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Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series (WALS)


For More Information About This Series Contact:
Hilda M. Madine
Phone: 301-594-5595
E-Mail: 301-435-4351

Series Calendar:
3/22/2006 Luis F. Parada, Ph.D. Genetic Modeling of Neural Tumors in Mice
12/17/2003 Douglas C. Rees Lecture to be Announced
12/10/2003 Natalie G. Ahn Lecture Title to be Announced
12/3/2003 Gary Ruvkun Lecture to be Announced
11/19/2003 James E. Darnell, JR. The STAT3 Transcription Factor as a Cancer Target
11/12/2003 Spero M. Manson Lecture Title to be Announced
11/5/2003 Richard T. Miyamoto Cochlear Implants: Past, Present, and Future
10/29/2003 John R. McNeill Environment and Society Since 1900: A Global Perspective
10/22/2003 Andrew Fire RNA-Triggered Genetic Silencing Mechanisms
10/8/2003 Scott Fraser Imaging the Motions and Signals that Pattern Embryonic Development
10/1/2003 Harvey Fineberg The National Academies' Advice on the Organization of NIH
9/24/2003 Alan Grossman Chromosome Dynamics and Gene Expression in Bacteria
9/17/2003 Peter Gruss The George Khoury Legacy: From Transcription to Regenerative Medicine
9/10/2003 Kathryn V. Holmes, PhD Coronavirus Receptor Recognition and Entry
6/11/2003 (1) V. Craig Jordon, PhD, DSc (2) Yuan Chang, PhD, MD (3) Patrick S. Moore, MD, MPH (4) Pierre Chambon, MD (5) Ronald M. Evans, PhD GM Cancer Research Foundation Scientific Conference and Laureate Lectures
6/4/2003 John Kuriyan, PhD Cancer Drugs and On/Off Switches in Protein Kinases: Structural Studies on the Specificity of the CML Drug STI-571/Gleevec
5/21/2003 Eric F. Wieschaus,PhD From Long-Term Gradients to Local Cell Shape Changes: How the Dosophila Embryo Controls Its Morphogenesis
5/14/2003 Joachim Frank, PhD What Makes it Tick? Attempts to Understand the Dynamics of the Ribosome Using Cryo-electron Microscopy
5/7/2003 Pascale Cossart, PhD Fascinating Strategies Used by Listeria Monocytogenes to Establish an Infection
4/23/2003 Sofia Merajver, MD, PhD Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Genetic Determinants and Challenges for Novel Therapeutics
3/5/2003 Stephen M Elledge, PhD Sensing and Responding to DNA Damage
12/18/2002 Nadia A. Rosenthal, Ph.D. George Khoury Lecture: Prometheus' Vulture and the Promise of Stem Cells