                       PUBLIC MEETING
                              Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                              Commission Hearing Room
                              11555 Rockville Pike
                              Rockville, Maryland
                              Friday, May 2, 1997
          The Commission met in open session, pursuant to
notice, at 9:02 a.m., the Honorable SHIRLEY A. JACKSON,
Chairman of the Commission, presiding.
          SHIRLEY A. JACKSON, Chairman of the Commission
          KENNETH C. ROGERS, Member of the Commission
          EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Commissioner.
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          JOHN C. HOYLE, Secretary
          KAREN D. CYR, General Counsel
          DON MILLER, ACRS
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                    P R O C E E D I N G S
                                                 [9:02 a.m.]
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good morning, ladies and
          It is a pleasure to once again meet with Dr. Seale
and members of the NRC's Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards, who plan to discuss a number of topics of
interest to the Commission at today's session.
          Before I launch in, my colleagues apologize.  They
are on travel and not able to be here.
          The ACRS provides advice to the Commission on the
safety of proposed and operating nuclear plants as well as
on safety-related policy matters, rules and regulations,
elements of the NRC safety research program, prioritization,
resolution, implementation of generic issues and the use of
probabilistic risk assessment.  The Commission is fortunate
to be able to draw upon views and experiences of this
selected and select group of technical experts as we try to
solve and address technical concerns in licensing and
          During today's briefing, we will cover the
following topics:  Risk-informed performance-based
regulation and related matters, risk-based regulatory
acceptance criteria for plant-specific application of safety
goals, proposed regulatory approach associated with steam
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generator tube integrity, low power and shutdown operations
risk, status of ACRS review of the National Academy of
Science's National Research Council Phase II study report on
digital instrumentation and controls systems --
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  That's a mouthful.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes, it is.
          Human performance program plan and the ACRS report
to Congress on nuclear safety research and regulatory
          Dr. Seale, my fellow commissioners and I welcome
you to this meeting and we anticipate another candid and
informative session with the committee and I understand that
if there is any briefing material, it has already been made
          So, unless my colleagues have any opening remarks,
please proceed.  We have a full agenda.
          DR. SEALE:  Thank you, Chairman Jackson.  We are
certainly happy to be here.  We appreciate the opportunity
to convey to you some of our views on a first-hand basis. 
We do have a full plate today and we hope we can get through
it in an expeditious but, more importantly, informative way.
          So without further ado, I think we will get
started and Dr. Apostolakis will tell us about risk-informed
performance-based regulation and related matters.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Thank you, Bob.
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          Well, you have received our letter, but I would
like to make some comments as an introduction to that letter
and the whole effort.
          I think my fellow members agree with that, that
these regulatory guides, especially 1061, are a major or
significant achievement.  Twenty-three years after draft
WASH-1400, we are finally using PRA.  We are finally
recognizing that there is value to it.  We stopped talking
about PRAs, good PRAs, bad.  We are looking at specifics
now, what is modeled well, what is not modeled well.
          The set of principles that are stated there, in my
opinion, are very good.  They are the foundation of a new
regulatory philosophy.  We finally recognize that sacred
cows such as defense in depth are not completely separate
from PRA, that one can see the lack of defense in depth, for
example, is reflected in some of the results of the PRA.  So
I think this is really major progress and also we should
bear in mind we are talking about releasing these guides for
public comment.  This is not the final version.
          So, as far as I am concerned, the numbers that are
there, for example an incremental -- the small increases in
core damage frequency, they have to be 10 to the minus 6 or
whatever per year, these numbers will be scrutinized at the
next round, so we don't have to worry about it now.  I think
the documents should be published because the industry is
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very anxious to see some progress in these and they have not
seen anything yet, except for the viewgraphs that have been
used at various meetings.
          So I don't worry too much about the numbers,
except, of course, for the major numbers like the QHOs,
which are the Commission's policy.  These numbers are not
subject to change but other numbers that are proposed in the
guides, I don't think we should worry about them right now. 
In fact, we will get feedback from the industry after we
release these guides from public comment.
          I would like to come back to defense in depth and
safety margins.  As I said, we made significant progress
there.  I think we now understand better what the
relationship is between these two concepts and PRA.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't you make such a
statement for the record as to what the relationship is, as
the committee sees it?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Well, basically, with regard to
defense in depth -- well, I think it also applies to safety
margins, the moment you try to talk about that relationship
you realize that you have to consider what PRA models well
and what it models poorly and what it doesn't model at all.
          Now, for things that are not in the PRA, first of
all, you have to find out why they are not there because
maybe they were considered and dismissed as insignificant. 
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But, for these, it seems to me, these traditional approaches
such as defense in depth and good engineering practices and
so on, then they can be applied the way we have been
applying them because they are not in the risk model.
          But for other things that are in the risk model,
then I would look at the major contributors to risk.  I
would look at the numbers, how high they are.  I would look
at the uncertainties around these numbers and then I would
try to understand better these major contributors and ask
myself now do I have enough diversity here, do I have
sufficient number of barriers here.  In other words, the
defense in depth idea but now I am doing it in a
quantitative way rather than relying on people's experience
which is not necessarily bad but this is better.
          And then you can take it from there and go more
deeply into it and so on but I think now we have a basis, a
quantitative basis, in which we can implement this
philosophy.  In fact, speaking of philosophy, it was my
understanding that the second and third principles were
supposed to be stated as maintained the defense in depth
philosophy, not defense in depth.  Because the concern was
that you can do a great probabilistic analysis and then
somebody says, in the name of defense in depth, I don't like
it.  But the philosophy, I think, is a good idea that we
want to have multiple barriers, you don't want to rely on
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one single element in a minimal cut set, even though that
may have very low probability and so on.
          So the same thing goes for safety margin. 
Somehow, the words philosophy were dropped and I guess we
will have to talk with the staff about it.
          The first applications of this, of these guides,
will require team effort, in our opinion.  We are not ready
to rely on a single reviewer to review their requests for
changes in the current licensing basis simply because this
is very new.  And, again, it is not a new method.  It is not
a new computer code; it is a new approach, it is a new
philosophy again.  I guess I use that word a lot,
"philosophy," but I think it is important.
          So it will require a team effort, a combination of
experts from various branches within the agency, until there
is a wide understanding, a common understanding as to how
this new approach will be implemented.  Incidentally, in our
introductions with the staff, we tried to figure out whether
this was evolutionary or revolutionary.  It was suggested it
was revolutionary with a small "r", then it was suggested it
was revolutionary with a Greek rho, so it is somewhere
between a revolution and an evolution.
          Finally, I would like to state for the record that
the Committee is extremely pleased with the cooperation that
the staff has shown in the last several months.  We have had
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excellent discussions with them and they were very willing
to listen to our ideas, debate with us and I found that a
pleasure, discussing technical issues at that level.  I am
sure my fellow committee members feel the same way.
          Now, I didn't go into the details but you have the
letter and maybe if you have questions we can answer.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Maybe I will start out, ask you
a few questions and then pass to my colleague to my right
and then to my left.
          Can you tell us how have the pilot programs
informed the development of the draft regulatory guidance
and standard review plan documents, or to what extent, and
what do you think has to happen at this stage?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  well, the truth of the matter is
that the pilots were formulated before the basic approach
was formulated.  It is probably due to administrative
reasons or whatever.  I mean, the timing in my opinion was a
bit unfortunate.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The cart before the horse?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Yes, exactly.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And now I know from talking to
people that the pilots were put on hold in the last few
months, although the staff may disagree with me, because the
staff was so busy preparing these documents and I think it
is obvious that the preparation of these documents is not a
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trivial matter.
          So, now, on the other hand, I am reluctant to say
that the pilots did not contribute anything to this because
the pilot projects had already submitted requests and I am
sure the staff had read them, so that they had been
influenced by those but, in my opinion, that was the extent
to which these documents were influenced by the pilots.  I
think the timing was unfortunate and that's why we recommend
in our letter that new and innovative requests should be
solicited if possible by the Commission that will follow now
this stated approach and we will see whether it works.
          Now, I happen to have seen one or two of these
requests from the utilities, the current pilots.  And, in my
opinion, it would not take much work to take what they have
done and cast it in this framework because the bulk of the
work has been done.  They simply don't follow the boxes that
we have in these in these because they were not aware of
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think there is some review
going on relative to these documents and their discussions,
I think.  That's my understanding.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  So that is my impression.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  What about the IPE reviews? 
Were they -- did they inform the development of this draft
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          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I believe they did.  I believe
they did, especially when the staff proposed individual
numbers as to how high we want to go here, how high we want
to go there.  I think they were influenced by the IPE
results.  Also, quality of the analysis int he IPEs, I
think, was a major influence.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  To what extent has the
Committee interacted with industry representatives on the
items documents and how would you characterize their views?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  We have had presentations from
NEI and from South Texas Project representatives and I don't
remember now --
          DR. POWERS:  And Grand Gulf.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  And Grand Gulf.
          We found those interactions extremely useful
especially, as I recall, at the last subcommittee meeting we
had two gentlemen from STP and it was a very intense
technical exchange and we felt that we benefitted a lot from
their perspective.  So that was, I think, a very good
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me ask you one last sort of
linked set of questions.  This is one of my favorite topics.
          What role does uncertainty play in the
decisionmaking process?  I mean, it seems to me that you
could have two plants with the same mean core damage
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frequency that could lead to the same decision, although one
could have an uncertainty of a factor of 10 and the other
uncertainty of a factor of 100.  I mean, is this issue of
uncertainty and confidence intervals explicitly addressed or
doe s it need to be explicitly addressed?  Do you think it
will be resolved in the public comment process?  Give me
some sense.
          Because the related question is whether the
proposed acceptance guidelines for core damage frequency and
large early release frequency would say, in effect, that no
increase in risk would be permitted.  That is, can you
distinguish between 5, 10 to the minus four and 5.1, 10 to
the minus 4.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Well, I think how to handle
uncertainty was a major driver here because people are
uncomfortable with it.  That is, in part, why I said this is
really a new philosophy.
          For example, let me give you a few examples where
that concern influenced our interactions.  Early on, one of
the early drafts of DG 1061, which is the main document, had
a figure or two figures that showed the core damage
frequency versus the allowed increase and there was a region
of acceptability, a region.  There was a major discussion
regarding those so-called bright lines.
          We argued very strongly that because of the
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uncertainties this figure can be misleading, that if you are
a little bit to the left of the line it is acceptable, if
you are a little bit to the right it is not acceptable and,
as you say, who can tell?  And we had all agreed that we
start working with the mean values but, of course, we have
in mind the whole spectrum of uncertainties and completeness
and so on.
          So after a lot of debate -- because the text
itself was much more reasonable in my opinion in saying
look, the goal is 10 to the minus 4 per year for core damage
frequency, but, you know, there are many uncertainties, we
should recognize them, and so on -- so I was very unhappy
with the figures and I think finally the staff agreed that
we shouldn't have figures with those bright lines because of
the nature of this analysis.
          Then there is a very good discussion in the guide
of the uncertainties in PRA, and again he comes back to
uncertainties in what is modeled, model uncertainty,
parameter uncertainty, things that are left out.  So that's
very good progress too.  Then the fact that the staff has
proposed this region of, let's say the goal is 10 to the
minus 4, then they say between 10 to the minus 5 and 10 to
the minus 4, there will be intense management or increased
management attention.
          Now what does that mean?  That means you
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scrutinize the uncertainties.  You look at it.  You don't go
with the mean value only.  You have to convince yourself
that what the request says makes sense.  And I think at this
point in time this is very reasonable.
          In other words, you cannot give, in my opinion,
specific rules and say this is what you do in that
situation, this is what you do in that situation, because we
simply don't know.  And that I think is one of the things
that scares some people because now they will be responsible
for their actions.  They will not have a guide or a table
that will say if and if and if, then.  Now you have to use
your judgment.  For example, if you are in that region, do
you need seismic risk analysis?  Do you need to worry about
shutdown risk here?  Do you need to worry about how well
human error was modeled?  These are questions that have to
be answered in the context of the specific request.  But I
think three or four years from now we will know much more
about it, but right now it seems to me that's where it is.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  Dr. Kress?
          DR. KRESS:  Thank you.  I'm glad you asked that
question, because it's also one of my pet themes, how to
deal with uncertainties in the decision making process. 
We're talking about having a criteria of what is an
acceptable risk.  Now one could apply uncertainties
immediately in that in where we decide on what that level
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is.  We have essentially decided if it were to be the safety
goals that you use the mean, which is already a statement of
the uncertainties.  You set the level, the .1 percent, at a
low enough value that it already accounts for your trouble
with the uncertainties.  That's one area that you can deal
with uncertainties.
          The other area is you're talking about dealing
with acceptable changes in risk, possibly.  What is an
acceptable increase?  And it's there where you might find
different levels of uncertainty because you have to evaluate
this particular thing and the ability to evaluate it is not
very good.  So at that point is where I would think one
would talk about confidence levels.  You talk about the
confidence level in your prediction of that delta risk for
that specific change, and I would have in my criteria that
you'd have to know that within some confidence levels.  Now
I don't know what the appropriate choice for that would be.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, that was going to be my
last question on this topic, which is whether the choice of
confidence level is inherently a policy decision.
          DR. KRESS:  I think it is.  I think it is.  You
know, it's not something you can really technically say this
is what it ought to be.  It's a decision, policy decision.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  Thank you.
          Last question.  Are these regulatory guidance
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documents likely to have impacts on our regulatory analysis
and rulemaking activities?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I think they will.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I mean, is there consistency
with our regulatory analysis guidelines?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I would defer to one of my
colleagues who is more familiar with the regulatory
          DR. KRESS:  I could express an opinion.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Go ahead.  I'm too new.
          DR. KRESS:  I think they are consistent.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
          DR. KRESS:  And they're consistent in several
respects.  The regulatory analysis talk about substantial
changes and they talk about conformance with the safety
goals and the process that they use in establishing the risk
and benefits or PRA's.  I think they're consistent.  There
may be some minor inconsistencies, but the philosophy is
essentially the same, and it wouldn't take much to make them
entirely consistent.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I don't usually do this.  Mr.
Thadani, you would agree?  You're nodding.
          DR. THADANI:  Yes, I would certainly agree.  Our
intention was to -- Ashok Thadani, research.  Our intention
was clearly to make sure that the approach we utilize here
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is consistent with the Commission's safety goals of security
objectives as well as regulatory analyses that we use in our
backfit decisions.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  Thank you.
          Commissioner Rogers.
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Oh, yes, I wonder if -- I'd
like to come back to this uncertainty thing a little bit
later, but I wonder if you could just say a little bit more
about your comments with respect to graded quality assurance
where you felt that the staff was being unnecessarily timid
in their approach.  Could you just sort of help me to
understand what you really have in mind there?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Well, it's a general impression
that's formed by reading the whole document.  There is
extreme reluctance to categorize components or to declare
components or systems as belonging to the load safety
significant category.  There is extreme reluctance to trust
or to believe that there is some information there.  The
importance measures which the industry is proposing.  So on
top of that now we have the significant safety functions,
and it's not clear when you read the guide whether
everything that supports a safety function is itself of high
safety significance or not.
          Anticipating your question I went back and I was
looking for a smoking gun.  I couldn't find it.  So it's a
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general impression.  And then of course what you do with the
items that are in the low safety significant category --
again there is significant disagreement between the staff
and the industry as to how far you go in relaxing the
          Now the other thing that puzzles me is that we are
talking about something here whose value is not understood. 
It is clearly stated in the guide that we don't have any
basis on which we can declare that QA makes the failure rate
go down by a factor of 2 or 3 or 1-1/2 or the square root of
5.  I don't know.  We don't know what the benefit is, and
yet we're making such a big deal about moving things from
one category to another, as if, you know they will be
completely inoperable if you put them in the low safety
significant category.  And that I must say is really a very
interesting and puzzling situation.  I think it's another --
I think it's primarily tradition again, but people are so
comfortable with QA that they feel very uncomfortable that
we will not do these things to some components, and the
savings here --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So is your argument that
recategorization does not affect operability?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Oh, it might, but I don't know
by how much, and I don't think anybody does, and I asked
people, the staff, is it a factor of 10?  They say no.  So I
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don't know.  We don't have any evidence.  Maybe it would be
worthwhile to do something to try to understand that.  How
much do we lose by recategorizing a system or a component?
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Well, I think that that
relates to the concern which I've been hearing from some
industry quarters that they don't really see any benefits
from the use of PRA yet from NRC's regulatory posture other
than it's another way of looking at things and it certainly
is useful in understanding the plant, but in terms of
regulatory relief -- I kind of hate that word, but I don't
know what I've -- I haven't got a better phrase, but I think
we all know what we're talking about -- some modification on
the basis of reclassifying requirements on the basis of
greater knowledge of their safety significance when they may
have had a perfectly reasonable historical origin that
seemed like a good idea at the time, but the time was a long
time ago, and now we know a lot more, but there doesn't seem
to be much action in that direction.
          I wonder if you have any thoughts as to how to
approach this in a systematic way because obviously you
can't do everything at once, but would there be some area of
application of PRA that is so sound, so incontrovertible,
that one could simply use PRA to take some steps on removing
or changing regulatory requirements which clearly on a
quantitative and even expert judgment point of view based on
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historical experience really just simply don't make any
sense anymore.  I know we've talked about things like
limiting conditions for operations that have come out of
some PRA studies, but I don't know if we've changed anything
as a result of that.  So I wonder if you have some thoughts
there, because this is really a very important area.
          The other related observation, I think your
comments with respect to the uncertainties are extremely
interesting -- I have to say a bit disappointing, however,
because I think that one of the -- not that I disagree with
them -- but that one of the advantages to moving to PRA I
think is to allow the NRC to be able to point to PRA
analysis as a more objective set of measures for decision
making than what have been used in the past when we've used
things like expert judgments and good engineering practice,
which we feel very comfortable about but are hard to explain
sometimes to the public.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Well I think, starting with the
uncertainty, I think it is a more objective way.  The
problem is we cannot use decision theory as is.  Decision
theory tells us we should work with mean values.  I think in
our industry we're using mean values as a first step.  The
degree of uncertainty, the level of uncertainty, is very
critical to us, because if the uncertainty is very large, we
may change the decision problem and say well, we have to
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understand this better.  If we start a new research project
instead of making the original decision.
          So we are not really following a well-established
mathematical theory, and that's what the problem is, that we
cannot work only with mean values, because as the Chairman
said, you can have examples where the means are the same,
but the spread is very different, and then of course you
can't tolerate that given the hazards we're dealing with. 
So I am not sure that at this point we can go beyond what I
said.  In fact I would be very reluctant to accept anything
more prescriptive in terms of 95th percentiles and so on.  I
think it's too soon.  I think too few people understand
these things, and again, I don't want to be as prescriptive
as in the current system in the new domain, so I think it's
something to think about, but I really think that issue has
to be resolved by the reviewers, and I frankly think that's
why people don't like PRA.  They have to now make decisions,
not just follow rules, and that's why the first several
cases we have to have a team doing the review, so you have
the right expertise there to make people feel comfortable.
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Thank you.
          DR. SEALE:  If I might make a comment, I think in
terms of the appropriate, perhaps, applications that might
demonstrate the validity and value -- or let's say the value
of PRA, the industry has already voted once, in a sense, in
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that they identified the pilot topics as being areas in
which they felt the expenditures they were making were
potentially worthwhile.
          I think we ought to, as we move along, and as
George mentioned earlier, those submittals are in many cases
in extraordinarily good shape, require some recasting to
satisfy the guidelines, but that we ought to try to handle
those as soon as we can in a reasonably expeditious way.
          I think also the invitation to the industry to
propose other candidate areas should be encouraged.  Again,
I think we have to recognize that in some cases,
particularly where I won't say regulatory but financial
relief is a candidate, that we have to expect to be in some
respects in a reactive position in that the industry is much
better able to identify the loads that they consider to be
inappropriate or unduly onerous.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And my understanding is that
there is -- that there is work relative to how PRA and the
guidance that would come out of these documents might be
used in the areas not only of graded QA but with respect to
tech specs, technical specifications, inservice testing, and
inservice inspections, isn't that correct?
          DR. SEALE:  Yes.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Yes.
          DR. SEALE:  And those are the things that could
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very well be pushed forward.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right, and in fact there is
activity as far as I understand in moving along that line.
          DR. SEALE:  I think some of the industry people
are now kind of waiting for the shoe to drop on submitting
1061 because they haven't seen it.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay, and I think we are going
to be getting a briefing from the Staff, maybe it is next
month or later this month on the PRA implementation plan --
maybe it is next week -- and I think we are going to get a
complete update in those particular areas.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I don't believe I answered your
first question though, Commissioner Rogers, regarding the
quality assurance.
          At one of our subcommittee meetings we had a
presentation from the South Texas Project folks and they
stated that if they are allowed to do what they propose,
they would be saving about $1,300,000 a year, just from
          Now what do you do about it?  I mean there is
obviously disagreement between the staff and the industry on
this and us.  We received a letter from the EDO that states
that the Reg Guide now has a new version that accommodates
some of our concerns but we have not seen it yet.
          I don't know why we don't go ahead and implement
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one of these proposals from the industry.  In 1061 there is
a clear box there that says that in the decision-making
process that the licensee should propose a monitoring
program and we have integrated decision-making and
everything.  Okay.  We don't even know what the benefit of
QA is.  Let's implement the program.  Let's have a good
monitoring program there and see three, four, five years
down the line whether the lack of this quality assurance
which is a result for the high safety significant components
really makes any difference to the other components, and if
it doesn't, then that's fine.  We learned a lot.
          I mean it is not something that is cataclysmic, in
my opinion.  I don't understand what the big deal is.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  Commissioner McGaffigan.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I'm sorry to extend this
part of it --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Please.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  -- but on the issue of
benefits to the industry of proceeding down this path in
graded QA, inservice inspection, inservice testing, how
widespread are the benefits going to be in the sense that
how much of industry has good enough IPEs, PRAs that they
will be able to take advantage of whatever relief is
implicit in these initiatives, beyond the few pilot plants
that -- the South Texases, the Palo Verdes, whatever, which
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apparently have good PRAs?
          People have said to me, even PRA advocates, that
some of the IPEs are sort of junky, and how widespread will
the benefits be?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Well, first of all, I will
answer your question, Commissioner, but the focus of our
review of these documents was not, you know, how widespread
the benefits will be. 
          We looked at --
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Right, I understand.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  -- at philosophy and safety and
unnecessary burden, and so on.
          Now I believe, and again I haven't done any
scientific polling on this, but the number of utilities that
will benefit in the very near future from these guides is
small because it takes a certain sophistication in the PRA
area to be able to formulate the request the right way and
use the right terms and so on, and have the right approach,
but I think it will spread very quickly.
          It will spread very quickly.  One of the problems,
I think, is that a lot of the decision-makers in the
industry either do not know at all or are not convinced that
PRA will be useful to them.  I happened to organize a course
at MIT last January for mid-level managers at utilities and
plants that make decisions, and the subject was how to use
.                                                          26
PRA to make decisions, and it was interesting to see how
most of them had no idea what PRA could do with them, and
then towards the end of the course they could see -- you
know, for instance, the importance measures, how they can be
used to help them with problems they are facing right now.
          That doesn't mean that this fellow now is ready to
do it tomorrow, because he has to learn and he has to have
the organization and so on, so at the beginning it is my
opinion, and maybe others disagree, there will be a small
number, but if the dollar numbers we are hearing from those
expert utilities right now are true, then it seems to me
that word will spread very quickly, very quickly.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Does anybody else -- let
me ask a question.
          As I understand it, when we implement these
various initiatives, we are doing it through license
amendments?  Is that correct?  So we don't get into 5059
space or -- the fundamental issue, you all are urging us to
allow for small changes, and that is the direction we may be
going if the legal analysis we have asked for buttresses
that, but in 5059 space, the plain reading of 5059, if we
have to implement any of this through unreviewed safety --
the heart of it is in unreviewed safety questions, is any
increase in the probability may result in an increase in
probability.  That is the Staff's view.  We have it out
.                                                          27
          Do you have any thoughts as to if you want to go
down this path in making broader use of PRA whether there
has to be changes made in 5059 and the definition of an
unreviewed safety question in 5059?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I would let colleagues that have
been on the committee longer than me --
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  -- answer this question.  I'm
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Dr. Kress?
          DR. KRESS:  Since I am the senior member, which
really seems strange to me, I can give you an opinion.
          My opinion is that these are parallel paths, that
the 5059 is not affected by this process at all, and this
process we are talking about is in the form of a change to
the licensing basis --
          DR. KRESS:  -- and you continue with the 5059
process as it is.  You don't need to change the rules in it
or what constitutes an unreviewed safety question.
          You keep that all the same, and that allows the
plants to continue making those changes which are allowed
within that route.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Within the Staff's --
.                                                          28
within the reading of the rule as it has been currently
          DR. KRESS:  Yes.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me make sure I understand
something, and I don't want to be jumping in here but I am
jumping in here.
          You seem to be saying, and I don't want to put
words into your mouth, that there are classes of changes
that would be within the scope of 5059 that can be left
          DR. KRESS:  That's right.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But there are other classes of
changes that may involve some increases in risks within some
margins that should then come to the Commission --
          DR. KRESS:  -- through this other process --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- come to the Staff --
          DR. KRESS:  That's what I am saying.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- and would be governed then
by and guided by --
          DR. SEALE:  License amendments.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- license amendments that
would also involve the PRA analysis.
          DR. KRESS:  Yes, exactly.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I understand.  So you are
saying that in fact there is a possibility to do a
.                                                          29
bifurcation, namely if your plant change can satisfy the
reading of 5059, do it --
          DR. KRESS:  By all means --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- go ahead and do it and you
don't have to come in for a license amendment.
          DR. KRESS:  Absolutely.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But if in fact it may involve a
change in risk, you bring it in --
          DR. KRESS:  Through the other process.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- through the other process,
the more formalized, to which this kind of analysis can be
applied.  That's very interesting.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And just to follow up on
that, the benefit of the reg guides then for somebody coming
in under the formal process will be that they will have
certainty in advance as to how we are going to look at the
          DR. KRESS:  That's exactly right, yes.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So that the advances
being made through the pilot programs and the reg guides is
to define the parameters under which we will typically look
at an amendment that involves an unreviewed safety question
and involves potential changes in risk.
          DR. KRESS:  That's a very good way to look at it,
.                                                          30
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That is very interesting.  That
is a useful clarification, and my understanding is -- I
think we are going to need to move on -- that in next week's
meeting on the PRA implementation plan we are going to hear
more specifically, Mr. Thadani, about where the various
pilots stand?
          MR. THADANI:  Yes.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay, so I think that with that
we will, if we may, move on to our next topic, and I think
it is related.  Dr. Kress.
          DR. KRESS:  That's true.  It is related.  It is a
sort of a sub-area within that whole larger, broader area.
          The topic is about acceptable risk criteria,
safety goals, and adequate protection and interrelationships
of those things.
          We see in this process of the 1061 that it was
necessary to come up with some quantified level that we
would call an acceptable risk.
          And it seems to be a necessary thing if you are
going to really have this type of process which would be
risk informed.  But our body of regulations and the way they
have developed and evolved over time is they are rooted in
the general design criteria and the design basis accident
concepts and the philosophy of defense in depth.  And the
.                                                          31
presumption is if we do all of that correctly, you will end
up with a plant that provides adequate protection which, to
me, really boils down to adequate protection as we now know
it is compliance with all the rules and regulations and
commitments.  It is not a quantified level of risk.
          Well, that is a concept that has served us well,
has worked very well.  I think it has resulted in plants
that do provide adequate protection but it is not a very
useful thing in a risk-informed concept like we are talking
about now.  You really do need to quantify this thing we
call adequate protection or acceptable risk.  I will use
those interchangeably.
          The safety goals are an expression of what we feel
like is how safe is safe enough.  They are posed in risk
terms and it was our opinion that one has two options.  They
could decide if you want to quantify what we call an
acceptable level of risk, one could just automatically
select safety goals because they have already been an
expression of what we say is how safe is safe enough.  Or
one could try to quantify what we mean by adequate
protection.  That is a difficult process to quantify that.
          It is our feeling that it is a risk level that is
higher than the safety goals and the reason we say that is
that since any plant out there that is licensed and
operating by definition meets adequate protection standards. 
.                                                          32
Then the plant that has the highest level of risk puts a
bound on that.
          We think there are plants that are both above and
below the safety goals.  So it is our opinion that adequate
protection, if it were to be quantified some way, is above
the safety goals.
          Our choice, our recommendation for picking a value
to use in this new process of risk informed for acceptable
risk favor is the safety goals, which get you below adequate
protection level and is a quantifiable level that we can
deal with.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  What would that then do to
plants that are above that?
          DR. KRESS:  At the present time we are not talking
about enforcement.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So you are talking about as a
          DR. KRESS:  We are talking about decisions on the
acceptable changes to the licensee basis.  Now, I think in
the long run, one would like to view the safety goals as a
replacement for adequate protection and one would like, in
the long run, to actually enforce that.  I think we have a
great deal of difficulty with that because of backfit rules
and --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But let me make sure I
.                                                          33
understand where you are.  Again, I am going to paraphrase
it and if I am doing it wrong, you tell me.
          DR. KRESS:  You do it much better than I do.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I doubt that.
          You were saying at this stage of the game, de
facto, the fact that we are allowing plants, the universe of
plants to operate, means that we have said they provide
adequate protection that is adequate.
          DR. KRESS:  Clearly.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So then if one wants to look at
the safety goals and you use it for decisions on what
constitutes acceptable changes to the licensing basis, what
you are really then saying is if the safety goal is where we
want to place that threshold that while there are plants
that are currently allowed to operate that are above it,
that if they wanted to change their risk profile they would
be more constrained than plants that are currently below it?
          DR. KRESS:  Very good.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is that what your basic point
          DR. KRESS:  Absolutely.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I want to be sure I understand.
          DR. KRESS:  Very well put.
          So we are safe, I think, in using the safety goals
as an acceptable risk criteria but these are expressed in
.                                                          34
terms of prompt fatalities and latent cancer deaths which
does require a level three PRA.  There is no way around
that.  You cannot determine those things without level three
PRAs.  To use a level three PRA in this concept of risk-
informed acceptable changes is a bit awkward, to say the
least.  It is not very -- it doesn't really focus one's
attention on the plant features and the things that are
safety significant.  So it would be much better if one could
have more tiered criteria, such as the core damage frequency
and the conditional containment failure probability.  But
still be within the confines of the QHOs.
          In our December meeting, I said that was entirely
a possible thing to do, to derive these lower tier criteria
directly from the QHOs.  Well, you pinned me down and said,
all right, when can we see that and, being the eternal
optimist that I am, I say within a few weeks, I think is
what I said.
          Well, we are now, with our recent letter of April
11, we are providing that to you.  I must say, though, in my
defense that I did have it ready within a couple of weeks. 
We are, however, a committee.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You just had to propagate it?
          DR. KRESS:  That's right.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So if the values are derived
from the prompt fatality QHOs, how much would the core
.                                                          35
damage frequency or large early release frequencies change
from site to site?  Do you know?
          DR. KRESS:  I don't know because I haven't done
that yet, that exercise.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Can you do that for us?
          DR. KRESS:  I can, yes.
          In the attachments to our letter, we provide a
technically sound, rigorous way to do that.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  To do that?  Okay.
          DR. KRESS:  In fact, as you could understand, it
does have to make use of level three information but,
fortunately, there is enough level three information out
there to be able to do it without having to go back and do
level three for every plant.
          In fact, one of the attachments was a very nice
analysis made by our senior fellow, Rick Sherry, which gives
a way to estimate the level three consequences based on
site-specific characteristics, which is a very nice piece of
work.  That alone with the process I recommend for deriving
the lower tier criteria from the safety goals should be very
useful to the staff in this whole process of determining
risk acceptance criteria in terms of core damage frequency
and LERF or conditional containment failure probability.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Rogers?
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Well, this has been a topic
.                                                          36
of real interest here for a long time of how do you deal
with the fact that the safety goals are founded on level
three PRA results and there are different circumstances at
each plant that have absolutely nothing to do with the plant
design or operation.  They are where it is and what the
meteorological conditions are nearby and all this sort of
          I have raised the question in the past, and it has
always sort of led down a path that goes to nowhere and that
is could one have a kind of standard location, population
distribution and so on and so forth of some sort that more
or less bounds whatever exists with our current level, our
current plants, and then just say that is the one you are
going to plug in when you go to look at effects of changes
in anything else in the plant.  You know, if you want to
then take the next step of applying those, the effects to
health effects, that then you would have a standard
population distribution, so on and so forth, that you would
always balance it against to see what the effects were.
          Apparently, somehow or another, that never seemed
to be doable.  I think we have talked about it occasionally
in the past.
          In effect, it seems to me that when you go to
surrogates for the health effects, you really are doing
something like that, aren't you?  Because you are not
.                                                          37
looking at the health effects, you are going to just ignore
them and therefore you are going to create something else
which stops short of the health effects but you are willing
to accept and, in a sense, it seems to me philosophically
that is about the same thing.
          I wonder, it doesn't have a quantitative health
effects -- you don't get a quantitative health effects
number out of it, you stop short of that.  Wouldn't it be
still nice to be able to do that?
          DR. KRESS:  It would be.  But let me -- let me
tell you about two attachments.
          They actually do quantify the health effects.  It
is a way to do it on a simpler -- it is approximate but it
is a very good approximation.  It makes use --
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  But it still would be site
          DR. KRESS:  It would be site specific.  It makes
use of site specific population parameters, site specific
meteorology.  And so it is a way to do a level three in a
much simpler, much, much simpler.  And you can back out of
that in site specific values that you would use for a LERF
or a core damage frequency and conditional containment
failure probability.  That would be site specific.  You
would have a different value for each site to meet the
safety goals.
.                                                          38
          I am not sure, that would be one way to go.  It
may be a little awkward because you have a different set of
criteria for each site.  Another way to go would be to take
the site that bounds these two things and use that as your
criteria and you know you are safe with all others then.
          The staff has chosen to do this latter at the
moment, to take a bounding.  While the problem there was
they chose a number of sites and evaluated them to get this
bound, they didn't take all sites.  I am not real sure --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  They told us a complete bound.
          DR. KRESS:  Yes, I am sure it is a complete bound. 
I am not quite sure that their process of backing into the
CDF and the LERF was as rigorous as the one we are
recommending in our attachment.  But they did a good job
with that.  They did it right.  Their option right now is to
use a bound, which I think is good because it gives you one
set of criteria and you don't have to deal with each
individual site that way.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Dr. Apostolakis.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Yes, I think it is important in
this discussion to bear in mind that the committee is on
record recommending that the core damage frequency be
elevated to a fundamental objective level and be independent
of a site, independent of everything else.  And the value of
10 to the minus 4 for the reactor year we thought was a
.                                                          39
reasonable number because it is not just the health effects
of the accident that are important but the fact that you
have had something, a serious thing, is very important.  So
that is something we want to prevent.
          In fact, if you work backwards, we are talking
about LERF here, you end up in some sites with a core
damage -- acceptable core damage frequency which is higher
than 10 to the minus 4 per year and we felt, as a committee,
that we don't want to live with that.
          So the whole discussion really concerns LERF only.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan?
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Pardon my skepticism
about this stuff but on PRA, I have had discussions with
various folks including at the reg info conference.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan and I
are going to write a PRA paper.
          People tell me, and you correct me if I am wrong,
that -- or they are wrong, that PRAs can be pretty good at
looking at incremental changes, when you make a change, but,
you know, people tell me not to believe core damage
frequency numbers to better than an order of magnitude and
sometimes people correct me to two orders of magnitude.
          So when you are talking about, as I say, I
understand that they may be very good at looking at
.                                                          40
incremental changes but given the fact that you at the
outset, Dr. Apostolakis, said that there are things that
they model well, don't model at all, why should I believe
this stuff when we start talking about them as if you can
calculate to 1.33 times 10 to the minus fourth?
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That was my whole point about
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Uncertainty.  No, I
          DR. KRESS:  Go ahead, George.  You were just
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I think this is the -- we have
to get away from statements like PRA is good, PRA is no
good, PRA does this, PRA doesn't do that.  PRA deals with
the whole plant, it is not just a computer code doing one
          Certain things PRA does very well.  In fact, the
level one PRAs are pretty good.  They capture a lot of
important things so I would trust them, you know, when I
make decisions, depending on the decision.
          I think we should talk about specifics.  If we
talk about, say, human error and human actions recovery and
so on, then I would be a little more skeptical.  Maybe I can
bound the number but I wouldn't really believe a
distribution that somebody gives me right now.
.                                                          41
          Then this issue of design errors, organizational
issues and so on.  But, in my opinion, just because I don't
model the organizational plant, does not reject the whole
          So that's why it's really important to understand
what is modelled, what is modelled well and what is not
modelled, and then depending on the context of the decision,
you know, make a decision.
          You know, there may be decisions where what you
are saying is absolutely right.  I don't believe the numbers
because this affects something that is not modelled there,
but I believe the industry also believes this.  We can make
very good decisions at the Level 1 PRA.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  But if I just look at
core damage frequency --
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Yes.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  -- when I get a number
for a plant on core damage frequency, to what order of
magnitude should I -- is that --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  It depends on the model.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Should I assume that
number is correct?
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  It depends on the model.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I think it depends on who did it
.                                                          42
and also it's not really a number.  I mean they have to give
you a distribution.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  A distribution, yes.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  A distribution.  Now some of the
better PRAs -- it's really hard for me to see how the
distribution or the upper end of it would really shift too
much to higher values because we have missed something.
          We have been doing this now for over 20 years and
I don't think that we have found things like in the early
days, of course, the reactor safety study dismissed external
events, then the industry came back with the Zion, Indian
Point PRAs and said, no, fires and earthquakes may be
significant contributors.
          You don't see that anymore.  You don't see these
quantum leaps anymore.  Now, you know, we are sharpening the
pencil here and there --
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  See, the thing that
strikes me, at least some have told me that when you make an
incremental change you can understand the effect of the
incremental change even if the whole distribution may be off
a bit because perhaps human performance is going to be the
same whatever -- you know, whatever test you are going to do
or whatever other change you are making in the plant, so
differences are oftentimes easier than knowing the whole
.                                                          43
          Is that not correct?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I don't think there is a
correct --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Could I address --
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Let me just say what I feel
about it.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I have never believed that that
was a rational approach.  That was my personal opinion. I
think the absolute number --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Dr. Kress's comment is going to
be the last word because we are not going to be able to get
through the agenda here.
          DR. KRESS:  I would like to express an opinion on
this delta risk versus the bottom line.
          A PRA basically integrates the risk contributions
from a lot of things.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's right.
          DR. KRESS:  It adds them up and if you could take
the derivative of that integral, you would have a set of
partials added together due to each of these contributions.
          Those partials are -- you can better define those
partials.  You can narrow down the uncertainties in each of
those partials.  The uncertainties in the sum of all of them
get very large.
.                                                          44
          Some of the partials are different than others, so
it depends on the nature of what increment you are talking
about, but in general the incremental risk that you
determine due to the change is much more precisely known
than the bottom line, and that you can take as a given, and
it is easier to deal with those, but they still have
uncertainties in them and it will be a variable uncertainty
depending on which type of increment you are talking about.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Dr. Seale.
          DR. SEALE:  Thank you.
          The next topic is the proposed regulatory approach
associated with the steam generator integrity issue.
          I think I will try to expedite this a little bit
and see if we can get a little bit back.  I do this in part
because we still haven't heard the final word from the Staff
on what they are going to come down with.  We have a pretty
good idea of what they are going to have on that issue.
          In any event, I do have to confess that back in
1994, which shows the time constants on some of these
things, we were a party to the decision that, or at least we
concurred in the decision to go to rulemaking on the issue
of steam generator tube degradation.
          In the interval we have had numerous discussions
with some of the Staff on some of the details in developing
their approach to those issues in much the similar manner to
.                                                          45
Dr. Apostolakis's earlier reference to the work in the PRA
          As a result, when in November of this year, of
this last year, we finally got a look at the proposed rule
and the associated Reg Guides, it was not a complete shock
to anyone that we had some serious reservations about some
of the things that were there, and all of them really
revolved around the problem that there was an inability to
identify a risk evaluation methodology that wold allow you
to take test data and come up with an assessment of risk due
to indicated degradations in tube integrity that would allow
you to justify continuing those tubes in service rather than
going to the plugging strategy which has been the classical
way of handling that problem.
          There were specifics that went along with that
difficulty, that is -- that grew out of it, but perhaps the
most significant thing was that the rule wound up or the
proposed rule wound up being an admittedly performance based
regulation but it had very little in the way of risk
objectives or risk information in helping or in justifying
those performance --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So in that sense it diverges
from what the approach is in the --
          DR. SEALE:  Sure.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- relative to what we have
.                                                          46
just been talking about with ISI and IST --
          DR. SEALE:  Right.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- and so forth.
          DR. SEALE:  Exactly.  Now there were a few other
things there but we also make the point that there was an
outstanding generic issue and a differing professional
opinion that had to be cleaned up in this process as well,
and I won't go into all of the details there.
          But then in January we got a -- we sent a letter
to the EDO in which we reiterated our concerns that we had
expressed in our November letter and also brought up a few
specific issues that members had identified having to do
with things like the risk due to thermally-induced tube
failure and severe accidents.
          There you get into severe accident space when you
are supposedly more interested in -- or limited to design
basis accident considerations.
          The Staff was then asked to go back and look at
those issues in coming up with -- or to consider them in
coming up with their rule.
          We met again with the Staff in March, and they
outlined to us what they proposed to be their approach,
which would be to look at an alternate way of doing things,
basically to not go to rulemaking but to go back to
essentially the previous approach with some enhanced --
.                                                          47
well, I'm sorry, to use the current regulations and then
also recommend a PRA implementation plan as a framework for
coming up with any alternate proposals for regulating the
steam generator tube issues.
          One of the things that we notices was that the --
or we commented on was that we felt that the 1061 approach
to PRAs was something that should be applied across the
board wherever you did PRAs and that wasn't evident in the
first suggestion of the rule on the steam generator, on the
proposed changes in the steam generator rule.
          We suggested that if they are going to use PRA
they ought to be consistent with 1061.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, given that, let me ask
you a question then.  So from your understanding, given
everything you have said of the revised or current approach,
would that involve then relaxations in the current tech spec
air criteria?
          DR. SEALE:  Not really.  What we really understand
now is that the proposed approach will be to use a generic
letter to separate the compliance issues from the voluntary
inspection issues or approaches that the utilities might
use, and that if they do any risk assessment that they will
base it on the criteria, the approaches set forth in 1061.
          The performance criteria for structures,
operational leakage and accident leakage criteria are
.                                                          48
essentially consistent with what they have now, and
essentially the structure criteria meet the ASME Code
requirements, as we have talked about.
          The probabilistic conditional probability for
rupture of one or more tubes is a scale going from five
times ten to the minus two for one or more tubes to ten to
the minus three for more than ten tubes.
          Spontaneous rupture is less than five times ten to
the minus two per reactor year.
          These are criteria that are set forth in NUREG
0844.  There is a history of success, if you will, with
these criteria, and we think that is probably the
appropriate approach to use.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And so how do you say that
squares with the approach that is being promulgated in the
          DR. SEALE:  Where they do use, where they come up
with alternate approaches based on risk assessment, that
that risk assessment should be done in a manner which is
consistent with 1061, and in those risk assessments there
are proposed performance or levels of allowed frequencies --
a thermal challenge frequency, as it is called, for high
temperature tube -- for high temperature and elevated
differential pressure failures of less than ten to the minus
six per reactor year and these approaches then appear to be
.                                                          49
acceptable to us.
          We haven't gotten the final documents from the
Staff, and we will be looking at them in the very near
          It's more of a progress report as to where we are. 
As I said earlier, went into this with some expectation that
a risk approach would be feasible.  We haven't been able to
find -- we understand that the Staff hasn't been able to
find, to come up with a delivery on that at this point.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Are there any particular risk
insights that did come out of the Staff's work on the
assessment of severe accident induced steam generator tube
ruptures that informed --
          DR. SEALE:  Well, I wouldn't call it an insight,
but I would call it a signal as to a concern that we may
find ourselves addressing more an more often, and that is
that this was one case where what has been an issue that was
strictly in design basis space intruded over into severe
accident space in the context of the tube rupture problem as
a result of a large break LOCA blowdown, and the whole
question was exactly what the sequence of events were in the
load so as to what would fail and in what order and so on.
          That brings up a question then as to whether or
not in looking at these risk assessments that may be
appropriate, when you do protrude, if you will, into severe
.                                                          50
accident space, what is going to be the response to that? 
Are you going to look at those limited concerns on severe
accidents or are you going to rule them out of bounds?
          It is a policy issue that we may well have to
face.  And I think that's the most serious, well let's say a
problem that you may very well be concerned with.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Rogers.
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  No questions.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  No questions.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  I think we'll go on.
          DR. SEALE:  Our next speaker is Dr. Powers, and I
think you'll find his issues very interesting.
          DR. POWERS:  I will speak to you a little bit the
informed portion of risk informed and performance based
regulation.  I think you're well aware that when we speak of
power operations that the NRC is superbly informed --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Speak a little more into the
          DR. POWERS:  And has a tremendous expertise in the
risks of power operations.  It is, after all, a technology
that the NRC developed.  It's one that they've nurtured now
for two decades.  They've honed it with their own analyses,
and they've honed it by seeing what the industry can do with
.                                                          51
          There really is no comparable expertise on the
risks associated with nuclear power and other modes of
operation.  Those are the low-power and shutdown modes of
operation.  There have been some scoping studies of what
kinds of risks arise during shutdown and low-power
operations, and what these scoping studies have shown us is
that even when you spread the risks of shutdown operations
over an entire calendar year, you still get results that are
comparable to the risks you have during power operations. 
What you conclude from that is that the conditional risks of
shutdown operations must be relatively high compared to the
conditional risks during power operations.
          What we also know when we look at the records and
operational experiences that we have incidents taking place
during shutdown and low-power operations.  The analyses that
have been prepared for us for the AEOD show that over 50
percent of all the augmented inspection teams that have been
sent to plants by the NRC are to address incidents that have
occurred during low-power and shutdown operations.  Some of
these incidents are relatively serious.  We have entered
them into the ASP program, and find that they do have very
high conditional core damage probabilities.
          We're concerned that this situation may actually
get worse, that there are economic pressures on the
industry, and they're responding by attempting to shorten
.                                                          52
the periods of shutdown operations.  They still have the
same work to do, so they're being asked to do more in
shorter periods of time, and they may be trying to do it
with fewer people or less-experienced people.  At the same
time, the industry is interested in decreasing the frequency
that it has shut down for refueling and the like.  That
means there are fewer opportunities to test and exercise
these procedures and practices they have during shutdown,
and of course that is the prescription for having an
increased error rate.  We do find that the operators are
under enormous pressures during shutdown operations because
there are multiple concurrent evolutions taking place in the
plant.  It is a very harassed period of time.
          What ACRS has written to you and it has
recommended that the NRC needs to develop an understanding
concerning shutdown risks that's comparable to the
understanding that it has during power operations, that the
ACRS understands that this is a very big undertaking, the
technology is not nearly as well developed for analysis of
low-power and shutdown risks, and that the NRC will have to
undertake a development of that technology including a
development and understanding of what the success criteria
are for shutdown operations.
          We think you need this understanding as you embark
on this route toward risk-informed regulation.  You need
.                                                          53
this understanding of risks not because it poses some great
benefit to the industry, because what it does is allow you
to focus your regulatory actions on those areas that will be
truthfully risk-significant.
          That was essentially the substance of our letter. 
I do hope it was clear.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Now do you feel that we have an
adequate base experientially, or as you -- in terms of the
technology on shutdown risks, PRA's to support ongoing
rulemaking activities?
          DR. POWERS:  To support ongoing rulemaking
activities on shutdown risk, I don't think you have a risk
intuition in this area.  I don't think you can cast your
rules in a quantitative risk framework.  We've been making
risk-based rules since this agency was formed, but to make
it quantitative, our arguments have a quantitative
understanding of the risks during shutdown operations, I
don't think you have the technology or the information base
to do it right now.  Even our scoping studies -- they're
quite frankly out of date -- the industry understands that
this is a problem area for them, and they've instituted
practices that our scoping studies have not reflected.  They
weren't in place at the time the scoping studies were done.
          So if I distinguish between a quantitative
understanding of risk and a qualitative understanding of
.                                                          54
risk, no, you don't have a quantitative understanding of
risk to base your decisions on.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is that broad-based, or does it
relate to, you know, areas of large uncertainty like fire?
          DR. POWERS:  In fire or -- you're speaking of fire
in general or fire during the shutdown?
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  During the shutdown.
          DR. POWERS:  Fire during shutdown is as big
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
          DR. POWERS:  As you know understanding the risks
there we quite frankly don't have a good technology for
doing fire in a quantitative risk framework, period.  And
it's no worse nor better in the shutdown operations.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay, well I guess what I'm
really trying to ask is that relative to shutdown in
particular --
          DR. POWERS:  Um-hum.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is the effort better focused in
areas such as fire risk?
          DR. POWERS:  Oh, you're saying you can't do it
all, let's do part of it, and maybe fire is a good place to
do part of it?
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think maybe it is.  I'm
.                                                          55
          DR. POWERS:  Is it?  I think if you look at the
history of incidents, no, the problem is the evolutions in
the plants --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
          DR. POWERS:  Multiple concurrent activities
leading to incorrect valve lineups, incorrect -- conflicting
actions where you're having maintenance activities going on
in a system that interfaces with a system that you're
operating on.  I don't think fire is where I would focus my
efforts if I had to do a partial job.  It's in the multiple
concurrent evolutions, and I would pay particular attention
to human performance and human error probabilities during
these really intense activity times.  It's very different
than what we're used to in analyzing operator performance
under a highly proceduralized single evolutions when the
plant is at power.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
          DR. SEALE:  You essentially give time because of
default trees.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.
          DR. POWERS:  Yes.
          DR. SEALE:  We don't know what --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.  Right.
          DR. SEALE:  I think we know what to do.  We just
.                                                          56
need to learn how to do it.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.  Commissioner Rogers.
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Just on this question of the
coupling of low-power and shutdown operations.  It seems to
me that maybe the low-power operations really can be dealt
with, I don't know, but within the general framework of
operations, and any specifics with respect to low power
could be focused on and maybe dealt with more simply. 
Shutdown is, it seems to me, a really different situation. 
You have a lot of different people in the plant, you know,
it is a very different situation from any kind of power
          DR. POWERS:  I think in any strategy for
developing a PRA, for attacking a PRA during the low power
and shutdown operations you would really seriously think
about taking your technology for power operations and
evolving it into the lower power operation, I think you
would think about redesigning your technology for shutdown. 
I'm sure that's true.
          I think we have got to take the steps to start
doing that because this really is occupying an awful lot of
the agency resources and if the benefits that we need to
think about from PRA are not the benefits, the economic
benefits to the industry and what-not, it's the focus of our
regulations on the places where they have impact, then, my
.                                                          57
goodness, here is -- half of our risk is here and we need to
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Do you have any idea of
the cost of pursuing a research program to get us to the
place you would like us to be, and also the time over which
we would need to pursue that program to get to where you
want us to be?
          DR. POWERS:  There is probably an integral cost
and you probably have a cost-time tradeoff here of some
          The ACRS tried to be explicit in saying this is
not something you can do in a slapdash fashion.  You need to
take the time to develop your program.  
          I think in our discussions on that, we felt that
resolution in this area to the point that you could have
something comparable to an analysis of a set of
representative plans.
          You were talking about a period of no less than
five years -- some fraction of that in technology
development and some fraction of that in the actual conduct
of the analyses.  
          We thought it would be a mistake to try to cut
corners at this relatively immature level in our
understanding, especially of the shutdown aspects of it.
.                                                          58
          I think Commissioner Rogers is absolutely right. 
We might be able to evolve into the low power operations
with a few clever analysts but the problem is you have to
redefine success criteria for the shutdown sequence, because
it is during shutdown you are very likely not to have safety
systems.  You are very likely to have the containment open
to the outside.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is it worthwhile to have a
focused research program --
          DR. POWERS:  I think you need one, yes.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You have to have one?
          DR. POWERS:  I think it is one of your high
priority issues right now.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And again, how many
millions of dollars per year would be -- approximately --
          DR. POWERS:  Well, you know, if you stretch it out
to seven years, you probably reduce the million dollar per
year by some fraction but it is -- it is not a linear
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  It's on the order of a
million dollars per year, isn't it?
          DR. POWERS:  No, I think it's more on the order of
two million dollars --
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Two million dollars per
.                                                          59
          DR. POWERS:  -- is your minimum effort.
          I think if you go any less than that and you are
just making no progress.
          I think you need --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  What you want to do is you want
to stoke your research program --
          DR. POWERS:  Right.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- then you dollar-load it --
          DR. POWERS:  Amen.  Find out your needs first.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Find out your needs so you can
stoke it the right way.
          DR. POWERS:  Yes, absolutely.  Too often we are
designing research programs on what we can do now rather
than what we ought to be doing.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's right.
          I think we should go on.
          DR. SEALE:  The next speaker here is Dr. Miller on
the status of our review of the National Academy report.
          DR. MILLER:  How much time do I have?
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Three minutes.
          DR. MILLER:  Three minutes, okay.
          DR. MILLER:  I will skip a lot of things then.
          As you know, four years ago this committee
initiated a study by the National Academy of Science to
.                                                          60
evaluate the situation with digital INC.  That committee
unfortunately didn't start their action until January of '95
and gave their first Phase I report in September and there
they identified eight issues of importance and significance
and which are listed in your briefing book and I'll not
repeat here.
          The ACRS in October did agree that those issues
were amongst the key issues that would be helpful to digital
INC in the future.
          The Phase 2 report, which again the charge is
listed in your briefing book and I'll skip that, began at
that time and they submitted a written report in January of
1997 on those issues that they identified previously and
then we had a presentation and I would say, characterize it
as quite valuable dialogue with that committee in March of
          During that meeting in March of '97, which is now
just a couple months ago of course, there were a couple of
other issues that came up which I thought were quite
valuable introduced by individual committee members during
the course of that discussion.
          Of course, the Phase 2 report then came up with 39
recommendations on those eight issues, of which the Staff
has gone through those recommendations in some detail and I
have also had the opportunity of going through the Staff's
.                                                          61
disposition of those.
          The Staff agreed with 34 of those recommendations
quite clearly, in fact has even implemented a portion of one
of those into the Standard Review Plan.
          I'd comment that during this time the Standard
Review Plan was being updated to incorporate the framework
of digital INC -- these things were going on in parallel,
which was probably a plus or a minus, whichever way you want
to look at it.
          And I have gone through the disposition.  Now I
have to say one caveat here.  The ACRS as a committee has
not reached consensus on this report.  We have had some
debate and so forth and there are certain areas where we are
going to have to reach consensus in a subcommittee meeting
in late May.
          From my point of view I agree with the Staff's
disposition on all but one of those recommendations and I
had good dialogue yesterday with the Staff, and I think we
are coming to bring closure on even that one.
          As a consequence, we will have a meeting in May
and we are going to address a number of issues including the
Standard Review Plan.  There will be several issues coming
out of this report and I'll just list those, the kind of
issues we are going to be dealing with in May.
          One of them is Generic Letter 95-02, which
.                                                          62
provides guidance on 5059 for digital upgrades.  The second
is the difference between analog and digital systems,
specifically in sampling and also memory-sharing.
          The third is a comparison of what the Staff is
doing with a couple of guidelines that were introduced in
that report, and that is the FAA guideline and also the
guideline that has been developed by the Canadians.
          The next one is Staff capability.  In my view, the
Staff Headquarters capability is quite good.  I think that
is a substantial change over the last several years at
least, in that they are quite good today.  There is a plan
to expand the capability into the regions and I think we
need to review and make certain the plan is being executed
in a reasonably timely fashion.
          The last issue is one that probably has provided
the most dialogue amongst the ACRS at least, and that's the
balance between the guidance provided for the development
process of software versus the final product testing or
product evaluation.  In order to facilitate this committee
reaching some consensus on that, during the meeting in May
the Staff has promised me that they will provide a very good
tutorial through example on how they would implement the
Standard Review Plan along with the guidance provided by
this National Academy report to look at the balance between
those, the process of software development and the final
.                                                          63
product evaluation -- so that will be an interesting meeting
in late May and it promises a lot of interesting discussion
amongst this committee in trying to reach consensus on that
          To summarize, and I think we have consensus on
this following statement, the impact of this study, we don't
believe the findings of the Phase 2 report will lead to any
substantial change in the regulatory framework which is
being codified in the Standard Review Plan update for
digital INC.
          This framework does speak to the major areas of
charge for the Phase 2 report, and that's the areas of
criteria for acceptance of digital INC and also the guidance
of regulating advanced technology such as digital INC, so
that was the charge of the committee but in the sense of the
framework being developed it addresses that charge.
          I would say in my view that some time in June or
thereabouts we will have a framework which will put us in a
position where the regulatory framework and I think the
Staff is moving towards they will have the capability of
implementing that framework.  It will not inhibit the use of
advanced technology in INC systems in nuclear power plants
in the next several years, and I am looking forward to
seeing a lot of INC with advanced technology going into the
power plants over the next several years.
.                                                          64
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me just take --
          DR. MILLER:  That's all I have but that's a lot of
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The National Academy's report
concluded that there are no generally accepted evaluation
criteria for safety-related software.
          Question -- are you saying you agree or disagree,
and if the agree, then the question is on what basis are
guidelines and standards set?
          DR. MILLER:  Repeat that first part --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  On page 76, Conclusion 1 of the
report --
          DR. MILLER:  Right.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  -- the National Academy report,
the conclusion was that there are no generally accepted
evaluation criteria for safety-related software.
          Do you agree?  Does the committee agree or
disagree with that conclusion?
          DR. MILLER:  I would say we agree, yes.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay, so if you agree, then
what is the basis for the development of our guidelines, our
own guidelines and standards?
          DR. MILLER:  When they stated that, I think they
stated it in the sense that they could not guarantee the
software would be reliable, but I think in the context of
.                                                          65
the software  within a total system, I think that criteria
is available -- the total system meaning hardware and
software together.
          I think the National Academy study and I think
pretty much this committee would agree that as long as you
look at software in the context of hardware and it's the
total system, I think the criteria is there.
          Now other members of the committee may want to
speak to that issue.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes.  Dr. Apostolakis? 
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I think the fundamental basis
for the development of the guides we have seen or the
proposed guides is that if you control the process of
development of software you will get a very reliable product
and the Academy does not seem to think that this alone will
do that.
          I think that is the heart of the issue here.  As
Dr. Miller said, this is something we are still discussing
among ourselves and the Staff will come towards the end of
May to educate us a little more about this, but this is the
fundamental thing.
          It is done in other industries but I think there
is a fundamental difference.  In other places where they
control the process very well, they have a better
understanding of the failure modes of the product, so they
.                                                          66
know what to control.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Are you telling me that the
committee has not come down with a position on whether
controlling the process of software development gives you
the reliability you desire?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  That is correct.
          DR. MILLER:  Yes.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And is still under
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Yes.
          DR. MILLER:  It is my view, and I say I am not
certain where the committee is yet on this, that the Staff
has provided the guidance necessary for reviewers to look at
the final product and review that final product and its
testing of that final product.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But that guidance is referenced
to controlling -- the control of the process for the
development of the software.
          DR. MILLER:  Also, the guidance has product
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Testing.
          DR. MILLER:  More particularly, testing of the
product, and that is spelled out in a Branch Technical
Position, which happened to be Number 14.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right, but the surrogate test
.                                                          67
for reliability is the test of the control of the process
for software development?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  That is the primary emphasis, I
believe, right now, yes, but there is also test of the
computer program itself.  It's part of the process.
          DR. KRESS:  I think that you are absolutely right
though.  There is no way to take a piece of software and say
how reliable is this piece of software in doing the job that
I am asking you to.  You cannot do that, and --
          DR. MILLER:  But with regard to the total
system --
          DR. KRESS:  You can't really do it in the total
system because the software is a part of it and you have to
add that part into it, so you cannot do it.
          The technology does not exist and I think there is
no recourse other than to rely on what process --
controlling the process.  You have to do it and you are
doing it  on faith.  
          There is no way after the fact to say this process
results in a reliable -- you have intuition on it, you have
judgment, but it is faith and that's where we're at.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is that consistent with the way
the FAA does it?
          DR. KRESS:  I'm sorry, I don't know how the FAA
does it.
.                                                          68
          DR. MILLER:  We are going to get an evaluation of
the FAA guideline but I believe they follow the same
approach generally where you have high control of the
          I want to say that quality control of a process is
not different than what we have done in the other areas.
          We have high quality control of the process of
development --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I just want to make sure I
understand where we are here.
          COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  I don't have any questions.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  One of the
recommendations that the Staff rejected consistent with
their interpretation of 5059 was that we loosen up on what
an unreviewed safety question is and allow the small changes
in risk.
          Are you in agreement with the Staff's rejection of
that recommendation?  You said you were largely in agreement
at this point.
          DR. MILLER:  I don't want to use the word
"disagreement" -- I believe that further clarification of 
the generic letter in the area of system level definition
can be done to facilitate our use of digital INC.  I think
we can do that.
          I had a good discussion with one Staff member
.                                                          69
earlier this week on that issue.
          The other issue is defining the difference between
simple and complex digital upgrades.
          I believe the Staff is going to do that in the
form of developing some guidelines on use of PLCs.
          COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  My only comment to you,
and this might be future work, but if we get into rulemaking
and so on in 5059, which we may well, following whatever
comments we get on the Staff paper, this might be an area
where you all may want to look at the interaction between
the change and the rulemaking and the changes proposed in
the rulemaking and what you want to accomplish in digital
instrument control.
          DR. MILLER:  Well, I have -- how do I put that?
          Of course, the ACRS spoke out on that issue
already but I have some concern about what I saw in that
potential rulemaking relating to digital INC.
          We will definitely be following that issue, as you
probably could expect.  Does that --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  I think we should move
          DR. KRESS:  Okay.  The next on our agenda is Dr.
Apostolakis, so George, I'm just going to ask you to hold it
to three minutes.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Three minutes.
.                                                          70
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Okay.  Actually, there is no
issue here now because we said we didn't like that plan and
the Staff relied that we don't like it either, so I
understand they are working on it now and they will come
back to us maybe towards the end of June, early July.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Are you going to be reviewing
it prior to June or are you going to wait till the end to
take a look?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  We plan to let the Staff know
that we would like to do this the way we did the Regulatory
Guides that were just released and preliminary reaction from
the staff is positive that they would like to come back to
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  How did you do it relative to
the guides that were just released?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Oh, we had very frequent --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  In process?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  In process, right, because they
people are not defensive, you know, it is easier to argue,
so I hope we are going to do this here too, so --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I have some questions.
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Okay.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Have their been any lessons
learned from the human reliability modelling performed as
part of the IPEs?
.                                                          71
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  IPE?  Yes.  The state of-the-
art is in  mess.  
          I think that was the main message.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  All right.  What kind of
database does the Agency have for human errors?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Oh, we have a lot of
incidents --
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is it a usable database in
terms of modelling within this kind of framework?
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  I believe the models that are
being developed now, yes, they draw on that database.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  And how well is the human
performance work coordinated across as well as within
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  Do I know that?
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's an opinion obviously by
their facial expressions.
          DR. SEALE:  That's part of the problem with the
          DR. APOSTOLAKIS:  The plant had a major problem
with that.  There was no coordination.  Now I don't know
whether the research, the ongoing research projects have
that problem too, especially Athena -- I have no idea.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Maybe that can be spoken of in
.                                                          72
the context of next week's meeting by the Staff.
          DR. SEALE:  Okay.  We have one last presentation
and then I'll have a couple comments at the end.
          Dana, would you like to mention our letter to
          DR. POWERS:  Well, let me just be very brief and
say that we are by statute required to report to Congress on
the state of reactor safety research.  We have taken that
task very seriously lately because we think the state of
research is declining.
          There is a perception the industry has become
static and all the problems are solved.  We, on the other
hand, see an industry that is about to go through big
          The NRC needs a research program.  It served it
well in the past and will serve it in the future to respond
to those changes so that the NRC is not the bottleneck to
the evolution of the nuclear industry.
          That was essentially the thrust of our letter to
Congress.  We will be writing letter of a similar nature
each year.  
          We will try to coordinate with you on those, on
producing those letters as best we can.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Relative to what you just said,
.                                                          73
has the committee reviewed the Staff's proposed criteria for
judging core capabilities?
          DR. POWERS:  Certainly I have looked at them.  We
will in fact be reviewing them in a committee this afternoon
with my presentations on that subject, and I think it is
safe to say that we will have a vigorous discussion on
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I see.  All right.  Oh, I'm
sorry, any questions?  Commissioner McGaffigan?
          DR. SEALE:  Well, I want to thank you very much
for your time and your patience with the interest in our
discussions and so on.
          I guess one last comment I would make of a
substantial nature is that we try very hard to focus our
interests or our questions on PRA, our treatment of PRA, on
the benefits that will accrue to the NRC in its attention
and expenditure of resources necessary to achieve the goals
in the safety arena.  We feel that the industry's benefits
are the interest of these problems.  Perhaps that's one
reason we suggest that if we want to get some measure of
industry benefit or the possible benefit to industry from
PRA applications we should ask them to come up with those
definitions, but we try not to get into that particular
arena if we can.  We think our emphasis is more appropriate
on the NRC, how it does things.
.                                                          74
          We again would like to thank you for your
attention and your time, and if you have any questions,
elaborating on any of the comments that have been made
today, if you'll let our staff know, we'll try to get back
to you.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me make a few comments. 
Let me first thank you for another very informative
briefing.  You know, we focused on a number of issues that
are related to regulatory effectiveness, and you can see
that they're linked with our discussions on 5059 and related
topics.  So I'd encourage you, you know, as you continue to
provide us with your perspective, that you be forward-
looking in, you know, bringing developing concerns to the
Commission's attention in order to help us be prepared for
any future challenges.
          In that light I was particularly interested in the
Committee's independent work on acceptance criteria for
plant-specific application of safety goals, and deriving
these lower-tier acceptance criteria, you know, is important
from the point of view of consistency and traceability, and
I hope you continue to pursue these and related activities
in the future.
          I would also encourage you, to come back to a
favorite topic, to take a close look at the adequacy of the
guidance being provided by the staff relative to the use of
.                                                          75
          DR. SEALE:  Good.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Versus point values in the
decision-making process.  You've heard comments from a
number of us here.
          DR. SEALE:  Good.
          CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  These are issues to which the
Commission and the staff continue to devote considerable
time, and I think your involvement would be very helpful.
          Then finally, in closing, we expect to hear from
the staff on the status of the various industry pilots with
respect to the topics in question, graded QA, in-service
inspection, service testing, and technical specifications,
at next week's PRA implementation plan briefing.
          So unless my colleagues have any comments, we're
          We'll take a break.  We have another meeting that
immediately follows.  The break is 2 minutes.
          [Whereupon, at 10:49 a.m., the hearing was

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Thursday, February 22, 2007