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Volume 14(3);  March 2002
In This Issue
Mapping and Sequencing the Rice Genome
Benjamin Burr
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 521–523. doi: 10.1105/tpc.140310.
PMCID: PMC543398
Genomics Articles
A Comprehensive Rice Transcript Map Containing 6591 Expressed Sequence Tag Sites
Jianzhong Wu, Tomoko Maehara, Takanori Shimokawa, Shinichi Yamamoto, Chizuko Harada, Yuka Takazaki, Nozomi Ono, Yoshiyuki Mukai, Kazuhiro Koike, Jyunshi Yazaki, Fumiko Fujii, Ayahiko Shomura, Tsuyu Ando, Izumi Kono, Kazunori Waki, Kimiko Yamamoto, Masahiro Yano, Takashi Matsumoto, and Takuji Sasaki
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 525–535. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010274.
PMCID: PMC150576
An Integrated Physical and Genetic Map of the Rice Genome
Mingsheng Chen, Gernot Presting, W. Brad Barbazuk, Jose Luis Goicoechea, Barbara Blackmon, Guangchen Fang, Hyeran Kim, David Frisch, Yeisoo Yu, Shouhong Sun, Stephanie Higingbottom, John Phimphilai, Dao Phimphilai, Scheen Thurmond, Brian Gaudette, Ping Li, Jingdong Liu, Jamie Hatfield, Dorrie Main, Kasey Farrar, Caroline Henderson, Laura Barnett, Ravi Costa, Brian Williams, Suzanne Walser, Michael Atkins, Caroline Hall, Muhammad A. Budiman, Jeffery P. Tomkins, Meizhong Luo, Ian Bancroft, Jerome Salse, Farid Regad, Trilochan Mohapatra, Nagendra K. Singh, Akhilesh K. Tyagi, Carol Soderlund, Ralph A. Dean, and Rod A. Wing
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 537–545. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010485.
PMCID: PMC150577
Research Articles
KNAT1 and ERECTA Regulate Inflorescence Architecture in Arabidopsis
Scott J. Douglas, George Chuck, Ronald E. Dengler, Lakshmi Pelecanda, and C. Daniel Riggs
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 547–558. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010391.
PMCID: PMC150578
Expression Profile Matrix of Arabidopsis Transcription Factor Genes Suggests Their Putative Functions in Response to Environmental StressesW in Box
Wenqiong Chen, Nicholas J. Provart, Jane Glazebrook, Fumiaki Katagiri, Hur-Song Chang, Thomas Eulgem, Felix Mauch, Sheng Luan, Guangzhou Zou, Steve A. Whitham, Paul R. Budworth, Yi Tao, Zhiyi Xie, Xi Chen, Steve Lam, Joel A. Kreps, Jeffery F. Harper, Azzedine Si-Ammour, Brigitte Mauch-Mani, Manfred Heinlein, Kappei Kobayashi, Thomas Hohn, Jeffery L. Dangl, Xun Wang, and Tong Zhu
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 559–574. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010410.
PMCID: PMC150579
The Arabidopsis salt overly sensitive 4 Mutants Uncover a Critical Role for Vitamin B6 in Plant Salt Tolerance
Huazhong Shi, Liming Xiong, Becky Stevenson, Tiegang Lu, and Jian-Kang Zhu
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 575–588. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010417.
PMCID: PMC150580
AUX1 Promotes Lateral Root Formation by Facilitating Indole-3-Acetic Acid Distribution between Sink and Source Tissues in the Arabidopsis Seedling
Alan Marchant, Rishikesh Bhalerao, Ilda Casimiro, Jan Eklöf, Pedro J. Casero, Malcolm Bennett, and Goran Sandberg
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 589–597. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010354.
PMCID: PMC150581
Establishment of Cereal Endosperm Expression Domains: Identification and Properties of a Maize Transfer Cell–Specific Transcription Factor, ZmMRP-1
Elisa Gómez, Joaquín Royo, Yan Guo, Richard Thompson, and Gregorio Hueros
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 599–610. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010365.
PMCID: PMC150582
Cell Pattern in the Arabidopsis Root Epidermis Determined by Lateral Inhibition with Feedback
Myeong Min Lee and John Schiefelbein
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 611–618. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010434.
PMCID: PMC150583
Rice SPK, a Calmodulin-Like Domain Protein Kinase, Is Required for Storage Product Accumulation during Seed Development: Phosphorylation of Sucrose Synthase Is a Possible Factor
Takayuki Asano, Noriko Kunieda, Yuhi Omura, Hirokazu Ibe, Tsutomu Kawasaki, Makoto Takano, Miho Sato, Hideyuki Furuhashi, Toshiyuki Mujin, Fumio Takaiwa, Chuan-yin Wu, Yuichi Tada, Tomomi Satozawa, Masahiro Sakamoto, and Hiroaki Shimada
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 619–628. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010454.
PMCID: PMC150584
Fertile Hypomorphic ARGONAUTE (ago1) Mutants Impaired in Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing and Virus Resistance
Jean-Benoit Morel, Christian Godon, Philippe Mourrain, Christophe Béclin, Stéphanie Boutet, Frank Feuerbach, Florence Proux, and Hervé Vaucheret
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 629–639. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010358.
PMCID: PMC150585
In Vivo Analysis of the Role of atTic20 in Protein Import into Chloroplasts
Xuejun Chen, Matthew D. Smith, Lynda Fitzpatrick, and Danny J. Schnell
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 641–654. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010336.
PMCID: PMC150586
Zein Protein Interactions, Rather Than the Asymmetric Distribution of Zein mRNAs on Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes, Influence Protein Body Formation in Maize Endosperm
Cheol Soo Kim, Young-min Woo, Amy M. Clore, Ronald J. Burnett, Newton P. Carneiro, and Brian A. Larkins
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 655–672. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010431.
PMCID: PMC150587
Reciprocal Expression of Two Candidate Di-Iron Enzymes Affecting Photosystem I and Light-Harvesting Complex Accumulation
Jeffrey L. Moseley, M. Dudley Page, Nancy P. Alder, Mats Eriksson, Jeanette Quinn, Feiris Soto, Steven M. Theg, Michael Hippler, and Sabeeha Merchant
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 673–688. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010420.
PMCID: PMC150588
The Cf-9 Disease Resistance Protein Is Present in an ~420-Kilodalton Heteromultimeric Membrane-Associated Complex at One Molecule per Complex
Susana Rivas, Tina Romeis, and Jonathan D. G. Jones
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 689–702. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010357.
PMCID: PMC150589
Convergence and Divergence of Stress-Induced Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathways at the Level of Two Distinct Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases
Francesca Cardinale, Irute Meskiene, Fatma Ouaked, and Heribert Hirt
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 703–711.
PMCID: PMC150590
Use of the Transposon Ac as a Gene-Searching Engine in the Maize Genome
Matthew Cowperthwaite, Wonkeun Park, Zhennan Xu, Xianghe Yan, Steven C. Maurais, and Hugo K. Dooner
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 713–726. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010468.
PMCID: PMC150591
Plasma Membrane Aquaporins in the Motor Cells of Samanea saman: Diurnal and Circadian Regulation
Menachem Moshelion, Dirk Becker, Alexander Biela, Norbert Uehlein, Rainer Hedrich, Beate Otto, Hadas Levi, Nava Moran, and Ralf Kaldenhoff
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 727–739. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010351.
PMCID: PMC150592
Plant Cell. 2002 March; 14(3): 741. doi: 10.1105/tpc.cor000.
PMCID: PMC153794
Corrects: Guang Wu, et al. A Genome-Wide Analysis of Arabidopsis Rop-Interactive CRIB Motif–Containing Proteins That Act as Rop GTPase Targets. Plant Cell. 2001 December; 13(12): 2841–2856.
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