Comprehensive Minority Institution/Cancer Center Partnership (Reissued RFA)

Sanya A. Springfield, Ph.D.
Comprehensive Minority Biomedical Branch
Office of Centers, Training and Resources
Telephone: (301) 496-7344
E-MAIL: ss165i@nih.gov

Objective of Project:
The purpose of this initiative is to implement comprehensive partnerships between Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) and NCI-designated Cancer Centers (or groups of centers) in cancer research (a required component) and at least one program in cancer research training and career development, cancer research education or cancer outreach that will achieve the following goals: (1) to build and stabilize collaborative and independent cancer research and other related activities at the MSI; (2) to create stable, long-term collaborative and independent cancer research and related activities focused on the disproportionate incidence, mortality and morbidity in minority populations in areas accessible to NCI-designated Cancer Centers; (3) to improve the effectiveness of NCI-designated Cancer Centers in initiating and implementing cancer outreach and education programs designed to benefit minority populations in the region the Cancer Center serves; and (4) to export successful approaches in addressing disproportionate cancer incidence and mortality rates in ethnic minority populations to all NCI-designated Cancer Centers, as well as other key networks supported by the (e.g., Cancer Genetics Network, Clinical Cooperative Groups, Early Detection Research Network, and the Special Populations Network).

Partners must demonstrate that the specific objectives they wish to achieve within the first three general objectives above either are dependent upon the partnership for their eventual success or will be achieved faster because of the partnership and that they are willing to work with and share their approaches with each other and with other NCI Cancer Centers and other networks supported by the NCI.

Description of Project:
The Comprehensive Minority Institutions Cancer Center Partnership Cooperative Agreement must be predominantly focused on research projects and programs in cancer research training and career development, cancer research education, or cancer outreach. The partnership must demonstate mutual benefits to both MSI and Cancer Center and must demonstrate clearly that the application is based on previous comprehensive planning activities. Applicants are expected to conduct workshops and retreats designed to identify areas of greatest opportunity and utilize a Program Steering Committee and that would be dedicated to setting priorities, changing directions, and identifying areas of new opportunity based on a continuing evaluation process. Pilot and full projects/programs (requiring co-leaders, one from the MSI and one from the Cancer Center) must be initiated. The partnerships must establish systems for reviewing pilot/full projects/programs, faculty recruitment and specialized resources and infrastructure for merit and use this system as the basis for distributing funds.

created: 28jul98 Lorrie Smith revised: 08jan01