1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 
          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 
          3                                - - - 
          4                     BRIEFING BY DOE AND NRC ON
          6                                - - - 
          7                           PUBLIC MEETING 
          8                                  Nuclear Regulatory Commission
          9                                  One White Flint North 
         10                                  Rockville, Maryland 
         11                                  Friday, September 19, 1997 
         12              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to
         13    notice, at 10:14 a.m., Shirley A. Jackson, Chairman,
         14    presiding. 
         16              SHIRLEY A. JACKSON, Chairman of the Commission
         17              GRETA J . DICUS, Commissioner
         18              NILS J. DIAZ, Commissioner
         19              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Commissioner
         20    STAFF PRESENT:
         21              JOHN C. HOYLE, Secretary of the Commission
         22              KAREN D. CYR, General Counsel
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          1    PRESENTERS: 
          2         Nuclear Regulatory Commission:
          3              HUGH THOMPSON, Deputy ED for Regulatory Programs
          4              CARL PAPERIELLO, Director, Office of NMSS
          5              JOHN AUSTIN, Chief, Performance Assessment & HLW
          6               Integration Branch, NMSS
          7         Department of Energy:
          8              TARA O'TOOLE, Assistant Secretary for Environment,
          9               Safety and Health
         10              RAY BERUBE, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the
         11               Environment
         12              JOHN TSENG
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          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S
          2                                                   [10:14 a.m.]
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good morning.
          4              This morning the Commission will be briefed by
          5    officials of the Department of Energy and NRC staff on the
          6    status of the DOE and NRC Task Force activities to date to
          7    identify policy and regulatory issues needing analysis and
          8    resolution as part of examining NRC's seeking oversight
          9    responsibility for Department of Energy nuclear facilities.
         10              Before we begin, I would like to provide a little
         11    bit of background.  Maybe I'll do your job, Hugh.
         12              MR. THOMPSON:  I always appreciate that.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The Department of Energy made
         14    an announcement on December 20, 1996, that it intended to
         15    submit legislation to the Congress to transfer oversight of
         16    DOE nuclear safety to the NRC.
         17              The DOE announcement was made after the completion
         18    of a study by an independent advisory committee and a
         19    follow-up study by a DOE working group on external
         20    regulation.  
         21              The Commission considered the matter as part of
         22    its strategic assessment and rebaselining initiative. 
         23    Public comment was solicited on the issue and the public
         24    strongly encouraged the Commission to pursue the external
         25    regulation of DOE.
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          1              The DOE's working group's recommendation that NRC
          2    be given regulatory oversight of DOE nuclear facilities
          3    along with the strong public support for the NRC assuming
          4    that responsibility influenced the Commission's final
          5    decision, which was issued in March of this year.
          6              The Commission directed the staff to establish a
          7    task force to identify the policy and regulatory issues that
          8    needed to be resolved for this initiative to be successful. 
          9    The Commission also instructed the staff to develop a joint
         10    memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the DOE to establish
         11    the framework for the legislative and follow-on phases of
         12    the project.
         13              A former under secretary of DOE, Tom Grumbly, and
         14    Mr. Berube provided a briefing to the Commission on March
         15    31, 1997, outlining DOE's vision for implementation of the
         16    working group recommendation.
         17              At a meeting in June of 1997 DOE Secretary Pena
         18    and I on behalf of the Commission met and agreed to pursue
         19    NRC regulation of DOE nuclear facilities on a pilot program
         20    basis.  For the near term, the two agencies are preparing an
         21    MOU to establish the framework for cooperation in proceeding
         22    with a pilot program.  
         23              It is the intent of this program for NRC to
         24    simulate regulation of DOE facilities on a series of pilot
         25    facilities over about a two-year period to help both
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          1    agencies gain experience related to potential NRC regulation
          2    of DOE.
          3              Today's briefing will provide a status report on
          4    the NRC and DOE task force's activities to date to address
          5    the issues that would need resolution between the two
          6    agencies as the pilots move forward.
          7              Unless my fellow Commissioners have any comments
          8    they would like to add, we will proceed.  I understand that
          9    DOE Assistant Secretary Tara O'Toole would like to make a
         10    few opening remarks before Mr. Thompson proceeds.
         11              Dr. O'Toole, I'm going to call upon you to give us
         12    some introductory comments.
         13              MS. O'TOOLE:  Thank you, Madam Chairman.
         14              Commissioners, colleagues, I am very pleased to be
         15    here today, which I believe marks another milestone in our
         16    mutual journey to seek responsible regulation for the
         17    operations of the Department of Energy.
         18              The Chairman has done some of my work for me too
         19    in her elegantly succinct summary of how we got here.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I tend to do that.
         21              MS. O'TOOLE:  We all appreciate it.  Let me just
         22    add a few more comments.
         23              As the Chairman noted, in 1993 then Secretary of
         24    Energy Hazel O'Leary committed the Department to being
         25    regulated like everybody else.  It was thought that with the
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          1    end of the Cold War it was time to move into a new phase and
          2    move out of the self-regulatory approach that the Department
          3    of Energy and its predecessor agencies had pursued since the
          4    1940s.  Secretary of Energy Pena has reaffirmed this
          5    decision.
          6              I was a member of the external regulatory advisory
          7    committee chaired by Dr. Ahearne and Mr. Scannell and have
          8    had time now to think repeatedly of the rich exchanges of
          9    perspectives that were offered in that very interesting
         10    advisory committee.  I have also participated in the DOE
         11    task force headed by Mr. Grumbly and have contributed to the
         12    reflections by the National Academy of Public Administration
         13    who have been helping the Department of Energy and the
         14    Department of Labor think through issues that might arise in
         15    transitioning to regulation by the Occupational Safety and
         16    Health Administration.  
         17              I would like to review for the record the three
         18    issues that compelled the most discussion and anguish among
         19    these various groups and that indeed resulted in the famous,
         20    or perhaps I should say infamous, hung jury on the Ahearne
         21    committee as to whether or not the Nuclear Regulatory
         22    Commission or the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
         23    was most suited to be the DOE's regulator in matters
         24    nuclear.
         25              There were really, as I said, three issues that
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          1    people struggled with mightily.
          2              The first was the recognition that we needed to
          3    find an efficient and flexible regulatory approach that
          4    could accommodate the variety of work and circumstances and
          5    dynamism of DOE operations now and in the future.  Added to
          6    that was the need for value-added regulation, as it was
          7    called, which meant not just cost-effective regulation that
          8    did what it meant to do, but regulation that addressed
          9    matters on a risk-based basis.
         10              The second issue that engaged us in much
         11    discussion was the need to engineer a very smooth transition
         12    without overwhelming either DOE or the regulatory agency or
         13    jeopardizing the core missions of those agencies.
         14              The third matter was the imperative to maintain
         15    momentum within the Department of Energy in improving the
         16    internal management of all aspects of safety stewardship in
         17    the Department of Energy.
         18              We have struggled and we are struggling still to
         19    ensure that work is properly planned, that hazards
         20    associated with our work are identified and amply
         21    controlled, and that those controls are continuously
         22    reassessed for effectiveness and efficiency in DOE.  
         23              We are endeavoring to make all of our managers and
         24    workers understand that one cannot inspect in safety; one
         25    must continuously, as it were, remember to be afraid and
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          1    work every day towards the end of preventing accidents and
          2    injuries and mishaps from happening.  We are committed to
          3    maintaining this momentum while going forward with external
          4    regulation.
          5              At the same time, all of the committees mentioned
          6    were mindful of the great benefits of external regulation
          7    and strongly supported and reiterated their endorsement of
          8    external regulation for DOE, and that decision has been
          9    revisited, reiterated and re-endorsed by Secretary Pena and
         10    the leadership of the Department of Energy.
         11              In the past months the very able and hardworking
         12    staffs of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the
         13    Department of Energy have worked to design a path forward. 
         14    I think we are nearing the completion of a memorandum of
         15    understanding between the two agencies that provides an
         16    opportunity to gather real world evidence of how we might
         17    shape possible NRC regulation of the Department of Energy.
         18              I believe that the steps put forward in the draft
         19    MOU do chart a way for the Department of Energy to emerge
         20    into the light.  
         21              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The light of NRC regulation.
         22              MS. O'TOOLE:  The full spectrum of light and
         23    warmth that external regulation and excellent internal
         24    safety management bestows on all recipients.  I think that
         25    the public trust and recognition of effective safety
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          1    management within DOE cannot come without external
          2    validation by an expert regulatory agency that that system
          3    is indeed in place.
          4              As we all know and as we have had reason to
          5    recognize in the past months of working together very
          6    constructively, our agencies have different customs and
          7    habits and paces and levels of formality.  I am persuaded
          8    that each of our agencies harbors enormous talent and a
          9    shared commitment to safety and a desire to go forward with
         10    external regulation.  
         11              So I am here today to tell you that we are eager
         12    and committed to taking the diverse talents and experiences
         13    of these agencies of common ancestry, an ancestry that is
         14    founded in a belief in the power of science and reason and
         15    in the worth of defending participatory democracy, and we
         16    are ready to evolve again into a new day and to devise a new
         17    regulatory framework for the 21st Century.
         18              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you very much,
         19    Dr. O'Toole.  I must say I have a question I would like to
         20    ask.
         21              MS. O'TOOLE:  Already.  Go ahead.
         22              [Laugher.]
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You outlined the three issues
         24    that kind of led to the hung jury relative to which entity
         25    should regulate.  Could you edify us a little bit as to how
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          1    you migrated from that position to the one that said we
          2    would go forward with the NRC, at least to the point of
          3    where we are today?
          4              MS. O'TOOLE:  In reading through the transcripts
          5    of your meeting with Mr. Grumbly, I think some of that
          6    journey was mapped in the exchange that you had with him at
          7    that time.
          8              I must say personally that I think that whether it
          9    should be NRC or DNFSB was the wrong question.  I think what
         10    people were struggling with was not the worth or the
         11    appropriateness of one agency over the other.  That was kind
         12    of the simplistic distillation of this very rich and complex
         13    exchange that went on for many months.  I really think that
         14    what happened was that the complexities of those three
         15    issues, which themselves have many questions embedded them,
         16    as I said, got distilled in Washington to that overly
         17    simplified sound bite of NRC versus DNFSB.  
         18              The path forward that we have drawn now recognizes
         19    the benefit of the Defense Board maintaining some hold into
         20    the near future over defense agencies, defense facilities
         21    within DOE, while the near-term benefits of the Nuclear
         22    Regulatory Commission picking up facilities within the
         23    energy, research and nuclear energy programs of DOE are also
         24    recognized and acted upon.  
         25              As I believe Mr. Grumbly described last time, over
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          1    the next several years we plan to decommission and
          2    decontaminate hundreds of facilities within the Department
          3    which heretofore were part of the defense facilities
          4    complex.  As those facilities are cleaned up and dismantled,
          5    they will be regulated principally by the Environmental
          6    Protection Agency, which is the custom and habit that have
          7    evolved up until now.  
          8              That legacy of facilities in DOE will thus
          9    diminish; there will not be nuclear operations going on in
         10    those buildings.  At the same time, we expect that new
         11    construction in DOE where it involves anything nuclear will
         12    be regulated by the NRC.
         13              So by having a more nuanced look at the past and
         14    the future, I think the question of how best to make use of
         15    the Defense Board's talents and understanding and commitment
         16    to defense facilities, which, as I said, will diminish in
         17    number, while taking advantage of the Nuclear Regulatory
         18    Commission's powers as we go forward with the missions of
         19    energy, research, nuclear energy and other new nuclear
         20    enterprises is the way to go and is a very kind of neat
         21    evolution and more elegant splicing of these issues.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you.
         23              Mr. Thompson.
         24              MR. THOMPSON:  I think Tara has also done some of
         25    my work as well as the Chairman's.
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          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  We can then get to the heart of
          2    it.
          3              MR. THOMPSON:  Then we can get to the heart of the
          4    discussion today.  That really does bring us down to about
          5    the area of slide 6 in the presentation, which is the
          6    memorandum of understanding.  We did talk about many of the
          7    activities that we have --
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Maybe you could review slide 2. 
          9    I think that might be useful.  I think the ones that we
         10    reviewed are really slides 3 and 4.  So maybe we could do 2
         11    and them jump to 5.
         12              MR. THOMPSON:  Slide 2 is the outline of what we
         13    are going to talk about today.  What we really did was have
         14    some background, which I think has been covered.  
         15              The potential benefits were ones which have been
         16    articulated partly here as well the advisory committee's
         17    report, and they are listed both in the Commission paper,
         18    which I think we forwarded, as well as in the slides there. 
         19    These were ones which focused on having the stability of a
         20    regulatory program, the openness, the predictability and the
         21    cost-effectiveness.  
         22              As Tara so eloquently discussed, there are lots of
         23    complex interactions between stakeholders that are involved
         24    in this, and I think that is where there is some of the
         25    desire to bring some clear focus on the stability of the
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          1    program, a clear understanding of the safety issues to be
          2    regulated, and a recognition that there are many existing
          3    facilities out there today that aren't new, that have not
          4    been covered with this regulatory regime.  
          5              And there has to be a process.  As we have stated
          6    frequently, we have to have a transition period if NRC is to
          7    be the external regulator as well as adequate resources both
          8    on our part and on DOE's part to ensure that their
          9    facilities, as we make this transition, are adequate to
         10    protect public health and safety as well as not to disrupt
         11    the ongoing efforts that DOE has underway to improve the
         12    safety management at the DOE facilities.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Or disrupt our mission
         14    responsibility.
         15              MR. THOMPSON:  That is absolutely correct.  That
         16    is one of the critical issues that was in the dynamics of
         17    all the discussions, the importance of us not diverting our
         18    own attention from our current mission as we add potentially
         19    new roles and responsibilities.  
         20              Obviously some of the roles and responsibilities
         21    we are accepting, such as the Hanford tanks, which is
         22    outside of this particular pilot program, as well as even
         23    some consultation with DOE on the Brookhaven reactors are
         24    independent of what I will call a very structured, very
         25    detailed approach, with an objective to determine whether
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          1    legislation would be appropriate for class of facilities or
          2    maybe overall other facilities.
          3              I don't know how I got to slide 6 so quickly.  
          4              We did have quite a bit of interaction and there
          5    has been quite a bit of dialogue between the NRC staff and
          6    others on the potential for the program.  
          7              I think the evolution that the Commission and
          8    Secretary Pena moved to, to have a pilot program approach,
          9    was one in which the proof will be in the pudding. 
         10    Performance is as performance does.  I think we will take a
         11    look at an approach to be able to say our vision is that
         12    it's there; this is the way we will add some meat to those
         13    bones.
         14              The memorandum of understanding that we have been
         15    working on very diligently focuses on the pilot program, the
         16    objectives, and we will cover the scope.  A very critical
         17    part is the stakeholder plan.  The stakeholders are varied,
         18    they are wide-ranging, and their interests are quite diverse
         19    in certain cases, and I think it's important that we
         20    recognize those, have those inputs, and obviously the
         21    decisions will be ones that the Commission and the Secretary
         22    will have to make.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  When do you expect the MOU to
         24    be ready for official review by the Commission and by the
         25    Secretary?
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          1              MR. THOMPSON:  My expectation is early October. 
          2    We don't have any specific areas of disagreement.  It's an
          3    element of ensuring it gets a full review both in the
          4    Department and within the NRC.  
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So you are scrubbing it out at
          6    this point.
          7              MR. THOMPSON:  We are scrubbing it out.  It is,
          8    quite frankly, very close to final as far as both of us are
          9    concerned.  Unless something comes up, we think it should
         10    proceed fairly smoothly up to the Commission and to the
         11    Secretary.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Dicus.
         13              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  If it is delayed, do you
         14    anticipate delay in starting the pilot project, or is that
         15    going to go ahead on course?
         16              MR. THOMPSON:  My understanding is that we really
         17    want to have the framework in place, but we are poised such
         18    that we would hope to begin about one week after the
         19    memorandum is executed and signed.  We have had a lot of
         20    dialogue.  We aren't sitting around basically waiting, but
         21    we really won't start anything.  We really do need to make
         22    sure that the Commission and Secretary are in synch.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
         24              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Is part of the delay
         25    just waiting to see which funding approach the
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          1    appropriations committees take, whether it's directly
          2    appropriated to us or appropriated to DOE for transfer to
          3    us?
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Calendars.
          5              MR. THOMPSON:  My own sense is there are a lot of
          6    individuals in DOE.  DOE is a bit more diverse in this
          7    matter than NRC is.  
          8              MS. O'TOOLE:  We have more people to get on board. 
          9    I think it is very important that the decision-makers and
         10    the policy executors in the Department, which is a
         11    wide-ranging family, be very familiar with the MOU.  I have
         12    read it many times.  I have gone over it in detail with both
         13    Ray and Hugh and others.  I see no impediments to this being
         14    signed.
         15              As you know, both the Chairman and the Secretary
         16    of Energy are on airplanes for most of the next two weeks,
         17    and I do think it is worthwhile in the Department of Energy
         18    for the Secretary to have the opportunity to discuss this
         19    with a number of people.  So this is more a scheduling and
         20    calendar issue than anything else.  As I said, I see no
         21    substantive impediments to going forward.  We are poised to
         22    move.
         23              MR. THOMPSON:  Slide 7 gets into the scope of what
         24    we are looking at in the pilot program.  We are trying to
         25    have a range of facilities that give us a view of the types
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          1    of facilities and the challenges that may exist.  We are
          2    looking at having about three facilities this year in the
          3    area of nuclear energy, energy research, and environmental
          4    management facilities.  As Tara said, we really are not
          5    looking at any of the defense program type facilities as
          6    part of this pilot program whatsoever.
          7              As we gain experience this year we expect to
          8    expand this to maybe six to ten facilities by the end of FY
          9    1999.
         10              The types of facilities that we are looking at
         11    would be ones that essentially are similar to NRC
         12    facilities, and, as Tara also mentioned, where there is a
         13    value added to the regulatory program.  We think it's
         14    important that there be value added.  I think all the
         15    stakeholders want to see some value added.
         16              Another key element is facilities that are willing
         17    to participate.  It's going to take their time, their
         18    effort, their enthusiasm in order to be able to address the
         19    multiple issues that are going to be raised.  We can
         20    sometimes address the technical issues fairly easily.  
         21              There are other dynamics with respect to the
         22    environments that we live in today.  States have a lot of
         23    interest.  You have received a lot of correspondence from
         24    the states.  
         25              Obviously there are concerns within the Department
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          1    of Energy with respect to other aspects of worker health and
          2    safety, like the OSHA responsibilities.  Those are very
          3    clear ones.  We have an agreement typically with OSHA how we
          4    handle radiation protection for workers.  We have to
          5    understand and coordinate well with OSHA to see if that's
          6    the model that would work best for these activities.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  What is the enticement or the
          8    motivation for facilities, since you have identified
          9    willingness to participate as a key element?
         10              MR. THOMPSON:  In my view, the enticements are
         11    those things that we talked about earlier, the stability in
         12    the regulatory program, the value added, a clear
         13    understanding.  Some of these facilities, like the national
         14    labs, part of their facilities are already regulated, some
         15    by agreement states, for example, in a regulatory program
         16    that they are somewhat familiar with.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You're saying that the benefits
         18    of external oversight are the same as the enticements for
         19    facilities to want to participate or be willing to
         20    participate in the pilot.
         21              MR. THOMPSON:  I have people who are very capable
         22    of adding to this dialogue, so I would encourage Ray or Tara
         23    to add anything to that.
         24              MR. BERUBE:  I agree absolutely that the benefits
         25    are the enticement.
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          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
          2              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  In terms of what we are
          3    going to do afterwards, which is try to convince Congress to
          4    take progressive steps in this direction if the results of
          5    the pilots are appropriate, does getting only facilities
          6    that are willing to participate run you into the danger that
          7    a congressional staffer in 1999 says to you, well, will it
          8    be more difficult at the places that weren't willing to
          9    participate?  
         10              I forget what it's called in statistics, but there
         11    is an effect where you get good results even if you do
         12    nothing just because the spotlight shined on you.  Are you
         13    worried about the representability of what we are doing?
         14              MR. THOMPSON:  Obviously that is a concern.  We
         15    would hope that the effectiveness of the review teams and
         16    the participation of those would provide a solid and sound
         17    foundation to be able to articulate that.  I do think it's
         18    important that we recognize and address, as we talked about
         19    earlier, the issues and the costs.  
         20              I think costs are probably one of the key driving
         21    issues associated with those who may be reluctant.  As you
         22    well know, this Commission and others are in tight budget
         23    times.  In order to be regulated in a much more open
         24    environment some facilities, maybe lots of facilities, are
         25    going to have to spend some monies to get their programs up. 
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          1    I think that's an issue that we have to be able to
          2    articulate.  Both the oversight committees and OMB are going
          3    to want to know what the cost is going to be.
          4              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I understand this year
          5    trying to get pilots.  You are hoping to start some of these
          6    pilots in a few months, but when you are choosing pilots for
          7    the following year, for FY 1999 implementation, somewhat
          8    less willing participants might be a useful part of the
          9    program.
         10              MS. O'TOOLE:  First of all, it is our hope that
         11    once the benefits of external regulation and some of the
         12    questions about how it will go forward are demonstrated in
         13    the pilots we will have more volunteers for pilots than we
         14    can handle.  I think that actually might be the case.  
         15              As Hugh said, some of the reluctance has to do
         16    with some facilities just having so much on their plate
         17    right now that the challenge of diverting resources -- I
         18    think actually people are at least as precious as money --
         19    that could actually interface with the pilot program is one
         20    concern of people.
         21              I think a second issue is questions about how
         22    exactly will this work out.  Will the external regulatory
         23    framework get in the way of or set back efforts already
         24    underway to bring what we call integrated safety management
         25    into being?  How much will it cost?  Will it be cost-
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          1    effective?
          2              I am hoping that we will get data on all those
          3    questions that is reassuring and encouraging, or at least
          4    that beats down some of the bogeymen that people may be
          5    fearful of.  I really do expect that we shall and that there
          6    will be more volunteers.  So I think the selection criteria,
          7    the variable of selecting people against their willingness
          8    to participate is a legitimate one.
          9              Generalizability, however, is a fair question. 
         10    One of the characteristics of DOE is the great variety of
         11    operations.  It may be that it is reasonably straightforward
         12    to figure out how to regulate multipurpose energy research
         13    laboratories and much more difficult to figure out how to
         14    regulate some of our singular nuclear operations that derive
         15    from past experiences that are unique to DOE.  Hopefully
         16    those questions too, how singular is DOE, will be answered
         17    in part by these pilots.
         18              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  There is another pilot
         19    going on that is outside of this framework, and that is the
         20    tank waste remediation work that we are involved in.  I hope
         21    that gets integrated somehow with whatever we are learning
         22    there.  
         23              The other pilot that may be relevant, although
         24    it's not with regard to DOE, is the work we may do with DOD
         25    on the reactor at McClellan Air Force Base.  Keeping DOE
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          1    fully apprised as to whatever we are doing there might help.
          2    Any comments?
          3              MR. THOMPSON:  We have often discussed the
          4    applicability of that effort with DOE.  We have also at
          5    times discussed the desirability of having a non-power
          6    reactor as part of the pilot program.  Recognizing those
          7    issues at this time, the McClellan Air Force reactor is well
          8    on its way, quite frankly, and that's a very mature effort.
          9              We also have other areas where we are having
         10    experience interfacing with DOE that is going to be valuable
         11    to have.  The TMI-2 spent fuel effort in Idaho.  It's really
         12    not part of the pilot; it's actually part of the overall
         13    licensing responsibilities that we have under current
         14    statutory responsibility.  That is valuable information to
         15    have available to us and to DOE as we consider the elements
         16    there.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think what comes out of this
         18    discussion is the need to ensure that where you have these
         19    other distinct activities going on that you specifically pay
         20    attention to and have a mechanism for having the lessons
         21    learned propagate into how you shape the pilots and the
         22    questions and how you try to go about addressing issues of
         23    value added and all the other criteria that we are looking
         24    at, but to do it consciously as opposed to saying that these
         25    other activities are over here.  I think that's the point
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          1    the Commissioner was trying to make.
          2              MR. THOMPSON:  Our knowledge of DOE facilities is
          3    somewhat limited.  Ray has been thoroughly looking at these
          4    for many years, and we will utilize all of that wisdom and
          5    expertise as we go forward to try to identify the uniqueness
          6    of particular areas.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I don't want to preempt
          8    anything you were going to be discussing later.  Presumably
          9    you are going to be laying out a very structured process
         10    with questions and issues that you would be trying to get
         11    at.  A useful exercise is simply to say if I take those and
         12    I look at what is already happening or what has already
         13    happened, say, with the air force reactor, and move along
         14    with the Hanford tank waste remediation system, what do they
         15    tell us in terms of the answers?  All I am saying to you is
         16    that you have to do it in a structured way, because if you
         17    don't, it won't happen.
         18              MR. THOMPSON:  That is right.  We intend to have a
         19    very structured approach.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Structured cross feed.  I'm not
         21    talking about your structured approach within the pilot; I'm
         22    talking about structured cross feed.
         23              MR. THOMPSON:  That's right.  The concept of
         24    self-assessment and those types of things are also valuable
         25    for those who may be doubtful as to whether they want to
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          1    volunteer.  We will eliminate some of the unknown factors of
          2    what will actually occur.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think Commissioner Dicus had
          4    a question.
          5              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  We talk about classes of
          6    facilities.  I think you have also used the term "types of
          7    facilities."  Is class and type the same thing?
          8              MR. THOMPSON:  The way I use them they basically
          9    are.  
         10              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  We may need to stick with one
         11    term and then clearly define what that term is.  I think in
         12    this agency we sometimes use our terms and we haven't
         13    defined exactly what we are talking about.
         14              The second part of the question is, do we have a
         15    definitive list of these classes of facilities?  Have we
         16    defined what classes we are talking about?
         17              MR. THOMPSON:  John.
         18              MR. AUSTIN:  We have broken down the facilities in
         19    various categories, by nuclear energy, energy research,
         20    environmental management.  We have broken them down by
         21    state.
         22              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  What do you mean by state?
         23              MR. AUSTIN:  Facilities within agreement states,
         24    non-agreement states.
         25              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  You consider that a class of
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          1    facility?
          2              MR. AUSTIN:  No.  We have attempted to say
          3    national laboratories as a class of facilities, but that
          4    brings in a mixture of defense programs, energy research,
          5    and given the direction that we are going in in excluding
          6    defense program facilities, that breakdown didn't help very
          7    much.  We gave up on the effort of trying to characterize
          8    that.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The question is, are you doing
         10    it by regulatory class?  For instance, broad scope materials
         11    licenses, non-power reactors, et cetera.
         12              MR. AUSTIN:  Or fuel cycle facilities.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Or fuel cycle facilities.
         14              MR. THOMPSON:  In the broadest sense, that is the
         15    way we were looking at those, those that would fit within
         16    the broad scope material licensing umbrella, those that may
         17    be just a specific license under material approach, those
         18    that would be non-power reactor, and there were those that
         19    would fit more into the fuel cycle facilities.  Then you
         20    have to think if you were to go into other things such as
         21    low level waste burials or something.  Those are ones that
         22    typically fall within my kind of thinking on this process. 
         23    We weren't trying to get too much outside of that box.
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is it fair to say that to some
         25    extent the identification of classes is evolving and will
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          1    come out of the pilot?
          2              MR. THOMPSON:  That's probably the way to look at
          3    it, but we are trying to get a broad range right now so that
          4    we just don't all look at kind of the broad scope licensees.
          5              MR. BERUBE:  If I could add.  This is an example
          6    of what Tara was talking about, where the cultures need to
          7    merge.  The classifications that NRC uses we've not used,
          8    for obvious reasons.  We classify them a different way.  But
          9    we are understanding one another.  I think out of this will
         10    evolve a classification system for those facilities.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
         12              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Just a follow-up.  It is
         13    important.  I am looking at this product that we are going
         14    to have when we finish the pilot.  How are we going to use
         15    it?  Where do we make the transition we have been talking
         16    about from knowledge that we get from the pilot to using it
         17    to the next step or the next goal that we have?  
         18              I think at the front end we should recognize the
         19    classification problem and merging so that when a facility
         20    enters the pilot program we have a good idea what
         21    classification it's in so we can better use the information
         22    we get from it.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  It has to be part of
         24    decision-making.
         25              MR. THOMPSON:  That's right.  I think that really
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          1    comes to both the Secretary and to the Commission when you
          2    contemplate any kind of legislative approach.  Anything that
          3    we do is going to have to be able to be conducted with the
          4    legislative imprimatur.
          5              MR. BERUBE:  Along those lines, we are hopeful
          6    that the pilot at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will
          7    serve that purpose with respect to the rest of the
          8    non-weapons laboratories in the DOE system.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think the point being until
         10    you have entered the pilot there are some questions that
         11    can't be answered.  I think the message is that you need to
         12    be keeping that at the forefront and developing a coherent
         13    and consistent among everybody definition of class but also
         14    being able to say how that parsing into class facilitates
         15    decision-making, including any issues vis-a-vis enabling
         16    legislation as well as regulatory approach.
         17              Commissioner McGaffigan.
         18              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The one other pilot that
         19    I think we've had is USEC.  I hope you all have looked at
         20    that example as well.
         21              MR. THOMPSON:  We both have clearly looked at that
         22    and know there are lessons there for both of us.
         23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Good.
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't we move on.
         25              MR. THOMPSON:  We have talked about the objectives
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          1    of the pilot program.  There are a couple of things on here
          2    I really do want to highlight.  One of them is the issue in
          3    the middle, evaluate alternative regulatory relationships.
          4              What that means for the purposes of this pilot is,
          5    how do you really license the types of complexes that DOE is
          6    responsible for?  Do you issue a license to DOE?  Do you
          7    issue a license to the M&O contractor?  Do you issue a
          8    license to both?  Do you have some type of bifurcation of
          9    how you would expect regulatory responsibilities to be
         10    carried out?
         11              Quite frankly, one of the areas that we will have
         12    some early input on making decisions on that one is the
         13    Idaho TMI-2 spent fuel facility and even some of the Fort
         14    St. Vrain spent fuel storage facilities.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You may have more than one
         16    license.
         17              MR. THOMPSON:  We may have more than one license. 
         18    We got that a little bit with the U.S. Enrichment
         19    Corporation where we had to decide who is going to be the
         20    licensee.  Martin Marietta is the primary operator.  So we
         21    have kind of faced it, but I think that we ought to look at
         22    that carefully for this particular arena.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Your last two bullets speak to
         24    not interfering with ongoing safeguards and security program
         25    and not interfering with current regulatory and other
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          1    oversight authorities for DOE nuclear safety.  I guess the
          2    real question is, can you flesh out what the concern is
          3    there, and how are you addressing the issue?  What are you
          4    doing in order to address that concern?  What is the concern
          5    and how are you addressing it?
          6              MR. THOMPSON:  There are two elements in this. 
          7    Obviously the defense program facilities are not going to be
          8    included in the pilot program.  That's obviously one of the
          9    objectives; if there is some tangent that is involved with
         10    those, that we be fully aware of that and make sure that we
         11    don't inadvertently have some issue that may have a
         12    significant role with the defense programs.
         13              Likewise, as you may recall, there were some
         14    concerns about the special nuclear material, weapons type
         15    grade material.  There is a very strong and active DOE
         16    responsibility associated, an integral part of their defense
         17    programs that protects that material even when it's in
         18    weapons form or even when it's available there.  That is
         19    such an integrated part of many of those facilities.  We
         20    didn't want to try to interfere or interrupt that overall
         21    responsibility because that is clearly DOE's regard now.
         22              The security programs typically related directly
         23    with the safeguards.
         24              That doesn't mean that at places like Lawrence
         25    Berkeley, which are much more like an NRC type license
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          1    facility, that we would not preclude or we would likely
          2    include that as part of our pilot program to look at that,
          3    because that wouldn't have the sense of having a direct
          4    concern with the national defense and security programs.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  What about the last bullet?
          6              MR. THOMPSON:  The last bullet is one that is very
          7    clear to all of us.  During this pilot program DOE and its
          8    M&O contractors are responsible for the health and safety
          9    activities.  This is in no way intended to interfere with
         10    their day-to-day responsibilities in that regard, as well as
         11    the non-radiological activities that DOE is responsible for. 
         12    The intent of that bullet is to ensure that what we do there
         13    has no negative impacts on other activities.
         14              Tara.
         15              MS. O'TOOLE:  That's quite right.  The
         16    responsibility of the Department and its contractors to
         17    ensure the health and safety and environmental integrity at
         18    its sites is in no way diminished or held in abeyance by
         19    these pilots.  That is the first point.
         20              Secondly, we are in discussions with the
         21    Department of Labor about moving DOE to external regulation
         22    by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  It is
         23    our hope and my expectation that some of these pilots will
         24    be joined by OSHA.  We have had one OSHA pilot at the
         25    Argonne National Lab, which was quite helpful and
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          1    successful.  
          2              The time line is slightly lagging compared to the
          3    NRC/DOE enterprise, but I would think that some of these
          4    pilots would also pick up OSHA participation.  That will, of
          5    course, give us some experience with questions about how NRC
          6    and OSHA might interface with DOE at our operations.
          7              So it isn't so much a question of interfering
          8    there as interfacing and integrating.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Diaz.
         10              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Going back to the objectives,
         11    I wanted to emphasize that the determination of costs of
         12    regulations might be a very critical issue.  I think the
         13    methodology that will be used in how to extrapolate the
         14    costs from pilots to a more global issue is not a simple
         15    issue, and we should pay attention to that from the
         16    beginning.  That is going to be the bottom line eventually.
         17              MR. THOMPSON:  That's true.  As we talk about the
         18    other one, the stakeholder involvement and a lot of effort,
         19    there are going to be up-front planning costs on these
         20    things that will be important, but they don't get, as you
         21    say, precisely to the issue of the cost of regulation.  
         22              There are two elements that I think are going to
         23    be very critical.  One is the cost to DOE of getting their
         24    facilities up to meeting whatever the standard is.  Our
         25    experience with U.S. Enrichment is that there is a real
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          1    cost.  Not necessarily at all facilities, and it probably
          2    varies.  There is probably a wide range of variance,
          3    depending on the age of facilities and some of the
          4    activities that they were involved in.
          5              Secondly is the cost to NRC, which is very
          6    important to us.  I think many of these facilities are
          7    sufficiently similar to NRC facilities that we would have a
          8    reasonable understanding what the steady-state cost is. 
          9    There is transitional cost.  
         10              We had some significant efforts with respect to
         11    the U.S. Enrichment Corporation in getting our own
         12    regulatory framework in place.  We put a new regulatory
         13    framework in place for those facilities, and the new
         14    approach, the certification, which we did not have for other
         15    facilities.  We obviously have that experience behind us,
         16    but it was one that did cost, and we will be careful to do
         17    that.
         18              MS. O'TOOLE:  I think that's a very important
         19    point, Commissioner.  I think we also need to keep in mind
         20    that the costs are going to have a different complexion,
         21    depending upon how tightly they are linked to value.  The
         22    value added for a given price tag will be very important to
         23    highlight for observers of these pilots.
         24              I have some concerns that it would be very
         25    difficult for the pilots to adequately illuminate the value
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          1    of the investment the country might make in external
          2    regulation over time.  I think we need to be very kind of up
          3    front and forthright about what in our judgment, based upon
          4    these pilots, we think the worth of external regulation
          5    might be.  
          6              I think the Congress, for example, would be quite
          7    willing to pay the cost of external regulation if they had
          8    an opportunity to think through what benefits might derive
          9    over time.  For example, if it were to prevent a cleanup
         10    such as the one now being managed by the Office of
         11    Environmental Management, that might be a very good deal.
         12              Predicting the future is always hard, of course,
         13    but we ought to keep in mind the difficulty of linking costs
         14    to value and the need to do that in some way with these
         15    pilots.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think there is the need to do
         17    it.  The way I would put is that one has to give definition
         18    to what value added means, because one does not want to
         19    advertise this as being without cost.
         20              MS. O'TOOLE:  Precisely.
         21              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The issue is, what regulatory
         22    approach makes sense?  Then, having decided that, what
         23    definition do you give to value added in that situation? 
         24    Because there is a price tag.  If the idea is that it
         25    doesn't cost anything and that's the metric, then we might
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          1    as well go on back upstairs and you can go back downtown.
          2              MS. O'TOOLE:  Deal.
          3              MR. THOMPSON:  She can go back and get in the
          4    traffic.
          5              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
          6              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I'd like to go back to
          7    the point you were making earlier about evaluating
          8    alternative regulatory relationships and the issue of who is
          9    the licensee.  It strikes me in the two pilots we know we
         10    are going to have we already have two different ways.  
         11              At Lawrence Berkeley we are going to evaluate
         12    whether it should be University of California or DOE, but
         13    it's the whole site, and that's what the pilot is.
         14              At Oak Ridge we are looking at a single actinide
         15    facility and there is no illusion that any time soon we are
         16    going to get the entire Oak Ridge site with the Y-12 plant
         17    and all of that.  If Congress wanted to say, okay, that site
         18    and maybe similar sites should be regulated by NRC, you'll
         19    have to figure out how that would be done with DOE
         20    maintaining ongoing regulatory oversight over the rest of
         21    the site.  
         22              We have that somewhat in the USEC case, as I
         23    understand it.  So this is not unprecedented, but you will
         24    have parallel systems in place for some period of time until
         25    you complete the entire transition, and I hope you all think
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          1    about that and the legal and contractual implications.  I
          2    think you have both.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You are saying there is the
          4    issue that you can do a site license or a facility-specific
          5    within a site.  
          6              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  In a certain sense the Hanford
          8    situation provides another example that we are de facto
          9    working up on; the TMI fuel facility, which is one that we
         10    are involved in at any rate in Idaho.  All of these provide
         11    examples.  It's a question of distilling the collective
         12    wisdom.
         13              Commissioner.
         14              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The latter is obviously
         15    the much more difficult than the former.  
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right, the facility-specific.
         17              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The former we probably
         18    all think we know how to do; the multipurpose laboratory
         19    looks like a university oftentimes, smells like a
         20    university, and can probably be licensed like a university.
         21              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Some would say is a university.
         22              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The latter is going to
         23    be where a lot of the legal talent goes.
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't we go on.
         25              MR. THOMPSON:  The next slide basically kind of
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          1    sets out the approach that we are contemplating for the
          2    pilot reviews.  We are looking at this as kind of a joint
          3    assessment.  It's not quite a self-assessment, but it has
          4    many of those elements where we are going to be involving
          5    the facility and the DOE site people as well as NRC people
          6    from headquarters, NRC regional inspector specialists on
          7    this.  
          8              The teams will be co-chaired by John Austin, who
          9    is here, and John Tseng, who is back there, for DOE, who is
         10    also the co-chair with Ray Berube of the DOE task force.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't you come sit at the
         12    table.
         13              MR. THOMPSON:  We were waiting for Mary Anne
         14    Sullivan.  John, come up.
         15              What we want to do is an assessment.  It's
         16    information gathering.  It's not trying to be a gotcha type
         17    of an approach.  We are trying to evaluate the efforts.  To
         18    do this, we will look at documents, do some up-front
         19    reviews, do some management planning on this aspect, and
         20    develop our sense of understanding of the profile of the
         21    activities there and what's really conducted, and then do
         22    some onsite work with the combination of teams that we
         23    talked about.
         24              The criteria that we will be looking at is NRC,
         25    DOE and particularly any of the national or state standards
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          1    that might be applicable.  I say that with respect to state
          2    standards.  The Berkeley lab has accelerators, and obviously
          3    those are elements that we don't normally regulate, and to a
          4    certain extent we are going to have to make some evaluation. 
          5    There are some thoughts that a state could regulate the
          6    entire facility when it has those types of characteristics,
          7    which is obviously a very different model than we have for
          8    most all other federal facilities that have Atomic Energy
          9    Act material which we regulate separately.
         10              We do expect the team to prepare a report about
         11    two months after the completion of each of the pilot
         12    programs.  In an ideal world those will be quicker than
         13    later.  Obviously it will depend on the complexity of the
         14    facility as well as the stakeholders and how many dollars we
         15    need in order to get the buy-in.
         16              As I said earlier, we expect the first pilot to
         17    begin approximately one week after we sign the MOU.  I think
         18    that's the full planning element associated with that.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Dicus.
         20              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Going up to the third bullet,
         21    on risk-informed, performance-based approach, have you
         22    fleshed out how you plan on using those concepts that we
         23    have to focus the pilots on the areas of greatest
         24    significance?
         25              MR. THOMPSON:  The answer is I'm probably going to
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          1    ask somebody else to answer it.  There is a key element we
          2    recognize that DOE has, their integrated safety management
          3    approach, which really is a parallel to the concepts that we
          4    have been using with our own kind of risk-based approach,
          5    ensuring that we evaluate --
          6              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Risk-informed approach.
          7              MR. THOMPSON:  Risk-informed approach that we have
          8    been working on and I'm learning to say properly, I think. 
          9    If I slip up again, I'll cut part of my tongue off.
         10              [Laughter.]
         11              MR. THOMPSON:  John.
         12              MR. AUSTIN:  As you know, we have a draft
         13    regulatory guide out for comment.  In that draft regulatory
         14    guide there are some principles and a framework, a logical
         15    structure to making regulatory decisions.  We plan to apply
         16    those in looking at the pilot facilities.
         17              MS. O'TOOLE:  We have spent a great deal of time,
         18    blood and toil in the last several years at the Department
         19    of Energy trying to construct a common grammar, which you
         20    have just demonstrated is difficult, so that we all are
         21    proceeding along some similar lines in terms of following
         22    principles of managing safety.  
         23              We have made some progress, as Hugh mentioned,
         24    constructing what we call the integrated safety management
         25    wheel, which is not magic; it is not new; it is very
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          1    familiar to most people who work in any realm of safety
          2    management.  It basically says that safety is not a matter
          3    of simply checking off a list of standards that come down
          4    from on high.  It must be a continued dedication to proper
          5    work planning, to a considered analysis of the hazards
          6    associated work, to the implementation of appropriate
          7    controls to manage those hazards, to the assessment of the
          8    efficacy of the controls selected, and then feeding back
          9    those assessment into the next work planning cycle.  
         10              We have tested that out in various modalities and
         11    with different models at different levels of the agency, at
         12    the task level, at the facility level, at the site level,
         13    and to a much lesser extent at the program level.  We have
         14    gotten a lot of buy-in and a lot of benefit, I think, from
         15    the beginnings of this evolution of a common language, which
         16    I think, Madam Chairman, as you have just noted, is very,
         17    very important.  
         18              So what we are eager to embark on is a shared
         19    discovery of what iteration of the next common meta-language
         20    or grammar might come out of this that is indeed
         21    risk-informed and performance-based.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  One could in fact, and I will
         23    just assert, that a risk-informed, performance-based
         24    approach, one could argue, is a methodology or an element of
         25    integrated safety management.  So you need not have to worry
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          1    about meta-languages.
          2              MS. O'TOOLE:  Absolutely.
          3              MR. THOMPSON:  I think that is one of the
          4    fundamental things.  It is really an underpinning of both
          5    our activities and efforts in this area.
          6              The next slide focuses a bit on the stakeholders. 
          7    We mentioned earlier how important the stakeholders are in
          8    this overall effort.  
          9              Overall project activities.  Both organizations
         10    are responding to congressional oversight committees and
         11    their staffs on questions concerning where we are headed. 
         12    Obviously there is legislative actions up on the Hill as we
         13    speak.
         14              The Office of Management and Budget is a key
         15    player in this, and we will obviously keep them informed. 
         16    They have requested a status briefing once we proceed a
         17    little bit further with our memorandum of understanding so
         18    that they are on board with it.
         19              Likewise, the agreement states.  We plan to give
         20    presentations to the Organization of Agreement States at
         21    their annual meetings with the Council of Radiation Control
         22    Program Directors.
         23              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  It's Conference of Radiation
         24    Control Program Directors, not Council.
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Common language.
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          1              [Laughter.]
          2              MR. THOMPSON:  That concludes my briefing.
          3              [Laughter.]
          4              MR. THOMPSON:  I've got three pages left.
          5              The other element that is important is OSHA, but
          6    also EPA.  We do want EPA to be aware of what we are doing. 
          7    It's important to both our organizations that EPA understand
          8    where we are going and how we intend to move forward.
          9              As far as informing the public in general, we plan
         10    to have a Federal Register notice, but we collectively will
         11    try to identify those independent organizations that may not
         12    normally just read the Federal Register like I do every
         13    morning to pick out those things that may affect NRC.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is that what you mean by the
         15    directed mailing?
         16              MR. THOMPSON:  Right.  There are stakeholders that
         17    would be potentially like organizations that are already set
         18    up around sites that DOE has.  DOE has a fairly aggressive
         19     -- aggressive is the wrong word --
         20              MS. O'TOOLE:  Robust.
         21              MR. THOMPSON:  Robust.  There you are.  I knew I
         22    would make one more mistake before this thing was over. 
         23    That's it.  No more mistakes.
         24              [Laughter.]
         25              MR. THOMPSON:  A robust list of stakeholders at
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          1    particular facilities, like the agreement states.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is there going to be a joint
          3    list?
          4              MR. THOMPSON:  It should be a joint list.
          5              With individual pilot facilities, we want to brief
          6    the appropriate state regulators, both radiological and
          7    maybe dealing with other activities; invite the states to
          8    participate as observers or participants.  We need to work
          9    out the details on how that would work.  
         10              Citizens groups are particularly important.  In
         11    fact, as we both know, it is important to have the union
         12    representatives.  Sometimes there may be multiple union
         13    interest in a particular site or facility, and so it's
         14    important that they have a particular role.
         15              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Also, in all of the
         16    activities that are ongoing there is the question that I had
         17    asked earlier in another briefing, coordinating with our
         18    affected regions.
         19              MR. THOMPSON:  Yes.  
         20              Finally, kind of like what's behind door one, door
         21    two and door three, we actually have two doors.  Behind door
         22    number one is Lawrence Berkeley.  They are our first pilot
         23    program.  As we discussed earlier, they essentially do
         24    multidisciplinary research in energy science and general
         25    science and the biosciences.  That is very similar to what
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          1    we have at many of our universities.  They actually have
          2    about 440 graduate students and have some 100 or so students
          3    that get a graduate type degree each year.  
          4              They have things like the national tritium
          5    labeling facility, and as I mentioned, also they have the
          6    accelerator which provides a unique area that we typically
          7    never in the past have done any particular reviews on.
          8              We did have the spent fuel dry transfer and
          9    storage facility in Idaho early on, and I think that's
         10    identified in the Commission paper that we sent up as a
         11    candidate.  We really did give this a lot of review early.
         12    Because it was a new facility, it would be one that would
         13    have us looking at some of the DOE spent fuel that is not
         14    typical for what we normally look at.  
         15              Then, as we looked at what we would gain from a
         16    pilot program, we came to realize that most of anything we
         17    would gain in a pilot program we would gain during the
         18    actual licensing, because it was a modular concept.  They
         19    were going to the TMI-2 module first.  This would be at a
         20    much later date.  So we thought it would be a better pilot
         21    project that would be a similar type facility.  
         22              The other aspect of it was we didn't really want
         23    to interfere with the ongoing licensing review
         24    responsibilities, which is our statutory responsibility, and
         25    I think DOE agreed that they wouldn't want to see anything
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          1    interfere with that schedule because they have commitments
          2    also that we are trying to be sensitive to.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Does DOE expect to provide a
          4    replacement for the Idaho site that will meet the proposed
          5    schedule for the pilot program?
          6              MS. O'TOOLE:  Yes.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And you expect that you might
          8    have that done before the MOU would be signed?
          9              MR. BERUBE:  At this point I would be concerned
         10    that that could delay the MOU.  I actually think the MOU can
         11    proceed and we can identify the third pilot.  In fact I
         12    would like to take additional time to make sure that we get
         13    a pilot that is going to work.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But you expect it to be part of
         15    the pilot for this FY-98?
         16              MR. BERUBE:  Yes.
         17              MS. O'TOOLE:  Oh yes.
         18              MR. BERUBE:  I would say shortly after the MOU is
         19    executed.  Maybe toward the end of October or sometime in
         20    November we should have it identified.
         21              MR. THOMPSON:  Right now we aren't looking at
         22    doing three pilots simultaneously.  There is a staggering of
         23    the approach.  Before we finish one we will start the
         24    planning for the second, because there will be different
         25    technical experts, different facilities.  There are a lot of
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          1    things we can do, but we did have a sequencing approach that
          2    we were going to look at.
          3              The third facility is the Radiochemical
          4    Engineering Development Center at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  As
          5    I mentioned earlier, it's a facility that processes and
          6    utilizes a lot of DOE heavy element research.  It would give
          7    us some experience looking at how they work with irradiated
          8    fuel assemblies and some experience with hot cells, though
          9    we do have some experience with hot cells, and some heavy
         10    elements.
         11              To summarize where we are today, we are preparing
         12    the MOU for the Commission and Secretary Pena's approval
         13    early in October.  We will select the three to six
         14    facilities for the program in 1999.  
         15              We look forward to proceeding on this and
         16    certainly would respond to any Commission questions.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I guess my question at this
         18    stage of the game is, how does this track to
         19    decision-making?
         20              MR. THOMPSON:  The approach that we see right now
         21    is that once we get the first pilot report out, it may in
         22    fact be able to give us sufficient information and
         23    recommendations with respect to that group of facilities. 
         24    What is the right word, class?
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Those facilities or classes of
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          1    facilities.
          2              MR. THOMPSON:  Those classes of facilities.  In
          3    fact it may be sufficient in itself to justify the
          4    Commission and the Secretary considering legislation to
          5    include those classes of facilities in a transition period. 
          6    I don't know that we have to wait for the entire program to
          7    be completed.  
          8              On the other hand, if there are questions about
          9    the value added, we may need to have the results of more
         10    pilot programs, more understanding of the costs that are
         11    going to be associated with it before we proceed.  That's
         12    the way I would see it.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Cost is a big issue.  We have
         14    had a robust discussion.  Perhaps I would ask Carl
         15    Paperiello to comment.  To a certain extent it strikes me
         16    that in terms of what you advertise that costs are a
         17    function of a decision about what regulatory approach makes
         18    sense.  It is not until you go in and do a more detailed
         19    assessment than what you are going to be doing in these
         20    pilots, it seems to me, and work out what the transition
         21    plan is that you really know what the costs are and
         22    certainly what the costs are on a per-fiscal year basis,
         23    because the transition plan is predicated on some assessment
         24    of where the facility is today, to what extent it meets the
         25    standards it would need to meet, and then what things it
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          1    would need to do if there are changes, and over what period.
          2               I'd like to hear some commentary.  I would like
          3    to begin, if I may, having Carl perhaps make some edifying
          4    comments from your experience with the USEC gaseous
          5    diffusion plants.
          6              MR. PAPERIELLO:  That's right.  I thought about
          7    that as we were discussing lessons learned from USEC that
          8    are applicable to it.  I think that we are going to see
          9    significant differences, I would expect, between Lawrence
         10    Berkeley and the Radiochemical Engineering Development
         11    Center.  It deals with issues of hardware versus the
         12    performance standards.
         13              I think from everything I have read --
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Don't make predictions about
         15    specific facilities.  I'm more interested in your generic
         16    lessons learned in terms of how these things fall out,
         17    because you haven't looked at the facilities yet.
         18              MR. PAPERIELLO:  That's exactly right.  It's how
         19    many things look like systems that we are already used to
         20    and what we find that fits into our regulatory structure,
         21    how many things, even if they don't fit into our regulatory
         22    structure, are just a different way of doing something to
         23    get to the same end point.  
         24              When you look at risk-informed, performance-based,
         25    if they are achieving the results that we both agreed are
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          1    acceptable, even if the methods are significantly different
          2    than meet our conventions, if we are flexible enough to
          3    accept that, that is certainly going to influence the cost
          4    of taking over the regulations of these facilities as well
          5    as the time line to do the integration, because procedures
          6    won't have to be changed; things will not have to be
          7    changed.  
          8              The approach that we have to the initial one,
          9    which is Lawrence Berkeley, is to give ourselves a period of
         10    learning rather than going in and saying, okay, is this
         11    place good or bad or meeting some objectives?  How do you do
         12    understanding them and how do you achieve your goals?  What
         13    are your goals and how do they compare to our goals?
         14              My first impression -- I'm will tell you it's only
         15    a first impression -- from downloading the radiation safety
         16    manual for Lawrence Berkeley is it looks quite --
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I'm trying to steer us away
         18    from talking specifically about facilities that the task
         19    forces as task forces have yet to really do the full
         20    evaluation on.  I guess what I was really trying to elicit
         21    from you is, what are those kind of key lessons learned in
         22    terms of how one has to look at facilities that you have
         23    gotten out of the experience that you may have had with the
         24    USEC.  Maybe I would like to hear from the Assistant
         25    Secretary.
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          1              MS. O'TOOLE:  I think that there may be two
          2    different decision levels to which matters of cost pertain. 
          3    I would hope that the pilots would give us some ballpark
          4    figures that would be generalizable to the class of
          5    facilities that the pilots inhabit.  That might inform the
          6    decision whether or not to go forward with authorization
          7    legislation.  
          8              I think questions about how much money we ask OMB
          9    for is a separate issue that will probably need more nuanced
         10    analysis and will come later, but hopefully the pilots will
         11    arm us to at least suggest to Congress whether or not
         12    external regulation is a good thing and get that in motion.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Dicus.
         14              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  One question.  As part of our
         15    definition of simulated regulation we use the term
         16    "regulatory concepts."  Have we really defined the term?
         17              MR. AUSTIN:  Under regulatory concepts, one would
         18    be the risk-informed, performance-based.  We will be trying
         19    that out.  Another regulatory concept would be certification
         20    versus licensing.  So it's in that nature that we would be
         21    testing these.
         22              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Do you think you have a
         23    complete list of these regulatory concepts, or is this work
         24    in progress?
         25              MR. AUSTIN:  Work in progress.  It would be
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          1    tailored to the individual facility.  We will have a work
          2    plan tailored to each one but which contains common elements
          3    in order to reach these general decisions in the future.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Assistant Secretary.
          5              MS. O'TOOLE:  I would note, Commissioner, that we
          6    have a few regulatory concepts ourselves which are codified
          7    in our internal independent oversight template that we would
          8    like to explore or use elements from.
          9              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  I want to be sure that that
         10    is coordinated.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So out of this you are going to
         12    come up with the regulatory guide.
         13              MS. O'TOOLE:  Yes, a robust set.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That word again.
         15              [Laughter.]
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Diaz.
         17              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I've got a question for
         18    Dr. O'Toole.  I was looking at this interesting use of the
         19    word "common," common grammar, common principles, a common
         20    desire to serve the people of this country.  There was
         21    something that you said at the beginning.  I'm not quoting,
         22    but it would be close, and it impacts on an area which we
         23    are highly sensitive to.  Hundreds of facilities will be
         24    decontaminated and regulated by EPA.   What do you see the
         25    role of the NRC in the decontamination of facilities and
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          1    regulation of the facilities in that sense?
          2              MS. O'TOOLE:  I don't see a prominent, immediate
          3    role.  Right now most of that work, indeed I believe all of
          4    that work, is going on within the purview of the Office of
          5    Environmental Management.  
          6              There is an external regulatory framework that
          7    governs that work.  That is in the hands of the
          8    Environmental Protection Agency.  The Superfund laws, the
          9    RCRA laws, Resource Conservation Recovery Act laws, and
         10    other statutes are on the books that govern those kinds of
         11    operations.  We are not proposing to alter that
         12    significantly.  
         13              There may be offshoots of that work having to do
         14    with handling and deposition of materials that evolve into
         15    wastes once they are taken out of the building that come
         16    under NRC purview.  For example, some of our materials will
         17    be going to Yucca Mountain.
         18              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  The actual status of a
         19    decontaminated facility, which we normally have a stake in
         20    our facilities, you presently don't see a role for the NRC
         21    in that respect?
         22              MS. O'TOOLE:  The overall concept advanced by the
         23    Grumbly task force was that over the next several years the
         24    decontamination and decommissioning work will progress,
         25    thereby decreasing the number of facilities that are
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          1    contaminated in the Department, and that much of that work
          2    will be accomplished in the next decade.  It was thought
          3    that it was probably not worth the effort to fold the
          4    Nuclear Regulatory Commission into that endeavor.  Given
          5    that it is already overseen by EPA, there is already
          6    external regulation of DOE operations in those spheres to a
          7    very great extent, instead we would focus the NRC resources
          8    on those aspects of DOE operations that will be ongoing
          9    missions in the future and that do not now at present have
         10    any external regulatory oversight.
         11              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Thank you.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
         13              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Two questions.  One that
         14    may not come up naturally in the pilot program but it would
         15    be interesting to see how it works is the enforcement
         16    policy.  I have been watching in the press some of the
         17    enforcement actions of DOE vis-a-vis some of the labs,
         18    Sandia or Los Alamos, or whatever.  You exercise enforcement
         19    discretion, as we do.  In some cases you increase penalties;
         20    in some cases, et cetera.  
         21              It might be interesting to just have the two
         22    enforcement groups talk to each other to see whether there
         23    are discrepancies at all in how we would approach an
         24    individual case.  Not how we would govern, but just so you
         25    would understand our enforcement policy should external
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          1    regulation come into effect and any differences that there
          2    might be at the moment.  We are not planning in the
          3    simulation at the moment to do any enforcement.
          4              The other suggestion I have for you -- I know the
          5    issue of timing of legislation has come up in the staff
          6    discussions.  I just want to make a pitch for trying to have
          7    something ready in calendar 1999 for the FY-2000
          8    congressional process, the 106th Congress first session.  
          9              Having started in 1993, as the Assistant Secretary
         10    said earlier, in this process, if anything is going to be in
         11    place in the 21st Century, given the multi-committee nature
         12    of jurisdiction in both houses, at least three authorizing
         13    committees and an appropriation committee in each house, if
         14    it isn't ready in 1999 and we send it up in 2000 in a short
         15    session, with the complexity of the congressional
         16    jurisdiction, it will be well into the 21st Century and a
         17    different presidency before Congress gets to actually
         18    authorizing some external regulation.  
         19              I don't know hard and fast, but I think a target
         20    should be to try to do something in calendar 1999 and the
         21    FY-2000 legislative process.
         22              MS. O'TOOLE:  I think that's very reasonable.  I
         23    am quite hopeful that the pilots will give us sufficient
         24    information to allow us to do that and to propose informed
         25    legislation.
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          1              I share your concern about time ticking away and
          2    the difficulty of getting through the various congressional
          3    committees.  
          4              It is important to many of our stakeholders and
          5    indeed some significant players in Congress that we
          6    genuinely take heed of what we learn in the pilots, and that
          7    it is not to be construed as a kind of make-work exercise,
          8    and that we really do take the pilots seriously and closely
          9    ponder the question of whether to go forward with external
         10    regulation, that threshold question of yes or no, and then
         11    how.
         12              But I agree with you, Commissioner.  If we are
         13    going to do this, we need to move promptly, and 2000 sounds
         14    about right.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  A lot of being able to take
         16    seriously the results of the pilots is a function of how you
         17    structure what you are asking going in.  That's the key, as
         18    you know, to success, I think.
         19              I would like to thank Assistant Secretary O'Toole,
         20    Deputy Assistant Secretary Berube, Mr. Tseng, and the NRC
         21    staff for providing a very informative briefing.
         22              As I indicated in my opening remarks, the
         23    Commission continues to endorse the Department's proposal
         24    for evaluating the benefits of external regulation by
         25    conducting the pilot program we have discussed today.  
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          1              As the Commission anticipated, both of our staffs
          2    have worked together in an open and cooperative manner on a
          3    very challenging project, and so I would like to commend
          4    both sides, because the Commission recognizes the complexity
          5    of the tasks that lie ahead for DOE, for NRC, and for all of
          6    our stakeholders.
          7              Finally, in light of Assistant Secretary O'Toole's
          8    recent announcement of her resignation as Assistant
          9    Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health at the
         10    Department of Energy -- I was told I could say that, and I
         11    asked specifically -- I would like to take this opportunity
         12    to personally commend and thank Dr. O'Toole for providing
         13    her leadership and guidance in launching a major overhaul of
         14    the Department's internal safety program for addressing
         15    conditions to improve the Department's nuclear sites and
         16    nuclear activities.  I am speaking on behalf of all of my
         17    colleagues in that regard.
         18              Your efforts and vision and tenacity have provided
         19    a driving force in bringing about a new paradigm of safety
         20    within the Department of Energy.  So I wish you luck in all
         21    of your future endeavors.
         22              Unless my fellow Commissioners have any comments,
         23    we are adjourned.
         24              [Whereupon at 11:36 a.m. the meeting was
         25    concluded.]
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