Minority-Based Community Clinical Oncology Program (Reissued RFA)


Worta McCaskill-Stevens, MD
Community Oncology and Prevention Trials Research Group
Telephone: 301/496-8541
Email: wm57h@nih.gov

Objective of Project:

To bring the advantages of state-of-the-art cancer treatment and prevention and control research to minority individuals in their own communities by having practicing physicians participate in NCI-approved cancer treatment and prevention and control clinical trials.

Description of Project:

This Minority-Based Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) concept seeks to strengthen the Minority-Based CCOP by: 1) continuing the program as a vehicle for supporting community participation in cancer treatment and prevention and control clinical trials through research bases (clinical cooperative groups and cancer centers supported by NCI); 2) expanding and strengthening the cancer prevention and control research effort; 3) utilizing the Minority-Based CCOP network for conducting NCI-assisted cancer prevention and control research; and 4) evaluating on a continuing basis Minority-Based CCOP performance and its impact in the community.

Participating community programs (Minority-Based CCOPs) will be required to enter participants onto NCI-approved cancer treatment and prevention and control clinical trials through the research base(s) with which each Minority-Based CCOP is affiliated. Minority-Based CCOPs may contact NCI program staff directly for assistance and participation in selected cancer prevention and control protocols. Minority-based CCOP performance will be evaluated on a continuing basis by the NCI program director.

Minority-Based CCOP applicants must demonstrate the potential for accessing appropriate cancer patients/participants within their communities for participation in cancer treatment and prevention and control protocols provided by their research bases.