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Volume 7(3);  March 1995
In This Issue
Engineering Fatty Acids - The Long and Short of It
R. Chasan
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 235–237.
PMCID: PMC1464594
Meeting Report
Plant Cell Biology Comes of Age
M. J. Chrispeels, P. J. Green, and J. B. Nasrallah
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 237–248.
PMCID: PMC1464595
Research Articles
Use of a gene expression system based on potato virus X to rapidly identify and characterize a tomato Pto homolog that controls fenthion sensitivity.
C M Rommens, J M Salmeron, D C Baulcombe, and B J Staskawicz
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 249–257.
PMCID: PMC160779
Impaired photoassimilate partitioning caused by phloem-specific removal of pyrophosphate can be complemented by a phloem-specific cytosolic yeast-derived invertase in transgenic plants.
J Lerchl, P Geigenberger, M Stitt, and U Sonnewald
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 259–270.
PMCID: PMC160780
Specific expression in reproductive tissues and fate of a mitochondrial sterility-associated protein in cytoplasmic male-sterile bean.
A R Abad, B J Mehrtens, and S A Mackenzie
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 271–285.
PMCID: PMC160781
Site-selected transposon mutagenesis at the hcf106 locus in maize.
L Das and R Martienssen
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 287–294.
PMCID: PMC160782
Functional dissection of an abscisic acid (ABA)-inducible gene reveals two independent ABA-responsive complexes each containing a G-box and a novel cis-acting element.
Q Shen and T H Ho
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 295–307.
PMCID: PMC160783
Directed tagging of the Arabidopsis FATTY ACID ELONGATION1 (FAE1) gene with the maize transposon activator.
D W James, Jr, E Lim, J Keller, I Plooy, E Ralston, and H K Dooner
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 309–319.
PMCID: PMC160784
Low-temperature signal transduction: induction of cold acclimation-specific genes of alfalfa by calcium at 25 degrees C.
A F Monroy and R S Dhindsa
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 321–331.
PMCID: PMC160785
The Arabidopsis SUPERMAN Gene Mediates Asymmetric Growth of the Outer Integument of Ovules.
JC Gaiser, K Robinson-Beers, and CS Gasser
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 333–345.
PMCID: PMC160786
Post-transcriptional cosuppression of beta-1,3-glucanase genes does not affect accumulation of transgene nuclear mRNA.
F de Carvalho Niebel, P Frendo, M Van Montagu, and M Cornelissen
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 347–358.
PMCID: PMC160787
Palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterase and the evolutionary origin of plant acyl-ACP thioesterases.
A Jones, H M Davies, and T A Voelker
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 359–371.
PMCID: PMC160788
Pollen specificity elements reside in 30 bp of the proximal promoters of two pollen-expressed genes.
Y Eyal, C Curie, and S McCormick
Plant Cell. 1995 March; 7(3): 373–384.
PMCID: PMC160789
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