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Clinical Studies Supported by the NEI

Submacular Surgery Trials (SST)

Purpose | Background | Description | Patient Eligibility | Patient Recruitment Status | Current Status of Study | Results | Publications | NEI Representative | Resource Centers


  • To determine whether surgical removal of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and associated hemorrhage in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (OHS), or idiopathic CNV stabilizes or improves vision more often than observation.
  • To determine how surgical removal compared to observation of subfoveal CNV due to AMD, OHS, or idiopathic causes changes the patient's perception of health- and vision-related "quality of life," as measured by telephone interview using the Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form-36 (MOS SF-36) instrument, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25).
  • To determine whether randomized trials of surgery are warranted for patients with subfoveal CNV associated with age-related macular degeneration not suitable for laser treatment.


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) with CNV is the most common cause of irreversible severe loss of vision in older adults. The Macular Photocoagulation Study (MPS) Group, sponsored by the National Eye Institute, demonstrated that laser treatment is effective for recurrent subfoveal CNV (that extends into the center of the macula) after laser treatment and for selected patients with subfoveal CNV who had no prior treatment. More recently, photodynamic therapy with verteporfin was shown to reduce the risk of moderate and server loss of vision in selected patients with subfoveal neovascularization associated with AMD. Choroidal neovascularization due to OHS affects adults of working age and may pose a lifelong risk of blindness to people who have characteristic scars ("histo spots") in the macula. It has been estimated that 2,000,000 people who live or have lived in the region of the United States in which histoplasmosis is endemic have characteristic histo spots and that 100,000 of them will lose vision in one or both eyes due to CNV. Fortunately, the effectiveness of laser photocoagulation for treating CNV due to OHS that is not subfoveal (i.e., not extending into the center of the macula) also has been demonstrated by the MPS Group in two randomized clinical trials. However, treated patients are at risk of subfoveal recurrence, and laser treatment cannot be applied to these patients or to other patients with OHS who present with subfoveal CNV in the absence of prior laser treatment. Recently, alternative therapies to laser photocoagulation and photodynamic therapy have been proposed for the management of CNV and are intended to increase the chance of stabilizing or improving vision at a greater rate than with observation. The most promising of these alternatives at this time is surgical removal of the neovascular lesion, i.e., submacular surgery. The rationale for this surgical approach is that removal of the CNV may halt enlargement of the visual defect, spare photoreceptors in the central macula, and allow adjacent ocular structures to function normally. Data regarding the effectiveness of this approach is limited to reports of case series which suffer from the absence of untreated controls, limited number of cases evaluated, or lack of long term follow-up to assess the impact of recurrent CNV, delayed atrophy of the outer retina, and adverse outcomes such as cataract and retinal detachment, requiring additional treatment.


The Submacular Surgery Trials comprise a set of multicenter, randomized clinical trials with the goal of determining whether surgical removal of subfoveal CNV stabilizes or improves vision more often than observation. A total of 19 clinical centers collaborated in conducting a clinical trial for patients with neovascular OHS and idiopathic CNV (Group H protocol). The target sample size for the Group H protocol was 250 participants to be enrolled and followed for 4 years. A total of 29 clinical centers collaborated in conducting two additional clinical trials for patients with neovascular AMD. The target sample size for these AMD trials was 960 participants to be enrolled and followed for 4 years. Vision data collected at baseline include a protocol refraction, best-corrected logMAR visual acuity (ETDRS charts), contrast threshold (Pelli-Robson charts), and reading speed (enlarged text). Other baseline data recorded include stereoscopic color fundus photographs, fluorescein angiograms, and lens photographs, as well as health- and vision-related quality of life interview data (by telephone). Eligible patients who gave signed, informed consent were randomly assigned to surgery (within 8 days of randomization) or observation. Patients, assigned to surgery, are seen one month post-surgery for an examination and photographs. All participants are examined at 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 months after randomization to collect vision data (collected in a masked fashion at 24 and 48 months after randomization) and to repeat photography. Quality of life telephone interviews are repeated at 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 months after randomization. The primary outcome is improvement in visual acuity from baseline to the two-year examination or retention of baseline visual acuity through the two-year examination. Secondary outcomes include change in quality of life from baseline to the 2- and 4-year examinations, change in visual acuity over 4 years, large losses of visual acuity, and adverse ocular outcomes (e.g., those requiring additional treatment such as cataract, retinal detachment, or recurrent CNV).

Patient Eligibility:

Group B: Patients with evidence of large hemorrhages from subfoveal neovascular AMD lesions, visual acuity (SST protocol) of 20/100 to light perception, with the area of hemorrhage larger than the area of fluorescein angiographically visible CNV, with any visible CNV < 9 MPS disc areas, and ability to return for 4 years of follow-up may be eligible for the Group B (Blood) protocol. Group N: Patients with new CNV (no prior laser) due to AMD, visual acuity (SST protocol) of 20/100 to 20/800, fluorescein angiographic evidence of subfoveal CNV lesion which is < 9 MPS disc areas, and ability to return for 4 years of follow-up may be eligible for the Group N (New CNV) protocol. Group H: Patients with evidence of CNV due to OHS or idiopathic cause, visual acuity (SST protocol) 20/50 to 20/800, fluorescein angiographic evidence of subfoveal CNV lesion (new or recurrent) which is < 9 MPS disc areas, and ability to return for 4 years of follow-up may be eligible for inclusion in the Group H (Histoplasmosis/Idiopathic CNV) protocol. Exclusion criteria include other ocular diseases compromising vision, history of submacular surgery in the study eye, history of subfoveal laser photocoagulation that extends under the foveal avascular zone, recent intraocular surgery, or previous investigational therapy for CNV.

Patient Recruitment Status:

No longer recruiting. Comments: Recruitment of patients was completed on September 30, 2001. A total of 1,015 participants were enrolled in all three trials.

Current Status of Study:

Completed, with results not yet published. Comments: Patient follow-up for Groups N, B, and H was completed on September 30, 2003.


Results for each of the subgroups (N, B, and H)will be released on the NEI website.


Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group.: Effect of order of administration of health-related quality of life interview instruments on responses: SST Report no. 3.  Qual Life Res  14: 493-500, 2005  

Orr PR, Marsh MJ, Hawkins BS, Hawse PL, Bressler NM: Evaluation of the Traveling Vision Examiner Program of the the Submacular Surgery Trials Pilot Study.  Ophthalmic Epidemiol  12: 47-57, 2005  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group: Guidelines for interepreting retinal photographs and coding findings in the Submacular Surgery Trials (SST). SST report no. 8  Retina  25: 253-268, 2005  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group: Health- and vision-related quality of life among patients with ocular histoplasmosis or idiopathic choroidal neovascularization at time of enrollment in a randomized trial of submacular surgery. SST report no. 5.  Arch Ophthalmol  123: 78-88, 2005  

Sadda SR, Pieramici DJ, Marsh MJ, Bressler NM, Bressler, SB for the Submacular Surgery Pilot Study investigators: Changes in lesion size following submacular surgery for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in the Submacular Surgery Trials Pilot Study  Retina  24: 888-899, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group: Patients' perceptions of the value of current vision: Findings from the Submacular Surgery Trials (SST) Vision Preference Value Scale (SST-VPVS). SST report no. 6.  Arch Ophthalmol  122: 1856-1867, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group: Surgical Removal versus observation for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization, either associated with the ocular histoplasmosis syndrome or idiopathic. II. Quality-of-life findings from a randomized clinical trial: SST Group H Trial. SST report no. 10.  Arch Ophthalmol  122: 1616-1628, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group.: Clinical trial performance of community-based compared with university-based practices: Lessons from the Submacular Surgery Trials, SST Report no. 2.  Arch Ophthalmol  122: 857-863, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials Pilot Research Group.: Responsiveness of the SF-36 health survey to changes in visual acuity amount patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization.  Am J Ophthalmol  137: 373-375, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group.: Health and vision-related quality of life among patients with choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration at time of enrollment in randomized trials of submacular surgery: SST Report no. 4.  Am J Ophthalmol  123: 91-108, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials (SST) Research Group.: Surgery for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration: Ophthalmic findings. SST Group N Trial. SST Report no. 11.  Ophthalmology  111: 1967-1980, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials (SST) Research Group.: Surgery for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration: Quality of life findings. SST Group N Trial. SST Report no. 12.  Ophthalmology  111: 1981-1992, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials (SST) Research Group.: Surgery for hemorrhagic choroidal neovascular lesions in age-related macular degeneration: Ophthalmic findings. SST Group B Trial. SST Report no. 13.  Ophthalmology  111: 1993-2006, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials (SST) Research Group.: Surgery for hemorrhagic choroidal neovascular lesions in age-related macular degeneration: Quality-of-life findings. SST Report 14.  Ophthalmology  111: 2007-2014, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group: Surgical removal versus observation for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in the ocular histoplasmosis syndrome or idiopathic. I. Ophthalmic findings from a randomized clinical trial: SST Group H Trial. SST report no. 9.  Arch Ophthalmol  122: 1597-1611, 2004  

Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group.: Responsiveness of the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire to changes in visual acuity: Findings in patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization — SST report No.1.  Arch Ophthalmol  121: 531-539, 2003  

Submacular Surgery Trials Pilot Study Investigators.: Submacular Surgery Trials randomized pilot trial of laser photocoagulation versus surgery for recurrent choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration I. Ophthalmic outcomes, SST Pilot Study Report No. 1.  Am J Ophthalmol  130: 387-407, 2000  

Submacular Surgery Trials Pilot Study Investigators.: Submacular Surgery Trials randomized pilot trial of laser photocoagulation versus surgery for recurrent choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration II. Quality of life outcomes, SST Pilot Study Report No. 2.  Am J Ophthalmol  130: 408-418, 2000  

NEI Representative

Maryann Redford, DDS, MPH
National Eye Institute
National Institutes of Health
Suite 1300
5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9300
Bethesda, MD 20892-9300
Telephone: (301) 451-2020
Fax: (301) 402-0528

Resource Centers

Chairman's Office
Neil M. Bressler, M.D.
Chair, SST
The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
550 North Broadway, Suite 115
Baltimore, MD 21205-2010
Telephone: 410-502-5262
Fax: 410-614-8080

Last Updated: 7/20/2006


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