1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
          3                                 ***
          5                         AND FUEL FACILITIES
          6                                 ***
          7                           PUBLIC MEETING
          8                                 ***
         10                             U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
         11                             One White Flint North
         12                             Rockville, Maryland
         14                             Wednesday, January 31, 1996
         16              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to
         17    notice, at 10:02 a.m., Shirley A. Jackson, Chairman,
         18    presiding.
         21              SHIRLEY A. JACKSON, Chairman of the Commission
         22              KENNETH C. ROGERS, Member of the Commission
.                                                           2
          2              JOHN HOYLE, Secretary of the Commission
          3              JAMES TAYLOR, EDO
          4              WILLIAM RUSSELL, Director, NRR
          5              DR. CARL PAPERIELLO, Director, NMSS
          6              THOMAS MARTIN, Region I Administrator
          7              HUBERT MILLER, Region III Administrator
          8              STEWART EBNETER, Region II Administrator
          9              JOE CALLAN, Region IV Administrator
.                                                           3
          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S
          2                                                    [10:02 a.m.]
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good morning, ladies and
          4    gentlemen.  I'm pleased to have the headquarters staff and
          5    the regional administrators here this morning to brief the
          6    Commission on the results of the recent NRC senior
          7    management review of performance at operating reactors and
          8    fuel facilities.
          9              The senior management meetings are conducted semi-
         10    annually to ensure that the NRC is properly focussing its
         11    resources on facilities that most need regulatory attention,
         12    based on licensee performance and on related issues of
         13    greatest safety significance.
         14              In addition, as a result of a previous Commission
         15    request, it is my understanding that the staff will also
         16    describe the actions being taken to integrate the overall
         17    inspection program and plant evaluation process.  Copies of
         18    the slides are available at the entrance to the meeting
         19    room.
         20              Commissioner Rogers, do you have any comment?
         21              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Not at this time.  Thank
         22    you.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  If not, Mr. Taylor, you may
         24    proceed.
         25    `         MR. TAYLOR:  Good morning.  As you know, the
.                                                           4
          1    senior management meeting process was initiated in 1986 in
          2    response to the loss of feedwater event at Davis-Besse which
          3    occurred in June of 1985.  This current meeting was the 20th
          4    such meeting.  Although we have refined the process and the
          5    analysis used in support of the meetings, as usual, the
          6    discussions at this meeting focussed on the performance of
          7    selected plants which we'll report on today.
          8              In one departure from past practice, when we
          9    discussed trending performance at Hope Creek today we'll
         10    also provide some information on the Public Service's
         11    adjacent Salem plant.
         12              This meeting also included discussions regarding
         13    the status of staff actions on final safety analysis, report
         14    reviews, our inspection activities related to the 10 CFR
         15    5059 change process at licensees, the PRA implementation
         16    plan, steam generator issues, and dry cask storage
         17    initiatives.  You'll hear some on this topic from offices.
         18              The order of the meeting, after the regional
         19    administrators provide their reports on plants, Bill Russell
         20    will briefly summarize the reactor technical issues, which
         21    we discussed, and provide the status of certain staff
         22    initiatives in our reactor inspection program.  And Dr. Carl
         23    Paperiello will discuss dry cask storage issues.
         24              I'll now ask Bill Russell to continue.
         25              MR. RUSSELL:  Dr. Jackson, Commissioner Rogers,
.                                                           5
          1    the senior management meeting process has two principal
          2    objectives as it relates to nuclear power plant performance. 
          3    First is to identify potential problem performance and
          4    adverse safety trends before they become actual safety
          5    problems.  And secondly is to effectively utilize agency
          6    resources in overseeing operating reactor safety.
          7              An integrated review of plant safety performance
          8    is conducted using objective information, including plant-
          9    specific inspection results, operating experience, PRA
         10    insights, systematic assessment of licensee performance
         11    reports, performance indicators, and enforcement history.
         12              Special attention is given to the effectiveness of
         13    licensee self-assessments and the effectiveness of
         14    corrective action taken for problems identified by
         15    licensees.
         16              Our objective is to identify facilities early that
         17    have negative performance trends and those facilities whose
         18    performance requires agency-wide close monitoring and
         19    oversight.  We also discussed planned inspection activities,
         20    NRC management oversight, and allocation of resources for
         21    individual plants discussed.
         22              I will summarize the overall results of the senior
         23    management meeting, and following that overall discussion,
         24    each regional administrator will discuss the facilities
         25    which we have categorized as needing agency-wide attention,
.                                                           6
          1    starting with Tim Martin in Region I.
          2              If I can have slide number 2, please, this slide
          3    is by way of background for facilities removed from the list
          4    of problem plants.  There were no facilities removed during
          5    this last senior management meeting.
          6              Slide 3, please.  Category 2 facilities are those
          7    plants whose operation is closely monitored by NRC.  These
          8    facilities are Indian Point 3, Millstone Station, Units 1, 2
          9    and 3, Browns Ferry 3 and Dresden 2 and 3.  Tim Martin will
         10    discuss Indian Point 3 and Millstone, Stew Ebneter will
         11    discuss Browns Ferry 3, and Hub Miller will discuss Dresden
         12    2 and 3.
         13              Slide 4, please.  Category 3 plants are plants
         14    that are shut down and require authorization of the
         15    Commission to operate, which the staff also closely
         16    monitors.  Browns Ferry 1 remains a category 3 plant, and
         17    Stew Ebneter will briefly its status.
         18              Next slide, please.  As a result of our
         19    discussions, the senior managers concluded that one plant,
         20    Hope Creek, had exhibited adverse trend in performance that
         21    warranted issuance of a trending letter.  This letter
         22    includes additional comments concerning the performance of
         23    Salem 1 and 2, which are colocated with Hope Creek and
         24    operated by the same licensee.  Tim Martin will address the
         25    performance at these facilities.
.                                                           7
          1              As the Chairman has indicated, we will also
          2    discuss and summarize discussions from the senior management
          3    meeting related to important program and generic issues. 
          4    For the reactor program, I'll discuss activities related to
          5    plant performance evaluation and short-term inspection
          6    initiatives which we are taking related to facility final
          7    safety analysis reports and overall performance evaluation.
          8              I will discuss two generic issues:  the experience
          9    of last fall's outages, particularly related to
         10    circumferential cracking of pressurized water reactor steam
         11    generator tubes, and also staff activities related to the
         12    PRA action plan and our efforts to accelerate progress on
         13    developing a standard review plan and a regulatory guide.
         14              Carl Paperiello will discuss the dry cask storage
         15    of spent fuel at reactor sites, which is a joint program
         16    being coordinated between NRR and NMSS.
         17              Tim Martin?
         18              MR. MARTIN:  Chairman Jackson, Commissioner
         19    Rogers, the New York Power Authority's Indian Point 3
         20    nuclear power plant was first discussed during the June 1992
         21    senior management meeting.  Concerns were identified in the
         22    areas of procedural adherence and attention to detail, the
         23    surveillance testing and corrective action programs,
         24    engineering and tech support, information flow, facilities,
         25    and site and corporate management guidance, oversight, and
.                                                           8
          1    control.
          2              In February 1993, the New York Power Authority,
          3    NYPA, shut the plant down in response to concerns for the
          4    operability of their anticipated transient without scram
          5    system.  Subsequently, NYPA identified additional technical
          6    and staff performance problems, took the plant to cold
          7    shutdown, and committed to not restart the unit until the
          8    problems had been resolved and NRC had agreed the plant
          9    restart.  Indian Point 3 was placed on NRC's watch list in
         10    June of 1993.
         11              Since the February 1993 shutdown, NYPA expended
         12    significant efforts and resources on equipment maintenance
         13    and modifications, process improvements and management
         14    changes, outside assistance with SALP to review programs and
         15    performance deficiencies and help determine root causes of
         16    those problems.  Further, the board of trustees established
         17    a nuclear advisory committee to provide expert assessment
         18    and advice on the operation of NYPA's two facilities.
         19              By early 1995, over two-thirds of the managers at
         20    the department head level and above were in new positions or
         21    were new to the company.  Senior management involvement and
         22    oversight of activities was evident.  Management had also
         23    successfully improved the threshold for problem
         24    identification and documentation.
         25              The material condition of the facility had been
.                                                           9
          1    improved.  Noteworthy system modifications and improvements
          2    were accomplished on the emergency diesel generators,
          3    numerous motor-operated valves, the control room air
          4    conditioning system, the power-operated relief valves, and
          5    the instrument air system.
          6              A large volume of corrective and preventive
          7    maintenance activities had been completed and the preventive
          8    maintenance program was strengthened.  Surveillance test
          9    scheduling and test results reviewed were also enhanced.
         10              Further, the engineering department staffing and
         11    organization changes and the relocation of the staff to the
         12    site resulted in enhanced operational focus and a reduction
         13    in work backlog.  The engineering staff also demonstrated
         14    that they could provide timely and effective support for
         15    emergent technical issues.
         16              Finally, operators appeared more methodical and
         17    conservative during plant evolutions, control room formality
         18    improved, and the control of routine plant activities was
         19    good.  The quality in many plant procedures was also
         20    substantially upgraded, particularly those required for
         21    shift turnover and plant operations.
         22              Since the last senior management meeting, NYPA
         23    restarted the plant in June, after the NRC agreed that
         24    Indian Point 3 was ready for restart.  During the start-up
         25    and power ascension program, NYPA maintained an around-the-
.                                                          10
          1    clock management presence and was generally effective in
          2    setting expectations and fostering the significantly
          3    improved safety perspective.
          4              Further, operations were generally performed in a
          5    safe and conservative manner.  However, on July 10 through
          6    12, 1995, following a turbine run-back event precipitated by
          7    a technician implementing an inadequate procedure, the plant
          8    was operated at power while it reduced pressure in an
          9    attempt to see a leaking pressurizer safety valve.  The
         10    operations staff did not realize that the plant was being
         11    operated in an unanalyzed condition until Westinghouse was
         12    contacted two days later.
         13              The root causes for this event include a lack of
         14    knowledge of the boundary conditions utilized in the
         15    accident analysis, a failure to appropriately implement
         16    procedures, an inadequate involvement in communications
         17    between the plant and engineering staffs.  Full power
         18    operations was ultimately achieved on July 22, 1995.
         19              The results of NYPA's self-assessment of power
         20    operations were discussed with the NRC in October in a
         21    meeting open for public observation.  Following the public
         22    meeting, one of several conducted during 1995, the NRC
         23    responded to questions from concerned members of the public.
         24              In mid-September 1995, in response to an electric
         25    generator cooling system leak, the plant was shut down.  The
.                                                          11
          1    plant has since remained shut down to repair an evolving
          2    list of identified equipment problems and performance
          3    deficiencies, the latter principally associated with three
          4    operational events.  The list of equipment problems,
          5    including the residual heat removal system check valves,
          6    charging system valves, appendix R emergency diesel
          7    generator, well channel and containment pressurization
          8    system, and containment fan cooler service water system,
          9    reflects, in part, NYPA's improving threshold for
         10    identifying and resolving issues.
         11              The events of concern evidence a weakness in
         12    operations department staff performance and include the July
         13    operation at reduced pressure, the October heat-up with
         14    inoperable equipment, and the December component cooling
         15    water leak inside containment.
         16              The underlying performance deficiencies revealed
         17    by these three events demonstrate continuing weaknesses in
         18    teamwork and communications, operations staff knowledge of
         19    the licensing basis, procedural adherence, attention to
         20    detail, and questioning attitude.  These continuing
         21    weaknesses illustrate the mixed effectiveness of past
         22    licensee corrective actions.
         23              Since September 1995, NYPA has implemented
         24    extensive equipment maintenance activities and staff
         25    performance corrective actions, the latter including several
.                                                          12
          1    management changes, acceleration of the procedure upgrade
          2    program in the operations area, and remedial personnel
          3    training.
          4              Management has also undertaken significant
          5    additional effort to better communicate performance
          6    expectations, particularly in the area of procedural
          7    adherence, and enhance observation and assessment of the
          8    shift crew performance, using oversight personnel and
          9    outside shift mentors, as was done during the power
         10    ascension program.
         11              In response to the equipment and staff performance
         12    concerns, the NRC requested in December that NYPA describe
         13    planned or implemented performance improvements and
         14    corrective actions prior to the pending restart of Indian
         15    Point 3.  NYPA's response was provided in mid-January.  A
         16    special NRC inspection is currently underway to verify the
         17    implementation of these actions and to assess their
         18    effectiveness.
         19              The NRC will also review the resolution of several
         20    recent equipment problems, including a January 20 loss of
         21    offsite power and the subsequent failure of one of three
         22    emergency diesel generators to power its electrical bus. 
         23    Augmented around-the-clock inspection coverage is planned
         24    when the plant is ready for restart.
         25              At this time, Indian Point 3 remains a category 2
.                                                          13
          1    facility, subject to close NRC monitoring.  Are there any
          2    questions relative to Indian Point 3?
          3              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Does Indian Point use system
          4    engineers?
          5              MR. MARTIN:  Yes, sir.
          6              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  I'm really puzzled, then,
          7    why this component cooling water heat exchange leak remained
          8    undetected through two shift changes.  The system engineer
          9    ought to be on the job and certainly know when something
         10    like that is taking place.
         11              MR. MARTIN:  We agree that it should not have gone
         12    that long.  The plant was in heat-up.  Obviously one of the
         13    things you're concerned about is reactor coolant system leak
         14    rate.  It's very difficult to detect it in a plant at heat-
         15    up.
         16              There was some anticipation by the staff that --
         17    they did not do the detailed walk-downs inside containment
         18    which should have picked this up, but they had other
         19    indications.
         20              The problem started when they secured the residual
         21    heat removal system, which should have allowed the component
         22    cooling water system to cool down and contract.  They
         23    expected the surge tank level to drop somewhat.  They didn't
         24    realize an automatic start of one of the component cooling
         25    water pumps caused a pressure wave, which caused a relief
.                                                          14
          1    valve to temporarily lift inside the containment. 
          2    Unfortunately, it didn't reseat.
          3              So they saw the decline in the surge tank that
          4    they kind of expected, but they would fill that surge tank
          5    three times over the next two shifts, and the equipment
          6    operators were not communicating with the control room that
          7    they were doing this.  Obviously, this water is then
          8    draining into the containment sump, and the sump pump-outs
          9    are also another indicator.
         10              Unfortunately, if you look on the control panel
         11    and the chart where you can see the pump-outs occur, it's
         12    one of these charts that folds about every 45 minutes, and
         13    unless you happen to be looking at it -- it's in the lower
         14    part of the panel -- you will not see that pump-out
         15    activity.
         16              So finally, after the second shift change, the
         17    equipment operator, during the shift briefing as they were
         18    taking over, said, "Hey, I notice they have filled this tank
         19    several times.  What's going on?"  And that's when it all
         20    started to come together.  But clearly that was not the kind
         21    of performance we would expect.
         22              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  It sounds like the
         23    equipment, the recorder equipment is not the best for the
         24    purpose, if it can hide something like that easily.
         25              MR. MARTIN:  Yes, sir.  More so, we would expect
.                                                          15
          1    the operators to pay a lot more attention.  We would have
          2    expected them to be touring the containment when it's
          3    difficult, from a calculational standpoint, to spot RCS leak
          4    rates.
          5              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Your comments -- you didn't
          6    make them here, but in writing -- indicated that the
          7    engineering backlog is growing.  Is that still true?
          8              MR. MARTIN:  No, sir.  They're starting to get
          9    back on top of that.  That was as a result of a number of
         10    the emerging problems they identified since September, it
         11    rose, and they put more effort on it.  It is now going back
         12    down.
         13              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  What's your prognosis?  Is
         14    this something that shows that we just have to wait and see
         15    or if there some indication that they are getting control of
         16    their plant?  The kinds of problems that we see here just
         17    seem to indicate a lack of proper management control.
         18              MR. MARTIN:  I would agree, sir.  After they did
         19    the restart, there was a lot of indication that they were
         20    trying to get back to business as normal, and they did not
         21    exercise the tight oversight that we would have expected.
         22              After my meeting with senior management in
         23    December and our letter to them having them put on the
         24    record what they were going to do to turn things around, we
         25    saw a lot more management attention and a substantial
.                                                          16
          1    investment of resources and time and management attention to
          2    get it headed in the right direction.
          3              We have seen some positive things in December and
          4    January, but we still need the proof of the pudding.  That's
          5    why I have an inspection time on site now looking at all
          6    those performance issues and how they have dealt with them
          7    and interviewing operators and observing performance, to see
          8    that these corrective actions have taken.
          9              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  What do you think the
         10    attitude of the staff at the plant is with respect to these
         11    things?  Do they feel that these are all trivial things and
         12    we're making a big fuss about nothing or do they really take
         13    them seriously, as an indicator that they're not up to
         14    snuff?
         15              MR. MARTIN:  Recent discussion indicates they're
         16    taking them seriously.  Obviously they were not exercising
         17    the rigor of operations that we would have expected after
         18    the original restart activities.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You mentioned the change-out of
         20    a significant number of managers and repetitively through
         21    your remarks, and I'm sure we'll hear them with respect to
         22    other plants, discussions of management attention, and
         23    clearly you think that's important, and this relates to
         24    Commissioner Rogers' question.
         25              Do you have evidence that with all of this
.                                                          17
          1    management change-out that A, the managers are really out
          2    there into the plants and B, that there's a propagation down
          3    through the staff of management expectations?
          4              I should ask, as a preface to that, are there
          5    clear management expectations articulated?  And then are
          6    these expectations being propagated through the organization
          7    and reflected in the work of the staff?
          8              MR. MARTIN:  The expectations are articulated.  I
          9    am not as confident that they are accepted, understood and
         10    being implemented, and that is one of the major purposes of
         11    our inspection activity right now, to make sure that those
         12    things are occurring.
         13              We have seen improvement there, but there is more
         14    to be done and I'm not here to tell you that I'm ready to
         15    support restart until we see that these corrective actions
         16    have, in fact, been effective.
         17              Clearly, in my discussions in early December with
         18    the plant staff and examination of the events up to that
         19    time, there were individuals in the operation organization
         20    that had not adopted the new way of doing business.
         21              MR. RUSSELL:  I would comment that following the
         22    long outage and the management efforts to oversee activities
         23    with a lot of management time in the facility and close
         24    oversight, that when Tim and I were on site more than a year
         25    ago now, things were quite positive.  They had laid out
.                                                          18
          1    plans.  They were tracking performance against those plans.
          2              And what may have occurred was that there was some
          3    reduction in that intensity of oversight after the restart
          4    activities last summer, and we saw some examples of that
          5    through events and other things.
          6              So while they have articulated what they intend to
          7    do and how they're going to oversee it, I think we need to
          8    be very careful in how we monitor it so that we see the
          9    results of that work.  And that's why we have gone through
         10    another assessment, similar to what we did for the earlier
         11    start-up.  That's why the team is there, and we'll be
         12    sharing the results of those reviews publicly.  And we will
         13    be providing augmented coverage for start-up activities to
         14    assess how effectively they are doing in finding and
         15    identifying their own problems and addressing them.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't you go on?
         17              MR. MARTIN:  The next plant I wish to talk about
         18    is the Millstone facility.  The performance at the Millstone
         19    nuclear power station has been discussed during nine senior
         20    management meetings since June of 1991.
         21              In March of 1991 NRC met with Northeast Utilities,
         22    NU, to discuss our conclusions that performance had declined
         23    and that longstanding problems with procedure quality and
         24    implementation, untimely reportability and operability
         25    determinations, ineffective corrective actions, and
.                                                          19
          1    inadequate handling and resolution of employee safety
          2    concerns, required management's attention.
          3              In early 1992, the licensee implemented a
          4    performance enhancement program.  Despite this effort,
          5    significant operational performance problems continued,
          6    particularly at Unit 2 and more recently at Unit 1.
          7              Following the January 1995 senior management
          8    meeting, NRC senior managers met with NU's board of trustees
          9    to communicate NRC's concern with the lingering performance
         10    problems at the Millstone facility.  During the last five
         11    years, significant deficiencies were identified in facility
         12    material conditions, licensee processes and procedures, the
         13    handling of employee concerns, including two cases of
         14    confirmed harassment, intimidation and discrimination,
         15    procedural adherence, corrective action process
         16    effectiveness, competition and communication between units,
         17    a lack of operational focus, and an historic emphasis on
         18    justifying the status quo versus resolving identified
         19    problems.
         20              These deficiencies precipitated or contributed to
         21    a number of significant events, including the Unit 1
         22    shutdown to facilitate the retraining of operators after the
         23    licensed operator requalification program was declared
         24    unsatisfactory, a 12,000-gallon drain-down of the Unit 1
         25    reactor vessel to the dry well spray header while performing
.                                                          20
          1    an inadequate reviewed and approved surveillance test
          2    procedure, the destruction of the let-down system check
          3    valve at Unit 2 during repetitive, uncontrolled leak seal
          4    activities, which resulted in an unisolatable reactor
          5    coolant system leak and required reactor shutdown, four
          6    examples of line failures due to inadequate erosion-
          7    corrosion programs, multiple examples of failure to perform
          8    timely corrective action, and conservative operability and
          9    reportability determinations, and numerous examples of
         10    failure to appropriately implement licensing processes and
         11    procedures.
         12              In response, NU made a number of programmatic and
         13    management changes.  Also, the site and corporate
         14    engineering organizations were integrated and moved to the
         15    site.
         16              Unit 3 is currently operating, and overall
         17    performance continues to be generally good.  Detracting from
         18    this assessment were continued problems with procedure
         19    quality and implementation, recurrent personnel errors
         20    involving containment integrity, primary system dilution,
         21    untimely corrective actions for long-standing high failure
         22    rates of MSIB stroke tests, containment personnel hatch
         23    seals and auxiliary feedwater check valves, and
         24    rationalization of license requirements leading to
         25    violations of technical specifications for auxiliary
.                                                          21
          1    feedwater system operability and for control room and
          2    secondary containment integrity.
          3              Recently, management has initiated a number of
          4    actions to address these issues.
          5              Unit 2 shut down for refueling in October 1994 and
          6    almost immediately experienced several significant
          7    performance errors, including a loss of spent fuel cooling,
          8    a service water spill on an energized switch gear, and the
          9    opening of a pressurized hydrogen line.
         10              Millstone subsequently established an augmented
         11    work observation program, expanded pre- and post-job
         12    briefings, reduced the work pace, and extended the outage
         13    for 10 months, during which a number of performance
         14    improvement initiatives were implemented to effect
         15    equipment, procedural and work control improvements and to
         16    instill an operational focus in the plant staff.
         17              Additionally, the licensee developed the improving
         18    station performance plan to address broad station problems.
         19              The readiness assessment team inspection conducted
         20    in May 1995 concluded that there were no significant
         21    barriers to Unit 2 start-up.  The team also noted improved
         22    root cause evaluations and quality assessment audits and a
         23    conservative approach toward ensuring safety-significant
         24    work items were completed prior to restart.
         25              Since the plant restart in August 1995, Unit 2's
.                                                          22
          1    operational history has been generally good, including their
          2    voluntary shutdown in December to repair an unisolatable
          3    flange leak.
          4              Unit 1 is currently in a refueling outage that
          5    started in November 1995.  Over the last year, the quality
          6    of procedures, procedure adherence and work control practice
          7    have been of continuing concern, particularly in the
          8    maintenance area.
          9              These concerns were evident in the work on the
         10    zinc injection line that exceeded the work order
         11    assignments, the operation of the reactor beyond analyzed
         12    pressure limits, the operation of the plant at power in an
         13    unanalyzed condition with two safety-related electrical
         14    busses tied together, the failure to leak test five
         15    containment isolation valves, although an exemption had been
         16    denied several years prior, the full core off-load of
         17    reactor fuel to the spent fuel pool outside the design basis
         18    for nearly 13 operating cycles, and the seriously degraded
         19    material condition of rad waste storage and processing
         20    systems, the latter evidencing a substantial period of
         21    inadequate maintenance, engineering involvement and
         22    management oversight.
         23              It is noteworthy that there have been few
         24    significant performance problems during the current Unit 1
         25    refueling outage.
.                                                          23
          1              The NRC remains concerned about the volume of
          2    allegations received and the continued evidence of
          3    unresolved employee concerns at Millstone.  The licensee has
          4    enhanced training for managers and supervisors, replaced a
          5    number of supervisors, and established a more responsive
          6    nuclear safety concerns program.
          7              However, the continuing volume of allegations
          8    received by the NRC and two 2.206 petitions filed in the
          9    last year indicate that the licensee is still struggling to
         10    appropriately address concerns raised by its personnel.
         11              As a result of recently identified examples where
         12    Millstone has not complied with all safety-related aspects
         13    of its FSAR and portions of other regulatory requirements,
         14    on December 13, 1995 the agency issued a demand for
         15    information regarding what action the licensee has taken to
         16    ensure that future operations of Millstone Unit 1 will be
         17    conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
         18    Millstone Unit 1 operating license.
         19              Additionally, the EDO directed NRR to initiate an
         20    independent review of Millstone Station and NRC handling of
         21    employee concerns and allegations.
         22              Earlier this month, NRC took action to increase
         23    the resident staff at the site 6 with a senior resident and
         24    resident inspector for each of the three units.  In
         25    addition, NRC assigned a senior executive for the site to
.                                                          24
          1    direct oversight of licensee performance and assure
          2    coordinated review and identification of root causes of the
          3    licensee's continuing performance problems.
          4              In summary, although we recognize significant
          5    variations in performance of the three units at the
          6    Millstone nuclear power station, in view of the history of
          7    serious operational problems at the site and management's
          8    inability to consistently sustain performance improvements
          9    across all three units and to effectively resolve many
         10    employee safety concerns, the senior managers concluded that
         11    the Millstone Station would be placed on the watch list as a
         12    category 2 facility.
         13              Are there any questions relative to Millstone?
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Rogers?
         15              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  No.  I think that you've
         16    given us a litany of a large number of problems that have to
         17    be watched and I don't think there's any specific questions
         18    that I have, but I think that this whole site needs very
         19    strong attention.  There's no question about that.
         20              MR. MARTIN:  Yes, sir.
         21              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, you know that my concern
         22    is that not only does the specific site get attention but
         23    that lessons that come out of this, in terms of expectations
         24    that are clearly propagated to licensees, in terms of their
         25    responsibilities, as well as any changes that we might
.                                                          25
          1    suggest in our processes, be applied across the board.  And
          2    I think you've already begun some steps in that regard, but
          3    I just wanted to take this opportunity to reinforce that
          4    message here.  And I think --
          5              MR. MARTIN:  We received it.
          6              MR. RUSSELL:  I will be addressing the generic
          7    actions that we're taking as a result of lessons learned,
          8    after the plant discussions, and we'll come back to this
          9    issue.
         10              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay, very good.
         11              MR. TAYLOR:  Stew?
         12              MR. EBNETER:  Good morning.  Browns Ferry is a
         13    three-unit boiling water reactor owned and operated by the
         14    Tennessee Valley Authority.  Units 2 and 3 are operating and
         15    Unit 1 is defueled and shut down.
         16              Unit 3 has been in a recovery program since it
         17    shut down in the spring of 1985.  It was placed on the watch
         18    list as a category 3 unit in 1986.  Unit 3 finished its
         19    recovery program in the fall of 1995 and on November 15,
         20    1995 the Commission authorized the regional administrator to
         21    approve the restart of Unit 3 when TVA demonstrated
         22    readiness to operate.
         23              That approval was granted on November 19, 1995 and
         24    the unit achieved criticality about noon on November 19.
         25              The restart and power ascension testing program
.                                                          26
          1    were successfully completed with minimal problems, and power
          2    ascension was completed on December 14, 1995.
          3              The start-up and power ascension program was
          4    completed in a deliberate and methodical manner.  It was
          5    characterized by minimal equipment problems and very few
          6    personnel errors.  Those that did occur were not significant
          7    and did not cause operational issues or schedule delays.
          8              Operational issues were handled well by the
          9    operating crews, and equipment problems were dealt with
         10    promptly and adequately.  Root cause analyses were broad and
         11    in-depth and the corrective actions were prompt and
         12    effective.
         13              Unit 3 was operated concurrently with Unit 2 and
         14    there were no interactions between these two units, and
         15    there were no interferences.  The unit crews worked
         16    effectively as teams and they both worked cooperatively to
         17    do the maintenance and surveillance actions on both units.
         18              The licensee self-assessments were effective and
         19    timely.  Management involvement and oversight were thorough. 
         20    The operating staff performed well throughout the program.
         21              There were some weaknesses observed in the work
         22    control maintenance area and with status planning and
         23    configurations, but these were not major issues.
         24              The power ascension program progressed rapidly and
         25    effectively through hold points.  The NRC resident staff,
.                                                          27
          1    assisted by regional staff, provided inspection coverage for
          2    these and we provided around-the-clock coverage on
          3    significant evolutions.
          4              Browns Ferry 3 is listed as a category 2 plant on
          5    the watch list and will remain 2 until they demonstrate a
          6    period of sustained operational performance concurrent with
          7    Unit 2 operations.
          8              TVA's plans -- let me talk quickly about 1 --
          9    TVA's plans for Unit 1 are indeterminate and they remain on
         10    the watch list as category 3.  They have addressed Unit 1 in
         11    their integrated resource plan and that has been issued and
         12    it's under consideration by the TVA board and senior
         13    managers.  We don't have any additional feedback on that
         14    unit at this point.
         15              Are there any questions on Browns Ferry?
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Rogers?
         17              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Well, not a question but I
         18    just note that we've just heard about two category 2 sites;
         19    they're extremely different, in my view.  One, the Millstone
         20    site, which we really are very concerned about, whether
         21    they've got hold of things or not, and I haven't heard
         22    anything that says that there's a trend one way or the
         23    other.  I mean, there's just a lot of problems that are
         24    being dealt with.
         25              On the other hand, I take it that the Browns Ferry
.                                                          28
          1    3 site is a category 2 plant because it's been down for a
          2    long time and we're watching it carefully but that the
          3    readings on that site are entirely different than those for
          4    Millstone, while they are both category 2 plants.
          5              So I think it simply illustrates that category 2
          6    is a very broad category in many ways and being in that
          7    category, by itself, doesn't tell one a lot.  One has to
          8    really look to see what is going on.
          9              MR. EBNETER:  It's true, Browns Ferry is coming
         10    out of an extended problem and Millstone is entering into. 
         11    But it is a broad category and Browns Ferry 3 also -- you
         12    know, it was a cookie cutter of Unit 2 recovery and the same
         13    programs that were used on Unit 2 have been used on Unit 3. 
         14    So there's been a lot of lessons learned and experience, so
         15    it should go smoothly.  I would be very unhappy if it didn't
         16    go smoothly.
         17              A little further, if you go back to the 1985 time
         18    frame, those symptoms that Tim discussed with Millstone 3
         19    were the very same symptoms we saw at Brown Ferry in those
         20    days, but they have been primarily corrected.
         21              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I have some questions that I
         22    will actually defer until later, having to do with the
         23    categorization.
         24              MR. EBNETER:  You're going to keep us in suspense.
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's right.  Stay tuned.
.                                                          29
          1              Mr. Taylor?
          2              MR. TAYLOR:  Hub Miller.
          3              MR. MILLER:  Good morning, Chairman, Commissioner
          4    Rogers.
          5              Dresden was placed on the watch list for the first
          6    time in June 1987.  ComEd responded with the Dresden station
          7    improvement plan and following a period of improved
          8    performance, the plant was removed from the watch list in
          9    December 1988.
         10              Performance problems surfaced again and the plant
         11    was returned to the watch list in January 1992.  Since that
         12    time, efforts have been under way to address station
         13    problems.
         14              During the June 1995 senior management meeting, we
         15    noted ComEd had lost momentum in these improvement efforts. 
         16    This was exhibited by a significant event involving
         17    violation of technical specification limits which occurred
         18    at the beginning of 1995.
         19              Over the past six months, ComEd intensified its
         20    improvement efforts.  Significant management changes were
         21    made.  These include the senior vice president for BWR
         22    operations assuming the role of site vice president to more
         23    closely guide and oversee site activities.  These changes
         24    also include changes in operations, maintenance, engineering
         25    and work planning senior management positions.
.                                                          30
          1              Over the past six months, station management
          2    refocussed attention on operation standards and
          3    accountability.  As a consequence, marked improvement has
          4    been observed in control room activities.
          5              While Unit 3 was hampered with equipment problems
          6    coming out of an extended forced outage, each of three
          7    start-up evolutions on the unit was conducted in a
          8    deliberate error-free manner.  Priority was given to
          9    resolving operator work-arounds and control room
         10    deficiencies, with positive results.  Overall, a more
         11    conservative approach to decision-making has been observed
         12    at the station.
         13              Units 2 and 3 were both shut down for most of the
         14    past six months.  Unit 2 has been in an extended refueling
         15    outage and Unit 3 was shut down to repair a failed turbine
         16    generator.
         17              Steps were taken to resolve a number of long-
         18    standing equipment problems during these outages.  These
         19    include, for example, reestablishing a three-element
         20    feedwater control system design feature that had not worked
         21    for many years and unplugging a reactor vessel bottom head
         22    drain that similarly had been a problem for many years.  The
         23    latter is significant, as the plugged vessel drain
         24    contributed to the tech spec violation I mentioned a moment
         25    ago.
.                                                          31
          1              Efforts to reduce radiological hot spots and
          2    overall source term have produced positive results.
          3              While these steps were taken, considerable work
          4    remains to be done with respect to material condition.  The
          5    backlog of equipment deficiency remains high while problems
          6    with work planning and coordination persists.  Station
          7    management acted to improve work control and planning but
          8    significant results have yet to be observed.
          9              Weaknesses in worker skill levels continue to
         10    hamper progress.  Management mapped out an extensive worker
         11    training and requalification program early in 1995 but it
         12    was delayed by unanticipated outage work.  Plans now are to
         13    complete the program by the end of this summer.
         14              The number of maintenance and radiological
         15    protection-related personnel errors continued to be high,
         16    particularly during the dual unit outage, indicating efforts
         17    to communicate management standards and expectations have
         18    not been fully effective.
         19              Engineering support to the station improved
         20    through increased staffing and involvement in plant
         21    activities, but efforts to better identify equipment
         22    problems through plant walk-downs and system reviews need to
         23    continue.
         24              Continued significant management attention is
         25    needed to assure improvement efforts are sustained and
.                                                          32
          1    effective at Dresden.  This is particularly important in
          2    light of the long time that Dresden has been a category 2
          3    plant and its history of cyclic performance.
          4              While performance improvements have again been
          5    observed in some areas, effectiveness of recent management
          6    changes and improvement efforts will only become clear as
          7    the Unit 2 outage is completed, the unit is started up and
          8    operated, along with Unit 3, for a period of time.  Dresden
          9    will continue as a category 2 plant.
         10              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Rogers?
         11              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Well, not so much on
         12    Dresden, although it's really a question about the past in
         13    the sense that Dresden first went on the watch list in June
         14    of '87 and came off in December of '88 and in retrospect, it
         15    looks as if that was much too quick a decision to take them
         16    off that.
         17              MR. TAYLOR:  It was.  I agree.
         18              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  And I wonder whether you
         19    have been able to develop some sense of, on the average, how
         20    long it really does take a plant to get to a point, when
         21    it's gone on the watch list, that we feel reasonably
         22    comfortable we can take it off.  I know it'll vary from
         23    plant to plant.  I'm sure there are many variables.  But
         24    nevertheless, I think that we may be able to have some
         25    feeling about when a very early decision is pending on
.                                                          33
          1    taking a plant off a watch list, based on what our past
          2    experience might be.
          3              MR. TAYLOR:  When we did that the first time, we
          4    really didn't have reasonable spell-out of criteria.  We do
          5    now.  We do have a series of what you might call tests, test
          6    indicators, so to speak, to try to help us guide our
          7    decision.  That's been a more recent development and I think
          8    they're actually utilized by the staff as we go through how
          9    far have they come, have we seen what we think we need to
         10    see to make that decision.  It's a little more discipline.
         11              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Well, if you have any sort
         12    of general observations that you could communicate to me on
         13    that, I'd appreciate it.  I'd just like to understand that.
         14              MR. TAYLOR:  Do you want to add something?
         15              MR. RUSSELL:  I'll be discussing a study that we
         16    have under way that will broadly address your question, but
         17    I would agree with Jim.  I think the major lesson learned
         18    from both Dresden and Turkey Point, both of which were
         19    facilities that were on, came off, and went back on, is that
         20    we did not do as thorough a review to ensure ourselves that
         21    the changes that had been put in place would be lasting, and
         22    there may have been some anticipation of progress continuing
         23    to be made without having actually seen it in performance of
         24    the facility.
         25              So we now have a very rigorous process that we go
.                                                          34
          1    through to determine whether a plant is ready to be removed
          2    and we can return to a more normal level of monitoring of
          3    performance.
          4              So once you go on, we need to see actual evidence
          5    that performance has changed so that we will be comfortable
          6    in reducing resources as relates to NRC oversight.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Have you identified appropriate
          8    actions to be taken when plants remain on the problem plant
          9    list for an extended period of time?  What does it mean for
         10    a plant to remain on the problem plant list?  Presumably
         11    we're expending -- you're expending greater resources, and
         12    if a plant remains long enough, are we putting ourselves in
         13    somewhat of an untenable position?
         14              MR. RUSSELL:  That issue has been discussed.  We
         15    are currently working with OGC to evaluate options for
         16    actions we may take for an extended period without showing
         17    progress because one of the things that becomes obvious is
         18    that you get commitments back, things are going to be done
         19    to change performance, and you don't see the results of that
         20    performance change.
         21              So we've been discussing it internally.  We have
         22    accelerated our schedule for doing that and hope to have a
         23    paper that has been well coordinated within the staff and
         24    with the General Counsel's Office to the Commission in about
         25    two months.
.                                                          35
          1              I don't have, other than my personal views, I
          2    don't have a collective position on it now but it is one
          3    we're giving a lot of attention to.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So two months from now is May
          5    1.
          6              MR. TAYLOR:  Got it.
          7              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Just one other general
          8    observation.  It does seem to me, and it always has seemed
          9    to me that how well a plant is performing on radiation
         10    protection is a pretty good indicator of -- we are concerned
         11    about the health of the people who work at the plant, but it
         12    tells you much more than that.  It tells you how assiduously
         13    they are conforming to procedures and the care which they're
         14    taking in their every-day activities, so that by itself,
         15    it's a sensitive indicator.
         16              MR. RUSSELL:  Yes.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Actually, I would like to have
         18    you address, and I think we should finish going through the
         19    plant list, but in the follow-up conversation, address the
         20    issue of how do you really monitor or determine the
         21    effectiveness of the propagation of management expectations
         22    through the staff, and are there, in fact, staffing or
         23    training issues -- I don't want to suggest an answer for you
         24    because I want you to give me an answer.
         25              We hear you talking many times about management
.                                                          36
          1    expectations and management changes but, in the end, it's
          2    people who operate these plants.  We spend a lot of time
          3    talking about the operators and conservative operations, and
          4    that has to be a key focus, but you've also heard me say
          5    that if the equipment isn't operated appropriately, if there
          6    are too many operator work-arounds -- we focus on the
          7    operators because they have to be the ones to safely shut
          8    down, manage a transient, shut down a plant if there's a
          9    problem.  But we, de facto, put them into that position, or
         10    the people who operate the plants, who work on the
         11    equipment, if the overall performance of the plant is not
         12    appropriate.
         13              So I'm really interested in to what extent you've
         14    evolved your thinking in terms of evaluating the
         15    effectiveness of the propagation of management expectations
         16    to the staff.
         17              MR. RUSSELL:  I'll be discussing that when we come
         18    back to the generic discussion.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
         20              MR. MARTIN:  Chairman, Commissioner, at this time
         21    we're going to move on into the trending plant.  Hope Creek
         22    nuclear generating station was first discussed at the
         23    January 1996 senior management meeting, in recognition of a
         24    declining trend in performance.  In 1994, the NRC increased
         25    attention to the Hope Creek performance following a series
.                                                          37
          1    of plant events.
          2              Although the material condition at Hope Creek is
          3    substantially better than at the licensee's Salem facility,
          4    many of the performance concerns exhibited there had been
          5    identified, including weaknesses in control of plant
          6    activities and adequate communications, mixed procedural
          7    adherence and ineffective resolution of identified problems
          8    due to weak root cause analysis.
          9              While no functional area was assessed as category
         10    3, the SALP for the period June 1993 through April of 1995
         11    identified declining performance in operations and
         12    maintenance, continued good performance in engineering, and
         13    superior performance in plant support.
         14              After completing a refueling outage in May 1994, a
         15    series of five reactor scrams occurred over the remainder of
         16    the year.  Weak maintenance practices contributed to three
         17    reactor trips and inadequate training of operators by
         18    engineering on the characteristics of a new digital
         19    feedwater control modification contributed to another.
         20              In April 1995 an unmonitored radiological release
         21    involving the decontamination solution evaporator revealed
         22    weaknesses in system engineering, design review, operations,
         23    procedures and practices, management oversight and control,
         24    communications and integration of facts, and assessment of
         25    cause.
.                                                          38
          1              As a result, the evaporator was operated
          2    improperly and contrary to the FSAR; radioactive liquid was
          3    released through a ventilation system, effectively bypassing
          4    the stacked radioactivity monitors; and the scope of the
          5    resulting contamination was not determined until after one
          6    low level contaminated vehicle had left the site.
          7              In July of 1995 a partial loss of shutdown cooling
          8    occurred as a result of inadequate procedural guidance, poor
          9    operator training, and inadequate staff performance.  Other
         10    factors that contributed to this event were poor on-shift
         11    communications and procedural adherence, inadequate
         12    integration and assessment of information, and inadequate
         13    corrective action and training for earlier shutdown cooling
         14    events.
         15              Also, senior plant management failed to properly
         16    assess the significance of this event in a timely manner,
         17    delaying the start of a comprehensive evaluation of the
         18    event and proper notification of the NRC.
         19              Prior to commencing the current refueling outage
         20    in November and continuing through the end of 1995, a series
         21    of plant problems arose, indicating that performance decline
         22    was continuing.  These included personnel errors and
         23    equipment failures resulting in a 22,000-gallon spill of
         24    non-radioactive water in the turbine building, reactivity
         25    mismanagement as a result of operators not using all
.                                                          39
          1    available indications, frequent emergency diesel generator
          2    surveillance testing deficiencies which resulted in the
          3    diesel generators being declared inoperable, frequently
          4    unavailable process and effluent radiation monitoring
          5    systems, mishandling of highly radioactive local power range
          6    monitor detectors that were being transferred to the storage
          7    pool, inadequate operating procedures leading to failure to
          8    implement technical specification requirements for shutdown
          9    operations, and repeat snubber and pipe support degradation
         10    of the residual heat removal shutdown cooling system that
         11    indicated prior corrective actions had been ineffective.
         12              Although the material condition in Hope Creek is
         13    generally better than that of the Salem unit, there are
         14    indications that the material condition at Hope Creek may be
         15    deteriorating.  A review of recent licensee event reports
         16    indicates an adverse trend in safety system failures. 
         17    Recurrent failures of high pressure coolant injection
         18    system, emergency diesel generators, and vital equipment
         19    room cooling and ventilation have occurred.  Non-safety-
         20    related equipment degradation has also led to more frequent
         21    challenges to the operators.
         22              The licensee announced the development of a
         23    performance improvement plan in August 1995, similar in
         24    content to the Salem improvement plan but of lesser scope. 
         25    By the end of 1995, most of the corporate and site managers
.                                                          40
          1    were replaced or reassigned.
          2              The new management team made an important decision
          3    in the fall of 1995 to expand the scope of the Hope Creek
          4    refueling outage.  New management expectations fostered
          5    changes to ensure that equipment deficiencies were
          6    identified and corrected.  As a result, a number of planned
          7    activities for the refueling outage tripled.
          8              Also, steps are being taken to change the work
          9    control process to better manage the backlog of outstanding
         10    maintenance and engineering issues in support of operations.
         11              Hope Creek is currently in a refueling outage. 
         12    Significant progress has been made by the licensee to
         13    identify problems and assess the need for corrective
         14    actions.  The new management team has clearly communicated
         15    higher performance expectations to the staff.  Much still
         16    remains to be done.
         17              The current schedule projects restart in late
         18    February.  The NRC plans to conduct a restart readiness
         19    assessment team inspection prior to start-up.  Longer-term
         20    improvements outlined in the licensee's improvement plan
         21    will not be completed until mid- to late 1996.
         22              In summary, the senior managers determined that
         23    the performance at Hope Creek was trending downward and that
         24    Public Service Electric and Gas Company should receive a
         25    letter requesting a meeting to discuss NRC's concerns.
.                                                          41
          1              For the sake of completeness, if I can, I'd like
          2    to go into the Salem --
          3              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  I have just one question. 
          4    On the July '95 partial loss of shutdown cooling, how long
          5    was the delay before they notified NRC of this event?
          6              MR. MARTIN:  Ultimately, it would be several
          7    weeks.
          8              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Several weeks?
          9              MR. MARTIN:  Yes.
         10              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  How did that notification
         11    come about?
         12              MR. MARTIN:  The problem was identified during the
         13    weekend by the shift personnel and treated as another
         14    example of a personnel error.  The quality assurance
         15    organization did a preliminary review of the problems and
         16    were concerned that there was much more to this event than
         17    had been shared.  The acting plant manager was informed of
         18    this and did not support the QA organization's conclusions.
         19              When the plant manager returned -- he was moving
         20    his family to the site; he'd recently been appointed
         21    there -- and was apprised of this information, he recognized
         22    there was more to it and launched a much more aggressive
         23    review of the material.
         24              It was three or four days after that when he got
         25    the preliminary results of that, he recognized the
.                                                          42
          1    significance of it.  He called the resident inspector in and
          2    informed him.
          3              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Well, that's enough of the
          4    detail, but I'm pleased to hear how that evolved.  At least
          5    it looks as if there's an improvement in the management
          6    judgment with respect to how conservative they ought to make
          7    their calls.
          8              MR. MARTIN:  Yes, sir.
          9              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Okay.
         10              MR. MARTIN:  At this point I would like to discuss
         11    the performance of the Salem facility, which is also
         12    operated by Public Service Electric and Gas and it is
         13    located adjacent to the Hope Creek facility.
         14              As you may recall, the Salem facility has never
         15    been on the NRC's watch list; nor has it been designated a
         16    downward trending facility.  However, following the January
         17    1995 senior management meeting, NRC's senior managers met
         18    the licensee's board of directors on March 21 to communicate
         19    our concern for Salem's continuing poor performance and
         20    management's apparent inability to resolve the underlying
         21    root causes.
         22              In April 1995, Public Service Electric and Gas
         23    Company announced their issues management and prioritized
         24    action plan, which described their program for resolution of
         25    long-standing performance concerns.  The licensee
.                                                          43
          1    subsequently shut down Salem Unit 1 to comply with technical
          2    specification requirements in response to degraded emergency
          3    switch gear ventilation equipment.
          4              In June 1995, Salem Unit 2 was shut down to comply
          5    with technical specification requirements in response to
          6    degraded residual heat removal minimum flow recirculation
          7    valves.
          8              In both cases Salem's staff had previously failed
          9    to appropriately determine safety equipment operability in
         10    response to the initial identification of component failures
         11    that had occurred, in this case, in December and January of
         12    that year.
         13              Subsequently, a $600,000 civil penalty was levied
         14    on Salem as a result of six severity level 3 violations,
         15    five of which were associated with the licensee's failure to
         16    promptly correct conditions adverse to quality over an
         17    extended period of time.
         18              On June 9, 1995, Region I issued a confirmatory
         19    action letter delineating Public Service Electric and Gas's
         20    commitment that must be satisfied prior to the restart of
         21    either Salem unit.  PSE&G subsequently embarked on a
         22    comprehensive program intended to identify and address
         23    equipment deficiencies for safety-related systems, systems
         24    important to safety, and systems likely to challenge
         25    operators and reliable plant operations.
.                                                          44
          1              PSE&G also put in place a new management team,
          2    replacing 20 of the top 31 senior managers in the nuclear
          3    business unit with responsibility for the Salem activities.
          4              The new management team has implemented a number
          5    of measures to improve the standards of performance of the
          6    nuclear business unit staff.  Preliminary indications show
          7    that they have met with some success in improving the safety
          8    focus of the Salem organization.
          9              Some of the results of their efforts include a
         10    large increase in the number of documented degraded plant
         11    conditions, a graded approach to performing root cause
         12    determinations, management accountability for the quality
         13    and timeliness of root cause determinations, and
         14    implementation of a departmental self-assessment program.
         15              The system readiness review process, to identify
         16    equipment deficiencies and determine which must be addressed
         17    prior to restart, is essentially complete, and the results
         18    appear to encompass NRC's independent assessment of needed
         19    equipment performance improvements.
         20              The action plans to address people and process
         21    problems have been developed and plant management has begun
         22    implementation of the resulting actions.
         23              On December 11, 1995, PSE&G presented the Salem
         24    restart plan at a public meeting.  The Salem restart plan
         25    consists of nine individual action plans addressing
.                                                          45
          1    performance improvements in the areas of human performance,
          2    self-assessment, corrective action, operations, system and
          3    equipment reliability, maintenance, work control,
          4    engineering and training.
          5              The NRC Salem assessment panel will monitor the
          6    effectiveness of the licensee's restart activities.  Unit 1
          7    restart is currently planned for this summer.
          8              In summary, the history of performance problems at
          9    Salem have been of continuing NRC concern.  Salem Units 1
         10    and 2 are currently shut down and the licensee is engaged in
         11    a comprehensive performance improvement program.  PSE&G has
         12    also committed to not restart either unit until they are
         13    ready and we agree.
         14              Any questions?
         15              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  I just might comment that
         16    the Chairman has recused herself from any actions or
         17    considerations involving PSE&G and that's one reason why
         18    she's left.  She will be back for the other presentations.
         19              I just have a question about the decision to
         20    include a comment regarding Salem 1 and 2 in the letter to
         21    Hope Creek in the sense that it seems as if we're almost
         22    creating a new category here of --
         23              MR. TAYLOR:  That's not the intent.
         24              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  I understand but I just
         25    wonder whether there is a little question of consistency
.                                                          46
          1    with how we deal with licensees on matters of some concern
          2    to us as far as future records of the past are concerned,
          3    because the record does not show any trending letter ever
          4    going to Salem, yet there is mention of Salem in a Hope
          5    Creek trending letter.  Therefore, what does that say?
          6              MR. TAYLOR:  We might have issued them a trending
          7    letter.
          8              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  I would ask you to give some
          9    thought to that.  I don't know if the general counsel has
         10    any comments on it or not but it does seem to me that we
         11    want to be very careful about our consistency in approach
         12    with respect to communications, particularly when one looks
         13    back at the record.  And in the record here of plants
         14    discussed and trending letters issued, Salem did not ever
         15    appear in the trending letters issued, and yet it did appear
         16    in -- it was included in a Hope Creek letter.
         17              So I'd just ask you to give some thought to
         18    consistency here and --
         19              MR. TAYLOR:  It's somewhat inconsistent.
         20              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  There's a little bit of a
         21    difference there.
         22              I think perhaps we might go on.
         23              MR. RUSSELL:  I would agree that there's some
         24    inconsistency.  We did publicly acknowledge the meeting
         25    earlier with the board of directors.
.                                                          47
          1              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Yes.
          2              MR. RUSSELL:  And the actions taken since that
          3    meeting, as described by Tim, have been quite positive with
          4    respect to addressing the concerns.  We have not yet seen
          5    plant performance in operation to be able to judge the
          6    effectiveness of those, but clearly actions have been taken
          7    to address the issues we discussed with the board.
          8              In that context, from a factual standpoint
          9    regarding plant performance, the circumstances are similar. 
         10    We are inconsistent in how we have communicated it.
         11              MR. TAYLOR:  Many of their issues have been
         12    material issues, too, I mean material condition of the
         13    plant.  So the activities that are now on-going, we're
         14    looking to correct some of the troubles which have
         15    contributed significantly to some of their past events.  But
         16    the consistency question is --
         17              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  And there is the question of
         18    the significance of a trending letter.  As I recall, Hope
         19    Creek's performance a few years ago was really quite good
         20    and its overall capacity factor and so on and so forth was
         21    quite high.
         22              So what we're doing in issuing a trending letter
         23    is they're dropping off from that position, and we want to
         24    let them know that we're concerned about it, and that's a
         25    very proper thing for us to do.
.                                                          48
          1              On the other hand, I think we've seen a succession
          2    of problems with Salem that goes quite far back, and they
          3    have not, maybe because we haven't seen a trend, either up
          4    or down, we haven't sent them a trending letter, and yet
          5    maybe I think the very fact that they were mentioned in the
          6    Hope Creek letter indicates we have a concern about them, an
          7    official concern.
          8              I do think it again illustrates that these
          9    categories of having issued a trending letter, being
         10    category 1 or 2 and so on and so forth represents a rather
         11    broad range of possibilities and one has to be careful in
         12    concluding exactly what the status of a plant is when
         13    they're issued a trending letter or put in a category 2
         14    because there could be very substantial differences in the
         15    status of those plants.
         16              I do think, with Salem, that we keep hearing about
         17    it; there have been a number of incidents of various kinds
         18    that have raised our attention to that plant, and the
         19    public's attention to that plant over the last few years. 
         20    And while that did not generate a trending letter, it
         21    certainly did generate interest on our part and concern.
         22              So I do think we may have no solution to this
         23    ambiguity of what the meaning is of a category or a trending
         24    letter, but I do think it is important that the public
         25    understand that these are broad categories.
.                                                          49
          1              MR. MARTIN:  Commissioner, I might add one more
          2    thing.  As you recognize, we've kind of evolved into these
          3    tools we now have.  The trending letter was one of the more
          4    recent additions.
          5              Obviously, for Salem facility, we have had
          6    concerns about the performance for some time and we've had
          7    four augmented inspection teams in as many years.  The SALP
          8    early '90s articulated a decline in performance back then.
          9              Had we had a trending letter back then, we
         10    probably would have used it at that time but at that time
         11    you're either on the watch list or you're not, so we used
         12    our SALP process to communicate our concerns about decline.
         13              When we found ourselves, a number of senior
         14    management, discussing are they a problem plant, I have to
         15    admit I was probably one of the more optimistic individuals,
         16    representing what I had seen at the site, in terms of
         17    corrective action by the licensee, and we did not conclude
         18    that they were on the problem plant list.
         19              However, last January, when we met to discuss the
         20    performance of the facility, we were concerned about their
         21    inability to move away from the edge and felt that although
         22    we couldn't point to a downward trend which would have given
         23    us the opportunity then to use the trending letter, we had
         24    to get on the record and we had to meet with this board and
         25    tell them our concerns.
.                                                          50
          1              As a result, instead of a trending letter, we sent
          2    a letter on the record indicating we need to speak with the
          3    board of directors.  The outcome of such a letter is the
          4    same as a trending letter in that it announces, "We need to
          5    talk to you."
          6              We met with them and, to be quite frank, we've had
          7    some positive results from that meeting.  But today we find
          8    ourselves still in a situation where they're not in a box. 
          9    They're not binned as having previously received a trending
         10    letter or not.  We felt that we had to correct the record,
         11    and we obviously still want to see some additional
         12    improvements in that licensee's performance, and so
         13    articulated in the letter for completeness.  I don't think
         14    it would have appeared logical to just list Hope Creek,
         15    knowing Salem was shut down next door to it.
         16              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Yes.  Well, I think it was
         17    well that you did something but I do think maybe it raises a
         18    question about whether we might think a little bit about
         19    perhaps enlarging that category of letters.
         20              I think perhaps we should just move on.  The
         21    Chairman does know that we will be continuing here, so
         22    she'll be back when she's ready to come back.
         23              MR. RUSSELL:  I will continue with the discussion
         24    of program areas and generic issues.  The first program area
         25    relates broadly to plant performance evaluation.
.                                                          51
          1              Let me start by saying that our current processes
          2    are not as integrated as I would like.  We have discussed
          3    with the Commission in the past the systematic assessment of
          4    licensee performance process.  We've discussed the new
          5    inspection initiative associated with the integrated
          6    performance assessment program and the team inspections. 
          7    And we've had activities under way to improve our plant
          8    performance reviews which are conducted each six months,
          9    which are the principal tool used to allocate resources.
         10              We also need to take these three pieces, integrate
         11    them together to identify their relations to the senior
         12    management assessment overall of plant performance, both in
         13    the context of the screening meetings, which I conduct twice
         14    a year, in which we review the performance of all facilities
         15    in the United States, as well as the processes which are
         16    used for the senior management meeting.
         17              We are working on two management directives, one
         18    which will address the processes and procedures related to
         19    the senior management meeting process and, as a parallel
         20    activity to the development of that directive, we are also
         21    conducting a case study of the historical performance of a
         22    number of facilities which have, in the past, been on the
         23    watch list and comparing their performance to norms of
         24    performance at that time to assess whether there are
         25    potential quantitative indicators which may help us in our
.                                                          52
          1    assessment process.
          2              In addition, we are working on a directive as well
          3    as revisions to our inspection procedures to integrate
          4    inspection activities with performance assessment activities
          5              In the past we have done quite a good job I think
          6    of inspecting and finding things, issues, sometimes handled
          7    in isolation, and we have not been as effective at
          8    understanding what that means and applying it.
          9              This is the area that we have spent the most time
         10    on over the last 18 months or so, since we have discussed it
         11    at a number of senior management meetings, and March of '95
         12    I issued guidance to the regions which basically identified
         13    the types of factual information to be reviewed and
         14    considered in the semiannual plant performance review
         15    processes.
         16              These were inspection reports, licensee event
         17    reports, the results of licensee self-assessments,
         18    enforcement actions, et cetera.
         19              We consciously decided not to constrain the
         20    assessment process.  That is, here is the information to be
         21    reviewed and allow the region some flexibility in trying
         22    different approaches to see what works and what doesn't
         23    work.
         24              We have done that now, and we were to meet prior
         25    to the senior management meeting to review the results and
.                                                          53
          1    look at a standardized process and program guidance as to
          2    how these should be conducted.  Unfortunately, the blizzard
          3    delayed that.  We are now going to be meeting tomorrow.
          4              But let me say that there have been some
          5    significant successes.  We discussed a number of facilities
          6    in our meeting which I think the insights from the screening
          7    meetings and from the revised process provided us insights
          8    and we will be redirecting some inspection resources to
          9    those facilities.
         10              I think particularly useful has been the process
         11    of a site issues matrix, as that is being used in one of the
         12    regions, where you collect with time the technical issues
         13    that come up, whether they come from an inspection report, a
         14    licensee event report, et cetera, where they relate to
         15    either hardware, performance problems, or people performance
         16    problems.  This information is then kept current and so that
         17    you have the factual information which the NRC is reviewing,
         18    from which it draws its conclusions about performance.
         19              We have also seen different approaches for
         20    integrating that information.  Some regions have tried using
         21    a focus group.  That is with a few inspectors focusing on
         22    exchanging information and we have tried processes of
         23    instead of issuing individual inspection reports in
         24    functional areas or silos to go to an integrated report for
         25    a shorter period of time to force the integration of
.                                                          54
          1    information.
          2              We have not completed that review process.  We
          3    expect to do that starting tomorrow and then issue guidance,
          4    but our objective is to identify trends in performance
          5    earlier, even if it means that we err on the side of
          6    identifying a problem -- at worst, all we'll do is spend
          7    some additional resources and confirm that the problem is
          8    not there.
          9              On the other hand, if we are not conservative in
         10    making judgments about performance and we miss a trend, then
         11    we have the situation where performance may go on and
         12    afterward we look back and look for a tool that we could
         13    have used to have identified it, so this is a major area of
         14    emphasis and performance assessment underpins how we use our
         15    resources for the entire program.
         16              This is an important element.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me just ask a question and
         18    sort of make a comment implicitly.
         19              I realize the desire to allow the different
         20    regions to try out different things, but it seems to me that
         21    at a certain point you have to iterate to a methodology that
         22    allows you to assure some consistency in plant evaluations
         23    across regions or can at least justify the broadness of the
         24    categories into which you place different plants in
         25    different regions and in the process identify the
.                                                          55
          1    boundaries.
          2              If you don't, the process is not going to be one
          3    that will at least on the outside be viewed as credible, and
          4    so I think that as you are trying out these different
          5    methodologies for doing this total performance assessment
          6    that you have a process that is structured to iterate to
          7    having consistency as much as possible across the regions
          8    and lays out what the broad boundaries are for the various
          9    categories in which you place plants so that there isn't an
         10    apparent inconsistence.
         11              MR. RUSSELL:  We agree with that.  We did discuss
         12    the need for that and we believe the time has come to now
         13    provide potentially some more detailed guidance on the
         14    assessment process and the tools to be used and also the
         15    criteria for the various types of categorization and so we
         16    are going to be working on that in the near term, starting
         17    with tomorrow's meeting and I am pleased we had this
         18    discussion because it is a nice kickoff for tomorrow's
         19    meeting.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me follow up with
         21    something.  There was a memo that the Commission got where
         22    the Staff identified the following things -- a high rate of
         23    operational events, inadequate engineering and technical
         24    support; and management ineffectiveness -- as dominant
         25    characteristics which have occurred with reasonable
.                                                          56
          1    consistency among the plants that have been placed on the
          2    problem plant list.
          3              To what extent do you have objective data to
          4    support these observations, and have you done that -- some
          5    kind of a categorization with respect to these observations?
          6              MR. RUSSELL:  We have done some earlier studies
          7    where we have looked at plants that were previously on the
          8    problem plant list and what were the characteristics of the
          9    problems from SALP reports, et cetera.
         10              We have not done it to a level of detail that we
         11    are now anticipating conducting.
         12              From the standpoint of looking at what has been
         13    the history, for example, of licensee event reports
         14    involving performance problems and whose performance -- is
         15    it licensed operators, equipment operators or others --
         16    procedural problems, et cetera, so we are jointly, between
         17    NRR and AEOD, looking back at that factual data to see if we
         18    can't quantify this better.
         19              We have also started looking at some cases where
         20    we have some norms and then it appears that in some areas an
         21    individual plant may be an outlier as it relates to events
         22    during shutdown, et cetera, so these are some of the
         23    indicators that are in our current system, performance
         24    indicators, and we are going to go back and relook at some
         25    of that historical data to see if we can't quantify it, to
.                                                          57
          1    see if there are some trends.
          2              The easiest one to use I think is reactor trips
          3    and significant events, clearly where they are complicated
          4    with problems.
          5              That is probably the indicator that caused us to
          6    start looking much harder, for example, at Hope Creek and
          7    what was happening in the '94 timeframe, so we are looking
          8    to see if based upon particular events occurring or the
          9    combination of events individually which are not significant
         10    but in collection tells us we ought to look harder to see if
         11    that might lead us to identify a trend sooner as it relates
         12    to the volume of data that does come in.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, that is one kind, but
         14    there's this issue of inadequate engineering and technical
         15    support as well as management ineffectiveness, and if these
         16    are dominant characteristics that have shown up with some
         17    degree of consistency with problem plant list plants, if you
         18    are gathering data, should you not try to make some either
         19    historical look or going forward to look to see to what
         20    extent there is some binning that occurs for plants that
         21    either historically have been on the watch list, problem
         22    plant list, or going forward to see what happens.
         23              Again, if these are criteria that de facto get
         24    folded into a total performance assessment, then you need to
         25    see to what extent the plants that have been of most concern
.                                                          58
          1    have these as dominant characteristics.
          2              MR. MILLER:  Chairman, if I could just remark, I
          3    think when it comes to individual plant assessments,
          4    certainly if we are making those kinds of characterizations
          5    I think it's always the case I believe that we will give the
          6    examples -- I think you may be talking broader but certainly
          7    I feel it is important to understand that as we are doing
          8    SALP reports or inspection reports when we make
          9    characterizations like that, it is our practice to provide
         10    the evidence, if you will, the events, the hardware failures
         11    and the like, that would support those kinds of
         12    characterizations.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.  Well, let me just try to
         14    make sure you understand where I am.
         15              You know, one could argue that, you know, except
         16    for some small frequency that any hardware failure is a
         17    human factors issue, and so when you talk about engineering
         18    and technical support and you talk about management
         19    effectiveness, those are human factors issues.  All I am
         20    saying is that you can't just look at the equipment failures
         21    because apparently you are not anyway when you do your
         22    senior management evaluation process, and so I am just
         23    trying to push you as you are looking for consistency as
         24    well as taking a historical look at these plants that you
         25    think about it in terms of a template, particularly if you
.                                                          59
          1    are looking for trends, but I mean it's your job.
          2              MR. RUSSELL:  The issue with respect to trends and
          3    engineering in particular is going to be quite difficult,
          4    because we have only recently within the last five years or
          5    so really modified our core inspection programs to start
          6    focusing on engineering with a refocusing of the SALP
          7    process, and usually they are case specific.  That is, you
          8    see cases where corrective actions were not sufficient and
          9    it had in its root causes engineering issues.
         10              We are also looking at engineering in the context
         11    of what is the licensing basis of the plant and issues I'll
         12    talk about in just a moment with respect to the FSAR and
         13    design basis information.
         14              Those core modules were revised only a few years
         15    ago, so whether we have sufficient data to go back and look,
         16    it may be that we weren't collecting the data sufficiently
         17    with the exception of specific examples to illustrate
         18    concerns which we found only after the fact through root
         19    cause analysis.  So I think this is a fruitful area because
         20    it may indicate that we need to revise our information
         21    gathering on the front end as it relates to engineering
         22    types of inspections, understanding of the design basis,
         23    operator work-arounds become an issue of the last year or
         24    two.
         25              Prior to that, if it was concluded operable but
.                                                          60
          1    you were substituting human performance for design, that
          2    wasn't seen as an engineering material problem, so these are
          3    issues that we have come to recognize need focus.  The
          4    objective of the study that we are going to undertake is to
          5    look at those and then see where that folds back into
          6    potential modifications to the inspection program so that we
          7    can collect the data to potentially see the trends, to pick
          8    them up before they degrade to the point where it is obvious
          9    that you have an engineering problem at the facility, so
         10    that is the objective.  We have some work to do to get to
         11    that point.
         12              Let me shift now to generic issues.
         13              The first issue I would like to discuss is a
         14    short-term inspection activity which we'll be initiating
         15    tomorrow.  The instructions have gone out to the field.  It
         16    relates to the adequacy of the updated final safety analysis
         17    reports of the facilities and the 5059 change process.
         18              By way of background, issues associated with
         19    refueling practices at Millstone Unit 1, have indicated
         20    concerns with respect to conformance to the final safety
         21    analysis report, not only as it relates to conduct of
         22    refueling activities but, as Tim mentioned, a request that
         23    the company look broadly at Unit 1 operations and provide a
         24    response that would give me confidence that they are in fact
         25    conducting activities consistent with 5059, which
.                                                          61
          1    specifically references the FSAR.
          2              But it is not limited to Millstone.  We have had
          3    other facilities where in the course of engineering
          4    inspections we have found differences between the design
          5    basis documentation and procedures and what is in the FSAR.
          6              As a result, we have embarked upon a two-part
          7    approach to determine the extent of the problem.
          8              The first is to look specifically at spent fuel
          9    pool cooling systems and refueling practices, and we are in
         10    the process now of reconstituting the licensing basis for
         11    those systems for each of the operating reactors.
         12              This is going on at Headquarters, using technical
         13    resources and project manager resources.  We have also
         14    requested that the senior residents or the regional staffs
         15    forward to us the current procedures that are used at the
         16    facilities as it relates to operation of fuel pool cooling
         17    systems and refueling practices, and then we are going to do
         18    a review of those procedures against the licensing basis to
         19    identify areas for specific referral back to the region for
         20    follow-up.
         21              We have prioritized, prior to the review to
         22    complete this prioritizing activity prior to the spring
         23    refueling outages.  So, as we know what the outage schedules
         24    are, we have given those plants priority.
         25              The second part of the approach is a broad scope
.                                                          62
          1    inspection activity that, for each inspection conducted over
          2    the next 60 days, the first activity in preparing to conduct
          3    that inspection by the inspector, whether it be a resident
          4    inspector or a region-based inspector or a headquarters
          5    inspector will be to review the relevant inspections of the
          6    updated FSAR to understand what are, in fact, the
          7    commitments and requirements in that area and then to
          8    conduct the inspection and make judgments as to whether they
          9    are or are not being conducted consistent with the updated
         10    FSAR.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  How resource intensive is this
         12    for you?
         13              MR. RUSSELL:  This should be, depending upon the
         14    ease of access in getting to the FSAR, it should be
         15    background information to be used prior to the inspection. 
         16    The inspection activity, that is what activity is to be
         17    conducted, will not change.  So if you are going to be doing
         18    an engineering inspection in a particular area, you would
         19    read that portion of the FSAR for the description of the
         20    system and then you would conduct your inspection in the
         21    normal manner of looking at the procedures and other things
         22    on site.
         23              So there will be some preparation time prior to,
         24    but this will not shift the projection focus.  Rather, it is
         25    to ensure we gather information as to whether we have a
.                                                          63
          1    broad-based problem or whether this is a problem associated
          2    with fuel pool cooling shutdown events, et cetera.
          3              Each inspection report will have a separate
          4    section in the inspection report which will document the
          5    results of the findings.  That is, having reviewed the FSAR
          6    and making a judgment as to whether activities were
          7    conducted consistent with it or not.
          8              Now, it may be that the current version of the
          9    FSAR is not consistent with the activities but they have a
         10    review that has been completed under 10 CFR 5059 that
         11    justifies either a change in the design or a change in the
         12    procedure and our requirements only require that be updated
         13    each refueling cycle.  So there may be some case where what
         14    he reads, what is in our library or the models may be
         15    different from the activity he observes and he may have to
         16    go that next step to determine if there is a 5059 that
         17    justifies that difference.
         18              We will then take the information from those
         19    inspections and from the results of the fuel pool cooling
         20    system refueling practices reviews and fold that into the
         21    ongoing action plan that we are developing related to 5059
         22    and we will make judgments as to whether we need to modify
         23    our inspection practices or what other steps need to be
         24    completed.  Our target for doing that is by early summer, to
         25    have that activity completed both from the standpoint of the
.                                                          64
          1    planning process and then be into implementation.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Might you consider a way, if it
          3    not unduly resource intensive to propagate forward something
          4    like the second phase where as part of the inspection
          5    preparation --
          6              MR. RUSSELL:  Clearly, if we identify that there
          7    are significant disconnects between what the FSAR says and
          8    the activities that are being observed, we will continue to
          9    follow up on those in the context of potential enforcement
         10    acts and other activities and we may be in the mode of
         11    revising our inspection guidance first.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That is what I am really
         13    talking about.
         14              MR. RUSSELL:  And not waiting for the action plan,
         15    so it is going to be a function of what we learn over the
         16    next two or three months.
         17              The next issue that I would like to discuss is the
         18    generic issue related to steam generator performance.
         19              Our discussions focused principally on experience
         20    from the fall 1995 outages.  That experience included
         21    additional cases of circumferential cracking of steam
         22    generator tubes, both increases in the numbers of tubes at
         23    some plants up to a few thousand tubes, for example, at one
         24    Commonwealth facility, as well as the number of facilities
         25    that are finding some indications of circumferential
.                                                          65
          1    cracking.
          2              We also had a few isolated cases of free span
          3    cracking.  That is, not within the support plates or down at
          4    the tube sheet region.
          5              With the senior managers, we discussed the safety
          6    significance of these findings as it relates to margins that
          7    are required for tube integrity.  We discussed the
          8    potentials for containment bypass, the accident analysis. 
          9    We did this in the context of an information exchange such
         10    that the regional administrators were up to speed on what
         11    the issues are that we are dealing with.
         12              We also described a process that we are going to
         13    follow and we are going to start this with a meeting, a
         14    three-day workshop, closed, internal to NRC for some of the
         15    middle managers as well as the inspectors that are involved
         16    in followup of these activities.  It will be conducted for a
         17    three-day period and it will include some hands-on
         18    activities at the NTE research center and this has been
         19    coordinated with EPRI.
         20              We also discussed the approach to rulemaking and
         21    where we stand with the rulemaking and how performance-
         22    based approach may be used.
         23              The next area that we discussed was related to the
         24    PRA action plan and the staff's activities to accelerate its
         25    schedule related to the PRA action plan in the areas of
.                                                          66
          1    developing a standard review plan for use of a PRA in
          2    meeting regulatory requirements whether it be narrow on a
          3    relative basis or it be a broad application as well as
          4    completing and issuing a regulatory guide.
          5              We also had a significant discussion amongst
          6    ourselves that relates to the policy statement and a
          7    reemphasis that probabilistic risk assessment techniques are
          8    not to be used to justify not meeting requirements.  In
          9    particular, rules, regulations and other regulatory
         10    requirements.  So use of a PRA to identify that something is
         11    not safety significant is not a basis for failure to take
         12    action to comply with the rules and regulations.  It may
         13    provide an insight that can be used to change the
         14    requirement but the requirement is to be followed until such
         15    time as it is changed.
         16              We spent quite a bit of time amongst ourselves
         17    discussing both specific cases and examples that have
         18    occurred and there are some in each region and so we are
         19    reemphasizing that at this meeting that PRA is to be used to
         20    the extent justified.  We are accelerating our internal
         21    procedures to provide guidance for those uses but, in the
         22    short term, it should not be used as a tool to justify not
         23    complying with existing regulatory requirements.
         24              Those were the significant issues in the reactor
         25    area that we discussed.  There is one that is a joint effort
.                                                          67
          1    between NMSS and NRR related to dry cast storage at reactor
          2    facilities and unless there are questions on the items I
          3    have discussed, I propose to pass it to Carl.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Rogers, do you
          5    have any questions?
          6              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Well, I did have a couple of
          7    comments on some things and maybe this is a good time to do
          8    it rather than at the very end.
          9              That is, coming back to the FSAR familiarity with
         10    FSARs, a couple of questions.
         11              What you indicated was that if you are going to
         12    have an inspection, that those areas that are going to be
         13    subject to inspection would be those parts of the FSAR which
         14    are read by the people participating in the inspection. 
         15    That is fine but it does seem to me that at some point, in
         16    particular resident inspector and the project managers,
         17    really ought to be familiar with the entire FSAR and what
         18    mechanisms do you have for ultimately seeing that that is in
         19    fact the case?
         20              MR. RUSSELL:  Right now, I would characterize that
         21    that is one of the weaknesses that we have in our process,
         22    that we have not emphasized the FSAR except through the
         23    reviews that are done under 5059 and then as generally to
         24    look at changes that have been made to see if they are
         25    adequately captured in the FSAR for the updates.
.                                                          68
          1              It is not the reverse process.  That is, look at
          2    the FSAR and determine whether the activities are currently
          3    being conducted consistent with that and whether the design
          4    is consistent.
          5              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Now, I take it that the tech
          6    specs are items which the resident inspectors and the
          7    project managers are expected to be and are thoroughly
          8    familiar with; is that correct?
          9              MR. RUSSELL:  Absolutely.  The tech specs and the
         10    bases to the tech specs, yes.
         11              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  So the FSAR has sort of off
         12    on the side apparently and now we are coming back to that as
         13    an additional important document to be familiar with.
         14              MR. TAYLOR:  I agree.  And, Commissioner, I would
         15    add one other thing.  We recently found an instance where
         16    there was a constraint written into the license, not into
         17    the tech specs, that was missed by both the licensee and our
         18    Staff and there is another thing that we need to make sure
         19    that they are aware of the suite of regulatory requirements.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You talked about the short
         21    term -- excuse me a second -- actions.  The question is, are
         22    you going to be addressing the broader FSAR issue in the
         23    long term?
         24              MR. RUSSELL:  Yes.  In my view, I think there are
         25    a number of things that we need to do.  Clearly, we are
.                                                          69
          1    going to be changing some of our inspection guidance and
          2    this is, particularly in hindsight, if we look back to the
          3    rulemaking that we just completed on tech specs in 5036, we
          4    said it is not necessary for everything to be in the tech
          5    specs.  There are other regulatorily required documents
          6    which control operations and they include the FSAR, they
          7    include the quality insurance plan which is governed by
          8    license condition.  They include the physical security plan.
          9              While some of those we use routinely in our
         10    inspection activities and our procedures call for those to
         11    be reviewed, we did not have broad guidance as it relates to
         12    use of the FSAR.  That was generally used as a licensing
         13    document, kept up to date and current as a reference, but we
         14    are re-looking at that area.  I expect that there will be a
         15    number of long-term actions coming out of this.
         16              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  It really comes back to this
         17    whole question that we discussed some time ago of the
         18    current licensing basis of the plant, which really is the
         19    totality of these things and maybe it is time to go back and
         20    look to see where that stands, you know, what the current
         21    licensing, the completeness, the availability and the
         22    familiarity of everybody with what really is the current
         23    licensing basis of the plant.  I know it is a tricky
         24    question because there are lots of little bits and pieces of
         25    things that go way back in history.  But, in fact, that is
.                                                          70
          1    really what we rely on.
          2              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Well, it actually has import
          3    for something else and that is that before I came here, the
          4    Commission had put into place Part 54, which is the license
          5    renewal regulation.  And it strikes me that in order for any
          6    Commission to be able to consider the renewal of the
          7    license, one has to understand the current licensing basis
          8    of any operating reactors.
          9              So it is something that in the end is going to
         10    have to be done one way or the other but, more importantly,
         11    in the context of our inspection programs.  I think it is
         12    interesting that the inspectors -- that is new
         13    information -- are not familiar with the FSARs as they are
         14    with the tech specs.
         15              MR. EBNETER:  There is absolutely no excuse for
         16    inspectors not to use FSARs.  We have taught this in our
         17    training courses in the past, so they should use it.
         18              The reason they don't use it is sitting right here
         19    at the table.  The regional administrators and the regional
         20    managers aren't enforcing it.  That is where the problem is.
         21              The FSAR is a document required by the
         22    regulations.  It is the reference, the baseline reference to
         23    the plant.  It is where we go, fundamentally, to get this
         24    information to inspections.
         25              The inconsistency is, as I said, right here and
.                                                          71
          1    that is where we have to work.  All the guidance in the
          2    world is not going to solve this problem if the managers
          3    don't force the consistency.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So that is good, thank you.
          5              I am glad to hear you say that, but more than that
          6    if you are saying it, is that then a commitment?
          7              MR. EBNETER:  Absolutely and, you know, Bill is
          8    going to help us but clearly it has to come from the
          9    regions.  Inspectors work for us and you know I have talked
         10    about -- we used to teach this in our course.  We taught the
         11    regulations, the FSAR is the implementation of that, with
         12    other things, with those commitments that you talked about
         13    in there and that is the basis for the inspection planning.
         14              Now, I must tell you it is probably not reasonable
         15    to expect the senior resident to know everything in the
         16    FSAR.  The current FSARs take up two volumes on a shelf. 
         17    But, clearly, he ought to have that available and he should
         18    be using it when he is doing work that is relevant to the
         19    inspection process.
         20              MR. MILLER:  I think also the broad inspections
         21    that we do of engineering and technical support, for
         22    example, ostensibly you could make an argument that one
         23    would have to know the whole FSAR to do an inspection like
         24    that.  The thing that I have been emphasizing recently is
         25    that you have to be smart about it and focus on those areas
.                                                          72
          1    that -- you are always going to be focusing on certain areas
          2    even if you are doing a broad inspection and you have to at
          3    least be aware of those sections and it is a challenge for
          4    these broad inspections but I agree with Stu, I think it is
          5    something we have to reemphasize and I am not sure a whole
          6    lot of additional guidance is --
          7              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  And probably it is very
          8    important to look at the exceptions, you know.  Look within
          9    an FSAR for a particular plant, what deviates from what
         10    might be the norm at every other plant.  This turned up with
         11    the Millstone situation there and illustrated that.
         12              MR. EBNETER:  What has to be used in conjunction
         13    with this FSAR is the agency's SER which is what accepts the
         14    FSAR and they have to be used in conjunction.  We need to do
         15    some work in the regions and that is clear.  We will use
         16    Bill's guidance.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  So when might we expect to be
         18    able to follow up, to see where things are with respect to
         19    this?
         20              MR. RUSSELL:  Right now, the short-term actions
         21    are to complete the inspection activities over the next 60
         22    days, broad-based.  Those reports are typically issued 30
         23    days following the completion of the inspection so that
         24    would put us out into probably the May time frame.
         25              So I am hoping that we will have both an action
.                                                          73
          1    plan and a clear understanding of extent of problem so that
          2    we can base the actions we take upon known problems and
          3    discuss this at our next senior management meeting.  So I am
          4    looking at having essentially the bulk of the work and
          5    information gathering completed between the two senior
          6    management meetings.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Let me speak to Mr. Taylor
          8    because this involves both NRR in house and the regions.
          9              Mr. Taylor, are you willing to tell me when we
         10    might expect to be able to have another discussion because I
         11    am going to schedule it as an open Commission meeting.
         12              MR. TAYLOR:  I would suggest May.  That sounds
         13    reasonable.  We will be prepared in May.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  All right, so then I will
         15    schedule this as an open Commission meeting for us to talk
         16    about these factors.
         17              MR. TAYLOR:  One footnote.  The FSARs have varied
         18    as the plants have been licensed.  That is important. 
         19    Earlier plants had much, for various reasons, and it was
         20    only about 10 years ago that the Commission passed a rule
         21    requiring an annual update of the FSARs by licensees because
         22    things are modified, are changed.  I think it was about 10
         23    years ago, roughly, in my memory.  At that time, FSARs then
         24    were given considerably more stature through the regulatory
         25    end.
.                                                          74
          1              But it is required.  I believe it is annual.
          2              MR. RUSSELL:  At least each refueling outage to be
          3    completed within so many --
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I ask that whatever changes or
          5    actions we would put into place will reference the reality
          6    of what is and then that is what we will expect to hear
          7    about.
          8              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Yes, and just one other
          9    question before we move on to the cask and that involves the
         10    steam generator situation, cracking situation.
         11              You are going to have an internal meeting on this. 
         12    I hope that somehow that fully includes the research people
         13    involved with questions here because I know these are
         14    difficult issues and NRR folks are grappling with them in
         15    one way, maybe the research people are grappling with them
         16    in a different way.
         17              It does seem to me very important that you finally
         18    come to something where pretty much you are all in agreement
         19    if there is any area in which initially you are starting out
         20    with some divergence.
         21              MR. RUSSELL:  They are involved and the issue that
         22    I am most concerned about is what I would characterize are
         23    criteria associated with repair standards for
         24    circumferential cracking.  We currently don't have criteria
         25    for that at this point in time and when detected and
.                                                          75
          1    confirmed, the tubes are removed from service or repaired. 
          2    That is a conservative but appropriate way to act but it is
          3    causing us to potentially get into mid-cycle inspections.
          4              That is, if you find significant numbers of
          5    circumferential cracks, even though you repair the ones you
          6    know about, you are then into, well, what others are there
          7    that we have not detected yet and how long do you operate
          8    until the next inspection.  And we have processes to go
          9    through to promulgate new requirements and that is going to
         10    take some time.
         11              So the spring and fall outages of '96 are going to
         12    be very reactionary.  So it is important that we communicate
         13    what is going on, until such time as we get processes in
         14    place.  So that is why I chose that issue to highlight
         15    amongst the regional administrators and why we are starting
         16    the communication at the inspector middle manager level.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I think it is time for the
         18    Dr. Paperiello show.
         19              [Laughter.]
         20              DR. PAPERIELLO:  Agency managers were briefed on
         21    the status of the NRR/NMSS dry cask storage action plan. 
         22    The purpose of the action plan is to enhance NRC oversight
         23    of dry cask spent fuel storage and ensure utility users
         24    understand, accept and implement their responsibilities
         25    under 10 CFR 72 as either specific or general licensees.
.                                                          76
          1              Lead office responsibilities for various
          2    activities under the plan have been delineated with NRR
          3    being responsible for in-plant activities while NMSS is
          4    responsible for activities at independent spent fuel storage
          5    installations, vendor activities, the standard review plan
          6    for cask certification and the cask inspection plan and
          7    procedures.
          8              Since the senior management meeting, final
          9    inspection procedures have been issued.  Some examples of
         10    office lead responsibilities include, for NRR, heavy load
         11    control and crane issues, seismic requirements for storage
         12    pads, cask loading and unloading and inspection of reactor
         13    site activities.  For NMSS, the lead activities are
         14    independent spent fuel storage installation licensing and
         15    inspection as well as the standard review plan for such
         16    licensing, the cask design and safety reviews, cask testing
         17    requirements such as hydrostatic testing, safeguards
         18    concerns, Part 72 reporting requirements and the vendor and
         19    fabricator inspections as well as the inspection procedures
         20    for vendors.  That procedure isn't final but it will be
         21    revised based on our experiences by mid-'96.
         22              Both NRR and NMSS share responsibility for
         23    providing guidance on sort of the integrated 5059 and 7248
         24    change process.  NRR and NMSS plan to discuss dry cask
         25    issues at the regulatory information conference in April of
.                                                          77
          1    this year and several weeks later, NMSS will conduct a
          2    workshop in this area.
          3              Since the senior management meeting, NMSS has
          4    developed a plan for enhanced staff involvement with
          5    utilities prior to initial cask fabrication by the vendor
          6    and storage facility operations by the utility.  This is to
          7    ensure plans are in place for the utility to assure the
          8    proper fabrication of the cask, utility assurance of proper
          9    Q.A. activities by vendors and fabricators and development
         10    of appropriate procedures for testing and use.
         11              Through this whole process, there is continual
         12    staff discussions between NRR and NMSS and about every six
         13    weeks Bill Russell and I meet to review the action plan and
         14    we provide periodic written reports to Mr. Taylor on the
         15    status, the last one being earlier -- January 25.
         16              Thank you.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you.
         18              I just -- my main comment is I think you are
         19    moving in the right direction.  Make sure that when you are
         20    looking at procedures that you are looking at how you off
         21    load as well as how you load a cask.
         22              DR. PAPERIELLO:  We are not only looking at that
         23    but we are going -- we plan on going back and looking at
         24    people who have -- we haven't looked at it in recent years
         25    but people who have existing installations that we have not
.                                                          78
          1    been involved with recently, so we are going to look at
          2    everybody.
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner Rogers, do you
          4    have comments?
          5              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Nothing on this.  I do have
          6    a general question.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't you ask it.
          8              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  Okay, with respect to power
          9    reactors, have you any sense about where the industry is
         10    going?  I think in the last few years we have more or less
         11    had the feeling that things were getting better little by
         12    little, year by year in performance and general ability of
         13    licensees to do a good job in running nuclear power plants.
         14              On the other hand, also during that time, the
         15    industry has started to move into a state of turmoil with
         16    respect to its economic future in some ways.  I wonder
         17    whether you are seeing any indications at all, for one
         18    reason or another, you may not even be able to tell what
         19    reasons, whether there is any slackening off in the quality
         20    of performance management, operations, et cetera, in our
         21    nuclear plant licensees.
         22              MR. RUSSELL:  At this point in time, we have not
         23    really done any comprehensive reviews of that issue.  What
         24    we are focusing on is observing and monitoring performance
         25    of the licensees.  We have identified recently some
.                                                          79
          1    facilities whose performance is of concern to the regional
          2    administrators and myself.  They have not yet come to the
          3    level where we would be discussing those facilities at
          4    senior management meetings.
          5              On the other hand, we have more facilities that
          6    are performing better.  So the only statistic I can use to
          7    relate to this is how we expend our resources based on
          8    these.  The difference between resource expenditure at the
          9    top quartile performers and the second quartile is
         10    relatively small, 20 percent or so, for the median.  Once
         11    you go down to the third quartile, you are seeing about a
         12    doubling of the inspection resources.
         13              When you get into the bottom quartile, that is
         14    where the significant resources are being expended and the
         15    bottom quartile is getting 40 percent of the total agency
         16    resources.  So we are generally still seeing good
         17    performance amongst the upper half of all the facilities and
         18    it is not requiring us to spend significant resources on
         19    them.
         20              There are, however, facilities which are not
         21    performing as well and our inspection resources are going
         22    up.  But whether we can correlate that to overall trends, we
         23    are seeing -- I think if Ed were here, Ed Jordan that is, he
         24    would characterize that most of the indicators have pretty
         25    flattened out.  That is, when you look at SCRAMs and other
.                                                          80
          1    objective data that we use.  That is on average.
          2              Unfortunately, some plants that previously were
          3    considered to be quite good performers are now coming on the
          4    radar horizon from the standpoint that the performance is
          5    not being sustained.  So what is causing that we are not
          6    sure.  We are starting dialogue with those licensees earlier
          7    than we ever have in the past and I think that is one of the
          8    real successes of the October '95 screening meetings.  We
          9    have started that action now before we get to the point of
         10    them being discussed at a senior management meeting.
         11              COMMISSIONER ROGERS:  I think it is a time to be
         12    sensitive to this possibility.
         13              Thank you.
         14              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Yes, it takes an integrated
         15    team and an integrated approach to operating facilities just
         16    as we take an integrated look at the facilities.
         17              Before I close, I would like to make a couple of
         18    comments going back to a comment you made when you were
         19    talking about PRA.  And that is true, I would like to
         20    reinforce that the regulatory environment that is in place
         21    is the regulatory environment that is in place and it is the
         22    one that we live with even as we may be changing our
         23    regulations and you know, and I have communicated it to you,
         24    how strongly I feel about not regulating by exemption.
         25              Having said that, we have a responsibility, of
.                                                          81
          1    course, to lay out what our expectations are in a clear way
          2    as well as to change them as appropriate if they don't make
          3    sense, which is why the staff has been asked to accelerate
          4    the development of a standard review plan and other things
          5    in the PRA area so that we don't use that as an excuse not
          6    to make changes when change is appropriate.
          7              However, one doesn't regulate by exemption.  So I
          8    just make that point.
          9              Let me thank you for a very informative briefing
         10    this morning.  In closing, I would like to follow up on a
         11    previous Commission request that the staff clearly
         12    communicate both to the industries that we regulate and to
         13    the public the overall evaluation process we use,
         14    particularly the plant evaluation process.  And I know as
         15    part of this effort that staff has drafted, an NRC
         16    management directive on evaluating the performance of
         17    nuclear power reactor licensees which identifies the
         18    interrelationships of the existing processes that the NRC
         19    has been using to assess licensee performance.
         20              However, the senior management meeting process
         21    itself is currently not described in agency procedures or
         22    policy documents so I believe it is important to complete
         23    the drafting of another management directive on the senior
         24    management meeting process which, in completing, the staff
         25    should ensure that it is as explicit as possible about NRC
.                                                          82
          1    assumptions and evaluations for putting a plant particularly
          2    on the watch list or, as discussed earlier, sending a
          3    trending letter which makes use, as much as possible, of
          4    objective data which, as you say, you are still in the
          5    process of gathering, and which identifies appropriate
          6    actions to be taken when plants remain on the NRC problem
          7    plant list for an extended period of time.
          8              If there are no further comments, we are
          9    adjourned.
         10              [Whereupon, at 12:00 noon, the briefing was
         11    concluded.]