Six Rivers National Forest

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News Release:
Resolution Agreement Reached - Record of Decision Signed

[Shield]: US Forest Service

US Forest Service
Six Rivers National Forest

Julie Ranieri
(707) 441-3673

Eureka, August 21, 2008

A resolution was reached on August 13 between the Karuk Tribe of California, Orleans/Somes Bar Fire Safe Council, Mid Klamath Watershed Council, and four environmental organizations. This paved the way for Six Rivers National Forest Supervisor Tyrone Kelley to sign the Record of Decision last Friday for the Orleans Community Fuels Reduction and Forest Health (OCFR) Project.

The OCFR project decision will reduce hazardous fuels on an estimated 2700 acres around the community of Orleans. Treatments include commercial removal of trees on approximately 1,000 acres and a decade of fuels reduction work.

In June of 2007, Kelley decided to seek more input on the OCFR project under the Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003, which encourages collaboration working closely with the local fire safe council. "Collaboration takes time and it is hard work. The desired result is sharing responsibility for success," said District Ranger Bill Rice.

Two and half years ago, Rice began holding roundtable public forums on the OCFR project to listen to local issues and concerns. Last week's resolution agreement was a result of a meeting in the field with those who filed an objection to the OCFR Environmental Impact Statement.

"I appreciate the hard work and desire of the community, tribe and district staff to work together to protect our community from wildfires and restore healthy forests. This type of collaboration will continue to help in future management of the Orleans Ranger District," said Rice.

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