85th Meeting – November 3-4, 2005

Gaithersburg Holiday Inn

2 Montgomery Village Avenue

Gaithersburg, MD 20877



Thursday, November 3, 2005


 8:00 a.m. Welcome, Statement of Conflict of Interest, Announcements


8:10 a.m. Committee Updates


-         West Nile Virus Update – Hira Nakhasi, Ph.D., OBRR, FDA and Theresa Smith, M.D., M.P.H., CDC (15’)


-         Draft Guidance on NAT for HIV-1 and HCV:  Testing, Product Disposition, and Donor Deferral and Re-entry – Paul Mied, Ph.D., OBRR, FDA (10’)


-         Summary of the TSEAC meeting held on October 31, 2005 – David Asher, M.D., OBRR, FDA (10’)


-         Summary of the DHHS Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability – Jerry Holmberg, Ph.D., Executive Secretary, Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability (10’)


-         Re-entry of Donors Deferred Based on anti-HBc Test Results – Gerardo Kaplan, Ph.D., OBRR, FDA and Susan Stramer, Ph.D., American Red Cross(10’)


 9:00 a.m.  Open Committee Discussion


 9:45 a.m.  Break


10:00 a.m.


I.              Approaches to Over-the-Counter (OTC) Home-Use HIV Test Kits


A. Introduction and Questions to the Committee – Elliot

   Cowan, Ph.D., OBRR, FDA (20’)                          


B. Proposal for an OTC Home-Use HIV Test Kit – Sue Sutton-

   Jones, M.S., OraSure Technologies (20’)   


C. Changes in HIV Testing Practices and Counseling

   Recommendations – Bernard Branson, M.D., CDC (30’)


D. Role of Quality Systems for Diagnostic Tests – Devery

   Howerton, Ph.D., CDC (30’)


E. Psychological/Social Issues Associated with HIV Testing

   and OTC Home-Use HIV Tests – Joseph Inungu, M.D., M.P.H.,

   Dr.P.H., Central Michigan University (30’)


F. Human Factors in OTC Testing – Arleen Pinkos, OIVD, CDRH,

   FDA (20’)


12:30 p.m. Open Committee Discussion


1:00 p.m.  LUNCH


2:00 p.m.  Open Public Hearing


3:45 p.m. Break


4:00 p.m. Questions to the Committee and Committee Discussion


5:30 p.m.  Adjournment


Friday, November 4, 2005


8:00 a.m. Information - Serious Adverse Events Following Falsely

          Elevated Glucose Measurements Resulting from Administration

          of an IGIV Product Containing Maltose – Ann Gaines, Ph.D.,

          OBE, FDA, L. Ross Pierce, M.D., OBRR, FDA, and Patricia

          Bernhardt, B.S., MT(ASCP), OIVD/CDRH, FDA and Discussion



9:00 a.m. Questions to the Speakers


9:30 a.m.


II.         Heterogeneity of Commercial Alpha-1-Proteinase Inhibitor

(Human) Products – Implications for Longer-Term Safety and Efficacy                            


A.  Introduction and Questions to the Committee – Andrew

  Shrake, Ph.D., OBRR, FDA (10’)


B.  Observations on Marketed alpha-1-Proteinase Inhibitor Products – Ewa Marszal, Ph.D., OBRR, FDA  (10’)


C.  Identification and Possible Implications of a Human Plasma Purified Anodal Variant of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin – Mark Brantly, M.D., Alpha-1-Foundation  (15’)


D.  Characterization of Aralast® Compared to Other A1PI Preparations - Hans Peter Schwarz, M.D, Baxter Healthcare (15’)


E.  Safety Reporting for Alpha-1-PI products – Tina Khoie, M.D., M.P.H., OBE, FDA (10’)


F.  Post-Marketing Study Commitments for Licensed Alpha-1 PI Products - Rationale – L. Ross Pierce, M.D., OBRR, FDA (10’)


G.  Licensed Therapeutic Protein Products with Known Structural Modifications – Andrew Chang, Ph.D., OBRR, FDA, and Kurt Brorson, Ph.D., CDER, FDA (20’)


 11:00 a.m. Open Public Hearing


 11:30 a.m. Break


 11:45 a.m. Committee Discussion


 12:45 p.m. Adjournment