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University of Wyoming

University of Wyoming Campus Safety Information

The University of Wyoming is dedicated to providing our students, faculty, staff, and visitors a living and learning environment that is safe and secure.  The following University resources have been dedicated to help provide the highest levels of campus safety as possible.  If you have a concern regarding safety for you or for someone you know, please click on one of the links provided below. 

If you are witnessing a crime that is being committed RIGHT NOW, immediately contact the UWPD at 766-5179 or 911.

  • For crime information or to anonymously report a suspicious activity/person, please use the Silent Witness online form or call UWPD at 766-5179.

  • To discuss concerns about an individual student, faculty or staff, please contact the Dean of Students office at or call 766-3296.

  • For information about mental health concerns, please contact the University Counseling Center at or call 766-2187.

  • For after-hours and weekend help for mental health or suicide concerns, please call the UW Crisis Line at 766-8989 and ask for the counselor on call.

For additional information on campus policies or procedures, please visit: