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Volume 7(10);  October 1995
In This Issue
SA: Source or Signal for SAR?
R. Chasan
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1519–1521.
PMCID: PMC1464601
Meeting Report
Treasure Your Exceptions
R. L. Phillips, M. A. Matzke, and K. Oono
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1522–1527.
PMCID: PMC1464602
Research Articles
Expression of the Tomato Pto Gene in Tobacco Enhances Resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv tabaci Expressing avrPto.
RL Thilmony, Z Chen, RA Bressan, and GB Martin
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1529–1536.
PMCID: PMC161003
Intergeneric transfer and functional expression of the tomato disease resistance gene Pto.
C M Rommens, J M Salmeron, G E Oldroyd, and B J Staskawicz
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1537–1544.
PMCID: PMC161005
Phloem Loading by the PmSUC2 Sucrose Carrier from Plantago major Occurs into Companion Cells.
R Stadler, J Brandner, A Schulz, M Gahrtz, and N Sauer
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1545–1554.
PMCID: PMC161007
Arabidopsis TCH4, regulated by hormones and the environment, encodes a xyloglucan endotransglycosylase.
W Xu, M M Purugganan, D H Polisensky, D M Antosiewicz, S C Fry, and J Braam
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1555–1567.
PMCID: PMC161010
A novel class of MADS box genes is involved in ovule development in petunia.
G C Angenent, J Franken, M Busscher, A van Dijken, J L van Went, H J Dons, and A J van Tunen
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1569–1582.
PMCID: PMC161013
Male and female flowers of the dioecious plant sorrel show different patterns of MADS box gene expression.
C Ainsworth, S Crossley, V Buchanan-Wollaston, M Thangavelu, and J Parker
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1583–1598.
PMCID: PMC161015
CUE1: A Mesophyll Cell-Specific Positive Regulator of Light-Controlled Gene Expression in Arabidopsis.
H Li, K Culligan, RA Dixon, and J Chory
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1599–1610.
PMCID: PMC161018
Composite structure of auxin response elements.
T Ulmasov, Z B Liu, G Hagen, and T J Guilfoyle
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1611–1623.
PMCID: PMC161020
Symptom attenuation by a normally virulent satellite RNA of turnip crinkle virus is associated with the coat protein open reading frame.
Q Kong, J W Oh, and A E Simon
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1625–1634.
PMCID: PMC161022
Conservation of floral homeotic gene function between Arabidopsis and antirrhinum.
V F Irish and Y T Yamamoto
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1635–1644.
PMCID: PMC161024
Expression of a Flax Allene Oxide Synthase cDNA Leads to Increased Endogenous Jasmonic Acid (JA) Levels in Transgenic Potato Plants but Not to a Corresponding Activation of JA-Responding Genes.
K Harms, R Atzorn, A Brash, H Kuhn, C Wasternack, L Willmitzer, and H Pena-Cortes
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1645–1654.
PMCID: PMC161026
C-terminal deletion analysis of plant plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase: yeast as a model system for solute transport across the plant plasma membrane.
B Regenberg, J M Villalba, F C Lanfermeijer, and M G Palmgren
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1655–1666.
PMCID: PMC161027
Matrix attachment regions and transcribed sequences within a long chromosomal continuum containing maize Adh1.
Z Avramova, P SanMiguel, E Georgieva, and J L Bennetzen
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1667–1680.
PMCID: PMC161028
TATA box and initiator functions in the accurate transcription of a plant minimal promoter in vitro.
Q Zhu, T Dabi, and C Lamb
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1681–1689.
PMCID: PMC161029
Is Salicylic Acid a Translocated Signal of Systemic Acquired Resistance in Tobacco?
V Shulaev, J Leon, and I Raskin
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1691–1701.
PMCID: PMC161030
Monogenic Recessive Mutations Causing Both Late Floral Initiation and Excess Starch Accumulation in Arabidopsis.
K Eimert, SM Wang, WI Lue, and J Chen
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1703–1712.
PMCID: PMC161031
The stroma of higher plant plastids contain ClpP and ClpC, functional homologs of Escherichia coli ClpP and ClpA: an archetypal two-component ATP-dependent protease.
J Shanklin, N D DeWitt, and J M Flanagan
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1713–1722.
PMCID: PMC161032
Analysis of the role of 5' and 3' flanking sequence elements upon in vivo expression of the plant tRNATrp genes.
B Ulmasov and W Folk
Plant Cell. 1995 October; 7(10): 1723–1734.
PMCID: PMC161033
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