes, transportation taxes, unemployment compensation taxes, and property taxes. "Excepted tax" does not include gross income taxes levied on or measured by sales or receipts from sales, property taxes assessed on completed supplies covered by this contract, or any tax assessed on the Contractor's possession of, interest in, or use of property, title to which is in the Government.

(b) Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the contract price includes all applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties.

(c) The contract price shall be increased by the amount of any after-imposed tax, or of any tax or duty specifically excluded from the contract price by a term or condition of this contract that the Contractor is required to pay or bear, including any interest or penalty, if the Contractor states in writing that the contract price does not include any contingency for such tax and if liability for such tax, interest, or penalty was not incurred through the Contractor's fault, negligence, or failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer.

(d) The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any after-relieved tax. The Government shall be entitled to interest received by the Contractor incident to a refund of taxes to the extent that such interest was earned after the Contractor was paid by the Government for such taxes. The Government shall be entitled to repayment of any penalty refunded to the Contractor to the extent that the penalty was paid by the Government.

(e) The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any Federal, State, or local tax, other than an excepted tax, that was included in the contract price and that the Contractor is required to pay or bear, or does not obtain a refund of, through the Contractor's fault, negligence, or failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer.

(f) No adjustment shall be made in the contract price under this clause unless the amount of the adjustment exceeds $250.

(g) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of all matters relating to Federal, State, and local taxes and duties that reasonably may be expected to result in either an increase or decrease in the contract price and shall take appropriate action as the Contracting Officer directs. The contract price shall be equitably adjusted to cover the costs of action taken by the Contractor at the direction of the Contracting Officer, including any interest, penalty, and reasonable attorneys' fees.

(h) The Government shall furnish evidence appropriate to establish exemption from any Federal, State, or local tax when--

(1) The Contractor requests such exemption and states in writing that it applies to a tax excluded from the contract price; and

(2) A reasonable basis exists to sustain the exemption.

(End of clause)

52.229-5 Taxes--Contracts Performed in U.S. Possessions or Puerto Rico.

As prescribed in 29.401-5, insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts that include the clause at 52.229-3, Federal, State, and Local Taxes, or 52.229-4, Federal, State, and Local Taxes (Noncompetitive Contract):
Taxes--Contracts Performed in U.S. Possessions or Puerto Rico (Apr 1984)

The term "local taxes," as used in the Federal, State, and local taxes clause of this contract, includes taxes imposed by a possession of the United States or by Puerto Rico.

(End of clause)

52.229-6 Taxes--Foreign Fixed-Price Contracts.

As prescribed in 29.402-1(a), insert the following clause:
Taxes--Foreign Fixed-Price Contracts (Jan 1991)

(a) To the extent that this contract provides for furnishing supplies or performing services outside the United States, its possessions, and Puerto Rico, this clause applies in lieu of any Federal, State, and local taxes clause of the contract.

(b) "Contract date," as used in this clause, means the date set for bid opening or, if this is a negotiated contract or a modification, the effective date of this contract or modification.

"Country concerned," as used in this clause, means any country, other than the United States, its possessions, and Puerto Rico, in which expenditures under this contract are made.

"Tax" and "taxes," as used in this clause, include fees and charges for doing business that are levied by the government of the country concerned or by its political subdivisions.

"All applicable taxes and duties," as used in this clause, means all taxes and duties, in effect on the contract date, that the taxing authority is imposing and collecting on the transactions or property covered by this contract, pursuant to written ruling or regulation in effect on the contract date.

"After-imposed tax," as used in this clause, means any new or increased tax or duty, or tax that was exempted or excluded on the contract date but whose exemption was later revoked or reduced during the contract period, other than excepted tax, on the transactions or property covered by this contract that the Contractor is required to pay or bear as the result of legislative, judicial, or administrative action taking effect after the contract date.

"After-relieved tax," as used in this clause, means any amount of tax or duty, other than an excepted tax, that would otherwise have been payable on the transactions or property covered by this contract, but which the Contractor is not required to pay or bear, or for which the Contractor obtains a refund, as the result of legislative, judicial, or administrative action taking effect after the contract date.

"Excepted tax," as used in this clause, means social security or other employment taxes, net income and franchise taxes, excess profits taxes, capital stock taxes, transportation taxes, unemployment compensation taxes, and property taxes. "Excepted tax" does not include gross income taxes levied on or measured by sales or receipts from sales, property taxes assessed on completed supplies covered by this contract, or any tax assessed on the Contractor's possession of, interest in, or use of property, title to which is in the U.S. Government.

(c) Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the contract price includes all applicable taxes and duties, except taxes and duties that the Government of the United States and the government of the country concerned have agreed shall not be applicable to expenditures in such country by or on behalf of the United States.

(d) The contract price shall be increased by the amount of any after-imposed tax or of any tax or duty specifically excluded from the contract price by a provision of this contract that the Contractor is required to pay or bear, including any interest or penalty, if the Contractor states in writing that the contract price does not include any contingency for such tax and if liability for such tax, interest, or penalty was not incurred through the Contractor's fault, negligence, or failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer or to comply with the provisions of paragraph (i) below.

(e) The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any after-relieved tax, including any interest or penalty. The Government of the United States shall be entitled to interest received by the Contractor incident to a refund of taxes to the extent that such interest was earned after the Contractor was paid by the Government of the United States for such taxes. The Government of the United States shall be entitled to repayment of any penalty refunded to the Contractor to the extent that the penalty was paid by the Government.

(f) The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any tax or duty, other than an excepted tax, that was included in the contract and that the Contractor is required to pay or bear, or does not obtain a refund of, through the Contractor's fault, negligence, or failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer or to comply with the provisions of paragraph (i) below.

(g) No adjustment shall be made in the contract price under this clause unless the amount of the adjustment exceeds $250.

(h) If the Contractor obtains a reduction in tax liability under the United States Internal Revenue Code (Title 26, U.S. Code) because of the payment of any tax or duty that either was included in the contract price or was the basis of an increase in the contract price, the amount of the reduction shall be paid or credited to the Government of the United States as the Contracting Officer directs.

(i) The Contractor shall take all reasonable action to obtain exemption from or refund of any taxes or duties, including interest or penalty, from which the United States Government, the Contractor, any subcontractor, or the transactions or property covered by this contract are exempt under the laws of the country concerned or its political subdivisions or which the governments of the United States and of the country concerned have agreed shall not be applicable to expenditures in such country by or on behalf of the United States.

(j) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of all matters relating to taxes or duties that reasonably may be expected to result in either an increase or decrease in the contract price and shall take appropriate action as the Contracting Officer directs. The contract price shall be equitably adjusted to cover the costs of action taken by the Contractor at the direction of the Contracting Officer, including any interest, penalty, and reasonable attorneys' fees.

(End of clause)

52.229-7 Taxes--Fixed-Price Contracts with Foreign Governments.

As prescribed in 29.402-1(b), insert the following clause:
Taxes--Fixed-Price Contracts with Foreign Governments (Jan 1991)

(a) "Contract date," as used in this clause, means the date set for bid opening or, if this is a negotiated contract or a modification, the effective date of this contract or modification.

(b) The contract price, including the prices in any subcontracts under this contract, does not include any tax or duty that the Government of the United States and the Government of ______ [insert name of the foreign government] have agreed shall not apply to expenditures made by the United States in ______ [insert name of country], or any tax or duty not applicable to this contract or any subcontracts under this contract, pursuant to the laws of ______ [insert name of country]. If any such tax or duty has been included in the contract price, through error or otherwise, the contract price shall be correspondingly reduced.

(c) If, after the contract date, the Government of the United States and the Government of ______ [insert name of the foreign government] agree that any tax or duty included in the contract price shall not apply to expenditures by the United States in ________ [insert name of country], the contract price shall be reduced accordingly.

(d) No adjustment shall be made in the contract price under this clause unless the amount of the adjustment exceeds $250.

(End of clause)

52.229-8 Taxes--Foreign Cost-Reimbursement Contracts.

As prescribed in 29.402-2(a), insert the following clause:
Taxes--Foreign Cost-Reimbursement Contracts (Mar 1990)

(a) Any tax or duty from which the United States Government is exempt by agreement with the Government of ______ [insert name of the foreign government], or from which the Contractor or any subcontractor under this contract is exempt under the laws of ______ [insert name of country], shall not constitute an allowable cost under this contract.

(b) If the Contractor or subcontractor under this contract obtains a foreign tax credit that reduces its Federal income tax liability under the United States Internal Revenue Code (Title 26, U.S. Code) because of the payment of any tax or duty that was reimbursed under this contract, the amount of the reduction shall be paid or credited at the time of such offset to the Government of the United States as the Contracting Officer directs.

(End of clause)

52.229-9 Taxes--Cost-Reimbursement Contracts with Foreign Governments.

As prescribed in 29.402-2(b), insert the following clause:
Taxes--Cost-Reimbursement Contracts with Foreign Governments (Mar 1990)

(a) Any tax or duty from which the United States Government is exempt by agreement with the Government of ______ [insert name of the foreign government], or from which any subcontractor under this contract is exempt under the laws of ______ [insert name of country], shall not constitute an allowable cost under this contract.

(b) If any subcontractor obtains a foreign tax credit that reduces its Federal income tax liability under the United States Internal Revenue Code (Title 26, U.S. Code) because of the payment of any tax or duty that was reimbursed under this contract, the amount of the reduction shall be paid (not credited to the contract) to the Treasurer of the United States at the time the Federal income tax return is filed.

(End of clause)

52.229-10 State of New Mexico Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax.

As prescribed in 29.401-6(b), insert the following clause:
State of New Mexico Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax (Oct 1988)

(a) Within thirty (30) days after award of this contract, the Contractor shall advise the State of New Mexico of this contract by registering with the State of New Mexico, Taxation and Revenue Department, Revenue Division, pursuant to the Tax Administration Act of the State of New Mexico and shall identify the contract number.

(b) The Contractor shall pay the New Mexico gross receipts taxes, pursuant to the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act of New Mexico, assessed against the contract fee and costs paid for performance of this contract, or of any part or portion thereof, within the State of New Mexico. The allowability of any gross receipts taxes or local option taxes lawfully paid to the State of New Mexico by the Contractor or its subcontractors will be determined in accordance with the Allowable Cost and Payment clause of this contract except as provided in paragraph (d) of this clause.

(c) The Contractor shall submit applications for Nontaxable Transaction Certificates, Form CSR-3C, to the:

State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Dept.

Revenue Division

PO Box 630

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87509

When the Type 15 Nontaxable Transaction Certificate is issued by the Revenue Division, the Contractor shall use these certificates strictly in accordance with this contract, and the agreement between the (*________________) and the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department.

(d) The Contractor shall provide Type 15 Nontaxable Transaction Certificates to each vendor in New Mexico selling tangible personal property to the Contractor for use in the performance of this contract. Failure to provide a Type 15 Nontaxable Transaction Certificate to vendors will result in the vendor's liability for the gross receipt taxes and those taxes, which are then passed on to the Contractor, shall not be reimbursable as an allowable cost by the Government.

(e) The Contractor shall pay the New Mexico compensating user tax for any tangible personal property which is purchased pursuant to a Nontaxable Transaction Certificate if such property is not used for Federal purposes.

(f) Out-of-state purchase of tangible personal property by the Contractor which would be otherwise subject to compensation tax shall be governed by the principles of this clause. Accordingly, compensating tax shall be due from the contractor only if such property is not used for Federal purposes.

(g) The (*_______________) may receive information regarding the Contractor from the Revenue Division of the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department and, at the discretion of the (*_________________), may participate in any matters or proceedings pertaining to this clause or the above-mentioned Agreement. This shall not preclude the Contractor from having its own representative nor does it obligate the (*______________) to represent its Contractor.

(h) The Contractor agrees to insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (h), in each subcontract which meets the criteria in 29.401-6(b)(1) through (3) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR Part 29.

(i) Paragraphs (a) through (h) of this clause shall be null and void should the Agreement referred to in paragraph (c) of this clause be terminated; provided, however, that such termination shall not nullify obligations already incurred prior to the date of termination.

[*Insert appropriate agency name in blanks.]

(End of clause)

52.230-1 Cost Accounting Standards Notices and Certification.

As prescribed in 30.201-3, insert the following provision:
Cost Accounting Standards Notices and Certification (Apr 1998)

Note: This notice does not apply to small businesses or foreign governments. This notice is in three parts, identified by Roman numerals I through III.

Offerors shall examine each part and provide the requested information in order to determine Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) requirements applicable to any resultant contract.

If the offeror is an educational institution, Part II does not apply unless the contemplated contract will be subject to full or modified CAS coverage pursuant to 48 CFR 9903.201-2(c)(5) or 9903.201-2(c)(6), respectively.

I. Disclosure Statement--Cost Accounting Practices and Certification

(a) Any contract in excess of $500,000 resulting from this solicitation will be subject to the requirements of the Cost Accounting Standards Board (48 CFR Chapter 99), except for those contracts which are exempt as specified in 48 CFR 9903.201-1.

(b) Any offeror submitting a proposal which, if accepted, will result in a contract subject to the requirements of 48 CFR Chapter 99 must, as a condition of contracting, submit a Disclosure Statement as required by 48 CFR 9903.202. When required, the Disclosure Statement must be submitted as a part of the offeror's proposal under this solicitation unless the offeror has already submitted a Disclosure Statement disclosing the practices used in connection with the pricing of this proposal. If an applicable Disclosure Statement has already been submitted, the offeror may satisfy the requirement for submission by providing the information requested in paragraph (c) of Part I of this provision.

Caution: In the absence of specific regulations or agreement, a practice disclosed in a Disclosure Statement shall not, by virtue of such disclosure, be deemed to be a proper, approved, or agreed-to practice for pricing proposals or accumulating and reporting contract performance cost data.

(c) Check the appropriate box below:

* (1) Certificate of Concurrent Submission of Disclosure Statement. The offeror hereby certifies that, as a part of the offer, copies of the Disclosure Statement have been submitted as follows:

(i) Original and one copy to the cognizant Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) or cognizant Federal agency official authorized to act in that capacity (Federal official), as applicable; and

(ii) One copy to the cognizant Federal auditor.

(Disclosure must be on Form No. CASB DS-1 or CASB DS-2, as applicable. Forms may be obtained from the cognizant ACO or Federal official and/or from the loose-leaf version of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.)

Date of Disclosure Statement: __________________ Name and Address of Cognizant ACO or Federal Official Where Filed: _________________________

The offeror further certifies that the practices used in estimating costs in pricing this proposal are consistent with the cost accounting practices disclosed in the Disclosure Statement.

* (2) Certificate of Previously Submitted Disclosure Statement. The offeror hereby certifies that the required Disclosure Statement was filed as follows:

Date of Disclosure Statement: __________________ Name and Address of Cognizant ACO or Federal Official Where Filed: ________________________

The offeror further certifies that the practices used in estimating costs in pricing this proposal are consistent with the cost accounting practices disclosed in the applicable Disclosure Statement.

* (3) Certificate of Monetary Exemption. The offeror hereby certifies that the offeror, together with all divisions, subsidiaries, and affiliates under common control, did not receive net awards of negotiated prime contracts and subcontracts subject to CAS totaling more than $25 million (of which at least one award exceeded $1 million) in the cost accounting period immediately preceding the period in which this proposal was submitted. The offeror further certifies that if such status changes before an award resulting from this proposal, the offeror will advise the Contracting Officer immediately.

* (4) Certificate of Interim Exemption. The offeror hereby certifies that (i) the offeror first exceeded the monetary exemption for disclosure, as defined in (3) of this subsection, in the cost accounting period immediately preceding the period in which this offer was submitted and (ii) in accordance with 48 CFR 9903.202-1, the offeror is not yet required to submit a Disclosure Statement. The offeror further certifies that if an award resulting from this proposal has not been made within 90 days after the end of that period, the offeror will immediately submit a revised certificate to the Contracting Officer, in the form specified under subparagraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of Part I of this provision, as appropriate, to verify submission of a completed Disclosure Statement.

Caution: Offerors currently required to disclose because they were awarded a CAS-covered prime contract or subcontract of $25 million or more in the current cost accounting period may not claim this exemption (4). Further, the exemption applies only in connection with proposals submitted before expiration of the 90-day period following the cost accounting period in which the monetary exemption was exceeded.

II. Cost Accounting Standards--Eligibility for Modified Contract Coverage

If the offeror is eligible to use the modified provisions of 48 CFR 9903.201-2(b) and elects to do so, the offeror shall indicate by checking the box below. Checking the box below shall mean that the resultant contract is subject to the Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices clause in lieu of the Cost Accounting Standards clause.

* The offeror hereby claims an exemption from the Cost Accounting Standards clause under the provisions of 48 CFR 9903.201-2(b) and certifies that the offeror is eligible for use of the Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices clause because during the cost accounting period immediately preceding the period in which this proposal was submitted, the offeror received less than $25 million in awards of CAS-covered prime contracts and subcontracts, or the offeror did not receive a single CAS-covered award exceeding $1 million. The offeror further certifies that if such status changes before an award resulting from this proposal, the offeror will advise the Contracting Officer immediately.

Caution: An offeror may not claim the above eligibility for modified contract coverage if this proposal is expected to result in the award of a CAS-covered contract of $25 million or more or if, during its current cost accounting period, the offeror has been awarded a single CAS-covered prime contract or subcontract of $25 million or more.

III. Additional Cost Accounting Standards Applicable to Existing Contracts

The offeror shall indicate below whether award of the contemplated contract would, in accordance with subparagraph (a)(3) of the Cost Accounting Standards clause, require a change in established cost accounting practices affecting existing contracts and subcontracts.

* yes * no
(End of provision)

Alternate I (Apr 1996). As prescribed in 30.201-3(b), add the following subparagraph (c)(5) to Part I of the basic provision:

* (5) Certificate of Disclosure Statement Due Date by Educational Institution. If the offeror is an educational institution that, under the transition provisions of 48 CFR 9903.202-1(f), is or will be required to submit a Disclosure Statement after receipt of this award, the offeror hereby certifies that (check one and complete):

* (i) A Disclosure Statement Filing Due Date of _____________ has been established with the cognizant Federal agency.

* (ii) The Disclosure Statement will be submitted within the 6-month period ending _________ months after receipt of this award.

Name and Address of Cognizant ACO or Federal Official Where Disclosure Statement is to be Filed: ____________ _______________________________________________

52.230-2 Cost Accounting Standards.

As prescribed in 30.201-4(a), insert the following clause:
Cost Accounting Standards (Apr 1998)

(a) Unless the contract is exempt under 48 CFR 9903.201-1 and 9903.201-2, the provisions of 48 CFR Part 9903 are incorporated herein by reference and the Contractor, in connection with this contract, shall--

(1) (CAS-covered Contracts Only) By submission of a Disclosure Statement, disclose in writing the Contractor's cost accounting practices as required by 48 CFR 9903.202-1 through 9903.202-5, including methods of distinguishing direct costs from indirect costs and the basis used for allocating indirect costs. The practices disclosed for this contract shall be the same as the practices currently disclosed and applied on all other contracts and subcontracts being performed by the Contractor and which contain a Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) clause. If the Contractor has notified the Contracting Officer that the Disclosure Statement contains trade secrets and commercial or financial information which is privileged and confidential, the Disclosure Statement shall be protected and shall not be released outside of the Government.

(2) Follow consistently the Contractor's cost accounting practices in accumulating and reporting contract performance cost data concerning this contract. If any change in cost accounting practices is made for the purposes of any contract or subcontract subject to CAS requirements, the change must be applied prospectively to this contract and the Disclosure Statement must be amended accordingly. If the contract price or cost allowance of this contract is affected by such changes, adjustment shall be made in accordance with subparagraph (a)(4) or (a)(5) of this clause, as appropriate.

(3) Comply with all CAS, including any modifications and interpretations indicated thereto contained in 48 CFR Part 9904, in effect on the date of award of this contract or, if the Contractor has submitted cost or pricing data, on the date of final agreement on price as shown on the Contractor's signed certificate of current cost or pricing data. The Contractor shall also comply with any CAS (or modifications to CAS) which hereafter become applicable to a contract or subcontract of the Contractor. Such compliance shall be required prospectively from the date of applicability to such contract or subcontract.

(4)(i) Agree to an equitable adjustment as provided in the Changes clause of this contract if the contract cost is affected by a change which, pursuant to subparagraph (a)(3) of this clause, the Contractor is required to make to the Contractor's established cost accounting practices.

(ii) Negotiate with the Contracting Officer to determine the terms and conditions under which a change may be made to a cost accounting practice, other than a change made under other provisions of subparagraph (a)(4) of this clause; provided that no agreement may be made under this provision that will increase costs paid by the United States.

(iii) When the parties agree to a change to a cost accounting practice, other than a change under subdivision (a)(4)(i) of this clause, negotiate an equitable adjustment as provided in the Changes clause of this contract.

(5) Agree to an adjustment of the contract price or cost allowance, as appropriate, if the Contractor or a subcontractor fails to comply with an applicable Cost Accounting Standard, or to follow any cost accounting practice consistently and such failure results in any increased costs paid by the United States. Such adjustment shall provide for recovery of the increased costs to the United States, together with interest thereon computed at the annual rate established under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6621) for such period, from the time the payment by the United States was made to the time the adjustment is effected. In no case shall the Government recover costs greater than the increased cost to the Government, in the aggregate, on the relevant contracts subject to the price adjustment, unless the Contractor made a change in its cost accounting practices of which it was aware or should have been aware at the time of price negotiations and which it failed to disclose to the Government.

(b) If the parties fail to agree whether the Contractor or a subcontractor has complied with an applicable CAS in 48 CFR 9904 or a CAS rule or regulation in 48 CFR 9903 and as to any cost adjustment demanded by the United States, such failure to agree will constitute a dispute under the Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. 601).

(c) The Contractor shall permit any authorized representatives of the Government to examine and make copies of any documents, papers, or records relating to compliance with the requirements of this clause.

(d) The Contractor shall include in all negotiated subcontracts which the Contractor enters into, the substance of this clause, except paragraph (b), and shall require such inclusion in all other subcontracts, of any tier, including the obligation to comply with all CAS in effect on the subcontractor's award date or if the subcontractor has submitted cost or pricing data, on the date of final agreement on price as shown on the subcontractor's signed Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data. If the subcontract is awarded to a business unit which pursuant to 48 CFR 9903.201-2 is subject to other types of CAS coverage, the substance of the applicable clause set forth in subsection 30.201-4 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation shall be inserted. This requirement shall apply only to negotiated subcontracts in excess of $500,000, except that the requirement shall not apply to negotiated subcontracts otherwise exempt from the requirement to include a CAS clause as specified in 48 CFR 9903.201-1.

(End of clause)

52.230-3 Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices.

As prescribed in 30.201-4(b)(1), insert the following clause:
Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices (Apr 1998)

(a) The Contractor, in connection with this contract, shall--

(1) Comply with the requirements of 48 CFR 9904.401, Consistency in Estimating, Accumulating, and Reporting Costs; 48 CFR 9904.402, Consistency in Allocating Costs Incurred for the Same Purpose; 48 CFR 9904.405, Accounting for Unallowable Costs; and 48 CFR 9904.406, Cost Accounting Standard--Cost Accounting Period, in effect on the date of award of this contract as indicated in 48 CFR Part 9904.

(2) (CAS-covered Contracts Only) If it is a business unit of a company required to submit a Disclosure Statement, disclose in writing its cost accounting practices as required by 48 CFR 9903.202-1 through 9903.202-5. If the Contractor has notified the Contracting Officer that the Disclosure Statement contains trade secrets and commercial or financial information which is privileged and confidential, the Disclosure Statement shall be protected and shall not be released outside of the Government.

(3)(i) Follow consistently the Contractor's cost accounting practices. A change to such practices may be proposed, however, by either the Government or the Contractor, and the Contractor agrees to negotiate with the Contracting Officer the terms and conditions under which a change may be made. After the terms and conditions under which the change is to be made have been agreed to, the change must be applied prospectively to this contract, and the Disclosure Statement, if affected, must be amended accordingly.

(ii) The Contractor shall, when the parties agree to a change to a cost accounting practice and the Contracting Officer has made the finding required in 48 CFR 9903.201-6(b), that the change is desirable and not detrimental to the interests of the Government, negotiate an equitable adjustment as provided in the Changes clause of this contract. In the absence of the required finding, no agreement may be made under this contract clause that will increase costs paid by the United States.

(4) Agree to an adjustment of the contract price or cost allowance, as appropriate, if the Contractor or a subcontractor fails to comply with the applicable CAS or to follow any cost accounting practice, and such failure results in any increased costs paid by the United States. Such adjustment shall provide for recovery of the increased costs to the United States together with interest thereon computed at the annual rate of interest established under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6621), from the time the payment by the United States was made to the time the adjustment is effected.

(b) If the parties fail to agree whether the Contractor has complied with an applicable CAS, rule, or regulation as specified in 48 CFR 9903 and 9904 and as to any cost adjustment demanded by the United States, such failure to agree will constitute a dispute under the Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. 601).

(c) The Contractor shall permit any authorized representatives of the Government to examine and make copies of any documents, papers, and records relating to compliance with the requirements of this clause.

(d) The Contractor shall include in all negotiated subcontracts, which the Contractor enters into, the substance of this clause, except paragraph (b), and shall require such inclusion in all other subcontracts of any tier, except that--

(1) If the subcontract is awarded to a business unit which pursuant to 48 CFR 9903.201-2 is subject to other types of CAS coverage, the substance of the applicable clause set forth in subsection 30.201-4 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation shall be inserted.

(2) This requirement shall apply only to negotiated subcontracts in excess of $500,000.

(3) The requirement shall not apply to negotiated subcontracts otherwise exempt from the requirement to include a CAS clause as specified in 48 CFR 9903.201-1.

(End of clause)

52.230-4 Consistency in Cost Accounting Practices.

As prescribed in 30.201-4(c), insert the following clause:
Consistency in Cost Accounting Practices (Aug 1992)

The Contractor agrees that it will consistently follow the cost accounting practices disclosed on Form CASB DS-1 in estimating, accumulating and reporting costs under this contract. In the event the Contractor fails to follow such practices, it agrees that the contract price shall be adjusted, together with interest, if such failure results in increased cost paid by the U.S. Government. Interest shall be computed at the annual rate of interest established under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6621) from the time payment by the Government was made to the time adjustment is effected. The Contractor agrees that the Disclosure Statement filed with the U.K. Ministry of Defence shall be available for inspection and use by authorized representatives of the United States Government.

(End of clause)

52.230-5 Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution.

As prescribed in 30.201-4(e), insert the following clause:
Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution (Apr 1998)

(a) Unless the contract is exempt under 48 CFR 9903.201-1 and 9903.201-2, the provisions of 48 CFR 9903 are incorporated herein by reference and the Contractor, in connection with this contract, shall--

(1) (CAS-covered Contracts Only). If a business unit of an educational institution required to submit a Disclosure Statement, disclose in writing the Contractor's cost accounting practices as required by 48 CFR 9903.202-1 through 9903.202-5, including methods of distinguishing direct costs from indirect costs and the basis used for accumulating and allocating indirect costs. The practices disclosed for this contract shall be the same as the practices currently disclosed and applied on all other contracts and subcontracts being performed by the Contractor and which contain a Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) clause. If the Contractor has notified the Contracting Officer that the Disclosure Statement contains trade secrets, and commercial or financial information which is privileged and confidential, the Disclosure Statement shall be protected and shall not be released outside of the Government.

(2) Follow consistently the Contractor's cost accounting practices in accumulating and reporting contract performance cost data concerning this contract. If any change in cost accounting practices is made for the purposes of any contract or subcontract subject to CAS requirements, the change must be applied prospectively to this contract and the Disclosure Statement, if required, must be amended accordingly. If an accounting principle change mandated under Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions, requires that a change in the Contractor's cost accounting practices be made after the date of this contract award, the change must be applied prospectively to this contract and the Disclosure Statement, if required, must be amended accordingly. If the contract price or cost allowance of this contract is affected by such changes, adjustment shall be made in accordance with subparagraph (a)(4) or (a)(5) of this clause, as appropriate.

(3) Comply with all CAS, including any modifications and interpretations indicated thereto contained in 48 CFR 9905 in effect on the date of award of this contract or, if the Contractor has submitted cost or pricing data, on the date of final agreement on price as shown on the Contractor's signed certificate of current cost or pricing data. The Contractor shall also comply with any CAS (or modifications to CAS) which hereafter become applicable to a contract or subcontract of the Contractor. Such compliance shall be required prospectively from the date of applicability to such contract or subcontract.

(4)(i) Agree to an equitable adjustment as provided in the Changes clause of this contract if the contract cost is affected by a change which, pursuant to subparagraph (a)(3) of this clause, the Contractor is required to make to the Contractor's established cost accounting practices.

(ii) Negotiate with the Contracting Officer to determine the terms and conditions under which a change may be made to a cost accounting practice, other than a change made under other provisions of subparagraph (a)(4) of this clause; provided that no agreement may be made under this provision that will increase costs paid by the United States.

(iii) When the parties agree to a change to a cost accounting practice, other than a change under subdivision (a)(4)(i) or (a)(4)(iv) of this clause, negotiate an equitable adjustment as provided in the Changes clause of this contract.

(iv) Agree to an equitable adjustment as provided in the Changes clause of this contract, if the contract cost is materially affected by an OMB Circular A-21 accounting principle amendment which, on becoming effective after the date of contract award, requires the Contractor to make a change to the Contractor's established cost accounting practices.

(5) Agree to an adjustment of the contract price or cost allowance, as appropriate, if the Contractor or a subcontractor fails to comply with an applicable Cost Accounting Standard, or to follow any cost accounting practice consistently and such failure results in any increased costs paid by the United States. Such adjustment shall provide for recovery of the increased costs to the United States, together with interest thereon computed at the annual rate established under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6621) for such period, from the time the payment by the United States was made to the time the adjustment is effected. In no case shall the Government recover costs greater than the increased cost to the Government, in the aggregate, on the relevant contracts subject to the price adjustment, unless the Contractor made a change in its cost accounting practices of which it was aware or should have been aware at the time of price negotiations and which it failed to disclose to the Government.

(b) If the parties fail to agree whether the Contractor or a subcontractor has complied with an applicable CAS or a CAS rule or regulation in 48 CFR 9903 and as to any cost adjustment demanded by the United States, such failure to agree will constitute a dispute under the Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. 601).

(c) The Contractor shall permit any authorized representatives of the Government to examine and make copies of any documents, papers, or records relating to compliance with the requirements of this clause.

(d) The Contractor shall include in all negotiated subcontracts which the Contractor enters into, the substance of this clause, except paragraph (b), and shall require such inclusion in all other subcontracts, of any tier, including the obligation to comply with all applicable CAS in effect on the subcontractor's award date or, if the subcontractor has submitted cost or pricing data, on the date of final agreement on price as shown on the subcontractor's signed Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data, except that--

(1) If the subcontract is awarded to a business unit which pursuant to 48 CFR 9903.201-2 is subject to other types of CAS coverage, the substance of the applicable clause set forth in 48 CFR 9903.201-4 shall be inserted;

(2) This requirement shall apply only to negotiated subcontracts in excess of $500,000; and

(3) The requirement shall not apply to negotiated subcontracts otherwise exempt from the requirement to include a CAS clause as specified in 48 CFR 9903.201-1.

(End of clause)

52.230-6 Administration of Cost Accounting Standards.

As prescribed in 30.201-4(d)(1), insert the following clause:
Administration of Cost Accounting Standards (Apr 1996)

For the purpose of administering the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) requirements under this contract, the Contractor shall take the steps outlined in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this clause:

(a) Submit to the Contracting Officer a description of any cost accounting practice change, the total potential impact of the change on contracts containing a CAS clause, and a general dollar magnitude of the change which identifies the potential shift of costs between CAS-covered contracts by contract type (i.e., firm-fixed-price, incentive, cost-plus-fixed fee, etc.) and other contractor business activity. As related to CAS-covered contracts, the analysis should identify the potential impact on funds of the various Agencies/Departments (i.e., Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Army, Navy, Air Force, other Department of Defense, other Government) as follows:

(1) For any change in cost accounting practices required in accordance with subparagraph (a)(3) and subdivision (a)(4)(i) of the clause at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards; or subparagraph (a)(3) and subdivisions (a)(4)(i) or (a)(4)(iv) of the clause at FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution; within 60 days (or such other date as may be mutually agreed to) after award of a contract requiring this change.

(2) For any change in cost accounting practices proposed in accordance with subdivision (a)(4)(ii) or (iii) of the clauses at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, and FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution; or with subparagraph (a)(3) of the clause at FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices, not less than 60 days (or such other date as may be mutually agreed to) before the effective date of the proposed change.

(3) For any failure to comply with an applicable CAS or to follow a disclosed practice (as contemplated by subparagraph (a)(5) at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, and FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution; or by subparagraph (a)(4) at FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices):

(i) Within 60 days (or such other date as may be mutually agreed to) after the date of agreement with the initial finding of noncompliance, or

(ii) In the event of Contractor disagreement with the initial finding of noncompliance, within 60 days of the date the Contractor is notified by the Contracting Officer of the determination of noncompliance.

(b) After an ACO, or cognizant Federal agency official, determination of materiality, submit a cost impact proposal in the form and manner specified by the Contracting Officer within 60 days (or such other date as may be mutually agreed to) after the date of determination of the adequacy and compliance of a change submitted pursuant to paragraph (a) of this clause. The cost impact proposal shall be in sufficient detail to permit evaluation, determination, and negotiation of the cost impact upon each separate CAS-covered contract and subcontract.

(1) Cost impact proposals submitted for changes in cost accounting practices required in accordance with subparagraph (a)(3) and subdivision (a)(4)(i) of the clause at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards; or subparagraph (a)(3) and subdivisions (a)(4)(i) or (a)(4)(iv) of the clause at FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution; shall identify the applicable standard or cost principle and all contracts and subcontracts containing the clauses entitled Cost Accounting Standards or Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution, which have an award date before the effective date of that standard or cost principle.

(2) Cost impact proposals submitted for any change in cost accounting practices proposed in accordance with subdivisions (a)(4)(ii) or (iii) of the clauses at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, and FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution; or with subparagraph (a)(3) of the clause at FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices; shall identify all contracts and subcontracts containing the clauses at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution, and FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices.

(3) Cost impact proposals submitted for failure to comply with an applicable CAS or to follow a disclosed practice as contemplated by subparagraph (a)(5) of the clauses at FAR 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards, and FAR 52.230-5, Cost Accounting Standards--Educational Institution; or by subparagraph (a)(4) of the clause at FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices, shall identify the cost impact on each separate CAS covered contract from the date of failure to comply until the noncompliance is corrected.

(c) If the submissions required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this clause are not submitted within the specified time, or any extension granted by the Contracting Officer, an amount not to exceed 10 percent of each subsequent amount determined payable related to the Contractor's CAS-covered prime contracts, up to the estimated general dollar magnitude of the cost impact, may be withheld until such time as the required submission has been provided in the form and manner specified by the Contracting Officer.

(d) Agree to appropriate contract and subcontract amendments to reflect adjustments established in accordance with subparagraphs (a)(4) and (a)(5) of the clauses at FAR 52.230-2 and 52.230-5; or with subparagraphs (a)(3) or (a)(4) of the Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices clause at FAR 52.230-3.

(e) For all subcontracts subject to the clauses at FAR 52.230-2, 52.230-3, or 52.230-5--

(1) So state in the body of the subcontract, in the letter of award, or in both (self-deleting clauses shall not be used); and

(2) Include the substance of this clause in all negotiated subcontracts. In addition, within 30 days after award of the subcontract, submit the following information to the Contractor's cognizant contract administration office for transmittal to the contract administrative office cognizant of the subcontractor's facility:

(i) Subcontractor's name and subcontract number.

(ii) Dollar amount and date of award.

(iii) Name of Contractor making the award.

(iv) Any changes the subcontractor has made or proposes to make to cost accounting practices that affect prime contracts or subcontracts containing the clauses at FAR 52.230-2, 52.230-3, or 52.230-5, unless these changes have already been reported. If award of the subcontract results in making one or more CAS effective for the first time, this fact shall also be reported.

(f) Notify the Contracting Officer in writing of any adjustments required to subcontracts under this contract and agree to an adjustment, based on them, to this contract price or estimated cost and fee. This notice is due within 30 days after proposed subcontract adjustments are received and shall include a proposal for adjusting the higher tier subcontract or the prime contract appropriately.

(g) For subcontracts containing the clauses at FAR 52.230-2 or 52.230-5, require the subcontractor to comply with all Standards in effect on the date of award or of final agreement on price, as shown on the subcontractor's signed Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data, whichever is earlier.

(End of clause)

52.231 [Reserved]