Data Sources and Dates

This tool was deployed in April 2008 with static maps and data representing a snapshot of the industry from 2007. Maps will be updated periodically, and Phase 2 of the tool will convert to dynamically generated maps so that data is always current. We invite your feedback on the usability of the tool.

Data Source Date
Gasoline Use Federal Highway Administration 2004
Diesel use Federal Highway Administration 2005
Ethanol and biodiesel Stations Alternative Fuels Data Center (DOE) June 2007
Ethanol plants and production Renewable Fuels Association and Ethanol Producer magazine May 2007
Biodiesel plants and production National Biodiesel Board and Biodiesel magazine May 2007
Number of flex-fuel vehicles (FFV) Polk and Associates April 2006
Corn and sorghum production US Department of Agriculture 2006
Oilseeds production US Department of Agriculture 2006
Cellulosic feedstock NREL 2002