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State of Wyoming Home Photograph taken by Mark Gocke
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Wyoming Game and Fish Hunting Information

Hunting in Wyoming

Stop Poaching Tip Online
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  It's Mutiny on your Bounty. 
Arrow Image  Call 1-877-WGFDTIP - 1-877-943-3847 
Arrow Image  To report Poaching Incidents from out of state call - 1-307-777-4330
Arrow Image  Report your Stop Poaching tip online!

The "STOP POACHING" program is an opportunity for you to help protect your wildlife resource. Rewards are paid when an arrest is made or a citation issued. The program works because people care about Wyoming's wildlife. YOUR CALL WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE - REPORT ALL GAME AND FISH VIOLATIONS.

Leftover License Draw Results
Arrow Image  View Draw Results 
 Leftover Licnese Availability New Logo
Arrow Image   
View Leftover License Lists

Apply Online - Sandhill Crane, Furbearing Trapping (Beaver/Martin) and Preference Points

Arrow Image  Click here to Apply Online

Wyoming Hunting Guide - A Guide to General Questions about hunting in Wyoming
Arrow Image
Wyoming Hunting Guide - Big Game, trophy game, small game, game birds and trapping

2008 Private Lands Public Wildlife Access Program information
Arrow Image
Walk-in Hunting and Hunter Management Area information 
Arrow Image  Hunter Management Area Permission Slips - Permission slips will be issued starting July 15 at 8:00 AM MST

Leftover and General License Sales
Arrow Image  Elk, Deer and Antelope Leftover for Draw Lists

Preference Point Totals going into 2009 Draw
Arrow Image  Elk, Deer and Antelope
Arrow Image  Moose and Sheep 
2009 Wyoming Hunting Information and Applications Booklet
Arrow Image  Nonresident
Arrow Image  Resident

Private Lands, Public Wildlife Program (PLPW)
Arrow Image Hunter Management Area (HMA) permission slips available July 15th, 2008.

Requirements of Residency for Hunting, Fishing and Trapping in Wyoming
Arrow Image
 Am I a Wyoming Resident? 
Chronic Wasting Disease
Arrow Image  Get your CWD Surveillance Test Results

Travel Tip In Wyoming
Arrow Image  Travel Tips for Wyoming Hunters

Elk Feedground Information
Arrow Image  Attention Hunters: Elk Feedground Information!!

Habitat Management Pages
Arrow Image
  Habitat Management Pages

Wildlife and fish diseases that affect Wyoming's wildlife
Arrow Image  Wildlife & Fish Diseases

Harvest Information Program (HIP) Online Registration
Arrow Image  HIP Permit On-Line!

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Approves Hunter's Choice Bag Limit Trial
Arrow Image Adobe Acrobat Logo Hunters Choice WY
Arrow Image Adobe Acrobat Logo Hunters Choice Summary

Waterfowl Identification
Arrow Image  Waterfowl Identification

Commissioner Licenses - Find out who has them.

Arrow Image  Commissioner Licenses available now!

Demand Index Drawing Odds
Arrow Image  Demand Index Drawing Odds

Harvest Reporting
Arrow Image  Harvest Reports
(Paper copies of these reports are available from our Alternative Enterprises Dept)

Wildlife Heritage Foundation
Arrow Image
Wildlife Heritage Foundation
Arrow Image  Visit our Apply for our First USA Wyoming Game & Fish credit card
(Each purchase you make with your new card helps support our wild places and wildlife!)

Wyoming State Outfitters
Arrow Image  Wyoming State Board of Outfitters Page
Arrow Image  If you'd like to receive a booklet listing the names of guides & outfitters in Wyoming, email them your request, or visit the Wyoming State Board of Outfitters page. You can also call the Board at either 1-307-777-5323 or 1-800-264-0981.

Game and Fish Laboratory
Arrow Image  Game & Fish Laboratory
(Where are they? What do they do for your wildlife resource?  Discover the G&F Lab!)

Landowner Coupon
Arrow Image  Landowner Coupon Redemption Affidavit
Get Acrobat Reader Image  To view and print this Affidavit, you need to have the Adobe Acrobat Plugin for your browser. It is available free by clicking the Get Acrobat icon

Arrow Image  License Types & Fees
Arrow Image  Hunting Etiquette and Safety Information
Arrow Image  Commission Regulations, includes Season Dates
Arrow Image  Sources for Big Game, Upland & Furbearer Harvest Reports

What's New
Apply Online for Licenses and Preference Points
Landowner Incentive Program
WYDOT Right-of-Way Fencing
Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative
Avian Influenza
Urban and Nuisance Wildlife
Governor's Big Game Licenses
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
Nongame Best Management Practices
Regulation Information
Mule Deer - Photo taken by Mark Gocke
Call 1-307-777-4600
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