1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
          3                                 ***
          4                 BRIEFING ON PRA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
          5                                 ***
          6                           PUBLIC MEETING
          7                                 ***
          9                             Nuclear Regulatory Commission
         10                             Commission Hearing Room
         11                             11555 Rockville Pike
         12                             Rockville, Maryland
         14                             Wednesday, October 15, 1997
         16              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to
         17    notice, at 10:05 a.m., the Honorable SHIRLEY A. JACKSON,
         18    Chairman of the Commission, presiding.
         21              SHIRLEY A. JACKSON, Chairman of the Commission
         22              GRETA J. DICUS, Member of the Commission
         23              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Member of the Commission
         24              NILS J. DIAZ, Member of the Commission
.                                                           2
          2              KAREN D. CYR, General Counsel
          3              JOHN C. HOYLE, Secretary
          4              MARGARET V. FEDERLINE, NMSS
          5              SCOTT F. NEWBERRY, NRR
          6              L. JOSEPH CALLAN, EDO
          7              ASHOK C. THADANI, OEDO
          8              THOMAS L. KING, RESEARCH
          9              PATRICK W. BARANOWSKI, AEOD
            .                                                           3
          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good morning.  I'm pleased to
          3    welcome members of the staff to brief the Commission on the
          4    status of the PRA Implementation Plan.
          5              The PRA Implementation Plan was first issued in
          6    August 1994.  The Plan is intended to be a management tool
          7    that will help to ensure the timely and integrated
          8    agency-wide use of PRA methods and technology in the
          9    agency's regulatory activities.
         10              The last written update on the status of
         11    activities in the PRA Implementation Plan was received
         12    recently by the Commission.  The Commission was last briefed
         13    on the Plan in May of this year.
         14              During today's briefing, the staff will cover its
         15    recent accomplishments -- status of key activities,
         16    responses to SRM's, and future activities.  These new
         17    activities include the development of standards for PRA and
         18    the evaluation of the need to revise the Commission's safety
         19    goal policy statement.
         20              The staff's recent accomplishments -- and I'm
         21    taking Joe's thunder, probably -- include the issuance of
         22    draft risk-informed regulatory guidance for inservice
         23    inspection for comment.  A public workshop to discuss public
         24    comment on these documents is being planned for later this
         25    year.  I am my fellow commissioners are looking forward to
            .                                                           4
          1    your briefing today, and I understand that copies of the
          2    viewgraphs are available at the entrances to the meeting. 
          3    So, if none of my colleagues have any comments they wish to
          4    make, Mr. Callan, please proceed.
          5              MR. CALLAN:  Thank you, Chairman.  Ashok Thadani,
          6    to my right, who is the deputy EDO for regulatory
          7    effectiveness, will lead the staff's discussion this
          8    morning, but before I turn the meeting over to him, let me
          9    introduce the other members at the table.
         10              We have a diverse group of executives at the table
         11    representing all the large program offices -- to my far
         12    left, Margaret Federline, representing the Office of Nuclear
         13    Material Safety and Safeguards; Scott Newberry, representing
         14    the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.  I've already
         15    introduced Ashok.  To his right, Tom King, representing the
         16    Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; and then, Pat
         17    Baranowski, representing the Office of AEOD.
         18              With that, Ashok.
         19              MR. THADANI:  Thank you, Joe.  Good morning.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good morning.
         21              MR. THADANI:  Well, Chairman, as you know, the
         22    most prominent activity underway in the Implementation Plan
         23    continues to be the development of regulatory guidance
         24    documents -- that is the Reg Guides and Standard Review
         25    Plans.
.                                                           5
          1              In August, we held a workshop.  I attended that
          2    workshop -- part of the workshop.  It was a three-day
          3    workshop.  It was very well attended.  It was very lively;
          4    there was a great deal of give-and-take.  We received 30
          5    sets of written comments on the guidance documents.  Some of
          6    the comments are quite significant, some significant in
          7    terms of technical issues, as well as policy matters.
          8              An example of a policy issue that has been raised
          9    is concerned with having so-called tight limit of using a
         10    core damage frequency of 10-4 per reactor year in terms of
         11    considering any further small increases in risk.
         12              There were questions along the lines of
         13    clarification as amendments come in with varying impact on
         14    core damage frequency, what was meant by different level of
         15    analyses, as well as different level of management
         16    attention, as we discussed in the past.
         17              There were also substantial questions in the area
         18    of uncertainties -- to what extent the detailed uncertainty
         19    analyses need to be conducted for very minor or very small
         20    changes in, let's say, core damage frequency.
         21              We're analyzing these comments, and we're in fact
         22    planning to discuss our initial thoughts on these issues
         23    with the Advisory Committee next week.  We would expect --
         24    as Tom is going to summarize some of these issues, we would
         25    expect to come back to the Commission on the policy issues
.                                                           6
          1    for guidance.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me ask you a question that
          3    occurs to me immediately.  You mention this issue of this
          4    tight upper limit vis-a-vis the core damage frequency -- you
          5    know, 10-4.  At the same time -- and I'm only looking aqt
          6    what I read in the trade press -- there's discusion about
          7    the industry having a perspective of wanting to use PRA's as
          8    they are.
          9              The third piece is, when I've pressed the staff in
         10    meetings that have been going on since I've been here, about
         11    the PRA's -- what you can say about them, the quality of
         12    them, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera -- there
         13    has been some kind of squishiness and indeterminacy, and
         14    there was some issue about PRA's that were graded, you know,
         15    one, two, three, or something.
         16              And so, the real question that I have is, frankly,
         17    this -- that I think, in terms of your bringing a policy
         18    issue to the Commission that I think has to be addressed, if
         19    there's some variability in the PRA's, either in terms of
         20    the methodologies or assumptions, et cetera, or fundamental
         21    quality of them, that tracks with this issue of what kind of
         22    limits or how much flexibility there can be in limits, et
         23    cetera, et cetera, et cetera, that if you don't get at that
         24    -- okay? -- and somebody says, "Well, my core damage
         25    frequency is 10-5," and if you did the calculation another
            .                                                           7
          1    way, maybe it would be 10-3, and if you did it another way,
          2    maybe it would be 10-6.
          3              What are you doing about that?  I have a question
          4    about that.  How do you handle that kind of issue in getting
          5    at this?  Because there's an assumption underlying all of
          6    this that the numbers, as presented, have meaning.
          7              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And that's a question.
          9              MR. THADANI:  Yes, clearly.  And, in fact, that
         10    was also one of the issues that was debated, which is the
         11    guidance that we have in a NUREG document in terms of
         12    quality for risk assessment.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The statement has been made
         14    that you're looking for a gold-plated PRA.
         15              MR. THADANI:  Yes.  There is concern that the risk
         16    assessments don't need to be of that quality, and the
         17    comment was made that perhaps the use of PRA or the quality
         18    of the PRA should be driven by the application.
         19              We have some thoughts on those issues in terms of
         20    if the change has a truly negligible estimate impact on core
         21    damage frequency -- we could define negligible - and, for
         22    that change, does one need to go through a detailed
         23    uncertainty analysis, for example.
         24              It may be that that's not necessary, hut that
         25    these are the issues that the industry has raised.  We're
.                                                           8
          1    looking at them.  We haven't really come to any conclusions
          2    on that.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right, but I think you have to
          4    be thinking about these things.  I mean the issue is, if you
          5    have variability in the PRA's, in the quality of them or how
          6    they're done, and getting straight at this issue of
          7    uncertainty, because I've raised the issue in the past --
          8              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- the question is how much
         10    variability and what degree of uncertainty, how much can be
         11    tolerated for which regulatory use?  Because I think it
         12    tracks into some of the legal questions that arise.
         13              MR. THADANI:  Yes, it does.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And what's the difference
         15    between the use of PRA in a risk-informed framework as
         16    opposed to what I think some of the legal analysis has
         17    focused on, which is risk-based?
         18              MR. THADANI:  That's right.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  We're talking a risk-informed
         20    framework, and how do these questions play into that?
         21              MR. THADANI:  Yes, indeed.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And I'm saying that, if you
         23    don't address those, then don't send the paper, because I
         24    think you're going to have to address these.
         25              MR. THADANI:  We would intend to address them. 
            .                                                           9
          1    Those are clearly the central issues.  And I think, as you
          2    have noted, it is significant to make sure that we are
          3    talking about risk-informed and not risk-based, because
          4    risk-based -- as you have noted, and it's pretty clear -- is
          5    truly relying on numerical analyses almost as a central
          6    basis.  Our guidance documents don't really do that.  I
          7    think, in any case --
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Sorry.  I didn't mean to
          9    preempt anything you were going to talk about.
         10              MR. THADANI:  I think, instead of my taking any
         11    more time, it's better to just jump right into the issues.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, I think this commissioner
         13    wants to jump first.
         14              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I just wanted a
         15    clarification question.  On the 10-4 --
         16              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
         17              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  -- core damage
         18    frequency, the upper limit, is that an IPE or an IPEEE
         19    number or the sum of the two?  Because the IPEEE numbers,
         20    some of them, were quite large.
         21              MR. THADANI:  The intention was not only it's the
         22    sume of IPE plus IPEEE, but it also should include shutdown. 
         23    That is, it is the overall core damage frequency, a mean
         24    value.  And that's what we had said, it would be a mean
         25    value, which, by the use of the term, "mean," we imply some
.                                                          10
          1    knowledge of uncertainties in that.  So the core damage
          2    frequency of 10-4 include internal events, external events,
          3    and low power and shutdown.
          4              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  My recollection from
          5    yesterday's briefing is that, on IPEEE's, we've reviewed
          6    some, but we're still waiting for in the teens of
          7    submittals, if I'm correct.
          8              MR. THADANI:  That's correct.  That's correct.
          9              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So there's a large body
         10    of folks who aren't at square one in this.
         11              MR. THADANI:  That's correct.  There's a little
         12    history to this.  In June of 1990, there was an SRM which
         13    gave some guidance.  At that point, the Commission did not
         14    want us to subdivide the so-called 10-4 in sub-allocating to
         15    different contributors, so to speak.
         16              Recognizing that there are significant questions
         17    on methodology of shutdown risk, that that's not available,
         18    that external events IPE's have not all been completed, so
         19    what we have is a piece of the information.
         20              One would have to sub-allocate -- make certain
         21    arguments about what contribution there might be from
         22    shutdown, from external events, recognizing what we have, by
         23    and large, are IPE's that deal with internal events only.
         24              This is again discussed in our guidance documents,
         25    because that recognition is there, but the licensees would
            .                                                          11
          1    have to pull together some arguments as to what those
          2    contributions might be.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  To bound them in some sense.
          4              MR. THADANI:  To some sense, yes.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  A bounded contribution.
          6              MR. THADANI:  One needs to have nigh confidence
          7    that those don't pop up as being the most significant
          8    issues.  We're going to be having, I expect, fairly
          9    significant interaction with the Advisory Committee on these
         10    issues next week.  Our intention is to pull together some of
         11    these thoughts and get the information to the Commission
         12    soon after that.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Doesn't, to some extent, the
         14    question revolves around what is the role of a numerical
         15    analysis in a risk-informed, as opposed to a risk-based,
         16    framework?
         17              MR. THADANI:  Yes.  Yes.  What's the role?  We
         18    made an attempt when we identified five basic principles in
         19    our guidance documents that we would follow.  That was an
         20    integration of probabilistic approach, as well as
         21    engineering analyses and what we call deterministic
         22    thinking.  How do we integrate that?
         23              It seems to me that's a much better way to make
         24    risk-informed decisions.  It doesn't rely entirely on
         25    numerical analysis aa the basis for decision, but that
.                                                          12
          1    numerical analyses do play a part in that decision.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  There are two.
          3              MR. THADANI:  Unless there are some other general
          4    questions, I think I'll just go to Tom King.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't you go ahead.
          6              MR. THADANI:  Tom.
          7              MR. KING:  Thank you, Ashok.  In fact, let me just
          8    mention -- to follow up on your comment, Chairman Jackson --
          9    some of the comments we did get from industry were related
         10    to the role that we've put forward with using the PRA
         11    numbers in a risk-informed fashion.
         12              [Slide.]
         13              Some of the comments were directed toward -- they
         14    thought we've gone too far in using them in some sort of
         15    decision criteria and that they really ought to be geared
         16    toward looking at risk ranking, looking at trending and so
         17    forth, and not hard and fast decision criteria.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yeah, but then what do you do
         19    if you talk about tech spec changes based on these analyses
         20    or inservice inspection requirement changes based on these
         21    analyses or inservice testing changes?  So it sounds like
         22    there's some variability in what the industry wants to do.
         23    I mean, yeah, you can do kind of generalized risk-ranking
         24    and sensitivity analyses and kind of configuration analysis. 
         25    That's one use.  But if you're actually talking about
            .                                                          13
          1    changes or relaxations in tech spec requirements or
          2    inspection requirements, that's a different kind of thing.
          3              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's what I meant about what
          5    is the use to which things are going to be put.
          6              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And, therefore, that relates to
          8    this question of quality, certainty, how much can be
          9    tolerated, et cetera, et cetera.
         10              MR. THADANI:  If I may just add to just that
         11    point, it is easier said than done.  When I said the quality
         12    should be driven by application -- which I think most of us
         13    would --
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Agree with.
         15              MR. THADANI:  -- agree is reasonable -- in some
         16    areas -- for instance, inservice testing, quality assurance
         17    -- that the issue propagates through the plant.  It's not a
         18    narrow issue, which means you have to rely on the overall
         19    risk assessment.  It is not just a small piece that we're
         20    talking about.  That means one has to have credibility in
         21    the overall study, itself.  And so, for that application,
         22    the demand for the quality, it seems to me, would be very
         23    significant.
         24              On the other hand, if it has to do with an issue
         25    -- let us just say tech spec changes on accumulators and
.                                                          14
          1    PWR's -- then I know that's a narrow issue.  I know that
          2    there are only a couple of sequences where that system plays
          3    a part.  I can make sure the quality of that analysis is
          4    good.  And, in fact, if the change in, say, core damage
          5    frequency is very small, then one could have pretty good
          6    confidence that the overall impact is, in fact, pretty
          7    minimal.
          8              ISD/QA issues of that type really, I think, go to
          9    the heart of the broad issue of quality of the whole study,
         10    not part of the study.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  I know Commissioner
         12    McGaffigan has a question, but, actually, I'm going to put
         13    my commissioner on the spot, because I know he has had some
         14    fairly significant perspectives on this.
         15              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Oh, I do agree.  I just really
         16    would like to ask whether we are actually getting closer to
         17    define whether there should be a level playing field on PRA
         18    where, no matter what the application is, there is a base
         19    quality that we can feel we can use risk information
         20    consistently inside and outside, because I think that
         21    becomes clearly an issue.
         22              Until we can feel that we can use this across the
         23    board with a certain level of quality and the industry
         24    realizes that that will increase safety and it would also
         25    reduce burden, we will always be writing things.
.                                                          15
          1              I think there has to be a demand that there be a
          2    level playing field at some point, and we look for your
          3    guidance in establishing what that level is.  There has to
          4    be.  We can't be looking always at the minor application. 
          5    You have to have a base.
          6              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  What's the based?  Commissioner
          7    McGaffigan.
          8              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  It's really very closely
          9    related, in that my sense is that the big dollar savings are
         10    going to be in the complicated cases and where you're going
         11    to need some sort of decent quality.  They have to see that
         12    that investment in having that quality PRA across the board
         13    -- or at least for that plant, the IPE/IPEEE -- that that
         14    will then result in savings.
         15              If they don't see that, then probably they won't
         16    go.  But if they do see that, then maybe that up-front
         17    investment can even be still made in a coming deregulated
         18    environment.  A good quality PRA -- could you remind me? 
         19    How much does a good quality PRA cost?
         20              [Laughter.]
         21              MR. THADANI:  If you were starting from a clean
         22    sheet -- which, in this case, we're not --
         23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right.
         24              MR. THADANI:  But if one were starting from a
         25    clean sheet -- I would let Tom correct me if I'm wrong --
.                                                          16
          1    but the estimates I have got have been anywhere from 2 to
          2    6 million dollars, depending on scope and so on, and if
          3    we're not doing shutdown, that will save some pieces, as
          4    well.
          5              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And how much does it
          6    then cost to maintain that PRA, to keep it up to date -- in
          7    an annual O&M cost?  Do you know?
          8              MR. KING:  Well, just as an example, the South
          9    Texas project people, they have a PRA group of around four
         10    to five people that maintains it and supports risk-informed
         11    applications and so forth.
         12              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So that would be about a
         13    half million a year, maybe.
         14              MR. KING:  To get a ballpark idea.
         15              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Well, given some of the
         16    applications that they want to apply this to, it strikes me
         17    that that's a pretty good investment you could sell to a
         18    board.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  It's a question of what
         20    the saving is, if you could have a configuration.  You don't
         21    have to shut down some other things.
         22              MR. THADANI:  And we have heard some estimates on
         23    different applications -- including, in South Texas,
         24    technical specification changes -- as very significant
         25    annual savings.
.                                                          17
          1              MR. KING:  Right.
          2              MR. THADANI:  Very significant annual savings.  So
          3    an area where we're being told that the savings are not very
          4    significant, I believe, was on inservice testing, actually. 
          5    That's what I was told by, I think, South Texas.
          6              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.
          7              MR. THADANI:  But, in general --
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But I do think that we have to
          9    come out with some baseline and then, for the special big
         10    applications, what additional is really required?
         11              MR. THADANI:  Yes.  Yes.  We have developed
         12    guidance in terms of what our expectation was.  Industry
         13    doesn't agree.  We have to deal with those issues next, the
         14    significance of some of them.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  All right, I'll adjourn the
         16    meeting.
         17              [Laughter.]
         18              MR. KING:  In conclusion, yes.  Could I have
         19    slide 2, please.
         20              [Slide.]
         21              What we're going to concentrate on today in the
         22    briefing is what has happened over the past six months since
         23    the last briefing in May.  As you'll see, there has been a
         24    lot of work on a lot of fronts.
         25              We've made significant progress in the
.                                                          18
          1    risk-informed guidance documents.  We've got some new
          2    initiatives and activities we're going to talk about that
          3    have been added to the quarterly update.
          4              We've received several SRM's which we're going to
          5    respond to specifically today in the briefing.  I'm going to
          6    focus on the major items, and then, at the end, we'll also
          7    come back and talk about where we're going from here in the
          8    future over the next few months.  Slide 3.
          9              [Slide.]
         10              Since we briefed you last, you've received two
         11    quarterly updates -- one in July and the one yesterday. 
         12    There has also been several papers and SRM's that have been
         13    issued over that time frame.
         14              Back in May, we had an SRM that asked the staff to
         15    expedite activities on the use of IPE results in
         16    prioritizing inspection activities, improving regional
         17    capabilities, and providing inspector training.  When we get
         18    to slide 11, we'll address that specifically.
         19              We had issued our draft regulatory guides for
         20    comment and held a workshop in August.  We'll talk more
         21    about that later.
         22              [Slide.]
         23              Slide 4.  On June 5th, there was an SRM that
         24    requested our plans for training the NRC staff, which is a
         25    very important activity to implement risk-informed
.                                                          19
          1    regulation.  We've got several slides.  We'll talk about
          2    that activity, what has happened there and where we're
          3    going.
          4              On June 13th, we had an SRM that requested
          5    progress reports on the voluntary industry effort to provide
          6    reliability and availability data.  We'll talk about that. 
          7    And, as I mentioned, we issued a couple of quarterly
          8    updates.  Slide 5.
          9              [Slide.]
         10              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Let me just make a comment. 
         11    Let me put my professor's hat in here for a minute.
         12              MR. KING:  Yes.
         13              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  And look at this, the training
         14    and so forth.  I haven't seen all of the final objectives on
         15    it, but if I may think of how I used to deal with some of
         16    these issues.
         17              You know, I think one basic objective is, when you
         18    finish this training, anybody in NRC that has to do with any
         19    policy, decision-making, ruling, contact with licensee,
         20    should have clear in his mind, when somebody says, "This is
         21    risk-informed," that you have a picture.
         22              When somebody says, "The coals are hot," or "Your
         23    coffee is hot," you've got a picture.  And when they say,
         24    "risk-based," they should have a picture of what it is, and
         25    when they say, "risk-informed, performance-based," it should
            .                                                          20
          1    be clear.
          2              MR. KING:  Yes.
          3              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Because we keep mixing terms
          4    or mixing terminologies and things.  I think it has to be,
          5    basically, that the NRC has to be, in this country, the
          6    agency in which every technical person has a clear picture
          7    of what each one of these things means and their
          8    relationship to how we regulate.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
         10              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Does that make sense?
         11              MR. KING:  I agree, I agree.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's the basis.  We can't do
         13    anything otherwise.
         14              MR. KING:  Part of our training is directed toward
         15    telling the staff, what do our documents say?  What's
         16    expected?  How do we make decisions?  Then part of it is
         17    directed toward the technology of PRA's.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right, but I think he's making
         19    another statement, which I think is an important one, and
         20    that is to get the definitions straight and that the
         21    baseline of training people, before you get to the
         22    technology use, is to have a common vocabulary that we all
         23    understand.
         24              If we're doing risk-informed, performance-based
         25    regulation, PRA and the PRA Implementation Plan are tools
.                                                          21
          1    along that road, but they have to be put within the right
          2    context, and so you need to be thinking about that, and
          3    you're going to tell us about the training.  But we have to
          4    make an assumption, and you're going to hopefully give us
          5    comfort in that assumption, that undergirding has to do with
          6    clear definition.
          7              MR. KING:  If we can go to slide 5 and briefly
          8    talk about the major accomplishments over the past six
          9    months.
         10              [Slide.]
         11              Most recently, we completed the draft
         12    risk-informed guide and SRP section on inservice inspection. 
         13    The Federal Register notice will be printed today announcing
         14    the availability and announcing a workshop in November to
         15    discuss these documents.
         16              We've also made progress with some pilot
         17    activities.  We've received two applications so ar for
         18    pilots, and I understand there may be up to three more
         19    coming.
         20              There have been a number of issues raised in the
         21    Federal Register notice on inservice inspection that we're
         22    soliciting comment on and will be discussed at the workshop. 
         23    These deal with issues like the scope of submittal,
         24    degradation mechanisms and so forth, a number of technical
         25    issues.
.                                                          22
          1              We received the Commission's October 1st staff
          2    requirements memorandum, and we'll continue to work with the
          3    industry on the two methodologies that are being developed
          4    -- the qualitative and the quantitative -- and continue to
          5    work with the pilot programs.
          6              As I mentioned, we had held our public workshop in
          7    August on the other reg guides and standard review plans,
          8    and I'll talk more about those later.
          9              We've completed work now on the IPE insights
         10    report, what we call NUREG-1560.  We had had a workshop in
         11    April where we received 25 sets of comments.  A number of
         12    those required clarifications and expansion of the document,
         13    and we've done that, and we're about ready to send it to the
         14    printer's.
         15              We included in our most recent quarterly update a
         16    copy of the executive summary and the comments and responses
         17    to the comments that were received.  We've expanded our
         18    training program -- and, again, we'll talk about that later
         19    on.  If I can go to slide 6, which now covers the new
         20    activities that will show up for the first time in the
         21    quarterly update you received yesterday.
         22              [Slide.]
         23              Over the past several months, we've had a couple
         24    of meetings with NEI on an initiative that they've come in
         25    with which involves using a full-scope PRA.  By "full-scope"
.                                                          23
          1    I mean full power shutdown, external events, to look at
          2    their plant, get a risk profile of the various systems an
          3    components, compare it to the requirements, compare it to
          4    their operations and maintenance cost, with the intent of
          5    coming back and, in a risk-informed fashion, suggesting
          6    changes to their current licensing basis.
          7              What we've discussed with them are some of the
          8    ground rules by which this study would be done, and they
          9    also want to do three pilot projects to try out the review
         10    and criteria which would be used to select and make
         11    decisions on these on these items.  We hope to finalize out
         12    discussions and get this underway by December.
         13              We've also had some discussions with the American
         14    Society of Mechanical Engineering regarding development of a
         15    national consensus standard for PRA that would cover scope
         16    and quality.  This would build upon the work we've done with
         17    our draft NUREG-1602.  We've worked with them and drafted up
         18    sort of a charter for the group.  The group involves not
         19    just ASME people, but other people from industry, from
         20    universities, as well as NRC.
         21              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Any key issues from trying to
         22    bring the standards with 1602 together?  Any great
         23    differences, similarities?
         24              MR. KING:  Well, I'm not sure we're far enough
         25    along.  I could ask our person who attended the meetings
            .                                                          24
          1    with ASME if she wants to expand on where we stand on that
          2    activity.  Mary.  Mary Druin is from the Office of Research,
          3    and she has been our representative working with ASME.
          4              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  We're driving for consistency. 
          5    It would be nice to know how consistent we are.
          6              MS. DRUIN:  The ASME board met last Thursday and
          7    did unanimously vote to develop a PRA standard.  They
          8    understand the criticality of the issue and our need to move
          9    forward real swiftly in this area, so there is going to be
         10    meetings, hopefully, like, biweekly.  Biweekly -- is that
         11    twice a month or is that twice a week?  Anyway -- I always
         12    get those terms mixed up -- twice a month.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Twice a week, if that is
         14    biweekly.  Bimonthly is twice a month.
         15              MS. DRUIN:  That's right.  But hopefully it will
         16    -- I mean we don't have the standard yet, but it is trying
         17    to address the quality, the level of the detail, and get
         18    into a lot of the issues that were discussed at the very
         19    beginning of the meeting this morning.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Have they laid out a timeline
         21    for their actions?
         22              MS. DRUIN:  The timeline that has been laid out is
         23    to have a standard ready for NRC endorsement by December of
         24    1998 -- in a year -- which, if we're successful, will be
         25    phenomenal, because, typically, this is a four-year process. 
.                                                          25
          1    They understand the criticality, and they're putting in a
          2    new process to get this through in that kind of time frame.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And this is a better process
          4    than doing it the reverse -- developing the standard
          5    in-house and having a professional group review and endorse
          6    them; is that right?
          7              MS. DRUIN:  I can't comment on that.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Mr. King?
          9              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  But 1602 has the standards.
         10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Implicit standards in
         11    it.
         12              MR. KING:  Yes.  And I think, from the comments
         13    we've received, people feel that that's a good input to the
         14    standards development effort, that it does have a good
         15    foundation.
         16              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  And one question was whether
         17    there's going to be a significant difference between what
         18    they are going to be doing, or do we have significant
         19    similarities?  In other words, are we on good grounds with
         20    our standards or not?
         21              MR. KING:  I'm not sure we're far enough along to
         22    say whether there's going to be a difference.
         23              MS. DRUIN:  Tom, we had a meeting last September,
         24    and at the meeting were representatives from the different
         25    owners' group, different utilities.  NEI was present.  One
.                                                          26
          1    of the things that was discussed was where do we start in
          2    the standard?
          3              Everyone was pretty much in a consensus to start
          4    using 1602 work that has been developed by the CE Owners
          5    Group and other organizations.  There was not a lot of
          6    diversity there, and no one felt that there was going to be
          7    a big need to go out and create new writing, that there was
          8    enough information out there, between all of these different
          9    documents, that it was going to be more of a -- it don't
         10    want to trivialize it -- but more of a cut-and-paste job.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good.  Thank you.
         12              MR. KING:  The third new activity, which is in
         13    response to Direction Setting Issue 12 on risk-informed
         14    regulation, is an effort by NMSS to develop a framework for
         15    the application of risk-informed regulation.  I understand a
         16    paper will be coming to the Commission by the end of this
         17    month providing that information.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Would you have any additional
         20              MS. FEDERLINE:  Yes.  We would just let the
         21    Commission know that we think the Commission's direction was
         22    particularly timely in this regard.  As you know, we had a
         23    wide diversity of regulated systems in NMSS, all the way
         24    from predictive 10,000-year analysis to the handling of
         25    gauges.
.                                                          27
          1              So there are a couple of issues that we're going
          2    to be bringing forward to the Commission that we've
          3    considered.  One is the diversity of the licensee base and
          4    the economic motivation for turning to a risk-based
          5    standard.
          6              Another is the methodology questions.  We're very
          7    long in the development of waste disposal predictive
          8    methodologies.  We're less far along in the application of
          9    human reliability in the medical applications, so there will
         10    be a lot of development that needs to be done in the
         11    methodology area.  But we will be highlighting in this paper
         12    these issues for you and proposing a path forward.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good.  Thank you.
         14              MR. KING:  The fourth items was, about a month
         15    ago, we provided a paper to the Commission responding to
         16    Chairman Jackson's July memorandum which followed up on an
         17    ACRS letter that said we ought to consider elevating the CDF
         18    to a level of a safety goal.
         19              We've taken a look at that.  We feel it's
         20    certainly an item that might be very worthwhile in doing,
         21    but in doing that there is a number of other issues that we
         22    ought to look at in an integrated fashion, because the
         23    safety goal policy talks about defense and depth; it talks
         24    about uncertainties; a number of things that we're dealing
         25    with now in trying to finalize these reg guides.
            .                                                          28
          1              So we came to the Commission with a recommendation
          2    to defer our answer on that until the end of March so that
          3    we can deal with some of these related issues in the context
          4    of finalizing the guides and then take those resolutions and
          5    then come back with an integrated recommendation.
          6              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And that will be in the March
          7    time frame?
          8              MR. KING:  End of March is what we proposed.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right, because the current
         10    safety goal policy, in fact, does not permit plant=specific
         11    use.
         12              MR. KING:  That's correct.  That's another issue.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And the Commission has recently
         14    endorsed the plant-specific use.
         15              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And that and this issue of
         17    elevating the core damage frequency, which you're basically
         18    de facto using on a plant-specific basis.  You know, all of
         19    these things have to be tied together, and I think you and I
         20    have just said the same thing.
         21              MR. KING:  Yes.
         22              [Laughter.]
         23              And finally, we've started work now preparing for
         24    a more intensive effort next year in looking at low power
         25    and shutdown risk.  This was prompted by an ACRS letter last
            .                                                          29
          1    year.  What we're doing this year is gathering existing
          2    information from overseas, from industry, from other work
          3    that has been done at NRC, and then, based upon that, well
          4    decide what additional analysis we need to do.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  Now, I understand that
          6    the staff, in fact, conducted fairly extensive evaluation of
          7    low power and shutdown operations for both a PWR at the
          8    Surry Plant and a BWR at Grand Gulf.
          9              MR. KING:  Correct.
         10              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And so, the question is, were
         11    there inadequacies that were identified in those efforts
         12    that would require us to embark on the new activity -- you
         13    know, it's really related to what kind of scope of activity
         14    are we planning for this risk study.
         15              MR. KING:  What we found out on that was two
         16    things.  We had done a screening study where we looked at a
         17    number of plant states during shutdown and then tried to
         18    identify the one that seemed to be most risky for the
         19    detailed study.
         20              In doing that, it became clear that the thing that
         21    drives the risk is what the plant configuration is during
         22    shutdown.  It's not related to vendor type or containment
         23    type or anything like that.  It's how do they do the
         24    refueling?  The thing that we need to do --
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  In that was not a focus in the
.                                                          30
          1    earlier evaluations?
          2              MR. KING:  No.  For the two plants we looked at,
          3    we tried to identify that state, but it became evident that
          4    that state does not apply to all the reactors out there.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I see.
          6              MR. KING:  So one of the things we need to do is
          7    go back and see, are there some generic states that could
          8    envelop the type of plants out there in the way they do
          9    refueling and shutdown activities and try and take a look at
         10    those conditions that we haven't looked at in these two
         11    studies.  That's one key aspect of what we need to do.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The focusing on this overall
         13    plant configuration.
         14              MR. KING:  Yes.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Diaz.
         16              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Yes.  And, of course, when we
         17    do this, we're going to set a standard for the industry. 
         18    We're going to do it in a very consistent, realistic,
         19    thorough basis where apples are apples and oranges are
         20    oranges, because it's not,
         21              MR. KING:  Correct.
         22              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Thank you.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And that that's the point of
         24    trying to genericize some of this.
         25              MR. KING:  That's the point of trying to
.                                                          31
          1    genericize, but genericize in a sense that really reflects
          2    the way things area done in plants.  I don't know whether
          3    we'll end up with six types of conditions or four types, but
          4    that remains to be seen at this point.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
          6              MR. THADANI:  I would just make a comment,
          7    Commissioner Diaz, that yes, indeed, but, in terms of
          8    uncertainties, that becomes, I think, a much more
          9    significant issue during shutdown of low power operation
         10    because they're largely controlled by, A, human actions; B,
         11    some of the models that need some work, like improvements in
         12    trying to estimate these risks.
         13              MR. KING:  Let me go on to slide 7.
         14              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I am not going to respond
         15    because it will consume the rest of the meeting.
         16              [Laughter.]
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, but before you do go on,
         18    I guess I'm interested in implementing the Commission's
         19    policy statement.  Has the staff envisioned any
         20    risk-informed applications that would require changes to the
         21    backfit rule?  If you haven't thought about it --
         22              MR. THADANI:  The way we have gone forward has
         23    been that this is a voluntary option for the industry, and
         24    that's how the guides are structured.  They're not
         25    impositions, but that if the industry wants relaxations,
.                                                          32
          1    this is an approach we would pursue.  We have not thought
          2    through the backfit implications if we were to impose such
          3    an approach as being mandatory.  Currently, we're pursuing
          4    just the voluntary option.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, maybe you need to do some
          6    background on that.
          7              MR. THADANI:  We'll give some thought to that
          8    issue.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
         10              MR. KING:  One thing we have thought about -- at
         11    least the team working on these guides -- was the regulatory
         12    analysis guidelines.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
         14              MR. KING:  Maybe they need to be updated once we
         15    get the framework and the principles and guidelines in
         16    place.  For example, they don't really talk about defense
         17    and depth.
         18              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  It's fascinating.
         19              MR. KING:  We have had some discussions internally
         20    on that.
         21              MR. THADANI:  I want to make sure I didn't
         22    misunderstand your question.  Your question was to the heart
         23    of the backfit rule, itself.
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.
         25              MR. THADANI:  To the heart of the backfit rule.
            .                                                          33
          1              That's what I thought.  Thank you.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You answered the question. 
          3    Thank you.
          4              MR. KING:  If I could have slide 7, please.
          5              [Slide.]
          6              Slide 7 talks about the guides and standard review
          7    plans that are out for comment now.  That comment period
          8    closed a couple of weeks ago.  We now have about 30 sets of
          9    comments, as Ashok mentioned.  Generally, the comments are
         10    supportive of the concept, the approach, the structure of
         11    the documents.
         12              Now, they did have a lot of detailed comments on
         13    specifics of the decision criteria and things that were not
         14    clear to them, and I think we probably will be making a
         15    number of changes, certainly, to clarify things like, we got
         16    a lot of questions on the use of NUREG-1602, a lot of
         17    misunderstanding, that kind of thing.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me ask you a question.  In
         19    terms of going back to the issue we talked about a little
         20    bit earlier, I want to be sure I understand some of the
         21    concerns with respect to required PRA quality.  Was the
         22    concern having to do with the fact that the required quality
         23    was not adequately described, or was the concern with the
         24    quality as laid out already in the documents?
         25              MR. KING:  The concern was that what we asking for
.                                                          34
          1    was the gold-plated PRA, that our putting forth NUREG-1602
          2    was interpreted as requiring a gold-plated PRA.  That was
          3    not our intent.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
          5              MR. KING:  And we need to clarify that.
          6              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And then, this issue of the
          7    acceptance guidelines for very small or negligible risk
          8    increases, is that an issue for those plants that may be
          9    bumping up against the 10-4, as opposed to -- because it
         10    strikes me that you've dealt with it, essentially, in the
         11    guidance, as far as I understand it, but there is an issue
         12    for those plants that either today are at or maybe even
         13    slightly exceed the 10-4 core damage frequency.
         14              MR. KING:  It's an issue for all plants that want
         15    to use risk-informed regulation, but I think it's of
         16    particular importance to those that are bumping up against
         17    the 10-4.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And in looking at that, have
         19    you looked at issues that may have to do with -- let's call
         20    it for those there for the moment, for the purposes of a
         21    straw man -- looking at risk neutrality, in terms of where,
         22    if there were some risk increase in one place, there might
         23    be some compensation somewhere else so that that is a
         24    potential way, within some band, of handling things without
         25    losing something that you tag your analysis to?
.                                                          35
          1              MR. KING:  Yes.  In fact, that's one area we need
          2    to clarify in our documents.  We agree with the concept of
          3    bundling several changes together -- some risk increases,
          4    some risk decreases.  We think that, certainly, to do that,
          5    that will bring risk down in some areas, which is one of the
          6    incentives for allowing bundling.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right, but it also allows you
          8    do deal with the issue in a more generic way, but
          9    particularly for those that are bumping up against some
         10    ceiling.
         11              MR. KING:  Yes.
         12              MR. THADANI:  Commissioner.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Go ahead.
         14              MR. THADANI:  I just want to make sure -- and I
         15    believe that is completely consistent with the policy
         16    statement.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
         18              MR. THADANI:  Because the policy statement said
         19    you need to focus on both -- the areas where we need to
         20    relax our requirements and the areas it may be appropriate
         21    to enhance safety.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  In fact, the lawyers
         23    would tell you that you can't go one way without going the
         24    other.
         25              MR. THADANI:  Yes, I've seen this.
.                                                          36
          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  How much does a
          2    gold-plated PRA cost?
          3              [Laughter.]
          4              MR. KING:  That's probably Ashok's $6 million.
          5              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Is the $6 million one --
          6              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I don't know that you -- can
          7    you really make such a statement?  Because it's a plant-
          8    specific issue.
          9              MR. THADANI:  I think it's very difficult for us
         10    to sit here and give you that estimate, because their IPE's
         11    have already been done, and there is variability, as I think
         12    the Chairman noted, in terms of the quality, so the cost of
         13    upgrading -- we don't know, for that matter, the quality of
         14    the IPEEE's.
         15              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right.
         16              MR. THADANI:  And so the cost of upgrading could
         17    be from a small amount to possibly quite significant.  I
         18    think it's very hard to give you one --
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, is the definition of
         20    gold-plated that I've done my PRA --
         21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And it's good enough.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And it's good enough, and I
         23    don't want to change it?  And if you ask me to change it for
         24    some application, by definition that makes it gold-plated?
         25              MR. THADANI:  No.  I think industry's roles are
            .                                                          37
          1    gold-plated, but --
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  No, I'm not talking about your
          3    point of view.  I'm playing the devil's advocate here a
          4    little bit, not with you, but in the more generic sense.
          5              MR. KING:  I don't think changing it to reflect or
          6    support an application is an issue.  I think it's what's
          7    that base level of quality.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  It's the base level issue
          9    again.
         10              MR. KING:  Yes.
         11              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  But definitely we want it to
         12    be corrosion of the system; right?
         13              [Laughter.]
         14              MR. KING:  True.
         15              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Yes.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Gold is good in that regard. 
         17    Brass, on the other hand, does tarnish.
         18              MR. KING:  The comments we receive, we'll be
         19    discussing those with ACRS next.  We'll also, when we come
         20    back with the proposed final documents, be summarizing them
         21    for the Commission, as well, and what our response is.
         22              Let me talk a little bit about the last bullet,
         23    the policy issues.  There are several items that have come
         24    out of the comment process and from internal discussions
         25    that we're going to come back to the Commission with to get
.                                                          38
          1    a policy decision.  We've got a paper under preparation now. 
          2    We hope to have it up here by the end of this month.
          3              Two of the issues are listed here -- treatment of
          4    uncertainties, which we talked about earlier, and acceptance
          5    guidelines for very small or negligible risk increases.
          6              That gets, really, to the question of what's the
          7    definition of risk-neutral.  Can very small increases in
          8    risk essentially, from a practical standpoint, be considered
          9    risk-neutral, which would allow more flexibility for plants
         10    that are bumping up against the 10-4 CDF, for example, to
         11    come in and participate in risk-informed changes.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  What is the complaint about the
         13    treatment of uncertainties?  You haven't treated them
         14    anyway, so -- at this stage of the game.
         15              [Laughter.]
         16              So what's the complaint or the potential
         17    complaint?
         18              MR. KING:  The complaint is that we've asked for
         19    too extensive an uncertainty analysis in the current draft.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  In the current draft?
         21              MR. KING:  Yes.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
         23              MR. KING:  What we're thinking about at this
         24    point, and which we'll talk about in this policy paper is
         25    very small changes in risk increases, very small increases,
            .                                                          39
          1    how extensive an uncertainty analysis do we need?  Can we
          2    define a small range that we can call risk-neutral where the
          3    uncertainties really don't matter, because the change is so
          4    small, and, therefore, you don't need as extensive a
          5    treatment of uncertainties.
          6              It would also allow plants that are bumping up
          7    against the 10-4 to come in and propose changes.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But isn't it rooted in the fact
          9    -- and we're not going to sit here and debate it all day or
         10    anything -- but isn't it related to the confidence you have
         11    in the beginning?  With the answer, I mean.
         12              It is naive to think that you can just take a mean
         13    and say, "Okay.  That's it.  I don't know how well I know
         14    that mean, and it's okay."  So it's small, and it may be,
         15    though, that there's a band around it where you are that's a
         16    factor of 10 higher.  And so it is not an issue that you can
         17    sweep under the rug.
         18              MR. KING:  No.  And part of the problem is those
         19    same concerns apply when you're talking a confidence level,
         20    because even with a full-scope PRA that includes external
         21    events and shutdown, there are things that are not analyzed,
         22    that are unanalyzable at this point -- management and
         23    organization factors, aging of components, probably some
         24    others.
         25              So when you're talking mean or you're talking a
            .                                                          40
          1    confidence level, you still have to somehow decide how
          2    you're going to treat those unquantifiable factors.  So
          3    we're trying to come up with a scheme that deals with that
          4    and that also deals with the application that makes sense
          5    from the standpoint of maybe they're proposing a change that
          6    really is only affecting full power operation, and they
          7    don't want to do a low power and shutdown.  How do you deal
          8    with that?
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  I understand.
         10              MR. KING:  It's a complicated problem.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  Go ahead.
         12              MR. THADANI:  I might note, in our paper that we
         13    sent you just a few days ago, there is an attachment that
         14    talks to this issue and some of the initial thoughts, at
         15    least, on how we might want to consider proceeding.
         16              MR. KING:  Yes.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  When will the Commissioners
         18    receive your formal analysis of the comments and your
         19    proposed resolution -- and pulling out the policy issues?
         20              MR. KING:  What we were doing is pulling out the
         21    policy ones and sending them up the end of this month.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
         23              MR. KING:  That's our plan.  The others, both the
         24    comment and how we've treated it, we're planning to put
         25    forward in the package that sends the final documents to the
            .                                                          41
          1    Commission, which is December.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  All right.  So this is
          3    all tracking, still, to have the finalization by the end of
          4    the year.
          5              MR. KING:  Yes.
          6              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
          7              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The second policy issue,
          8    the acceptance guidelines for very small or negligible, does
          9    this get into things like 10-6 or -- I mean have you chosen
         10    a number for what is very small or negligible that you've
         11    quantified and said, "Okay.  If it's 10-6, I don't care
         12    whether they're bumping up against 10-4, because 10-6 is
         13    1/100 of 10-4, so therefore I'll consider that negligible in
         14    the scheme of things"?
         15              MR. KING:  We need to define a number.
         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  You need to define a
         17    number?  You do not have a number?
         18              MR. KING:  I've chosen a number, but that doesn't
         19    mean that we have a consensus on it.
         20              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Is it fair to ask what
         21    that number is?
         22              [Laughter.]
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  No, because it's his number,
         24    not their number.
         25              MR. THADANI:  Yes, right.  And I want to be
            .                                                          42
          1    careful.  I think that's not the only variable.  The other
          2    variable is how many times and the cumulative impacts --
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And what's the cumulative
          4    impact?
          5              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right.
          6              MR. THADANI:  And that's the real issue, I think,
          7    that we have to pay attention to.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Exactly.
          9              MR. KING:  And there may be -- we've listed two
         10    policy issues.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I mean risk neutrality is
         12    defined within that context, anyway.
         13              MR. KING:  Yes.
         14              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.
         16              MR. KING:  This would define risk neutrality,
         17    whatever that number is.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Exactly.  That's right.
         19              MR. KING:  And there may be other policy issues in
         20    the paper, as well.  We're talking about, for example, do we
         21    need separate guidelines for the shutdown condition?  Do we
         22    need guidelines to cover temporary increases in risk?  So
         23    the paper in October will deal with all of those.
         24              [Slide.]
         25              Let me go on to slide 8 and just quickly talk
.                                                          43
          1    about where we stand on IPE and IPEEE.  The IPE reviews are
          2    done except for Browns Ferry Unit 3, which will be done in
          3    December, I believe.
          4              We are putting together what we call the IPE
          5    follow-up program, which is talking a look at a number of
          6    the results from the standpoint of the plants that had a
          7    relatively high core damage frequency or containment failure
          8    probability.
          9              Perhaps we would want to follow up with those and
         10    see why haven't they done something to reduce that using the
         11    guidelines in the regulatory analysis guidelines document as
         12    sort of a benchmark to look at what improvements could be
         13    made.
         14              There are some generic issues that perhaps we want
         15    to work on.  You know, probably the most prominent one is
         16    the pump seal LOCA for PWR's.  A number of plants, that was
         17    a dominant sequence.  Do we want to do something further
         18    there.
         19              We had asked plants to specifically answer some
         20    what we called containment performance improvement
         21    questions, questions that came out of generic studies that
         22    were done several years ago.
         23              A number of plants answered those; a number of
         24    plants didn't.  We want to follow up on the ones that
         25    didn't, and we want to follow up and see have licensees
.                                                          44
          1    really done the things that they committed to do when they
          2    submitted their IPE, make the improvements they said they
          3    were going to make.
          4              So those are the kinds of things that we plant to
          5    include in our follow-up program, and we owe you a separate
          6    paper, giving more detail on that.  I think it's in
          7    November.
          8              The IPEEE is underway.  We're going to give you an
          9    interim insights report in November.  We've just tried to
         10    put a short executive summary in the paper that you received
         11    yesterday, and ultimately, when we're done, we'll have a
         12    follow-up program similar to the one we're embarking on on
         13    the internal events.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me ask this quick question. 
         15    Are the IPE results becoming obsolete, and do we know how
         16    many licensees have been updating their IPE's?  Because kind
         17    of undergirding this is the issue of, if we are going to
         18    make regulatory decisions based on PRA results -- which is
         19    what most of these IPE's have turned out to be -- there's an
         20    issue there in terms of -- and you've mentioned cumulative
         21    impact, for instance, of changes.  Are we thinking about how
         22    that's going to be tracked and what that implies about how
         23    updated the IPE's need to be?
         24              You know, I've been to nuclear plants this year. 
         25    This is 1997.  Now, admittedly, what may be in our
.                                                          45
          1    residents' offices may be different than what's on the shelf
          2    in the licensees' engineering organization or PRA
          3    organization, but I've seen dates like 1991.  Presumably,
          4    there have been changes made to the plant, including ones
          5    that could have lowered the estimated core damage frequency,
          6    as well as ones where there has been no analysis one way or
          7    the other to know what the cumulative impact is.  What are
          8    we doing about that?
          9              MR. KING:  The IPE's, basically, are a snapshot or
         10    information that's maybe five years old, something of that
         11    nature.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, I guess I'm really asking
         13    something else, which has to do with, if we're purporting to
         14    make regulatory use of the PRA's -- and I want to stay on
         15    that plane, but I'll ask it within the context of the IPE's
         16    -- is there not a linked question having to do with living
         17    PRA's, how they're maintained and how up-to-date they need
         18    to be relative to -- otherwise, how do you make the
         19    judgment?
         20              MR. KING:  Our guidance documents --
         21              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Going back to what is not even
         22    a dead horse anymore -- it's a skeleton by now.
         23              [Laughter.]
         24              But it goes back to establishing a base --
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Baseline, yes.
.                                                          46
          1              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay.  And they need to know
          2    what the baseline is, and we need to inform them of what it
          3    is so we can say this is what we will find a baseline
          4    acceptable to make these changes.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  And included in that is
          6    the issue of how do you update?
          7              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Yes.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I mean we're dealing now -- I
          9    mean that's our big lesson learned in the last year and a
         10    half with updating and maintaining certain fundamental
         11    information vis-a-vis the licensing basis and design basis
         12    information.  The question is, what are we doing?
         13              MR. KING:  There is no requirement for them.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  No, no, no.  I'm not talking
         15    about the requirement.
         16              MR. KING:  I mean there was no requirement for
         17    them to do a specific type of PRA in response to an issue
         18    generically in the first place.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, no.  That is not the
         20    issue.  One is an informational question.  One, are the
         21    IPE's becoming obsolete?  The second part of the
         22    informational question, do we even know how many licensees
         23    are updating their IPE's -- second informational question.
         24              Because, three, it has bearing on the third
         25    question, which is, if you're going to lay out standards
.                                                          47
          1    having to do with what the IPE's have to be for what
          2    regulatory use you're going to make of them -- because
          3    that's what we're talking about -- you have to include in
          4    there how they're updating.
          5              I'm not saying you're laying it as a requirement,
          6    but you have to have something.  You can't take 10-year-old
          7    information and make a regulatory judgment on it.  That's
          8    all I'm saying.
          9              MR. THADANI:  I think we can answer one out of
         10    three questions.
         11              [Laughter.]
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, that's good.
         13              MR. THADANI:  I'm pretty comfortable with the
         14    second question you have raised, which is, first of all, are
         15    there some licensees whose IPE's or obsolete or are there
         16    licensees who are keeping up?  I think the answer probably
         17    is yes to both, but how many I don't think we could say. 
         18    Clearly, the pilot plants that we've been working with have
         19    been keeping up and have been paying attention to the issue
         20    of quality and so on.
         21              My sense would be that if we keep moving in this
         22    direction where there is, in fact, consensus within the
         23    industry, more and more of the licensees' IPE's would be
         24    along the track.
         25              The only other comment I wanted to make was, in
            .                                                          48
          1    the guides that we have, we have clearly stated that when
          2    licensees are coming in for changes that the analysis,
          3    itself -- that is the risk assessment -- should reflect the
          4    plant as is and not as it might have been.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So, in a sense, you have that
          6    covered in there.
          7              MR. KING:  It's in there now, yes.  Yes.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's the baseline issue.  Mr.
          9    Callan, you were going to make a comment.
         10              MR. CALLAN:  I was just going to say -- and I'm
         11    sure Ashok would agree -- that we can't take comfort from
         12    the fact that pilot sites are maintaining their IPE's,
         13    because they were selected precisely because they maintained
         14    their IPE's current.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.
         16              MR. CALLAN:  That they are, in effect, leaders in
         17    the industry in that regard.  So I don't think that's a good
         18    indicator of the rest of the industry.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You said something very
         20    important, though.  You've already said, in the guidance
         21    documents that you've developed, that you already clearly
         22    have stated that when one comes in with a PRA it has to
         23    reflect the latest and the greatest.
         24              MR. CALLAN:  As built, as operated plant is what
         25    it says.
            .                                                          49
          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  In order to be able to
          2    use it.  Commissioner McGaffigan.
          3              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  My only point is that
          4    the standard process -- the ASME standards process that we
          5    talked about earlier that's going to start with 1602 -- if
          6    you have imbedded in 1602 that a good PRA is a living PRA,
          7    then that presumably is the standard we're going to be
          8    propagating into standard space.
          9              I think that's good, but I suspect some of the
         10    stuff we're reading in Inside NRC about gold-plated PRA's
         11    may well be -- a living PRA is -- I'm trying to still get a
         12    definition of gold-plated.
         13              [Laughter.]
         14              Maybe part of it is that it's living and it has to
         15    have been updated since the last time you thought about
         16    this.  Many of them see that large improvement as too hard,
         17    as opposed to the South Texases who you've been working with
         18    who, for them it's a small increment, and they are ready to
         19    go.  But I think it's real important, the notion of a living
         20    PRA.
         21              MR. THADANI:  Yes.  And, in fact, what Tom said
         22    earlier is significant.  South Texas, I think having a group
         23    of five or six people, it is that the idea is not just to
         24    update the PRA; the idea is to apply it.
         25              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right.
.                                                          50
          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
          2              MR. THADANI:  And so if a licensee were to apply,
          3    there is obviously the incentive to make sure it's kept up,
          4    it's in fact a living PRA.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
          6              MR. THADANI:  The issue is going to be --
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  You know, I've asked on
          8    several occasions, but I'm now going to get you to commit to
          9    this.  Are we keeping record of what regulatory use we are
         10    have been making of IPE results?  I've asked this question
         11    for -- two years.  So now I'm going to get you to commit to
         12    a date.  Or we'll give you a date.
         13              MR. KING:  No.  We are committed.  You will find
         14    it in the table in the quarterly update.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Ah, okay.  Very good.  We've
         16    been talking about South Texas, and I notice it's on the
         17    next viewgraphs.
         18              MR. KING:  Yes.  I'm going to turn it over to
         19    Scott Newberry, who will talk about the pilots.
         20              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes.  Good morning.
         21              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good morning.
         22              MR. NEWBERRY:  I'm going to go through the status
         23    of the four pilots on the next couple of viewgraphs and then
         24    a little bit about insights in the inspection program.
         25              Of course, each of the pilots would use a
            .                                                          51
          1    risk-informed approach to all their NRC requirements and the
          2    associated program at the plant in response to those
          3    requirements, using a process along the lines of the Reg
          4    Guides which are out for public comment, and I know there
          5    are issues, and are being finalized, which creates a
          6    challenge in the pilot process.  But progress has been made.
          7              The first pilot, on tech specs, just to remind you
          8    that that pilot would extend the outage time for certain
          9    equipment, ECCS equipment that would be used to respond to
         10    unlikely events, large LOCA's or the safety injection
         11    accumulators and low pressure injection systems.
         12              The Commission -- I guess early last summer --
         13    approved the Arkansas risk-informed tech spec SER.  But
         14    there was an issue in the SER that we're working with
         15    licensees on that has to do with one of the five principles
         16    in a risk-informed approach, and that's the configuration
         17    risk management program that would be committed to by the
         18    licensee.
         19              I think the snapshot of our experience to date is
         20    that that's really a plant-specific issue.  In working with
         21    specific licensees on that, it looks like -- San Onofrio, I
         22    think, may become the lead plant there -- that we should be
         23    able to finalize a position on that issue and get our first
         24    safety evaluation out by the end of the year that would
         25    approve a plant-specific configuration risk management
            .                                                          52
          1    program that would serve as a model -- perhaps a simple
          2    example here, but a model nonetheless -- that shows that we
          3    can make a risk-informed decision with tech specs.
          4              Graded quality assurance pilot, we just sent a
          5    paper up to the Commission -- 97-222 -- which forwards the
          6    draft safety evaluation report for South Texas.  This SER
          7    would accept Houston Power and Light's risk-informed
          8    revision to their operations quality assurance program.
          9              This was an interesting pilot.  I think it
         10    challenged the staff to use the guidance, to learn from the
         11    guidance.  Many of these issues that came up here were
         12    talked about extensively as we moved that safety evaluation
         13    report up to the Commission.
         14              I think the conclusion in the safety evaluation
         15    report is important to point out to you, from the standpoint
         16    of including, that we think this program presented an
         17    overall safety improvement at the plant.
         18              But the issues of -- I think the term, "bundling,"
         19    was used here -- clearly, that activity was meant to focus
         20    on the most important equipment at the plant so there's
         21    intense activity, but to relax the program on the less
         22    important equipment at the plant.
         23              But then there's an increased feedback mechanism.
         24    -- that's principle number 5 in NUREG-1060 -- which we think
         25    will really provide us a safety benefit.
.                                                          53
          1              I think those conclusions really come from the
          2    judgment of the staff.  I think there's a lot of qualitative
          3    evaluation involved in this SER.  So we were happy to get
          4    that SER to you finally in that recent paper.  Next
          5    viewgraph please.
          6              [Slide.]
          7              IST and ISI pilot.  Both pilots, of course, would
          8    be intended to improve test programs, inspection programs at
          9    plants using risk insights.  We're still shooting for a
         10    December date on the first IST pump and valve pilot at
         11    Comanche Peak.
         12              In terms of recent activities, we had a team on
         13    site at Comanche Peak dealing with the issue of PRA quality. 
         14    Looking at the PRA for this particular application, there
         15    were some minor issues identified that are being worked
         16    through that have to do with elements of the PRA such as
         17    treatment of human performance, success criteria, issues
         18    like that.
         19              I think I would mention that the dates have
         20    delayed a little bit on this pilot and others.  Utilities
         21    were focusing resources on providing comments to us on the
         22    Reg Guides and SRP's so that there has been an impact there. 
         23    But, as I said, we're still shooting for December on that
         24    pilot for Comanche Peak.  Palo Verde is going to slip into
         25    1998.
            .                                                          54
          1              Inservice inspection of piping.  I want to modify,
          2    I think, the context of that first bullet there, in terms of
          3    "nothing received for review yet."  At the time of the
          4    viewgraph, nothing had been received for the identified
          5    pilots to date.  Those would be Surry, ANO-2, and
          6    Fitzpatrick.
          7              However, just within the last couple of days,
          8    ANO-2 did come in with a full proposal, and we understand,
          9    in talking to Surry, that they would be in next week.  And
         10    then, a recent letter from the industry adding two more
         11    pilots, ANO-1 and Vermont Yankee, so there would be five
         12    plants pursuing ISI initiatives.
         13              Now that we have ANO-2 and with Surry coming in,
         14    we'll be able to look at schedules and priorities and
         15    provide you an update in the next plan.  Next viewgraph,
         16    please.
         17              [Slide.]
         18              We've got one viewgraph here on some of our
         19    actions in response to your May SRM regarding use of PRA in
         20    the inspection program.  I think it's fair to say, too --
         21    and, Chairman Jackson, you mentioned that -- we're really
         22    talking about a philosophy here in terms of implementing the
         23    policy statement.
         24              So there are other broader actions in our pursuit
         25    of opportunities every day, not just in the inspection
            .                                                          55
          1    program, but, of course, here at headquarters, to try to use
          2    risk-informed decision making in our programs, but you hear
          3    it particularly in response to your SRM.
          4              You asked about prioritizing inspection activities
          5    using IPE information, improving the region's ability to use
          6    risk insights, and then, of course, staff training.  Pat
          7    Baranowski will talk in some detail about training after I
          8    finish up here in a minute.
          9              But in terms of particular staff actions to date,
         10    a lot of the information that has been talked about here in
         11    terms of the IPE's, the information that we have has been
         12    made available now through documents.  There will be more
         13    documents going out to the regions, but there have been
         14    training lectures at all the regions conducted by people
         15    familiar with the IPE results.
         16              Then there's a continuing effort with the senior
         17    reactor analysts program, keeping that program staffed.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  No, do all the regions, at this
         19    point, have senior reactor analysts?
         20              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes.  The exact status on that is,
         21    of course, there's 10 SRA positions in the agency -- two at
         22    headquarters and, so, two at each region.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So there's at least a body at
         24    each region.
         25              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes.  Region 3 has two SRA's, but
.                                                          56
          1    they're not certified yet.  They're in the training program.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I see.
          3              MR. NEWBERRY:  That's an 18-month program.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And to whom are the training
          5    lectures targeted?
          6              MR. NEWBERRY:  As I recall, it's a broad target. 
          7    We look for opportunities to bring people in from the field,
          8    residents as well as regional staff.  So the effort here --
          9    and you'll see that, I think, in the training.
         10              There's training directed toward the review staff
         11    and NRR in terms of what these guidance documents say. 
         12    There's training on PRA technology.  There's training for
         13    inspectors.  There's training for managers.  There's a broad
         14    spectrum of training, and Pat's going to talk about that. 
         15    The intent here, and I think you'll see it in Pat's
         16    viewgraphs, is to touch on, basically every NRC employee
         17    making regulatory decisions here.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
         19              MR. NEWBERRY:  Guidance on the use of PRA in the
         20    Inspection Manual.  Just last month, an appendix to Manual
         21    Chapter 2515 was completed.  Just looking at it recently, I
         22    think folks will find that very interesting.  We will
         23    probably get some feedback on it and maybe have to do
         24    something else.
         25              But there's everything from general advice to
            .                                                          57
          1    advice to a glossary of terms in that Manual chapter.  There
          2    are examples of things that have been found and could be
          3    found at plants with respect to support system
          4    relationships, to front line systems, and also guidance on
          5    ranking issues in planning using PRA information. And, as I
          6    said, Pat will be talking about training here in a minute.
          7              Upcoming actions -- the training effort is a
          8    pretty significant investment of resources, both in the
          9    training center facilities and also getting employees into
         10    those classes and the seminars.  It's an important activity.
         11              We're just starting to do more in revising core
         12    inspection procedures.  In particular, the graded QA
         13    inspection procedure is being worked on, and that's
         14    explicitly an item in the plan, and that's due to be
         15    completed this spring.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good.  Let me ask you a quick
         17    question.  You talked about the ANO risk-informed tech spec
         18    changes.
         19              MR. NEWBERRY:  Right.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  How long did that take?
         21              MR. NEWBERRY:  I don't know.  Is there somebody
         22    here?
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And are we --
         24              MR. NEWBERRY:  We can get you an answer on that.
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And even though the guidance
            .                                                          58
          1    documents that you're working on are still being finalized,
          2    the question is are you gathering kind of what you've
          3    learned so that you kind of begin to develop a better oiled
          4    process for doing them to shorten the time?
          5              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes.  In fact, some of the comments
          6    received have been from staff working on those reviews.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  And also input from
          8    licensees to try to draw it all together into a process.
          9              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes,. Some of the comments received
         10    were derived directly from the pilots -- the tech spec
         11    pilot, for example.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So if I talked to ANO and so
         13    on, what would they say?  Were they pleased as Punch or --
         14    you know, "This is the cat's pajamas"?
         15              MR. NEWBERRY:  No.  I will take a chance here and
         16    guess at what they would say.  I would say they would be
         17    concerned about the risk configuration management program,
         18    that we should limit ourselves to, perhaps, the extension.
         19              More precisely, I think, for example, the safety
         20    injection accumulators now have a one-hour AEOT; we would
         21    extend it to 24 hours.  They would like to limit that safety
         22    assessment or that configuration issue to the latter part of
         23    that extension.  So they would have an issue.  They would
         24    have an issue.
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  Training.  Pat.
.                                                          59
          1              [Slide.]
          2              MR. BARANOWSKI:  The October 14th update to the
          3    PRA Implementation Plan briefing provided an attachment that
          4    talked about training, and I have a few highlights here.
          5              That attachment responds to the June 5th SRM in
          6    which we were requested to discuss plans for training the
          7    staff and, in particular, with regard to training for
          8    regulatory approaches that would be relevant to the
          9    risk-informed regulatory guides and the standard review
         10    plans that are in development, as well as overall training
         11    for basics in PRA, and, moreover, to focus somewhat on
         12    regional inspection training activities.
         13              The PRA Implementation Plan does include several
         14    tasks related to training.  These are modified as we go
         15    along to reflect the regulatory program that's in
         16    development as it evolves.
         17              We have made some changes over the last several
         18    months and are continuing to define and implement some new
         19    training requirements, and I have a couple of them that I'll
         20    mention here, in particular, with regard to the NRR
         21    technical staff.
         22              First, let me mention that there is a seminar that
         23    has been put together that covers the responsibilities
         24    associated with risk-informed regulatory activities, and
         25    it's designed to familiarize the NRR staff in general, and
.                                                          60
          1    hopefully it will cover the kinds of things that we talked
          2    about a little bit earlier -- terms and things that we can
          3    all talk in a common language.
          4              It's a mandatory seminar.  It's meant to motivate
          5    and familiarize the staff with the uses of risk-informed
          6    regulatory initiatives, and it's primarily taught by an NRR
          7    senior manager.  I think Gary Holohan has done the most
          8    recent one.
          9              MR. NEWBERRY:  Let me just make a comment quickly
         10    there, Pat, in response to Commissioner Diaz.  Your issue on
         11    this mental image of risk-informed comes out very quickly in
         12    the dialogue that's created in that seminar.  That seminar
         13    is built around regulatory policy, the PRA policy statement,
         14    and the intent of where we're trying to go.
         15              We've got a ways to go, based on the dialogue in
         16    those seminars, but I think that's where it's beginning to
         17    take place.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, the question becomes, in
         19    terms of a metric, on the outcomes, the people who attend
         20    the seminars walk away, you feel, with more clarity in that
         21    regard?  That's a metric.
         22              MR. NEWBERRY:  More clarity, yes, but my own view
         23    is it's going to take continuing attention for a period of
         24    time here with on-the-job attention.
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Application and guidance.
            .                                                          61
          1              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes, very definitely.  It's only a
          2    two-hour seminar.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes, I understand the point.
          4              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But you're at least opening the
          6    minds in this regard.
          7              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes.  They're lively time periods.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.  Okay.
          9              MR. BARANOWSKI:  In addition to the seminar I just
         10    mentioned, the PRA Basics for Regulatory Applications course
         11    -- that's course number P-105 -- has been modified to
         12    include some additional information on the regulatory
         13    approaches for the Reg Guides and the SRP's.
         14              That's also a mandatory course for NRR technical
         15    staff, and over the next two fiscal years, we would expect
         16    that the full staff should be trained, would have attended
         17    that particular course.  Next viewgraph, please.
         18              [Slide.]
         19              The resident inspectors' needs are intended to be
         20    addressed by the PRA Technology for Regulatory Perspectives
         21    course, P-111, which is mandatory for all full-time NRR
         22    inspectors and regional reactor program inspectors.
         23              Now, the course curriculum includes extensive
         24    practical workshops and case studies applicable to the needs
         25    of the inspectors as they would perform risk-informed
.                                                          62
          1    inspections.
          2              The first presentation of the course was
          3    originally scheduled for October of this year.  It was
          4    delayed until January of next year as a result of what we
          5    call a pilot talk-through, where we sort of try the course
          6    out on some more experienced people to see if the concepts
          7    that were intended to be in there are coming through
          8    clearly.
          9              So a few modifications are being made, and then we
         10    would expect to have several of these courses in Fiscal Year
         11    1998 and finish up in 1999.  Resident inspectors will be
         12    given the highest priority for attendance in this course.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Will there be different
         14    training for NMSS staff?  Has anyone thought about that?
         15              MS. FEDERLINE:  Yes, we have.  You'll see we
         16    highlight it in the paper as one of our issues.  We're
         17    trying to decide right now what systems approach is
         18    appropriate for each of our individual regulated systems,
         19    and that would somewhat dictate the types of training.  We
         20    have had training, dedicated courses for performance
         21    assessment in the waste disposal area.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay
         23              MR. BARANOWSKI:  Just to make one final point, we
         24    would like to have at least one resident inspector through
         25    this training by December of 1998 at each site, and so
            .                                                          63
          1    that's the way that priorities will be worked out.  Next
          2    viewgraph.
          3              [Slide.]
          4              At the recommendation of the PRA training focus
          5    group, a PRA Technical Managers course was developed and is
          6    now being implemented.  The course is required for NRR,
          7    AEOD, NMSS, and regional technical managers.  It's course
          8    P-107.  The course has been recently updated to include
          9    information on the RG's and SRP's, or at least the
         10    approaches that we're talking about taking in them, since
         11    they're still in draft.
         12              We would expect to conduct a number of course in
         13    1998, which would get about two-thirds of the agency's
         14    technical managers trained and then the balance in Fiscal
         15    Year 1999.
         16              At the same time, all offices are looking at their
         17    technical training needs with regard to risk-informed Reg
         18    Guides and SRP's that might result in some additional
         19    training or revisions to the courses that I just mentioned. 
         20    We would expect to enact additional courses in the future as
         21    warranted, which I mentioned earlier.
         22              I would like to mention that there was a question
         23    raised in the SRM regarding a regional representative on the
         24    PRA training focus group.  There wasn't one on the PRA
         25    training focus group.  The NRR representative normally
.                                                          64
          1    provided representation of inspection personnel in terms of
          2    PRA training.
          3              We have recently added a regional person on there,
          4    but I would like to point out that when the PRA training
          5    focus group meets, it's not just four people that meet. 
          6    There are four specific members, but folks from the
          7    inspection staff have, in fact, participated in meetings in
          8    the past where we've talked about resident and headquarters
          9    inspection personnel training in PRA.
         10              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  Well, it's very
         11    important, which is why the Commission asked for that,
         12    because of the fact that you, for instance, talk about
         13    having a resident at each site.
         14              I mean you need to have a member who has equal
         15    weight at the table that can represent the interests,
         16    because those are our folks who are out there on a
         17    day-to-day basis, interfacing with the licensees, looking at
         18    how they handle configuration management, overseeing outage
         19    activities, overseeing on-line maintenance, any number of
         20    things.
         21              Their interests and what they do -- and it is
         22    unique to what they do -- need to be represented fully in
         23    what you do, not just as visitors to the meetings.  So it's
         24    a very important issue.  Yes.
         25              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Do you believe that our
            .                                                          65
          1    training is keeping pace with our other activities in PRA,
          2    or is training lagging a little bit behind it?
          3              MR. BARANOWSKI:  That's a good question.
          4              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Or do you feel that it
          5    perhaps is, and that's a concern?
          6              MR. BARANOWSKI:  I guess my personal feeling is
          7    that you need to have an understanding of what your
          8    regulatory program is before you can train people to execute
          9    that program.  I wouldn't want to use training as an
         10    approach for developing the regulatory program.  I've seen
         11    some of that tried in some of our meetings, and I don't
         12    think it works very well.
         13              So it may be we're lagging a little bit, but I
         14    think we're addressing things pretty rapidly.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Once you get the pieces in
         16    place.
         17              MR. BARANOWSKI:  There's a very big push to get
         18    this training going.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
         20              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  How long do these
         21    courses last?  I mean I'm just trying to get a sense of how
         22    much one might possibly take away from it.
         23              MR. BARANOWSKI:  A typical course is running four
         24    or five days.  Now, there are some plans to have some
         25    two-week courses and things like that.  I don't remember the
.                                                          66
          1    exact length of them.
          2              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The ones that you have
          3    here -- the 107 and 111, et cetera -- they're all four- or
          4    five-day?
          5              MR. BARANOWSKI:  I believe they're four or five
          6    days.
          7              MR. THADANI:  I see three and four days.
          8              MR. CALLAN:  Three and four days.  In classroom
          9    hours, something on the order of 18 to 24.
         10              MR. BARANOWSKI:  We're looking for about 25, I
         11    think it was.
         12              MR. CALLAN:  Twenty-five?
         13              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I suspect we're going to
         14    have to have refresher course.
         15              MR. CALLAN:  Right.  Our concern right now, just
         16    to put that in perspective, I think NRR has asked for 400
         17    slots of a four-day course, and we're trying to find the
         18    money.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  Plus you want to try to
         20    get a certain baseline.
         21              MR. CALLAN:  We're trying to get a baseline, so --
         22    I think I know where you're going with the question.  It's a
         23    survey course -- we understand that -- but it's to
         24    accomplish some of the objectives that Commissioner Diaz
         25    mentioned and others, to get a baseline.  But we are
.                                                          67
          1    concerned about the resource expenditure it's going to take
          2    to do this training, and we haven't solved that problem yet.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You wanted to make a comment? 
          4    Could you identify yourself?
          5              MR. COE:  Yes.  I'm Doug Coe with NRI.  I just
          6    wanted to correct one thing.  P-11, the course that's
          7    specifically designed for inspectors, will run the better
          8    part of two weeks.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you.
         10              MR. BARANOWSKI:  And these courses are also in
         11    addition to our other more exacting curriculum, which a
         12    lesser number of people are taking.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  Let me just ask a
         14    question that is somewhat disconnected.  How are we creeping
         15    up on -- or are we -- performance-based regulation?  What
         16    are we doing in that regard?
         17              MR. THADANI:  There are two parts to that effort. 
         18    Part one is, as we have indicated before, we're trying to
         19    utilize some of the thinking that went behind the
         20    maintenance rule.  Where areas are amenable to risk
         21    analysis, we're folding in the performance-based aspects as
         22    feedback for any follow-on actions.  So that's embedded in
         23    what we're doing in terms of areas which are amenable to
         24    risk analysis.
         25              As far as the other areas, the Commission directed
            .                                                          68
          1    the staff in an SRM to also look at how performance-based
          2    approaches could be used in areas which are not amenable to
          3    risk analysis.
          4              We have a paper due to the Commission, I believe
          5    in two weeks, in which we're going to address what is it
          6    that we're doing to respond to that Commission direction. 
          7    Basically, we're going to tie it to integrate with the
          8    SI-13, which is the role of industry, and we are planning to
          9    have some workshops.  But those are actions that are going
         10    to come.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So the more formalized one has
         12    to do with this response to the SRM --
         13              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- and working with industry,
         15    and the other is on the more ad hoc basis of utilizing
         16    approaches a la the maintenance rule when it seems
         17    appropriate.
         18              MR. THADANI:  That's right.  That's right.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes, Commissioner.
         20              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  As a parallel, how are we
         21    doing with the maintenance rule assessments?  I guess we've
         22    got now -- what? -- 36?
         23              MR. THADANI:  Thirty-six, I believe we've
         24    completed.
         25              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Thirty-six?  Can you tell us,
.                                                          69
          1    you're happy with the way they're looking at -- the
          2    responses?
          3              MR. THADANI:  Let me ask Scott to give you, up to
          4    date, the status.
          5              MR. NEWBERRY:  I thought we might get that
          6    question, so I even conducted a poll of happiness.  I think
          7    it depends on the expectation.  If you were to ask some,
          8    they believe there's still a significant way to go.  But I
          9    think, in the larger picture, we've come a long way in terms
         10    of where we were before the maintenance rule, before the use
         11    of -- you know, very little use of risk information.
         12              Now, you see all plants the use of risk
         13    information in terms of qualitative or even very good models
         14    and work stations and the like.  So I think overall, in the
         15    broad context, we've been reasonably pleased with the
         16    progress, but, of course, there have been some issues
         17    identified.
         18              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  And so those 36 plants that we
         19    have now -- you know, have assessments completed already --
         20    when you say performance-based, they know what it is.
         21              MR. NEWBERRY:  I can't agree with you.  I don't
         22    know.  I don't know how they would answer that particular
         23    question.
         24              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I think Mr. Callan was wanting
         25    to speak.
.                                                          70
          1              MR. CALLAN:  The 36 plants, Commissioner, are the
          2    plant that have received the baseline programmatic
          3    inspection.
          4              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Right.
          5              MR. CALLAN:  Which, in my view, is not a real good
          6    measure or gauge of the maintenance rule, per se.  The
          7    maintenance rule is not intended to be a programmatic type
          8    of rule.  And so, as we gain experience with implementing
          9    the performance-based aspect of it, then we'll be in a
         10    position to, I think, answer your question.  We really don't
         11    have that much experience to date in the performance-based
         12    aspect of the maintenance rule.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So what you're saying is the
         14    baseline inspections have been looking at what licensees
         15    have put into place --
         16              MR. CALLAN:  Right.  Yes.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- to begin to fully implement
         18    the rule.  It's not until you have the chance to begin to
         19    inspect against their program that you can really address
         20    the question.
         21              MR. CALLAN:  That's right.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is that a fair statement?
         23              MR. CALLAN:  That's right.
         24              MR. THADANI:  I think we can say one other thing,
         25    and that is, when one gets finished with maintenance
            .                                                          71
          1    inspections, you do end up with some understanding of what
          2    are those so-called performance measures the industry is
          3    going to use, so that that level of confidence is attained. 
          4    But the actual experience, as Joe correctly noted, we really
          5    haven't had.
          6              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  But going back to the dead
          7    horse or the skeleton, we are needing to define, and the
          8    industry understands and we communicate on a one-to-one
          9    basis of what it is.  I mean it's the expectation that we
         10    need to be clear on, even if we're delaying the actual
         11    looking at the performance.
         12              MR. THADANI:  And that was one of the goals behind
         13    these programmatic inspections.
         14              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Right.
         15              MR. THADANI:  It was to make sure that expectation
         16    was going to be realized.
         17              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  And that's why I asked the
         18    question.  You know, from these inspections, are we getting
         19    a sense that people are moving in the direction of really
         20    getting performance measures that can be then "regulated
         21    according to the maintenance rule," which is risk-informed
         22    performance?
         23              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
         24              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay.
         25              MR. BARANOWSKI:  Okay.  Number 15.
            .                                                          72
          1              [Slide.]
          2              Let me briefly mention a few additional things on
          3    the risk-based analysis of operating experience.  Of course
          4    you're aware that we have an agreement now and an SRM of
          5    June 13th giving the staff the go-ahead to work on the
          6    voluntary approach for obtaining reliability and
          7    availability data with the nuclear industry.
          8              We recently signed a memorandum of understanding
          9    -- or a modification to the memorandum of understanding --
         10    which addresses our obtaining that data that we expect to
         11    get from industry through INPO, and we should begin
         12    receiving that information sometime in Fiscal Year 1998.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You may recall that, in fact,
         14    the staff agreed to characterize for the Commission the
         15    scope of the voluntary data arrangement --
         16              MR. BARANOWSKI:  Yes.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- as opposed to the scope of
         18    the maintenance rule.
         19              MR. BARANOWSKI:  Right.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Now, when will we get that
         21    comparative?
         22              MR. BARANOWSKI:  I would hope you have a
         23    memorandum already in your in box.
         24              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  It arrived in our boxes
         25    as we were walking downstairs.
.                                                          73
          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Oh, you did it so you would get
          2    us.
          3              [Laughter.]
          4              MR. BARANOWSKI:  It's that kind of trick we pull
          5    on you once in a while.
          6              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  It was brought to me as
          7    I was walking downstairs.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Oh, okay.
          9              MR. BARANOWSKI:  Sorry.  We wanted to get it to
         10    you a few days early, but we couldn't quite do it.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Touche.
         12              MR. BARANOWSKI:  But just in a quick nutshell, the
         13    scope of the maintenance rule's systems and components --
         14    not structures -- overlaps quite well with the scope of the
         15    equipment in the voluntary approach.  They're essentially
         16    the same.  I can't say they're exactly the same.
         17              Now, the level of information that's provided on
         18    each component or system varies depending on it's perceived
         19    risk significance.  We tried to put together a more thorough
         20    discussion in the paper, and we would be glad to meet either
         21    individually or under other circumstances to go over that if
         22    necessary.
         23              [Laughter.]
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's very good.  Thank you.
         25              MR. BARANOWSKI:  Let me also mention a few more
            .                                                          74
          1    things.  The Accident Sequence Precursor program, we have a
          2    paper due to the Commission in November, and so I won't
          3    cover too much of that since we're running a little bit
          4    late.
          5              I will just mention that we've finished the '95
          6    work and published that.  The '96 precursors have all been
          7    identified, and they're going through final QA.  Most of
          8    them have been finalized and released through the PDR to the
          9    public, and we're even into doing some 1997 analyses.
         10              In general, what we're finding is about 10 to 15
         11    precursors identified per year, and the conditional core
         12    damage probabilities run up to a maximum about 10-3, and the
         13    10-3 we see about once every other year.  But we're going to
         14    cover this a little bit in our paper, and so I think we'll
         15    do a more thorough job in November, if that's okay.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Sure.  And also, there's a
         17    question of where are you with respect to developing
         18    risk-based performance indicators?  Are you going to speak
         19    to that in November?
         20              MR. BARANOWSKI:  I might just mention that the
         21    next couple of things that I have listed here, some of the
         22    studies that we've done -- reactor core isolation cooling, a
         23    special study on fire events, BWR core spray system, and a
         24    number of others that we have on progress on auxiliary
         25    feedwater systems, reactor protection, initiating events,
.                                                          75
          1    and loss of off-site power -- are all part of what I would
          2    call the ground work for preparing more risk-based
          3    performance indicators.
          4              I think, after we get a few more of these studies
          5    done, we would be wanting to come back to the Commission
          6    with some sort of a conceptual idea and see if we're all on
          7    the same page on this.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  Very good.
          9              MR. BARANOWSKI:  The last thing I'll say is that
         10    we're now about to issue our CCF database.  It's in a CD-ROM
         11    format.  It will be issued to the nuclear industry.  It does
         12    contain proprietary information, and we have worked with
         13    INPO to make sure that that can be released to U.S. nuclear
         14    power plant operators.
         15              Now, I'll turn it back to Tom.
         16              MR. KING:  All right.  Let me try and summarize
         17    with the last viewgraph.
         18              [Slide.]
         19              We've got a lot of things underway or that have
         20    been completed over the past six months, but we still have a
         21    long way to go.  What we've tried to list on 16 were the
         22    major things coming up over the next three months or so.
         23              As we mentioned, we've got the framework paper
         24    from NMSS, which is due in a few weeks.  We've got an
         25    intense activity to complete the Reg Guides and SRP's.
.                                                          76
          1              That is going to involve a policy paper to the
          2    Commission later this month.  It's going to involve some
          3    meetings with ACRS -- one next and nne in mid-November -- to
          4    go through the comments, the policy issues, and the
          5    positions as to how we want to deal with the public comments
          6    and finalize the guides.
          7              MR. THADANI:  Tom, on that, this is a very
          8    important point.  Tom indicated that a number of significant
          9    issues have been raised, and we're going to be meeting with
         10    the advisory committee.
         11              I think, in view of the significance of some of
         12    these issues, we do need to take a week or two to really
         13    think through these issues carefully, and so I'm really
         14    putting a hedge on whether we can get the paper to the
         15    Commission by the end of October.  That's a big question
         16    mark in my mind.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, you work toward that.
         18              MR. THADANI:  We are going to work towards this.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right?  Because, you know --
         20              MR. THADANI:  Yes.
         21              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- if you let it slip, things
         22    tend to slip forever.
         23              MR. THADANI:  We're going to work towards it, but
         24    I just want to acknowledge that there are some tough issues
         25    that we better take a little time to think through.
.                                                          77
          1              MR. KING:  In addition, we've got the pilot
          2    activities that we're trying to complete by December, at
          3    least in the tech specs and inservice testing area.  We've
          4    got the ISI package, which is out for comment now, a
          5    workshop in November in pilot activities that are just
          6    getting underway there.
          7              We have the initiative from NEI, where they're
          8    going to take a full-scope PRA and compare it against
          9    regulatory requirements and operations and maintenance
         10    costs, which we hope to finalized and kick off in December. 
         11    So there's a number of things in the mill.  Some of the
         12    schedules, as Ashok said, are ambitious, but that's what
         13    we're working toward.  With that, I conclude.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
         15              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I have one question.  I
         16    apologize.  It really goes back to Mr. Newberry's
         17    presentation.  You said that San Onofrio was out front in
         18    terms of the configuration risk management program and that
         19    you hoped to have something done by December.
         20              Now, do they have a living PRA?  And do they
         21    calculate, when they take something out, what the
         22    conditional core damage frequency is?  And do they then
         23    adjust for it, take it into account and say, well, that this
         24    is too high a risk?  And did you even get to the point of
         25    discussing what the threshold is for when that might be too
.                                                          78
          1    high?  How did all that work in that discussion?
          2              MR. NEWBERRY:  In general, they have a very
          3    advanced, or a significant program at that plant, such that
          4    they would be able to essentially do what you've just
          5    suggested there.  That's right.
          6              And I only wanted to mention that Arkansas was the
          7    lead and, in fact, you got the SER, but as that issue
          8    unfolded, right now it appears that SONGS is ready to move
          9    out on that amendment.  That was really the only thing that
         10    I wanted to mention.
         11              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I'm just trying -- is
         12    the commitment that they're going to be making something
         13    that's going to be captured in a license condition or
         14    something?
         15              MR. NEWBERRY:  A technical specification.
         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  In a technical
         17    specification.
         18              MR. NEWBERRY:  In the administrative section, I
         19    believe.
         20              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And can you tell me what
         21    number -- is there a number, like, if the conditional core
         22    damage frequency approaches some number, then we will think
         23    twice about whether we allow the configuration?
         24              MR. NEWBERRY:  At this point, I don't think there
         25    would be a number.
.                                                          79
          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So it's a qualitative
          2    judgment we're leaving to the licensee.
          3              MR. NEWBERRY:  Yes, with -- I think there's five
          4    or six elements -- just like principles -- that would go
          5    into the tech spec considerations.
          6              MR. THADANI:  I might add to what Scott is saying
          7    -- and we're going to be addressing this as one of the
          8    issues -- while we have talked about core damage frequency
          9    of 10-4, it's an average estimate over a period of one year.
         10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right.
         11              MR. THADANI:  And the next issue is what kind of
         12    instantaneous risk or dynamic aspect of it would one want to
         13    consider.  That issue we're going to address amongst the --
         14    I think that's a policy matter, as well.  It needs to be --
         15              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The reason I'm asking
         16    the question -- and I apologize; it's late -- is we're
         17    considering the should-to-shall issue in A-3 of the
         18    maintenance rule at the moment.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
         20              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And to some extent, what
         21    you're going through in this negotiation with SONGS or in
         22    the other combustion engineering plants is a precursor to
         23    what happens when "should" gets changed to "shall" and what
         24    do we mean by that?
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
            .                                                          80
          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So I may just ask the
          2    question --
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, once "should" is changed
          4    to "shall," then they'll be forced to address what, in fact,
          5    that means on the ground.
          6              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right.  But I may just
          7    ask separately -- or maybe our TA's may get briefed in more
          8    detail about --
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think that would be good to
         10    do a TA briefing on that.
         11              MR. NEWBERRY:  I'll take the action item to look
         12    at that.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
         14              MR. NEWBERRY:  And we'll put something together.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I'm just going to go ahead in
         16    the reverse order.  Do you have any other comments or
         17    questions, Commissioner?  And then I'm going to go to
         18    Commissioner Dicus.
         19              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay.  I think I wrote
         20    something in here that I think is -- it's going back to
         21    philosophy.  But having looked at these things for some time
         22    and looking at gold-plated or hot-dipped galvanized, we need
         23    to remember that, you know, in this case, we've been for
         24    some time striving to get to a level of achievement.
         25              And in that case I am of the opinion that the
.                                                          81
          1    better is the enemy of the good and that the best is the
          2    enemy of the better, that we need to define what is it that
          3    we can do and do it, rather than keep trying to make it
          4    gold-plated or otherwise, and I think it is an important
          5    step.
          6              I would like to ask the staff the next time that
          7    we come back -- and these are questions that are not as
          8    simple as they sound -- but the first question is, are we
          9    convinced -- we, the NRC -- that we are going to be a
         10    risk-informed agency?  And if that is so, have we permeated
         11    the structure so everybody knows that that is a fact?
         12              Second is, have we convinced licensees,
         13    stakeholder, or anybody that we are going to be a
         14    risk-informed agency?  Because if we are and we haven't done
         15    that, then we have a job to do.  Even it it's information,
         16    whatever, we need to be doing.
         17              And if the answers to these two things are yes --
         18    and I do hope they are -- then we go back to the dead horse. 
         19    It's a matter of defining how good is good and where the
         20    process needs to lie.  I think we need to move to make
         21    something happen rather than keep waiting for further
         22    definition.  But in that sense, what we make happen has to
         23    be enforceable in regulatory space.
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Absolutely.
         25              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Thank you.
.                                                          82
          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Absolutely.  Commissioner
          2    Dicus.
          3              [No response.]
          4              I would like to thank the staff for a very
          5    informative and, I'll actually say, enjoyable briefing on
          6    the agency's PRA activities.  Thank you.
          7              We commend you for the progress that you've made
          8    to date in what is a sometimes difficult area, but at the
          9    same time, we encourage you to continue to improve the
         10    process -- and we've heard various comments to that effect
         11    -- and to provide appropriate -- for yourselves -- review
         12    mechanisms and feedback mechanisms to ensure that the PRA is
         13    appropriately understood in a risk-informed framework and
         14    appropriately used to make your own efforts
         15    performance-based in that sense, to have that feedback so
         16    that you focus on outcomes.
         17              But I think you've made some long steps forward
         18    from where we were two years ago, even though the policy
         19    statement was there and there was a PRA Implementation Plan,
         20    there's a lot more flesh on the bones, and I think you can
         21    be proud of that.
         22              Clearly, PRA has become an important tool in
         23    support of the regulatory process, a risk-informed process. 
         24    And so we have to strive to enhance the process where
         25    necessary, but always to ensure its consistent use where
.                                                          83
          1    appropriate.
          2              Unless there are any further comments, we're
          3    adjourned.
          4              [Whereupon, at 11:45 a.m., the briefing was
          5    concluded.]

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Thursday, February 22, 2007