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          1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

          3                       OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

          4                                 ***



          7                                 ***

          8                           PUBLIC MEETING


         10                             Commission Conference Room

         11                             One White Flint

         12                             Rockville, Maryland

         13                             Tuesday, June 13, 2000

         14              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to

         15    notice, at 1:05 p.m., the Honorable RICHARD A. MESERVE,

         16    Chairman of the Commission, presiding.



         19          	 RICHARD A. MESERVE,  Chairman of the Commission

         20              NILS J. DIAZ, Member of the Commission

         21              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Member of the Commission

         22              JEFFREY S. MERRIFIELD, Member of the Commission






          2              BRUCE TURNER, State Department

          3              JEROME BOSKEN, State Department
























          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S

          2                                                     [1:05 p.m.]

          3              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Good afternoon.  On behalf of

          4    my colleagues here at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, I

          5    would like to welcome the representatives of the Department

          6    of State and the Korean Peninsula Energy Development

          7    Organization to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

          8              The context for this meeting, as people at the

          9    table well know, is that there is an agreed framework that

         10    was executed by the United States and the People's Republic

         11    of Korea that among the terms of that agreement, it included

         12    some undertakings that there would be the development of

         13    2,000 megawatt electric reactors in North Korea in exchange

         14    for some activities that the North Koreans would undertake.

         15              We have received a letter from Ambassador Cartwin

         16    requesting that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission provide

         17    some assistance and cooperation relating to KEDO's safety

         18    efforts and particularly relating to efforts to develop and

         19    maintain a strong and competent regulatory entity in North

         20    Korea that would be responsible for these plants once they

         21    are up and running.  

         22              Our briefing today is to discuss what is going on

         23    with regard to this activity and, in particular, with regard

         24    to the request that has been made of the NRC.

         25              We are joined this morning or this afternoon from


          1    the State Department by Bruce Turner, who is coordinator for

          2    the agreed framework division, Office of Korean Affairs,

          3    Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and by Jerome

          4    Bosken, who is a Senior Technical Advisor in that same

          5    group.

          6              We have several representatives of the Korean

          7    Peninsula Energy Development Organization, or KEDO, as I'm

          8    sure we'll probably all be referring to it, and the

          9    representatives include Desaix Anderson, and I apologize if

         10    I mispronounce some names; Tae Sik Lee, who is the Deputy

         11    Executive Director; Masaaki Ono; Yoichi Togo, and Jack

         12    Mulligan.  Welcome.

         13              Why don't we proceed, and we will hear first from

         14    the State Department.

         15              MR. TURNER:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  While we're

         16    at introductions, I would also liken to introduce two

         17    additional people who came with us today from the State

         18    Department, both from the non-proliferation bureau, Kathryn

         19    Schultz and Warren Stern, who are sitting right behind me.

         20              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Let me interrupt for one thing. 

         21    As you've noted, I would observe there are only four of the

         22    five Commissioners that are here.  Commissioner Dicus did

         23    ask me to state that something had come up that caused her

         24    to have to miss the meeting.  She asked me to apologize for

         25    her failure to be able to be with us this afternoon.


          1              She has indicated to me that we will receive a --

          2     all of us have the opportunity to get a transcript of this

          3    meeting and she will be reviewing the transcript.  Excuse

          4    me.

          5              MR. TURNER:  Thank you, again, Mr. Chairman.  It

          6    is a pleasure to be here today to discuss with you and the

          7    other Commissioners the KEDO project to construct two light

          8    water reactor power plants in North Korea, as called for

          9    under the 1994 agreed framework between the United States

         10    and the DPRK.

         11              For the most part, I will leave it to KEDO's

         12    Executive Director, Mr. Desaix Anderson, to explain in

         13    detail the status of the work and the steps that KEDO is

         14    taking to assure the safety of this endeavor.

         15              For my part, I would like to say a few words about

         16    the political issues that underlie the project and the

         17    importance we in the United States Government attach to

         18    nuclear safety.

         19              I appreciate the opportunity to do so.

         20              However, just as a brief caveat at the beginning,

         21    since this is a public session, I would ask your

         22    understanding for the fact that we might not be able to

         23    discuss fully some sensitive issues and matters currently

         24    under negotiation with North Korea.  We would be pleased to

         25    accommodate your questions on these issues at a later time,


          1    if you see such a need.

          2              Today is a momentous day.  Many eyes are turned

          3    toward North Korea, where there are already some surprising

          4    developments.  Earlier today, South Korean President Kim dae

          5    Jong met in Pyongyang with the President of North Korea, Kim

          6    Jo Nil.  This is an historic summit meeting, the first time

          7    that two presidents have met since the division of the

          8    country 55 years ago.

          9              This can, of course, be only a first step toward a

         10    process of dialogue.  The South Korean goal is to end

         11    confrontation on the peninsula and to begin the process of

         12    reconciliation and cooperation and lay the groundwork for

         13    eventual unification.

         14    The United States strongly supports this effort and has

         15    great confidence in President Kim Il Jung.  

         16              It is important also to see the summit in the

         17    context of other events.  It is not an isolated incident,

         18    but part of an apparent North Korean trend toward improving

         19    relations with its neighbors and others in the international

         20    community.

         21              We note in that regard that the Government of

         22    Japan has also entered into discussions with the DPRK on

         23    establishing bilateral relations.  No one could also fail to

         24    note that North Korean President Kim Jo Nil's recent visit

         25    to China, his first foreign travel in many years.  


          1    Earlier this year, North Korea established diplomatic

          2    relations with Italy, reestablished relations with

          3    Australia, and requested membership in the Austrian regional

          4    forum.  And Russia recently announced that President Putin

          5    will visit Pyongyang in July.

          6              So as you can see, there is great activity on many

          7    fronts.

          8              The United States, for its part, has held numerous

          9    rounds of talks with the DPRK in recent months, addressing a

         10    range of issues, from the easing of economic sanctions on

         11    North Korea to North Korea's missile activities.

         12              We used the latest round of discussions last month

         13    in Rome to launch a new negotiation on implementation of the

         14    agreed framework.  The U.S. plan is to use these new

         15    negotiations to address the full range of our nuclear

         16    related concerns.

         17              Also in Rome, we held a preparatory session and

         18    made further progress on arrangements for the next formal

         19    round of U.S.-DPRK missile talks, which we expect will take

         20    place soon.  North Korea reiterated that its moratorium on

         21    flight testing of missiles would remain in effect while

         22    these discussions continue.

         23              As many of you know, the Republic of Korea, Japan,

         24    and the United States coordinate very closely on policy

         25    toward North Korea.  This process began with the recently


          1    concluded review of U.S.-DPRK policy conducted by former

          2    Secretary of Defense William Perry, which Congress had

          3    requested.

          4              We are currently implementing the review's

          5    principal recommendation for a step-by-step reciprocal

          6    approach aimed at eliminating North Korea's nuclear and

          7    long-range missile threats and at improving our bilateral

          8    relations.

          9              The Perry process also reaffirmed the centrality

         10    of the agreed framework as a foundation of our North Korea

         11    policy.

         12              In 1992, inconsistencies in information on DPRK

         13    nuclear material production and new processing activities,

         14    including DPRK resistance to IAEA inspections to resolve

         15    these inconsistencies led to international concern about the

         16    direction of the North Korean nuclear program.

         17              Following the March 1993 DPRK announcement that it

         18    would withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty,

         19    the United States entered into bilateral negotiations with

         20    North Korea that resulted in the signing of the agreed

         21    framework in October 1994.  

         22              Under the framework, the DPRK agreed to freeze and

         23    eventually dismantle its graphite moderated reactors and

         24    related facilities.  These included an operational five

         25    megawatt reactor that had been refueled and a 50 megawatt


          1    and a 200 megawatt reactor that were under construction.

          2              The five megawatt reactor is thought to have been

          3    able to produce about seven kilograms of weapons grade

          4    plutonium annually.  The larger reactors under construction

          5    would have been expected to yield another 200 kilograms of

          6    weapons grade plutonium annually, enough plutonium for tens

          7    of weapons per year.

          8              The agreed framework also called for the canning

          9    of all spent fuel from the five megawatt reactor and its

         10    eventual removal from the DPRK.  I am pleased to inform you

         11    that the canning, under IAEA's seal, of all accessible spent

         12    fuel rods was completed in April of this year.

         13              The IAEA has confirmed since then to us that the

         14    remaining fuel rod fragments that are currently inaccessible

         15    do not represent a proliferation concern.

         16              The U.S. spent fuel team will return to the DPRK

         17    in October to continue cleanup and to begin looking at long-

         18    term maintenance.

         19              The freeze is holding.  The agreed framework

         20    stopped an ongoing nuclear program and will eventually

         21    result in dismantling fissile material production facilities

         22    and removal of spent nuclear fuel from the country, not

         23    merely placing them under safeguards.

         24              Until this point is reached, the IAEA will

         25    continue to monitor the freeze and the spent fuel, and I'm


          1    happy to say, is receiving the full cooperation of the North

          2    Koreans.

          3              The LWR project also is making progress.  Granted,

          4    that progress has no always been rapid or smooth, but it is

          5    also important never to forget that this is a unique and

          6    uniquely complex project.  The funding for the reactor

          7    construction is being provided by loans from the export

          8    banks of South Korea and Japan.   The turnkey contract

          9    between KEDO and the South Korean utility KEPCO became

         10    effective in February of this year.

         11              Full-scale work, including contracts for long lead

         12    time components and training for DPRK personnel has now

         13    begun.  We anticipate that the construction permit will be

         14    issued by the DPRK in late summer 2001, which will mark the

         15    beginning of excavation of the nuclear bloc.

         16              As the project is implemented, KEDO and the United

         17    States are committed to ensuring that the plant is built and

         18    operated at the highest international safety standards.  The

         19    plant will be based on a South Korean reference plant,

         20    which, in turn, was based on United States technology.  The

         21    South Korean Institute for Nuclear Safety, which we refer to

         22    as KINS, will have the lead role in safety reviews and in

         23    working with the DPRK regulator.

         24              The IAEA will conduct a design and safety review

         25    of the plant for KEDO and might be further involved in the


          1    project.

          2              We also see a role for national regulatory

          3    authorities, in particular for the Nuclear Regulatory

          4    Commission, that is complimentary to this effort.  We

          5    believe it is especially important to expose North Korean

          6    regulatory personnel to the structure and standards of

          7    internationally acceptable nuclear regulation and to

          8    encourage the required safety culture.

          9              Because U.S. technology and equipment will be

         10    used, but, even more importantly, because the NRC plays a

         11    global leadership role in nuclear safety and regulatory

         12    matters, we believe that the NRC can meet a critical need in

         13    helping KEDO to train DPRK personnel and in providing

         14    experts to the KINS and IAEA reviews and other activities.

         15              The NRC, in our view, also has a role with respect

         16    to the provision of information and computer safety codes

         17    needed to license and assure the safe operation of the two

         18    light water reactors.  

         19              The plant will incorporate advanced design

         20    features and its safe operation will be of vital interest to

         21    all.  We believe that information on its performance will be

         22    very valuable to the NRC and U.S. industry.

         23              Mr. Chairman, thank you for this opportunity. 

         24    With your indulgence, I would like now to turn the floor

         25    over to Mr. Anderson and KEDO, who I understand will speak


          1    more about the type of cooperation that KEDO is seeking.

          2              Once details of such cooperation are developed,

          3    the State Department would be pleased to work together with

          4    the NRC on the necessary arrangements for funding this sort

          5    of effort.

          6              Thank you again for this opportunity to speak to

          7    you.  I will be ready to answer questions that you might

          8    have either following Mr. Anderson's presentation or

          9    immediately, if that's your desire.

         10              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Why don't we proceed with Mr.

         11    Anderson's presentation.  

         12              MR. ANDERSON:  Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman,

         13    and good afternoon, Commissioners.  I'm Desaix Anderson, the

         14    Executive Director of KEDO, been there almost three years.

         15              It's a unique organization that combines

         16    engineers, scientists, diplomats, lawyers, other

         17    professionals, in, again, a unique project, which is not

         18    only designed to strengthen the international non-

         19    proliferation, goals and regime in Northeast Asia, but also

         20    to improve the lasting prospects for peace.

         21              This afternoon I would like to touch on how KEDO

         22    is organized, the current status of the project, and the

         23    unique system that we've developed to advance the nuclear

         24    safety of the project.  I won't repeat what Mr. Turner has

         25    said about the background, but it was clear in the '80s that


          1    the North Koreans were trying to develop nuclear weapons and

          2    in 1993 and 1994, they blocked the IAEA inspections,

          3    threatened to withdraw from the NPT and IAEA.

          4              President Jimmy Carter visited North Korea and he

          5    and North Korean President Kim Il Sung agreed to what in

          6    effect became the negotiation for the agreed framework,

          7    signed later in October of that year, which froze the DPRK's

          8    nuclear program.

          9              Six months later, Japan, the Republic or Korea and

         10    the United States expressed their common desire to cooperate

         11    in taking the steps necessary to implement the agreed

         12    framework and signed a charter establishing KEDO.

         13              Three years later, the European Atomic Energy

         14    Community supported KEDO through substantial and sustained

         15    cooperation and became the fourth member of the board. 

         16    Today, there are 13 country members in KEDO.

         17              KEDO is charged with financing and constructing in

         18    the DPRK the two light water reactors, a technology of U.S.

         19    origin, and to provide the DPRK with an alternate source of

         20    energy in the form of 500 metric tons of heavy fuel oil

         21    annually, until the first reactor is completed. 

         22              Needless to say, the political environment in

         23    which we operate over the past five years has been

         24    tumultuous.  It's difficult to discuss KEDO without first

         25    establishing all contexts in which we work.  As Executive


          1    Director of KEDO for the past three years and the former

          2    State Department official with the responsibility over East

          3    Asia and the Pacific, there is no question but that the

          4    present moment is the most auspicious in the past 50 years.

          5    The source of my recent optimism is based on three

          6    actualities; first, Secretary Perry, on behalf of the

          7    President, has conveyed clearly to the leadership in

          8    Pyongyang in May of 1999 that there was an opportunity to

          9    choose between meaningful and peaceful engagement and

         10    support for the rehabilitation of North Korea's economy in

         11    the context of elimination of the nuclear missile and

         12    military threats, on the one hand, or isolation and possible

         13    confrontation, with all the economic and military

         14    implications that this posed to North Korea, and that was

         15    the message of the Perry report, the gist of it.

         16              Second, I'm tentatively convinced that North Korea

         17    has come to realize that survival is determined on the

         18    gradual -- would be determined on the basis of gradual

         19    change through economic cooperation with neighboring

         20    countries and Mr. Turner has mentioned a number of recent

         21    activities, diplomatic activities on the part of North

         22    Korea.  There are others, as well.  They are trying to join

         23    the Austrian regional forum.  They've talked to a number of

         24    other countries, Britain, France, Kuwait, others among the

         25    European Union.


          1              They have strengthened their overtures to Russia. 

          2    Kim Jong Il has just visited China and, of course, the U.S.-

          3    DPRK talks.  But the third most important feature is the

          4    stunning event which we all saw on television this morning

          5    of President Kim dae Jong and General Secretary Kim Jung Il

          6    walking, smiling and chatting, as President Kim visited

          7    Pyongyang.  

          8              Now, KEDO is not involved directly in any of these

          9    discussions, but I like to think that our organization has

         10    helped create the overall positive atmosphere surrounding

         11    relations between the DPRK and the outside world.  In turn,

         12    improved relations on the Korean peninsula and beyond

         13    creates a better working environment with the DPRK and will

         14    certainly aid in achieving our objectives, and we have

         15    already noticed change.

         16              With this backdrop, I would like to provide a

         17    brief description of KEDO's organization.  We have

         18    approximately 40 people in New York, with a consul office at

         19    the future power site in DPRK, which is comprised of

         20    nationals from Japan, Republic of Korea, the U.S. and the

         21    European Atomic Energy community.

         22              An American has traditionally served as the

         23    organization's executive director.  I am ably assisted by

         24    two Deputy Executive Directors, Mr. Ono and Mr. Lee, who

         25    flank me, who oversee seven divisions in KEDO.  The two


          1    pertinent divisions for this conversation are the nuclear

          2    safety and quality assurance division, which is headed by

          3    Mr. Yoichi Togo, and the project operations division, headed

          4    by Jack Mulligan, who are with us here today.

          5              To obtain the technical support and supervising

          6    overall implementation of the light water reactor project

          7    and in providing regulatory compliance, expertise, KEDO

          8    hired the U.S. architecture engineering firm Duke

          9    Engineering and Services as our technical support

         10    consultant.

         11              The executive board members, with whom we work

         12    very closely, are the European Union, Japan, South Korea and

         13    the United States.

         14              In December of 1995, KEDO concluded the supply

         15    agreement with the DPRK.  This serves as the governing

         16    document between KEDO and the DPRK for the light water

         17    reactor project.  The most pertinent to today's meeting, the

         18    supply agreement stipulates the division of responsibility

         19    between KEDO and the DPRK, including nuclear safety related

         20    areas of the light water reactor project.

         21              In particular, it was agreed that KEDO would

         22    provide the DPRK with two pressurized light water reactor

         23    units, with two coolant loops and a generating capacity of

         24    approximately 1,000 megawatts of electricity, each from a

         25    turnkey basis.


          1              The reactor model selected by KEDO will be the

          2    advanced version of U.S. origin, design and technology

          3    currently in production on the Korean standard nuclear power

          4    plant.

          5              Most important to our discussions is the supply

          6    agreement stipulation that designates KEDO as the party

          7    responsible for assuring the design, manufacture,

          8    construction, testing and commissioning of the light water

          9    reactor plants are in compliance with nuclear safety and

         10    regulatory codes and standards, those ordered by the U.S.

         11    NRC and IAEA.

         12              The DPRK regulatory authority, on the other hand,

         13    has responsibility for issuing the construction,

         14    commissioning and operating permits to KEDO and KEDO should

         15    provide the DPRK with all the results of its review for

         16    examination of the DPRK before the issuance of the permits.

         17              After completion of the light water reactor

         18    plants, KEDO and the DPRK will conduct safety reviews to

         19    ensure the safe operation and maintenance of the light water

         20    reactor plants.  But the DPRK owner/operator will be

         21    responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of the

         22    light water reactor plants, for appropriate physical

         23    protection, for environmental protection, safe storage and

         24    disposal of radioactive waste, including fuel spent once

         25    KEDO turns the plant over to them.


          1              Where we have come since the conclusion of the

          2    supply agreement in 1995, we have codified the requirements

          3    and responsibilities stipulated in the supply agreement in a

          4    number of areas and we have completed six protocols to

          5    accomplish this.

          6              These include KEDO's status in the DPRK,

          7    transportation, communications, takeover of the site, DPRK

          8    provision of labor and services, penalties for non-payment

          9    of financial obligations by the DPRK and KEDO, and we have

         10    recently concluded the negotiations on the protocol covering

         11    training for DPRK management, operators and maintenance

         12    personnel.

         13              We will next shortly begin to try to conclude the

         14    negotiation of a protocol on quality assurance and

         15    warranties of the LWR plant.

         16              Implementation of the agreed framework has been

         17    extremely challenging, an intense process.  Everything we do

         18    must be laid out explicitly in these detailed protocols to

         19    ensure proper procedures are followed and commitments met.

         20              In parallel to our discussions with the DPRK,

         21    we're working diligently on activities to fulfill our

         22    obligation to build the two light water reactors.  In March

         23    1996, four months after concluding the supply agreement with

         24    the DPRK, KEDO officially designated the Korea Electric

         25    Power Corporation, KEPCO, as the prime contractor for the


          1    light water reactor project.

          2              KEPCO is a partially privatized ROK government-

          3    owned utility that is the sole supplier and distributor of

          4    electricity in the ROK.  Presently KEPCO operates 15 nuclear

          5    power plants, 11 pressurized water reactors, and four

          6    pressurized heavy water reactors.

          7              The reference plant of the LWR project are Ochen

          8    Units 3 and 4, operating in the ROK, which are based on the

          9    Korean standard nuclear power plant model.  In August of

         10    '97, we signed the preliminary works contract with KEPCO to

         11    initiate site activities for grading infrastructure

         12    development prior to implementation of the turnkey contract.

         13              Breaking ground the same month, we have undertaken

         14    considerable site preparation at a cost of $94 million.

         15              Site grading work is leveling the mountain where

         16    the two reactors will be constructed and back-filling

         17    surrounding areas where the construction facility will be

         18    located.  Seventy percent of the total volume of 4.4 million

         19    cubic meters needed to be removed has been removed, to get

         20    the final -- reach the final grade level of ten meters above

         21    sea level.  

         22              We have installed an independent supply of

         23    reliable electricity, a potable water plant, for the needs

         24    of construction personnel and to meet the construction

         25    requirements.


          1              Construction of facilities for warehousing

          2    materials, offices, heavy equipment repair, electrical

          3    generators, water supply and treatment and concrete batching

          4    have also been erected.

          5              At the construction site in Kumo, which is on the

          6    eastern coast of the DPRK, we have also built a small

          7    village from nothing, housing medical facilities, roads,

          8    water and electricity services, three houses of religious

          9    worship. The village also has a restaurant where South and

         10    North Korean workers serve the same food from the same

         11    kitchen.

         12              December 15, '99, KEDO concluded the $4.6 billion

         13    turnkey contract with KEPCO for supply of the two light

         14    water reactor plants.  Soon after that, KEDO finalized loan

         15    agreements with the Japan Bank for international

         16    corporation, JBIC, and the Korean Export/Import Bank to

         17    finance the project, and South Korea will provide 70 percent

         18    of the financing and Japan will provide $116.5 billion yen.

         19              The DPRK will repay KEDO for each light water

         20    reactor plant, free of interest, over a 20-year term after

         21    completion of each light water reactor plant.

         22    Work has begun on the preparation of the preliminary safety

         23    analysis report and environmental report this past February

         24    and the PSAR will be prepared, based on the format and the

         25    contents of Regulatory Guide 1.7, Revision 3, and the


          1    environmental report on Regulatory Guide 4.2.  It is

          2    anticipated that KEDO will provide the PSAR and the

          3    environmental report to the DPRK regulatory authority

          4    sometime early next year for their review.

          5              Within the DPRK, the nuclear energy matters are

          6    the responsibility of the General Department of Atomic

          7    Energy.  The DPRK also relies on an ad hoc committee of the

          8    Atomic Energy Commission for advice on nuclear energy

          9    issues.

         10              Regulatory responsibilities are carried out by the

         11    State Nuclear Safety Regulatory Commission, or the SNSRC. 

         12    The chairman, vice chairman, three department directors

         13    oversee management of SNSRC, which is comprised of three

         14    divisions, departments of nuclear safety inspection,

         15    radiation control, and standards establishment.

         16              The department of nuclear safety inspection is

         17    responsible for licensing the nuclear facilities, while the

         18    department of standards establishment develops regulations,

         19    bylaws and technical standards on nuclear safety.

         20              The hierarchy of laws, regulations and standards

         21    are as follows.  Acts, including the Atomic Energy Act, are

         22    adopted by the standing committee of the Supreme People's

         23    Assembly. Regulations are adopted by the cabinet, guides and

         24    technical standards by the State Nuclear Safety Regulatory

         25    Commission.


          1              Our understanding is that the SNSRC reports to the

          2    cabinet and is not part of the General Department of Atomic

          3    Energy, which we believe will operate the plant.

          4              And while the SNSRC has informed us about their

          5    structure, our knowledge about the capabilities and

          6    experience of North Korean regulatory bodies remains

          7    limited.  We know for certain, however, that the SNSRC has

          8    no practical experience in the design, construction,

          9    operation or regulation of pressurized light water reactors

         10    of the type KEDO is supplying.

         11    At the same time, they are making every effort to strengthen

         12    their regulatory infrastructure, and this has been made

         13    abundantly clear in the most recent meetings that we have

         14    had with them, the nuclear safety experts meeting.

         15              For these reasons, KEDO is taking a conservative

         16    approach toward nuclear safety to assure well designed, well

         17    constructed and safe plants, that meet all the necessary

         18    internationally accepted standards.

         19              KEDO itself cannot regulate or license the plant.

         20    Ultimately, it is the DPRK which is the regulatory body and

         21    issues the construction, commissioning and operating

         22    permits.

         23              To address the concerns raised over the

         24    credibility and independence of the DPRK nuclear regulatory

         25    body, expressed internally from KEDO member countries and


          1    internationally, KEDO established a unique system to monitor

          2    the safety of the light water reactor project and we called

          3    the system the nuclear safety confirmation system.

          4              Before I explain the details of the system, let me

          5    first outline KEDO's nuclear safety policy, which serves as

          6    the foundation from which all the light water reactor

          7    related activities are built.

          8              In short, the fundamental precepts of our nuclear

          9    safety policy state that KEDO will conduct all light water

         10    reactor project activities in such a manner that nuclear

         11    safety is accorded the highest priority.  We will adopt

         12    fundamental nuclear safety principles and licensing

         13    practices and utilize internationally formulated guidelines

         14    and recognize the importance of openness and transparency in

         15    the conduct of nuclear safety endeavors and that the prime

         16    responsibility for the safety of a nuclear installation

         17    rests with the holder of the operating license.

         18              In recognition of the challenges posed by this

         19    policy, KEDO established the Nuclear Safety and Quality

         20    Assurance Division to oversee nuclear safety aspects of the

         21    project and they act independently of the entity's

         22    responsibility within KEDO for the design, construction and

         23    commissioning of the light water reactor plants.

         24              The safety division has established a nuclear

         25    safety confirmation system to ensure these goals are met. 


          1    Under the nuclear safety confirmation system, KEDO sets its

          2    nuclear safety policies and practice, undertakes safety

          3    reviews and manages associated issues, and oversees all

          4    safety-related activities.

          5              The end result of these activities is the ability

          6    to confirm that the light water reactor plants achieve an

          7    internationally acceptable standard of nuclear safety.

          8              In the interest of openness and transparency, the

          9    safety confirmation system relies on technical support from

         10    many outside experts and organizations.  At present, KEDO

         11    has established a three-pronged approach with the nuclear

         12    safety confirmation system.

         13              Because of uncertainty in North Korea's nuclear

         14    regulator, KEDO has decided to undertake its own safety

         15    review of the light water reactor plants.  To carry out this

         16    significant undertaking, KEDO concluded a cooperation

         17    agreement with the Korea Institute for Nuclear Safety, or

         18    KINS, of the ROK.  KEDO considers itself fortunate to have

         19    the expertise of KINS, which is responsible for conducting

         20    safety reviews of the ROK plants for the Ministry of Science

         21    and Technology and, therefore, is intimately knowledgeable

         22    of the Korean standard nuclear power plant.

         23              KINS has already started its preliminary review of

         24    the light water reactor plant documentation, including the

         25    site survey report and the plant description.  Discussions


          1    are being finalized concerning the final scope of KINS'

          2    review, which is expected to start formally early next year,

          3    when the PSAR and ER are issued, and should be completed in

          4    mid 2001.

          5              We are also making plans to supplement KINS'

          6    reviewers with experts from KEDO member countries who would

          7    participate with KINS in its review of the licensing

          8    documents.  

          9              KINS will document its safety review and safety

         10    evaluation reports, just as is the practice here in the U.S. 

         11    KEDO will provide the SNSRC with the safety evaluation

         12    reports for their information.  

         13              Another important entity sin the nuclear safety

         14    confirmation system serves as a final check on all of our

         15    nuclear safety related activities.  This is the nuclear

         16    safety advisory group, the NSAG, which is composed of very

         17    distinguished senior level nuclear experts from member

         18    countries of KEDO.

         19              The NSAG advises me on all nuclear safety related

         20    matters.  NSAG was established to provide the executive

         21    director of KEDO with an independent assessment of the

         22    adequacy and implementation of KEDO's safety confirmation

         23    policies and practice.

         24              The NSAG is currently comprised of experts from

         25    nine countries, including the United States.  With nearly


          1    300 years of combined experience in diverse nuclear related

          2    fields, including the current and past chair of the IAEA's

          3    international nuclear safety advisory group, we have and

          4    will continue to rely on this group to provide guidance and

          5    advice on all nuclear safety aspects of the light water

          6    reactor project.

          7              The primary tasks of the NSAG are to perform

          8    oversight of the safety reviews carried out by KINS and to

          9    make recommendations to the KEDO executive director on

         10    nuclear safety.

         11              In addition, the NSAG also has taken a strong

         12    interest in the capabilities of both the DPRK operator and

         13    regulator, an interest that we warmly welcome.  In fact, the

         14    group invited the State Nuclear Safety Regulatory Commission

         15    of the DPRK to its most recent meeting held last week in

         16    KEDO's headquarters in New York, to cultivate the safety

         17    culture of the DPRK and to have transparency in the safety

         18    review process and the nuclear safety confirmation system.

         19              NSAG hopes to get a firsthand sense of level of

         20    competence and readiness of the DPRK regulatory authority to

         21    perform its regulatory role with the light water reactor.

         22    Unfortunately, DPRK was unable to attend because of the

         23    timing, but we intend to press for DPRK participation in the

         24    future meetings and the DPRK appeared to be quite eager to

         25    do so.


          1              To support the further objective of ensuring the

          2    safety of the light water reactor project in a transparent

          3    and internationally recognized way, KEDO has requested the

          4    design safety review services of the International Atomic

          5    Energy Agency.  We met with the IAEA earlier this year to

          6    discuss their support and we expect they will provide these

          7    services and visits KINS' office in mid-2001 to conduct

          8    their two-week safety review.

          9              Considering the breadth of knowledge and expertise

         10    at the IAEA, KEDO is also interested in seeking support to

         11    help strengthen the DRPK regulatory body.  Because the DPRK

         12    is not a member of the IAEA at this point, the agency is

         13    unable to provide direct support currently to North Korea.

         14              The IAEA did, however, express interest in the

         15    idea and said they could make available other technical

         16    services to KEDO, if requested.

         17              According to the supply agreement, the DPRK will

         18    come to full compliance with its IAEA safeguards agreement

         19    before delivery of the key nuclear components.  IAEA

         20    involvement will be far easier at that time, including in

         21    the area of nuclear safety.

         22              KEDO faces other significant challenges, however,

         23    that affect nuclear safety.  In particular, then safe

         24    operation, maintenance and regulation of the plants after

         25    plant takeover.  Aside from any requirement in the supply


          1    agreement, KEDO understands and recognizes its obligations

          2    to support the development of a strong independent DPRK

          3    regulatory body.  Therefore, KEDO is working and will

          4    continue to work with both the DPRK regulator and operator

          5    to ensure that these organizations are prepared to assume

          6    the responsibility to operate safely and regulate the light

          7    water reactor plant.

          8              Based on the cooperation agreement between KEDO

          9    and KINS, KINS has also been instrumental in formulating an

         10    orientation or training program for the DPRK nuclear

         11    regulatory staff, which provides information on

         12    establishments and management of a regulatory organization,

         13    and in-depth training on the light water reactor plant,

         14    safety reviews and inspections.

         15              We have just recently presented this program to

         16    the DPRK for their consideration and we're waiting on their

         17    feedback.  It is also worth noting that the DPRK has

         18    expressed a strong desire to visit regulatory bodies of

         19    other countries, including the United States, for training

         20    and to undertake other cooperative activities.

         21              We are working to arrange appropriate visits to

         22    the KEDO member regulatory bodies.  

         23              Our working plan, which encompasses the

         24    orientation and the visits of DPRK personnel, is the one I

         25    just mentioned.  KEDO has suggested to the DPRK that we work


          1    together to develop a mutually agreed working plan and the

          2    DPRK fully agreed.

          3              The purpose of the working plan is to define a

          4    collaboration scheme between KEDO and the DRPK regulatory

          5    body.  The working plan outlines activities in which KEDO

          6    and the DRPK need to be involved and how the two

          7    organizations work together to accomplish these activities. 

          8    The working plan also includes interaction between the DPRK

          9    and the nuclear safety confirmation system.

         10              KEDO has implemented a unique, but a comprehensive

         11    approach to ensure the safety of the light water reactor

         12    plants, in addition to supporting the establishment of a

         13    strong independent nuclear regulatory authority in the DPRK. 

         14    However, as I have noted, this is an extremely challenging

         15    undertaking and one which requires varied knowledge and

         16    experiences.

         17              For this reason, KEDO is continually seeking ways

         18    in which we will be able to demonstrate to the international

         19    nuclear community that we have succeeded.  Often this

         20    involves enlisting the support of individuals or

         21    organizations from member countries. 

         22              It is our sincere hope that such a relationship

         23    can be established between KEDO and the U.S. NRC.

         24              Lastly, I would like to suggest the cooperation

         25    that we have in mind with the U.S. NRC, if, of course, you


          1    are willing.  First, the DPRK suggests a strong desire to

          2    visit the regulatory bodies of other countries.  KEDO also

          3    understands it is worthwhile for them to visit nuclear

          4    developed countries from the viewpoints that we have to

          5    cultivate the safety culture in the DPRK and accept them as

          6    a reliable member country to operate the nuclear power

          7    plants in the future.

          8              The U.S. NRC has experience in regulation itself

          9    and transfers its experience and knowledge to Japan and the

         10    Republic of Korea, which are, of course, core members of the

         11    light water reactor project.  It would be a significant

         12    contribution to the light water reactor project if the U.S.

         13    NRC hosted the personnel visits or the DPRK regulatory body

         14    to transfer regulatory information and to help build the

         15    safety culture.

         16              Second, during the audit calculations of the

         17    nuclear safety body by the regulatory body, several computer

         18    codes are used in every country.  Most of these codes

         19    originate in the NRC.  KINS also uses them, which they have

         20    obtained through bilateral cooperation.  KEDO will make the

         21    necessary arrangements, but only the U.S. NRC, as the owner

         22    of the codes, can provide them to the DPRK and we hope for

         23    the cooperation of NRC on this issue.

         24              Third, during KINS' review and the nuclear safety

         25    confirmation system, KEDO wants to invite experts from


          1    member countries to observe that review, to increase the

          2    transparency and prove that it can hold to a set of codes

          3    and standards equivalent to those of the IAEA and the U.S.

          4    and apply it to the reference plant as stipulated in the

          5    supply agreement.

          6              Participation of experts from the U.S. NRC can

          7    increase the quality and credibility of the review.  

          8              Thank you very much for your attention.  I'd be

          9    happy to answer any questions.

         10              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you very much.  I'd like

         11    to thank you both for very helpful presentations and

         12    description of the project.

         13              Let me start off with a few questions.  You have

         14    indicated, Mr. Anderson, that there are three areas in which

         15    you would think it would be particularly helpful for the NRC

         16    to lend assistance.

         17              First was that we host visits of DPRK individuals

         18    who are from their safety agency, the SNSRC.  Could you give

         19    us a little more information about what you envision?  Are

         20    these that we would host a delegation for a brief meeting or

         21    is this the notion that there might be some extended

         22    involvement with us?  What exactly do you envision within

         23    the visits element?

         24              MR. ANDERSON:  I think it would be extremely

         25    desirable if you were able to invite a few people, key


          1    people to come for a fairly long period of time, say nine

          2    months, six to nine months, so they could really begin to

          3    absorb the culture, safety culture.  So that's what I think

          4    would be ideal, something along those lines.

          5              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  And you say a few people.

          6              MR. ANDERSON:  A few people.

          7              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Do you know whether the -- I

          8    suppose it may be premature to know whether, in fact, there

          9    are indications from the DPRK that they would be willing to

         10    allow people to be with us for that extended period.

         11              MR. ANDERSON:  I think so, and it's probably

         12    premature to say that, but our experience has been that they

         13    very much -- they are very interested in and press for

         14    nuclear regulatory training outside the DPRK and they regard

         15    this as a very serious matter.  They've spoken favorably and

         16    very informally when we talked with them about the NRC, and

         17    they certainly are committed to training outside the DPRK.

         18              So my guess is it may take a little while to work

         19    out agreements, but, yes, that they would be willing to

         20    participate.  

         21              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  And the second area that you

         22    indicated was that access to computer codes, information of

         23    that kind.  Do you have an indication from DPRK of what

         24    codes in particular they're interested in?

         25              MR. ANDERSON:  We, of course, have given them this


          1    book and various other regulatory matters, but they are

          2    quite interested in that, and let me ask, Jack, have they

          3    been specific about what they want?  

          4              MR. MULLIGAN:  I believe they have provided a list

          5    based on their review of the PSAR and other documents.  They

          6    have generated a list of the codes that they would like to

          7    get.

          8              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Is there any reason we couldn't

          9    give the list to the NRC?

         10              MR. TOGO:  They have indicated some lists of

         11    computer codes and many of them originate in the NRC, and

         12    these codes are important, where they are necessary to make

         13    audit calculation.

         14              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Do you have any indication of

         15    the computer capabilities that SNSRC has available to it?

         16              MR. TOGO:  They have some capability, but we don't

         17    know what they have.  Once it is determined to provide the

         18    computer codes to SNSRC, we will consult them in detail how

         19    to provide them.

         20              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Some of them are designed to

         21    run on certain platforms that they need to have available to

         22    them.

         23              MR. ANDERSON:  If I may, Mr. Chairman.  In this

         24    whole area, the DPRK personnel have been particularly

         25    forthcoming. We have the easiest, most cordial discussions


          1    in the whole nuclear safety area and concerning regulatory,

          2    as well as other aspects.

          3              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  And the third area which you

          4    indicated you'd like to have our involvement was

          5    participation in some role in observing the review.  That

          6    could be pretty open-ended, from our perspective, in that,

          7    as I'm sure you are aware, that evaluation of a nuclear

          8    power plant, full evaluation of it is a very extensive

          9    activity that involves a substantial portion of our staff.

         10              Do you have any sense of the degree of involvement

         11    that you are requesting?

         12              MR. ANDERSON:  I think at this point we're not

         13    talking about the full process.  We'd like you to be a

         14    supplementary part of what we will be doing generally.  KINS

         15    will be conducting the final review and I think it's at that

         16    stage that it would be very useful to have participation of

         17    organizations such as NRC.

         18              So we're not talking about a continuous

         19    involvement, but the crucial end final exam.

         20              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  I have a question for you, Mr.

         21    Turner.  In order for the NRC to be engaged, that there are

         22    a series of legal hurdles that we have to basically

         23    overcome.  We have our own export regulations that would

         24    affect our capacity to interact with the North Koreans.  I'm

         25    sure we do not have, I know we do not have an agreement of


          1    cooperation under Section 123 of the Atomic Energy Act with

          2    them.

          3              Finding our way to deal with those seem to be an

          4    essential ingredients for having a capacity to consider

          5    this.  Could you give me any sense as to where the U.S.

          6    Government is headed in resolving these issues?

          7              MR. TURNER:  Well, I think it's fair to say that

          8    we have not resolved them at this point in time.  We are

          9    struggling to focus on some of these issues, in particular,

         10    the nuclear cooperation agreement.  We're looking at when we

         11    might start such negotiations, but that's about all I can

         12    say right now.

         13              On the licensing side, our understanding is that

         14    at the present, that the Department of Energy, which I think

         15    has the authority in this area, has granted initial

         16    authorization for export of control technology needed for

         17    licensing and safe operation, but which would not enable

         18    design or manufacture of reactor components or fuel.

         19              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  You also have a role in that,

         20    too.  I'm just curious as to whether that whole process has

         21    been started, and you say the Department of Energy has

         22    started that process.

         23              MR. TURNER:  Yes.  

         24              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  I know that my colleagues have

         25    many questions about this, so let me turn first to


          1    Commissioner Merrifield.

          2              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 

          3    Mr. Anderson, do we have any sense or can you characterize

          4    the current capabilities of SNSRC in terms of, for example,

          5    number of personnel that they have, the technical

          6    capabilities that they have? 

          7              The reason I ask this is because for training and

          8    some things where we may be helpful, for us to be helpful,

          9    it's useful to know what impact our involvement would have

         10    on the program and knowing what they have, I think, would be

         11    useful to start us off.

         12              MR. ANDERSON:  Let me ask my colleagues to help me

         13    on this, but we have very limited knowledge.  We've gotten

         14    only bare bones.  But each time we're talking with them, we

         15    are getting more.  We have serious doubts that they have

         16    been able -- I mean, we know that they don't have any

         17    experience in this particular regulating of light water

         18    reactors, so they need to learn a great deal, but also have

         19    the impression that their education level is advanced in

         20    level and that they come from a research institute, so

         21    they've got a background which is not as pertinent and

         22    that's another reason for this training.

         23              But let me ask my colleagues to comment.

         24              MR. TOGO:  We have limited knowledge about the

         25    DRPK, but we have the regular meetings between the DPRK


          1    regulatory bodies, the nuclear safety expert meeting.  So we've

          2    already had five meetings and after that, it's good

          3    experience for the nuclear safety regulations.

          4              And also we have the explanatory meeting about

          5    the regulatory system of the ROK to DPRK.  At the meeting,

          6    there was the -- 

          7              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Excuse me.  Mr.

          8    Chairman, we have somebody in this audience who has a cell

          9    phone.  

         10              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  I would request that whoever

         11    has a cell phone, please turn it off.

         12              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I'm sorry to interrupt.

         13              MR. TOGO:  During that meeting, the SNSRC made

         14    very good detailed questions to the KINS.  So that was very

         15    educating.  It was really a credit to the regulatory system,

         16    day by day or year by year.

         17    COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I guess if you could clarify for

         18    me what you foresee as the interaction between KINS, the NRC

         19    and IAEA in terms of trying to bring the SNSRC up to the

         20    level of regulatory ability that we would expect for an

         21    independent regulator of the nuclear program and at what

         22    point would they be able to step in and actually oversee the

         23    regulation of the building of these facilities?

         24              MR. ANDERSON:  Let me answer it and, again, ask

         25    Mr. Togo to add to what I say.  KINS, of course, is drawing


          1    up the training program, the work plan, and that' been

          2    approved by our board, so we'll be pursuing that.  They will

          3    be very much involved in it.

          4              But in addition to that, we hope that not just the

          5    NRC, but also the European and the Japanese have shown

          6    interest, so we'd like for them to get the broadest

          7    experience and training, from the visits that I mentioned,

          8    from as many of them as possible, so that the experience can

          9    be building all the time.

         10              But the actual program would be this work plan

         11    that KINS has come up with, so that would be the core

         12    curriculum.   And they are going -- they will -- the final

         13    two years before we actually turn over the plant, they will

         14    be involved in the work, they will be integrated into the

         15    workforce.

         16              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  So you wouldn't expect

         17    them to be integrated until two years before.

         18              MR. ANDERSON:  That's into the work itself, but,

         19    yes, the PSAR which we are developing now would be given to

         20    them, the preliminary review by KINS will be undertaken

         21    three months before the PSAR is completed and that's to be

         22    completed by next February, and then there's a six month

         23    period in which we are studying it, but, at the same time,

         24    KINS will make a final review of that and then we will and

         25    NSAG will look at it.


          1              And at that period, too, they will be able to --

          2    they will be studying the PSAR.  So there's nine months

          3    they've got to be learning and absorbing what's in that and

          4    commenting on it.

          5              So really the process is going to start before,

          6    within a few months in terms of engaging them directly in

          7    some of the safety related activity.

          8              Then in addition to that, we would hope that they

          9    will participate also in the quality assurance program that

         10    we have, so that will give them exposure to other aspects of

         11    these problems.

         12              So the involvement is going to start -- it's

         13    already started through the dialogue, but it will accelerate

         14    and they will be heavily engaged and then finally integrated

         15    in the process itself.  

         16              MR. TOGO:  The important thing is the DRPK regulatory

         17    board has to issue the construction permit and the operating

         18    permit.  So concerning the time, we are making efforts to

         19    bring up their knowledge.  So we make the first scope

         20    orientation based on the ROK practice the same way the ROK makes

         21    education to the newcomers in this area.

         22              In addition to that, it depends on the details

         23    that DPRK gives.  If they are given the chance to visit the

         24    other countries, in addition to the ROK, they will be very

         25    pleased at the level of competence, to be experienced in the


          1    nuclear regulatory fields.

          2              Thank you very much.

          3              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  That argues for earlier

          4    rather than later, if possible.

          5    @@        COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Let me ask a question. 

          6    I had the pleasure, I should say, of traveling to the

          7    Republic of Korea this past spring and had an opportunity to

          8    witness what I think is a very vibrant nuclear program and

          9    we have an excellent counterpart in KINS.

         10              That having been said, we, as an agency,

         11    frequently, in the international arena, talk to the

         12    importance of what we believe of having an independent,

         13    credible regulator in the country hosting the nuclear power

         14    plant being able to regulate that power plant.

         15              Given the fact that the agreement, in Article 9,

         16    Section 3, basically says that the DPRK shall be responsible

         17    -- 

         18              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Could I ask whoever has the

         19    cell phone to please turn it off?   Excuse me.

         20              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 

         21    The DPRK shall bring no claims against KEDO, its contractors

         22    and subcontractors and respective personnel arising out of

         23    any nuclear damage or loss.  Given that in the agreement, it

         24    would seem to me that there is a very important role for

         25    having the SNSRC brought up to the highest capability as


          1    quickly as possible so that from the point at which that

          2    plant begins construction, that they have the ability to

          3    oversee that.

          4              Certainly that's something that has been a concern

          5    to me.

          6              I want to turn to a separate issue.

          7              MR. ANDERSON:  Excuse me.  I'd just say I

          8    absolutely agree with you, there's no question about that.

          9              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I want to turn to a

         10    separate issue, the annex two.  Annex two, number three

         11    requires DPRK to provide a stable supply of electricity for

         12    commissioning of the two LWR plants.

         13              Given the nature of the current electrical

         14    generating capacity in the DPRK, which is not very high, and

         15    the lack of a state-of-the-art grid, in the most positive

         16    sense, how is it that the DPRK will be able to meet those

         17    requirements for providing the necessary off-site power at

         18    those plants in the event of an emergency?

         19              MR. ANDERSON:  Well, you are right to look at that

         20    and they have that responsibility, they're aware of it. 

         21    They have raised it with me several times and asking us to

         22    do it. As you know, we've said we will support their

         23    efforts, but we are not going to build a grid.

         24              In the supply agreement, they are committed to

         25    doing so and to providing two sources of exit and input and


          1    they also have to have a safety-related diesel generator at

          2    the plant for emergencies and then there will be another

          3    generator there which it's not safety-related, but it would

          4    be another alternative.

          5              So they've got to do this and they're aware that

          6    they have to and we can't turn the plant over to them until

          7    that is done.  So it's a big challenge and I think, as I

          8    have told them, it makes no sense unless they integrate

          9    themselves into the regional and global and international

         10    community and get the support of the outside world, that

         11    they're not going to be able to refurbish their grid or

         12    their infrastructure generally.

         13              So that's very much a -- this project doesn't make

         14    sense except in that context.  But they are well aware of it

         15    and I think they're looking at  the commercial loans to help

         16    upgrade it or they've talked about the ADB and I know there

         17    is some interest in the World Bank. 

         18              But it's their responsibility and we won't proceed

         19    until they have satisfied it.

         20              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Okay.  One question for

         21    Mr. Turner.  The House of Representatives, on May 15 of this

         22    year, passed H.R. 4251 to enhance the Congressional

         23    oversight of nuclear transfers to North Korea.

         24              Although this has only passed the House and it has

         25    not passed the Senate, it is quoted by one of its sponsors,


          1    MR. Gilman, it would require Congressional review and

          2    approval of any nuclear cooperation with North Korea.

          3              I've not asked our own staff to review the impact

          4    it would have on possible cooperation between the NRC and

          5    through KEDO, the SNSRC, but do you have any sense of, if

          6    that were to be adopted by the Senate and were to make its

          7    way into law, how that would impact the kind of

          8    interrelationships which we're talking about today?

          9              MR. TURNER:  No.  I couldn't say that I know today

         10    how that would affect those relationships.  I think at this

         11    point, we would -- the Administration does not view this

         12    kind of legislation as something that we are in favor of.

         13              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Okay.  

         14              MR. TURNER:  It has a negative impact.

         15              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I understand that.  If

         16    you could -- I would appreciate it, given the fact that it

         17    was an overwhelming majority in the House, if you can get

         18    back to us in terms of the State Department's understanding

         19    of how that might affect some of the proposals that have

         20    been put forth today and the involvement of the NRC.  I'd

         21    appreciate that.

         22              Understanding that you don't like the legislation,

         23    we'd still like to know what impacts it would have.  Mr.

         24    Chairman.

         25              MR. ANDERSON:  Mr. Chairman, could I tag on to


          1    that question, one you asked earlier.  We have the

          2    agreement, within the supply agreement, that they will not

          3    use -- they will use this material for peaceful purposes,

          4    non-explosive and so forth.  So that is our base starting

          5    point.

          6              But in addition to that, in terms of any

          7    technology and it would probably mainly be from the United

          8    States and ROK, that we will fulfill or require to be

          9    fulfilled any legal requirements  before we would facilitate

         10    the delivery of any of that equipment.

         11              So this is pertinent to that, as well.

         12              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Commissioner McGaffigan.

         13              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Let me follow up on the

         14    grid question that Commissioner Merrifield asked.  

         15              How does the agreement read?  I mean, you could

         16    get these two reactors built, theoretically, and there is no

         17    grid to receive the power or to provide off-site power and,

         18    therefore, the benefits of the agreement don't come into

         19    effect, because the plants aren't operating.  Is that right? 

         20    It benefits the agreement from the non-proliferation

         21    perspective.

         22              MR. ANDERSON:  Hopefully that's not right.

         23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I just want to

         24    understand.

         25              MR. ANDERSON:  In the supply agreement, we're


          1    going to have a number of milestones -- I'm sorry, not the

          2    supply agreement -- the performance, delivery schedule and

          3    performance agreement, and we're going to build in a number

          4    of milestones and that will include aspects of getting the

          5    grid up to par.

          6              But they are keenly aware of the need for this and

          7    they are -- I think that it's, in part, related to why they

          8    are expanding their circle of people with whom they're

          9    dealing around the world, that they know they've got to do

         10    it.

         11              So theoretically, the answer is yes, but I think

         12    as a practical matter, that they will put something in place

         13    by the time that we're ready for it.

         14              And we've got 5,000 megawatts right now and we're

         15    going to add an additional two, but the 5,000 is seriously

         16    deteriorated.  The floods hurt the hydroelectric power and

         17    the thermal is running much slower than it should.  So

         18    there's a lot of room for improvement of the performance of

         19    what they've got already.

         20              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  You're up in the far

         21    northeast corner of the country, way away from -- 

         22              MR. ANDERSON:  No.  We are in a remote spot, but

         23    it's actually further south.  It's up near the second

         24    largest city, Hamheung, it's not so far.

         25              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  But it's a fair ways,


          1    isn't it, from --

          2              MR. ANDERSON:  Well, what they're thinking of is a

          3    trunk line to Pyongyang, is what they want.

          4              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Okay.

          5              MR. ANDERSON:  Plus one to Pukchang, which is a

          6    regional delivery point substation and I think that's

          7    probably related to Hamheung, which is the second largest

          8    city, close by.  So the distance is not enormous, basically

          9    across the girth of North Korea.

         10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  You also talked about

         11    the -- what is this construction permit authorization that

         12    they're going to have to do next year?  In this country, if

         13    we were going to authorize a construction permit or actually

         14    in the future, we're going to do the combined construction

         15    and operating license, that's a pretty big deal and we'd

         16    have large numbers of staff pouring over documents.

         17              I assume KINS is, as a quasi-regulator, going to

         18    deal with some of the documents, but how do they issue a

         19    construction permit next year?  If I'm the North Korean

         20    regulator and you've described the North Korean regulator as

         21    not having much experience in this area, how do they pull

         22    that off?

         23              MR. ANDERSON:  That's why we've got to help try to

         24    bring them up to speed, but as I mentioned, the three months

         25    prior to the PSAR, which will be this February is our date


          1    on that when that should be ready, three months prior to

          2    that, KINS will be reviewing the pre-PSAR examination and

          3    the DPRK will be brought into the process at that point. 

          4              So they would have access to all the information

          5    that KINS is looking at at that point and then for six

          6    months after that, they will have the PSAR itself and they,

          7    of course, will be doing their own examination, while KINS

          8    is doing its review and while we're doing the review.

          9              So they will have to be brought into that process

         10    and eventually we have to bring them up to speed in nine

         11    months so that they can ultimately provide the construction

         12    permit, and I think that's possible.

         13              One thing we've found is that international

         14    standards go a long way with them and it may sound ironic,

         15    but when we finally convinced them of a point in the

         16    negotiation, if we can show them some written material, like

         17    in this book, it's very helpful.

         18              So there is a predilection to accepting the

         19    international standards on their part and as I said, they've got

         20    the educational background in nuclear issues.  It's just

         21    that they don't have the -- it's our system that they don't

         22    know, and so there's a lot of educating that needs to be

         23    done, but we -- 

         24              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Why was this education -

         25    - if this is predictable and indeed this project is running


          1    behind schedule compared to where you hoped to be, I think,

          2    in '95 or that sort of timeframe, why was this effort to

          3    educate the North Korean regulator not recognized sooner as

          4    a key milestone?

          5              MR. ANDERSON:  Well, it has been recognized, but

          6    we are finding it is just painfully slow to move forward on

          7    these issues and we spent a great deal of time the last two

          8    years concluding the turnkey contract and negotiating the

          9    financing and we've been working on this protocols and now

         10    we have had the draft on the training protocol and we've got

         11    this work plan on the regulatory.

         12              So it's just taken time to develop --

         13              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Work plan on the

         14    regulator, how many people do you envision -- as I

         15    understand, the KINS, from your viewgraph, has the main job

         16    in educating North Korean regulator, providing information

         17    to them and as I understand, from reading, there is some

         18    dispute as to whether that training is going to be done in

         19    North Korea or South Korea.

         20              But how many, in terms of numbers of people, do

         21    you envision?

         22              MR. ANDERSON:  On the regulatory side?

         23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Yes.

         24              MR. ANDERSON:  How many people are we talking

         25    about?


          1              MR. TOGO: Before telling the number of the people, first, we

          2    understand that the North Korean regulatory body is not very

          3    experienced in the regulation.  So we have the nuclear

          4    safety confirmation system, including KINS and IAEA, who do

          5    some of the regulatory process.  It means that KINS may

          6    review and give the results to the DPRK.

          7              In addition to that, we are inviting the DPRK

          8    regulatory bodies to KINS during the review process.  We are

          9    now considering that we invite 20 to 40 persons, but it depends.

         10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So 20 to 40.

         11              MR. TOGO:  Twenty to 40 persons, but it depends on

         12    consultations between the DPRK.

         13              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I'll ask a question that

         14    you guys may find -- I've got to ask it, because it's in

         15    Nucleonics Week, to some degree, but there's, according to

         16    the press, there has been some reluctance, for fear that

         17    people will be not safe in South Korea, in terms of sending

         18    North Korean regulators to the south.

         19              As I understand it, again, from press reports,

         20    there is some thought that this education might be done in

         21    North Korea rather than South Korea to deal with these North

         22    Korean sensitivities about either defection or kidnapping,

         23    depending the perspective.

         24              But what -- where would the training -- it sounded

         25    like a moment ago you're planning that this training would


          1    take place at KINS, which is the most rational thing, but

          2    you're also saying earlier that this is a painfully slow

          3    process and I'm just trying to understand whether you have

          4    backup plans for educating these folks in the north.

          5              MR. ANDERSON:  On the question of safety, there

          6    have been a number of North Koreans who have been in the

          7    south and they have not had any problem.  The government is

          8    taking good care of them and I'm sure that that would be the

          9    case.

         10              So I think this is a matter that can be dealt

         11    with.  Some of the training will be at the site, but it will

         12    be elsewhere as well, and as I say, we hope that part of it

         13    can be here.  But I'm confident we'll be able to conduct the

         14    training where it needs to be done.

         15              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I'm just perplexed as to

         16    -- if I'm a North Korean regulator and the best of this

         17    happens, and 24 to 40 people go there, am I still in a

         18    position to grant a construction permit sometime next year

         19    and be at the standard of European or North American

         20    regulators?

         21              MR. MULLIGAN:  Could I just interject something

         22    here?  This is not something that has been thought of at the

         23    last moment.  First, you must remember this is a standard

         24    plant.  The DPRK has had a full PSAR for Ulchin 3 and 4 for

         25    about two years.  They have apparently been studying it at


          1    great length and have asked lots of questions about it, and

          2    it's clear that they're studying it.

          3              We also have given them just about every NRC

          4    regulation that's ever come down the pike and also given

          5    them, I believe, a full set of the regulations from the ROK. 

          6    So they have been busily studying for quite a long time.  Of

          7    course, you can't get everything you need just by sitting

          8    and reviewing the books, and this other program is meant to

          9    supplement that.

         10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Just one final question. 

         11    The section, in order for us, the United States, to export

         12    any material that -- hardware, not the stuff that comes

         13    under DOE, an export license is going to be required and in

         14    order for an export license, there needs to be an agreement

         15    for cooperation.

         16              In order for there to be an agreement for

         17    cooperation, there are certain requirements and law that

         18    would seem to be difficult to meet in this case.  How do we

         19    carry out our obligations under the agreement?  I think two

         20    years ago, we had a premature application for an export

         21    license from I think then Combustion Engineering, which the

         22    State Department advised them to withdraw, and they did and

         23    we also had a petition for the hearing from former

         24    Commissioner Gulinski and Mr. Sikulski of the non-

         25    proliferation center during that brief period.


          1              This is going to be an adjudicated -- it looks

          2    like it may well be an adjudicated export license.  So how

          3    do the I's get dotted and the T's crossed so that this is an

          4    export that would pass muster under our current law?

          5              MR. TURNER:  I think the answer to actually many

          6    of the questions you've been asking, perhaps most of the

          7    questions that you have just asked is that this is all going

          8    to be a complicated process.  You have a number of strands

          9    of different things that are moving on tracks which are both

         10    separate and interrelated.

         11              Certainly it is our intention to comply with

         12    United States law.  We don't always have all the -- we don't

         13    necessarily have the answers to all the questions as to how

         14    all of these things and the final analysis are going to come

         15    together and that's really the nature of the project, which

         16    is you're talking about beginning work on a project where

         17    certain things, frankly, are not in place at this time.

         18              And it's true that that is not the kind of

         19    situation that you would normally find in the United States. 

         20    At the same time, there are certain firewalls built into the

         21    agreement framework and into the way we proceed, which,

         22    unless you satisfy certain kinds of conditions at certain

         23    times, it will not be possible to proceed beyond that point.

         24              So I think the general answer to this is we will

         25    certainly try to do what we need to do in due course.  The


          1    earlier you can start the various processes, that you can

          2    set them entrained to achieve the desired results by a

          3    particular time, the better.

          4              Of course, much of this will also depend, in fact,

          5    most of it will also depend on the actions of the North

          6    Koreans and what kind of steps they are prepared to take,

          7    both in a technical sense in terms of establishing the kinds

          8    of structures you are talking about, but also in a political

          9    sense.

         10              Again, there are some pretty amazing things

         11    happening today right now between North and South Korea,

         12    certainly if you were to make a judgment at this particular

         13    -- or make a snapshot at this particular time, you would, I

         14    think, come to the conclusion that chances are, as of today,

         15    better rather than worse that it will be possible to do some

         16    of these things.

         17              But in the final analysis, at least certainly from

         18    the standpoint of United States policy and the reason for

         19    the agreed framework, at the very heart of this is the

         20    requirement that the North Koreans come into compliance with

         21    their NPT commitments.

         22              If they don't do that, the project is never going

         23    to be completed, in any case.  So this is, as I say, a very

         24    complicated project, but we work very hard and we take each

         25    step as we can and with the aim of bringing it all together


          1    at the appropriate time.

          2              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Diaz.

          3              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  Let

          4    me prefix a couple of comments and my questions by quoting

          5    the Chairman of the NRC, because everything I am going to

          6    say or ask is certainly based on that.

          7              The Commission needs to be able to have the

          8    capacity to consider this issue.  That's really what we

          9    don't have and we don't even have the capacity at this

         10    moment, from many viewpoints, to consider participation in

         11    this issue.

         12              And I want to quote what you have been saying,

         13    this is a favorite pastime of mine, like the issues, both

         14    short and long-term, an extremely challenging undertaking,

         15    painfully slow, premature, preliminary.  There's a lot of

         16    conditions in there which, in regulatory space, our space,

         17    makes it very difficult to achieve the conditions that will

         18    lead to having the capacity to consider how we participate

         19    in this issue.

         20              I think understating this is the fact that the NRC

         21    is an independent domestic agency, with limited

         22    international involvement.  That is our exporting and our

         23    representation outside.

         24              And third, I'd like you to be painfully aware that

         25    one of the things that the staff has gone to this Commission


          1    with was what they call a skepticism and a questioning

          2    attitude, which this Commissioner intends to use very

          3    carefully, because I don't see where all of these things

          4    belong.

          5              Having said that, I think you realize there are

          6    many issues that need to be resolved, not in preliminary

          7    fashion, before this Commission will have the capacity to

          8    consider what is it that we can do.

          9              Having that as setting the stage, let me turn to

         10    Mr. Turner and ask a question.  You say there is a

         11    fundamental framework agreement.  One was the dismantling of

         12    the graphite reactors from not having the capability to

         13    produce plutonium, and the other was the canning of all the

         14    spent fuel which you said has been progressing quite

         15    adequate, only some non-accessible material which might not

         16    be really a problem.

         17              Where is the issue in time regarding this project? 

         18    Where is the issue of dismantling the capability to produce

         19    plutonium?  Is the five megawatt reactor fully operational

         20    and capable of producing plutonium now, five years from now,

         21    30 years from now?  Where is this?  I mean, what does the

         22    agreement call for?

         23              MR. TURNER:  We are not at the stage of

         24    dismantling the reactor. That does not come until much

         25    later.  But the important thing is that it's frozen at this


          1    time.

          2              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  It's frozen, meaning it is not

          3    producing plutonium at this time.

          4              MR. TURNER:  It's not being used at this time.

          5              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Not being used at this time. 

          6    But does the agreement call for the reactor to be dismantled

          7    or not capable of producing plutonium or producing plutonium

          8    only with really strict safeguards five years from now, at

          9    the end of the project, when?

         10              MR. TURNER:  Well, first of all let me say that

         11    the reactor is not to be dismantled until the LWRs are

         12    completed.  So you have this sort of -- throughout the

         13    agreed framework, you have this step by step reciprocal

         14    approach to each and every problem.  So that one side has to

         15    do certain things before the other side is called on to do

         16    other things.

         17              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  The capability to produce

         18    plutonium will be there until the reactors are turned over

         19    to the DPRK.  That is what the agreement reads.

         20              MR. TURNER:  Yes.  The theoretical capability. 

         21    Now, my guess is that with each -- I don't know how long you

         22    can successfully mothball a reactor.

         23              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  A long time.  A small reactor,

         24    a long time.  All right.  Thank you.  Let's go to the next

         25    issue.  You say the statement helping KEDO to train DPRK


          1    personnel.  Is it your intention, from the standpoint of the

          2    United States Government, that all training activities be

          3    conducted through the participation, coordination of KEDO or

          4    do you anticipate some United States Government-DPRK --

          5              MR. TURNER:  On a bilateral basis?

          6              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Yes.

          7              MR. TURNER:  I think at this point, I would say

          8    that we are working through KEDO at this point, which is why

          9    --

         10              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  You are not intending to do

         11    any bilateral separate.

         12              MR. TURNER:  Not to my knowledge, at this stage.

         13              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Just a comment, because I

         14    think it plays to my first question regarding the

         15    capabilities to ensure that the proliferation activities. 

         16    Of course, you all know there is no such thing as a

         17    proliferation resistant reactor.  There are only things that

         18    international organizations and processes can use to monitor

         19    compliance with non-proliferation commitments.

         20              So the establishment of commitments to prevent

         21    proliferation from light water reactors are an important

         22    part of whatever is going to take place, because there is no

         23    such thing as a non-proliferated reactor or a proliferation

         24    resistant reactor.  It does not exist.

         25              It might be along time before it exists.  Thank


          1    you, Mr. Turner.

          2              Now, let me ask Mr. Anderson a quick question.  Of

          3    course, DPRK is a developing country, with many

          4    infrastructure problems.  Some have been already alluded to. 

          5    The issue of the power grid is a physical thing.  I think

          6    there are many physical issues of developing the resources

          7    to be able to do many of these things, including having the

          8    capability to train people on site, to observe.

          9              But I'm concerned about the capability of the

         10    infrastructure to be able to conduct all of the activities

         11    that need to be carried at the same time, with assurance

         12    that they are being done properly, that they do fit within

         13    the international safety and safeguards agreements.

         14              There are major requirements that come into a

         15    country that are not only the power grid, although that is

         16    extremely important.

         17              There is the infrastructure, the human

         18    infrastructure, the organizations and so forth, and history

         19    has many, many bad examples all the way through of having

         20    not succeeded in developing properly the infrastructure of

         21    the country while it tries to become a nuclear power

         22    country.

         23              This issue is being addressed, as you have a

         24    timetable that shows the progression of the infrastructure

         25    that needs to be developed, because I think, to tell you the


          1    honest truth, if we get five or ten people from DPRK in the

          2    United Sates NRC right now, something that I think you have

          3    mentioned as being desirable, I think they will have

          4    cultural shock.  They might not be prepared to see a full

          5    democracy with a lot of safeguards and a lot of balance and

          6    checks being used for the protection of public health and

          7    safety interacting with the high technology.

          8    I think that before anybody comes here, they should be

          9    prepared to know what they are going to see and I'm not even

         10    hinting that they -- that I will agree at the present time

         11    to such a thing, but I am saying if it happens, I think that

         12    pre-preparation to avoid the cultural shock that will

         13    definitely ensue, the capability to make decision-making,

         14    and many places -- without having to check.

         15              On the other hand, when important decisions are

         16    made, how structured it is to make those decisions go up and

         17    happen.  It is a completely different thing.  I am sorry to

         18    say this, but I see this as a major flaw and a painfully

         19    slow process that will take quite a bit of time and I would

         20    like to see whether you have any comments on the

         21    infrastructure development.

         22              MR. ANDERSON:  Mr. Commissioner, you certainly

         23    highlighted the challenge that this, there is not any doubt

         24    about it.  We're doing something extraordinary.  But it's

         25    not quite as bleak as I think that you're portraying.  The


          1    north, in fact, was ahead of the south.  It was a more

          2    industrialized part of the country at the end of the

          3    Japanese period and it remained more industrialized well

          4    into the '70s, probably mid '70s, and then because of the

          5    policies, they started downhill and when they really started

          6    downhill was when the Soviet Union cut off support in '89

          7    and '90.

          8              But they had an infrastructure which has

          9    deteriorated, but they had an infrastructure which was

         10    pretty impressive, and they also have had lots of

         11    educational experiences in the Soviet Union and Hungary,

         12    Czechoslovakia, all of the Eastern bloc.

         13              So it's not as though they would be leaving North

         14    Korea for the first time, because most of these people are

         15    scientists and they've probably got advanced training, or

         16    many of them have.

         17              So it would certainly -- if you've only been to

         18    East Germany earlier,

         19    then you might find Washington, a cultural shock, and I'm

         20    sure that they will, to a certain extent -- 

         21              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  No, not Washington.  The NRC,

         22    sir.

         23              MR. ANDERSON:  The NRC, cultural shock.   Still

         24    they have got people that have been trained in the

         25    equivalents in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and so I


          1    think that they can manage at least intellectually the

          2    climate that they would have to deal with, but the culture

          3    may be a bit more difficult.

          4              But we're building on -- they may -- they are

          5    certainly a very under-developed place and the place looks

          6    awfully bleak when you travel around, except in Pyongyang.  

          7              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I'm talking about the

          8    intellectual capability to assimilate a system that is

          9    extremely well balanced, that has many, many, many checks on

         10    it, that has the capability to make serious decisions

         11    without going out of line, making decisions that go

         12    sometimes not so quickly over the line, but it is this

         13    capability of taking a regulatory issue, for example, and

         14    being able to work it down with an organization that is -- I

         15    want to call it fluent and that is able to do that, which we

         16    have seen in many other developing countries, as completely

         17    closing down projects for periods of time or for people not

         18    having the ability to do it.

         19              And I think we need to realize that as DPRK is

         20    opening, they still have a long history of being a very

         21    closed society, and that is the type of cultural shock that

         22    I am talking about, coming to another country and all of a

         23    sudden being faced with a completely different way of doing

         24    things.

         25              MR. ANDERSON:  You are quite right.  By the same


          1    token, our experience has been that they can deal with us on

          2    a very businesslike basis, it's almost never that we get

          3    into any political discussions, and they have proven in

          4    many, many hours of negotiation that they are intelligent

          5    and well educated and able to deal with the kind of issues

          6    we're introducing. 

          7              These protocols that we have come up with have all

          8    been culturally shocking, like what we wanted in terms of

          9    privilege and immunity for ourselves at Kumo to protect us

         10    and communications and transportation and we've got a South

         11    Korean bank in North Korea.

         12              All these things have been startling, I'm sure,

         13    but they've taken them in stride and we've been able to move

         14    forward with them and I'm confident that we can continue to

         15    do so.

         16              It certainly is a challenge.

         17              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I just want to assure you that

         18    this Commission will be a challenging issue in the months to

         19    come regarding how we participate.

         20              MR. ANDERSON:  Maybe I can get you to go and visit

         21    and you can try them out yourself.

         22              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  We're very much aware that you

         23    have many great challenges in front of you and I think that

         24    much of the questioning that you've received reflects our

         25    awareness that you have a huge task in trying to pull this


          1    off.

          2              One aspect of this that I'd like to pursue is that

          3    a lot of the focus of your activity, and appropriately so,

          4    has been directed at how we build a competence and

          5    capability in the regulator and you've stressed the

          6    importance of having a regulator that has an appropriate

          7    safety culture and you want to find a way to be able to

          8    build that.

          9              As Commissioner Diaz has indicated, it is at least

         10    as important to have the licensee be educated, as well, and

         11    that, in fact, it's far easier for the regulator to do his

         12    job if the licensee understands what the obligation is and

         13    shares the fundamental underpinnings

         14    None of your conversation here is focused on that aspect of

         15    the task that's in front of you.  I wonder if you could

         16    system something about whether there is a counterpart effort

         17    you have underway that's directed at the entity that is

         18    going to be operating the plant and how you bring those

         19    people up to speed, not only in terms of the technical

         20    competence, but in terms of having a dedication to the

         21    appropriate ideals of assuring safe operation.

         22              MR. ANDERSON:  Mr. Chairman, I've been remiss in

         23    not doing so.  Yes, in fact, part of this includes the

         24    training program for the operators, managers, and both the

         25    senior and more junior levels, and to teach them to be


          1    teachers themselves.

          2              And that is what is what is already built into the

          3    training protocol which we have included in April and we

          4    will be completing that and it includes training starting

          5    very early on and that is absolutely as important, maybe

          6    even more -- well, I won't say that -- it is equally as

          7    important as the regulatory people.

          8              So that has been known from the start and is very

          9    much included and I'm confident that we've got a good

         10    agreement, and I can't publicly go into details on that

         11    because it has not yet been approved, but it's certainly a

         12    comprehensive agreement and will accomplish the goal not

         13    just to get a body of people that can run the thing from the

         14    start, but so that they can train people themselves.

         15              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Merrifield has

         16    asked for the opportunity to ask just a few very short

         17    questions.

         18              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 

         19    I had a -- I was wondering if you could share what the

         20    current timetable is for construction of a simulator at the

         21    facility?  We found that that would be very valuable

         22    knowledge for the purposes of the operators, but also for

         23    the purposes of the regulators to learn how to operate the

         24    plants.  We operate our own simulator facility. What is your

         25    timetable for that?


          1              MR. ANDERSON:  I'd have to ask about the

          2    timetable, but it's certainly included in what we are

          3    planning to do.  What is the timetable, Jack?

          4              MR. MULLIGAN:  Since the simulator needs to be

          5    fully consistent with the final configuration of the plant,

          6    the timetable for delivery is about two years before fuel

          7    delivery.  However, the training program calls for extensive

          8    simulator training outside of the north, what we're talking

          9    about is the simulator that will be delivered to the site, a

         10    full-scope simulator.

         11              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I was going to say the

         12    earlier that that can get there, the more those licensees

         13    and those potential regulators will have access and

         14    understanding and perhaps since this is a standard design,

         15    there wouldn't be significant differences between the

         16    plants.

         17              MR. MULLIGAN:  As I pointed out, there will be

         18    extensive simulator training outside of North Korea prior to

         19    that.  That will be their simulator to do final training in

         20    the north for the two years prior to fuel delivery.

         21              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  It's my understanding

         22    that we have worked with KEDO already in terms of providing

         23    some materials and erg guides and things of that nature. 

         24    What is the -- if we were to go into the process of also

         25    providing the codes, one of the suggestions you've made,


          1    what is the typical timing which would be used to hand those

          2    over to the individuals in the DPRK?  Do you wait for a

          3    given time and meet with them and hand them at that point or

          4    is it your intention to try to provide those materials and

          5    those codes to them as soon as you receive them?

          6              MR. ANDERSON:  These earlier codes and standards

          7    we've provided to them as soon as we began discussing those

          8    kinds of things.  The others, as Togo said, we've gotten a

          9    list of what they would like, we're talking to KINS about

         10    what makes sense, and then we will talk to you.  But it

         11    would be as soon as it makes some sense for them to have

         12    them.  Let me ask Togo the timing.

         13              MR. TOGO:  KEDO has provided to the SNSRC the code

         14    and standards before the LWR project and also has provided

         15    SNSRC with many regulatory guides and nuclear industry

         16    standards, in addition to other codes and standards.  So

         17    far, we now have provided all the necessary codes and

         18    standards until the issue of -- 

         19              MR. ANDERSON:  What about the computer codes we

         20    have not provided?  I think that's what he is asking.

         21              MR. TOGO:  Computer codes, these are not provided

         22    so far.  

         23              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  If we decided tomorrow,

         24    gee, we think you have a good idea, we're going to --

         25    through you, we'll give you the codes, you give them to


          1    them, how soon -- if we gave them to you tomorrow, how soon

          2    would you get them to DPRK?

          3              MR. TOGO:  After the decision, that we have to ask

          4    the DPRK what kind of objectives they have, so maybe -- I

          5    can't anticipate how long it takes, but we'd do it as soon

          6    as possible after NRC approves provision of the computer

          7    codes.

          8              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Thank you.

          9              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner McGaffigan.

         10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  In terms of a request

         11    for training outside of South Korea for regulators and

         12    operators, how -- you've mentioned some of these folks were

         13    trained in Moscow and Eastern Europe.  How many of them have

         14    English training?  We basically are pretty competent in

         15    training in English around here.  We're not very competent

         16    in training in Korean or Russian or Polish or whatever.

         17              MR. ANDERSON:  That's not that many -- it's

         18    another problem.  There are certainly some that have, but

         19    that is a problem.

         20              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  In all honesty, we do

         21    have foreign regulators here, including from Korea and

         22    Japan, but they are quite capable of carrying on in English

         23    in order to get the benefit of the training here.  So I just

         24    see that as a potential obstacle.

         25              Your viewgraph number seven talks about DPRK


          1    owner/operator being responsible for a bunch of things,

          2    including safe storage and disposal of radioactive waste and

          3    spent fuel.  Obviously, the whole purpose of this project is

          4    to make sure that that spent fuel is not reprocessed and

          5    will be presumably geologically disposed of or brought back.

          6              You say they're responsible, so apparently the

          7    agreement doesn't have any take-back provisions for spent

          8    fuel to either Japan or the United States.  But how is this

          9    going to -- how does that aspect of it work in the end?  So

         10    that we don't end up producing more weapons material,

         11    because reactor grade material can be used for weapons.

         12              MR. ANDERSON:  The several things that you

         13    mentioned KINS will be looking at all along.  The NSAG will

         14    also be looking at them all along and giving us advice about

         15    it.

         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  But this will be after

         17    the fact.  The plant is running now, they are responsible

         18    under the agreement for -- the spent fuel is initially going

         19    to go to a spent fuel pool and then they're responsible,

         20    according to this, for the disposal and safe storage and

         21    ultimately disposal of this spent fuel.

         22              If we have a 123 agreement, we will have in place

         23    all the usual U.S. consent rights to reprocessing, et

         24    cetera, that would be there in a formal agreement.  So that

         25    will be there.


          1              But are there additional safeguards envisioned?

          2              MR. ANDERSON:  The agreement requires that it be

          3    removed from North Korea and it's not specified where it's

          4    going and by mutual agreement, that's the way it would be.

          5              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So the agreement says

          6    that the spent fuel, after sitting in the spent fuel pool

          7    for a while -- 

          8              MR. ANDERSON:  Will be removed.

          9              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  -- will be removed.

         10              MR. ANDERSON:  Yes.  It will be subject to IAEA

         11    safeguards, as well.

         12    @@        MR. ANDERSON:  While it's there.

         13    @@        MR. ANDERSON:  Yes.  But in the meantime, KINS and

         14    the NSAG will be keeping an eye on all of these issues as

         15    they emerge.

         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And who is the American

         17    member of NSAG?

         18              MR. ANDERSON:  David Hill.  

         19              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  David Hill.  Okay.  

         20              MR. ANDERSON:  I'd be happy to give you a list.

         21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Thank you very much,

         22    appreciate it.

         23              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  I think we've -- unless

         24    Commissioner Diaz has a question.

         25              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  No.


          1              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  I think that we have gone over

          2    our allotted time.  We very much appreciate the presentation

          3    that you've given to us.  As you see, this is a body where

          4    we ask very direct questions and we are fully engaged in

          5    this matter and we very much appreciate the efforts that

          6    you've made to be here today and to respond to our

          7    questions.

          8              With that, let me turn to my colleagues and see if

          9    they have a closing statement.  If not, we stand adjourned.

         10              MR. ANDERSON:  Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

         11              [Whereupon, at 2:45 p.m., the meeting was

         12    concluded.]












